Historical Fiction

Showing 701–750 of 865 results

  • Lightkeepers Ball


    Olivia seems to have it all, but her heart yearns for more. Olivia Stewart’s family is one of the Four Hundred-the highest echelon of society in 1910. When her sister dies under mysterious circumstances, Olivia leaves their New York City home for Mercy Falls, California, to determine what befell Eleanor. She suspects Harrison Bennett, the man Eleanor planned to marry. But the more Olivia gets to know him, the more she doubts his guilt-and the more she is drawn to him herself. When several attempts are made on her life, Olivia turns to Harrison for help. He takes her on a ride in his aeroplane, but then crashes, and they’re forced to spend two days alone together. With her reputation hanging by a thread, Harrison offers to marry her to make the situation right. As a charity ball to rebuild the Mercy Falls lighthouse draws near, she realizes she wants more than a sham engagement-she wants Harrison in her life forever. But her enemy plans to shatter the happiness she is ready to grasp. If Olivia dares to drop her masquerade, she just might see the path to true happiness.

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  • Wolves Among Us


    This richly imagined tale takes readers to a tiny German town in the time of “the burnings,” when pious and heretic alike became victims of witch-hunting zealots. When a double murder stirs up festering fears, the village priest sends for help. But the charismatic Inquisitor who answers the call brings a deadly mix of spiritual fervor and self-deceptive evil. Under his influence, village fear, guilt, and suspicion of women take a deadly turn. In the midst of this nightmare, a doubting priest and an unloved wife-a secret friend of the recently martyred William Tyndale-somehow manage to hear another Voice…and discover the power of love over fear.

    Dinfoil, Germany, 1538. In a little town on the edge of the Black Forest, a double murder stirs up festering fears. A lonely woman despairs of pleasing her husband and wonders why other women shun her. An overworked sheriff struggles to hold the town-and himself-together. A priest begins to doubt the power of the words he shares daily with his flock. And the charismatic Inquisitor who arrives to help-with a filthy witch in a cage as an object lesson-brings his own mix of lofty ideals and treacherous evil. Under his influence, ordinary village fears and resentments take a deadly turn. Terror mounts. Dark deeds come to light. And men and women alike discover not only what they are capable of, but who they are…and what it means to grapple for grace.

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  • Bathsheba : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her devout husband away fighting the king’s wars for many months at a time, discontent and loneliness dog her steps–and make it frighteningly easy to succumb to King David’s charm and attention. Though she immediately regrets her involvement with the powerful king, the pieces are set in motion that will destroy everything she holds dear. Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God–and David–forever?

    With a historian’s sharp eye for detail and a novelist’s creative spirit, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the passionate and emotional story of David’s most famous–and infamous–wife. Smith uses her gentle hand to draw out the humanity in her characters, allowing readers to see themselves in the three-dimensional lives and minds of people who are often viewed in starkly moralistic terms. You will never read the story of David and Bathsheba in the same way again.

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  • Angel Sister : A Novel (Reprinted)


    It is 1936 and Kate Merritt, the middle child of Victor and Nadine, works hard to keep her family together. Her father slowly slips into alcoholism and his business suffers during the Great Depression. As her mother tries to come to grips with their situation and her sisters seem to remain blissfully oblivious to it, it is Kate who must shoulder the emotional load. Who could imagine that a dirty, abandoned little girl named Lorena Birdsong would be just what the Merritts need?

    In this richly textured novel, award-winning author Ann H. Gabhart reveals the power of true love, the freedom of forgiveness, and the strength to persevere through troubled times. Multidimensional characters face real and trenchant problems while maintaining their family bonds, all against the backdrop of a sultry Kentucky summer. Readers will be drawn into the story and find themselves lingering there long after they’ve finished the book.

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  • Forbidden Valley Of The Chiricahuas 2


    In 1880’s Arizona, Jake Chandler is nineteen and married to Becca, a beautiful former prostitute at the Bucket, a saloon south of Fort Bowie. They are living happily in Table Top Valley, located in the Chiricahua Mountain in the Arizona Territory. But Big Kate Dawson, the former owner of the Bucket, refuses to concede that Becca is now a Christian and married to Jake. She is determined to force Becca back into prostitution and destroy Jake. Jake and Becca’s faith in Christ and in each other are tested to the limit as they are subjected to the most devious and calculating efforts to destroy them both. They must struggle against overwhelming odds to hold on to their faith and restore their lives together in Table Top Valley.

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  • Lady In The Mist


    By virtue of her profession as a midwife, Tabitha Eckles is the keeper of many secrets: the names of fathers of illegitimate children, the level of love and harmony within many a marriage, and now the identity of a man who may have caused his wife’s death. Dominick Cherrett is a man with his own secret to keep: namely, what he, a British nobleman, is doing on American soil working as a bondsman in the home of Mayor Kendall, a Southern gentleman with his eye on a higher office.

    By chance one morning before the dawn has broken, Tabitha and Dominick cross paths on a misty beachhead, leading them on a twisted path through kidnappings, death threats, public disgrace, and . . . love? Can Tabitha trust Dominick? What might he be hiding? And can either of them find true love in a world that seems set against them?

    With stirring writing that puts readers directly into the story, Lady in the Mist expertly explores themes of identity, misperception, and love’s discovery.

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  • And Nothings Been The Same Since


    Back Cover The story of the birth of Christ is an intriguing Biblical tale. But there are many details left out. Perhaps to help us study more. For instance, why didn’t anyone else around Jerusalem or Bethlehem hear or see the angels when they appeared to the shepherds the night Christ was born? Was Jesus born in a manger because no one had pity on a young pregnant girl from the hills, or did the manger offer a place of privacy for Mary? And why did it take the Eastern visitors almost two years to find the Christ child? The events of the birth of Christ contain several beautiful love stories, at least one mystery, and real humor if looked at from a human perspective. After all, the people involved in the story were not stained-glass Saints, but were, in fact, just ordinary people chosen by God to be direct participants in the beginning of the greatest story ever told… And Nothing’s Been the Same Since!

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  • Love On Assignment


    While Charlotte is focusing on uncovering sordid information on columnist Daniel Wilmot, her heart leads her into uncharted territory.

    During the summer of 1900 Charlotte Hale, a native Newporter and secretary for the Rhode Island Reporter, accepts an undercover assignment as temporary governess to Daniel Wilmont’s children in order to secretly gather evidence against him.

    As he helps her rediscover God, Charlotte learns that Daniel is an honorable man.They unexpectedly fall in love despite their different backgrounds and social positions. Charlotte soon realizes she must defend Daniel against the forces set against him-a willful student with a romantic crush and the newspaper editor determined to destroy his reputation.

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  • Serendipity


    Todd Valmer should have known better. A farmer who’s been through several disasters, he travels to Virginia to fetch his widowed mother to cook and help him around his Texas farm… or that was the plan until she keels over on the train and they get kicked off. Maggie Rose barters for a living and also makes soaps, lotions, and perfumes with a special rose recipe passed down from mother to daughter for generations. She hasn’t wanted to marry… until that handsome Texan shows up. Her heart skips a beat, and when he proposes, a hasty marriage follows.

    What ensues, however, is a clash of culture and a battle of wills–and it’s clear they both mistook instant attraction and infatuation for love. As their marriage loses its sparkle and fills with disillusionment, Todd and Maggie must determine what is worth fighting for. He dreams of a farm. Maggie wants to fulfill the family tradition with her rose perfumes. Todd’s mother, however, has entirely different plans for her son that do not include Maggie. In light of their hasty marriage and mistaken dreams, is there any hope of recapturing their love and building a future together?

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  • Believing The Dream (Reprinted)


    They Never Imagined Following Their Dreams Would Be So Costly

    A passion for writing has burned brightly in Thorliff Bjorklund’s heart for as long as he can remember. But college life is not as he had imagined. Both time and distance have created a rift between him and his childhood sweetheart, and the only bright spot in his life is his job at the newspaper.

    When summer arrives, things are looking up at school, but Thorliff must return home and confront his faltering relationship with Anji. Will he find the bonds of love still strong?

    For Elizabeth Rogers, marriage seems out of the question. Since learning that her mother died giving birth to her, Elizabeth has determined to become a doctor in order to save the lives of other women in childbirth. Will she achieve her dream when it is nearly impossible for a woman to enter medical school?

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  • In Danger Every Hour


    In Danger Every Hour is an unforgettable story which begins in Winchester, Virginia where several school friends once played along a creek and a stone wall. When war breaks out they are forced to choose which side they will fight for and who their friends and enemies will be. The United States is split into the Northern Union and the Southern Confederacy. Riley, Ned and Molly go one way while Bruce, Moss, Jonesy and newly married Henry go the other. Throughout their adventures they experience romance and treachery, true friendship and betrayal. The very essence of their faith and friendships are tested as their journey leads them to the brink of human endurance over and over again.

    Meanwhile, politicians in Washington are desperately trying to come up with a solution to end the crises. President Abraham Lincoln leads the nation to war while trusting a young Army commander George McClellan. Lincoln goes to great lengths to encourage McClellan to take the initiative and attack, but his efforts only backfire bringing great scorn from both the commander and the President’s own Cabinet. Several times Washington D.C. is in danger of being captured as Abraham Lincoln and George McClellan disagree on a strategy. One struggles with loneliness and depression, while the other struggles with arrogance and incompetence. All the while, secretly, a member of Lincoln’s Cabinet is planning a coup.

    In the South, President Jefferson Davis leads through his agent Robert E. Lee. Lee is aggressive and daring, ready to take any action which could give him the advantage. A man with the same courage as Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, takes the initiative and conducts bold and daring troop movements stunning the Union Army. Jackson, a former schoolteacher, was once seen as awkward and boring but not anymore. His use of surprise leaves his opponents repeatedly astounded. This landmark account will leave you amazed at a human journey for forgiveness and a nation’s journey for unity and freedom.

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  • In Danger Every Hour


    In Danger Every Hour is an unforgettable story which begins in Winchester, Virginia where several school friends once played along a creek and a stone wall. When war breaks out they are forced to choose which side they will fight for and who their friends and enemies will be. The United States is split into the Northern Union and the Southern Confederacy. Riley, Ned and Molly go one way while Bruce, Moss, Jonesy and newly married Henry go the other. Throughout their adventures they experience romance and treachery, true friendship and betrayal. The very essence of their faith and friendships are tested as their journey leads them to the brink of human endurance over and over again.

    Meanwhile, politicians in Washington are desperately trying to come up with a solution to end the crises. President Abraham Lincoln leads the nation to war while trusting a young Army commander George McClellan. Lincoln goes to great lengths to encourage McClellan to take the initiative and attack, but his efforts only backfire bringing great scorn from both the commander and the President’s own Cabinet. Several times Washington D.C. is in danger of being captured as Abraham Lincoln and George McClellan disagree on a strategy. One struggles with loneliness and depression, while the other struggles with arrogance and incompetence. All the while, secretly, a member of Lincoln’s Cabinet is planning a coup.

    In the South, President Jefferson Davis leads through his agent Robert E. Lee. Lee is aggressive and daring, ready to take any action which could give him the advantage. A man with the same courage as Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, takes the initiative and conducts bold and daring troop movements stunning the Union Army. Jackson, a former schoolteacher, was once seen as awkward and boring but not anymore. His use of surprise leaves his opponents repeatedly astounded. This landmark account will leave you amazed at a human journey for forgiveness and a nation’s journey for unity and freedom.

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  • Return To Harmony (Reprinted)


    Jodie Harland and Bethan Keane, two young women with very different goals and personalities, develop a strong friendship when the plight of a homeless puppy brings them together. Soon their shared joys and trials make them more like sisters than friends.

    Then tragedy strikes Jodie’s family, and her faith begins to waver. Through it all, Bethan remains a loyal companion. But when Jodie’s possible romance with Bethan’s brother causes a rift between the two girls, reconciliation seems impossible.

    When Jodie leaves for college, the distance between them becomes even greater. Will the girls be able to move beyond past hurts and restore their friendship?

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  • Healers Apprentice


    In this book by author Melanie Dickenson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the perfect man for her, only to be kept away from him due to a curse.

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  • Healer


    In the time of King Arthur, a young female healer rescues a wounded stranger and grows to love him…but will their love bring pain or peace to their strife-torn Alba?

    Brenna of Gowrys has grown up in hiding – hunted by the O’Bryne clan, who fear her mother’s dying prophecy, and by her own kinsmen, who expect her to lead them against their oppressors. But Brenna is a gifted healer, not a witch or a warrior queen. So she lives alone in the wilderness with only her pet wolf for company. When she rescues a stranger badly wounded from an ambush, she believes he may be the answer to her deep loneliness. Healing him comes as easy as loving him. But can their love overcome years of bitterness and hatred?

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  • House On Malcolm Street (Reprinted)


    It is the autumn of 1920 and Leah Breckenridge is desperate to find a way to provide for her young daughter. After losing her husband and infant son in an accident, she is angry at God and fearful about the future. Finding refuge in a boardinghouse run by her late husband’s aunt, Leah’s heart begins the slow process of mending. Is it the people who surround her–or perhaps this very house–that reach into her heart with healing?

    Delightful, realistic characters and skilled writing make The House on Malcolm Street a treasure. Leisha Kelly’s fans and new readers alike will find this simple story about the complexities of life an engrossing read.

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  • 10 In Time


    When they went to school that day, the ten children had no idea that their lives were about to be drastically changed, or that they would be transported into the Middle Ages and end up in the midst of a battle that would change world history. Constantinople, under siege by the Turks, was about to fall. Cannons would fire, ships would burn, screams of charging Turks would fill their ears. Follow the students as they encounter the famous Italian soldier Guistiniani, and as they fight by his side. Meet courageous Emperor Constantine XI, who, though hugely outnumbered, fought the Turks to the death to protect his city. Could the children help save the city which the Roman emperor, Constantine I, had named for himself, and which so long had stood as a bastion of Christianity? What was the purpose of their sudden arrival there? Would their faith stand the test? Would they ever get home?

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  • After The Dust Settles


    Is the nightmare finally over, or is Maggie s life in danger still? Tensions are high as the jury delivers the verdict. Will it finally bring relief to the Daniels family, or will Mr. Thomas Gatlin find a way to carry out his revenge? A hasty decision could prove to be fatal. And when Jess’s life is threatened, what part will the Gatlin mansion play in Maggie’s struggle to protect Jess and Jed from Stub Huggins wrath? Will Mr. Thomas Gatlin get his wish? Maggie’s discovery brings secrets to light and teaches her an important truth about God, and about promises given too freely.

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  • Conflict At Chillicothe


    Settlers fear the Shawnee Indians at Chillicothe. Joshua is about to learn why. For Joshua Stewart and his family, the Kentucky frontier is their promised land. It’s a fresh start away from the difficulties of Virginia. It’s an opportunity to own as much land as they care to claim. It’s a chance of a lifetime, a dream come true. The only problem is getting there. Will the Stewarts overcome the hardships that await them in the mountains of Pennsylvania? Will they survive the dangers of the Ohio River? And when the Shawnee Indians attack, will Joshua’s faith in the Lord be enough to save him?

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  • Making Waves : A Novel


    When spunky Marguerite Westing discovers that her family will summer at Lake Manawa in 1895, she couldn’t be more thrilled. It is the perfect way to escape her agonizingly boring suitor, Roger Gordon. It’s also where she stumbles upon two new loves: sailing, and sailing instructor Trip Andrews. But this summer of fun turns to turmoil as her father’s gambling problems threaten to ruin the family forever. Will free-spirited Marguerite marry Roger to save her father’s name and fortune? Or will she follow her heart–even if it means abandoning the family she loves?

    Author Lorna Seilstad’s fresh and entertaining voice will whisk readers away to a breezy lakeside summer holiday. Full of sharp wit and blossoming romance, Making Waves is the first book in the Lake Manawa Summers series.

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  • Memory Between Us (Reprinted)


    Major Jack Novak has never failed to meet a challenge–until he meets army nurse Lieutenant Ruth Doherty. When Jack lands in the army hospital after a plane crash, he makes winning Ruth’s heart a top priority mission. But he has his work cut out for him. Not only is Ruth focused on her work in order to support her orphaned siblings back home, she carries a shameful secret that keeps her from giving her heart to any man. Can Jack break down her defenses? Or are they destined to go their separate ways?

    A Memory Between Us is the second book in the Wings of Glory series, which follows the three Novak brothers, B-17 bomber pilots with the US Eighth Air Force stationed in England during World War II.

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  • Love Letters : A Romance Novel


    In 1928 John Silverman first saw Mary Lou- and wrote her a letter. Their extraordinary love story unfolds in a tale of a relationship spanning six decades through courtship, marriage, separation, war, loss and sacrifice- Bound by their unbroken devotion their love affair continues through a lifetime of letters. Inspiring and heartfelt, Love Letters celebrates the power of unconditional love and the written words, “Loving you through eternity and beyond forever.”

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  • Love Of Her Own (Reprinted)


    April McBride has suffered a broken engagement once before and fully intends to guard her heart when she travels to Lewistown, Montana, to attend her brother’s wedding. One look around the small mining town convinces April that this won’t be difficult–just a bunch of dusty shops, bad service, and ill-bred cowboys. But a run-in with a horse trainer named Wes Owen opens up vast possibilities for frustration, embarrassment, friendship, and . . . love? Can April and Wes see past their differences in order to envision a future together?

    Readers will love going on this adventurous, spark-filled ride through turn-of-the-century Montana.

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  • Journeys Of Robert Williams


    Robert Williams
    Irish Street Preacher and Methodist Circuit Rider

    Lay Preacher in Ireland and Circuit Rider in America
    First Methodist to preach in Virginia and North Carolina
    First Methodist Printer and Publisher in America
    Founder of the Norfolk and Petersburg Societies 1772
    Founder of the Brunswick Circuit 1773-1774
    Founder of Jerusalem United Methodist Church 1773

    In 1772 news spread along the south side of the Roanoke River that a Methodist circuit rider was going to preach under the big willow oak on Ebenezer Coleman’s plantation. Robert Williams preached with power. The oak tree became a regular preaching place on his Brunswick Circuit and the place where Jerusalem United Methodist Church was born.

    Robert William’s birth, baptism, and conversion are not documented. Neither is his call to preach. His travel journals, if there were any kept, have never been found. Dr. Bergland, researching his life and legends, employs church records, colonial history and imagination to tell the story (history) and stories (historical fiction) of an indefatigable (stubborn) Irish lay preacher.

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  • Tailor Made Bride (Reprinted)


    Jericho “J.T.” Tucker wants nothing to do with Coventry, Texas’s new dressmaker. He’s all too familiar with her kind–shallow women more devoted to fashion than true beauty. Yet, except for her well-tailored clothing, this seamstress is not at all what he expected.

    Hannah Richards is confounded by the man who runs the livery. The unsmiling fellow riles her with his arrogant assumptions and gruff manner while at the same time stirring her heart with unexpected acts of kindness. Which side of Jericho Tucker reflects the real man?

    When Hannah decides to help Jericho’s sister catch a beau–leading to uproarious consequences for the whole town–will Jericho and Hannah find a way to bridge the gap between them?

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  • Sister Wife


    What if the man you loved told you God wanted him to take another wife? What if that woman was your best friend?

    Set in the heart of the earliest days of a new nineteenth-century sect known as the Saints, The Sister Wife is a riveting account of two women forced into a practice they don’t understand, bound by their devotion to Prophet Joseph Smith. When Mary Rose marries Gabriel, neither of them could foresee how quickly the community would turn to the practice of plural marriage. Devastated when Gabe is faced with an order from the Prophet to marry her best friend, Bronwyn, Mary Rose tries to have the faith to carry through with the marriage. But can she really be married to the same man as her very best friend? Can Mary Rose and Bronwyn face betraying both their husband and their God to do what they feel is right?

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  • Her Abundant Joy


    In the final book in the Texas: Star of Destiny series, can a beautiful German immigrant escape her painful past and find peace in the arms of a Texas Ranger?

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  • Weaving Through Lives


    Every story has a beginning. Childhood experiences shape lives toward decisions, placing individuals in situations that determine choices. For Mary of Bethany, the beginning of her story was in the alabaster box she lavishly poured on her Lord, expressing the joy of her salvation and new life. Mary Magdalene wasted too many years fighting her demons, until she was rescued by a man from Galilee who gave her answers instead of questions. Who was the woman at the well and why was she shunned by her entire community? When her well was empty, her Savior came to fill her with living water. Their stories have been told for two thousand years leaving audiences pondering their circumstances and choices before Jesus came into their lives. Tragedy and trauma are redeemed when divine appointments bring hope and new beginnings. Weaving Though Lives is the story of three young girls who grow into women and learn to trust again in spite of their beginnings.

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  • Winds Of Autumn (Reprinted)


    A New Season–and New Choices for Josh…

    On the brink of manhood, Josh’s world is filled with studies and life with Aunt Lou and the menfolk, along with an occasional fishing trip thrown in. When a new teacher arrives, Josh thrives under his encouragement–as well as from the attentions of the teacher’s pretty daughter. Josh faces important questions about life and love–and about himself.

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  • Dream To Follow (Reprinted)


    Will the Red River Nurture the Dreams of Its Young–Or Will It Fence Them In?

    It is 1893 and the first generation of immigrants who came to America for the promise of free land and a good life for their children have finally achieved their dreams. They labored hard on the land and now have a bountiful heritage to pass on to the next generation. However, many of the young people aren’t interested in becoming farmers–they have aspirations of their own.
    Thorliff Bjorklund has been writing stories and plays since he was a young boy and longs to attend college to study journalism. But his father has other plans for him and refuses to agree.

    Thorliff is torn between love for his father and the pull of his dream. Must he choose between the two?

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  • Masters Wall



    After watching Roman soldiers drag his parents away to their death, David, a young Hebrew, is sold and enslaved to serve at a villa outside of Rome. As David trains to become a skilled fighter, he works hard to please his master and hopes to earn his freedom. However, an opportunity to escape tempts him with its whispering call. Freedom beckons, but invisible chains hold him captive to the master’s granddaughter, an innocent girl with a fiery spirit. David vows to protect Alethea from his master, the murderous patriarch, and contrives a daring plan-sacrifice his own life to save hers.

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  • Dagger In Time The Web Of Spies


    Tyler, Hailey and Megan didn’t plan on time traveling again. Their only intent was to prevent their cousins from finding the old trunk and dagger in the attic, but they were too late. They arrived in the attic just in time to be catapulted, along with their cousins Austin and Lauren, back to the year 1914. The young time travelers found themselves thrust into the middle of spies, deception, secret dark tunnels and the legendary D.C. Phantom Black Cat.

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  • Sing : A Novel Of Colorado


    Moira St. Clair has done exactly what her father forbade her to do–chased her dreams to sing on the stage. But even as her star rises, she becomes more vulnerable to those who wish to use her–or bring her down….

    It is 1886, and the St. Clairs are living out their dreams in three very separate parts of the world–Paris, Brazil and Colorado. And while each has found a measure of success and joy, each is haunted by past sins and secrets.Once home in Colorado, the St. Clairs struggle to learn what it means to sing praise to God–even in the face of tremendous loss–and trust Him in all things, even when forced to fight for their very lives.

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  • Dagger In Time The Web Of Spies


    Tyler, Hailey and Megan didn’t plan on time traveling again. Their only intent was to prevent their cousins from finding the old trunk and dagger in the attic, but they were too late. They arrived in the attic just in time to be catapulted, along with their cousins Austin and Lauren, back to the year 1914. The young time travelers found themselves thrust into the middle of spies, deception, secret dark tunnels and the legendary D.C. Phantom Black Cat.

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  • When Secrets Come Home


    A dark mystery puts Maggie in peril. Something odd is happening at the Daniels’ boxcar home. First, there was a dangerous intruder. Now, Mr. Gatlin wants to buy the place–and he’ll do anything to get it. But why? The baffling question plunges Maggie into a world of suspects and secrets. She puts her trust in God’s Word that she will know Christians by their fruit: love, joy, peace and faith. She becomes a “fruit inspector” on her way to learning the truth, but will she discover the criminal’s identity in time? Or will she become the tragic victim of a deadly plan?

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  • Distant Melody : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Never pretty enough to please her gorgeous mother, Allie will do anything to gain her approval–even marry a man she doesn’t love. Lt. Walter Novak–fearless in the cockpit but hopeless with women–takes his last furlough at home in California before being shipped overseas. Walt and Allie meet at a wedding and their love of music draws them together, prompting them to begin a correspondence that will change their lives. As letters fly between Walt’s muddy bomber base in England and Allie’s mansion in an orange grove, their friendship binds them together. But can they untangle the secrets, commitments, and expectations that keep them apart?

    A Distant Melody is the first book in the WINGS OF GLORY series, which follows the three Novak brothers, B-17 bomber pilots with the US Eighth Air Force stationed in England during World War II.

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  • Island Of The Blue Dolphins


    The Newberry Medal-winning story of a 12-year old girl who lives alone on a Pacific island after she leaps from a rescue ship. Isolated on the island for eighteen years, Karana forages for food, builds weapons to fight predators, clothes herself in a cormorant feathered skirt, and finds strength and peace in her seclusion. A classic tale of discovery and solitude returns to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for its 50th anniversary, with a new introduction by Lois Lowry.

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  • Beautiful Bandit : A Novel


    Joshua Neville is a quiet, even-keeled rancher who was just minding his own business when he witnessed a brazen bank robbery in San Antonio, Texas, that left three men dead. Even more shocking than the heist itself is that the ringleader looked like a woman!

    Having escaped a gang of robbers who forced her to participate in a bank heist, Kate Wellington adopts an alias and decides to flee to Mexico. Lost and hungry, she stumbles upon the camp of a man named Josh Neville, who offers to escort her across the border. But when she injures her ankle, the kindly cowboy takes “Dinah” home to his ranch to heal, instead.

    As the two grow closer, Josh realizes he’s fallen in love, even as he learns the truth about Dinah. But does he know the whole story? And, after the truth comes out, will he put his life at risk to keep her with him?

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  • Tales Of The Heart


    Bridget’s Bargain
    Kate Ties The Knot
    Follow The Leader

    Additional Info
    Bridget’s Bargain:
    When the potato famine of 1845 forced Bridget McKenna to flee her home in Ireland, she came to America to work as a scullery maid on a Virginia plantation. That was four years ago. Now, Bridget dreams of bringing her father and six siblings to join her in America. She also dreams of marrying a God-fearing man, and when she meets the tall, handsome Lance York, it seems her dream might come true. He’s English, however, just like the cruel landlord who oppressed Bridget’s family in Ireland. Could there be more to him than she realizes?

    Kate Ties the Knot:
    Seven years of widowhood have made Kate Flynn a strong, independent woman who even operates her own dressmaking shop. But when her eight-year-old son, Adam, has a run-in with a burly shipbuilder, she realizes the necessity of some godly male influence. Adam starts working in a warehouse owned by John Joseph O’Keefe, better known as J. J., who looks out for Adam and feels a growing attraction to his young protege’s mother. Kate’s emotions are as tumultuous as the ocean as she wonders what the future will hold.

    Follow the Leader:
    The Civil War has destroyed everything Valerie Carter held dear. Struggling to come to terms with her emotional devastation, she accepts a teaching position in Freeland, Maryland, and her heart is gradually warmed by her students’ affection. She also finds herself attracted to Paul Collins, a young widower with three children who has a childlike faith in Jesus Christ. Will Paul be God’s instrument to free Valerie from the bonds of bitterness?

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  • Lineage Of Grace


    In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose-Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary-even scandalous-challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

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  • Jewel Of His Heart (Reprinted)


    Romance readers have taken to Maggie Brendan’s softer romantic style that perfectly captures life on the American frontier, introducing them to rugged, independent souls and their inner spiritual struggles, and the quest for love that makes for a satisfying read every time. Set in 1890s Montana, The Jewel of His Heart finds Juliana drawn to a handsome, gentle sheepherder–but sparks fly when he considers mining, the occupation that lured her father away from his family. Both Josh and Juliana must make a choice–the world’s riches and promises, or the eternal value of love.

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  • Deadlock


    The Zarbo brothers are seasoned outlaws with a reputation for killing. Already wanted in two states, they set their sights on Colorado and a string of bank robberies. They don’t count on running into Chief U.S. Marshal John Brockman.

    John arrests Lee Zarbo, but his brothers remain in hiding. Lee’s sentence to death by hanging incites them to desperate measures. They’ll do anything to get him out alive. Even kidnap the Chief U.S. Marshal’s daughter.

    When John learns of his young daughter’s captivity and the conditions for her release, he must turn to the Lord for direction. It takes all the faith he can muster to wait for the answer. Without freeing a dangerous criminal, can John find Ginny before they kill her?

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  • Kluffords Holler


    Southern humorist Darrell Sroufe brings this delightful little tale about a tiny Smoky Mountain town called Klufford’s Holler, a community so far in the backhills, backwoods and backward old time ways that hardly anyone knows or cares it’s there at all. Well… hardly anyone until now.

    A fictional story set within actual historical events, Klufford’s Holler tells a witty, creative and heart touching tale about the culture, traditions and religion of mountain people who’s lives have always been the same for generations. Then all of a sudden, powerful forces from the outside world come to take the whole region over. Why? Because there’s a whole lot more to things than may appear!

    Klufford’s Holler is a story filled with southern culture humor, lovable mountain townsfolk, some evil villains, a heroic town preacher, a mysterious old hermit and a wealth of Messianic imagery. The story not only entertains, but also educates the reader about the intriguing history of the Smoky Mountains in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. The very real part the region played in winning WWII is an amazing story all in itself!

    The town of Klufford’s Holler is a place you’ll never forget. This wonderful little tale will make you laugh, keep you in suspense and leave you in awe of the God of the universe who cares for even the most common folks. It’s a story you’ll want to read over and over again, so go ahead and get started. See ya’ll in the mountains!

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  • Terror And The Triumph


    The scrolls of Mary of Magdala have been found! Two thousand years ago, a unique child was born into a world of unimaginable disregard for human life. Vengeful gods and cruel kings ruled over the desperate masses for whom life was short, hopeless and brutal. This is the story of how that young man came to stand at the crossroads of change and then ultimately choose an untrod path to show humanity how to lift itself up from the squalor of its existence.

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  • Terror And The Triumph


    The scrolls of Mary of Magdala have been found! Two thousand years ago, a unique child was born into a world of unimaginable disregard for human life. Vengeful gods and cruel kings ruled over the desperate masses for whom life was short, hopeless and brutal. This is the story of how that young man came to stand at the crossroads of change and then ultimately choose an untrod path to show humanity how to lift itself up from the squalor of its existence.

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  • Captains Bride


    Elsa Anders’s dream of marrying Peder Ramstad is about to come true. But as this independent, strong-willed woman discovers her own creative gifts–a love for travel, painting, and the sea–can she find happiness with a captain who insists upon leaving her safely on shore?

    Leaving their home in Norway behind, Elsa and Peder embark on a new life in with their closest friends, including: Kaatje Jansen, a woman seeking a new beginning for the sake of her marriage and for the child growing within her; Elsa’s sister Tora, a sly young vixen who knows exactly what she wants–and exactly how to get it; and Karl Martensen, a man torn between his friendship for Peder and a forbidden, secret love for Elsa, a man tormented by emotions that threaten to ruin them all.

    From the gentle hills of Bergen, Norway, to the rocky coast of Camden, Maine, and across the crashing, danger-filled waves of the open sea–experience an epic saga of perseverance and passion, faith and fidelity, in the Northern Lights series: the new historical series by Lisa Tawn Bergren.

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  • Love Comes In Many Colors


    The story, “Love Comes in Many Colors” starts in 1875 as the McGinnis family, of Irish decent, starts west by wagon train. After wintering over in Santa Fe, in the New Mexico Territory, the family moves to the small mountainous mining town of Silver City which was in the southwest part of the territory. The story also entails the Christian community who work together to care for the sick, hungry and homeless people in the town, and their everyday lives as they face the dangers within the mining town.

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  • 3 Times Blessed


    The second book in Lori Copeland’s Belles of Timber Creek series, Audrey Pride arrives in Thunder Ridge under the most unusual circumstances… a rain storm. The typically dry as a bone small town is deluged with rain for weeks, ultimately preventing travel in and out of town. Audrey and her comrade Copper find themselves trapped staying with friend Willow Madison and her invalid uncle. But there’s definitely not a shortage of work to be done, as a wagon train gets trapped in town and spreads a violent illness. There are sick people to care for and Audrey even finds herself working as an undertaker’s assistant, something she never thought she’d do.

    Meanwhile, her attraction to widower Eli Gray has grown stronger than ever, especially as she’s started to care for his son while Eli’s working. But Eli has a wall up around his heart. After losing his wife in childbirth while he was away at war, he’s never forgiven himself and does not seem interested in opening his life up to anyone new.

    But as the town sags under the weight of water and illness, they must come to depend on each other in ways they never thought possible. As tragedy threatens to strike, will Audrey be able to convince Eli that he deserves more than a solitary existence?

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  • Trees Planted By The Waters


    Warren and Howie have been friends since they were six years old, neighbors in the mid-Fifties Missouri cotton town of Carlisle. Sharing more than a back alley, they grow up together in the town’s common nurture. Their differences lie in their backgrounds. Warren is the son of the local Methodist clergy, Howie, the son of a successful owner of what in those days was referred to as a roadhouse. These two families share not only a physical proximity, but a friendship which includes not only their sons but fathers as well. Growing up means becoming more and more aware of their town and its culture, but also with the adult realities with which their fathers wrestle everyday. The reader will see that as much as Carlisle is unique it is also an example of a Delta culture which supports its people day by day, through good times and bad. Come along then on a journey to maturity of both Howie and Warren as well as their fathers in a land where cotton shimmers in the blazing Southern sun and a whole community shelters in its shade. Before the story is finished readers will learn a lot, not only about two growing boys, their town and their fathers but hopefully about themselves and their values as well.

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  • Coram Deo : Before The Face Of God


    Coram Deo: Before the Face of God is historical fiction. It describes the journey of the Rev. Dr. Louis Praamsma and his wife, Nellie, from their place of birth in The Netherlands to their grave in Canada. It documents the struggle to remain orthodox in a rapidly changing religious climate. It also gives a glimpse of the many issues an immigrant family faced when leaving family and homeland behind, entering a new community, interacting with a different culture, and speaking a second language. It celebrates God’s providence, his mercy, and grace for those who love Him.

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