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Biblical Studies

Showing 1601–1650 of 1900 results

  • 8 Kinds Of People You Dont Want To Marry


    This book is a close look at those aspects of our human frailty that serve as potential hazards to marriage relationships. It is also a deep look at how our worldview has adversely influenced the way we interpret the Bible. Looking through the lives of people such as Adam, Eve, Nabal, Jezebel, Samson, Delilah, Elimelech, and Vashti, we learn how to avoid mistakes of the past and live lives that are pleasing to the Creator God.

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  • Invisible War : Living In Victory Over The Enemy


    The Invisible War is the biblical and practical study on spiritual warfare we as Baptists have long needed.

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  • Reading The Corinthian Correspondence (Student/Study Guide)


    Reading the Corinthian Correspondence is a clear and concise introduction to the two letters Paul wrote to Corinth, a community plagued by internal divisions, social and ethnic distinctions, and diversity of congregations.

    Kevin Quast begins this study with an overview of Paul’s life, influences, and missionary career. The author then moves to a vivid description of the city of Corinth and the church there. He devotes the next twelve chapters to an in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph treatment of 1 and 2 Corinthians. Within these chapters, Dr. Quast deals with the wide variety of issues that Paul addressed – including private and public relationships, matters of worship, resurrection, and the nature of true Christian ministry. In the two concluding chapters, he offers invaluable insights into both the literary aspects and prevading themes that characterize the letters of Paul.

    Ever mindful of his modern readers, the author bridges the first century and today with penetrating commentary, provocative questions, and substantive summary charts.

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  • Parable And Gospel


    Norman Perrin was one of the most innovative New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. Parables, the Gospel of Mark, the historical jesus, New Testament theology and Christology, as well as exegetical methodology and hermeneutics, all came under Perrin’s pureview. He both broke new methodological ground and shared his insightful grasp of the history of New Testament scholarship. A renowned scholar and teacher, he was also a pastor and educator of pastors. This volume brings together some of his best-known works on the Gospels and New Testament theology. With an introduction and bibliography as well as updated notes, this book introduces Perrin’s insights to a new generation of students and scholars.

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  • Sisters Guide To In Depth Bible Study (Revised)


    IVP Print on Demand Title

    Want to study the Bible on your own but find yourself overwhelmed by complicated, cumbersome study methods? Are you a group leader looking for exciting resources to bring new life to your teaching? Is your time in the Word dry and lifeless or do you find Scripture hard to understand? Victoria Johnson–a busy speaker, teacher, author and mother–has discovered an easy-to-follow method that has made Bible study come alive for her and for many others she has taught. Originally published as Bible Study for Busy Women, this revised edition reveals the seven practical principles for study that can transform your life. Her step-by-step instructions, related with passion, warmth, wisdom and humor, can help both individuals and groups discover the power of Bible study for themselves. Also included in this book is a twelve-week study guide for small groups to work through, together with a guide for leaders.

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  • What The Church Has Hidden From Us


    You may have wondered why in the New Testament Yeshua (Jesus) and the apostles observed the Sabbath, Passover, and other Leviticus Chapter 23 festivals. Yet, you learned in church that Sunday replaced the Sabbath and Easter replaced Passover, and the other festivals are “Jewish things.” You may have also been taught that the Old Testament is indeed old and obsolete; it no longer has relevance to the modern-day Christian. The objective of this book is to carefully examine secular and biblical history to determine if these typical Christian beliefs reflect biblical truth. We analyze the combined impact of the “early church fathers” and the mystery religion, Mithraism, on biblical Christianity. We then examine the Old Testament, the Leviticus 23 festivals, and the New Testament. Are typical Christian beliefs accurate-or have some important things been added or rejected? Because Israel is central to this entire focus, the part she plays in this story also is carefully analyzed. Indeed, she is a vital piece of the puzzle, and the truth about her central role may surprise you.

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  • Discovering The Old Testament


    Every professor has to wonder, with skepticism, how much of the assigned material the students will actually read. (That is, if they have even purchased the textbook in the first place!) Whether they skim or read all of it, your students will recall the key points of the lesson if you use Discovering the Old Testament.

    Discovering the Old Testament defines key terms in sidebars and highlights them within the text. Each chapter includes summary statements and review questions to help students focus on what they’ve learned.

    Discovering the Old Testament combines all the elements you’re looking for in a survey of the Old Testament – thorough, sound Biblical scholarship, combined with an eye-catching format and a writing style that’s easy to understand. Every page is full color, in an attractive format, with maps and pictures to enhance the material.

    In Discovering the Old Testament, you’ll find:

    Objectives defined for each lesson.

    Personal questions to help students relate the Bible to their lives.

    Sidebars to explain theological points.

    Keywords identified and defined on each page.

    Study questions for review of the material.

    Summary statements at the end of each chapter to help students focus on what they’ve learned.
    Listing of resources for further study at the end of each chapter.

    An eye-catching format that’s attractive to the young college student. EVERY page is in full color.

    Short, readable chapters.

    400 pages.

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  • Introduccion Al Antiguo Testam – (Spanish)


    El Estudiante avanzado del Antiguo Testamento podra encontrar en esta introduccion un analisis sobrio del estado actual de la disciplina, y los pastores y pastoras, al igual que los maestros y maestras de escuela biblica-descubriran en sus paginas buenas ideas para elaborar estudios que ayuden a las congregaciones a entender y disfrutar la importante literatura biblica veterostestamentaria.

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  • Power


    The image of power is prevalent in the Bible as well as in daily life. This volume of 20/30: Bible Study for Young Adults will center on both the use and abuse of power in and toward oneself, others, God, and the church. It defines power in human experience and bilbical witness and explores powerlessness and vulnerability, the power of the Divine, the power of evil, the work of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Church, and what it means to give God power over our lives. This study includes 7 sessions, and uses the NRSV.

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  • Gods Unfaithful Wife


    Series Preface
    1. In The Beginning: Human Marriage As “One Flesh”
    2. Playing The Harlot
    3. Committing Great Harlotry
    4. Under Every Green Tree
    5. In Every Public Square
    6. The Ultimate Marriage As “One Spirit”
    7. Concluding Reflections
    Appendix: The Harlot Metaphor And Feminist Interpretation
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Authors

    Additional Info
    The biblical theme of spiritual adultery stands in all its bluntness for a deeply offensive sin–the unfaithfulness of God’s covenant people in departing from Yahweh, their husband, and going after false gods.
    Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. begins by showing how the Genesis vision of human marriage provides the logic and coherent network of meanings for the story of Israel’s relationship with Yahweh. He traces the specific theme of marital unfaithfulness, first through the historical books of the Old Testament and then through the prophets, particularly Hosea, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Turning to the New Testament he also shows how the sad story of Israel’s adultery is transcended by the vision of ultimate reality in Christ and his church–the Bridegroom and the Bride.

    This beautifully written book, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, is marked by careful exegesis and deep sensitivity. It is that rare thing–a work of scholarship that calls readers to love God with an ardor that suffuses all of life.

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  • Now Behold The Ancient Days


    This book presents an overview of God’s plan for the ages as laid by the Ancient of Days long ago. It has been written to inform and enlighten, and to challenge those who study the Word of God and its many mysteries of prophecy. The writer encourages the reader to examine the Scriptures and to reason along with him. This book will be a great source for classroom discussion and commentary for the student and teacher in the church or seminary. It presents a challenge to ministers to examine their sermons for correctness through enlightened study. You will see the work of the Holy Spirit as the writer explains, in an understandable way, many of the unseen mysteries that have been hidden and misunderstood for centuries. As you progress through the book and the mysteries begin to open up your understanding, you will say, “I’ve never heard that before,” and “I’ve never seen that before, but I see it now.”

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  • In Touch With Eternity


    Read this book. Come with me; see for yourself. You will learn lessons that you will never forget. Regardless of your religious inclinations, you will accumulate knowledge on many subjects. At first I thought I would write for the uninformed, the non-religious. But assuredly, I also wanted to reach those bright and upwardly mobile men and women who make things happen in global environments. I see them racing through air terminals-jetting to faraway places-with small Notebook computers, hand-held cell phones, opening one deal, closing another. I also want to reach those who commute to their jobs, balancing home and family responsibilities. Many of them do not allow time for spiritual development. I wish to make contact with them. Finally I want to reach the quiet ones. Those men and women who have succeeded in their chosen fields, and now they wish to reclaim some time for spiritual development that they forfeited in the pursuit of their success. Now is the time for you to be better informed, step forward and decide on major issues. Now is the time for you to take action and make a difference in this world. You who are the descendants of the Hebrew tribes, whatever degree of faith you have must decide. And those of you who are believing Christians, whatever degree of faith you have must decide. And for those of you for whom this information is new, I pray that my writings will enlighten you in your personal spiritual journey, to help you to decide as well.

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  • Encountering The Book Of Genesis


    Introduces college students to the Book of Genesis – introductory issues, overarching themes, and the overall argument of the book. Includes several pedagogical features.

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  • Devilish Dialogues


    In this intriguing set of “no holds barred” verbal exchanges, advocates for the Lord and the Devil discuss six of Jesus’ parables in a point/counterpoint framework. Clearly delineated opposing points of view shed new light on these familiar stories, and the fascinating format is guaranteed to keep you reading to see how the arguments will develop. The stark contrast of the Devil’s enticements with the Lord’s redeeming message provides a stimulating vehicle for seriously confronting basic issues of faith, while reaffirming the Good News of God’s ultimate victory. The Devilish Dialogues is not only an absorbing resource for personal spiritual growth; it’s also a model for captivating presentations in sanctuary, classroom, and retreat settings, and is especially well-suited for weekly Lenten programming.

    Parables discussed are:
    * The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
    * The Great Feast (Luke 14:15-24)
    * The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
    * The Unprofitable Servant (Matthew 25:14-30)
    * The Parable Of The Sower (Mark 4:1-20)
    * The Wicked Husbandsmen (Mark 12:1-12)

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  • Discovering John (Student/Study Guide)


    ‘A thoughtful, cautious and fresh treatment of John that will open up its riches for contemporary students.’ – Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen.

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  • So Shall It Be


    So Shall It Be is a detailed look at just one specific slice of Bible prophecy: the tribulation. The author believes that God gave the details of the future judgments not to spell out the gloom and doom of His wrath, but to invite unbelievers to experience His great love and power. Very few, if any, other books look just at the tribulation. When all of the other aspects of the book of Revelation are added, it can be somewhat confusing, especially for non-Christians and those unfamiliar or uncomfortable with Bible prophecy. Christians may find this book very helpful as a tool of evangelism, with the increased interest in the end times and prophecy, as well as a personal guide through the various scenes and events of the Bible’s most intriguing book. Most chapters close with an impassioned invitation to surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ before it’s too late.

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  • Possessing The Land (Student/Study Guide)


    What do the names Jericho, Gilgal, Ai, or Gibeon have to do with our lives in this modern age? Wasn’t “crossing the Jordan” just an act of an ancient people who were intent on establishing their God-given claim to the Promised Land? What possible value could come of investigating the treachery of the Gibeonites – and who were they, anyway? These and similar questions are what this book seeks to answer. Possessing the Land is an investigative study of the Old Testament book of Joshua. It began as a simple home Bible study, but as I studied, it became apparent that God was setting out a battle plan not only for His original chosen people, but also for every modern pilgrim and sojourner in Christ. This book examines the experiences of the original people of God as they went about taking possession of the land that God had promised them, and attempts to draw parallels between their journey in a physical sense and ours in the spiritual realm. Numerous references are made to the real-life battles that face every Christian, not only in the variety of circumstances, but also in the strategy needed to be victorious over those circumstances. We desire to be able to join God’s chosen people in their victories, learn from their defeats, and ultimately, like them, to enter into the fullness of all that God has prepared for us.

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  • Did God Really Say That


    Did God Really Say That? Satan’s actual words (
    as recorded in Genesis 3:1)
    were “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not…?” Our enemy, Satan, “more subtle
    than any beast of the field” is a clever deceiver!
    The author recognizes that God’s Word has not changed from the beginning.
    Satan continues his deceptions. His great tool of our age is the lie of evolution.
    This book challenges that lie, and explains to readers that the foundations of
    the Christian faith, beginning with the creation, still stand. The author writes
    in an enjoyable style and includes Scripture passages within the text to
    effectively explain how one’s belief regarding origins affects our daily
    lives six thousand years later.
    This book is written for all Christians, and for Jews who want to learn how
    science fits with the fact that God created everything from nothing in six days,
    as God inspired Moses to record. Christians and Jews worship the same
    Creator God, and the Jews are part of God’s master plan. Our Jewish friends
    might be interested in why Christians accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

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  • Hospitality To The Stranger


    The essays contained in this book offer exploratory studies towards a constructive account of “fundamental ethics,” that is, a basic description of the constitutive components of the moral life. Thomas Ogletree sketches out the systematic components of Christian ethics, relating them to symbolic ethics–the mediation of Christian traditions of moral understanding–and practical ethics–the critical appropriation of scientific studies of factors controlling human action.

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  • Use Of The Bible In Christian Ethics


    In this book, Thomas Ogletree seeks to establish common ground between biblical understandings and contemporary ethical inquiry. Drawing upon phenomenological investigations, he criticizes and modifies some of the most prominent conceptions of ethics, and moves toward a more coherent and comprehensive ethical theory. Guided by this theory, he critically engages selected biblical treatments of the moral life, placing special emphasis on biblical accounts of eschatology in its import for the ordered life of emerging Christian communities.

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  • New Joy Of Teaching Discovery (Revised)


    The updated and simplified guide to teaching the “discovery” or inductive method of Bible study – to help readers learn now to teach others to study the Bible and find joy in the process. Part One focuses on some of the basic principles involved in Bible teaching. Part Two provides specific instructions to develop a course on the skills described in The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study, which enables adult learners to observe, interpret, summarize, evaluate, apply, and actualize the teachings in the Bible.

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  • World That Shaped The New Testament (Revised)


    New Testament witnesses are explored from a plethora of angles: the social structure of Roman society, political dimensions of Pharisaism, Hellenistic religious expression, the Jewish Diaspora, the influence of the Septuagint on New Testament writers, women in antiquity, and lots more.

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  • History Of New Testament Research Volume Two


    Continuing his much-touted survey of major thinkers on the New Testament in the modern era, Baird carefully evaluates the key players, movements, and methodologies from Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann. Provides a welcome context for the origins of various forms of criticism. .

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  • Jesus Judaism And Christian Anti Judaism


    Current scholarship in the study of ancient Christianity is now available to non-specialists through this collection of essays on anti-Judaism in the New Testament and in New Testament interpretation. While academic writing can be obscure and popular writing can be uncritical, this group of experts has striven to write as simple and clearly as possible on topics that have been hotly contested. The essays are arranged around the historical figures and canonical texts that matter most to Christian communities and whose interpretation has fed the negative characterizations of Jews and Judaism. A select annotated bibliography also gives suggestions for further reading. This book should be an excellent resource for academic courses as well as adult study groups.

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  • Narrative Dynamics In Paul


    The last two decades of the twentieth century have witnessed an increasing interest in the narrative features of Paul’s thought. A variety of studies since that period have advanced “story” as an integral and generative ingredient in Paul’s theological formulations. “Are Paul’s letters undergirded and informed by key narratives, and does a heightened awareness of those narratives help us to gain a richer and more rounded understanding of Paul’s theology?” A team of leading Pauline scholars assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a narrative approach, looking in detail at its applications to particular Pauline texts.

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  • Apocalypse Recalled : The Book Of Revelation After Christendom


    The Book of Revelation has often been read as a set of endtime scenarios, glorifying a vengeful God and predicting and even fomenting apocalyptic violence. Yet it continues to exert a profound hold on the dreams and visions, fears and nightmares of our contemporary, first-world, secular culture. Harry Maier insists that, however much one is skeptical of its misuse or awed by its influence, Revelation still harbors a powerful and important message for Christians today. His fascinating book, erudite yet also intensely personal, asks us to recall Apocalypse through a careful exegesis of Revelation’s deeper literary currents against the backdrop of imperial Rome. He explores the narrrator’s literary identity, the plot or journey of the text, its many ocular and aural dimensions, and the ambiguous temporal dimensions of its “past vision of a future time.” Revelation, he believes, “offers an inversion of the violent and militaristic ideals of a first-century Roman Empire by offering a highly ironical political parody of imperial politics and insisting the true power belongs to the hero of the Apocalypse, the Slain Lamb.” In the end, Apocalypse Recalled seeks to free the imprisoned John of Patmos and employ his massively influential and controversial text to awaken a sleeping, sidelined, and culturally assimilated church to new imperatives of discipleship.

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  • Seeing The Psalms


    William Brown introduces a new method of exegesis, particularly for biblical poetry, that attends to the metaphorical contours of the psalms. His method as proposed and demonstrated in this book supplements traditional ways of interpreting the psalms and results in a fresh understanding of their original context and contemporary significance. Brown’s pioneering work explores the hermeneutical promises and challenges of interpreting the book of Psalms through the lens of metaphor. While form-critical analysis has been the staple of psalms research for over a century, scholars have by and large overlooked the Psalter’s use of imagery at great theological cost. More than any other corpus in Scripture, the Psalter embodies “incarnational language,” discourse that is as visceral as it is sublime. The psalmist’s use of imager, Brown argues, has the power to captivate the imagination, edify the mind, and cultivate moral discernment and theological reflection.

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  • How To Read Proverbs


    Everyday we make choices on the path of life. Proverbs are memorable capsules of wisdom, chiseled in words and polished through use by those who have traveled that path ahead of us. But the proverbs of the Bible make a greater claim than “a penny saved is a penny earned.” They are woven into the web of divine revelation, rooted in the “fear of the Lord” that is the beginning of wisdom.

    While many proverbs speak to us directly, we can gain much greater insight by studying the book of Proverbs as a whole, understanding its relationship to ancient non-Israelite wisdom and listening to its conversation with the other great voices of wisdom in Scripture–Job and Ecclesiastes.

    In How to Read Proverbs Tremper Longman III provides a welcome guide to reading and studying, understanding and savoring the Proverbs for all their wisdom. Most important for Christian readers, we gain insight into how Christ is the climax and embodiment of wisdom.

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  • Mystery


    This book targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. It will challenge you to examine the mystery of God and offers you the opportunity to delve into Christian mystery questions in order to experience the great mystery of Christian faith revealed in Jesus Christ. While God is ultimate mystery, no part of life is outside of God’s love and care.

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  • Gospel According To Harry Potter


    In a book that is sure to delight Harry Potter fans and spiritual seekers alike, Connie Neal embarks on an exploration into J.K. Rowling’s created world of magic and mystery and enumerates more than fifty “Potteran” themes that can be seen as glimmers of the Christian gospel. With an arsenal of charming allusions and parallels, Neal persuasively demonstrates that Harry Potter need not be rejected as a threat to the Christian faith, as some have claimed. Written accessibly in short three- to four-page chapters, Neal’s The Gospel According to Harry Potter is both a much-needed stroke of interpretive genius and a fascinating reflection on our time’s most popular literary series. This is a must-read for everyone intrigued by the Harry Potter phenomenon.

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  • Thanksgiving : An Investigation Of A Pauline Theme


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    1. Thanksgiving As God-Centeredness
    2. Thanksgiving Within The Covental Traditions
    3. Thanksgiving And Covenantal History
    4. A Life Of Thanksgiving
    5. Thanksgiving And The Future
    6. Ingratitude

    Appendix: Pauline Thanksgiving And The Greco-Roman Benefaction System
    The Greco-Roman Patron-Client Network
    Gratitude In The Patron-Client Relationship
    Pauline Thanksgiving And The Patronage Model

    Index Of Modern Authors
    Index Of Biblical References And Ancient Sources
    Index Of Subjects

    Additional Info
    “Be thankful” (Colossians 3:15) is a recurring exhortation in the letters of the apostle Paul. No other New Testament writer gives such a sustained emphasis on thanksgiving-and yet, major modern studies of Paul fail to wrestle with it.

    David Pao aims to rehabilitate this theme in this comprehensive and accessible study, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume. He shows how, for Paul, thanksgiving is grounded in the covenantal traditions of salvation history. To offer thanks to God is to live a life of worship and to anticipate the future acts of God, all in submission to the lordship of Christ. Ingratitude to God is idolatry. Thanksgiving functions as a link between theology, including eschatology, and ethics.

    Here Pao provides clear insights into the passion of an apostle who never fails to insist on the significance of both the gospel message and the response this message demands.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Amos : The Prophet And His Oracles


    The book of Amos holds a unique and central place among the canonical prophetic literature and presents a special array of issues for scholarly discussion. This book provides a thorough and balanced overview of the history of scholarship on the book of Amos; two essays that trace the history of scholarship and offers promising lines for further inquiry; a substantial anthology of readings of the multiple ways Amos has been analyzed and appropriated; an extensive and current bibliography; and notes on doctoral dissertations conducted in recent years. The result is a comprehensive compendium or resources for scholarly writing on the book of Amos.

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  • Biblical Theology Of Exile


    Smith-Christopher analyzes the theological significance of the Babylonian exile by taking the Hebrew texts seriously as authentic witnesses to Israel’s experience of exile. In doing so, he seeks to move toward the construction of a “diasporic Christian theology,” which ascribes a more important role to the theme of exile in Christian theology.

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  • Spirit And The Word


    This volume brings together some of Mowinckel’s most important and interesting work on the prophets. He begins by introducing the reader to the method of tradition history and how it is related to form criticism and literary criticism. From this groundwork, he goes on to explore how this method is essential for analyzing the prophetic literature in the Hebrew Bible. In order to make it more helpful for students, each essay has been supplemented with additional notes and bibliography to show where the discussion has continued since Mowinckel. A bibliography of Mowinckel’s work in English and a bibliography of essays evaluating Mowinckel’s contributions are also included. This will provide an excellent supplementary textbook for courses on the prophets.

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  • Land : Place As Gift Promise And Challenge In Biblical Faith – Second Editi (Rep


    The Promised Land has played an important role in Jewish life from the days of Abraham to the rise of modern Zionism. Brueggemann elaborates on major Old Testament themes—land as gift, as temptation, as task, and as threat—plus tackles how to view the Babylonian exile and the Diaspora.

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  • Now My Eyes Have Seen You


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    1. Speaking What Is Right
    2. An Advocate In Heaven?
    3. The Tragic Creator
    4. The Raging Sea
    5. The Shadowlands
    6. Yahweh, Mot And Behemoth
    7. The Ancient Prince Of Hell
    8. Drawing Out Leviathan
    9. The Vision Glorious

    Appendix: Job And Cannanite Myth
    The Significance Of Ugarit For Old Testament Studies
    The Relevance Of The Baal Sagas
    Theological Significance

    Index Of Modern Authors
    Index Of Scriptural References
    Index Of Ancient Sources

    Additional Info
    ‘Now my eyes have seen you.” (Job 42:5)

    Few biblical texts are more daunting, and yet more fascinating, than the book of Job-and few have been the subject of such diverse interpretation.

    For Robert Fyall, the mystery of God’s ways and the appalling evil and suffering in the world are at the heart of Job’s significant contribution to the canon of Scripture. This New Studies in Biblical Theology volume offers a holistic reading of Job, with particular reference to its depiction of creation and evil, and finds significant clues to its meaning in the striking imagery it uses.

    Fyall takes seriously the literary and artistic integrity of the book of Job, as well as its theological profundity. He concludes that it is not so much about suffering per se as about creation, providence and knowing God, and how-n the crucible of suffering-these are to be understood. He encourages us to listen to this remarkable literature, to be moved by it, and to see its progress from shrieking protest to repentence and vision.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Hearing Mark : A Listeners Guide


    Provides an accessible overview of the Gospel of Mark, exploring how it was meant to be performed, read aloud, and heard by an audience of Christians rather than read silently.

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  • Forgotten God : Perspectives In Biblical Theology


    This volume provides a comprehensive survey of the unity and diversity behind biblical conceptions of “God”. This is accomplished by respecting the distinctive theology of each canonical book and by placing reflection about God in conversation with major themes of biblical theology (e.g., Christology, pneumatology, anthropology). Four essays examine the Old Testament images of God while ten essays address the way in which God is presented in the New Testament. The volume is rounded off with an essay exploring biblical preaching about God.

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  • Martin Luther : Righteous Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    Martin Luther: Righteous Faith, from the Christian Classics Study Series, provides 6 studies for individuals or groups based on selected readings from Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings, Martin Luther: The Best from All His Works, The Bondage of the Will, various articles, and A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Questions and Bible studies based on the themes from the texts, and notes for leaders are included. Opportunities to go deeper, and ideas for spiritual formation and reflection conclude the session.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Costly Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? Is it enough just to believe? What role does obedience play? These are the questions that Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrestled with. Sorting through Bonhoeffer’s questions and the answers he found will profoundly enrich your Christian life. This six-session study for individuals or small groups includes excerpts from Bonhoeffer’s writings, discussion or reflection questions, Scripture themes, and study notes. Part of the Christian Classics Bible Studies Series.

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  • Bible On Leadership


    Millions have been inspired by the Bible’s spiritual lessons. Now, Lorin Woolfe provides a unique way to view the Bible . . . for leadership lessons that can be applied to our modern business world. Consider David’s courage and innovation in slaying Goliath with just a stone and a sling; Moses’ outstanding “”succession planning”” in picking Joshua; Joseph and the political skills that brought him to the seat of power; and of course, Jesus’ compassion, communication skills, and vision that launched Christianity (a long-term success by any measure). These are leaders among leaders. Their achievements — and their inspired methods of achievement — offer a wholly different perspective on business leadership. For the dozens of Biblical stories presented, the book provides: * A concise retelling of each story * One (or more) leadership lessons suggested by each story * Examples of contemporary business leaders who exhibit some of the inspired traits of these ancient leaders, including: Fred Smith of FedEx, Howard Shultz of Starbucks, Tom Chappell of Tom’s of Maine (a “toothpaste with a mission”), Roy Vagelos of Merck, and many more. The chapters cover these universal topics: Courage * Purpose * Communication * Honesty and Integrity * Power and Influence * Performance Management * Team Building * Humility * Compassion * Justice * Encouragement and Consequences * Wisdom * Creating the Future Each topic concludes with a list of key points to keep in mind as readers continue on their own leadership journeys.

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  • What Is New Testament Theology


    Does New Testament theology rightly deal with the documents of the New Testament or with something outside the text, such as the unfolding of early Christian religion, the events of salvation history, the historical Jesus in particular, or an understanding of human existence? Is New Testament theology a strictly historical project, a dialectical interaction between historical interpretation and hermeneutical concerns or solely hermeneutical program? This volume by a seasoned biblical scholar not only describes how New Testament theology has been done but provides critiques of the major approaches in the twentieth century as well as his own proposal.

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  • Out Of The Depths


    Whether understood as sin, as embracing all manner of suffering and injustice, or as the inexplicable human choice of evil over good, evil has historically been described and pondered chiefly through male categories understood as a universal viewpoint. Likewise salvation. Gebara here presents an alternative, feminist approach to evil and salvation. She allows women to voice their personal suffering from their own contexts, thereby manifesting their many differences. She then introduces a perspective on evil and salvation based in gender analysis to address specifically “the evil women do,” the evil they suffer, and women’s redemptive experiences of God and salvation.

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  • Break Ground


    Break Ground on Learning How to Pray meets the timeless need for simple instructions, encouragement, and inspiration for the adult babes in Christ beginning their prayer lives. Every person can learn to pray and to hear from Our Lord by connecting to him through communication, communion, and personal relationship.

    Throughout the lessons, Margaret Calkin teaches us simple prayer, effective prayer, and heartfelt prayer. Using a conversational style, she relates warmly to the reader by weaving humorous and moving tales about her family and friends, focusing on faith and glorifying God.

    Learn the types of prayer and several methods of prayer, from the very traditional forms to the free flowing styles of the Holy Spirit. Learn how to pray beyond words and to meditate upon the Lord, becoming more aware of his constant presence in your life. Through prayer, become more intimately related to the Father through his son, Jesus Christ. In due course, prayer can become your lifestyle, a manner of living and abiding in the Holy Spirit. It is the connecting link to the heart of Jesus.
    Use Break Ground as a personal prayer manual or as a teaching text (complete with study questions) for your Bible study group. Prepare for a personal growth experience of your spirit in Christ Jesus

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  • Zerubbabel : The Call Of A Prophet


    Dr. Annie Barksdale gives practical and Biblical advice to those who have been called as prophets. Just as Zerubbabel was called, given a task and opposed, so should you expect some dificulties. The role of prophet isn’t a glamorous one, but one of submission and obedience to the Lord, for His glory.

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  • Discovering Christ In Genesis


    This volume is not intended to be a full exposition of the Book of Genesis. The purpose is to set forth, as simply and clearly, the grace and glory of God in Christ in the opening pages of Holy Scripture. So states Don Fortner in the Preface to this volume – and this is precisely what he does. By commenting on the principal characters to whom God revealed himself in the book of Genesis and the major events of their lives, the author brings to light the presence of Christ and the evidence of God’s great plan of redemption in these opening chapters of the Bible. But he does not leave it there: concerned to impart to the reader a greater appreciation of Christ, the Saviour of sinners, the author intersperses teaching and application, with the intention of encouraging believers to live lives of worship and committed service to Christ.

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  • New Historicism



    2.Historicizing The New Historicism
    3.On The Difference Between Historicism And The New Historicism
    4.Recurring Characteristics Of New Historicist Studies
    5.New Historicism-Three Illustrations
    6.Conclusion: Is New Historicism Already History?

    Fur Further Reading

    Additional Info
    New Historicism has been a highly controversial and influential movement in university literature departments for almost twenty years. Biblical studies now wrestles with this force and evaluates its potential for interpretation.

    With lucid and jargon-free description, this study sets forth New Historicism for the nonspecialist. Defining New Historicism as a mindset rather than a method, it traces the development, discusses recurring features, and offers illustrations of this new literary approach. Here biblical texts are plunged back into the swirling currents of historical context only to disclose their plural, contradictory, fragmentary, and heterogeneous character. This includes the histories associated, represented, and embedded in those texts. In the process, the carefully guarded distinctions between text and context, history and literature, past and present, fade. In exchange for the loss of these tidy categories, New Historicism promises sufficient compensation-namely, a potential venue where the sharply drawn border currently separating historical investigations from literary studies in biblical interpretation can be negotiated.

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  • Jesus And The Message Of The New Testament


    Joachim Jeremias was one of the most innovative and productive New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. This volume brings together some of his best-known works on historical Jesus research and core issues concerning Gospel tradition.

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  • 31 Greatest Chapters In The Bible


    Dr. Mike Murdock Has Selected The Most Powerful Chapters For Your Daily Devotional. Such As… / The Creation Chapter / The Love Chapter / The Holy Spirit Chapter / The Protection Chapter / The Financial Blessing Chapter and many more. It forever solves the problem of teaching your family the Essential Foundations of Christianity.

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  • 7 Signposts To Your Assignment


    Who Can Put A Price On You Discovering Your Assignment? Explore Wisdom Keys to help you in your journey. Learn…11 Seasons of Preparation / 3 Keys In Understanding Your Anger / 6 Keys For Developing An Obsession For Your Assignment.

    A Power Book!

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