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  • Matthew 2 KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574070026ISBN10: 1574070029Binding: KivarPreachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • More Theatre Games For Young Performers


    by Suzi Zimmerman. Improvisations and exercises for developing acting skills. By popular demand, we offer a follow-up book of theatre games specifically for young acting students. Written especially for those who coach adolescent actors, this delightfully fresh updated workbook tells you the how, when, what and why of theatre games for young performers. Starter scenes allow first-time performers to ease onto the stage in baby steps. Spontaneity is encouraged along with etiquette and basic acting principles. The concepts of pantomime, improvisation, character development, voice and body control are all presented in game formats with exercises. Nine chapters include: Before You Begin, Preparing, Starter Scenes, Exercises, Games, Improvisation, Pantomime, Non-Acting Theatre Games and Activities, and Developing Your Program, plus an Activities Index. Anyone working with young actors will find this book exceptionally helpful.

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  • 50 More Professional Scenes And Monologs For Student Actors


    by Garry Michael Kluger. A collection of short one- and two-person scenes. The success of “Fifty More Professional Scenes for Student Actors” prompted us to offer a new book of winning short scenes and monologs. Anyone who needs monologs and/or short two-person scenes for auditions and competitions will find this book to be a valuable resource. Designed for professional actors seeking roles in TV shows, commercial and stage productions, it may also be used by student performers who wish to work at a professional level. Actors have been using these same scenes to win roles at New York, L.A. and Chicago TV and film studios. Students in acting classes have been using them to advance their acting experience. This book is divided into two categories of scenes: Comedy and Drama. Most scenes are generic, easily adaptable for use by male or female actors. Emphasis is on believable characters, no cartoon types.

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  • Improvisation For Actors And Writers


    by Bill Lynn, forward by Kip King. A guidebook for improv lessons in comedy. Far more than simply an overview of improv comedy, this book helps actors, writers and comedians learn the basics as taught in all the major comedy schools. First, the do’s and don’ts of the Comedy Improv Commandments. Next, the concepts that, when understood, hit the student like falling anvils: Anvil #1: Collaboration – Working with the “Group Mind,” Anvil #2: Agreement – “Just Say Yes,” Anvil #3: Foundation – “Who, What, and Where,” Anvil #4 – “Finding the Game.” There are twenty-nine chapters in five sections: 1. Improv Comedy Schools, 2. Improv Comedy Basics, 3. Comic Character Development, 4. Long Form Improv and 5. Writing Sketch Comedy. Successful improv requires the skill of the actor, the talent of the comedian and the ideas of the writer rolled into one. This book tells how it can all be done for performers and teachers.

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  • Teens Have Feelings Too


    By Deborah Karczewski. 100 monologs for young performers. A collection of original monologs for young people from eleven to fifteen years of age. The book offers characters that talk like, think like and feel like real-life kids. Each monologs runs forom one to three minutes in length. The individual monologs are perfect for acting exercises or audition pieces. Mixed and matched, they may be combined to make a show filled with moments both humorous and profound. Any young person will relate to the topics of these monologs. The monologs are divided into four sections: Girls Humorous, Boy Humorous, Girls Serious, Boys Serious. Sample titles: Butterfly, Braces, Report Card, Ditz, Gross Habits, Romeo, Prejudice, Two-Faced, Myths, Panic, Con Artist, Too Short, Piercing.

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  • Revelation


    SKU (ISBN): 9781565990432ISBN10: 1565990439David GuzikBinding: Trade PaperEnduring WordPublisher: Calvary Distribution Print On Demand Product

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  • Reading The Hebrew Bible For A New Millennium 1


    This addition to the prestigious Studies in Antiquity and Christianity (SAC) series is the first of a two-volume set of essays on the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. The essays focus on the exegetical methodology developed by Rolf P. Knierim at the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity in Claremont, California.

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  • Comparing Spiritualities


    In their book, Chilton and Neusner ask simply, “What are experiences both distinctive to the spiritual life of Torah and Christ, respectively, and also accessible to our common humanity?” Their response is to examine the experiences of “birth in the faith, death by the faith, and bearing witness to the faith.” Each writer explores the ways in which classical statements of Christ and Torah represent critical moments in a person’s life of faith, and offer a comparison of the spiritual piety that each religion teaches and nurtures.

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  • Crossing Galilee


    Recent books about Jesus and early Christianity can be divided into two kinds: those that examine the life and work of the historical Jesus prior to his death and those that reconstruct events between Jesus’ death and the writings of the first Gospels. Sawicki’s provocative book challenges the result of both kinds of research by using both archaeology and anthropology to situate Jesus clearly in his Galilean cultural context.

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  • 50 Great Monologs For Student Actors


    A workbook of comedy characterizations for students by Bill Majeski. These are professional-level comedy monologs, but they can be easily performed by talented high-school actors.Most of all the characterizations can be effectively performed by either sex. The emphasis is on comedy and social satire. Nothing is sacred, yet all monologs are within the boundaries of good taste. In most instances, the monologist is making fun of his/her own dilemmas of everyday living. Good contest material. Excellent for classroom use. Each monolog is three to five minutes long

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  • More Blessed To Give


    With years of experience as a parish priest, the author provides a concise and thorough guide to all aspects of the theology and practice of stewardship. His careful, step-by-step approach to giving and planning will help the reader consider a Bible-based theology of money; the development and presentation of the parish budget within this theological context; sacrificial giving and tithing; a detailed structure for the Every Member Canvass; and a program of year-round stewardship. Also included are stewardship success stories from a broad cross section of parishes, sermon examples, and sample mailing pieces for use in the Every Member Canvass.

    This classic resource, originally published as Stewardship: Myth and Methods, is a valuable development tool with a proven track record that’s highly praised by clergy and lay leaders throughout the church.

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  • Searching For Sacred Space


    Every Sunday we walk through those (probably red) doors and enter a sacred space. It is familiar . . . maybe comforting . . . maybe not . . . maybe downright uncomfortable and unwelcoming.

    In twelve thoughtful and provocative essays, the writers ask important questions about the relationship between sacred spaces and the worship that takes place in them:

    -How do our buildings convey a vision of God’s kingdom on earth?
    -How are our places of worship reflecting our beliefs?
    -In what visible, tangible forms are we proclaiming a faith in the living God?
    -How are our church buildings helping this church bring the Gospel into a new century?

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  • With Ever Joyful Hearts


    SKU (ISBN): 9780898693218ISBN10: 0898693217Editor: J. Neil AlexanderBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • Occasions Of Grace


    This latest offering of Byron Stuhlman is the third in his trilogy on the Prayer Book. It is also the conclusion of his study of the liturgy of the church begun in his previous book, Redeeming the Time. This book deals with the pastoral offices and episcopal services in the Book of Common Prayer using the method known as “comparative liturgy.” Stuhlman’s purpose is to explore at a deeper level the theological connections between these services and the faith which they articulate, rendering them effective in shaping lives according to the gospel.

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  • Episcopal Dictionary Of The Church


    “If you can’t find your rochet from your chimere, a tunicle from a maniple, or just love a good linguistic ramble, this is the place for you. If you are mildly mixed up on anamnesis, anaphora, and angelus, or you’d prefer a discussion of Sexagesima Sunday to some of the current topics, you will find solace here. It’s a wonderful resource.” –Patricia Nakamura, The Living Church

    Updated with a new cover, this is an indispensable resource for your home or parish office. With more than 3,000 clearly written entries, this book will be a handy, quick, general reference for Episcopalians, both lay and ordained. It includes material specific to the Episcopal Church and its history and polity, liturgy and theology, as well as subjects relevant to the whole church. Entries range from Aaronic Benediction to Zwingli.

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  • Lamb And His Enemies


    13 Chapters

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    Revelation is a closed and unapproachable part of Holy Scripture for many people. It is written in strange symbols and has been abused by many interpreters. The Lamb and his Enemies is an attempt to get serious Bible students into the pages of this beautiful book. Revelation need not be avoided. It is, as the first chapter of this volume insists, a book to be understood.

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  • Great Story


    13 Chapters

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    As we search for our “beginnings,” we are led back to Genesis. It is the story of God and His relationship with mankind-a book of emotion, history, adventure, and mystery.

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  • SoulWinning : A Classic On Biblical Christianity (Revised)


    Soulwinning is the energizing, ennobling life. We have put into practice the truths shared in this book. For well over a half-century in more than eighty nations, we have communicated the good news publicly, out where the poeple are, addressing audiences of 20,000 to 300,000 people.

    Discover the secret, the pleasure, the exhiliration of sharing God’s love in a hurting world. Experience new self-esteem. Winning others, you truly win Christ. Enriching people, your own life is enriched.
    -T.L. Osborn

    I am convinced this is the finest book that my father has yet authored. As a world evangelist, a teacher, a pastor, and a bishop, I know of no other literary work that brings such biblical focus to pastors and leaders, and such practical insight and uplifting self-esteem to Christian believers.

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  • Message And Mission


    SKU (ISBN): 9780878087563ISBN10: 0878087567E. A. NidaBinding: UnknownPublisher: William Carey Library Print On Demand Product

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  • People Movements In The Punjab


    SKU (ISBN): 9780878084173ISBN10: 0878084177Frederick StockBinding: UnknownPublisher: William Carey Library Print On Demand Product

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  • Home Grown Leaders


    SKU (ISBN): 9780878082360ISBN10: 0878082360Edgar EllistonBinding: UnknownPublisher: William Carey Library Print On Demand Product

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  • Bahai Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9780878081370ISBN10: 0878081372William MillerBinding: UnknownPublisher: William Carey Library Print On Demand Product

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  • Transforming Vision


    Science, technology and economic growth motivate our socity. Each is carried on with a little regard for Christian concerns. Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culturre. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform our world. To stimulate such change the authors analyze our troubled age, show us how it got that way and suggest a solution. Their clear presentatioin of a Christian world view forms the basis of their hope.

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  • How To Read The Psalms


    Dig deeper into one of the most fascinating books in the Bible! Theologian Longman helps you understand the various kinds of Psalms, the way they were used in Hebrew worship, their relationship to the rest of the Old Testament, and how you can apply them to your life today. Also included are step-by-step instructions for interpreting the Psalms and exercises for further study and reflection.

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  • Meaning Of The Millennium


    Prof Clouse has brought together four proponents of the four major millennial views:each view has had both a long history and a host of Christian adherents through the years. George Ladd presents historic premillennialism. Hoyt writes on dispenstional premillennialism.

    Boettner retired theologian discusses the postmillennial view. And finally Hoekema describes the amillennial position. After each essay the other three writers respond from their own perspective. This book is a debate among key Christian scholars on the meaning of the millennium.

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  • Women Authority And The Bible


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Evangelical advocates of traditional roles for women say the heart of the matter is biblical authority. Supporters of more open roles say the crux is biblical interpretation and application. The 26 evangelical leaders represented here ask the hard questions about women’s roles and refuse to shirk the hard exegesis needed to get answers. Essential reading for all concerned with women’s roles in the church.

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  • Gaal The Conqueror


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    When young Eleanor MacFarland runs away from home one winter night, John Wilson tries to find her. But as the boy follows her footsteps across a frozen Canadian Lake, he mysteriously passes through an invisible door – out of this world and into the greatest crisis yet to face the land of Anthropos. The two children suddenly find themselves swept into a conflict between the evil forces of the sorcerer Shagah and the rebels loyal to Gaal, Son of the High Emperor. Here is another exciting book of fantasy in the Archives of Anthropos from the creative pen of John White.

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  • Excellence In Leadership


    Sick of secular management strategies? White offers an alternative with a look at the model Nehemiah provides for present and future leaders.

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  • Tower Of Geburah


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    While investigating their Uncle John’s attic, Wesley, Kurt, and Lisa mysteriously find themselves transported to Anthropos, a land of dwarfs, goblins, and jinns. There they are unexpectedly given a mission to save a king and a country. In this fast-paced fantasy novel, you will discover how Anthropos was changed for all time. As with the other books in John White’s Archives of Anthropos, The Iron Sceptre, The Sword Bearer, and Gaal the Conqueror, this book will delight young and old alike.

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  • Revolutionary Forgiveness (Student/Study Guide)


    In this book in The Guide series Eric E. Wright examines the whole subject of forgiveness, including what it is (and what it isn’t!); forgiveness from both a personal and a heavenly perspective; who should take the first step; reconciliation; restitution and much more.

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  • Mildred Bangs Wynkoop



    1. Mildred Bangs: A Brief Biography
    2. Wynkoop’s Journey Toward A Theology Of Love
    3. The Role Of Scripture In Wynkoop’s Theology
    4. Wynkoop’s Theological Anthropology
    5. The Divine-Human Interaction
    6. Wynkoop’s Soteriology

    Glossary Of Terms

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    In this well-researched study, Johan Tredoux deftly recounts Dr. Wynkoop’s life and contribution to Wesleyan-Holiness studies. Emphasizing her theological development, Tredoux explores Wynkoop’s gradual move to a dynamic, relational, and christological understanding of sanctification.

    Scholarly yet readable, this volume is an outstanding addition to the library of any student of Wesleyan-Holiness theology. Combined with a glossary and an index, this book is an essential read and an invaluable stepping stone for further study.

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  • Everybodys Buddie


    SKU (ISBN): 9780834104600ISBN10: 0834104601Ruby WiseBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: The Foundry Publishing – formerly Beacon Hill Pres Print On Demand Product

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  • Peculiar People : The Church As Culture In A Postchristian Society



    /12 Chapters

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    Christians feel increasingly useless, argues Rodney Clapp, not because we have nothing to offer a post-Christian society, but because we are trying to serve as “sponsoring chaplains” to a civilization that no longer sees Christianity as necessary to its existence. In our individualistic, technologically oriented, consumer-based culture, Christianity has become largely irrelevant.

    The solution is not to sentimentally capitulate to the way things are. Nor is it to retrench in an effort to regain power and influence as the sponsor of Western civilization. What is needed is for Christians to reclaim our heritage as a peculiar people, as unapologetic followers of The Way.

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  • 1 New People


    If you are aware of the rich benefits of fellowship that crosses racial lines, but aren’t sure how to make that happen in your church, then this book is for you. Loaded with models from those who have done it, One New People will inspire you to broaden the ministry of your church. With questions to help groups process the material, it will give you everything you need to find the model that fits your situation so you can begin the process of change and growth. And if you are already in a multiethnic church, you’ll find ideas and principles for improving communication, developing new leadership and managing conflict from someone who has been there.

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  • Truth Is Stranger Than It Used To Be


    In this book the authors survey postmodern culture and philosophy, offering lucid explanations of such difficult theories as deconstruction. They are sympathetic to the postmodern critique, yet believe that a gospel stripped of its modernist trappings speaks a radical world of hope and transformation to our chaotic culture. This book is for those who wonder what postmodernism is and how biblical Christians might best respond.

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  • Strange Virtues : Ethics In A Multicultural World


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Strange Virtues is one of the first books to comprehensively consider ethics across cultures, addressing the ethical import of other religions and gender relations, exploring how the Bible and culture interact to produce ethical stances, and examining such particular case studies as bribery. It will be invaluable not only for missionaries, ethicists and students, but for all Christians who want to better understand neighbors right here at home.

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  • Millennial Maze


    In THE MILLENIAL MAZE, Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four positions held by evangelicals–postmillennialism, dispensational premillenialism, historic premillennialism and amillenialism. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each position, he seeks to cut a new path through the maze that reaffirms the valid insights of each and sounds a fresh note of hope in an age of shattered illusions.

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  • Creation Hypothesis


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    For a century the reigning scientific view has been that God is not necessary to account for the existence of the world and of life. Evolutionary theory is said to be all that is needed to explain how we got here. In addition, many theistic evolutionists contend that God likely used many of the mechanisms of evolution to achieve his will. In this book J.P. Moreland and a panel of scholars assert that there is actually substantial evidence pointing in a different direction. First, they consider philosophical arguments about whether it is possible for us to know if an intelligent designer had a hand in creation. They then look directly at four different areas of science: the origin of life, the origin of major groups of organisms, the origin of human language, and the origin and formation of the universe. Experts on this panel were: Stephen Meyer, William Dembski, Hugh Ross, Walter Bradley, Charles Thaxton, Kurt Wise, John Oller, John Omdahl, John Ankerberg, and John Weldon.

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  • Speaking Of Jesus


    Speaking of Jesus – How to Tell Your Friends the Best News They Will Ever Hear – will open your eyes to how ordinary people in commonplace situations can use everyday language to reveal the simple news about Jesus. A practical and helpful books on how to speak about Jesus so people will listen. If you worry about your unbelieving friends, read this book. It could change your life and theirs.

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  • Battle Of Beginnings


    Del Ratzsch examines the history of the debate and takes aim at entrenched positions that he argues impede progress from either side. Dissatisfied with both creationist fallacies and materialist misconstruals, he seeks to lay the groundwork for more fruitful dialogue. In considerable detail he looks at the history and development of Darwin’s theory and popular creationist misunderstandings of evolution, moving on to the history and development of creationist theory and popular evolutionist misunderstandings of it. He then discusses the nature of science and common creationist and evolutionist abuses as a prelude to showing why both sides have remained critical of theistic evolution.

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  • Waiting : Finding Hope When God Seems Silent


    Are you waiting? For a spouse, for a child, for a new career, for healing, for relief in an unhappy marriage? Patterson uncovers two virtues of waiting patiently: humility and hope. You’ll learn how humility teaches us that we exist for God’s sake, not our own; and how hope assures us that there is something worth waiting for.

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  • Women In Ministry


    May women teach or exercise authority over men? Should they be ordained? Questions like these rage in the debate over women in ministry. Four committed evangelicals, Robert Culver, Susan Foh, Alvera Mickelsen, and Walter Liefeld, explain their positions and respond to the others, making for a lively exchange of ideas.

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  • Divorce And Remarriage


    When it comes to divorce and remarriage, everyone appeals to Scripture—but no one agrees on what it says. In this book, four Christian thinkers (J. Carl Laney, William Heth, Thomas Edgar, and Larry Richards) debate the more perplexing points. Each essayist presents his own view and critiques the others. Case studies apply theories to real-life situations.

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  • Sewing Church Linens


    The classic book on sewing linens for the church is back in a revised edition. This complete explains the materials and equipment needed, a variety of hemming options, special instructions on the small linens such as purificators and palls, working with fair linens, white work embroidery, and caring for church linens. New to this edition are directions for rolled hems, chalice veils, more specific directions and an improved worksheet for planning shrinkage, special advice specifically for beginners, an updated “Source and Resource” section, and new patterns.

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  • Introduction To The Episcopal Church (Revised)


    This classic resource offers an enlightening overview of the Episcopal Church’s fascinating history and lore, including the Church year, buildings, symbolism, its vestments and customs. The author also offers insights into the Church’s government, Bible and Prayer Book, moral law, doctrine, sacraments, and requirements. Appendices on preparation for confirmation, an aid to self – examination, and prayers.

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  • Inside Out : Worship In An Age Of Mission


    Applying theology to worship and to the practice of liturgy, this innovative work reclaims the importance of word and sacrament as the center for the church’s life and witnesses. Drawing connections between liturgy and life, this collection deepens worship-life by helping congregations “to talk with each other about the ways we encounter the living God in worship;” and by strengthening “skills that enhance worship.” Worship in an Age of Mission addresses pastoral liturgical and sacramental issues at work in congregations today and offers a comprehensive vision for congregational life centered around word and sacrament.

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  • What Do Lutherans Believe About Baptism


    How can pastors explain infant baptism using scripture? When John Conrad looked for resources to help him, he found none that addressed the issue from an almost exclusively scriptural viewpoint. And he discovered that couples from differing religious backgrounds (such as Baptist and Roman Catholic) often opted not to baptize their children mainly because they couldn’t come to any point of agreement. So Conrad decided to fill this void — and his research is an excellent clarification of this often murky topic. What Do Lutherans Believe About Baptism? will be useful to pastors as background for a sermon series or as information to share with parents preparing for baptism. It also makes for an excellent short study on baptism for adult classes.

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  • Philippians And Philemon


    New in the Abingdon New Testament Commentary series, Carolyn Osiek’s concise look at Philippians & Philemon is a combination of up-to-date scholarship and clear exposition of Paul’s thought. While traditional exegetical questions and contemporary theological concerns are dealt with, special effort is given to probing the social controversies of the Pauline churches. Issues of gender roles and slavery are given particular attention as they arise in the text.

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  • Christian Ethics


    1. Choices
    2. Goals
    3. Rules
    4. Virtues
    5. Church
    6. Society
    Conclusion: Faith And Ethics

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    In this excellent outline of Christian ethics, Robin W. Lovin achieves a balance between the questions and issues which form the core of the study of ethics, and the life situations from which those questions arise.

    Eschewing a sectarian approach which dismisses other understandings of the moral life, Lovin nonetheless lays claim to a specifically Christian understanding of ethics. He begins with basic Christian convictions about the reality of God and human redemption and weaves these convictions into the fabric of moral concerns that are widely shared in contemporary society. He takes note of the problems that arise when Christians try to act on or enforce their convictions in a pluralistic society and recognizes the variety of theological and moral beliefs that are held within the Christian community, as well as in the wider society.

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  • Magnetic Music Ministry


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687007318ISBN10: 0687007313Bill Owens | Editor: Herb MillerBinding: Trade PaperEffective ChurchPublisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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