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Gregory Boyd

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  • Across The Spectrum


    This accessible yet comprehensive primer helps readers understand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology, with chapters using the popular four-views format. This third edition of a well-received textbook (over 60,000 copies sold) has been updated and revised throughout. It examines positions taken by evangelical scholars on 17 seminal issues. In addition, it offers end-of-chapter “For Further Reading” sections, an extensive glossary, and an appendix that addresses contrasting views on 15 additional issues in contemporary evangelicalism.

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  • Benefit Of The Doubt (Reprinted)


    In Benefit of the Doubt, influential theologian, pastor, and bestselling author Gregory Boyd invites readers to embrace a faith that doesn’t strive for certainty, but rather for commitment in the midst of uncertainty. Boyd rejects the idea that a person’s faith is as strong as it is certain. In fact, he makes the case that doubt can enhance faith and that seeking certainty is harming many in today’s church. Readers who wrestle with their faith will welcome Boyd’s message that experiencing a life-transforming relationship with Christ is possible, even with unresolved questions about the Bible, theology, and ethics. Boyd shares stories of his own painful journey, and stories of those to whom he has ministered, with a poignant honesty that will resonate with readers of all ages.

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  • Present Perfect : Finding God In The Now


    A “Holy Habit” That Will Change Your Life!

    Experience true spiritual transformation: invite God’s presence into your life! Popular author, theologian, and pastor Gregory Boyd shows you how-simply, practically, and effectively-in this thoughtful and accessible book.

    Discover: * How to pray continually * What it means to “take every thought captive” * How to wake up to God’s ever-present love

    God is closer to you than the air you breathe. He is present in every given moment. Wake up to his presence! Turn off the mental chatter that keeps you from seeing his glory. Embrace the holy habit of inviting God’s presence into your life, and be transformed!

    Wake Up to God’s Presence!

    We long to be transformed. Yet our minds are filled with endless trivia and self-centered chatter. To-do lists. Worries about the past. Speculation about the future. We forget to live in the present moment … and to invite God to be with us there.

    After reading classic contemplative authors Brother Lawrence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, and Frank Laubach, theologian and pastor Gregory Boyd longed to experience the presence of God for himself. For two decades, he’s attempted to implement the “practice of the presence of God” in his own life … sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. What he’s learned as a fellow pilgrim on his spiritual journey can help you find true spiritual transformation as you begin to practice the discipline of inviting God into every moment.

    “I’ve become absolutely convinced that remaining aware of God’s presence moment-by-moment is the single most important task in the life of every follower of Jesus,” Boyd writes. “I’m convinced this challenge is implied in our commitment to surrender our life to Christ, for the only real life we have to surrender to him is the one we live moment-by-moment.”

    Join Boyd on this transformational journey of a lifetime!

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  • Jesus Legend : A Case For The Historical Reliability Of The Synoptic Jesus (Repr


    Part 1: Historical Method And The Jesus Tradition: Miracles, Parallels, And First-century Palestine

    Part 2: Other Witnesses: Ancient Historians And The Apostle Paul

    Part 3: Between Jesus And The Gospels: The Early Oral Jesus Tradition

    Part 4: The Synoptic Gospels As Historical Sources For Jesus: Assessing The Evidence

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    Much New Testament scholarship of the last 200 years has seen fit, to one degree or another, to relegate the Jesus tradition as recorded in the Gospels to the realm of legend, i.e., to the realm of fiction. But is this really what the evidence points to? By drawing together recent scholarship from a variety of fields, including history, anthropology, ethnography, folklore, and New Testament studies, Paul Eddy and Gregory Boyd show that the evidence actually supports–rather than refutes–the historical reliability of the Gospels and the existence of Jesus.

    After first presenting the cumulative case argument for the ‘legendary Jesus’ thesis, the authors proceed to dismantle it and seriously bring into question its viability. In the process, they range through issues such as the historical-critical method, form criticism, oral tradition, the use of non-Christian sources, the writings of Paul, and the Hellenization of Judaism. They come to the conclusion that the view of Jesus embraced by the early church was ‘substantially rooted in history.’ Here is an important book in the field of Jesus studies, with potential textbook use in courses in New Testament studies and apologetics.

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  • Myth Of A Christian Nation


    Arguing from Scripture and history, Dr. Boyd makes a compelling case that whenever the church gets too close to any political or national ideology, it is disastrous for the church and harmful to society. Dr. Boyd contends that the American Evangelical Church has allowed itself to be co-opted by the political right (and some by the political left) and exposes how this is harming the church’s unique calling to build the kingdom of God. In the course of his argument, Dr. Boyd challenges some of the most deeply held convictions of evangelical Christians in America – for example, that America is, or ever was, “a Christian nation” or that Christians ought to be trying to “take America back for God.”

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  • Is God To Blame


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823949ISBN10: 0830823948Gregory BoydBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Satan And The Problem Of Evil


    Where does evil come from?
    If there is a sovereign creator God, as Christian faith holds, is this God ultimately responsible for evil?
    Does God’s sovereignty mean that God causes each instance of sin and suffering?
    How do Satan, his demons and hell fit into God’s providential oversight of all creation and history?
    How does God interact with human intention and action?
    If people act freely, does God know in particular every human decision before the choice is made?

    In this important book Gregory A. Boyd mounts a thorough response to these ages-old questions, which remain both crucial and contentious, both practical and complex.

    In this work Boyd defends his scripturally grounded trinitarian warfare theodicy (presented in God at War) with rigorous philosophical reflection and insights from human experience and scientific discovery. Critiquing the classical Calvinist solution to the problem of evil, he advocates an alternative understanding of the sovereignty of the trinitarian God and of the reality of Satan that sheds light on our fallen human condition.

    While all may not agree with Boyd’s conclusions, Satan & the Problem of Evil promises to advance the church’s discussion of these critical issues.

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  • God Of The Possible (Reprinted)


    1. The Classical View Of Divine Foreknowledge
    2. The God Who Faces A Partially Open Future
    3. What Difference Does It Make?
    4. Questions And Objections
    176 Pages

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    Perhaps no theological topic is more hotly debated within evangelical Christianity these days than God’s foreknowledge. Is the future exhaustively settled, or does it include possibilities (maybes)? In encountering such questions, a growing number of evangelicals are becoming dissatisfied with the classical view of foreknowledge and have accepted an alternative, open view of God. In God of the Possible theologian Greg Boyd offers an accessible introduction to the freewill theism position.

    Boyd begins by laying out and critiquing the “motif of future determinism,” which forms the basis of the classical view of foreknowledge. He goes on to explicate several scripture passages that depict the future as partially open and that God therefore knows it as such. He then discusses some practical areas in which he thinks the open view can make a positive difference. Finally, Boyd addresses the most frequently asked questions and typical objections raised against the open view. An appendix explores other passages supporting the open view of God and the future.

    Exploring issues of foreknowledge, freedom, and the future, Boyd presents biblical, theological, and philosophical insights into the openness issue in this introductory, yet provocative, book. While geared particularly for a lay readership, more advanced students of theology will also benefit from his presentation.

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  • God At War


    A compelling new look at the age-old problem of evil! Stepping over the Augustinian view that attributes evil to the “good” purposes of God, Boyd argues that evil can be understood only in the biblical context of spiritual conflict between God and Satan. His thought-provoking analysis will prove illuminating to scholars, pastors, and interested laypeople.

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