


Showing 24601–24650 of 25161 results

  • Good News To The Poor


    This provocative volume illuminates a dimension of John Wesley’s theology that has received insufficient attention: his deep and abiding commitment to the poor. By focusing on the radical nature of Wesley’s “evangelical economics,” Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., provides an important corrective to the view that Wesley was concerned with the salvation of souls only, and not also with the social conditions of human beings.

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  • Recovery Of Virtue


    By developing a philosophical reconstruction of the moral philosophy that underlies the Secunda Pars of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas, Jean Porter illuminates Aquinas’ theory of morality and shows its relevance to contemporary Christian ethics.

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  • Paul In Other Words


    The focus of this book is an anthropological perspective that will open the writings of Paul to a challenging new range of questions and issues. Jerome Neyrey introduces the reader to critical access thorough a wholly convincing method of cultural-historical analysis. Paul comes alive in time and place. Biblical theologians and students will find ample stimulus in Neyrey’s analysis of Paul.

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  • Colossians And Philemon


    This study guide to the Books of Colossians and Philemon is part of a series that has enabled millions to effectively explore and understand God’s eternal message, and which continues to be the most widely used tool for Bible study today.

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  • Power Providence And Personality


    Prominent biblical scholar and author Walter Brueggemann studies three passages from the books of Samuel, using the methods of literary criticism and rhetorical analysis. He examines the ways the themes of power, divine providence, and David’s personality cohere in the biblical narrative to explain David’s rise to power and assumption of the kingship and his dominance over Saul.

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  • Luke (Student/Study Guide)


    Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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  • Preaching In And Out Of Season


    This excellent resource provides help for ministers who must plan their sermons not only according to the liturgical church year but also in response to the secular calendar of national holidays and public ceremonies, and in response to the program calendar of local and denominational emphases. Individual chapters discuss preaching about racial relations; family, church, and nation; the global witness of the church; work; evangelism; stewardship; and giving thanks. Suggestions for sermons on each theme are provided as well.

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  • Addictive Organization


    Schaef and Fassel show how managers, workers, and organization members exhibit the classic symptoms of addiction: denying and avoiding problems, assuming that there is no other way of acting, and manipulating events to maintain the status quo.

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  • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 6


    This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

    Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

    The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

    TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

    This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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  • Confessing Our Faith


    This resource includes the description of the process that led to the adoption of the Satement of Faith by the UCC in 1959.

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  • Theology Of Peace


    This gift from one of the greatest twentieth-century Protestant theologians, Paul Tillich, is a collection of hopeful, realistic writings on peace from the years Tillich spent in America. Beginning in 1937, the book documents Tillich’s pre-World War II hope and resistance to Hilter and moves to the time before his death in 1965, when Tillich preached frequently on hope. It includes the first public political speech in America, on anti-Semitism, essays on planning for peace, and criticism of the peace thought of John Foster Dulles and Pope John XXII. The essays on nuclear weapons and German boundary questions illustrate the continuing timeliness of Tillich’s thought.

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  • New Testament Theology


    This work is not a history of New Testament times, nor an account of New Testament religion. Nor does it proceed from a view that the New Testament was written as theology. We must bear in mind that the writers of the New Testament books were not writing set theological pieces. They were concerned with the needs of the churches for which they wrote. Those churches already had the Old Testament, but these new writings became in time the most significant part of the Scriptures of the believing community. As such, they should be studied in their own right, and these questions should be asked: What do these writings mean? What is the theology they express or imply? What is of permanent validity in them? We read these writings across a barrier of many centuries and from a standpoint of a very different culture. We make every effort to allow for this, but we never succeed perfectly. In this book I am trying hard to find out what the New Testament authors meant, and this not as an academic exercise, but as the necessary prelude to our understanding of what their writings mean for us today. — From the Introduction.

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  • General Introduction To The Bible


    There are two strands woven together in the history of the Bible and its translations. One is the development of the biblical text: its materials, texts, and translations. The second is the story of the men and women who went to great extremes, at times risking death, in order to provide their generation with the Word of God in a language that could be understood. David Ewert skillfully combines both these elements in this informative and captivating book, beginning with what “Bible” means, how the Bible is organized, and how various books were named. He explores such other matters as the development of the biblical languages, the canon and the history of the testaments, and early versions of the Bible. English translations, from the time of Wycliffe to the present, are the focus of several chapters. A General Introduction to the Bible is filled with photographs of ancient texts, pages from various Bibles, photographs of key individuals and settings — all of which add understanding to the Bible’s history. Maps and charts show the development of languages, textual families, and the relationship of various translations and revisions. There are suggested readings and an extensive glossary and index.

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  • Mark


    The Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament is written for laypeople, students and pastors. Laypeople will use it as a resource for the Bible study at home and at church. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the New Testament. And pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation.

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  • Mark : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)



    1. Background
    2. Survey
    3. Jesus Came
    4. Jesus’ Fame
    5. Hostility Sets In
    6. Ministries To The Disciples And The Multitudes
    7. Jesus The Miracle Worker
    8. Renewed Surge Of Opposition
    9. The Turning Point Of Jesus’ Public Ministry
    10. Concluding Ministries In Perea
    11. Jesus As Lord
    12. Events Prior To Jesus’ Arrest
    13. Arrest, Trials , And Crucifixion
    14. Resurrection And Final Appearances
    Geography Of Mark
    Bibliography P. 125

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    Christ the servant is the basic theme of the gospel of Mark. Great care us taken to show the submissive attitude of Jesus Christ as He cares for the afflicted, heals the sick, and comforts the tormented. This Self-Study Guide points out the key verse (Mark 10:45), which divides the gospel into two parts – the service and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. By studying verse by verse this “book of action” you will experience what Christ did as well as what He said.

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  • Why A Print On Demand Title


    If God is loving and almighty, why do people experience so much pain, misery, and guilt? In the face of human suffering, the cry “WHY?” echoes through the ages. In this book A. van de Beek grapples honestly with the mystery of suffering and evil. His writing reveals a pastoral heart keenly aware of the profound evil and suffering in our world today, and he considers these perplexities in a fresh, different way, pointing to how we can “live with” God through the experience of suffering.

    Numerous thinkers – particularly con-temporary theologians such as Barth, Moltmann, and Pannenberg – are considered in this study. Moreover, van de Beek carefully scrutinizes Scripture, especially Old Testament passages that relate God to evil and suffering. God is revealed in the Old Testament as changeable and free – at times even unpredictable in his actions – yet he re-mains faithful to his people and contin-ues to move salvation history along.

    In the New Testament, however, God’s ways and work are determined by the incarnate Christ. In Jesus God has chosen to suffer with and for his people; Jesus’ suffering and death help answer (but do not explain away) our questions about God and suffering. God’s way in Jesus is also the way of the Spirit, whose work in completing the process of redemption takes a zigzag tack here on earth. The Spirit works along with human wills and choices: prayer and argument with God are the human ele-ments of God’s salvation weave. / Why? On Suffering, Guilt, and God is intended for all who are theologically interested, not just for professional theo-logians. More specialized explanation appears throughout the book in smaller-print excursuses. This more scholarly material, while illuminating, is not essen-tial for understanding the flow of van de Beek’s thought-provoking discussion.

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  • Planning Strategies For World Evangelization A Print On Demand Title (Revised)


    Over three billion people in the world have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.

    The task of evangelizing these people seems monumental. In this major study of world evangelization, however, Edward Dayton and Donald Fraser view the world not as billions of individuals but as thousands of “people groups.”

    The Dayton-Fraser strategy includes ten basic steps that analyze and define the goals in reaching these people groups and the obstacles standing in the way. Unlike other mission strategies, this approach incorporates the social sciences and basic management principles into the context of God’s sovereignty and of the church’s responsibility to evangelize the world.

    The book includes a comprehensive bibliography reflecting the authors’ extensive research in theology, sociology, anthropology, and management.

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  • Epistles Of John And Jude (Student/Study Guide)


    Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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  • Preaching The Tradition


    This book compares the addresses in the Books of Chronicles with similar material in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah and in the post-exilic prophets. Dr. Mason contends that there are many features of style, theme, and purpose in these latter books that closely echo features found in the addresses. The striking parallels suggest that the later material has been influenced by homiletical style and preaching practice in the second temple period. Mason shows how the careful reinterpretation of tradition kept faith alive for the post-exilic community in the most challenging circumstances.

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  • Learning About Theology From The Third World


    Designed to introduce Western Christians to discussions about theology going on in the Third World. Gives major overviews of the theology of Africa, Latin America and Asia.

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  • Ministry Of Nurture


    Discipling teenagers means building a real-life faith into them. Which is exactly what youth ministry veteran Duffy Robbins explains how to do — definitively — in this sensitive, in-depth, and practical look at leading your kids into discipleship. No stranger to the challenge of discipling young people, Duffy draws from his decades of youth ministry experience as he describes a thorough, flexible discipleship program you can use with your students. In The Ministry of Nurture you’ll find– How to make faith practical in everyday life – How to help your kids develop their own faith – Seven keys to effective discipleship – How to help your kids build a faith that lasts – How you can help your kids apply their real-life faith in three key areas of the Christian life: outreach, nurture, and service – An important look at the two sides of peer pressure in the lives of young people — Whether you’re new to youth work or a veteran, The Ministry of Nurture is an indispensable addition to your youth ministry library.

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  • Taking Flight : A Book Of Story Meditations


    Best-selling author Anthony de Mello presents over 250 story meditations to be used as stepping stones to a spiritual life based on self-knowledge and understanding.

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  • Manana : Christian Theology From A Hispanic Perspective


    An in-depth look at Christian theology through Hispanic eyes. It weaves the doctrinal formulations of the early church on creation, the Trinity, and Christology into contemporary theological reflection on the Hispanic struggle for liberation

    This volume offers a major theological statement from a respected theologian and author. Richly insightful and unique, Manana is one of the few major theological works from a Protestant representative of the Hispanic tradition. Justo L. Gonzalen offers theological reflections based upon unique insights born of his minority status as a Hispanic American.

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  • Spurgeons Sermon Notes


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    Charles H. Spurgeon was a master preacher whose passionate and powerful sermons are still pertinent and applicable to contemporary society. What preacher wouldn’t want Spurgeon’s thoughts on Sunday’s text!

    More than 190 of Spurgeon’s finest sermons have been broken down into comprehensive outlines by David Otis Fuller. Covering texts from Genesis through Revelation, pastors, teachers, and Bible students can easily locate on-target, ready-to-use outlines for their sermon series or Sunday school class.

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  • Faiths Freedom : A Classic Spirituality For Contemporary Christians


    Faith’s Freedom is a refreshingly personal synthesis of key spiritual concepts written in a truly ecumenical way for the contemporary situation. By avoiding most technical terminology, it formulates for intelligent readers an outlook on God and the world that expresses many foundational insights of classic spirituality in terms understandable to the modern mindset. It translates basic notions like creation, freedom, revelation, sin, and faith into contemporary language, then applies them to prayer, power, possessions, anger, sexuality, evil, and life in the Spirit.

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  • Studying Interpreting And Applying The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible combines into one volume the popular trilogy by Walter Henrichsen and Gayle Jackson: – A Layman’s Guide to Studying the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Interpreting the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Applying the Bible This book will help students as well as ministers, young people and old alike, as they learn to study Scripture more easily and conveniently. The chapters on studying the Bible help the beginning or experienced Bible student mine God’s Word for its riches through verse analysis, chapter analysis, the overview of a book, the study of a topic, and the study of Bible characters (including charts, diagrams, and other helpful illustrations). The unit on interpreting the Bible explains Bible interpretation based on grammar, history, and theology. The section on applying the Bible moves beyond study to life applications, enabling a person to – be motivated to make personal application – move beyond a “to do” list to an internal desire to obey – consider the risks involved in obeying – use specific application principles.

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  • Prewrath Rapture Of The Church


    1. The Tension And Anguish Surrounding A Consideration Of The Timing Of The Rapture
    2. The Ultimate Absolute Of History
    3. The Options Of “When” Laid Out
    4. The Conflict That Makes It Necessary
    5. But First The Counterfeit
    6. The Background That Must Be Understood
    7. The Question That Had To Be Answered
    8. And What Of The Tribulation Period?
    9. And Then The Day Of The Lord
    10. Cosmic Disturbance
    11. Elijah Must Appear First
    12. The Day Of His Wrath
    13. The 144,000 And A Great Multitude No Man Could Number
    14. The Last Trump
    15. The Apostasy And The Man Of Sin
    16. The Coming And The End
    17. Kept From The Hour
    18. Are Pretribulation Rapture Arguments Really Unanswerable?
    19. The Prewrath Rapture: Why This View Now?
    20. The Prewrath Rapture: Catalyst For Holy Living
    Scripture Index
    About The Author

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    For thirty years a confirmed pretribulationist, he now believes that the Church will have to endure the persecution of the Antichrist: “God never promised Hs children immunity from the trials of this godless world or the assault of the Antichrist. He did promise, ‘greater is he [the Holy Spirit] that is in you, than he that is in the world’ (1 John 4:4). ” In view of the fact that Christians will not escape all of the oppression of the “Tribulation” period, Rosenthal urges godly living in light of a clear understanding of the last days so that we will be prepared for Satan’s intense opposition. Rosenthal does, however, believe that the Church win escape the wrath of God, which will be poured out beginning with the opening of Revelation’s seventh seal sometime during the second half of the “Tribulation” period. “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:9).

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  • Presbyterian Source


    What is central to the Presbyterian identity? The Bible and its reading through the church provide some specific teachings that undergird and nourish the church: the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the promise that God’s Spirit will be with those who believe, the promise of eternal life, human responsibility for the world, and the need to proclaim the gospel. Using twelve biblical passages, Louis B. Weeks helps adult study groups, Bible study groups, and individuals study the Bible as they reflect on who they are as Presbyterians. He explores the Presbyterian tradition, which has used the Bible as a guide, remaining faithful to both the Old and New Testaments. This book is “on target” in providing “threshold knowledge of biblical influences on Reformed theology.” It is “a worthy companion” to Weeks’ To Be a Presbyterian–Virgil Cruz, Professor of New Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

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  • Gospel Treasury Cycle B


    Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters for Cycle B.
    Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.
    This book is part of a three-part set, which follows the Lectionary cycles A, B and C.

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  • John Calvin And The Church


    The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplines and scholarly approaches that touch on the life of the church. Its five sections convey a wide range of interests among the contributors: Calvin and his times, theology, ecclesiology, interpretation of Holy Scripture, and worship and preaching.

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  • Women And The Genesis Of Christianity


    This study explores the role of women in New Testament times. Beginning with the woman’s place in Judaism, in the Hellenistic world, and in the Roman Empire, Witherington demonstrates how Jesus broke significantly with convention in how he viewed women, offering as he did a wholly new conception of the legitimate rights of women in society.

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  • Index Of Watchtower Errors 1879-1989


    Teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and how they differ from historic Christianity are documented in this study of Watchtower publications from 1879 to 1989.

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  • Theology Of The Cross


    A THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS, by Charles Cousar investigates the importance and role of the death of Jesus in the letters of Paul. Cousar attempts to move beyond the category of justifi cation in his understanding of the Pauline writings. Cousar believes that our North American dominant cultural values are massively resistant to a theology of the cross. The author then proposes that a very different set of cate- gories are needed. The shift of categories touches every aspect of life, socio-economic and episetmological as well as ethical.

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  • Love You Forever


    Firefly Books publication

    The mother sings to her sleeping baby: “I’ll love you forever / I’ll love you for always / As long as I’m living / My baby you’ll be.” She still sings the same song when her baby has turned into a fractious 2-year-old, a slovenly 9-year-old, and then a raucous teen. So far so ordinary–but this is one persistent lady. When her son grows up and leaves home, she takes to driving across town with a ladder on the car roof, climbing through her grown son’s window, and rocking the sleeping man in the same way. Then, inevitably, the day comes when she’s too old and sick to hold him, and the roles are at last reversed. Each stage is illustrated by one of Sheila McGraw’s comic and yet poignant pastels.

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  • Exodus : A Self Study Guide


    Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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  • Pilgrims Way


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250676ISBN10: 066425067XJ. Barrie ShepherdBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Fortunes Bride


    Slowly she turned to face the door just as Graham came through at full stride. At the sight of him a wild kind of joy seized her. Graham halted on the threshold. He drew in his breath sharply, and in spite of himself, his pulse thundered at the sight of the tall, willowy figure. The last time he had seen Avril she had been a child. Here in her place was a graceful young woman. “Avril, my dear,” he said, finding his voice. “Welcome home!” Fortune’s Bride, the third in a series of award-winning novels by Jane Peart, is a revision of the story of Avril Dumont, a wealthy young heiress and orphan, who gradually comes to terms with her lonely adolescence. There is romance and heartbreak, true love and fulfillment in this story of Avril’s seemingly unreturned but undaunted love for her bachelor guardian, Graham Montrose. Readers of Fortune’s Bride will be smitten with the charm of the old South as they follow Avril’s development into womanhood, and meet the people who give her a sense of self-worth. So skillfully drawn is the plot of this romance that the reader will suffer form ongoing suspense throughout Avril’s story.

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  • Imagining A Sermon


    Here is the remedy for trite, boring sermons! Thomas H. Troeger shows how to breathe fresh life into your sermons by harnessing your imaginative powers in a new way. In scores of dynamic workshops, Troeger has shown preachers and seminarians how to create powerful sermons by seizing moments when the heart and mind catch fire. Now, in Imagining a Sermon Troeger share the secrets of capturing the imaginative spirit within you.

    You will discover:
    How to observe daily events that can energize the preaching event
    How to fine-tune your visual and listening skills to fuse televised, scriptural, and remembered images into new truths for your congregation.

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  • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


    Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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  • Women Of Genesis


    THE WOMEN OF GENESIS 12-50 describes the significant roles of the many women mentioned in the biblical book of Genesis. Through close attention to the literary features of the text, the author depicts Sarah, the daughter of Lot, Hagar, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, Dinah, Tamar, and Potiphar’s wife as integral persons who shaped Israel’s destiny, revealed perspectives on God’s involvement in the course of history, and portrayed human failure, freedom and strength.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 19


    This is the second volume of Wesley’s Journal to appear in the critical edition of The Works of John Wesley. Covering the period from late 1738 to 1743, it documents, in Wesley’s own words, the formative years of the Methodist Revival in Great Britain. Previously unpublished material from Wesley’s private diaries supplements the account in the published Journal of such key events as Wesley’s first adventure in “field preaching,” the growing breach between Wesley and the Moravians, the formation of the first Methodist Societies, the establishment of the New Room in Bristol and the Foundery in London, and the emergence of the “lay preachers” or “circuit riders.”

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  • Jesus Paul And The Law


    Here is a master new Testament scholars decade of research – along with new material – on a major issue on the study of Christian origins. Extended international debate has been concerned with this question: What were the attitudes toward the Jewish law within earliest Christianity?

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  • Liberating Exegesis : The Challenge Of Liberation Theology To Biblical Stud


    This important book provides a sampling of liberation theology’s use of biblical texts, relating it to the “standard” methods of interpretation in Europe and America. Divided into four sections, the book sets out contemporary readings of the parable of Jesus influenced by a liberationist perspective; identifies the biblical and theoretical foundations of liberation theology, comparing them with the dominant exegetical paradigm in the first world; explores the way in which liberation exegesis affects reading the canonical accounts of Jesus; and argues that liberation theology cannot be seen solely as a third-world phenomenon.

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  • When You Need To Take A Stand


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250515ISBN10: 0664250513Carolyn BohlerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Romans : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)



    1. Introduction To Paul’s Epistles
    2. Background And Survey Of Romans
    3. Paul’s Burden
    4. The Pagan World And The Self-Righteous Condemned
    5. The Jew Condemned; The Whole World Condemned
    6. Justification Defined And Illustrated
    7. Fruits Of Justification
    8. Principles Of Christian Living
    9. The Practice And Power Of Christian Living
    10. God’s Sovereignty In Saving Jew And Gentile
    11. The Christian Servant
    12. The Christian Citizen
    13. The Christian Brother
    14. Epilogue: Personal Notes
    Bibliography P. 115

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    ROMANS: A Self-Study Guide

    To understand the deeper truths of the Word of God, study the book of Romans. Paul’s letter reveals one important theological truth after another, laying a foundation for the Christian faith. By using this self-study guide you will be able to apply basic Bible doctrine to your everyday Christian experience. You’ll understand more fully subjects such as justification, propitiation, the universality of sin, and the characteristics of the new life in Christ.

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  • Acts : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Geography Of Acts
    1. Background Of Acts
    2. Witnesses For Jesus
    3. The Holy Spirit Poured Forth
    4. A Miracle And A Sermon
    5. The Test Of Conviction
    6. More Tests And Victories
    7. Stephen The Martyr
    8. Philip The Soul-Winner
    9. Conversion Of Saul
    10. The Gospel For Gentiles
    11. Antioch Christians
    12. First Missionary Journey
    13. Jerusalem Council
    14. Second Missionary Journey
    15. Third Missionary Journey
    16. Paul Before The Mob
    17. Paul Before The Council
    18. Paul Before The Governors
    19. Paul Before A King
    20. Voyage To Rome
    21. Paul’s Witness At Rome
    Index Of Topical Studies

    Additional Info
    The book of Acts spans thirty years and is a record of the spread of Christianity from the coming of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost to Paul’s arrival in Rome. This self-study guide will enable you to understand the formation and the development of the church. Patterns of church life and principles for missionary work are among the topics discussed. If you are looking for a comprehensive, challenging tool to use in personal, group, or class Bible study, you’ll find the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series an exciting way to better understand the important truths of God’s Word. Each response-oriented guide in the 39-book series features helpful charts, graphs, maps, and ideas for projects and further study. You’ll refer back to each completed guide as a reference again and again as you study the Scriptures. This study series has enabled millions to effectively explore and understand God’s eternal message, and it continues to be the most widely used tool for Bible study today.

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  • Genesis : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    1. The Book Of Genesis
    2. Creation
    3. The Fall
    4. The Flood; Birth Of Nations
    5. Abraham-Four Great Tests
    6. Abraham’s God Of Promise
    7. Abraham’s Crucial Last Years; Isaac
    8. Jacob Striving For Blessing
    9. Jacob Learning True Blessing
    10. Joseph As Prisoner
    11. Joseph As Benefactor
    12. Joseph As Son And Brother

    Additional Info
    Genesis is the book of beginnings. In it we have the account of the creation of the universe and all that is within it. In the book of Genesis we see god putting into action the plan He has had eternally for mankind. This self-study guide will help you as you study each facet of God’s program through fourteen organized lessons. Charts, maps, and diagrams appear throughout the study guide and ill give you a greater understanding of this unique, foundational book of beginnings.

    If you are looking for a comprehensive, challenging tool to use in personal, group, or class Bible study, you’ll find the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series and exciting way to better understand the important truths of God’s Word. Each response-oriented guide in the 39-book series features helpful, charts, graphs, maps, and ideas for projects and further study. You’ll refer back to each completed guide as a reference again and again as you study the Scriptures. This study series has enabled millions to effectively explore and understand God’s eternal message, and it continues to be the most widely used tool for Bible study today.

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  • Memoranda During The War


    Walt Whitman spent much of his time with wounded soldiers, both in the field and in the hospitals. The 40 notebooks he filled became the basis for this extraordinary diary of a medic in the Civil War.

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  • Protest And Praise


    The author contends “that the sacred music of African Americans is of two sorts: protest song and praise song. . . . These categories constitute thebook’s two parts.”

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  • When You Are Alone


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250508ISBN10: 0664250505William Arnold | Margaret Fohl | Editor: Andrew LesterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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