Bonaventure Okoro

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  • Life Indeed Yes


    The nativity story as told by the angel Gabriel gives the prophetic account of the life and ministry of Jesus before His birth. It came to bring fulfillment the prophecies of Isaiah and Micah rendered 750 years earlier.

    The story has a very strident anti-abortion message since at the time of the annunciation Mary had not yet said yes to the angel Gabriel and God. All the events in the life of Jesus were already spelled out and so it was for John the Baptist, Jeremiah and for all of us.

    It is from that encounter and other texts, we know that life begins when God speaks it forth because His Word is spirit and life and not the prerogative of anyone not the least the Pro-lifers or those of Pro-choice.

    This work looks at the politics of choice; discuses when life begins and chronicles the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, in 1973 that ushered in the current law of the land, which has led to the legalization of abortion as the law of the land in America.

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  • Manual For Life


    Every inventor writes the manual for the use of his invention. A car has an owner’s manual, written by the manufacturer. God the creator/inventor of the universe has written a Manual for His creation, the earth.

    The irrefutable fact remains that people are either not reading or yielding to the Manual since as statistics indicate 80%-85% of the US population profess to be Christians. Despite the large number of believers, we have a huge disconnect between the practices of people and the ethos of the dictates of the Bible (The Manual). Disagreements on subjects like prayer in schools, debate on the death penalty, abortion, homosexuality and divorce exist when the manual is clear on these subjects.

    This work makes the case that the reader obeys and uses the Word of God as the manual it ought to be. It is an authentic document proven by historical, prophetic, miracles and the life changing spiritual facts. It also looks at the major world religions, discussing how to use the manual and what not to do with it and invites people to come to life by the shed blood of Jesus.

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