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Church History

Showing 1–50 of 472 results

  • Early Church Timeline


    Enjoy seeing 200+ years of early church history at a glance in this illustrated foldout timeline! Covers over 100 key events and people you need to know with summaries and visuals!

    From the end of the apostles to the 4th century rule of Emperor Constantine, see the growth of the church and the incredible spread of Christianity at a glance!

    Early Christian history is packed with names, events, and complicated politics, but what if you could get a solid overview using fascinating facts and compelling characters? This Early Church Timeline is the practical tool you (and those you lead) can use to answer questions and get historical context to any New Testament Bible study. Did you know…?

    *The first church building was constructed in Syria around AD 232.

    *Christians used the fish as a symbol as early as the 2nd century.

    *An aspiring philosopher named Justin was one of the first Christian apologists.

    *A prison diary from a noblewoman and martyr named Perpetua became an inspiration to other Christians facing persecution.

    *A North African theologian named Tertullian was the first to use the word “Trinity” to describe God.

    Explore Early Church History Chronologically!

    Early church history is rich with stories of conflict, martyrdom, politics, redemption, and triumph. You have history books, atlases, and encyclopedias, but you don’t have a lot of time! Where do you even start? Imagine being able to get a solid grasp on the top 50 events of the early church as you watch the expansion of Christianity, surviving even the ascension and persecution of the Roman empire… all in one solid, expert-researched timeline.

    Enjoy exploring concise summaries of the first-century Christian Church in this illustrated timeline pamphlet. Discover the fascinating stories of bishops, martyrs, and theologians who gave shape to church doctrine and provided inspiration for Christians facing oppression for aligning their lives not to the pagan gods of their neighbors, but to Jesus Christ alone.
    Through clear explanations, delve into the historical context, key figures, and pivotal events that laid the groundwork for Christianity as we know it today. Perfect for both newcomers and longtime believers, our pamphlet provides an inspiring and accessible overview of this crucial period in religious history, inviting readers to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the roots of their faith.

    Key Features of the Early Church Timeline: Spread of Chris

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  • Ownership : The Evangelical Legacy Of Slavery In Edwards, Wesley, And White


    Setting Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and George Whitfield into their own contexts, Sean McGever tells the true story of these men’s deeply compromised relationship to slavery. More than just a history, this book is an invitation to examine our own legacies and to take ownership of our heritage and our own part in the story.

    Men of their time?

    Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and George Whitefield were the three most prominent early evangelicals-and all three were deeply compromised on the issue of slavery. Edwards and Whitefield both kept slaves themselves, and Wesley failed to speak out against slavery until near the end of his life.

    In Ownership, Sean McGever tells the true story of these men’s relationships to slavery: a story that has too often been passed over or buried in scholarly literature. Laying out the dominant attitudes among Christians toward slavery at the time, McGever sets these “men of their times” in their own context, inviting us to learn how these shapers of American evangelicalism contributed to the tragic history of racism in America. He also explores how Christians finally began to recognize that slavery, which they’d excused for most of Christian history, is actually wrong. It’s a story that white evangelicals must wrestle with today.

    Ownership is more than a book of history. It’s an invitation to examine our own legacies and to understand-and take ownership of-both our heritage and our own part in the story.

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  • When God Became White


    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the historical origins and theological implications of how Jesus became white and God became a white male. The myth of the white male God has had a devastating effect as it enabled Christianity to have a profoundly colonialist posture across the globe. Kim examines the roots of the distortion, its harmful impact on the world, and shows what it looks like to recover the biblical reality of a nonwhite, nongendered God. Rediscovering God as Spirit leads us to a more just faith and a better church and world.

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  • Christianity In Latin America And The Caribbean


    Offers a uniquely detailed account of Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean through empirical data and original analysis.

    *Contains profiles of Christianity in every country in Latin America and the Caribbean, coupled with attractive presentations of statistical and demographic information

    *Analyses leading features and current trends in Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean, featuring local scholars with expertise in their field

    *Examines each of the major Christian traditions in Latin America and the Caribbean: Protestants, Independents, Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Evangelicals and Pentecostals/Charismatics

    *Explores key themes such as faith and culture, worship and spirituality, theology, social and political engagement, mission and evangelism, religious freedom, gender, inter-faith relations, Afro-descendants, migration, indigenous peoples, persecution and martyrdom

    This volume is the sixth in a series of reference works that takes the analysis of worldwide Christianity to a deeper level of detail. It focuses on Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean, covering every country and offering both reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners. It maps patterns of growth and decline, assesses major traditions and movements, analyses key themes, and examines current trends. As a comprehensive account of the presence of Christianity in every country in Latin America, this volume will become a standard work of reference in its field.

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  • Nicene Creed : A Scriptural, Historical, And Theological Commentary


    Though the Nicene Creed is regularly recited in weekly church services, few understand its historical origins and connections to Scripture and key Christian doctrines.

    This volume bridges the gap, providing an accessible introduction that explains how the Creed is anchored in the Bible and how it came to be written and confessed in the early history of the church. The authors show how the Creed reflects the purpose of God in salvation, especially in relation to Christians’ divine adoption as sons and daughters, leading to glorification. Each chapter includes sidebars highlighting how the Creed has been received in the church’s liturgy.

    Professors, students, clergy, and religious educators will benefit from this illuminating and edifying guide to the Nicene Creed.

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  • 10 Women Who Changed The World


    10 Women Who Changed the World is seminary president Daniel L. Akin’s powerful tribute to the transformational work done by some truly inspiring female Christian missionaries.
    With each profile, he journeys into the heart of that gospel servant’s mission-minded story and makes a compelling connection to a similar account from the Bible. By reading each missionary story, and how each woman embodies a certain passage of Scripture, prepare to be challenged and inspired to follow in their footsteps–because intentionally living on mission isn’t something reserved for heroes of the past. It’s something each one of us can pursue in everyday life!

    Women featured in this book:

    1. Sarah Hall Boardman Judson (and how she embodies Psalm 138)
    2. Eleanor Chesnut (and how she embodies John 13:34-35)
    3. Ann Hasseltine Judson (and how she embodies Psalm 142)
    4. Harriet Newell (and how she embodies Psalm 116)
    5. Darlene Deibler Rose (and how she embodies Psalm 27)
    6. Betsey Stockton (and how she embodies 1 Corinthians 7:17-24)
    7. Bertha Smith (and how she embodies Galatians 2:20)
    8. Charlotte Atlee White Rowe (and how she embodies 1 Corinthians 9:19, 22-23)
    9. Yvette Aarons (how she embodies Proverbs 3:5-8)
    10. Lilias Trotter (and how she embodies 2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

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  • Gods Ghostwriters : Enslaved Christians And The Making Of The Bible


    For the past two thousand years, Christian tradition, scholarship, and pop culture have credited the authorship of the New Testament to a select group of men: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. But hidden behind these named and sainted individuals are a cluster of unnamed, enslaved coauthors and collaborators. These essential workers were responsible for producing the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament: making the parchment on which the texts were written, taking dictation, and refining the words of the apostles. And as the Christian message grew in influence, it was enslaved missionaries who undertook the arduous journey across the Mediterranean and along dusty roads to move Christianity to Rome, Spain, and North Africa–and into the pages of history. The impact of these enslaved contributors on the spread of Christianity, the development of foundational Christian concepts, and the making of the Bible was enormous, yet their role has been almost entirely overlooked until now.

    Filled with profound revelations both for what it means to be a Christian and for how we read individual texts themselves, God’s Ghostwriters is a groundbreaking and rigorously researched book about how enslaved people shaped the Bible, and with it all of Christianity.

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  • Zwingli The Pastor


    The Reformer at war

    In Zwingli the Pastor, Stephen Brett Eccher tells the story of Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531), embattled pastor and reformer. Zwingli’s ministry in Zurich was characterized by conflict–conflict that fueled him. It influenced his theological development, inspired his commitment to bring reform, and compelled his devotion to the congregation he led through the tumult of the Reformation. Eccher reveals a complex Zwingli, whose life and legacy continue to influence Protestantism today.

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  • History Of Christianity


    How did Christianity get shared around the world? And how has Christian belief changed over the last 50 years? Providing some of the answers to these and many other questions, this overview charts the 2,000-year-long history of the world’s largest religion.

    A History of Christianity covers everything from the world of the Old Testament to Christianity in the 21st century, including topics such as the early martyrs, the birth of the monasteries, the Crusades, the Reformation, and the rise of the Church in the Americas and Africa.
    Explore the wide-ranging beliefs and doctrines found within the Church and the role Christianity plays in people’s lives. Discover the key events, figures, and movements that helped shape the Church, with a fresh and highly visual approach.

    In this Christianity book, you can find:

    – An accessible illustrated guide to the key events and thinkers of the last 2,000 years of Christianity

    – Detailed contextual illustrations, maps, and annotated works of art

    – Insightful quotes from Christian thinkers and the Bible

    – Chapters outlining different elements of Christianity and important moments that shaped beliefs including: The Roots of Christianity, Challenges to the Early Church, The Renaissance, Social Issues & Activism, and more

    Beautifully illustrated, clearly presented, and written in an accessible style, this guide is the ideal companion for those who want to know about the history of the Church. This is a great guide for readers looking for a clear and accessible introduction to Christianity.

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  • Exiles : The Church In The Shadow Of Empire


    A thoughtful exploration of the intersection of faith and politics, Exiles asks: What if we considered ourselves “exiles in Babylon” and turned to Scripture, not political parties, to shape our most passionate values?

    Politics are dividing our churches like never before. New York Times-bestselling author Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle reminds us that the first-century church was not an apolitical gathering, where Christians left their Roman politics at the door. It also wasn’t a place where Christians mounted a Roman flag next to–or above–a Christian one. Church was a place where God’s plan for governing the world was revealed, where one could witness what it means to follow the Creator’s design for human flourishing.

    In this timely book, Preston explores why:

    *Israel’s exile to Babylon profoundly shaped the political identity of God’s people–and still does today.

    *Christians should see themselves as foreigners in the country where they live.

    *The gospel of Jesus’ kingdom was politically subversive.

    *The church today should view its political identity as fundamentally separate from the empire.

    Total allegiance to a political party dilutes the church’s witness. Discover a more biblical, powerful way to live in a secular world. Discover what it means to live in exile.

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  • Strange Religion : How The First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, And Comp


    The first Christians were weird. Just how weird is often lost on today’s believers.

    Within Roman society, the earliest Christians stood out for the oddness of their beliefs and practices. They believed unusual things, worshiped God in strange ways, and lived a unique lifestyle. They practiced a whole new way of thinking about and doing religion that would have been seen as bizarre and dangerous when compared to Roman religion and most other religions of the ancient world.

    Award-winning author, blogger, speaker, and New Testament teacher Nijay Gupta traces the emerging Christian faith in its Roman context in this accessible and engaging book. Christianity would have been seen as radical in the Roman world, but some found this new religion attractive and compelling. The first Christians dared to be different, pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable, transformed how people thought about religion, and started a movement that grew like wildfire.

    Brought to life with numerous images, this book shows how the example of the earliest Christians can offer today’s believers encouragement and hope.

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  • Turning Points In American Church History


    American history has profoundly shaped, and been shaped by, Christianity. This engaging introduction provides a brisk and lively yet deeply researched survey of these intertwined forces from the colonial period to the present.

    Elesha Coffman tells the story of Christianity in the United States by focusing on 13 key events over four centuries of history. The turning points are as varied as the movements they track, including a naval battle, a revival, a schism, a court case, an outpouring of the Spirit, an act of terrorism, the election of a bishop, and the election of a president. Coffman highlights women and men from a range of traditions and shows how throughout these events, Christians endeavored to discern what it meant to live faithfully in the diverse and rapidly changing place that became the United States.

    This book helps readers understand their own faith and the landscape of American religion. Each chapter includes a hymn, a prayer, relevant historical images, excerpts from primary sources, and resources for further reading. Foreword by Mark A. Noll.

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  • Turning Points In American Church History


    American history has profoundly shaped, and been shaped by, Christianity. This engaging introduction provides a brisk and lively yet deeply researched survey of these intertwined forces from the colonial period to the present.

    Elesha Coffman tells the story of Christianity in the United States by focusing on 13 key events over four centuries of history. The turning points are as varied as the movements they track, including a naval battle, a revival, a schism, a court case, an outpouring of the Spirit, an act of terrorism, the election of a bishop, and the election of a president. Coffman highlights women and men from a range of traditions and shows how throughout these events, Christians endeavored to discern what it meant to live faithfully in the diverse and rapidly changing place that became the United States.

    This book helps readers understand their own faith and the landscape of American religion. Each chapter includes a hymn, a prayer, relevant historical images, excerpts from primary sources, and resources for further reading. Foreword by Mark A. Noll.

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  • William J Seymour


    William J. Seymour: Pentecostal Trailblazer and Revered Pastor of the Azusa Street Revival? is a rich and thorough account of the life and ministry of William J. Seymour. Seymour, the son of former slaves rose to prominence within the Pentecostal movement as the pastor of the Azusa Street Revival.

    Dr. Larry Martin’s extensive research and knowledge of William J. Seymour provides a solid framework for the telling of Seymour’s life, ministry, and the history of the Azusa Street Revival. Martin’s work not only provides details on Seymour’s life and ministry but also recounts the racism and discrimination that Seymour faced in everyday life and within the church.

    Seymour followed God’s call to Los Angeles and in 1906 the Azusa Street Revival began ushering in a new era of Pentecostal revival in Los Angeles and spreading throughout the country and around the world. While the revival’s prominence over the year’s waned due to ongoing prejudice, divergent ministry objectives and attempted takeovers the worldwide Pentecostal movement remains unbowed and strong over a century later.

    Dr. Martin is part of the Pentecostal legacy and has over fifty years devoted to ministry as a pastor, educator, and evangelist. He is the author of several books on the Azusa Street Revival, the history of early Pentecostals, and the Pentecostal Church of God.
    Includes photos of Seymour’s life and ministry.

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  • Survey Of The Black Church In America


    If the Bible is allowed to be the standard by which blacks and whites determine truth, then freedom from this moral and racial malaise will be the outcome; for as Jesus taught, the truth has a unique capacity of making people free. Dr. Tony Evans

    Respected and beloved pastor Tony Evans provides an accessible overview of black church history. Evans opens the eyes of the reader to the black presence in the Scriptures and takes a focused look at the uniqueness and place of the black church. Drawing from stories and historical events, best-selling author Evans addresses the myth of black inferiority and looks at the rise of black evangelicalism. In addition, Evans faithfully interacts with movements such as Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project.

    This timely resource is for anyone seeking unity and understanding. In an age where division and confusion abound, A Survey of the Black Church in America provides a divine, clear, kingdom-focused perspective.

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  • Fundamentalists In The Public Square


    A myth-busting work on fundamentalists and culture

    The Scopes Trial of 1925 is often regarded as a turning point in the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. It is claimed that Scopes was a public relations defeat that sent fundamentalism into retreat from mainstream culture.

    In Fundamentalists in the Public Square: Evolution, Alcohol, and the Culture Wars after the Scopes Trial, Madison Trammel argues that such a characterization is misguided. Using documentary evidence from newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, Trammel shows that fundamentalists remained fully active in seeking to transform the culture for Christ, and they remained so through the rise of Billy Graham’s ministry.

    Grounded in historical evidence, Fundamentalists in the Public Square offers a fresh take on the relationship between fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the public square.

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  • Light Of The Word


    While Christians generally acknowledge that the Bible is God’s Word, many of us lack robust confidence in the reality of its trustworthiness. We may not be sure if we really believe what we read. But the more we understand how Scripture came to be, the more we discover its power and truth.

    Historian Susan Lim unpacks how the history of the Bible bolsters our faith and anchors us through the changing tides of time. The story of Scripture, while messy and complicated at times, is also the story of how God shepherded his people throughout the centuries in and through these writings. Lim explains how Christians came to accept certain documents as inspired and not others, and how the books we now call the Bible came to be assembled and canonized as authoritative. The same Spirit of God who oversaw the writing of Scripture continues to be at work actively in us in our receiving and reading of it, to grow us in faith and maturity.

    Those of us who confess that Jesus is Lord can also confess with confidence that Scripture is God’s Word. As the church through the ages has received and passed down the sacred Scriptures, so too can we receive for ourselves the living Word that God still speaks through today.

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  • Epiphany : The Season Of Glory


    “We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.”

    This line from the prologue of the Gospel of John declares the theme of Epiphany. Christmas celebrates Christ’s birth; Epiphany manifests his glory.

    The feast of Epiphany and its following season are not as well observed as they should be. Many of us associate Epiphany with the visit of the Magi but don’t know much more about it. In this short volume, priest and theologian Fleming Rutledge expounds the primary biblical texts and narrative arc of the season, inviting us to discover anew “the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

    Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.

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  • Book That Conquered Time


    Everyone is familiar with the Biblea”after all, ita(TM)s still the best-selling book in the world. But just exactly how did we get the collection of sixty-six books that make up Goda(TM)s Word?

    The Book that Conquered Time: How the Bible Came to Be tells the sometimes dramatic, always fascinating, and ultimately faith-building story of the Bible. It traces its history from ancient parchments to the modern work of translating the Word into everyday language.

    You will discover:

    *The differences and similarities between the Jewish holy books and the Christian Bible

    *How the New Testament writings were copied and collected, including the apocryphal gospels and letters

    *The church leaders who succeeded the apostles, what they wrote, and what they thought of the writings they inherited

    *The church councils, controversies, and disputes that boiled over in the 300s

    *Why certain writings were removed from the Bible, even though they might be helpful if not essential for our faith

    *The purposes of modern Bible translations and the differences between them

    *The Book that Conquered Time provides fresh insights on why the Bible continues to be the most powerful book of all time.

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  • Basic Guide To The Just War Tradition


    This brief introduction surveys Christian thinking on an array of topics related to security and peace from a just war perspective. Drawing primarily on Scripture and theology, Eric Patterson explores the moral dimensions of order, justice, and peace in light of key Christian doctrines such as love of neighbor, stewardship, vocation, and sphere sovereignty. He also examines the perennial questions of civil disobedience, terrorism, revolution, and holy war (including a discussion of Israel’s removal of the Canaanites and the Crusades) and interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history. The volume concludes with a treatment of punishment and restitution, considering how these can help move a society toward conciliation.

    While ideal as a textbook for courses on Christian ethics, theology and politics, and church and society, this book will also appeal to pastors and lay readers questioning the morality of war and Christians’ involvement in force. Christians who serve in government, law enforcement, and the military will also find helpful guidance for thinking theologically about their vocations.

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  • Basic Guide To The Just War Tradition


    This brief introduction surveys Christian thinking on an array of topics related to security and peace from a just war perspective. Drawing primarily on Scripture and theology, Eric Patterson explores the moral dimensions of order, justice, and peace in light of key Christian doctrines such as love of neighbor, stewardship, vocation, and sphere sovereignty. He also examines the perennial questions of civil disobedience, terrorism, revolution, and holy war (including a discussion of Israel’s removal of the Canaanites and the Crusades) and interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history. The volume concludes with a treatment of punishment and restitution, considering how these can help move a society toward conciliation.

    While ideal as a textbook for courses on Christian ethics, theology and politics, and church and society, this book will also appeal to pastors and lay readers questioning the morality of war and Christians’ involvement in force. Christians who serve in government, law enforcement, and the military will also find helpful guidance for thinking theologically about their vocations.

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  • Kingdom The Power And The Glory


    The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times bestseller American Carnage with this timely, rigorously reported, and deeply personal examination of the divisions that threaten to destroy the American evangelical movement.

    Evangelical Christians are perhaps the most polarizing–and least understood–people living in America today. In his seminal new book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, journalist Tim Alberta, himself a practicing Christian and the son of an evangelical pastor, paints an expansive and profoundly troubling portrait of the American evangelical movement. Through the eyes of televangelists and small-town preachers, celebrity revivalists and everyday churchgoers, Alberta tells the story of a faith cheapened by ephemeral fear, a promise corrupted by partisan subterfuge, and a reputation stained by perpetual scandal.

    For millions of conservative Christians, America is their kingdom–a land set apart, a nation uniquely blessed, a people in special covenant with God. This love of country, however, has given way to right-wing nationalist fervor, a reckless blood-and-soil idolatry that trivializes the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Alberta retraces the arc of the modern evangelical movement, placing political and cultural inflection points in the context of church teachings and traditions, explaining how Donald Trump’s presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated historical trends that long pointed toward disaster. Reporting from half-empty sanctuaries and standing-room-only convention halls across the country, the author documents a growing fracture inside American Christianity and journeys with readers through this strange new environment in which loving your enemies is “woke” and owning the libs is the answer to WWJD.

    Accessing the highest echelons of the American evangelical movement, Alberta investigates the ways in which conservative Christians have pursued, exercised, and often abused power in the name of securing this earthly kingdom. He highlights the battles evangelicals are fighting–and the weapons of their warfare–to demonstrate the disconnect from scripture: Contra the dictates of the New Testament, today’s believers are struggling mightily against flesh and blood, eyes fixed on the here and now, desperate for a power that is frivolous and fleeting. Lingering at the intersection of real cultural displacement and perceived religious persecution, Alberta portrays a rapidly

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  • Concise Dictionary Of The Christian Tradition


    In this single volume you will find nearly three-and-a-half thousand terms and names from the history, teachings, and liturgy of the church.

    *Terms and names that are difficult to find in standard dictionaries
    *Brief definitions and descriptions for quick reference
    *Names and terms from the history of the church in its various expressions
    *Concepts and terms related to the teachings of the church
    *Terms connected with the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox liturgies

    This indispensable reference work is for anyone who wants quick access to information that is sometimes difficult to find, even in a well-stocked library. The perfect single-volume reference for the layperson, students, pastors, and teachers.

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  • Reorganized Religion : The Reshaping Of The American Church And Why It Matt


    Uncover the ways the Christian church has changed in recent years–from the decline of the mainline denominations to the mega-churchification of American culture–and a hopeful reimagining of what the church might look like going forward.

    The United States is in the middle of an unprecedented spiritual, technological, demographic, political and social transformation–moving from an older, mostly white, mostly Protestant, religion-friendly society to a younger diverse, multiethnic, pluralistic culture, where no one faith group will have the advantage. At the same time, millions of Americans are abandoning organized religion altogether in favor of disorganized disbelief.

    Reorganized Religion is an in-depth and critical look at why people are leaving American churches and what we lose as a society as it continues. But it also accepts the dismantling of what has come before and try to help readers reinvent the path forward. This book looks at the future of organized religion in America and outline the options facing churches and other faith groups. Will they retreat? Will they become irrelevant? Or will they find a new path forward?

    Written by veteran religion reporter Bob Smietana, Reorganized Religion is a journalistic look at the state of the American church and its future. It draws on polling data, interviews with experts, and reporting on how faith communities old and new are coping with the changing religious landscape, along with personal stories about how faith is lived in everyday life. It also profiles faith communities and leaders who are finding interesting ways to reimagine what church might look like in the future and discuss various ways we can reinvent this organization so it survives and thrives. The book also reflects the hope that perhaps people of faith can learn to become, if not friends with the larger culture, then at least better neighbors.

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  • Advent : The Season Of Hope


    “Christians believe not just in one coming of Christ, but in three.”

    We tend to think of Advent as the season of anticipation before Christmas–and while it is that, it’s also much more. Throughout its history, the church has observed Advent as a preparation not only for the first coming of Christ in his incarnation but also for his second coming at the last day. It’s also about a third coming: the coming of Christ to meet us in our present moment, to make us holy by his Word and Sacrament.

    In this short volume, priest and writer Tish Harrison Warren explores all three of these “comings” of Christ and invites us into a deeper experience of the first season of the Christian year.

    Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring how its traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals all point us to Jesus.

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  • Infinite Fountain Of Light


    Christians need to pause once in a while to get their bearings. For perspective on our own times and how we got here, it helps to listen to wise guides from other eras. In An Infinite Fountain of Light, the renowned American historian George Marsden illuminates the landscape with wisdom from one such mentor: Jonathan Edwards.

    Drawing on his deep expertise on Edwards and American culture, Marsden explains where Edwards stood within his historical context and sets forth key points of his complex thought. By also considering Benjamin Franklin and George Whitefield, two of Edwards’s most influential contemporaries, Marsden unpacks the competing cultural and religious impulses that have shaped our times. In contrast, Edwards offered us an exhilarating view of the centrality of God’s beauty and love. Christians’ love for God, he taught, can be the guiding love of our lives, opening us to transformative joy and orienting all our lesser loves.

    “There is an infinite fullness of all possible good in God, a fullness of every perfection, of all excellency and beauty, and of infinite happiness,” wrote Edwards. “This infinite fountain of light should, diffusing its excellent fullness, pour forth light all around.”

    With Marsden’s guidance, readers will discover how Edwards’s insights can renew our own vision of the divine, of creation, and of ourselves.

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  • Rise And Fall Of Dispensationalism


    A fascinating history of dispensationalism and its influence on popular culture, politics, and religion

    In The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism, Daniel G. Hummel illuminates how dispensationalism, despite often being dismissed as a fringe apocalyptic movement, shaped Anglo-American evangelicalism and the larger American cultural imagination.

    Hummel locates dispensationalism’s origin in the writings of the nineteenth-century Protestant John Nelson Darby, who established many of the hallmarks of the theology, such as premillennialism and belief in the rapture. Though it consistently faced criticism, dispensationalism held populist, and briefly scholarly, appeal-visible in everything from turn-of-the-century revivalism to apocalyptic bestsellers of the 1970s to current internet conspiracy theories.

    Measured and irenic, Hummel objectively evaluates evangelicalism’s most resilient (and contentious) popular theology. As the first comprehensive intellectual-cultural history of its kind, The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism is a must-read for students and scholars of American religion.

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  • Worlds Greatest Book


    Welcome to the fascinating story of how we got the world’s greatest book-the Bible.

    It is a captivating story that includes a little bit of everything: adventure and violence, mystery and bravery, history and romance, and dumb luck or divine intervention-depending on your point of view.

    How in the world did we get this book that some people swear by-and other people swear at?

    You don’t have to be a skeptic to have a grocery list of questions about the making of the Bible, one of the world’s most loved and loathed books:

    *What’s so great about the Bible?

    *Why are there different versions of the Bible?

    *How has this controversial book remained relevant through the ages?

    *Who wrote these books and when?

    *As scribes made copies of copies, didn’t they make mistakes that caused the ancient writings to be changed and corrupted?

    *How was it decided which writings would be included in the Bible?

    *What are the Dead Sea Scrolls, and why are archeological finds like these a big deal?

    Devoted people dedicated their lives throughout time, putting this unique book into the hands of people worldwide. Let this book deepen your engagement with God’s Word as you retrace the passion and intrigue behind the origin of the Bible.

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  • Quest For Revival


    Now is the Time to Embrace God’s Revival Fires

    Manifestations of God’s presence and power are known to have swept the world in past revivals with amazing healings and miracles. But today, how often do we see God’s mighty power? Now, more than ever, we need the refreshing of the Lord.

    In Quest for Revival, international Bible teacher and revival historian, Ron McIntosh uncovers key truths of the marvelous moves of God and shares insights to ignite the revival fires in your life today. Ron draws on the victories and failures of past revivalists including John Alexander Dowie, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, Kathryn Kuhlman, and more to reveal how you can:

    *Recognize the seasons of revival
    *Activate the power of prevailing prayer
    *Understand the role of repentance for a nation
    *Utilize the force of divine momentum
    *Experience fresh communion with the Holy Spirit

    It may seem like darkness is overtaking the world, but God’s tremendous power is about to break loose! Discover how you can join God’s plan to dispel the darkness and ignite the glorious fires of revival.

    Now is the Time to Embrace God’s Revival Fires

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  • Tell Her Story


    Women were there.For centuries, discussions of early Christianity have focused on male leaders in the church. But there is ample evidence right in the New Testament that women were actively involved in ministry, at the frontier of the gospel mission, and as respected leaders.

    Nijay Gupta calls us to bring these women out of the shadows by shining light on their many inspiring contributions to the planting, growth, and health of the first Christian churches. He sets the context by exploring the lives of first-century women and addressing common misconceptions, then focuses on the women leaders of the early churches as revealed in Paul’s writings. We discover the major roles of people such as:

    *Phoebe, Paul’s trusted coworker
    *Prisca, strategic leader and expert teacher
    *Junia, courageous apostle
    *Nympha, representative of countless lesser-known figures

    When we understand the world in which Jesus and his followers lived and what the New Testament actually attests about women in the churches, it becomes clear that women were active participants and trusted leaders all along. They were welcomed by Paul and other apostles, were equipped and trained for ministry leadership, instructed others, traveled long distances, were imprisoned-and once in a while became heroes and giants.

    The New Testament writers tell their stories. It’s time for the church to retell them, again and again.

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  • Pentecost : A Day Of Power For All People


    “The power of Pentecost is inseparable from the good news of the Christ who is proclaimed in the Gospels, in accordance with the Scriptures.”

    Pentecost may well be the most misconstrued day on the church calendar. A long legacy of cessationism has drained Pentecost of much of its significance, and it’s largely misunderstood in many Western churches today, if not outright ignored.

    That’s not the case in Emilio Alvarez’s tradition, though. In this Fullness of Time volume, the Pentecostal bishop and theologian offers us a rich biblical and theological introduction to the day of Pentecost and sets it in its liturgical context–not only in the Protestant tradition but also in Catholic, Orthodox, and Pentecostal expressions. The result is a rich theological feast and an invitation to find afresh the power of the gospel for all peoples.

    Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.

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  • Living Together In Unity With Dietrich Bonhoeffer


    The church needs community that is deep and real. In Living Together in Unity with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nicholas J. Abraham reclaims Bonhoeffer’s vision for Christian community. By exploring Bonhoeffer’s life and writings, Abraham identifies the foundations for community and how we can build upon them. Truly Christian fellowship is through Jesus and in Jesus. It is created by Jesus and maintained by the Spirit. Unity does not come through trending techniques or correct opinions, but through love, forgiveness, and God’s word. Bonhoeffer provides a thoughtful and timely vision for life together in Christ.

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  • Dining With The Saints


    Michael Foley’s fans have been devoutly drinking with the saints for years. Now it’s time for dinner! The inimitable theologian and mixologist teams up with the priest and TV chef Leo Patalinghug in a culinary romp through the liturgical year.

    Want to get closer to the saints while upping your dinner game? Now every meal can be a family feast-with the Saints!

    Dining with the Saints brings the Catholic liturgical year to life, pairing over two hundred saints’ stories with an irresistible smorgasbord of international recipes.

    Craving a breakfast treat? Join St. David of Wales and learn to craft Crempogs-Welsh pancakes-in March. Searching for a spicey dinner feast? Uncover the life of St. Cristobal of Mexico and serve up a delicious pinto bean soup with queso fresco dumplings during the month of May. Tempted by sweets? Honor St. Agrippina of Mineo with a crostata di pesca, a free-form peach tart.

    Featuring dozens of new and exciting recipes, Dining with the Saints provides an unforgettable feast that sinners and saints will enjoy!

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  • Worship By Faith Alone


    In every age, the church must consider what it means to gather together to worship God.

    If the church is primarily the people who follow the risen Christ, then its worship should be “gospel-centered.” But where might the church find an example of such worship for today?

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends that such a focus can be found in the theology of worship presented by Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury during the English Reformation. Hicks argues that Cranmer’s reformation of the church’s worship and liturgy was shaped primarily by the Protestant principle of justification by faith alone as reflected in his 1552 edition of the Book of Common Prayer, which was later codified under Elizabeth I and has guided Anglican worship for centuries.

    Here, we find a model of “gospel-centered” worship through which the church of today might be reformed yet again.

    The Dynamics of Christian Worship series draws from a wide range of worshiping contexts and denominational backgrounds to unpack the many dynamics of Christian worship–including prayer, reading the Bible, preaching, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, music, visual art, architecture, and more–to deepen both the theology and practice of Christian worship for the life of the church.

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  • Jesus Revolution Movie Edition


    Now a major motion picture

    The Jesus Movement transformed the church–and it can transform you

    God has always been passionate about turning unlikely people into His most fervent followers. Prostitutes and pagans, tax collectors and tricksters, the pompous and the pious–the more unlikely, the more it seemed to please God to demonstrate His power, might, and mercy through them. America in the 1960s and 1970s was full of many such characters–young men and women who had rejected the conformist religion of their parents’ generation, didn’t follow conventional rules, and didn’t fit in. Their longing for something more set the stage for the greatest spiritual awakening of the twentieth century.

    Discover the remarkable true story of the Jesus Movement, an extraordinary time of mass revival, renewal, and reconciliation. Setting intriguing personal stories within the context of one of the most tumultuous times in modern history, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn draw important parallels with our own time of spiritual apathy and overt hostility, offering a new vision for the next generation of unlikely believers–and hope for the next great American revival.

    Because God can always bring a new Jesus Revolution.

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  • Faithful Disobedience : Writings On Church And State From A Chinese House C


    Throughout China’s rapidly growing cities, a new wave of unregistered house churches is growing. They are developing rich theological perspectives that are both uniquely Chinese and rooted in the historical doctrines of the faith. To understand how they have endured despite government pressure and cultural marginalization, we must understand both their history and their theology.

    In this volume, key writings from the house church have been compiled, translated, and made accessible to English speakers. Featured here is a manifesto by well-known pastor Wang Yi and his church, Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, to clarify their theological stance on the house church and its relationship to the Chinese government. There are also works by prominent voices such as Jin Tianming, Jin Mingri, and Sun Yi. The editors have provided introductions, notes, and a glossary to give context to each selection.

    These writings are an important body of theology historically and spiritually. Though defined by a specific set of circumstances, they have universal applications in a world where the relationship between church and state is more complicated than ever. This unique resource will be valuable to practical and political theologians as well as readers interested in international relations, political philosophy, history, and intercultural studies.

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  • Great Is Thy Faithfulness


    From basement Bible study to leading evangelical institution

    Starting from humble beginnings in the late nineteenth century, the story of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is one of faithfulness.

    In Great Is Thy Faithfulness, scholars John D. Woodbridge, David M. Gustafson, Scott M. Manetsch, and Bradley J. Gundlach trace the journey of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In order to tell the story of evangelicalism in America, one must know the story of Trinity International University. Great Is Thy Faithfulness is an essential resource for understanding an institution that has been at the center of evangelical theological life for decades. Readers will be encouraged by God’s faithfulness to his people.

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  • Lent : The Season Of Repentance And Renewal


    Lent is inescapably about repenting. Every year, the church invites us into a season of repentance and fasting in preparation for Holy Week. It’s an invitation to turn away from our sins and toward the mercy and grace of Christ.

    Often, though, we experience the Lenten fast as either a mindless ritual or self-improvement program. In this short volume, priest and scholar Esau McCaulley introduces the season of Lent, showing us how its prayers and rituals point us not just to our own sinfulness but also beyond it to our merciful Savior.

    Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.

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  • Turning Points : Decisive Moments In The History Of Christianity


    Now in its fourth edition, this bestselling textbook (over 125,000 copies sold) isolates key events that provide a framework for understanding the history of Christianity. The book presents Christianity as a worldwide phenomenon rather than just a Western experience.

    This popular textbook is organized around 14 key moments in church history, providing contemporary Christians with a fuller understanding of God as he has revealed his purpose through the centuries. The new edition includes a new preface, updates throughout the book, revised “further readings” for each chapter, new sidebar content, and study questions. It also more thoroughly highlights the importance of women in Christian history and the impact of world Christianity.

    Turning Points is well suited to introductory courses on the history of Christianity as well as study groups in churches. Additional resources for instructors are available through Textbook eSources.

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  • Fount Of Heaven


    You are the fountain of life, light, and all grace and truth

    The hearts of the first Christians beat with praise for Christ. The strength of their devotion is remarkable, considering the times of uncertainty and persecution in which they lived. Despite all of this, the early church flourished, sustained by the God to whom they prayed.

    Christians today have a lot to learn from the devotional life of the early church. In Fount of Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from the first six centuries of the church, we can pray with our spiritual forefathers. Prayers from luminaries such as Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, and Augustine are arranged by theme to reveal the right prayer for the moment. The prayers have been slightly updated to read more easily, but they retain their joy and mystery. As we turn to the prayers of the first Christians, we can return to the foundations of our own faith.

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  • What Kind Of Christianity


    Like most Americans, Presbyterians in the United States know woefully little about the history of slavery and the rise of anti-Black racism in our country. Most think of slavery as a tragedy that “just happened” without considering how it happened and who was involved. In What Kind of Christianity William Yoo paints an accurate picture of the complicity of the majority of Presbyterians in promoting, supporting, or willfully ignoring the enslavement of other human beings. Most Presbyterians knew of the widespread physical and sexual violence that enslavers visited on the enslaved, and either approved of it or did nothing to prevent it. Most Presbyterians in the nineteenth century-whether in the South or the North–held racist attitudes toward African Americans and put those attitudes into daily application. In short, during that period when the Presbyterian church was establishing itself as a central part of American life most of its members were promoting slavery and anti-Black racism. In this important book William Yoo demonstrates that to understand how Presbyterian Christians can promote racial justice today, they must first understand and acknowledge how deeply racial injustice is embedded in their history and identity as a denomination.

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  • Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength (Expanded)


    Some publishers tell you what to believe. Other publishers tell you what you already believe. But InterVarsity Press helps you believe.
    J. I. Packer

    The history of evangelicalism cannot be understood apart from the authors and books that shaped it. Over the past century, leading figures such as pastor-scholar John Stott, apologist James W. Sire, evangelist Rebecca Manley Pippert and spiritual formation writer Eugene Peterson helped generations of readers to think more biblically and engage the world around them. For many who take their Christianity seriously, books that equip them for a life of faith have frequently come from one influential publisher: InterVarsity Press.

    Andy Le Peau and Linda Doll provide a narrative history of InterVarsity Press, from its origins as the literature division of a campus ministry to its place as a prominent Christian publishing house. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the stories, people, and events that made IVP what it is today. Recording good times and bad, celebrations and challenges, they place IVP in its historical context and demonstrate its contribution to the academy, church and world.

    In honor of IVP’s seventy-fifth anniversary, senior editor Al Hsu has updated this edition with new content, bringing the story up to 2022 and including stories about contemporary authors such as Esau McCaulley and Tish Harrison Warren. As IVP continues to adapt to changes in publishing and the global context, the mission of publishing thoughtful Christian books has not changed. IVP stands as a model of integrative Christianity for the whole person–heart, soul, mind and strength.

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  • Reorganized Religion : The Reshaping Of The American Church And Why It Matt


    Uncover the ways the Christian church has changed in recent years–from the decline of the mainline denominations to the mega-churchification of American culture to the rise of the Nones and Exvaneglicals–and a hopeful reimagining of what the church might look like going forward.

    The United States is in the middle of an unprecedented spiritual, technological, demographic, political and social transformation– moving from an older, mostly white, mostly Protestant, religion-friendly society to a younger diverse, multiethnic, pluralistic culture, where no one faith group will have the advantage. At the same time, millions of Americans are abandoning organized religion altogether in favor of disorganized disbelief.

    Reorganized Religion is an in-depth and critical look at why people are leaving American churches and what we lose as a society as it continues. But it also accepts the dismantling of what has come before and try to help readers reinvent the path forward. This book looks at the future of organized religion in America and outline the options facing churches and other faith groups. Will they retreat? Will they become irrelevant? Or will they find a new path forward?

    Written by veteran religion reporter Bob Smietana, Reorganized Religion is a journalistic look at the state of the American church and its future. It draws on polling data, interviews with experts, and reporting on how faith communities old and new are coping with the changing religious landscape, along with personal stories about how faith is lived in everyday life. It also profiles faith communities and leaders who are finding interesting ways to reimagine what church might look like in the future and discuss various ways we can reinvent this organization so it survives and thrives. The book also reflects the hope that perhaps people of faith can learn to become, if not friends with the larger culture, then at least better neighbors.

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  • Shape Of Christian History


    While understanding history has always been an essential task for God’s people, rapid changes within the past two generations of Christianity have challenged many of our assumptions and methods for studying the past. How should thoughtful Christians–and especially historians and missiologists–make sense of global Christianity as an unfolding historical movement?

    Scott Sunquist invites readers to join him for a capstone course in historical thinking from a master teacher. Highlighting both the continuity and the diversity within the Christian movement over the centuries, he identifies three key concepts for framing church history: time, cross, and glory. These themes shed light to help us discern how the Jesus movement developed from the first century to the present, through an explosion of contextual expressions. Tracing these concepts through the centuries, we learn from the stories of Christians reflecting the glories of God’s kingdom–and from their failures.

    Filled with historical case studies and stories from Sunquist’s teaching around the world, The Shape of Christian History offers a framework for how to read and write church history. Even more, it demonstrates how the study of history illuminates God’s mission in the world and sharpens our understanding of how to participate in that mission faithfully.

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  • Suffering Not Power


    Overturning a popular view of the atonement

    Was Christ’s death a victory over death or a substitution for sin? Many today follow Gustav Aulen’s Christus Victor view, which portrays Christ’s death as primarily a ransom paid to the powers of evil and which, according to Aulen, reflected the beliefs of the early church. Aulen held that this ransom theory view dominated until Anselm reframed atonement as satisfaction and the Reformers reframed it as penal substitution.

    In Suffering, Not Power, Benjamin Wheaton challenges this common narrative that Christ’s work of atonement was reframed by Anselm, showing that sacrificial and substitutionary language was common well before Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo. Wheaton displays this through a careful analysis of three medieval theologians whose writings on the atonement are commonly overlooked: Caesarius of Arles, Haimo of Auxerre, and Dante Alighieri. These figures come from different times and contexts and wrote in different genres, but each spoke of Christ’s death as a sacrifice of expiation and propitiation made by God to God.

    Let history speak for itself, read the evidence, and reconsider the church’s belief in Christ’s substitutionary death for sinners.

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  • Klaas Schilder Reader


    Recovering a forgotten theologian.

    Klaas Schilder (1890-1952) was a prominent Dutch Reformed theologian in the early twentieth century, first as a pastor and then as a professor. While his fame spread to North America in the 1940s, he is mostly forgotten today. In Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings, readers will rediscover this important Dutch theologian.

    Working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, Schilder applies Dutch Neo–Calvinism to the twentieth century. This includes secularism, the rise and influence of Karl Barth, opposition to Nazism, and the relation between the church and society. Schilder Reader contextualizes his work and furthers the neo–Calvinist tradition.

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  • Historical Foundations Of Worship


    This volume brings together an ecumenical team of scholars to offer a historical overview of how worship developed. The book first orients readers to the common core elements the global church shares in the history and development of worship theology and historical practice. It then introduces the major streams of worship practice: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, including Reformation traditions, evangelicalism, and Pentecostalism. The book includes introductions by John Witvliet and Nicholas Wolterstorff. A previous volume addressed the theological foundations of worship.

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  • How The Church Fathers Read The Bible


    Read the Scriptures with the insight of our forebears

    Christians live in the house built by the church fathers. The fathers’ reading of the Scriptures shaped key doctrines that are essential to Christianity. But appreciating how the fathers read the Bible is not just for the historically curious, as if it were only a matter of literary archaeology. Nor should it be intimidating. Rather, the fathers gleaned insights from Scripture that continue to be relevant to all Christians.

    How the Church Fathers Read the Bible is an accessible introduction to help you read Scripture with the early church. With a clear and simple style, Gerald Bray explains the distinctives of early Christian interpretation and shows how the fathers interpreted key Bible passages from Genesis to Revelation. Their unique perspective is summed up in seven principles that can inspire our Bible reading today. With Bray as your guide, you can reclaim the rich insights of the fathers with reverence and discernment.

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  • Charles Fox Parham


    Charles Fox Parham is an absorbing and perhaps controversial biography of the founder of modern Pentecostalism. Parham was a deeply flawed individual who nevertheless was used by God to initiate and establish one of the greatest spiritual movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, helping to restore the power of Pentecost to the church and being a catalyst for numerous healings and conversions. Author Dr. Larry Martin is a lifelong Pentecostal with decades of ministry as a pastor, educator, and evangelist. He researched the life of this complicated and contradictory figure for over twenty-five years before writing this book-with a certain degree of hesitancy. By disclosing the whole truth about Parham’s life-which has never fully been done before-would it give excessive ammunition to the critics of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements? Martin uncompromisingly exposes Parham’s weaknesses, faulty thinking, and transgressions while disassociating his behavior from the movement as a whole, writing with an inside understanding of Pentecostalism and a thoughtful analysis of Parham’s life that goes beyond the acknowledgment of human frailty to reveal the work of a sovereign God. If we don’t confront the faults of our spiritual fathers, Martin says, we will fail to address the truth in the way the Bible lays bare the faults of some of our greatest biblical heroes of the faith. We must recognize and learn from the weaknesses of others, as well as their achievements. The author of several books on the Asuza Street Revival, the history of early Pentecostals, and the Pentecostal Church of God, Martin presents a much-needed exploration of the life of one of the most influential religious figures of the twentieth century, whose impact is still widely felt today. Includes photos of Parham’s life and ministry.

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  • Sources Of The Christian Self


    Using Charles Taylor’s magisterial Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity as a springboard, this interdisciplinary book explores lived Christian identity through the ages.

    Beginning with such Old Testament figures as Abraham, Moses, and David and moving through the New Testament, the early church, the Middle Ages, and onward, the forty-two biographical chapters in Sources of the Christian Self illustrate how believers historically have defined their selfhood based on their relation to God/Jesus.

    Among the many historical subjects are Justin Martyr, Origen, Augustine, Aquinas, Julian of Norwich, Dante, John Calvin, Teresa of Avila, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards, Christina Rossetti, Blaise Pascal, Sren Kierkegaard, C. S. Lewis, and Flannery O’Connor-all of whom boldly lived out their Christian identities in their varied cultural contexts. In showing how Christian identity has evolved over time, Sources of the Christian Self offers deep insight into our own Christian selves today.

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