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Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit)

  • Fathers Gift : The Holy Spirit


    The Person of the Holy Spirit is THE GIFT promised in the book of Joel. THE GIFT is also why Jesus commanded the apostles to tarry in Jerusalem, until they received Him, The Holy Spirit. His infilling changed their lives from hiding in fear to boldly proclaiming the gospel and a willingness to give up their lives, and He is still given to ALL.

    Seek Him… He is THE GIFT.

    He matures the believer and purges the dross from our lives.Without His fire in and on our lives, we are powerless to live for Him. But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8

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  • Tongues Of Fire


    Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.

    Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.

    Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.

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  • Outdoor Moments With God


    48 Chapters
    191 Pages

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    For more than thirty years W. Phillip Keller has enlightened and encouraged readers with his rare combination of insight into God’s Word coupled with a celebration of God’s presence in everyday life. Once again he has turned his attention to the spiritual lessons learned from the simple experiences of life – working in the yard, hiking in the mountains, or surveying some magnificent expanse of land and sky.

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  • Holy Spirit : Comprehensive Study Of The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit


    This book on the Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord’s classes at Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover before prompting this new paperback edition. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.

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  • Holy Spirit Today


    This book gives scriptural answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in regard to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in Tongues, and the Gifts of the Spirit.

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  • Understanding The Trinity


    McGrath gives new life and vitality to traditional answers by refusing to be trapped in outdated or facile jargon and models. In doing so, he triggers sometimes unexpected trains of thought in the reader’s mind, making theology relevant to today without surrendering truth.

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  • Gods Gifted People (Expanded)


    God’s Gifted People is a present to yourself or to someone you love because it helps you discover the gift you are as a person.

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  • Elect In The Son


    In this comprehensive treatment of all pertinent Scripture passages dealing with election, Dr. Shank demonstrates that Calvin’s doctrine of the unconditional election and the reprobation of particular people is without foundation in the Scriptures. He challenges the use of certain “proof passages” and shows that their application in this manner requires circumventing some of the most explicitly categorical affirmations of Scripture.

    Dr. Shank demonstrates that the election of grace does not rule out the salvation of any man, that God truly wills all men to be saved. The cross is seen as the focal point of election and the event in which time and eternity find their true perspective.

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  • Holy Spirit : The Holy Spirit In The Bible The History Of Christian Thought


    Accepting the challenge to present an elusive and often abstract doctrine in a fresh and vital way, Aldair I. C. Heron traces the development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from the Old Testament to modern times. Following a consideration of the Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures, he examines the patristic and medieval periods and the role of the Holy Spirit in the faith and worship of the church. He then discusses the Reformation and the challenges to Trinitarianism that occurred during that period. He concludes with a penetrating discussion of contemporary questions about the Holy Spirit.

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  • He That Is Spiritual


    Few books have been more warmly received by Bible teachers and students. He That is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unfolds the biblical teaching concerning spirituality — what it is, and how it is secured. Nothing could be more important to Christians than the theme of this book. Its sound teaching corrects many false impressions and presents a scriptural pattern for the full life in Christ.

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  • Dynamics Of Spiritual Gifts


    A guide to help the individual Christian discover, develop and exercise his spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ, the Church.

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  • Influence Of The Holy Spirit


    This little book, the first by Hermann Gunkel, shattered the reigning images of the New Testament idea of the Spirit. Gunkel’s argument not only revolutionized the theology of his time but has continued to be foundational for most subsequent studies on the subject. As he did in so much of his work, Gunkel not only explores the milieu of the New Testament but also demonstrates the dependence of the biblical message upon its religious environment.

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  • Baptism In The Holy Spirit


    This classic, now in paperback edition, introduces the reader to the most distinctive aspect of Pentecostal theology–baptism in the Holy Spirit. James Dunn sees water-baptism as only one element in the New Testament pattern of conversion and initiation. The gift of the Spirit, he believes, is the central element.

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  • Baptism And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit


    1. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Charismatic Christianity
    2. The Baptism Of The Spirit Misunderstood
    3. The Baptism Of The Spirit In The Gospels
    4. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Pentecost And At Samaria
    5. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Caesarea And Ephesus
    6. The Baptism Of The Spirit In I Corinthians, Romans, And Galatians
    7. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Ephesians, Colossians, And I Peter
    8. The Baptism Of The Spirit And The Gifts Of The Spirit
    9. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Power
    189 Pages

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    The charismatic movement, with its emphasis on Spirit baptism and the manifestation gifts of the Spirit, become one of the most prominent features of twentieth-century Christianity.

    Dr. Unger traces the doctrine of the baptism of the Spirit through the New Testament. In the final two chapters he puts the doctrine into its proper place with respect to spiritual gifts and the experiences of the Holy Sprit’s power for Christian living.

    Since a great danger of the charismatic movement lies in its understanding of the nature of Christian maturity, Dr. Unger points out that true maturity is achieved only in day-by-day obedience, Bible study, and prayer.

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