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  • Praying For Friends And Enemies (Student/Study Guide)


    In this book, Vennard guides individuals or small groups by providing questions for reflection and discussion, and suggestions for intercession-related activities. Her wise counsel will help both new and experienced pray-ers explore the ministry of intercessory prayer.

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  • Wrinkled Wrappings


    Wrinkled Wrappings is a series of pulpit messages for Advent and Christmas carved from the pen and emanating from the heart of a distinguished preacher whose messages inspire hope in the hearts of believers. Brokhoff is especially skilled at relating biblical stories to modern life. The flowing style of these sermons is peppered with gripping illustrations that catch us where we are and carry us along as he shines the light of God’s Word into our lives.

    Sermons are based on texts from Mark, Luke, John, and Isaiah.

    Sermon titles include:
    You’re Going To Have A Baby
    Good News For Bad Times
    God With A Human Face
    Happy Next Year?

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  • Who Me Do A Program 1


    The title of this book is a cry often heard by leaders of organizations. This resource is a response to that cry. Designed to be a 12-month guide, there are programs for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, the Christmas season, Lent and more.
    The programs are designed for easy implementation at women’s meetings, youth gatherings and congregational events. Leader’s helps are provided to indicate what props, songs and readers are needed. This collection of 15 programs is reflective, at times humorous, and includes skits, meditations and other suggestions to fit particular seasons.

    Programs for various months include:
    * February — A Heart Filled With Love
    * March — From Slavery To Sainthood
    * May — A Humorous Look At Some Hopeful Women
    * July — God’s Picnic Basket
    * August — The Armor Of God
    * October — In Pursuit Of The Right Spirit
    * November — The Exodus Murmurs
    * … and eight more

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  • 1st Christmas Present Ever


    Versatile — “ready-to-use” — no memorization required. Just what the volunteer ordered.

    This program is appropriate for Christmas Eve or any Sunday morning in Advent. Involving children of all ages and one adult, it can be used in any size church with a few participants or many. Two versions — a longer version intended for a full-length service and a shortened version to be used in place of a sermon — are also included.

    Symbols of Christmas (a tree, ornaments, candy canes, a creche and more) are combined with biblical readings and brief dialogue to create a greater understanding of Christian traditions. While the narrative dialogue is being read, a silent, active nativity scene is shown to illustrate the first Christmas present ever. (Copying privileges included.)

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  • Reflections Of Light Ponderings Of Mary The Mother


    Here are five brief dramatic monologues that tell the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary. A suggested order of worship includes hymns, scripture and a candlelighting ceremony, but the monologues could be used throughout Advent during the lighting of the Advent candles, in Sunday school or even weekday programs.

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  • Contemporary Lectionary Prayers Cycle A


    Lord of the harvest, we hear that you need laborers.
    For our benefit, please review the qualifications.
    Will biblical knowledge be a consideration?
    Is there an age limitation?
    How about ethnic origin? Any preferences there?
    Does family background enhance our chances of a good assignment?
    Excuse me? These things are irrelevant? Jesus is the only reference required?
    Forgive me for asking too many questions.
    I am ready to work, Lord. It is quite obvious that you are going to have to help me.
    Thank you, Lord. Amen.
    (Prayer for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)

    These and other prayers for each Sunday of the Cycle A Lectionary may be used for congregational worship as is or modified for antiphonal reading. The style is conversational and written in the language of today.

    On the corresponding page of each prayer is:
    a listing of the assigned lectionary Gospel
    a Gospel theme
    a Gospel note
    the liturgical color of the day
    suggested hymns

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  • Preaching The Parables Series 2 Cycle A


    Parables provide insights and lessons which are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the Parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians.

    With each parable Keeney includes:
    Scripture Text -so readers don’t have to refer to the Bible
    of the church year
    of the passage or verse
    of the other lections for the day
    of the scriptures
    of the pericope
    Homily Hints
    “Point of Contact”
    “Points to Ponder”
    Illustrative Materials

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  • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 5 Cycle A


    Bigger, stronger, better! Russell Anderson has taken the most original and successful lectionary resource in history and improved on it. He has kept all of the traditional features that have made it a classic, such as: overviews of each liturgical season, commentaries compatible with the Revised Common and Roman Catholic lectionaries (plus Lutheran and Episcopal lections for those gradually converting to the Revised Common Lectionary), an introduction to the featured Gospel narrator (Matthew, in Cycle A), theological reflections for exploring the relationships between the texts, wide margins for note-taking and a stay-flat binding.

    Instead of stopping there, though, he has added: a 7″ x 10″ one-size-fits-all format, a suggested sermon title for each week, a Sermon Angle which briefly explicates the theological theme for the day (sometimes providing two or three of them) and two to four illustrative stories per chapter.

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  • Invitations To The Light Cycle A


    The fascination of story telling is felt in these eleven sermons for the Pentecost season. Vibrantly illustrated, they powerfully communicate the good news of God’s love. Wolkenhauer writes, “The use of story in preaching can be a memorable way to proclaim the Gospel. In these sermons I have sought a variety of examples for the use of story in sermons.

    Included here are sermons for the final third of the Season after Pentecost, Christ the King Sunday, All Saints’ Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Reformation Sunday.

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  • Good News For The Hard Of Hearing Cycle A


    Jesus spoke to people whose “hearts have grown dull, and their ears hard of hearing” — like today’s churchgoers who think they know what the preacher is going to say before the sermon begins. These sermons use parable and paradox, narrative and humor, imagination and solid biblical scholarship to tell the good news people don’t expect to hear.

    I hear best what I want to hear and I shut out the things I don’t want to hear. I hear, “Great sermon, Pastor!” better than I hear, “I notice your hair is getting thinner” … I have no problem at all hearing the good news that I am forgiven. I have a really hard time hearing a parable that tells me I will suffer the tortures of the damned until I forgive. These sermons have been influenced by preachers who have gotten through to me despite my spiritual hearing impairment. Craddock, Buechner and Lowry … David Buttrick … Harry Emerson Fosdick … (from author’s preface)

    Sermons in this book are based on lections for the middle third of the Season after Pentecost.

    Sermon titles include:
    Prayer and Compassion Fatigue — Matthew 14:13-21
    Love Without Limits — Matthew 15:10-28
    Good News: Life Is Not Fair — Matthew 20:1-16
    Why Do We Ignore Warning Signs? — Matthew 21:33-46

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  • Veiled Glimpses Of Gods Glory


    This volume makes clear why Robert Grilley has won awards and wide acclaim for his preaching. These messages bring the reality of God to contemporary life.
    He listens as we sometimes speak of how difficult it is to find God and how we receive only veiled glimpses of His glory. These sermons allow us to discover that the Almighty is actually trying to find us … as the love of One searching for absent sheep, crying aloud through the night in a familiar voice and reaching down steep ravines with his shepherd’s crook. It is the love of One waiting wistfully at the gate where the road winds in from a far country, tenderly whispering a name through choked tears and hoping that some day the silhouette of a long lost child will again appear on the horizon.

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  • Tenders Of The Sacred Fire Cycle A


    These sermons are based on First Lesson lectionary texts for the first third of the Season after Pentecost, Cycle A.

    [Bob Cueni’s] preaching meets the unspoken criteria most pew residents bring to a church sanctuary: 1) biblically rooted, 2) easy to understand, 3) tells me something about myself that I feel God wants me to know, and 4) encourages me to believe that I can apply this truth to my life…. His communication style evokes the highest praise pulpit residents can give their peers: “That will preach!”
    Herb Miller Lubbock, Texas

    Sermon titles include:
    The Risky Business Of Faith — Genesis 12:1-9
    When Life Doesn’t Go According To Plan — Genesis 21:8-21
    Don’t Sell Your Inheritance For Cabbage Soup — Genesis 25:19-34

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  • Jesus Epilogue To The Sermon On The Mount


    Charles Link takes the unique approach that the Lord’s Prayer is a further interpretation of Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount, summarizing the major themes of his teachings and providing a means for “signing on” to their morally demanding and culture countering ethics.

    Designed with two six-chapter sections, its frequent references to the Lord’s Prayer make this book a useful companion to the Lord’s Prayer sermon series, A New Hearing Of An Old Prayer, by Thomas C. Short (CSS Publishing Co. 1995). In the first half of the book Link explores the realm of God. In the second half he outlines our role in that realm. Readers will particularly enjoy the author’s questions and group participation suggestions to stimulate their learning and growth. This book will give the Lord’s Prayer new meaning.

    Chapter titles include:
    Jesus As Teacher Of The Realm Of God
    Trusting Our Parent-God
    Forgiven Forgivers
    An “Amen” People

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  • Mothers Of The Bible


    We often hear of the lack of and the need for, strong role models in our society. This worship service, about 10 biblical women who overcame seemingly impossible situations by being faithful to God, provides just such role models, The traumatic experiences and depths of faith of these women, though poignant, are rarely considered in today’s society.

    These 10 women came from various levels of society and had different types of problems. Yet, they all knew God as their only hope and refuge. An excellent resource for Mother’s Day, it is also great for other special occasions.

    Characters included are:
    * Hagar
    * Sarah
    * Moses’ mother
    * Rahab
    * Deborah
    * Naomi and Ruth
    * Hannah
    * Esther
    * Elizabeth

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  • Tongues Of Fire


    Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.

    Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.

    Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.

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  • Theology Of The Gospel Of John


    Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
    D. Moody Smith lucidly explains the theological ideas of the Gospel of John, one of the most important documents of the New Testament. He concentrates on its presentation of Jesus as the Christ, and deals also with such topics as God, the scriptures, the Church, and the spirit. These topics are related insofar as possible to the specific setting in which the Gospel was written, since one cannot understand such theological concepts in the abstract. The book is an ideal introduction to the question of the origin of the Gospel of John as well as its theology.

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  • God Medicine And Suffering (Reprinted)


    Why does a good and all powerful God allow us to experience pain and suffering? Drawing on stories of ill and dying children to clarify his discussion of theological issues, Hauerwas explores why we so desperately seek explanations for suffering and evil in today’s world and demonstrates why the solutions that have been suggested are doomed to failure. Alternatively, he shows us a God who, through his believing community, “can give a voice to that pain in a manner that at least gives us a way to go on.”

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  • Faith And Knowledge


    In this book, Douglas Sloan explores the impact that the Protestant theological renaissance had on American colleges and universities. In particular, Sloan focuses on the church’s most significant claim to have a continuing voice in higher education: its particular ability to demonstrate a connection between faith and the dominant modern conceptions of knowledge. Sloan looks at the ways the mainline Protestant churches did, and did not, deal effectively with this faith-knowledge situation and the subsequent cessation of the church’s large-scale engagement with American higher education.

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  • From Christ To The World


    New! An exciting introductory reader with selections from key thinkers on Scripture, tradition, philosophy, science, methodology, sex, medicine, politics, economics, and environment. From classic sources to the contemporary.

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  • Foundations Of Wesleyan Arminian Theology


    Herein is a most discriminating study of the basic differences between historic Calvinism and Arminianism and the developments in both theological traditions that have created the mounting barriers to the understanding of each other’s position. Dr. Wynkoop deals authoritatively with the critical issues, and incisively cuts through the prevalent fuzzy theological concepts, but all with delicacy and understanding. The monumental contribution of John Wesley in defining the doctrine of sanctification is a key emphasis in the book, along with the central issue of Christian assurance. Paper.

    128 pages.

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  • Matthew Mark And Luke Volume 1 A Print On Demand Title


    This volume is one of twelve classic commentaries by John Calvin, theologian par excellence of the Reformation, whose expositions of Scripture remain as relevant as ever. Edited by David W. Torrance and Thomas F. Torrance, these twelve commentaries on the New Testament bring Calvin’s authoritative voice to life in clear contemporary English. The translations all strive to retain the close coherence of Calvin’s ideas and characteristic images while remaining faithful to the Latin text – doing full justice to the Reformer’s qualities as one of history’s finest expositors of the Word of God.

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  • 1001 Humorous Illustrations For Public Speaking


    You have something important to say. Are you sure your audience is listening? Clocks start ticking in the minds of your listeners the minute you begin your presentation. These clocks measure the amount of time you have to interest them before their attention wanders elsewhere. Could be three minutes. Could be thirty seconds. But make your audience laugh and they forget about their clocks. They are too busy listening. Make them laugh and they will listen. Humor is one of your most powerful tools as a speaker, and 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking lets you wield it with power. Michael Hodgin has compiled hundreds of humorous anecdotes on dozens of topics and brought them together in one book. From “Ability” and “Accidents” to “Work” and “Worship,” Hodgin’s illustrations are arranged according to topic and indexed to help you quickly find the perfect anecdote. The book also provides space to record the times and places you use each illustration, so no one will hear you tell the same joke twice. Ideal for preachers, teachers, executives, and anyone else who speaks publicly, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking will keep your audience laughing — and listening to every word you say.

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  • Famous Conversions : The Christian Experience


    Excerpts from the turning points in Constantine, Calvin, Pascal, Edwards, Woolman, Underhill, Schweitzer, Lewis, Merton, and 40 more.

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  • Hollywood Dreams And Biblical Stories


    Powerful culture critique of the Hollywood dream factory comparing celluloid heroes and heroines with those in Scripture while elaborating on American mythology, history, and self-understanding. Commenting on many familiar films, this is a provocative discussion starter.

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  • Goodbye Is Not Forever


    1. Soviet Justice
    2. I’m Yours Forever
    3. A Picture For Daddy
    4. The Battle For Survival
    5. War!
    6. The German Occupation
    7. The Cattle Train
    8. Labor Camp
    9. Rejection At Hitler Youth Camp
    10. Friends Among Enemies
    11. War’s End
    12. The Hiding Place
    13. A New Awareness
    14. The Voice Of America
    15. Heart To Heart
    16. Two Different Worlds
    17. A Special Birthday
    18. A New Master
    19. An Unexpected Call
    20. Face To Face
    21. Goodbye Is Not Forever!
    340 Pages

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    Little Amy Never Knew Her Father.

    One dark night when she was only a baby, the Soviet secret police forcefully arrested Amy’s father…and condemned him to the frigid wastelands of Siberia.

    Then as World War II began, the armies of the Third Reich invaded her small Russian Village. Amy, a tender seven-year-old child, was taken by cattle car to a slave labor camp and witnessed firsthand the horrors of Hitler’s Germany.

    As the war ends, Amy and her mother make a daring escape, with execution the likely verdict if they are captured. Over the years, Amy wondered about her father. Was he still alive? Would she ever see him again?

    A true story, Goodbye Is Not Forever serves as a vivid confirmation of God’s never-ending grace in the lives of His children.

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  • Healing After Loss


    Meditation For Every Day Of The Year

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    For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, here are strength and thoughtful words to inspire and comfort.

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  • Scripture And Other Artifacts


    This important volume focuses on the contribution of excavated material to the interpretation of biblical texts. Here, both practicing archaelogists and biblical scholars who have been active in fieldwork demonstrate that archaeological data and biblical accounts are complementary in the study of ancient Israel, early Judaism, and Christianity. Thus scriptural and archaeological finds are illuminated by consideration of both.

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  • Friendship And Finances In Philippi The Letter Of Paul To The Philippians


    This work applies insights from the social sciences and from Greco-Roman rhetoric to Philippians, distilling the benefits of these new disciplines for the study of this letter.

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  • Praying With The Anabaptists


    Discover the secret of bearing fruit!
    Fifteen meditations with scripture, stories, written prayers, prayer exercises and hymns deepen our spiritual relationship with God.

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  • Churchs Peace Witness A Print On Demand Title


    Should Christians be involved in making war? This ever-present issue gets new attention here within the context of ecumenical discussion. Seven chapters are biblical and historical studies originally prepared for the 1991 Faith and Order Consultation on the Apostolic Faith and the Church’s Peace Witness. Also included are eleven statements on war and peace from different church traditions and the 1991 consultation’s “Summary Statement.”

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  • Lord Reigns : A Theological Handbook To The Psalms


    Here’s a fresh perspective on Psalms from one of its foremost interpreters. Focusing on the prevalent theme, ”The Lord reigns,” Mays convincingly argues that this declaration is not merely a statement of faith but rather a world view that reality can only be understood in terms of God and his sovereignty. By addressing the importance of the language associated with the reign of God, Mays shows you how to better understand the relationship between God and his creation.

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  • Clothed With The Sun


    The Bible holds a great treasure of amazing women. They are judges and prophets, caregivers and teachers, prominent matriarchs of large clans or quiet disciples, women who suffered alone or sang joyous praises to God amid the crowds. Their stories come alive in these pages as they are interwoven with the lives of modern women, bound together by common threads of strength and courage in the face of vulnerability and violation. From Eve to Revelation’s woman clothed with the sun–from the first creative impulse to the close of time–female energy has been and will continue to be a river of life and wisdom, of dignity and hope.

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  • Spiritual Life : The Foundation For Preaching And Teaching


    John Westerhoff offers this resource to help preachers and teachers revitalize their lives and ministries. Noting that the health of our spiritual life is based on our image of God, he asks readers to open their imaginations to new ways of knowing. Recognizing that the spiritual life can be fostered in many ways, he helps readers recognize which types of spiritual formation are most compatible with particular personality types.

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  • Feminist Theological Ethics


    This reader documents ongoing feminist ethical and theological discussions on a wide range of issues including womanist, mujerista, and ecofeminist. Volume includes contributions from over twenty distinguished women scholars.

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  • Preaching That Connects


    Master the craft of effective communication that grabs attention and wins hearts. Like everyone else, preachers long to be understood. Unfortunately the rules first learned in seminary, if misapplied, can quickly turn homiletic precision into listening boredom. To capture both hearts and minds, Mark Galli and Craig Larson suggest preachers turn to the lessons of journalism. In Preaching that Connects they show how the same key used to create effective, captivating communication in the media can transform a sermon. Amply illustrated from some of today’s best preachers, Preaching that Connects walks through the entire sermon, from the critical introduction, to the bridge, to the illustrations and final application. Key points include the five key techniques for generating creative ideas, your six options for illustrations, and the ten rules for great story-telling — and why the transition sentence is the hardest sentence you’ll write. Preaching that Connects is for all who seek to hone their craft to communicate the truth of the Gospel effectively.

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  • Gods Word For Today


    Freshen your devotions with sweet water from an old well! A leader in the Norwegian church’s opposition to the Nazis, Hallesby spent two years in a concentration camp. Best known for his writings on prayer, he also penned these insightful daily meditations brimming with deep wisdom distilled in deceptively simple language.

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  • When Someone You Love Dies


    48 Chapters

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    Why did she have to die?” “What will happen to us now?” We hear questions like these from our children when someone close to them dies. Writing for children ages 8-12 and their parents, William Coleman discusses the fears and questions that young people have when someone they love dies, perhaps a parent, grandparent, sibling, or close friend. He offers advice and support as they struggle to understand death and helps them work through the grieving process.

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  • Divine Immutability : A Critical Reconsideration


    Occasioned by the nineteenth-century kenotic christological controversy, Isaak Dorner’s essay–which is here completely translated into English for the first time–remains one of the most extensive historical, philosophical, and theological treatments of immutability to date. Dorner was initially attracted to kenoticism–that the incarnation as a divine self-divestment implies that God undergoes change–but rejects it in Part One. Part Two is a historical survey of the classical doctrine from the patristic period to Schleiermacher which shows the longstanding connection between divine immutability, God’s goodness, and soteriology. Dorner concluded that this formulation was not mistaken, but extreme and one-sided, making positive relations between God, time, and history implausible. Part Three offers Dorner’s reconstruction.

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  • Spirituality Of African American People


    Current interest in Afrocentricity is but one moment in the longstanding post-colonial search by African peoples, both on the continent and in the diaspora., for cultural beacons. Pre-eminent black social ethicist Peter Paris here sharpens and focuses that quest on African “spirituality”–that is, the religious and moral values embodied in African experience and pervading traditional African religious worldviews. From extensive comparative research and personal travel, Paris shows how such values were retained and modified in the diaspora, most notably in African American religious and moral thought and its practice. Traditional understandings of God, ancestral spirits, tribal community, family belonging, reciprocity, personal destiny, and agency have not only survived great cultural upheavals but remarkably even been enriched and enlivened. Paris’ pan-African focus, careful scholarship, and his eye for ultimate values in varying cultural milieus combine here to model comparative cultural analysis and to clarify cultural foundations of black ethical life.

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  • Jews And Christians Speak Of Jesus


    This volume of essays is an example of something new and exciting that is going on in North America, especially between Jews and Christians. For the first time in almost two thousand years, Jews and Christians can sit down as equals around a table and reflect on their profound sameness and deep differences. In a real way, this book represents another step Christians and Jews have taken together on the new road to deeper understanding.

    The issues surrounding the Jewish Christian dialogue are legion-the State of Israel, the Holocaust (Shoah), and the Jewishness of Jesus, to mention only a few. Dialogue does not mean proselytizing or conversion; instead, each faith tradition recognizes and respects its own identity. Any notion that Christianity has replaced or superseded the Jewish people in God’s plan of salvation is both inadmissible and repulsive to the dialogue.

    One, if not the central, issue facing serious dialogue between Christians and Jews is Jesus of Nazareth. How can both of these faith communities speak about the itinerant Galilean whose origins and early followers were Jewish and whose subsequent followers broke away from Judaism? This volume attempts to address this question.

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  • Jewish Responses To Early Christians



    Part One: Materials That Report Jewish Reactions To Christians

    1.The Pauline And Deutero-Pauline Letters
    2.The Synoptic Gospels
    3.The Book Of Acts
    4.The Gospel Of John
    7.The Martydom Of Polycarp
    8.The Gospel Of Peter
    9.The Christian Apologists
    10.Jewish And Christian Writers After 150 C.E.

    Part Two: Major Trends

    11.Major Trends Detected
    Physical Attacks
    Verbal Reactions


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    What were Jews saying and doing about the followers of Jesus in the first two centuries? In this provocative and comprehensive study, Claudia Setzer argues persuasively that Jews saw the early followers of Jesus as Jews for some time after the Christians viewed themselves as separate from the larger Jewish communities.

    This book provides historical context and nuanced exegesis of texts that continue to be “trouble spots” in Jewish-Christian relations. It illuminates the diverse strands of early anti-Judaism while providing the reader with some surprises.

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  • Westminster Guide To The Books Of The Bible


    This comprehensive introduction to all the books of the Bible, including the Apocrypha, is written in a clear, easy-to-read style and is an ideal learning tool for laity, students, adult study groups, and ministers. The one-volume format is convenient for individual study groups, and this revision reflects the most up-to-date biblical scholarship.

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  • Getting Your Sex Life Off To A Great Start


    1. Dispelling Myths
    2. Getting To Know Yourself
    3. Getting To Know Each Other
    4. Clarifying Expectations
    5. Pursuing Biblical Passion
    6. Discovering And Enjoying Your Bodies
    7. Designing A Successful Honeymoon
    8. Preparing For Your First Time
    9. Choosing And Using Family-Planning Options
    10. Your Wedding Night
    11. Keeping Sex For Pleasure
    12. Getting Past Disappointments
    13. Keeping The Spark Alive

    241 Pages

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    This book will help you prepare, not just for your wedding night, but for a lifetime of exhilarating, fulfilling, and nurturing sexual experiences!

    *Design a successful honeymoon
    *Prepare for your first sexual time together
    *Choose and use family planning
    *Create a mutually enjoyable wedding night
    *Get past disappointments
    *Keep the spark alive

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  • Books That Build Character


    Here is a family guide to classic novels, contemporary fiction, myths and legends, science fiction and fantasy, folktales, Bible stories, picture books, biographies, holiday stories, and many other books that celebrate virtues and values.

    There are more than 300 titles to choose from, each featuring a dramatic story and memorable characters who explore moral ground and the difference between what is right and what is wrong. These books will capture your child’s imagination, and conscience as well-whether it is Beauty pondering her promise to Beast, mischievous Max in Where the Wild Things Are, the troubled boys of Lord of the Flies, generous Mr. Badger in The Wind in the Willows, or the courageous struggles of such real-life characters as Frederick Douglass and Anne Frank.

    With entries arranged by category and reading level, there is something here for all readers-from preschoolers to teenagers-whatever their tastes may be. Each entry features a complete plot summary and publisher information so that you can find the book with ease in your local library or bookstore. It’s not always easy to teach a child the difference between right and wrong, but stories-whether they are based on fantasy or rooted in real life-can speak to children more eloquently than any list of dos or don’ts and can impart moral values as they nurture a child’s imagination.

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  • Church Dogmatics


    Karl Barth’s monumental work stands as a landmark in Protestant theology—all 10,000 pages of it. Mining the riches of Barth’s thought, Gollwitzer’s concise introduction provides busy scholars with a selection of the most important passages. Includes main themes, extracts, and helpful summaries. An invaluable resource for pastors and students alike.

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  • Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary


    This comprehensive reference tool for Bible students and teachers is arranged by topic and provides over 6,000 entries with more than 100,000 Scripture references. It also serves as a Bible dictionary, listing all proper names, places, objects, and events of the Bible along with their brief definition or description.

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  • Anthropological Reflections On Missiological Issues (Reprinted)


    Anthropology’s contributions explored for cross-cultural understanding of epistemology, globalism, urbanization, church planting, and spiritual warfare.

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  • Preaching Through The Christian Year C


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563381003ISBN10: 1563381001Carl Holladay | John Hayes | Gene TuckerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1994Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Knowledge Of God In Calvins Theology Third Edition A Print On Demand Title (Expa


    After more than forty years, this comprehensive analysis of John Calvin’s theology is still widely accepted and debated today. Displaying an intimate knowledge of Calvin’s theological corpus and the work of contemporary interpreters, Edward Dowey, Jr., explains what knowledge of God means and how it functions in Calvin’s thought.

    Dowey beings with a description of the general characteristics of the knowledge of God, then moves to a discussion of the significance of the duplex cognition Domini. The main body of the book examines Calvin’s fundamental distinction between the knowledge of God the Creator and God the Redeemer, and the relation between this twofold knowledge. This third edition also includes a new sixth chapter that discusses the influence of the twofold knowledge on the larger structure of Calvin’s theology.

    To the four appendices that interact with critical statements on Calvin’s thought, including “The Barth-Brunner Controversy on Calvin” and “Kostlin’s Criticism of Calvin’s Predestination,” Dowey has also added a significant review of William J. Bouwsma’s book John Calvin: A Sixteenth-Century Portrait. This review, the new preface, and the new chapter bring Dowey’s enduring volume back into conversation with today’s scholarly work and, as Heiko Oberman has said, “lend it a sharp edge of relevance for the foreseeable future.”

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  • Rhetorical Criticism : Context Method And The Book Of Jonah


    Trible’s work begins with an historical overview of rhetorical criticism, providing the context for discussion of biblical rhetorical criticism. The book of Jonah is the medium for such further exploration of rhetorical criticism within biblical literature, as Trible analyzes its external design and internal structure. Throughout her discussion, Trible employs the same rhetorical tools she introduces and explains within the body of her text. Adding to the didactic value of the text, appendices are included, one of which outlines the structure of Jonah, the other provides a quiz, testing the reader’s ability to single out the rhetorical devices imbedded in Trible’s text. A most welcome tool for those interested in biblical interpretation as well as study of the book of Jonah.

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