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Robert Short

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  • Gospel According To Peanuts


    1. The Church And The Arts
    2. “The Whole Trouble”: Original Sin
    3. The Wages Of Sin Is “Aaaughh!”
    4. Good Grief?
    5. The Hound Of Heaven
    6. Concluding Unscientific Postscript

    Additional Info
    In this unique, engaging book Robert Short examines the insights to be found in the comic strip “Peanuts” and makes an expanded comment on these wonderfully imaginative parables of our times.

    Highlighting his remarks with selected cartoons, Short looks at the antics of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, et al. from a Christian perspective, revealing a surprisingly prophetic meaning behind their otherwise hilarious activities.

    While these lovable cartoon characters have enjoyed an almost unparalleled popularity–becoming pop culture icons of the highest order and entering the global consciousness practically as family members–Short’s book also has found a place in the hearts of many readers, with sales now totaling more than ten million copies.

    Whether coming to the book for the first time or taking a second look, a delightful experience awaits in this modern-day guide to the Christian faith, fully illustrated with Peanuts.

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