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Biblical Studies

Showing 1751–1800 of 1821 results

  • Walking Between The Times


    Two times govern Paul’s thought world: the death and resurrection of Jesus, marking the origin of the believer’s life; and Christ’s return or parousia, culminating God’s purposes with this world. Between these two times Paul is concerned about how believers behave–how they walk. J. Paul Sampley provides a guidebook for all who want to understand Paul’s thought world, his moral reasoning, and the resources for deliberation that Paul considers available to believers. Topics discussed include community, faith, judgment, love, testing, and discipline, among others. Serious, but not technical, reading. Scripture index.

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  • New Testament Apocrypha 1 (Revised)


    This English translation of the new and thoroughly revised sixth German edition of the extensive extra-canonical gospel literature is an absolutely indispensable collection of sources for every student of the New Testamen and of the history and literature of ancient Christianity . . . The important newly discovered gospels from the Nag Hammadi Library, only reported in a preliminary summary fashion in the previous editions, are now presented in their complete texts with excellent introductions.

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  • Paul In Other Words


    The focus of this book is an anthropological perspective that will open the writings of Paul to a challenging new range of questions and issues. Jerome Neyrey introduces the reader to critical access thorough a wholly convincing method of cultural-historical analysis. Paul comes alive in time and place. Biblical theologians and students will find ample stimulus in Neyrey’s analysis of Paul.

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  • Power Providence And Personality


    Prominent biblical scholar and author Walter Brueggemann studies three passages from the books of Samuel, using the methods of literary criticism and rhetorical analysis. He examines the ways the themes of power, divine providence, and David’s personality cohere in the biblical narrative to explain David’s rise to power and assumption of the kingship and his dominance over Saul.

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  • Why A Print On Demand Title


    If God is loving and almighty, why do people experience so much pain, misery, and guilt? In the face of human suffering, the cry “WHY?” echoes through the ages. In this book A. van de Beek grapples honestly with the mystery of suffering and evil. His writing reveals a pastoral heart keenly aware of the profound evil and suffering in our world today, and he considers these perplexities in a fresh, different way, pointing to how we can “live with” God through the experience of suffering.

    Numerous thinkers – particularly con-temporary theologians such as Barth, Moltmann, and Pannenberg – are considered in this study. Moreover, van de Beek carefully scrutinizes Scripture, especially Old Testament passages that relate God to evil and suffering. God is revealed in the Old Testament as changeable and free – at times even unpredictable in his actions – yet he re-mains faithful to his people and contin-ues to move salvation history along.

    In the New Testament, however, God’s ways and work are determined by the incarnate Christ. In Jesus God has chosen to suffer with and for his people; Jesus’ suffering and death help answer (but do not explain away) our questions about God and suffering. God’s way in Jesus is also the way of the Spirit, whose work in completing the process of redemption takes a zigzag tack here on earth. The Spirit works along with human wills and choices: prayer and argument with God are the human ele-ments of God’s salvation weave. / Why? On Suffering, Guilt, and God is intended for all who are theologically interested, not just for professional theo-logians. More specialized explanation appears throughout the book in smaller-print excursuses. This more scholarly material, while illuminating, is not essen-tial for understanding the flow of van de Beek’s thought-provoking discussion.

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  • Triumph Of God




    1.The Hermeneutical Problem
    Three Solutions

    2.Primary Themes In Pauline Thought
    The Dialectic Of Coherence And Contingency
    Apocalyptic As The Basis Of Paul’s Gospel


    3.The Contingency Of The Gospel
    Paul’s Occasional Letters
    Galatians And Romans

    4.The Coherence Of The Gospel
    Objections To Apocalyptic
    Apocalyptic And The Resurrection Of Christ
    The Cross Of Christ And The Demonic Powers
    Christian Life And The Church: The Appropriation And Practice Of The Gospel In The Horizon Of Hope

    5.The Enigma Of The Law And The Struggle Between Sin And Death
    The Law Amid The Struggle Between The Powers
    The Dilemma Of Sin And Death: Equal Or Disparate Powers?


    Appendix: Paul The Theologian: Major Motifs In Pauline Theology


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    This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: 1) the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and 2) the apocalyptic character of his gospel. The author ventures to demonstrate how Paul’s interpretation of the gospel as coherent is integral with Paul’s communication of the gospel as situationally contingent. These ostensibly opposing perspectives actually combine to form a fluid Pauline hermeneutic. The centrality of Christological apocalyptic in Paul’s interpretation is posited and involves a radical shift in traditional conceptions of Paul’s theology. The author is “recasting Paul’s theology as a theocentric theology of hope rather than as a Christocentric salvation-history (O. Cullmann) or as an existentialist theology of the cross (R. Bultmann). A theology of hope views the present as the dawn of the future and the future as the full actualization of the present.” Examining the implications of this approach-the ultimacy of God’s sovereignty and triumph beside the Christ- event, the formation of a “biblical- theology,” a rethinking of traditional concepts of salvation and ethics-the author intends to reveal a fresh and most enlightening view of Paul’s theology.

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  • Theology Of The Cross


    A THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS, by Charles Cousar investigates the importance and role of the death of Jesus in the letters of Paul. Cousar attempts to move beyond the category of justifi cation in his understanding of the Pauline writings. Cousar believes that our North American dominant cultural values are massively resistant to a theology of the cross. The author then proposes that a very different set of cate- gories are needed. The shift of categories touches every aspect of life, socio-economic and episetmological as well as ethical.

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  • Jesus Paul And The Law


    Here is a master new Testament scholars decade of research – along with new material – on a major issue on the study of Christian origins. Extended international debate has been concerned with this question: What were the attitudes toward the Jewish law within earliest Christianity?

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  • Liberating Exegesis : The Challenge Of Liberation Theology To Biblical Stud


    This important book provides a sampling of liberation theology’s use of biblical texts, relating it to the “standard” methods of interpretation in Europe and America. Divided into four sections, the book sets out contemporary readings of the parable of Jesus influenced by a liberationist perspective; identifies the biblical and theoretical foundations of liberation theology, comparing them with the dominant exegetical paradigm in the first world; explores the way in which liberation exegesis affects reading the canonical accounts of Jesus; and argues that liberation theology cannot be seen solely as a third-world phenomenon.

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  • Jesus After The Gospels


    This study first examines the New Testament origins of second-century thinking: the humanity of Christ in biblical Christology, including the infancy narratives and the divinity of Christ. The book then deals with Gnostic Christologies of the early second century, interprets the christological thinking of the apostolic fathers and Justin Martyr, discusses the Jewish Christian Christology of Theophilus, shows how disagreements were dealt within developing concepts of orthodoxy versus heresy, and explores how Irenaeus’s Christology was worked out as a basis for molding an orthodox consensus. The book shows early attempts to synthesize diverse strands in the Gospel portraits of Jesus.

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  • Old Testament Theology In A Canonical Context


    Childs, eminent Yale professor of divinity, provides a fresh approach to Old Testament theology that frees the text for a more powerful theological role within the Christian church. Moving beyond prior historical-critical studies, Childs’ canonical approach provides “a major check against the widespread modern practice of treating it solely from a philological, historical, or literary perspective.”

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  • From Old Revelation To New A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    From old revelation to new takes an important step beyond the studies by Robert Carroll and Michael Fishbane in exploring inner-biblical exegesis. Simon De Vries attempts to solve the problem of ideology and technique in the expansion of prophetic prediction by schools of redactors. By analyzing those prophetic predictions that employ temporal expressions as introductory transitions – expressions such as “in that day,” “behold, days are coming,” and “at the end of days” – De Vries demonstrates how futuristic expectation was expanded and reshaped within the prophetic collection toward an eventual canonical form.

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  • Introduction To The Old Testament A Print On Demand Title


    A scholarly conservative study of the literary characteristics of the books of the Old Testament. Young argues for the inner harmony and underlying unity of the literary units that make up the Old Testament. Includes special bibliographies for each chapter, a general bibliography, and three indexes.

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  • Jesus Is The Christ


    More than simply a series of chapters on the theology of John’s Gospel, Jesus Is the Christ relates each of John’s teachings to his declared aim, expressed in John 20: 30-31: “Jesus did many other signs before his disciples, which have not been written in this book; but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.” Indeed, each chapter in Morris’s book takes up some facet or aspect of John’s expressed aim. For an age still asking the question “Who is Jesus?” Leon Morris argues convincingly that John’s entire Gospel was written to show that the human Jesus is the Christ, or Messiah, as well as the Son of God. But it is Morris’s fi rm conviction that John’s purpose was evangelical as well as theological — that is, John wrote his book so that readers might believe in Christ and as a result have eternal life.

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  • People Of The Book


    In this book, John Barton offers a positive but critical evaluation of biblical authority. Among other topics, he discusses the canon, the value of the Bible as historical evidence, the Bible’s witness to the faith, and the place of Scripture in worship. He shows Christians that critical reading of Scripture is a help rather than a hindrance to their faith and affirms that they are not required to chose between fundamentalism and unbelief.

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  • Revelation For Today


    Revelation is the Bible’s most puzzling book. Though it has inspired some of the world’s greatest literature and art, to many readers the book remains a total mystery–a hodge-podge of strange, mystical symbolism and obscure references. Now James M. Efird provides a clear, readable look at the meaning of Revelation. Probing the mysterious book to its very core, Efird offers the best of modern scholarship in an accessible way. Efird places Revelation in its historical context (approximately AD 90), and explains its message for us today. Revelation for Today features an appendix on ways to teach the book, designed for pastors and church school teachers.

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  • Love Within Limits A Print On Demand Title


    An exploration of how ideal love – selfless love – can work within the limits of our ordinary lives. Using the magnificent lines of 1 Corinthians 13 as his guide, Smedes discusses the areas of life into which love must fit in order to do its work. Includes discussion questions.

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  • Guide Through The Old Testament (Workbook)


    Using a simple workbook-style approach, Celia Sinclair combines commentary, study guides, maps, and charts to direct the reader through the Old Testament. The author has also included the latest scholarship in Old Testament studies. Written with a high school Old Testament survey course in mind, the book is also ideal for independent study. The tear-out study guides may be used as homework or in-class assignments or as a basis for group discussions.

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  • Gender And Difference In Ancient Israel


    “Freed from contemporary theological categories that have been informed by ideological and psychological issues, but ever mindful of the social location of gender analysis, these essays provide fresh and exciting looks at otherwise unfamiliar texts. They jar our minds and our biases…. This book is a valuable contribution to gender-oriented biblical scholarship. Its content is accessible to both the scholarly and the less technically trained reader. All will be well served by this important collection of essays.”
    – Naomi Steinberg, DePaul University

    “This book is a credit to the quality and breadth of feminine biblical scholarship and presents some creative interpretations of the texts and a wealth of Ancient Near Eastern material.”
    – J. Massyngbaerde Ford, University of Notre Dame

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  • Bible In Politics


    This enlightening book on how to read the Bible politically serves as a prerequisite to Christian political action. Richard Bauckham offers his interpretations of several Bible passage that are politically relevant, and discusses how reading the Bible in a political context can lead to fresh insights.

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  • Journey Through Acts Part 1 (Student/Study Guide)


    Relive the lively first days of the young Christian church in these fifteen stirring chapters based on the first half of the New Testament book of the Acts of the Apostles. Fictional but believable first-century news releases from imaginary newspapers of the day further enliven this highly readable reader. Questions for thought and discussion conclude each chapter.
    “I am delighted that a writer of the stature of Albert P. Stauderman is giving to the church a book that will help us reflect on the work of the Spirit in the lives of early Christians.”
    Dr. Herbert W. Chilstrom, Bishop
    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    “Journey Through Acts is a rare publishing event. Drawing upon a lifetime of reporting about the twentieth-century church, Al Stauderman turns his attention to the first-century church. The result is a lively “news commentary” such as readers of that time might have found in their daily newspapers. This unique updating of the biblical witness gives today’s readers unusual insights into contemporary churchlife and growth.”
    Dr. Edgar R. Trexler, Editor
    “The Lutheran”

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  • Moral Exhortation : A Greco Roman Sourcebook


    What did the moral teachings of the early Christian writers have in common with the works of the pagan philosophers and orators of their time? Illustrating both parallels and contrasts, Malherbe excerpts many primary source materials that have not been easily available and makes this accessible with concise and penetrating introductions.

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  • And God Created Laughter


    Recognizing “a playful spirit” as part of our human makeup, Conrad Hyers shows how laughter and humor are integral to our serious study of the Bible. With the darker realities of the Bible–sin, suffering, and death–there exists a lighter side–laughter, humor, and playfulness. Competent biblical study, Hyers explains, requires both perspectives. This highly readable, preachable, and teachable work gives ministers, students, and lay readers a valuable tool for recovering the spirit of humor and offers a chance to share in the celebration of life and the divine comedy of faith, hope, and love.

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  • Interpreting Revelation A Print On Demand Title


    For centuries the book of Revelation has been both an inspiration and a mystery to the Christian church. In hours of darkness it has given courage to its readers; but in periods of ease and prosperity it has become the subject of a bewildering assortment of approaches and interpretations.

    Merrill C. Tenney has built his study on the thesis that Revelation had a definite message for those to whom it was first written, a meaning they could comprehend because they understood the structure, imagery, and contemporary allusions in the text in ways lost to modern readers.

    Tenney’s Interpreting Revelation attempts to recover how the book as a whole would have spoken to the ancient Christian world. In so doing, Tenney applies broad interpretive principles that will enable readers to think through the book for themselves and to formulate their own conclusions.

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  • Introduction To The Old Testament


    A helpful complement to introductory texts in Hebrew Scriptures; a solid, basic work that brings together many recent insights in the field.

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  • Christology In Context


    This book is an attempt to describe and analyze the great variety of ways the earliest followers of Jesus responded to him. It also tries to relate those various responses to the circumstances in which the early Christian communities lived.

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  • Praise And Lament In The Psalms


    Praise and lament are two major approaches to praying to God. In this book, Claus Westermann investigates these primary categories of the Psalms and shows their meaning for prayer and worship. He contrasts the Old Testament Psalms with those of Babylon and Egypt indicating their distinctive characteristics. Sensitively written and carefully reasoned, Westermann’s book will be valued for the clear-cut way it brings light to the character of the ancient Psalms of Israel.

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  • Anatomy Of The Fourth Gospel


    This book is an attempt to make some initial tracing of what the gospel looks like through the lens of “secular” literary criticism. As an interdisciplinary study, the work is an effort to contribute to that dialogue by studying the narrative elements of the Fourth Gospel while interacting occasionally with current Johannine research. It is intended not as a challenge to historical criticism or the results of previous research but as an alternative by means of which new data may be collected and readers may be helped to read the gospel more perceptively by looking at certain features of the gospel. This process is to be distinguished from reading the gospel looking for particular kinds of historical evidence.

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  • Interpreting The Prophets


    depth, and readability, these essays from the journal Interpretation will be an up-to-date and valuable resource for teaching and preaching the prophets

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  • Textual Criticism : Recovering The Text Of The Hebrew Bible


    Editor’s Foreword
    Abbreviations And Symbols

    I. The Art And Science Of Textual Criticism
    A. The Necessity Of Textual Criticism
    B. In Defense Of Textual Criticism
    C. Housman’s Dog
    D. Some General Guideline

    II. The Causes Of Textual Corruption
    A. Changes That Expand The Text
    B. Changes That Shorten The Text
    C. Changes That Do Not Affect The Length Of The Text
    D. Deliberate Changes

    III. The Basic Procedures Of Textual Criticism
    A. The Three Stages Of Textual Criticism
    B. The Critical Process


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    Professor McCarter here offers an introduction to the art and science of textual criticism for students of the Hebrew Bible. His emphasis is on the work involved in the critical evaluation of a given portion of text. His explanations of critical principles are illustrated with carefully selected examples of the textual phenomena discussed-in Hebrew, with English translations. The book concludes with unique appendices on several kinds of essential but hard-to-find information.

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  • These Things Are Written


    There has been no shortage of introductory studies on the Bible. What has been needed is a book that would meet the needs of everyone-students, Sunday school teachers, professors, ministers, lay persons, and scholars. James M. Efird’s These Things Are Written does exactly that!

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  • Interpreting The Psalms


    Patrick D. Miller seeks to help interpreters of the Psalms “find entrie into them in various ways to hear their theological claims and their point of contact with human life.” In Part One, Miller examines the dominant “general approaches” that are currently shaping the study of psalms. He pays special attention to the poetic features of the psalms so as to aid the task of understanding their meaning. In Part Two, he offers extended expositions of ten specific Psalms — 1, 2, 14, 22, 23, 82, 90, 127, 130, and 139. These Psalms are interpreted with an eye to theological and pastoral issues and with a sensitivity to their features and to their significance as Christian Scripture.

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  • Hebrew Prophets


    This work is an informative survey of the Old Testament Prophets, presented in an orderly format that makes the books more accessible and understandable to readers of the Bible. The prophets are discussed in regards to their historical context and background, their writings, and their major themes. Further, Newsome includes exegetical studies on a few passages from each prophet’s book. Newsome pays particular attention to how Old Testament prophecy relates to human life and faith. The systematic outline and form of this introductory work makes clear the essential element of each prophet’s message, with which the reader can build a foundation for deeper understanding and appreciation of the Word of God.

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  • Hopeful Imagination : Prophetic Voices In Exile


    Brueggemann, whose strong suit is making the Old Testament relevant to today’s world, probes three major prophetic traditions: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Second Isaiah to demonstrate how these exhortations and encouragements are similar to what caregivers should counsel in modern situations of exile.

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  • Evidence For Jesus


    An acknowledged New Testament authority, James D. G. Dunn here makes an important contribution to contemporary thought. He looks at the origins of Christianity in the light of modern scholarship, demonstrating why Christians should “welcome the critically inquiring and investigative skills of scholars.”

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  • Suffering Of God


    In this comprehensive and thought-provoking study, Terence Fretheim focuses on the theme of divine suffering, an aspect of our understanding of God which both the church and scholarship have neglected. Maintaining that “metaphors matter,” Fretheim carefully examines the ruling and anthropomorphic metaphors of the Old Testament and discusses them in the context of current biblical-theological scholarship. His aim is to broaden our understanding of the God of the Old Testament by showing that “suffering belongs to the person and purpose of God.”

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  • New Testament Social Ethics For Today A Print On Demand Title


    To answer the question of what role the New Testament should play in the formation and expression of Christian social morality today, Richard Longenecker here proposes a developmental hermeneutic, which distinguishes between “declared principles” and “described practices” in the New Testament writings.

    With this distinction in mind, he focuses on the three couplets of Galatians 3:28 – “neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female” – showing how these matters were treated in early Christian thought and explaining their meaning for us today. In so doing, Longenecker lays a hermeneutical foundation for the much larger discussion of Christian social ethics.

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  • Prophets Babylonians And Persian Period


    I Prophecy Of Conversion In The Neo-Babylonian Period

    1. Law In The Shadow Of Prophecy: Deuteronomy
    2. Jermiah Ben Hilkiah
    3. Babylon And Her Satellite Edom: Habakkuk And Obadiah
    4. Ezekiel Ben Buzi
    5. Deutero-Isaiah

    II The Zenith And The Decline Of Prophetic Activity In The Persian Period

    6. Trito-Isaiah
    7. Haggai And Zechariah Ben Berechiah
    8. From Malachi To Jonah: The Final Cadence
    9. Retrospect And Prospect



    Index Of Biblical References

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  • Crisis And Catharsis


    For the first time in complete form, the results of recent analyses of the Apocalypse are presented in a way that is easily understood by the beginning student and challenging to the scholar looking for a fresh approach. In a clear and vivid manner, Adela Yarbro Collins discusses the authorship of the book of Revelation, when it was written, the situation it addressed, the social themes it considered, and the psychological meaning behind apocalyptic language.

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  • Major Bible Truths


    Major Bible Truths is an important study book on the laws of biblical interpretation, covering subjects such as typology, prophecy, prayer, the names of God, and others.

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  • Meaning Of Creation


    Conrad Hyers offers a welcome respite from the counter-productive effects of extremism that surround the creation issue. Focusing on the creation texts from the book of Genesis, Hyers interprets the biblical account in light of its relationship to its culture, context, and purpose.

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  • Christology Of Marks Gospel


    Preface To First Edition


    The Messianic Secret: From Wrede To The Present
    The Messianic Secret: A Reappraisal


    Corrective Christology: From Wrede To The Present
    Corrective Christology: A Reappraisal


    The Ministry Of John And The Presentation Of Jesus (1:1-13)
    The Ministry Of Jesus In And Around Galilee (1:14-8:26)
    The Journey Of Jesus To Jerusalem And His Suffering, Death, And Resurrection (8:27-16:8)
    Christology And Secrecy: Some Observations


    “The Son Of Man” In Relation To The Other Major Titles
    “The Son Of Man”: A Title?
    The Use Of “the Son Of Man” Concluding Remarks
    Beyond Mark: Matthew And Luke

    Selected Bibliography

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    This book attempts a solution to the problems of the structure, christology, and Kingdom-theology of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. The author contends that the broad structure of the Gospel consists of three main parts: the person of Jesus Messiah, the proclamation of Jesus Messiah, and the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Messiah.

    This understanding of the broad structure of Matthew’s Gospel opens the way to a proper understanding of his christology. That is, for Matthew Jesus is first and foremost the Messiah, the Son of God. Kingbury’s analysis of the texts in which “Son of God” appears, and of the numerous other christological terms Matthew employs, confirms this conclusion.

    Professor Kingbury demonstrates how Matthew develops both the structure and the primary theological concept of his Gospel, “The Kingdom of Heaven,” around the christological category of “the Son of God.” A rigorous conclusion reached is that the focus of the Gospel of Matthew is revealed more in his christology than in his ecclesiology.

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  • Old Testament And Criticism A Print On Demand Title


    Although many conservative scholars have had reservations about biblical criticism since its rise a century ago, Carl Armerding contends that critical rationalism need not be antithetical to belief in a divinely inspired Word of God. Indeed, says Armerding, the evangelical scholar – mediating the traditional conservative view and the rational critical view of Scripture – is able to use all the tools of historical, philological, and literary study, while still retaining biblical categories of revelation, inspiration, and history.

    Armerding applies this synthesis of approaches – the traditional and the critical – to four major branches of criticism: literary (or source) criticism, form criticism, structural analysis, and textual criticism. Cautioning against misuse of these critical methods, he demonstrates how each method can be conscientiously used by faithful scholars to enrich their understanding of the Old Testament text. Of great value to scholars, students, and pastors, Armerding’s work promises to enrich study of the Old Testament much as George Eldon Ladd’s book (The New Testament and Criticism) has enriched study of the New.

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  • Paul The Law And The Jewish People


    This book is devoted both to the problem of Paul’s view of the law as a whole, and to his thought about and relation to his fellow Jews. Building upon his previous study, the critically acclaimed Paul and Palestinian Judaism, E.P. Sanders explores Paul’s Jewishness by concentrating on his overall relationship to Jewish tradition and thought. Sanders addresses such topics as Paul’s use of scripture, the degree to which he was a practicing Jew during his career as apostle to the Gentiles, and his thoughts about his “kin by race” who did not accept Jesus as the Messiah. In short, Paul’s thoughts about the law and his own people are re-examined with new awareness and great care.

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  • Faith Of The Old Testament


    Intended as a student textbook on the religion of Israel, Werner Schmidt’s The Faith of the Old Testament is especially relevant to theology. A great deal of attention is given to ideas of God and there are ample references to Old Testament texts.

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  • Deuteronomic History


    “We would be naive to think that we can hear these narratives with the same clarity that the first hearers did. An equal naivete, however, would be to suggest that we have no access to their situation, or that it is irrelevant to know how the texts originally functioned. One way to proceed is to juxtapose narratives with issues faced by the people of God in the context to which the narratives were addressed. To lay contextual issues alongside narrative should enable illumination of the text, and give breadth and depth to the results of one’s interpretation. This approach has the advantage of avoiding an abstract concern about what the author might have ‘intended.’ Rather, in the juxtaposition of context and text, we are concerned about what issues faced by the audience might have been addressed.”

    “Although the Word of God is always addressed to a particular situation, the insights gained through hearing it will assist in the hearing of a Word in the contemporary situation.” (excerpts from the Introduction, by Terence E. Fretheim)

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  • Union With Christ A Print On Demand Title


    How can a person who lived nearly two thousand years ago radically change a human life here now? How can Jesus of Nazareth radically affect us, as persons, to the depths of our being? How can he reach out over the great span of time that divides us from him and change us so profoundly that we become “new creatures” in him?

    The answer, according to the Apostle Paul, lies in the fact that Jesus Christ enters into union with us. Lewis B. Smedes believes that union with Christ is at once the center and circumference of authentic human existence. Union with Christ is Smedes’ probing and sustained exegetical study of what Paul means when he speaks of our being in Christ and Christ being in us. Hailed as “a thoughtful, discerning, and thoroughly scriptural study” when it was first published in 1970 under the title All Things Made New, the book has been greatly streamlined in this edition. By judiciously cutting away what now strikes him as “scholarly clutter,” Smedes has produced a carefully condensed version of his earlier work while retaining its basic substance.

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  • Legend And The Apostle


    The apostle Paul–antifeminist conformist, or social radical? Combining New Testament studies with folkloristic methods to search for the true identity of Paul, the author sheds new light on the apocryphal Acts of Paul and the Pastoral Epistles of the canonical New Testament.

    With this book, the legends surrounding the apostle have been rescued from near oblivion and properly placed in the Pauline tradition. Formulated in the days of early Christianity and handed down through the centuries, they cast new light on Paul’s views about the ordination of women, the forms of Christian community, and the meaning of the gospel for politics, society, and sexuality.

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  • Prophets The Assyrian Age


    The aim of this book is to introduce the thinking of Israel’s prophets in their historical contexts.

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  • Typological Interpretation Of The Old Testament In The New A Print On Deman


    In 1938-39 Leonhard Goppelt finished his doctoral dissertation at Erlangen entitled “Typos: Die typologische Deutung des Alten Testaments im Neuen.” The lasting value of his work was evidenced in 1969 when this dissertation was reprinted, with an appendix on “Apocalypticism and Typology in Paul.” Goppelt’s work has maintained its significance because it deals with biblical hermeneutics – the study of the methodology of biblical interpretation – a subject of renewed interest in the last few years.

    In his search for a normative hermeneutics, Goppelt appeals to the New Testament’s interpretation of the Old Testament as a guide. He offers “a study of the interpretation of Scripture that is characteristic of the New Testament” in order to provide a standard guide for interpreting the Bible today. The focal question for Goppelt is how the Old Testament and Jesus Christ are related, and Goppelt’s answer to this question is found in how the New Testament interprets the Old Testament – typologically.

    Goppelt begins with a brief survey of the various definitions of typology to determine how it is distinguished from allegory, with which it is often confused. After this introductory chapter, Goppelt divides his work into three parts: Typology in Late Judaism, Typology in the New Testament, and Apocalypticism and Typology in Paul. In his survey of late Judaism, Goppelt examines both Palestinian and Hellenistic Judaism to determine the place of typology in their literatures. Turning to the New Testament, Goppelt looks first at the portrayal of Jesus Christ in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts. Elements of this portrayal are Jesus as the Prophet, as the Son of David and Lord, and as the Son of Man. Goppelt finds each of these characterizations typologically related to the Old Testament. Similarly, in his next chapter on the church as portrayed in the Synoptics and Acts, Goppelt finds a number of typological relationships between the people of God in the Old Testament and the church in the New Testament.

    Goppelt next examines the Pauline epistles for Paul’s use of Scripture in general and for his view of Christ and the church. Goppelt here appends brief treatments on 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. In following chapters Goppelt deals with Hebrews, the Gospel of John, and finally apocalypticism and typology in Paul. Here he also examines traditional approaches to the relationship between the Old Testament and the New, the origin and legitimacy of the typological approach, an

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