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Karen Scheib

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  • Pastoral Care : Telling The Stories Of Our Lives


    This book affirms the historic link between Christian formation and pastoral care by locating the distinctive nature of pastoral care in the mission of the church to form persons in the Christian life of love. Drawing primarily on the theological concept of sanctification and using insights from narrative psychological theory, this text presents a praxis-oriented model of pastoral care as companionship. Pastoral caregivers, it suggests, are called to be companions growing in love, walking alongside others who are likewise growing in love of God, self, and other. Such pastoral caregivers engage their companions in narrative, relational, and prophetic practices in multiple settings. The book develops a model of companionship. It then explores the process of becoming trustworthy companions; a process of practicing companionship through pastoral assessment and developing plans of care; companioning communities; and accompanying persons and families in the midst of life joys and challenges, such as stress, crisis, violence, the end of life. Case studies throughout the book illustrate these practices of companionship with individuals, families, and congregations. Pastoral caregivers are called to be companions growing in love as we walk with and alongside others on a shared journey of growth in love of God, self, other, and the entirety of God’s creation. Pastoral caregivers both point towards the companionship of God’s Spirit and become companions in the Christian life as we are formed more fully in love through grace. Companionship implies relationship, community, and sharing the embodied realities of this life together, which is symbolized in the Christian community by breaking bread together. Our English word companion derives from the Latin com + panis, which literally means bread mates. Companionship includes the radical hospitality of sharing bread as Christians do in the celebration of communion or Eucharist and as envisioned in the eschatological banquet to which Jesus invites us all.

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