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  • Preaching Verse By Verse


    Ronald Allen and Gilbert Bartholomew introduce preachers to verse-by-verse praching, in which the sermon unfolds much like a commentary on the Bible: the preacher interprets the passage unit by unit. They note its applicability in a variety of settings and occasions, and offer practical suggestions for preparing a sermon in the style, including sample sermons from different genres and tips for keeping it fresh, vital, and engaging.

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  • Love Disconsoled : Meditations On Christian Charity


    Few concepts are more central to ethics than love, but none is more subject to varying interpretation. This book explores several theological, philosophical, and literary accounts of love, focusing on how it relates to matters such as freedom and duty. Timothy Jackson also examines two concepts that are fundamental to Biblical ethical discourse–abomination and liberation–and relates these extremes to love, freedom and duty. Throughout this book he defends the moral priority of a distinctive type of love (“agape”), and argues for a realistic ethic of love.

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  • Discover Your Spiritual Type


    From Urban T. Holmes’ spiritual typology and her own experience as a spiritual director and pastoral counselor, Ware provides a framework for people to name and understand their spiritual experience-in much the same way Myers-Briggs typology provides a framework for understanding personality type. Readers explore four spiritual types-head, heart, mystic, and Kingdom-and exercises allow individuals and groups to assess their type. Additional help for clergy to use this tool with congregations is included, which will help them gain greater understanding of how members learn about, worship, and celebrate God-and why there may be tension about such issues as the form or content of the worship service

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  • Clergy Self Care


    Nationally known for his work and teaching on clergy development, Oswald integrates research and experience into a liberating perspective on the pastoral calling. Discover how imbalances in your physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual lives can destroy the very ministry you seek to carry out. Learn what you can do to restore that balance. Packed with self-assessment tools, real-life experiences, and specific self-care strategies.

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  • Saying Goodbye : A Time Of Growth For Congregations And Pastors


    Leaving a pastorate is hard on both congregation and pastor. Learn how to make this transition a growth experience for all. Written for congregations and pastors, Goodbye skillfully weaves accounts from clergy, laity, and educators of seven denominations with White’s own insight as a former General Presbyter to create a resource for meaningful and healthy partings. Includes examples of a “farewell” worship service and litany for closure of a ministry.

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  • Inviting Church : A Study Of New Member Assimilation


    Ever wonder why some people never return after their first visit? Why some join but you rarely see them? Or why others become active participants in your church family’s life and worship? Discover how your congregation can meet growth challenges. Based on Alban Institute research, The Inviting Church includes a self-study design for assessing assimilation processes and analyzing visitors’ perceptions.

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  • Running Through The Thistles


    Can how you leave a church affect your feelings about leaving or create “baggage” you take to your new congregation? Gain insight into termination styles and how they affect both you and your parishioners. Oswald guides you through Alban Institute research findings, using real-life illustrations.

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  • Firestorm : Preventing And Overcoming Church Conflicts (Reprinted)


    According to one survey, as many as one third of all congregations have suffered conflicts severe enough to result in the firing or forced resignation of one or more of their pastors. Ron Susek, who has firsthand experience of the lasting effects of church controversy and has ministered to churches in turmoil, offers a detailed portrait of how events can often spiral out of control–not unlike the flames of a wildfire.

    Firestorm describes the six successive phases through which conflicts generally pass. In each phase, Susek identifies the tensions that tend to develop, explains how they are compounded if left unresolved, and offers practical, spiritual guidance for pastors and congregational leaders.

    The book also explains the spiritual, social, and psychological causes of conflict; the most appropriate means for dealing with controversy in its various stages; and what can be done in the firestorm’s aftermath to restore faith and hope.

    A detailed plan of action is included.

    If you think that God fell into good fortune the day you committed your wonderful leadership skills to his work and that the two of you are building a masterpiece of a church that will stand until the Lord returns, then don’t bother reading this book. Enjoy your illusion while it lasts.

    If, on the other hand, you have been in the ministry long enough to know that your church could blow into a firestorm of conflict despite your best efforts and that it demands a constant vigil to keep the temperature set at spiritually warm, not destructively hot, then this book may be of some assistance.

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  • Transforming Rituals : Daily Practices For Changing Lives


    Today’s rapid, deep, and pervasive changes in North American culture present myriad challenges for faith communities now and in the years ahead. Oswald explores the use of rituals as spiritually healing practices for the home, congregation, and broader community. He teaches congregational leaders how individuals and groups can use familiar new rituals to name, evaluate, live out, celebrate, and grow through change.

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  • Generous Saints : Congregations Rethinking Ethics And Money


    A constructive theology and ethics of money in the Christian life, this series addition is by James Hudnut-Beumler, dean and associate professor of religion and culture at Columbia Theological Seminary, and deals with vital questions. “What does the Lord require? what is the true meaning of the term ‘commonwealth?’ and how does the church build a stable base for its members to live ethical lives?” A positive approach to forming the basis for new thought and discussion.

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  • Total Ministry : Reclaiming The Ministry Of All Of Gods People


    Used successfully in Episcopal dioceses and congregations, Total Ministry describes a new way for local congregations (especially small ones) and judicatories to organize their response to God’s call and to provide resources, support, and encouragement for ministry-a way that is not dependent only on full-time, seminary-trained, ordained leaders.

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  • Music In Churches


    Clergy, worship or music committees, organists, and choir or music directors will find this a practical and invaluable guide to the role and power of music to express and form faith. Clark researched twenty-four Episcopal and United Methodist congregations to discover how churchgoers express their faith through music. Discover how music can either enhance or detract from tradition and faith experience. Explore how it can shape your congregation’s character.

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  • Understanding Your Congregation As A System (Reprinted)


    Parsons and Leas have created an important tool for congregational leaders in this application of systems theory to evaluating a congregation’s life and readiness for change. Church leaders can explore the forces at work and examine the systemic implications in seven key areas: strategy, process, pastoral and lay leadership, authority, relatedness, and learning. The Manual provides an overview of systems theory, complete instructions for administering and scoring the Congregational Systems Inventory (CSI), and guidance for interpreting and explaining the inventory results using sample scores. Be sure to order some packs of the CSI along with this valuable resource

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  • Single In The Church


    Single adults are expected to comprise 52% of all Americans by the year 2000. Explore the concerns, needs, and fears of this segment of our society and how your church may be ignoring it. Discover practical ways churches have opened their ministries, worship, and congregational life to include singles. An eye-opening discovery that a church growth model need not rely on family-oriented programs and structures

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  • Making Your Church More Inviting


    If you’ve read the book or viewed the course, now lead your church in study with this workbook approach to Alban’s Inviting Church materials. Its fifteen sessions are designed to help clergy or lay leaders guide committees or study groups through a dynamic exploration of their congregation’s IQ (invitation quotient). Discover how well you invite, welcome, and incorporate new members. As participants uncover the inviting elements of your church, they develop a personal witness style that emerges comfortably from their individual gifts.

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  • Evaluating Ministry : Principles And Processes For Clergy And Congregations


    Grounding evaluation in the theological and organizational context of mission (everyone a minister), Hudson describes case studies of four successful evaluation models that include the whole church. She suggests how “whole church” reviews might result in stronger pastoral ministry and new directions for mission. An important resource that will help clergy and laity explore mutual ministry, judicatory executives strengthen congregations, and new pastors get through their first congregational evaluation.

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  • Once And Future Church


    Mead takes a broad look at past and present changes in the church, and postulates a future to which those changes are calling us. Denominations, once structured to deliver resources to far-off lands of foreign mission, now encounter the mission field in the layperson’s workplace and the community surrounding the local congregation. Thus, the church is called to reinvention for this new mission frontier. Study guide information follows.

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  • Personality Type And Religious Leadership


    Combining pastoral and behavioral science expertise, the authors spell out ways type and temperament theory illuminate the clergy role. Learn how to use the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types to recognize and affirm your gifts, work with your liabilities, and understand and accept those with whom you minister.

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  • HarperCollins Concise Guide To World Religions


    The definitive dictionary of the world’s religions, compiled by two of the 20th century’s most distinguished religion scholars.

    This highly accessible resource distils Mircea Eliade’s lifework of detailing and comparing humanity’s entire religious heritage, providing fascinating insights into the character and worldview of the 33 principal religions. Including Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Judaism, Islam, Shinto, Shamanism, Taoism, South American religions, Baltic and Slavic religions, Confucianism, and the religions of Africa and Oceania, The HarperCollins Concise Guide to World Religions covers all kinds of religious figures, histories, sacred texts, mythologies, and mystical techniques.

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  • Every Man In The Bible


    A comprehensive, fully illustrated exploration of every man mentioned in the Bible. Dr. Larry Richards, award-winning writer and editor, has produced more than 100 books and study Bibles used in churches, schools, and colleges. Dr. Richards resides in Hudson, FL.

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  • Theology And Contemporary Culture


    Drawing from postliberal, revisionary and Latin American liberation theological perspectives, David Kamitsuka offers proposals on theological method and doctrine responsive to the intellectual, pastoral and socio-political challenges of contemporary culture. He recasts inter-movement polemics in order to forge a theological approach which promotes what are often considered to be competing values among these three theological movements: solidarity with the oppressed (liberationist), redescribing the Christian communal sense of scripture (postliberal), and fully critical reflection (revisionist). The author advocates an apologetic strategy entailing coherentist and consensus elements for justifying Christian claims in the pluralistic public realm. He provides a model for reading scripture theologically which addresses the challenges of poststructuralism and a globally diverse Church. Kamitsuka uses rule theory to adjudicate doctrinal disputes on the relationship between salvation and political liberation, and he proposes methodological ‘virtues’ for theological practice rooted in practical judgements concerning the vitality and fidelity of Christian communities.

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  • Action Tools For Effective Managers


    All day long, managers deal with one challenge or another: complaints from staff, delegating work no one wants to do, jealousy and hurt feelings, performance reviews, even “small” problems like telephone abuse. It’s exhausting! This book gives time-pressed managers succinct, pragmatic tools for taking action instantly on more than 65 common problems. For each problem, the book presents: 1. A brief case study that demonstrates the on-the-job problem in clear, human terms that anyone can relate to 2. Insightful analysis of the case study, explaining the issues that need to be addressed 3. Specific tools that help solve the situation, including step-by-step guidelines, checklists, standard procedures…and lots of practical advice.

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  • 4 Gospels


    Why did the early church opt for four different versions of Jesus’ life, when Tatian or Marcion preferred one consistent harmony? Did Paul really disregard Jesus’ earthly life in his proclamation? After thoroughly examining all first- and second-century documents, Hengel challenges scholarly conventions.

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  • Behavioral Covenants In Congregations (Workbook)


    This down-to-earth workbook gets to the heart of modern congregational life: how to live creatively together despite differences of age, race, culture, opinion, gender, theological or political position. Alban Senior Consultant Gil Rendle explains how to grow by valuing our differences rather than trying to ignore or blend them. He describes a method of establishing behavioral covenants that includes leadership instruction, training tools, resources (visual models, examples of specific covenants), small-group exercises, plans for meetings and retreats.

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  • In Between Church


    Alban Senior Consultant Mann draws on her lengthy experience in helping congregations deal with the hurdles and anxieties of expansion or contraction in size. Often, congregations experiencing size change do not recognize the need to change culture and form as part of the successful adaptation process. Mann details the adjustments in attitude-as well as practice-that are necessary to support successful size change.

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  • Leading Change In The Congregation


    Many books have been written about leadership and change, but until now none has focused on the kind of change that tears at a community’s very fabric. Alban senior consultant Gil Rendle provides a respectful context for understanding change, especially the experiences and resistances that people feel. Rendle pulls together theory, research, and his work with churches facing change to provide leaders with practical diagnostic models and tools. In a time when change is the norm, this book helps to “lead change” in a spiritual and healthy way.

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  • Discerning Your Congregations Future


    Drawing on extensive consulting experience with congregations, the authors provide a step-by-step guide to congregational planning that grounds strategic planning techniques in a process of spiritual discernment. The result: members will own the vision and be eager to participate in the congregation’s calling, life, and ministry. You and your planning committee learn the theory behind the techniques, along with receiving help for addressing specific situations.

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  • Costuming Made Easy


    1. Materials
    2. Theatrical Costumes
    3. Christmas Costumes
    4. Storybook Costumes
    5. Quick And Easy Costumes

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    A book on how to make theatrical costumes from cast-off clothing by Barb Rogers. Make your own theatrical costumes for less than a day’s rental price and make them your way without conventional sewing using patterns. Included in this book are more than 110 ingenious costume designs with photos and diagrams. Included: Princess, Prince, Clown, Devil, Witch, Medieval Lady, Elves, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Pinocchio and many more. Also costumes for leading characters in popular shows: Camelot, Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls, King and I, Pirates of Penzance and more

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  • Restoring Margin To Overloaded Lives


    Feeling pressured by life? Work through the issues that overload you using this interactive guide. Based on Dr. Richard Swenson’s best-selling book Margin and its companion book, The Overload Syndrome. For groups or individuals.

    Do you feel like you’re living at high speed and things just keep going faster and faster?
    Are you finding yourself without the time, money, physical or emotional energy to accomplish the tasks of a given week or month?
    Then you’re headed for system failure.

    Whether you’re facing it now, or want to prevent it, this workbook is for you. Use these eleven lessons to understand load and limits, find balance, and maintain priorities. You-or your small group-will find its intermingled questions, exercises, and quotes applicable additions to Dr. Swenson’s helpful teaching. Based on his best-selling book Margin and related title, The Overload Syndrome, this workbook will be a useful tool for preventing negative stress and restoring margin to your overloaded life.

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  • Keith Parks : Breaking Barriers And Opening Frontiers


    Chapter 1. Pushing To The Frontier Of Missions
    Chapter 2. From The Texas Plains To Indonesia’s Islands
    Chapter 3. Missionary On Administrative Assignment
    Chapter 4. Double-Edged Crisis For Parks And For Baptists
    Chapter 5. Shaping A New Pioneer Outreach
    Chapter 6. The Legacy Of Keith Parks

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    Great movements in the history of Christian missions often have started with few people perceiving their eventual importance. Such was the case when Dr. R. Keith Parks led Baptists to unprecedented engagement of the least-evangelized peoples of Asia and North Africa in the mid-1980s.

    This biography of Keith Parks introduces one of the premier mission leaders of the twentieth century. Parks has served in Baptist global missions for 45 years, first as missionary, administrator, and president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Foreign Mission Board, and then as Global Missions Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

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  • 1-2 Peter Jude


    8 Chapters

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    “Combines scholarly approaches to these neglected books with clear exposition and timely application. Use of Anabaptist sources will appeal to a wide audience: preachers, students, and church folk. We applaud the volume heartily.” – Ralph P. Martin, Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Fuller Theological Seminary..

    Erland Waltner, Elkhart, Indiana, a seminary professor and church leader, explains how 1 Peter applies Jesus’ teaching on loving the enemy to believers in Asia Minor. Peter empowers them to be communities of hope, not retaliating for abuse they suffer, but bearing witness to their Lord by word, lifestyle, and doing good.

    J. Daryl Charles, Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, shows how 2 Peter and Jude are relevant since the church still faces ethical compromises and pastoral dilemmas. The apocalyptic imagery stresses that the concerns of Christian faithfulness and faith are crucial. The church needs such moral exhortation.

    “Solid biblical exposition in a reader-friendly format. Offers careful and detailed analysis of these books in clear, accessible language. Quotes Anabaptists working out understandings of faith under intense suffering. Valuable for pastors, Sunday school teachers, and serious students.” – Dorothy Jean Weaver, Professor Of New Testament, Eastern Mennonite Seminary

    “This volume redeems 1-2 Peter and Jude for the church today. Waltner shows that 1 Peter is a letter of encouragement to those being persecuted for their faith because they are living by a Christian ethic in their stations in life. Charles sees 2 Peter and Jude as emphasizing right living, orthopraxis.” – David Schroeder, Professor Emeritus, Canadian Mennonite Bible College

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  • Who Put The Skunk In The Trunk


    Lawman John Stranger returns to Denver with a marvelous wedding present for Breanna and together they anticipate the ceremony. Then, just weeks before the wedding, John is sent to Phoenix to solve a difficult case for the U.S. Marshal’s office. His work there sets him against a gang of outlaws who are bent on revenge. Now, its uncertain whether the ceremony will take place as planned, or if John and Breanna will find themselves on their way to their honeymoon or a very different place.

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  • By Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071412ISBN10: 1574071416Binding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1999Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • By Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071405ISBN10: 1574071408Binding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1999Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • Attending Parishioners Spiritual Growth


    In this clarion call to tend to spiritual growth, Williamsen provides a much-needed resource for clergy. Discover how to assist parishioners in their prayer and spiritual life. Learn how individual spiritual growth can flow back into the congregation’s growth as a community. Explore new ideas and practical approaches to using Christian education, worship, retreats, devotional guides, and church meetings as tools to achieve spiritual growth. Learn about spirituality gender differences; the importance of your own spiritual life; spiritually grounding lay leaders; encouraging spiritual friendships and study groups. For clergy interested in developing spirituality at the individual level; seminary professors who want to help their students explore this aspect of parish ministry; and judicatory executives who wish to encourage their clergy in this area.

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  • Authority Vested A Print On Demand Title


    In recounting the history of the denomination, TOdd uses the ministry of women as a case study to show how the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has continually redefined its concept of authority in order to maintain its own historic identity. Based on oral histories and solid archival research, Authority Vested not only explores the internal life of a significant denomination but also offers critical insights for other churches seeking to maintain their Christian distinctives in religiously pluralistic America.

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  • Faith


    You may have faith, but may also realize that it can mean many things. Is it belief or trust or waiting or moral behavior or something else? Or is it all those things? This resource targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. It challenges you to examine a powerful biblical image that defines and shapes your life, and includes these helpful features: Bible background on the particular image: faith. Articles on group leadership, organizing a study group, using small Break-Out groups, and choosing teaching options. Case studies throughout the text and in the appendix to use as discussion starters or as a bridge to your own experiences. Seven easy-to-lead sessions with clear teaching helps on every page. Options for service projects.

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  • Prophecy Of Isaiah


    After over three decades of studying and teaching Isaiah, Alec Motyer presents a wealth of comment and perspective on this book. Although his emphasis is on the grammatical, historical, structural, literary and theological dimensions of the text, Motyer writes with an eye on its meaning for Christians today. Based on the author’s knowledge of the Hebrew text, but utilizing the New International Version, the commentary easily accommodates readers without knowledge of Biblical Hebrew.

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  • Our God Is Wonderful


    1. God’s Wonderful Creation
    2. God’s Wonderful Providence
    3. God’s Wonderful Redemption

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    We should take time to revel in all God’s creation. Everything He made is marvelous beyond description. Everyone owes it to himself or herself to be awestruck by the demensions of the universe, the number of stars, and the precision with which they move. No one should miss the mind-boggling world of potential in the living cell. What a tragedy it would be to go through life hugging the commonplace and missing the beautiful, majoring in the mundane and missing the majestic. So let’s stop and smell the roses and also admire God’s works in the universe.

    In this thrilling book, a companion volume to his popular The Wonders Of God, the author takes us on a journey through creation, providence, and redemption–proving again that Our God Is Wonderful. The more we spend time with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will become like Him.

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  • Once And Future Pastor


    Hobgood examines new pressures on clergy that are emerging in the “post-Christendom era:” financial stresses; the effects of a conflicted and confrontational culture; the needs of an increasing number of people living broken or dependent lives; dysfunctional behavior on the part of pastors and parishioners; questions regarding clergy respect and job satisfaction. How is ministry being affected by these changes? What skills will clergy need as they enter the new century? An invaluable resource thoroughly grounded in research and full of practical observations for clergy, judicatory executives, seminary professors, and long-range planners.

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  • Embracing Diversity : Leadership In Multicultural Congregations


    Explore a variety of approaches congregations have taken to embrace differences; identify leadership issues diversity creates in congregations; and discover programmatic suggestions drawn from the experience of multicultural congregations to address these issues. This book helps readers to understand their own experience with racial and cultural differences and is a guide for gathering diverse people into the life and mission of the congregation

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  • User Friendly Evaluation


    Each congregation must evaluate itself in light of its own mix of gifts, backgrounds, talents, and opportunities. Presenting the best of evaluation theory past and present, Woods shows clergy and lay leaders how to engage in mutual evaluation-not judgment-of ministry, mission, and community as a shared responsibility. The goal is building up the congregation. A special chapter provides commentary from church evaluation experts Roy Oswald (Alban), Paul Light (ABUSA denominational staff), and Jill Hudson (PCUSA judicatory executive) on dilemmas congregations face in evaluation

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  • Small Groups In The Church


    This planning and leader training handbook offers a distinctive broad-based, small-group approach to building community. From the Jewish havurot to Christian koinonia, you will gain a thorough understanding of community, learn how to plan an effective small-group ministry, how to select and train leaders for all kinds of small groups, and how to start small groups that are a part of and not apart from their congregations. Appendices provide an overview of the sociological, psychological, and biblical theological literature on community and a wealth of presentation and leader training resources.

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  • Story Of My Life As Told By Jesus Christ


    The story of my life as told by Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John combined into one complete gospel written in first person singular. Listen to Jesus, the Christ, tell you His own story. In chronological order watch the days, weeks, times, places and festivals pass by. For the firt time–in unbroken order, you are there, as your Lord tells you the story of His life.

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  • Pastoral Visitation


    This book integrates the theory and practice of pastoral visitation to increase the effectiveness of pastors and trained laity for an intentional, proactive program of pastoral visitation in the local church. In order to increase pastoral visitor’s positive experiences of effectiveness, the author presents basic “how to” information in a straightforward manner characterized by vivid illustrations and case studies. The book provides a theological basis for pastoral visitation.

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  • Pulse Of Creation


    Paul Sponheim here articulates the felt need for transformation – personal, social, cultural, even global conversion – and how the Christian doctrine of creation, making “all things new,” might yet prove a vehicle for the rescue and even betterment of our predicament.

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  • Hidden Book In The Bible


    Renowned biblical sleuth and scholar Richard Elliot Friedman reveals the first work of prose literature in the world-a 3000-year-old epic hidden within the books of the Hebrew Bible. Written by a single, masterful author but obscured by ancient editors and lost for millennia, this brilliant epic of love, deception, war, and redemption is a compelling account of humankind’s complex relationship with God. Friedman boldly restores this prose masterpiece-the very heart of the Bible-to the extraordinary form in which it was originally written.

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  • P Sukei D Zimrah Morning Psalms


    “The prayer book is our Jewish diary of the centuries, a collection of prayers composed by generations of those who came before us, as they endeavored to express the meaning of their lives and their relationship to God. The prayer book is the essence of the Jewish soul.”
    This stunning work, an empowering entryway to the spiritual revival of our times, enables all of us to claim our connection to the heritage of the traditional Jewish prayer book. It helps rejuvenate Jewish worship in today’s world, and makes its power accessible to all.
    This third volume of the series explores the rich content and meaning of the P’sukei D’zimrah, the morning psalms that serve as the introduction to the larger prayer service. The P’sukei D’zimrah sets the tone and prepares the way for the daily transition from secular routine to the sacred act of communal prayer; Vol. 3 helps us to appreciate this “prayer before the prayer” as a profoundly moving spiritual experience in its own right.
    Vol. 3-P’sukei D’zimrah (Morning Psalms) features the authentic Hebrew text with a new translation designed to let people know exactly what the prayers say. Introductions tell the reader what to look for in the prayer service, as well as how to truly use the commentaries, to search for-and find-meaning in the prayer book. Commentaries from some of today’s most eminent scholars and teachers from all movements of Judaism examine P’sukei D’zimrah from the perspectives of ancient Rabbis and modern theologians, as well as feminist, halakhic, Talmudic, linguistic, biblical, Chasidic, mystical, and historical perspectives.
    Even those not yet familiar with the prayer book can appreciate the spiritual richness of P’sukei D’zimrah. My People’s Prayer Book enables all worshipers, of any denomination, to encounter their own connection to 3,000 years of Jewish experience with the world and with God.

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  • Making A Good Move


    If you’re thinking of applying for a position in another church, you’ll appreciate the sensible guidance Coyner offers on transitioning from one pastorate to another! Discover how to establish working relationships with church members, move smoothly out of the “honeymoon” phase, and more. A valuable resource for new and seasoned pastors.

    Michael Coyner argues that though the early months and years of a new pastorate can be stressful and difficult, they can also be particularly fruitful. These new beginnings can be among the most rewarding times of a pastor’s career, especially if the minister seizes opportunities for establishing and strengthening relationships with church members and plans carefully for the transition out of the initial “honeymoon” period. Drawing on years of experience as a pastor of local congregations as well as extensive work supervising pastors, Coyner provides solid, sensible guidance on making a good move into a successful ministry. Written in consultation with pastors from both “call” and “appointment” systems, this book will be of value to those who are starting a new ministry placement, whether they be fresh out of seminary or long-time seasoned veterans.

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  • God And The Victim A Print On Demand Title


    A strong collection of essays that focuses, from a variety of perspectives, on how the Christian community can better minister to crime victims. This book is not made up of armchair reflections, but rather attempts to translate theological reflection into practical application, to make relevant the Bible to the lives of those in need.

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