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Allegorical Fiction

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  • Progreso Del Peregrino Edicion – (Spanish)


    Esta version para nios del libro clasico El progreso del peregrino por John Bunyan esta escrito de manera que presenta esta fascinante alegoria para preescolares, y es ideal para que los padres la lean en voz alta. Esta adaptacion para nios con lenguaje facil de leer escrito por Giancarlo Montemayor y con hermosas ilustraciones por Aixa de Lopez capturara la atencion de los pequeos mientras aprenden sobre Cristiano y su jornada hacia la Ciudad Celestial.

    This kids version of the classic book The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is written in a way that presents this fascinating allegory for preschoolers, and is ideal for parents to read it out loud. This adaptation for kids with easy-to-read language written by Giancarlo Montemayor and beautiful illustrations by Aixa de Lopez will capture the attention of little ones as they learn about Christian and his journey towards the Celestial City.

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  • Rio – (Spanish)


    “You were made for El Rio . . .”

    Gabriel Clarke was mysteriously drawn to El Rio, a ribbon of frothy white water carving its way through steep canyons high in the Colorado Rockies. From deep within, Gabriel’s passion for El Rio was undeniable. The rushing waters beckoned him to experience freedom and adventure.

    But something was holding him back-the memory of the terrible event he witnessed on El Rio when he was just five years old-something no child should ever see.

    Chains of fear and resentment imprisoned Gabriel, keeping him from discovering the treasures of El Rio. He couldn’t leave his past behind and remained trapped, afraid of the life awaiting him.

    In this compelling story, Gabriel learns that letting go of the past means giving himself totally to El Rio-heart, mind, body, and soul.

    “Fuiste hecho para El Rio-”
    Gabriel Clarke se sentia misteriosamente atraido hacia El Rio, un cordon de aguas bravas y espumosas, abriendose camino por desfiladeros escabrosos, en las alturas de las Colorado Rockies. Esa pasion por El Rio, desde lo mas profundo de su ser, era innegable. Sus aguas impetuosas lo llamaban a sentir la libertad y vivir la aventura.

    Pero algo lo retenia -el recuerdo de un espantoso acontecimiento que presencio en El Rio cuando apenas tenia cinco anos- algo que ningun nino deberia ver.

    Las cadenas del temor y del resentimiento lo alejaban de los tesoros que podria descubrir en El Rio. No podia dejar su pasado atras, seguia atrapado, temeroso de la vida que lo esperaba.

    En esta cautivadora historia, Gabriel aprende que despojarse del pasado significa entregarse por completo a El Rio -alma, corazon, cuerpo y mente.

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  • Peregrino – (Spanish)


    A literary gem on the alegorical tal of Christian to the Celestial city.

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  • Peregrina – (Spanish)


    The second half of Pilgrim’s Progress which relate the voyage of Christian’s wife and children.

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  • Principe Caspian – (Spanish)


    This movie tie-in edition of the full original PRINCE CASPIAN novel in Spanish will feature a movie cover and 8-page still insert

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