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Showing 201–219 of 219 results

  • Deep Joy For A Shallow World Cycle C


    For those of you who have come here feeling lost, I have good news for you. For those of you who have come here willing to get lost, I have even better news. The good news is “fear not.” The God we worship specializes in finding lost people. (from Chapter 2)

    I would like to invite you to do the most difficult thing that can he asked of our culture, and that is to do nothing. I invite you to approach this night with open hands and hearts and do nothing. (from Chapter 5, Christmas Eve)

    I bring you good news of deep joy in a shallow world. No matter how many fears and failures you bring to this place … no matter how difficult it has been to get through an average day … no matter what … God is leading us to deep joy that is eternal in a world that is focused on entertainment. (from Chapter 10)

    Dr. Richard Wing captures the listener’s attention from the opening line in each of his sermons. But it doesn’t end there. His gripping messages continue to lift and inspire as he brings new depth of understanding to old texts.

    Sermon titles include:
    Made New By Interior Design — Luke 21:25-36, Advent 1
    Made New By Getting Lost — Luke 3:1-6, Advent 2
    Made New By Taking A Different Road Home — Luke 1:39-45, Advent 4
    Yours For The Asking — Luke 2:1-20, Christmas Eve/Day
    Living By The Calendar Instead Of The Clock — Luke 2:41-52, Christmas 1
    Is It Better To Catch Or Be Caught? — Luke 5:1-11, Epiphany 5
    … and more!

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  • Letters From Bethlehem


    Five monologues, in the form of short letters, take you into the thoughts and reflections of the traditional Advent figures as they share their experiences with those close to them. The vignettes may be memorized or may be presented in a modified reader’s theater format — the reader actually reading the letter aloud as it is being written.

    The letters are from:
    The angel to a friend
    The shepherd to his family
    The wise man to his court
    Mary to her mother
    Jesus to the children

    Each letter is followed by a hymn suggestion.

    These five dramatic monologues for Advent will enrich your worship services.

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  • Prepare The Way Of The Lord


    Those looking for a resource that will deepen and enrich their spiritual life during the Advent/Christmas season will find that resource here. These reflections will strengthen the reader’s mental preparation and will serve as a starling point for prayer and meditation.

    Pastors will be helped with themes and illustrations for Advent/Christmas preaching
    Teachers will use this material in their classes to help renew the right spirit of Christmas among their students
    Those who are seeking a deeper spiritual life will be uplifted and inspired by these daily meditations

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  • Lift Up Your Heads


    As the year 2000 draws closer the second coming of Christ will get more and more attention by Christians and non-Christians alike. If the past is any indication, speculative notions will be widespread, many of which will contribute to feelings of fear and anxiety at the prospect of an end to our world.

    This book aims to help Christians evaluate the many conflicting ideas about the second coming by examining what the Bible actually says about it.

    Important reading any time of year, these four chapters especially lend themselves to an Advent bible study for adult classes. Study questions for each chapter are provided at the back of the book.

    Pastors will also find it a helpful sermon resource for Advent preaching.

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  • God In Flesh Made Manifest Cycle A


    The old saw, that the preacher’s task is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, proclaims a profound theological truth. For when we are afflicted, that is when God comforts us. If we are comfortable, God must first penetrate our false security. Only then can the news of the Messiah’s coming strike our ears as a word of comfort. From sermon for the second Sunday in Advent.

    Mark Radecke has the ability to do both — comfort and afflict — through his provocative treatment of the lectionary texts for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and the Transfiguration. His illustrations are often electrifying in their capturing of the Gospel kerygma.

    Sermon titles include:
    Come, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come!
    Would We Rather Be Comfortable Or Comforted
    Holy Love And Herod’s Love
    Light In Darkness, Speech From Silence
    Jesus’ Counter-cultural Sermon
    Don’t Sweat The Numbers
    Main Features And Coming Attractions

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  • Empowered By The Light


    Each of the 17 sermon topics in this book consists of a charge or a command. We might even call them messianic imperatives. Since Christ has come, will come and is coming, how shall we live? The messages are eminently practical, but they do not constitute a self-help book. On the contrary, the call to be alert, to enlarge our horizons, to live together in harmony, to judge others charitably simply cannot be done in our human strength. The focus centers always on the Son. In a word, we are Empowered By The Light. (from the author’s introduction)

    Sermon titles include:
    Learn To Wait Creatively — James 5:7-10
    Follow The Man With The Plan — Ephesians 1:3-14
    Be Charitable In Your Judgment — 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

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  • Hope Beneath The Surface Cycle A


    On these pages one encounters the moving image of the holy God with Isaiah in the temple, the powerful call to justice through the thundering voice of Amos, the depth of despair in the heart of Jeremiah and the struggle for faithfulness in the prophetic work of Hosca, Elijah and others.

    Underlying every page is the presence of Jesus of Nazareth, who is constantly uppermost as each sermon unfolds. Robinson’s writing. Like his preaching, reveals a person who is in close touch with the common ventures of life, More significantly he is in touch with the common people of the working, playing and suffering worlds. And he is in touch with the verities of the Christian faith.
    Reverend Vernon Bigler
    Buffalo, New York

    The gripping illustrations in this book are worth the price alone.

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  • Reflections Of Light Ponderings Of Mary The Mother


    Here are five brief dramatic monologues that tell the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary. A suggested order of worship includes hymns, scripture and a candlelighting ceremony, but the monologues could be used throughout Advent during the lighting of the Advent candles, in Sunday school or even weekday programs.

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  • Good Tidings Of Great Joy


    CASPAR: I had a strange dream last night, and I woke convinced that we should go in a different way.

    MELCHIOR: Odd that you should say that — I had a dream, too! I am convinced that Herod has no desire to worship the child — he sees him as a threat to his throne. (From “The Wise Men” drama)

    Here is a collection of short Advent dramas. The series can be presented with few rehearsals and limited props and costumes. Each drama easily fits within a worship setting. For a longer service, the dramas could be combined and offered as scenes for one complete service.

    This series includes:
    Mary and Elizabeth — Advent 1
    The villagers of Nazareth — Advent 2
    Ziph the Shepherd and his Wife Jerah — Advent 3
    Gabriel — Advent 4
    The Innkeeper’s Wife — Christmas Eve
    The Wise Men — Epiphany

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  • Kneeling In Bethlehem (Large Type)


    In a style that is contemporary, reverent, and faith-filled, Ann Weems reflects on the mystery of the Christmas season. Included in this collection are twenty-six poems created specifically for this title as well as popular selections from her earlier workds, especially Reaching for Rainbows and Family Faith Stories. Capturing the spirit of joyful celebration, the poems can be used in worship services, read aloud at family gatherings, or used by individuals for quiet reflection.

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  • Come To Christmas (Revised)


    From Advent wreaths to Christmas Trees, from Mistletoe to Lumiminarias, from, Hanging of the Greens to Epiphany,Come To Christmas provides families and Christian educators with a treasury of information and worship ideas for the season. Learn about the season of Advent, Advent Wreaths, Hanging of the Greens, Chrismon Trees, The Jesse Tree, the origins of popular traditions such as Santa Claus, mistletoe, and poinsettias, and much, much, more. Also includes a brief set of Advent services for lighting the Advent candles and the songs “The Holly and the Ivy,” and “The Friendly Beasts.”

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  • Somethings Coming Something Great Cycle A


    The 17 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts, primarily from Isaiah. They follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    “I am grateful … for this opportunity to rediscover the excitement and anticipation of the Old Testament writers as they stood on tiptoe, waiting for God to act on the state of human history,” writes Robert A. Beringer. “Although each of these chapters is based on an Old Testament text, I have tried to make these messages Christ-centered in every way.”

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  • Times Up Cycle A


    Loving people and caring for them isn’t enough to change the way the world works overnight…. Our caring isn’t enough to change all “bad” into “good.” But it is all we are asked to do. And it is enough. (from the sermon “Enough”)

    The 17 sermons in this book are based on Gospel texts from Matthew. Sermons follow the Revised Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.

    “The church is the place of greatest hope in our society,” writes John Jamison. “What happens when God’s people gather together and hear God’s word can happen no place else! Lives are changed. They are made whole, unbroken and hopeful. That is, and must be our task.”

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  • Lights Of Love


    Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, and The Light Of The World are themes in this candle lighting service for the four Sundays of Advent and Christmas Eve. Each service includes a scripture, message and prayer with optional listing of hymns and calls to worship.

    Lights Of Love provides a banner instruction section, a Christmas Eve candle lighting suggested order of service, and a brief explanation of the meaning of Advent.

    In addition to public worship, the services can easily be used in a family worship or Sunday school setting.

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  • Christ Is Come


    This flexible worship planner can be used as a supplement to your regularly scheduled services or as an independent celebration. Thoughtful reflections on the meaning of Advent and the birth of the Christ child are punctuated by an Advent wreath, familiar hymns and scriptures, insightful prayers, and a colorful banner.

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  • Of Love And Miracles


    Present the Christmas story to your congregation this year with story, song, verse, and warmth of candlelight. This beautiful service includes an optional service of Holy Communion, suggested hymns and prayers, and a complete order of worship.

    The service can be presented by the pastor alone or with the help of as many lay participants as desired. The order of worship may also be adapted for use during the Sundays of Advent.

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  • From Anticipation To Transfiguration Cycle A


    The Advent season is one of expenctancy and anticipation. But it is not fulfilled completely in the Nativity. For it is not until the Transfiguration that God’s people can even begin to really understand what the fulfillment of God’s promise might mean.
    Joe E. Pennel Jr. takes his reader on that journey “From Anticipation to Transfiguration” with the sensitive insight that Christmas is not the end but the beginning of God’s promise to his people.
    Messages include:
    – Shaped by the Future
    – Away with the Stable
    – The Called Ones
    – Fog-Cleared Moments
    and thirteen more!
    For use with Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Lectionaries.

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  • Kneeling In Bethlehem


    In a style that is reverent and faith-filled, Anne Weems reflects on the mystery of the Christmas season. Included in this collection are twenty-six new poems as well as popular selections from her earlier works, especially Reaching for Rainbows and Family Faith Stories. Capturing the spirit of joyful celebration, they can be used in worship services, read aloud at family gatherings, or used by individuals for quiet reflection.

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  • Cradle The Cross And The Crown Series A


    Designed for use by pastors who preach on lectionary texts, this set of model sermons focuses primarily on lections from the gospel of Matthew, the gospel appointed for use during Cycle A. Texts on which Dr. Bass’ messages are based include: The preaching of John the Baptist; the Matthew cycle of stories describing Jesus’ birth, including the flight into Egypt and the coming of the wise men; the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry; several texts from the Sermon on the Mount; and the Transfiguration story.

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