
Showing 1201–1250 of 1435 results

  • Sincere And Pure Devotion To Christ 1


    Paul’s affection for the Corinthian church and his endurance through hardship for their joy testifies to his deep devotion to Christ. His example and instruction in this letter inspires us to find our joy in Jesus.

    In both volumes of A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ, Storms provides readers with fifty daily meditations on this great epistle that are both accessible and substantive. His analysis and application of the biblical text make these meditations suitable for private devotions or small group studies, or as a commentary for Bible study, Sunday School lessons, or sermon preparation.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Florida Gators

    Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.00.

    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Florida Gators combines the great passion of the Gator fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. The day after Mike McNeely helped Florida beat Georgia, he was back at his job in a grocery store. Before Jim McElwain hit the big time, he sold popcorn, tended bar, and worked in a cherry warehouse. What Steve Spurrier did with his Heisman Trophy changed the way it was presented. Tim Tebow made three promises, and the 2008 college football season was never the same again. Chicken and rice and lucky shirts had a hand in the 2006-07 basketball national title. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Emmitt Smith, Danny Wuerffel, Urban Meyer, Chris Leak, and others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story

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  • Joy Juice : Delightful Flavors Of Joy In The Lord


    Joy Juice will encourage you and make you want the contagious joyful spirit Joyce has because of Jesus.

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  • Spiritual Vitamins : The Heart And Soul Of Todays Nurse Humor And Inspirati


    This volume of weekly devotions and humor will lighten not only the mood of the nurse, but all health caregivers. This is like taking your vitamins every morning before heading out the door. Reading the inspired messages of God’s love, hope and promises, as well as the humorous pages that only a caregiver or nurse can relate to will make any bad day turn into a laughable day. When you lie awake at night, wondering what you could have done differently for that difficult patient, take the suggestions on combating stress and insomnia and turn your dark nights into joy in the morning.

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  • Knowing God Devotional Journal


    Discover the riches of the character of God in this special devotional format of J. I. Packer’s classic that reveals the wonder, glory and joy of knowing God. With six devotions for each week, the daily reading includes Scripture, a suggestion for action or reflection, and space to journal or write out your prayers.

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  • Apples Of Gold


    I grew up right outside Houston, Texas, never knowing who the Lord Jesus was or the extent of what he could do, until the ripe old age of thirty three, when I meet him in a prayer of desperation. From that point on he has taken me on a journey of spiritual warfare and discovery of truth that I would not have believed were possible had it not happened to me. I had looked for fulfillment in the vices of the world and came up empty, but I thank God that when I ran out of options and admitted defeat there was someone there to catch me. It was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself, who had been waiting to see that glorious white flag of surrender. I take no credit whatsoever for the birth or writing of this book, It was birthed in prayer by the Lord himself and he has been beside me writing the words and selecting the scriptures ever since. He explained this to me in one verse of scripture, which I take great pleasure in sharing with you now. Second Timothy 1:9 “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” Proverbs 25:11 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” People need nourishment We’re often told But more than that They need “Apples of Gold” A word fitly spoken Can set a soul free From all of the lying Done by our enemy Thus the title Of my little book Which I pray brings you blessings When in it you look

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  • Few Minutes With God


    A Few Minutes With God is a collection of devotions that have been written for the Washington Daily News in Washington, North Carolina. Doug Gibbs is a minister and currently works with the Pleasant Grove Church of Christ in Fairfield, North Carolina. The devotions have been designed to help readers experience a quiet time with God.

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  • Living The Christian Year


    Bobby Gross presents chapters on each season of the liturgical year, accompanied by weekly devotions based on the Sunday readings of the lectionary cycle. His book offers a flexible weekly format, designed to let you break the devotions down any way you want to.

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  • Look At Life From A Deer Stand Devotional


    Steve Chapman, avid hunter and bestselling author of A Look at Life from a Deer Stand (more than 225,000 copies sold) has a gift for gleaning faith lessons from the glories of creation. This handsomely bound gathering of devotions invites readers to join in the thrill of the pursuit, the celebration of nature, and the enjoyment of God’s presence. Each devotion begins with the inspiration of a Scripture verse and closes with the stillness of a prayer. Readers will be drawn to the wisdom, delighted by the humor, and captivated by the adventure of the hunt and the discovery of God’s character. This padded hardcover is an ideal gift for Chapman’s fans, hunters, outdoors enthusiasts, and any man who takes aim at spiritual growth in his life.

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  • My I Problem With Gods Word


    God’s ways are not our ways, neither are his thoughts our thoughts. It should come as no surprise that the teachings found in the Bible often conflict with our thoughts and behaviors. This conflict sets the stage for My “I” Problem with God’s Word. These devotions, written in the first person, do not express the author’s personal struggles with God’s Word; rather, they describe the reader’s spiritual journey. From the first paragraph, the reader becomes the “I,” allowing God to expose personal sin and the struggle of exchanging worldly ways for holy living. The reader enters into the spiritual struggle and victory. Each chapter highlights one or two verses, uniquely explained and applied through five daily readings. The subjects include thankfulness, spiritual battles, faith being tested, and forgiving others. My “I” Problem with God’s Word is the first in a series of devotionals. Daily readings 51-100 is projected to be published in the spring of 2010.

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  • Poder De Lo Alto – (Spanish)


    A devotional study which presents the Biblical teachings regarding the Holy Spirit

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  • 21 Days To Discover Who You Are In Jesus


    Connie Witter, trusted Bible teacher and author, inspires you in 21 days to discover just how much God loves you – completely and unconditionally. Because of Jesus, the Father God can now welcome you into His family and enjoy His relationship with you. By understanding His amazing forgiveness, you will develop the confidence to fulfill your destiny.

    Connie shares powerful personal stories and the importance of trusting in who God says you are and His love for you, even when you feel unworthy and defeated. These short devotions will encourage you to pursue God and develop the qualities He has instilled in you for such a time as this.

    You will be inspired to relax in God’s love for you and enjoy His blessings. Great as a gift of encouragement or as an every day pick-me-up!

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  • Days Of Grace


    Author is recognized for using Benedictine wisdom to cope with the challenges of chronic illness.

    Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, this book invites readers to reflect on living with illness. The heart of the book is a collection of thirty meditations, followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. The meditations voice the difficulties and the challenges of living with illness, and call the reader toward a deepening understanding, compassion and generosity. While the meditations intend to offer comfort, they are also written from the conviction that God invites us to grow even in these circumstances. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These thirty meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms.

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  • Start Your Day With God


    Always busy and on the move? Slow down and take a moment to meditate on the Word of God. Start your day off with God before getting too busy, rushing from one event or meeting after another. God desires to speak to you: He wants you to know Him better and truly discover who you really are in Him. Jesus prayed to the heavenly Father not to take us out of this world, but that He would keep and protect us from the evil one. Jesus also asked the Father to sanctify us, and the only way we can be truly sanctified is in the Word. “Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.” (John 17:17) So be encouraged to start your day with God, discover the truth of God’s Word for yourself, and learn more about yourself and your daily assignment in the Lord.

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  • Broken Jar : 365 Days On The Potters Wheel


    Broken Jar is for those who wish to be transformed by the Potter from a showboat into an ark of testimony for Him. It is for earthen vessels who know that to be continually molded by His hands-even broken and reformed, if need be-is the only way to keep bearing His hallmark-the only way to continue glorifying the true Potter. From January through December, these daily devotionals, anchored deeply in the Word of God, ask challenging questions about growing pains and comfortable stagnation: * Are we allowing the Potter to do as He pleases with us, the clay? * Do we trust Him to put pressure where it is needed to mold us to His liking, or do we stiffen at and shrink from His touch? * When we arrive at a shape we like, do we grow so proud and possessive of this present form that we disengage ourselves from the wheel to harden into an independent and finished pot to remain permanently “fixed”? This book is for those jars who refuse to stay fixed.

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  • Broken Jar : 365 Days On The Potters Wheel


    Broken Jar is for those who wish to be transformed by the Potter from a showboat into an ark of testimony for Him. It is for earthen vessels who know that to be continually molded by His hands-even broken and reformed, if need be-is the only way to keep bearing His hallmark-the only way to continue glorifying the true Potter. From January through December, these daily devotionals, anchored deeply in the Word of God, ask challenging questions about growing pains and comfortable stagnation: * Are we allowing the Potter to do as He pleases with us, the clay? * Do we trust Him to put pressure where it is needed to mold us to His liking, or do we stiffen at and shrink from His touch? * When we arrive at a shape we like, do we grow so proud and possessive of this present form that we disengage ourselves from the wheel to harden into an independent and finished pot to remain permanently “fixed”? This book is for those jars who refuse to stay fixed.

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  • Kingdom Of God


    By the time Jesus was twelve years old, He was so well grounded in the Word that all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding. Parents and guardians can use this devotional as a resource to lead family devotions if they have a young family or to train and disciple younger children who cannot read. This daily devotional is also a tool that children can use to develop a personal time of fellowship with God as soon as they are able to read on their own. As soon as children can read for themselves, they can develop the habit of beginning each day by planting a seed from God’s Word in their hearts. In obedience to Jesus’ command, we as parents need to do our part faithfully to make disciples of our children, ensuring that they are rooted firmly in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Jesus also said, “Here is what God’s kingdom is like. A farmer scatters seed on the ground. Night and day the seed comes up and grows. It happens whether the farmer sleeps or gets up. He doesn’t know how it happens. All by itself the soil produces grain. First the stalk comes up. Then the head appears. Finally, the full grain appears in the head. Before long the grain ripens. So the farmer cuts it down, because the harvest is ready.” (Mark 4:26-29 NIRV).

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  • Sacred Time : Living In The Presence Of God


    There is a tremendous hunger among Christians today for deeper encounters with the living Christ. We want desperately to know Him so that we can better serve and follow His will for our lives. Unfortunately, the practice of communing with the Lord doesn’t always come naturally. So, how do we structure our lives so we are prepared for, and responsive to His presence?

    Sacred Time guides you in the discipline of prayer, silence, Sabbath, simplicity and other yielding spiritual practices. Authors Jim Hampton and Amy Brothers provide unique insight into how these ancient traditions can be relevant for Christians today.

    Discover what it means to be in passionate pursuit of intimacy with God.

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  • Ancient Christian Devotional Lectionary Cycle C


    Table Of Contents
    Ancient Christian Commentary Citations
    Prayer Citations
    Biographical Sketches
    Index Of Names And Sources

    Additional Info
    A follow-up to the previous Ancient Christian Devotional, which follows lectionary cycle A, this devotional guide follows lectionary cycle C, which begins in Advent 2009. This guide to prayer and reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture with a simple structure for daily or weekly reading and prayer.

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  • Complete Girls Of Grace (Workbook)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781439110058ISBN10: 1439110050Point Of GraceBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2009Publisher: Howard Books Print On Demand Product

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  • From Moab To Bethlehem


    From Moab to Bethlehem…Journey to the King is an in-depth study of the biblical book of Ruth. Full of deep insights by author Cynthia Shomaker, it traces the footsteps of Naomi and Ruth and takes the reader on an inspiring journey from doubt, despair and defeat to triumphant faith and satisfying fulfillment. First taught to a small Bible study group, the 44 lessons in From Moab to Bethlehem address issues every person deals with, among them: the temptation to trust in earthly things, failed expectations, responding to loss, disillusionment and despair, past sins and other debilitating conditions, self-doubts and insecurities and false saviors. Along the way, it constantly points the reader to Jesus, the King, the true Savior and Redeemer, who much like Boaz, Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer, is not only able to redeem fully, but to provide “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” This inspirational book challenges us to dare to leave our “Moabs” behind, venture by faith onto the pathway to Bethlehem, the “House of Bread,” and find there in Christ everything we’ll ever need. Terry Beh- editor

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  • From Moab To Bethlehem


    From Moab to Bethlehem…Journey to the King is an in-depth study of the biblical book of Ruth. Full of deep insights by author Cynthia Shomaker, it traces the footsteps of Naomi and Ruth and takes the reader on an inspiring journey from doubt, despair and defeat to triumphant faith and satisfying fulfillment. First taught to a small Bible study group, the 44 lessons in From Moab to Bethlehem address issues every person deals with, among them: the temptation to trust in earthly things, failed expectations, responding to loss, disillusionment and despair, past sins and other debilitating conditions, self-doubts and insecurities and false saviors. Along the way, it constantly points the reader to Jesus, the King, the true Savior and Redeemer, who much like Boaz, Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer, is not only able to redeem fully, but to provide “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” This inspirational book challenges us to dare to leave our “Moabs” behind, venture by faith onto the pathway to Bethlehem, the “House of Bread,” and find there in Christ everything we’ll ever need. Terry Beh- editor

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  • Book Of Wisdom By John Gill (Revised)


    About the Author John Gill (1697 – 1771) was born in Kettering, Northamptonshire. In his youth, he attended Kettering Grammar School, mastering the Latin classics and learning Greek by age eleven. The young scholar also had a love for Hebrew which would follow him throughout his life. At about twelve years of age, Gill heard a sermon from his pastor, William Wallis, whose text came from Genesis 3:9, “And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?” He reflected often on the message of Wallis’ sermon and it eventually led to his conversion. It was not until seven years later, however, that young John made a public profession of his faith in Christ, when he was almost nineteen years of age. His first pastoral work was as an intern at age twenty one, and he later became a pastor in Southwark, England. His pastorate lasted 51 years. Gill was an English Bible scholar, and a prolific writer who authored among other things, an expository commentary on the entire Bible. John Gill was a profound scholar whose ministry in some fashion still touches millions of people worldwide. About this Book Unlike human wisdom, the Book of Proverbs is of divine inspiration. The Book of Wisdom is presented as a devotional from John Gill’s commentary on these Proverbs. Book of Wisdom is a tribute offered by the James J. MacCabbee Company to Pastor John Gills’ lifetime of brilliant work. As Proverbs 8:1, “Doth not Wisdom cry?” This daily devotional is prepared for governmental leaders, leaders in the news and entertainment industries, clergy and laypersons; employees and employers; spouses, parents and children. In fact Wisdom is offered to “anyone who has ears to hear” (see Matthew 13:9). Those who receive such Wisdom as presented here will not be disappointed.

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  • Connected : You And God In The Psalms


    Sometimes it’s hard for people to reconcile their lives in this chaotic, energized, nonsensical world with their faith in God. They want to know what’s really true, what they can count on, what they can build their futures on. They want their lives to matter. And yet to them the Bible often seems merely to be an ancient book about dead people who had no idea of the stresses and fears and challenges of living today.

    This straightforward, real-world devotional guide is designed to help people of all ages connect powerfully with the God of the Bible as revealed in the Psalms-the Bible’s songbook. Within the exquisitely emotional lyrics in these songs, young readers will find all the feelings, struggles, and fears they face each day. And they’ll find the spiritual resources to help them thrive.

    Using 90 selected passages from the Psalms, Peter Wallace has put together a stimulating new devotional full of fresh ideas for finding ways to connect with God, with one another, and with the world at large. As a result, readers will gain encouragement and strength to face their uncertain world with the wisdom and love of the God who so deeply loves them.

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  • Spilt Milk : Devotions For Moms


    Spilt Milk is a collection of brief, hilarious stories and meditations mixed with biblically based applications that encourage women in their spiritual journey. Written by a Gen-X mom, these stories remind busy mothers that God’s grace is always there in the messes and marvels of life, love, and being a mom.

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  • Word Became Flesh


    The Word Became Flesh is a devotional from the Gospel of John for the 40 days of Lent. It traces the life of Christ from the 1st chapter of John through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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  • God Letters : 101 Devotionals For Sinners And Hypocrites Just Like Me


    God Letters 101 Devotionals for Sinners and Hypocrites Just Like Me is a collection of daily devotonals that will bring the reader to a new understanding of grace.

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  • God Letters : 101 Devotionals For Sinners And Hypocrites Just Like Me


    God Letters 101 Devotionals for Sinners and Hypocrites Just Like Me is a collection of daily devotonals that will bring the reader to a new understanding of grace.

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  • Beloved Come Closer


    This book is designed to be used as a devotional to stimulate spiritual growth. It will demonstrate how scriptures can be used in our daily walk with God and acquaint the reader with more scriptures. It can also be just relaxing reading after a busy day. For the person who is seeking to know the Lord better, this book will be a great inspiration. The poems will refresh your spirit and bring you closer to God.

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  • Living The Word


    Living the Word is a devotional commentary and a practical guide to finding happiness through obedience to God’s Word. It walks with the psalmist through each of the 22 stanzas of Psalm 119 as he struggles to live for God in a hostile world. Living the Word captures the psalmist’s love for God’s Word and challenges the reader to make it his own.

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  • Pearls From The Prophets


    Pearls from the Prophets calls you to receive greater mantels of authority. Pastor Roger Alan Dennis and Greg S. Pettys pray that as you turn each page the Holy Spirit will quicken and stir you to dive deeper into God’s Word. You will be provoked in love to reach depths that will cause your faith to rise with each pearl of the next three hundred and sixty-six days. These Pearls will become the jeweled necklace adorning the Bride of Christ according to Isaiah 61:10. Dive deep, press in and press on! Psalm 42:7, “Deep calleth unto deep…”

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  • Feed The Body Nourish The Soul


    Did you ever expect to have so little time with your family? Do you feel like you meet your family coming and going, as everybody races off to jobs, schools, sports, dance classes, music lessons and church activities; catching only glimpses of each other’s day? Are you there? If so, this devotional book is for you…to bring your family together at the dinner table. In these pages, you will find meal plans, recipes and devotionals presented in a unique way that will allow you to use the meal itself as a visual illustration of eternal truths from God’s Word – relating the food at the table to food for one’s soul. Start feeding souls as well as bodies at your dinner table, as your evening meal becomes a cherished time for reconnecting with each other…and with the Lord.

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  • Hidden Treasures Of The Spirit


    This book can be viewed as a study of prayer and The Names of God, as well as, used as a devotional guide into a more intimate relationship with Our Creator and Lord. It is a book to be experienced, not just read. You will begin by seeing how Genesis 22 is actually a guideline to HOW and WHEN to LISTEN for His Voice. Continuing with the theme of relationship with Him, we look into many of the passages that state “Lord” or “God”, while the original Names called out “Creator”, “Master”, “Provider”, and so much more. Each section ends with a prayer, thus leading you into reflections and thoughts of your own concerning what you have just read.

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  • 1 Who Is


    You will be encouraged, inspired, and your faith will be spiritually enriched when used as a devotional. You will see the scarlet thread is the blood of Jesus identifying who He is in each book of the Bible. This is a timeless book that will never change, giving a deeper understanding of who Jesus is as the author reveals her personal experiences and discoveries making this book useful and encouraging for everyday life.

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  • Pies De Ciervas En Lugares Alt – (Spanish)


    A devotional best-seller of all times which personifies the attitudes of our mind, heart and character and leads us to that perfect union with Christ.

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  • More Precious Than Gold


    Theologian and pastor Sam Storms urges readers to discover and delight in the treasures of Psalms through 50 days of meditations on this beloved Bible book. In his third book of daily meditations, Sam Storms urges readers to not just enter into God’s Word but to take the next step toward knowing him and his Word better. And the book of Psalms, Storms believes, is a great place to start, because Psalms is so popular and so very relevant to our experiences today. In More Precious Than Gold, Storms combines years of life experience and his biblical and theological training to bring readers 50 brief, daily meditations that are both stylistically accessible and theologically substantive. Each meditation includes a historical or theological reflection on the psalm in context, a story that brings it alive, and creative tools to support the key idea. Storms also interweaves the words of such luminaries as Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, and John Piper to help readers better understand the concepts that are featured throughout Psalms: worship, prayer, joy, forgiveness, steadfast love, mercy, sin’s consequences, the law of the Lord, and our relationship with our enemies. Like the Psalter, Storms doesn’t shy away from the tough issues. Instead, he encourages readers to experience through these daily meditations what he and generations of Christians have found to be true: that the whole of the Christian faith is about lifting God higher and magnifying his name-even during difficult times.

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  • Walking In Freedom (Reprinted)


    God wants His children to walk in the freedom purchased for them by Christ at Calvary. Every person has been given the responsibility to make right choices in life–we must choose truth, reject lies, and forgive those who hurt us–but God has not left us as orphans to fend for ourselves! The Holy Spirit gives us the power to walk in the freedom that is already ours in Christ. Following these twenty-one days of select readings will increase the liberating work that God has begun in you through the Steps to Freedom in Christ. Each daily devotional provides three truths–the truth about God, the truth about you, and the truth about freedom–as well as recommended Scripture readings that affirm each of the three. As readers begin to hide these truths in their hearts, they will learn how to stand firm in their freedom and build a strong and holy shield against the enemy’s attacks.

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  • Mano A Mano Fighting The Battle Together


    Mano-a-mano is a Spanish construction meaning “hand to hand.” It was used originally in bullfights where just the matador and the bull confront each other. Current Spanish usage describes any kind of competition between two people where they both compete, but somehow cooperate in achieving something. Mano-a-mano the devotional is a daily opportunity for men and their teenaged sons to share the Word of God for mentoring and discipleship. Men love competition and we know we are in competition for our young men’s souls. Men and young men alike are competing yet cooperating in the achievement of our goals to become the men that God intends us to be: His men, His mighty warriors, His true and brave allies.

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  • Gospeled Lives : Encounters With Jesus A Lenten Study


    What does it mean to be gospeled? John Indermark suggests that an encounter with the living Christ demands a response. Gospeled Lives presents biblical characters who had such an encounter. Some of these persons responded with joy and gratitude. Some ignored or rejected Christ’s offer of good news. These stories, along with daily readings of scripture, written prayers, and suggested exercise, make an ideal study for either individual or group use over the six-week Lenten period. The offer and the experience of grace are found in these pages, as they are in the Lenten season itself. Each chapter has five daily readings and an introductory overview of the week’s theme. The appendix includes session guides for group study.

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  • Night Light : A Devotional For Couples


    The challenge of sustaining an intimate, faith-based marriage in today’s “hurry-up” society has never been greater. Now Night Light, the couples’ devotional from Focus on the Family ministry founder Dr. James Dobson and his wife, Shirley, brings spouses together each evening, helping them stay connected with each other and their Lord. Stories that strike an emotional chord, Scripture readings, provocative questions, prayers, and personal commentary from the Dobsons encourage men and women in their homes and spiritual lives. More than just another devotional, Night Light is a practical, uplifting guide for every couple who longs to experience the joyous, intimate, “three-person” marriage covenant God intended.

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  • Enter The Open Door


    In joy, Enter The Open Door invites readers to a closer walk with Christ in active faith. Many recognize the open door of His life. These devotions encourage readers to fully enter, starting where they are now. Let God activate your faith through in-depth answers from the Bible and the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit working through Christ’s cross in daily life. The reader will find Scripture, prayers, and sharp insights to penetrate life’s roadblocks. Each devotion, readable in about ten minutes, is a lesson from the battle zone by a survivor of a near-fatal car crash, cancer with surgery, and serious family health and career challenges, all used by God to bring His children forward in faith.

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  • 90 Days : Encouragement For The Christian Overeater


    Is binge eating a problem for you? Are you obsessed about your body size and weight? If you have ever struggled with complusive overeating, this book is written for you. The daily readings are designedd to keep you out of denial and into recovery. Abstinence from complusive overeating is a God-given gift. Believe that it is available to you. Reach out today and claim your victory.

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  • Devotionals For Pregnant Women


    Devotionals for Pregnant Women by Rebekah Kassim is a treasure-chest of the manifold promises of God for His pregnant daughters. In the book, she lets the reader into the privacy of her devotional times and her dialogues with God as she journeyed through five pregnancies. The book is a testimony to the efficacy of the word of God and a chronicle of victories over the many challenges she went through in childbirth. It is her prayer that pregnant women will find renewed strength in Him who is the giver of life, as they read these devotionals.

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  • Faith A Journey Worth Taking


    Are you equipped for the journey? The journey of life is full of unexpected encounters that will challenge our faith in God. On some days we will be turned around. On others, we will have the wind knocked out of us. We are prone to stumble and fall, be wounded, make mistakes, and wonder where God is in the midst of all that swirls around us. Faith: A Journey Worth Taking is a devotional meant to encourage readers on those days when the sun is hiding behind the clouds and the silver lining has yet to appear. More importantly, it draws readers’ hearts closer to God as they embark upon the most epic quest that they will ever take… the journey of faith. Jaymes

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  • March Gladness : Biblical Truth With A College Basketball Flavor


    There are few sporting events that have the following of the NCAA Men’s College Basketball Tournament. Upsets, game-winning shots, clutch free-throws, gut wrenching defeats, and come from behind victories. The NCAA Tournament has it all! For Christians, following college basketball should take a back seat to being a follower of Jesus. While basketball offers excitement to its followers, the benefits of following Jesus are unparalleled. There is good news – the truths of the Bible and the history of the NCAA Tournament can go hand in hand! This book of devotions will review every tournament since 1976 and relate a truth from God’s Word. You will enjoy remembering the history of the tournament while also being challenged with truth that can help you succeed in the Christian life.

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  • March Gladness : Biblical Truth With A College Basketball Flavor


    There are few sporting events that have the following of the NCAA Men’s College Basketball Tournament. Upsets, game-winning shots, clutch free-throws, gut wrenching defeats, and come from behind victories. The NCAA Tournament has it all! For Christians, following college basketball should take a back seat to being a follower of Jesus. While basketball offers excitement to its followers, the benefits of following Jesus are unparalleled. There is good news – the truths of the Bible and the history of the NCAA Tournament can go hand in hand! This book of devotions will review every tournament since 1976 and relate a truth from God’s Word. You will enjoy remembering the history of the tournament while also being challenged with truth that can help you succeed in the Christian life.

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  • Proverb A Day Keeps The Devil Away


    A Proverb a Day Keeps the Devil Away applies the principles of God found in the Book of Proverbs to daily living. Illustrations are used to trigger the memories of its readers to past and present experiences in life; hopefully, causing the lesson of each devotion to profoundly impact the reader. These illustrations stem from relationships, home, work, play, decisions, reactions, thoughts, injustice and justice. Some are humorous and some very serious. Each one demonstrates the theme of that verse. The Book of Proverbs is as timely as time itself. Times have changed but people have not. They still face the hard issues of life: the same fears and hurts, the same temptations and sin, the same struggle with what is right and wrong, and the same questions about what role God really plays in their life. This devotional study aids its readers in getting a grip on these challenges.

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  • Declaring Gods Word Devotional


    According to Scripture, Satan can be defeated if believers will stand on God’s Word and testify to what it says about the mighty and powerful blood of Jesus. It is only by your testimony, however, and the truth you declare, that you will overcome the devil’s schemes. For the first time ever, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince will lead you to power and victory each day in this 365-day devotional. Each week features a Scriptural declaration of truth to be confessed daily, along with Derek Prince’s amazing insight and teaching.
    By Declaring God’s Word, you will:
    * Begin each day in the power of the Lord
    * Develop a peace that surpasses understanding
    * Experience powerful release from oppression and attack
    * Become steeped in God’s Word
    * Discern truth from falsehood
    Now you can experience the power of God all year long as you send the devil running by starting each day confessing the truth of God’s Word!

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  • Hope For Today


    Hope is beyond faith. Faith is conviction of truth, assurance in Christ Jesus, and total reliance upon Christ for salvation (Ephesians 2:8). “Faith is the substance [confidence, being sure] of things hoped for and the evidence [certain] of [what we do not see] things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is having confidence in God’s plan while hope anticipates, expects, ponders, and yearns for it.

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  • 40 Day Journey With Julian Of Norwich


    The volumes in the 40-Day Journey series invite readers to take a spiritual journey with a great spiritual guide from the past or the present. In this volume, readers will be inspired by Julian, a celebrated English mystic from the fourteenth century and a recluse at St. Julian’s Church in Norwich, whose writings were the first works in English known to be written by a woman.

    Drawing from her published writings, editor Lisa Dahill here selects forty inspiring passages from Julian’s work that help illustrate God’s love and compassion for all. A medieval Catholic, Julian was seen as a precursor to Martin Luther and other Reformation writers. Much of what she wrote speaks of the most profound mysteries of the Christian faith, and her Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love (circa 1393) is considered to be one of the most remarkable documents of medieval religious experience. In it she speaks of the great love of God for God’s people and how sin stands in the way. It is Jesus, however, who assures her, “that all would be well, and all manner of things would be well.”

    40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich begins with a short introduction to the life of Julian and then offers forty chapters, each of which includes a reading from her writings, related Scripture passages, questions to ponder, journal-reflection exercises, and a prayer. The book also includes helps on how to use the book and hints on keeping a journal along with ideas for further reading. Each chapter in the book includes space for notes.

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