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Showing 301–350 of 431 results

  • Loving The Church Blessing The Nations


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Rediscovering the role God designed for the church in mission is a critical issue facing the missions movement today. That role is to glorify God by planting churches among every tongue, tribe, and nation. Planting churches amid unreached peoples is a complex process. It calls forth every ministry gift and the contribution of every believer.

    Imagine a businessman, a construction worker, a schoolteacher, and an engineer all working together to support the development of a local church amongst an unreached people group in another part of the world. Most Christians will not leave home and go elsewhere to minister. If they are to participate in God’s global mission, they must be affirmed, developed and released right where they live, in the context of their local church. This book shows how churches can become centers of mission vision and implementation and so accomplish God’s design for the local church.

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  • Growing Your Faith By Giving It Away


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832620ISBN10: 0830832629R. York MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2005Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Soul Obsession : When Gods Primary Pursuit Becomes Your Lifes Driving Passi


    New from the author of the best-selling
    Christian classic, Run Baby Run.

    The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with freeing human hearts enslaved to sin. To truly know God, this must become our life’s driving desire as well our Soul Obsession. And when we fall obediently in step with God, we’ll see Him perform miracles through us to rescue people and give them new life.

    In his powerful new book, internationally known author Nicky Cruz shares powerful personal stories of faithful obedience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances including the amazing story of his mother’s deathbed conversion and healing. You, too, can move past doubts, understand both the natural and supernatural worlds, and develop a faith that can move any mountain, no matter how high or wide or difficult.

    Do we truly understand the power we have at our fingertips? Do we grasp the significance of the message that we bring to a lost world? Do we comprehend how easily evil can be beaten and revoked by simply opening ourselves up to the moving of the Holy Spirit among us? Do we know what God is capable of doing among us?
    If you want to change the world, begin by letting God change you. By letting the passion of Jesus become your passion. By letting the Holy Spirit be your only guide and mentor, every step, every minute of the day. By allowing God to set your heart on fire with a Soul Obsession! Nicky Cruz

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  • Holy Donuts : Impacting Schools For Christ


    Holy Donuts is a practical, legal way of getting into the schools and building rapport with the kids! If we want to see members of this younger generation experience a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ and become productive and influential members of society with a biblical worldview, we must go to them! A session of Holy Donuts begins when each of the kids comes in, grabs a donut, and takes a seat. By using visual object lessons, the kids are able to grasp and apply the principles of the Gospel. Discussion follows, and ways they can use their faith are stressed. Sessions are short, allowing time for more than one group to participate on a given day. The concept is applicable to all grade levels. Holy Donuts: Impacting Schools for Christ gives you all the information you need to start your own outreach.

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  • Evangelizing Church : A Lutheran Contribution


    Foreword, Mark S. Hanson
    Preface, David L. Tiede
    Project Team Members

    1.A Lutheran Confession
    2.The Gift Is A Call
    3.Addressing Captives In Babylon
    4.For The Sake Of The World
    5.Called Out Of Our Comfort Zone
    6.Navigating Difficult Questions
    7.After The Death Of Evangelism – The Resurrection Of An Evangelizing Church

    Epilogue: A Lutheran Contribution To An Evangelizing Church

    Study Guide
    Annotated Bibliography
    Index Of Topics
    Index Of Names

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    In a series of engaging essays and responses, the book explores how evangelism has functioned within Lutheranism historically and articulates a Lutheran theological perspective on evangelism within the broader developments in mission theology over the past several decades. It further helps to show how evangelism from a Lutheran perspective may be differentiated from other theologies of evangelism that are part of the Christian movement in our day.

    The book moves from theory to practice as it relates this theology of evangelism to the life of congregations that are seeking to proclaim the gospel in the emerging postmodern context, provides congregations with perspectives on how to utilize this theology in shaping the practice of evangelism within their church life. A study guide to encourage group discussion and reflection is included.

    Other contributors:
    *Wyvetta Bullock
    *Kelly Fryer
    *Craig Nessan
    *J. Paul Rajashekar

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  • Prodigal Returns : Reclaiming Our Wayward


    The Prodigal Returns is a work dedicated to the individuals that return to God after being “out there” on their own. Many people must experience hardships and difficulties before understanding that where they were is actually where they need to remain. The book provides an objective look at challenges and barriers faced by many who truly wish to return to the safety of the community of faith. In essence, we can speculate what is needed for them. But in reality only they can release the pain in the time they feel comfortable. This work offers other views on the thoughts of a returned prodigal.

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  • Missions In The Third Millenium (Revised)


    Christianity Today author Stan Guthrie examines 21 important developments in the world of missions and how they will influence the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the new millennium.

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  • Evangelical Truth : A Personal Plea For Unity Integrity And Faithfulness (Revise


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830833030ISBN10: 083083303XJohn StottBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2005Christian Doctrine In Global PerspectivePublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Do They Run When They See You Coming



    Foreword By Chap Clark

    Chapter 1: Youth Ministry In One Word

    Chapter 2: I Thought I Already Had Compassion

    Looking At “the Unchurched” Through Diff Erent Eyes

    Chapter 3: In The Minds Of Unchurched Students

    Why They Think What They Think

    Chapter 4: A Rude Awakening

    How I Fi Nally Realized That “sharing My Faith” Starts With MY Faith

    Chapter 5: Do They Run When They See You Coming?

    How To NEVER Reach Students

    Chapter 6: Reaching…Not Repelling

    Developing A Relational Approach

    Chapter 7: Finding Frames

    Communicating In A Language They Understand

    Chapter 8: Building Bridges

    Moving Beyond Everyday Conversations To Sharing The Gospel

    Chapter 9: Door-Opening Questions

    Nothing Sparks Interest Better Than Well-placed Questions

    Chapter 10: Focus On Christ (It’s More Than A Tract)

    Sharing Jesus’ Story Simply, Clearly, And Memorably

    Chapter 11: The Key To Follow-Up

    Getting Them Plugged In

    Chapter 12: Outreach In Action: What It Looks Like

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    Reaching Out to Unchurched TeenagersFive facts about the unchurched:1. They believe all religions have value.2. They are spiritual, not religious.3. They don’t know what Christianity really is.4. They don’t know what they believe.5. They are looking for something that works.If you want to make an impact on this generation, these are five basic rules you must understand. Author Jonathan McKee writes that by taking the time to learn students’ unique situations you show you care about them as people, not as mission projects.Informative and full of real-life examples, Do They Run When They See You Coming? provides vital information you need to better understand students outside your youth group. Yet this book isn’t a sociological or marketing survey; the tangible guidelines and methods inside help you get into the mind of unchurched students–so you can get to know their hearts. Because, as every youth worker knows, real ministry is always about getting to the heart.

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  • Fireweed Evangelism : Christian Hospitality In A Multi Faith World


    “Episcopal priest Elizabeth Geitz delves, through Scripture, right into the heart of welcoming the stranger. Her handouts and forms are helpful. A must read.” –The Living Church

    Fireweed, always the first flower to spring up and bloom in ruins and burned-over places, is Elizabeth Geitz’s metaphor for evangelism that comes from the heart. It is the motivation that makes some Christians eager to welcome the stranger and invite people into their churches, while others hang back. In this prequel to Entertaining Angels: Hospitality Programs for the Caring Church, Geitz explores this missing ingredient in Christian hospitality, reminding us that in a multi-faith world where Christians wish to honor the validity of other religious paths, we may hesitate to talk about the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Her book helps both individuals and communities to understand what holds them back from evangelism and discover the path that is right for them.

    This book unfolds in three sections. In the first we look at the factors that inhibit our evangelism, including the awareness that we live in a pluralistic world and do not wish to offend those with other faith commitments. Geitz offers both reflection and exercises to help us discover our own motivation for evangelism. Part 2 addresses the question of context. Where does evangelism take place, and for whose benefit? To what sort of communities do we invite those to whom we reach out? Section 3 focuses on the uniqueness of Christian hospitality and describes the nuts and bolts of newcomer ministry and the programs needed to sustain Christian hospitality in a pluralistic society. It includes workshop and group process material.

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  • Living In Color


    Randy Woodley, a Keetowah Cherokee, casts a biblical, multiethnic vision for people of every nation, tribe and tongue. He carefully unpacks how Christians should think about racial and cultural identity, demonstrating that ethnically diverse communities have always been God’s intent for his people. Woodley gives practical insights for how we can relate to one another with sensitivity, combat the subtleties of racism and honor unique contributions to church and society. Along the way, he reckons with difficult challenges from our racially painful history and offers hope for healing and restoration. With profound wisdom from his own Native American heritage and experience, Woodley’s voice adds a distinctive perspective to contemporary discussions of racial reconciliation and multiethnicity.

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  • Ancient Future Time (Reprinted)


    Traces through the seasons of the Christian year, showing their rich theological meanings and offering preaching texts and worship themes for each one.

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  • Messianic Judaism Is Not Christianity


    “How messianic Judaism is unscriptural and dividing in the Body of Christ; and the key biblical understanding of Jewish and Gentile believers as “”one new man.”””

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  • Jesus Enterprise : Engaging Culture To Reach The Unchurched


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687006472ISBN10: 0687006473Kent HunterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2004Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Stand And Deliver


    Stand and Deliver is a practical manual for deliverance ministry. It is designed to present usable instruction for the conduct of deliverance ministry. As the Introduction states, “This book is a blueprint-a road map for deliverance. It deals with the ‘nuts and bolts’ of deliverance ministry.” As such, it is a “manual of war” for those engaged in this vital, front-line, in-the-trenches ministry to the body of Christ. As the authors say, “The victory has been won. The foundation for deliverance has been accomplished in Christ. This book is intended to help point the way toward the realization of the complete fruit of deliverance in the life of every believer. Due to the wrathful nature of our adversary, Satan, we will not accomplish this without opposition. But through the forceful application of these principles, every deliverance minister may assist believers to lay hold of the kingdom of God. Thus, may we all experience God’s righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

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  • Hells Best Kept Secret With Questions And Answers


    Discover the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. If you are experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ.

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  • Heme Aqui Senor Enviame A Mi – (Spanish)


    Hoy en dia, miles de jovenes escuchan el llamado de Dios para entrar en el ministerio y en el servicio misionero. Hay una gran necesidad entre estos jovenes, y entre todos los que aspiran a entrar en el ministerio y servir al Senor, de saber como, donde y cuando obedecer este llamado. Dios mismo es quien esta poniendo a Sus siervos en el ministerio. En Efesios 4:11 dice: “El mismo constituyo a unos, apostoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros”. Y es precisamente en Su llamado que descansa la autoridad por la cual el evangelio ha sido proclamado a traves de la historia de la iglesia.

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  • Every Christian Should Own A Lawnmower


    If you really want to reach people for Jesus Christ, then prepare yourself to help others. Part of the great commandment of our Lord and Savior is to love our neighbors as ourselves. I can’t think of a better way to show that love than by helping one another. The unity that develops is something that every person on the face of this earth craves. As we help others in the spirit of Jesus, people will see the results. By giving God all of the glory for his actions in and through us, we can more effectively carry out the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior. Every Christian Should Own a Lawnmower gives you the tools you need to reach people for Jesus Christ by helping those in need.

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  • Apostolic Intervention : A Biblical And Contemporary Overview Of The Aposto


    What is the gift of Apostle? Are you looking for a biblical and modern day understanding? How does that gift operate in the Body of Christ? Apostle Hairston’s book, Apostolic Intervention (A Biblical and Contemporary Overview of the Apostolic Impact Upon European, Ancient and American Cities), reveals the work of an Apostle beginning in the Old Testament and journeying through the New Testament and into the 21st Century, and describes non-biblical pioneers who operated with Apostle-like characteristics. The life of an Apostle emerges with great impact in this look at the men and women sent to establish order and to develop ideas and strategies for assessing and sometimes restructuring mindsets regarding biblical doctrine. Apostle Hairston believes that as our knowledge expands, our understanding will draw us to embrace and operate in the five-fold ministry gifts, resulting in a global revival and assisting mankind to stand in the face of global war, economic change, and governmental collapse. With this tool, the Apostle is prepared to play a major role as cities face the coming moves of God. This is a must read for believers seeking biblical and modern day understanding of the gift of Apostle.

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  • Holy Boldness : Practices Of An Evangelistic Lifestyle


    Part I: Practices Of Humility
    Holy Prayer
    Holy Sabbath
    Holy Play
    Holy Discernment

    Part II: Practices Of Loving-kindness
    Practices Of Love
    Practices Of Listening
    Practices Of Compassion
    Practices Of Testimony

    Part III: Practices Of Just Living
    Practices Of Reconciliation
    Practices Of Jubilee
    Practices Of Dialogue
    Practices Of Servant Leadership

    Part IV: Seasonal Practices
    Practices Of Thanksgiving
    Practices Of Advent, Christmas And Epiphany
    Practices Of An Easter People


    Additional Info
    This work approaches evangelism by examining the everyday pursuits of ordinary people, and demonstrates how evangelism often arises as a response to an overflow of God’s love. We begin with four practices of holiness by which we humble ourselves before God. Through prayer, Sabbath observance, holy play, and discernment of God’s call on our lives, we recognize God as the bedrock of our lives. With boldness, church members will come alive as they share Jesus with the world and serve as agents of God’s reconciling love, inviting people to become part of God’s family

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  • Kingdom Come : How Jesus Wants To Change The World


    Seek First the Kingdom. God is up to something! And His plans are far greater than we might imagine. Christianity is not merely about isolated individuals going to heaven. It’s about God transforming the entire world and making things right. Sickness will be healed, sins will be forgiven, injustice will be eradicated, and all creation will be redeemed. But this is not merely a distant future. It’s happening now through what Jesus came to establish–the kingdom of God. Allen Wakabayashi reawakens us to the world-changing reality of the kingdom of God. With clear, biblical insight, he unpacks what Jesus proclaimed about the good news of the kingdom and spells out the implications for us today. Focusing on the kingdom of God will revolutionize how we live out our faith, how we think about our world and how we explain the good news about Jesus. Ultimately, understanding ourselves as citizens of the kingdom will empower us to be God’s change agents in the world. God is at work to restore everything to be the way he intended to be, and we can be a part of what he is doing. Get a glimpse of the kingdom coming, and experience His will being done–on earth as it is in heaven.

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  • Ancient Future Evangelism (Reprinted)


    Draws on our current culture and the idea of the church as a witness to God’s mission to examine the processes of evangelism and spiritual formation.

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  • Transforming Power : Biblical Strategies For Making A Difference In Your Co


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832286ISBN10: 0830832289Robert LinthicumBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Evangelistic Love Of God And Neighbor


    There are, it seems as many definitions of the term evangelism as there are people doing the defining. For some, it means proclaiming the gospel to those who have not heard it. To others, it means making disciples of Jesus Christ. To others it means working for the transformation of the world into the kingdom of God. For still others, it has principally to do with building vibrant, healthy congregations. Underlying this confusion is a fundamental inability to locate the practice of evangelism within one’s overall theological convictions. We will never understand the part that proclamation, disciple making, kingdom building, and church growth play in evangelism until we first ask a more important question: What does evangelism have to do with who God is? What is it we know about God that makes evangelism a central part of what it means to be Christian? In this comprehensive theology of evangelism, Scott J. Jones proposes to ground the practice of evangelism in an understanding of God’s love for the world, specifically as seen in the incarnation of God in Christ. Because in Jesus God took on all of what it means to be human, evangelism must be a ministry to the whole person. The typical distinctions between soul-winning, social action, and church growth evaporate; individual conversion and acts of mercy are part of the same ministry of bringing persons more fully into the reign of a loving God.

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  • City Reaching


    SKU (ISBN): 9780878087778ISBN10: 087808777XJack DennisonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2003Publisher: William Carey Library Print On Demand Product

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  • Ministry To Muslim Women


    Edited by Fran Love and Jeleta Eckheart, this book is a compilation of real-life experiences by women actively involved in reaching Muslim women for Christ. These articles approach the question of the gospel and Islam from a female perspective.

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  • Muslim Evangelism : Contemporary Approaches To Contextualization


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    Too long the church has been programmed to accept the inevitabilities of meager results in the efforts toward Muslim evangelization. The reasons for this failure in mission must now be probed and resolved as the world today is coming alive to the presence of the Muslim religious community.

    Phil Parshall asks the missions world to forsake former presuppositions and to become conscious of God speaking in a new and fresh manner-not in regard to His changeless Word-but in areas of extra-biblical methodology.

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  • Radical Outreach : The Recovery Of Apostolic Ministry And Evangelism


    This book tells how the contemporary church can reclaim its ancient witness through hands-on ministries with the unchurched.

    When it comes to transforming people’s lives and leading them into active Christian discipleship, why does there seem to be such a difference between the church we read about in the New Testament and our own churches today? What was it about those earliest Christians that empowered them to spread the gospel with such startling results? One core reason, says George G. Hunter III, is that they reached out into the communities in which they lived. Instead of building fortress churches and inviting others to come join them inside the walls, the earliest Christians spread out, engaging in hands-on ministries to meet the needs of people where they were. The churches today that have reclaimed this apostolic ministry are the ones that do not rely on worship, or even preaching, to woo the unchurched into visiting them. Rather, they use outreach ministries — everything from recovery groups to English-as-a-second-language classes — to reach those most in need of the healing word of the gospel.

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  • Physicians Of Souls


    Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author. These pages tackle the inhibitions, theological and practical, and provide powerful encouragement for physicians of souls to preach the Gospel. A vital anatomy or order of conversion is supplied with advice for counselling seekers.

    The author shows how passages for evangelistic persuasion may be selected and prepared. He also challenges modern church growth techniques, showing the superiority of direct proclamation. These and other key topics make up a complete guide to soulwinning.

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  • To Live In Peace


    How are Christians to understand and respond to our distressed inner-city communities? Building on both the perspective of God’s new creation and the view from the neighborhood, Mark R. Gornik’s To Live in Peace shows how the life of the church, the strategies of community development, and the practices of peacemaking can make a transformational difference.

    Centering the book is the story of Baltimore’s New Song Community Church, a church that stands as a witness to what can happen when the risks of the gospel are taken. Engaging with a wide range of theological and missiological perspectives, Gornik demonstrates how placing blame for the current conditions of life in the inner city on the residents themselves fails the test of critical analysis and the witness of Scripture. Yet his proposals also show ways that the church can work with the community to overcome structural obstacles to human flourishing.

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  • Strange New Word Of The Gospel


    In today’s postmodern culture many people are turning to religion, but they are not necessarily finding their way back to the church. Most believers in America and other Western countries are “post-Christian.” Though baptized and brought up in a church, they no longer believe and practice the Christian faith. In such a time, the great challenge facing the church is re-evangelization. This volume provides serious theological reflection on Christian mission within postmodern, post-Christian culture. Written by respected scholars representing the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox traditions, these chapters point out elements of the gospel that will help the church speak effectively to contemporary society, particularly in the United States.

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  • Overhearing The Gospel (Revised)


    Part I: The Illusion
    1. Concerning Method
    2. Concerning The Listener
    3. Concerning The Teller
    4. Concerning The Story

    Part II: An Attack Upon The Illusions
    5. By Way Of Kierkegaard
    6. To A Proposal: The Experience Of The Listener
    7. To A Proposal: The Method Of The Teller

    Part III: Sermons
    8. “Don’t Be Afraid” (Matthew 28:1-10)
    9. “The Bottom Line” (Matthew 7:21-29)
    10. “Old Story, New Ending” (Luke 16:19-31)

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    “This is a classic in the literature of narrative preaching. It is also vintage Fred Craddock. The reader enjoys the telling of the tales and the flow of the prose so immensely that one hardly notices that the homiletical universe is being rearranges in the process.”

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  • Telling The Truth


    This thoughtful book provides cultural analysis, probes some of the most important turning-points of biblical theology, describes the experiences of those who are proving fruitful in contemporary evangelism, and exposes readers to those who are thinking hard both strategically and practically about reaching the postmodern world.

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  • Evangelism For Normal People


    John P. Bowen’s Evangelism for “Normal” People is tuned in to today’s world. Without being simplistic, this book gives clear direction, is a combination of personal journey, biblical and theological grounding and stories of real people and situations.

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  • How To Be The Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband


    From personal experience, Linda Davis explains the most effective types of prayers and shares many testimonies of husbands won to the Lord. She includes the key to understanding an unsaved husband’s rejection and hostility. Here is the scriptural way to bring your husband to Jesus.

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  • Taking Our Cities For God


    Our cities are the keys to winning the world for Christ. They are encumbered by staggering problems and opposed by cosmic spiritual forces, yet these vast urban centers hold millions of people whom God loves. Discover God’s purpose for your city, discern the strongholds that work against your city, join with others to intercede for your city, and develop a plan to break the strongholds and bring your city to God.

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  • Daughters Of Islam


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823451ISBN10: 083082345XMiriam AdeneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • 10 Most Important Things You Can Say To A Mason


    Harvest House Print on Demand Title

    This book reveals Masonry’s religious foundation, belief that all religions worship the same God, unbiblical view of Jesus, denial of hell, salvation by works philosophy, and more. Also included is a discussion of a Christian’s participation in the Masonic Lodge

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  • More Ready Than You Realize


    The words “evangelizing” and “postmoderns” and “matrix” are all buzzwords and are heard in the same sentence quite a bit these days. Now that evangelicals are alerted to the presence of change in our culture and discovering ways to adjust to that change, the next step is to take initiative and meet the new society head-on. We are talking about emerging-culture evangelism.

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  • Great Omission : A Biblical Basis For World Evangelism


    In The Great Omission, respected missions thinker Robertson McQuilkin answers the question, “How is it-with so many unreached peoples, there are so few Christians going?” He investigates the reasons so few attempt to carry the message of Christ to the multitudes who have never heard of him. Not only is McQuilkin well-versed on trends and strategies in world missions, he also knows how to present the challenge of world evangelism in an unforgettable way.

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  • Announcing The Reign Of God


    This book offers a program for Christian evangelism based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

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  • Soulwinner


    When Jesus returned to heaven, He left us with a mission–continue His work of bringing lost souls home to the Father. Charles Spurgeon accepted this mission and personally escorted thousands of people in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In this book, Spurgeon crystallizes the wisdom and experience of a lifetime as a soulwinner.

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  • Everyday Evangelism : Making A Difference For Christ Where You Live (Revised)


    1. Telling The Story
    2. A Passion For Evangelism
    3. The World We Live In
    4. Ordinary Christian Evangelists
    5. Opportunities For Evangelism
    6. Special Arenas For Evangelism
    7. The Role Of Your Church
    8. Training For Telling Your Story
    9. The Use Of Mass Media
    10. Ready To Serve
    97 Pages

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    Do you long to share your faith with the people around you? Do you wonder just what you should say or how you should act? Are you afraid that if you don’t “close the sale” and make a convert your witness is a failure?

    Everyday Evangelism addresses these questions and provides encouragement and practical suggestions on how you can share your faith within your circle of influence.

    Using scripture and the words of contemporary evangelical leaders to support his ideas, author Randy Becton shares the insights he has gained from years of involvement in mass media evangelism, including:

    *Simple steps for being an evangelistic tool in the lives of people you touch
    *Six styles of evangelism, including confrontational, testimonial, and relational
    *Common fears of failure and ways to overcome them
    *Crises that lead to periods of opportunity for sharing God’s love

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  • Youth Leaving The Church


    Why have so many youth become disenchanted with the Christian Church? This book discusses possible reasons why youth leave the church and suggest ways to reverse these trends.

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  • Good News And Good Works (Reprinted)


    1. A House Divided
    2. The Gospel Of The Kingdom
    3. Overcoming One-Sided Views About Salvation
    4. Go Ye: The Biblical Mandate For Mission
    5. Incarnational Kingdom Christianity

    256 Pages

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    I long for the day when every village, town, and city has congregations so in love with Jesus that they lead scores of people to him and so sensitive to the cry of the poor and oppressed that they work vigorously for justice, peace, and freedom, writes Ronald Sider. In Good News and Good Works, this best-selling author of Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger encourages readers to do evangelism hand-in-hand with social action in order to proclaim a holistic gospel.

    Sider begins by analyzing various kingdom mission models espoused by Christians. He explains the dangers of churches following a one-sided model, then goes on to show how to combine evangelism and social concerns in a balanced fashion. This book was previously published by Zondervan as One-Sided Christianity?

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  • Hope Has Its Reasons (Revised)


    Our deepest human longings are for love and happiness. Yet so often we are blocked from satisfying that quest. What are the barriers? Why are they so troublesome? How does our spirituality play a role? Rebecca Manley Pippert examines these persistently human questions in a thoughtful and personal book. She invites us to join her on a journey exploring the region between faith and unbelief where our hopes and our doubts mingle. She cites freely her own experiences and sets out the questions we all face at some point in our lives – questions about our significance, meaning, love, life, and truth, our search for encouragement and security.

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  • Discovering Hope : Building Vitality In Rural Congregations


    God’s Spirit is breathing new vitality into rural congregations! Hear what 26 effective rural congregations have to say about God’s activity in and through them. In these stories, you can explore the best practices for vital ministry and identify action steps for your own setting.

    Use Discovering Hope: Building Vitality in Rural Congregations on your own, in a group, or at learning events involving many congregations. For a “virtual visit” of the three congregations highlighted in chapter 1, see the companion video, Stories of Hope in Rural Congregations .

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  • How To Pray For Lost Loved Ones (Reprinted)


    Bestselling author Dutch Sheets takes a fresh look at a very specific kind of prayer that concerns nearly every Christian. How to pray for the salvation of our friends and families. Sheets begins by examining several strategic biblical principles for effectively interceding for the unsaved. He also looks at the various schemes used by Satan to prevent our loved ones from recognizing the truth of the Word of God. He shows how the enemy’s schemes can be defeated and how we, as believers, can open windows of opportunity for the lost to be able to truly hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

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  • Altar Call


    This volume will examine commitment in the context of the individual and institutinal response to God’s call to be God’s people. “The call from God is a call to the altar, to the holy, in a simple do-able way.” explains the author. “Right now we are a little like an aborted African chant in the mainline church; there is a call, but no response.” Donna Schaper outlines various reasons for this disconnect between call and response, and she offers ten concrete ways of responding to the gospel through specific actions that will help persons reconnect with their commitment to be the people of God.

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