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Showing 351–400 of 804 results

  • Building Your Strengths


    God has given each of us gifts and abilities, but for some reason we often have trouble embracing this truth. Many of us-if not most of us-underestimate our value and buy into the lie that we are not smart enough, or strong enough, or good enough to accomplish the task we have set out to do. Even if it is something we have accomplished before, we can still lose confidence at times that we are up to the task. In this study, readers will come to understand that the way to survive these moments of insecurity is to understand their true God-given gifts and strengths, rehearse God’s acts of faithfulness, and receive encouragement from others. Most of all, they will discover that true strength comes from leaning on God in all situations and using their gifts to shine his light and glory to the world around them.

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  • Finding Rest In A Busy World (Student/Study Guide)


    Each and every day, we are confronted with all kinds of opportunities that vie for our attention and threaten to sap our energy and time. Many of these opportunities are good in and of themselves, such as serving at our kids’ school, or helping at our church, or leading a Bible study, or even taking on extra work to help support our families financially. However, if we are not careful with our time, we can soon find ourselves taking on so many obligations that our lives become blur of rushing from one event to another. What our souls really crave is rest-and yet that is one of those treasures we often ignore or fail to prioritize. In this study, readers will examine what the Bible says about the benefits of rest and how it is a gift that God wants them to have. They will also look at how to get through stressful times, apply the brakes and set boundaries, and give their worries to God so they can find true peace and rest in his provision.

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  • She Believes : Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live (Reprinted)


    Dynamic Leader Helps Women Embrace the Life They Were Created to Live
    With over seven billion people in the world, it can be difficult for women to believe they were designed for a purpose. That they individually have value, and their life has meaning that goes beyond what they see or have been told to believe. But that’s just the life-changing message Debbie Lindell passionately shares and champions. Every woman, no matter her history, social status, or position in society, was beautifully and magnificently designed by her Creator to live an amazing life. In She Believes, Lindell shares with women the beautiful truth of God’s love for them, empowering them to live out their own unique purpose and bring change to their homes, their workplaces, their communities, and the world. With personal stories and biblical truth, Debbie invites women to trust God’s Word–and discover the incredible, abundant life that he created them to live.

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  • Successful Women Speak Differently


    What if the goal is how you live instead of what you achieve? Valorie Burton, certified personal life coach and bestselling author of Successful Women Think Differently (over 150,000 copies sold), identifies key habits that will help you reexamine your priorities and create a new definition of success for yourself. Learn how to set priorities so the things that matter actually get attentiondefine “normal” for yourself instead of following the crowd focus on long-term dreams instead of momentary successInstead of checking off endless to-do lists, discover the power of living at peace, being content, and having enough instead of striving for more.

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  • Sleeping Queen : The Divine Awakening Of The Entrepreneurial Woman


    A divine invitation to every woman who is ready to step out of the religious shadows and into her God-given position of empowered leadership and wealth creation.

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  • When Momma Speaks


    Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder provides an engaging womanist reading of mother characters in the Old and New Testaments. After providing a brief history of womanist biblical interpretation, she shows how the stories of several biblical mothers-Hagar, Rizpah, Bathsheba, Mary, the Canaanite woman, and Zebedee’s wife-can be powerful sources for critical reflection, identification, and empowerment. Crowder also explores historical understandings of motherhood in the African American community and how these help to inform present-day perspectives. She includes questions for discussion with each chapter.

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  • Appointed Rising To Your Spiritual Potential


    What does it look like to be a true follower of God? Is claiming to wear the name of Christian enough? Are action and obedience really vital parts of our Christian walk? Join us as we study God’s response to faithful obedience and to spiritual apathy in the books of Judges and Ruth. This is a 13-chapter study designed for women.

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  • Its Not Fair


    Hey, you. Are you debating whether to destroy something with your bare hands or curl up on the couch for a decade or two?

    This book will solve all of your problems. (Sheesh, that’s aiming a bit high.)

    This book is a cup of hot coffee, a ginormous bar of chocolate, or the magical fairy that comes over and does your dishes while you lie in the fetal position clutching a fluffy pillow. Sometimes when life falls apart the only acceptable response is hysterical laughter. When things get so far gone, so spectacularly a world away from any plans you made or dreams you dreamed, you feel it bubbling up inside of you and you scream, “It’s not fair!” And it isn’t. Fair is an illusion, and life is weird.

    This book will help you laugh at life’s absurd backhands. This book is an empathetic groan of our collective unfairnesses. You might want to throw it across the room, and you might want to hug it like your new best friend. This book is about us sitting down together in our shared mess, taking a deep breath, gripping hands, looking the hard stuff in its beady little eyeballs, and bahahahaaing at it.

    Life’s not fair, but we can learn to love this life we didn’t choose.

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  • Successful Women Of The Bible


    Does a modern woman need wealth to be successful? Beauty and fame? A certain number of Twitter followers? Patton believes that women of faith need wiser, worthier goals! Turning to stories in Scripture, she invites you to find inspiration in Deborah’s leadership, Esther’s courage, Miriam’s joy, Lydia’s business acumen, and more.

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  • Soul Bare : Stories Of Redemption By Emily P Freeman Sarah Bessey Trillia N


    Honesty, authenticity and vulnerability. You want to be a person who reflects these qualities. But sometimes it’s just hard to reveal your deepest hardships and struggles. How are Christians supposed to have hope and experience wholeness amidst personal challenges and failures? The women and men of Soul Bare not only intimately understand the risks of exposure, but they are also willing to share their most poignant and painful moments with you. Soul Bare features contributions from the best of today’s influential young writers, including Emily P. FreemanTrillia NewbellHolley GerthSeth HainesJennifer Dukes Leeand many more Soak in these powerful reflections, and you will find your own soul soothed. If you need to experience beauty in the brokenness of real life laid bare, this book is for you.

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  • 1st Corinthians Womens Bible Study Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Relationships are messy. We’re all different and imperfect, and we can struggle to get along–especially with those who disagree with us. Often we find ourselves divided–even as Christians. How can we work out our differences and disagreements with humility and grace, always showing the love of Christ, while still remaining true to what we believe? The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians living in Corinth about this very thing. The cultural backdrop of Corinth was even more overtly sinful than our culture today, yet Paul boldly encouraged the Corinthian Christians not to ridicule one another or outsiders but to work together to show the love of Christ. In this six-week study we will explore Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians to learn how we as Christians are to deal with differences and divisions–whether in the workplace, neighborhood, school, home, social media community, or church. We’ll discover that the answer is living and sharing the radical love of Jesus Christ, and we’ll unpack what this means and how we can live it out day by day. The Participant Book includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer.

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  • Minute Motivators For Women


    Whether you pick up this book before you’re off to the races in the morning or when you’re winding down at bedtime, Minute Motivators for Women will inspire and encourage you over and over again.

    We don’t always need more knowledge. Often, what we need is time for reflection on what we already know. Each chapter of this engaging book will draw your attention to a single attribute that every godly woman wants to cultivate in her life, such as patience, wisdom, persistence, courage, and gratitude.

    The Tolers’ bite-size portions of inspiration make this the perfect devotional for, well, anytime, especially those days when you wake up feeling as though you’re already several hours behind. It also offers a terrific way to recharge in the middle of a hectic schedule. And reading a brief chapter at the end of your day will remind you that God has every aspect of your life under control.

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  • Soul H2o : 40 Thirst Quenching Devotions For Women


    Quench your spiritual thirst with refreshing devotions taken from the Soul H2O Blog. Throughout the short devotions, Sherry weaves relatable experiences making Biblical truths simple. Each end with a power-packed prayer followed by a list of scriptures to fill up your well.

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  • Uninvited : Living Loved When You Feel Less Than Left Out And Lonely


    The enemy wants us to feel rejected . . . left out, lonely, and less than. When we allow him to speak lies through our rejection, he pickpockets our purpose. Cripples our courage. Dismantles our dreams. And blinds us to the beauty of Christ’s powerful love. In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences with rejection-from the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father to the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over. With biblical depth, gut-honest vulnerability, and refreshing wit, Lysa helps readers: Release the desire to fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process their hurt. Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady their soul and restore their confidence. Overcome the two core fears that feed our insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging. Stop feeling left out and start believing that “set apart” does not mean “set aside.” End the cycle of perceived rejection by refusing to turn a small incident into a full blown issue.

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  • Spiritual Mothering : The Titus 2 Model For Women Mentoring Women


    Many churches lack a crucial element central to the flourishing of women: older women mentoring younger women. Using Titus 2 as a guide, seasoned author Susan Hunt casts a biblical vision of what the church can be when women invest in vibrant relationships with one another. Featuring inspiring stories from the Bible and from women today who have faithfully embraced Scripture’s command, this book offers readers an abundance of practical insights, ministry-tested how-to’s, and personal encouragement. Now featuring a new cover, this classic book will inspire a new generation of women to seek out the blessing of godly relationships that will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Excellence 30th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Society beckons us to succeed-to achieve excellence in our appearance, our earning power, our family life. God Himself also beckons us to be women of excellence. But what exactly is He asking? If you’re hungry for God’s perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands, feed on the truths of God’s Word that you’ll discover in these pages. You will not only learn to “approve the things that are excellent” but will also experience the joy of becoming God’s woman of excellence. This bestselling topical Bible study has helped over one million women over the past 30 years, and is newly revised and updated so today’s women can discover who God designed them to be in this day and age. Written by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald, the 11 sessions in this Bible study explore what your identity in Christ is and how you can best serve Him.

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  • Made To Lead


    Women were made to lead. Even in church.

    Jesus affirmed women as leaders-many contend Mary Magdalene was the first female minister. Yet women in ministry face challenges and obstacles, both from churches and from their own self-doubts. Both men and women miss out when women don’t lead.

    Made to Lead empowers you to live out your calling boldly and confidently. Draw closer to God with relevant biblical examples and heartfelt prayers. Break down stereotypes of women in leadership. And create your own successful reality in which you are a key part of God’s holy community.

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  • Encouraging One Another


    Sometimes we plod through life with our head down and our back bent under the weight of our load. We feel unimpressive, unkempt, unappreciated, and unneeded. Day in and day out, we push along, struggling to put our shoulders into it, give it a little elbow grease, and keep a stiff upper lip. God doesn’t want to leave us staggering under such weight of discouragement. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much He does His best to cheer us up and cheer us on. In this study readers will learn how God planned ahead for all their gloomy days, how He knows just when they need a little lift, and how He has arranged for encouragement to be right there waiting for them. They will discover how encouragement comes from little miracles from God’s own hand, how it comes from knowing His promises, and how it comes from fellow believers as they reach out and touch one another’s lives.

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  • Praying With Power


    Prayer isn’t some kind of requirement for believers. It is a privilege! Prayer is our path to the adventure of building a relationship with our Savior. Through prayer the Creator of everything stoops to hear the lisping of toddlers. The Sustainer of every living thing hears the groans and sighs of the aging. He is aware of every thought, every choice, every move we make—but He is waiting for us to turn to Him and tell Him about it. In this study readers will explore journaling prayers, prayer attitudes, and how to pray their way through a desert or a valley. They will get up close and personal in two-way conversations and learn how to survive—and yes, even enjoy—those times when they’re put on the spot to pray out loud. They will learn how God answers even when they can’t hear Him saying a thing and be reminded that they never grow so old they don’t need to take time to say “thank you.”

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  • Women Of War Women Of Woe


    This volume gathers the writings of thirty-five nineteenth-century women on the stories of women in Joshua and Judges. Recovering and analyzing neglected works by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and many others, Women of War, Women of Woe illuminates the biblical text, recovers a neglected chapter of reception history, and helps us understand and apply Scripture in our present context.

    The stories of Rahab, Deborah, Jael, Delilah, Manoah’s wife, Achsah, Jephthah’s daughter, and the Levite’s concubine raised thorny questions for these female biblical interpreters – questions that they addressed candidly in their writings. Could a Victorian woman use her intelligence to negotiate like Rahab? Was the seemingly well-educated Deborah an appropriate role model? Or did Jephthah’s daughter more correctly model a pious woman’s life as she submitted to her father’s vow? The voices collected in this book offer thoughtful reflection on and responses to these questions and more.

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  • Still Life : A Memoir Of Living Fully With Depression


    23 Chapters

    Additional Info
    I stand on the edge of a cliff in my own bedroom. Gillian Marchenko continues her description of depression: “I must keep still. Otherwise I will plunge to my death. ‘Please God, take this away,’ I pray when I can.” For Gillian, “dealing with depression” means learning to accept and treat it as a physical illness. In these pages she describes her journey through various therapies and medications to find a way to live with depression. She faces down the guilt of a wife and mother of four, two with special needs. How can she care for her family when she can’t even get out of bed? Her story is real and raw, not one of quick fixes. But hope remains as she discovers that living with depression is still life.

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  • Girl Defined : Gods Radical Design For Beauty Femininity And Identity (Reprinted


    In a Culture of Distortions, Discover God-Defined Womanhood and Beauty In a culture where airbrushed models and career-driven women define beauty and success, it’s no wonder we have a distorted view of femininity. Our impossible standards place an incredible burden of stress on the backs of women and girls of all ages, resulting in anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. One question we often forget to ask is this: What is God’s design for womanhood?

    In Girl Defined, sisters and popular bloggers Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird offer women a countercultural view of beauty, femininity, and self-worth. Based firmly in God’s design for their lives, this book helps women rethink what true success and beauty look like. It invites them on a liberating journey toward a radically better vision for femininity that ends with the discovery of the kind of hope, purpose, and fulfillment they’ve been yearning for.

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  • Running A Different Race


    “Running a Different Race” encourages women to be who God made them to be. Success is not measured by the speed at which we run a race, nor is it achieved by obtaining medals of gold, silver, or bronze. Rather, as women we will achieve success as we position ourselves to be obedient to the voice of God and embrace the discipline of our Heavenly Coach. We must not be distracted by whispers of doubt-both internally and externally-but enlarge our vision and focus on the goal.

    Sonia Henry uses personal life stories and scriptures to uncover the disciplines required to enter and complete the race of life successfully.

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  • Unstuffed : Decluttering Your Home Mind And Soul


    Have you ever wished you could get rid of all the STUFF weighing you down, once and for all? Do you long to find balance and order? Are you unsure of where to even start? Ruth Soukup, New York Times bestselling author and popular blogger, knows all too well how overwhelming it can feel to have a life filled with too many things. Through personal stories and practical action plans, she will inspire and empower you to finally declutter not only your home, but your mind and soul as well. Unstuffed is real, honest, and speaks to the heart of the matter-how can we take back our lives from the stuff that is weighing us down? In this book readers will journey with Ruth to: Discover that more storage space is not the solution, and instead learn how to set strict limits for the stuff we bring in Overcome the frustration of dealing with our kids’ influx of stuff and implement practical solutions for keeping the chaos at bay Recognize the pitfalls of an overstuffed schedule and learn to combat the culture of busy that keeps us running from one thing to the next Finally conquer that mountain of paperwork that threatens to tumble down around us at any moment Find balance by letting go of unhealthy habits that can add to our spiritual clutter

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  • Insecurity Detox : A Breakout Plan To Rejuvenate Your Body Mind And Spirit


    What if you could experience a unique detoxification that would rid you of insecurity, self-doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, and more-and all those “impurities” could be replaced with confidence, purpose, joy, and better relationships? That’s what Insecurity Detox is all about.

    In this book you will find thirty very doable detoxes that will help you get rid of the toxic mindsets and behaviors that pull you away from God’s truths and your best self, and replace them with a new way of thinking and acting.

    This progressive detoxification journey can be done in thirty days, thirty weeks, or whatever works best for you and your busy schedule. Each detox builds on the ones before, and as you journey through this unique 3-fold approach, you’ll find healing for your body, mind, and spirit. With healthy eating tips, ways to reprogram your thinking process, and meaningful principles for your spiritual life, the whole direction of your life can change.

    Each of the thirty chapters has three detoxes-for body, mind, and spirit-that will teach you new thought strategies and practical applications that will empower you to live with a positive perspective, grounded in God’s love and purpose for you. What we tell ourselves about ourselves either steals the joy of life from us or infuses us with ever-growing life. In this book, you will discover a new life for yourself where dreams really do come true.

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  • Illustrated Words Of Jesus For Women


    The Illustrated Words of Jesus for Women is a 366-day devotional written by Christian author, Carolyn Larsen. This daily devotional takes you on an exploration of Jesus’ words of wisdom, insight and love through Scripture and the author’s reflections and prayers, and encourages discovery of God’s path for you. Every page of the illustrated devotional features artistically rendered Scripture verses that you may fill with color, and ruled lines for notes or your own thoughts or prayers. The pretty volume has an embossed softcover binding with touches of spot varnish and silver foiling for accent. A presentation page in the front makes this book even more perfect for gift-giving.

    Lay-Flat Binding
    Year-Long Devotional
    Ruled Journaling Lines
    Illustrations to fill with color
    Presentation page for gift – giving

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  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed 3 Minute Devotions For Women


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in Too Blessed to Be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women. 180 uplifting readings from bestselling author Debora M. Coty pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor, and inspiration into your day. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • She : Five Keys To Unlock The Power Of Women In Ministry


    We are not all the same. The time has come for us to honestly name the ways we are different and similar so that we can serve together in unity, grace and trust. Women in ministry experience unique challenges in their church settings which continue to hinder their vocational, professional, and personal success. Women in ministry need a trusted and comprehensive resource not only to be able to survive but to thrive in their places of call. She provides theoretical, theological, and practical frameworks and strategies for flourishing as woman in ministry and engages critical reflection on the practice of ministry in light of current feminist theory, biblical interpretation, and experience. Covering everything from biblical arguments for and against women in the church to what not to wear, this book offers background information and tools for negotiating the many and varied issues that woman in ministry face, including leadership, the authority and office of the clergy, and structures and power in the church. A trusted and comprehensive resource for women in ministry, equipping them to thrive in their places of call, and for the men who serve alongside them.

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  • Mujeres Malas De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    Ann Spangler y Jean E. Syswerda ayudaron a iniciar la locura de “mujeres de la Biblia” con su exitoso libro sobre el tema. Ahora Ann profundiza, creyendo que los lectores estan listos para algo mas que un breve relato de historias. Llevandolos a la vida con gran detalle, destaca muchas de las mujeres mas malvadas de la Biblia, asi como algunas mujeres Abuenas-malasA. A diferencia de Mujeres malas de la Biblia de Lizz Curtis, que transporta a las mujeres en un entorno moderno, Mujeres malas de la Biblia sigue de cerca el texto biblico, cuenta nuevamente sus historias de una manera que sera de interes para los lectores de hoy que quieren entender el contexto historico y cultural. Al final de cada historia, Ann ofrece un breve estudio de la Biblia y una pequena seccion que pinta el trasfondo historico y cultural. Mujeres malas de la Biblia ofrece un nuevo enfoque a cualquier hombre o mujer que disfruta leer historias entretenidas que ofrecen una vision mas profunda de la Biblia. A medida que los lectores profundizan en las historias de las mujeres mas escandalosas de la Biblia, ellos empezaran a entender no solo por que sus historias aparecen en la Biblia, sino tambien como pueden brindar conocimiento valioso sobre nuestras propias vidas.

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  • Woman The Hour And The Garden


    Was Jesus ever married? Yes, indeed, says Addison Hodges Hart – but not in the way that recent sensationalist writers have claimed. In this book Hart opens an illuminating window into John’s Gospel as he explores its rich, poetic imagery, particularly the metaphorical significance of “the Woman.”

    Inspired by the writings of early church fathers and medieval theologians, Hart presents the Gospel of John as an incarnational, sacramental text and shows that it is primarily a revelation of salvation, deeply mystical and intended to lead its readers into a living relationship with the one who is the Bridegroom of his people.

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  • Little Women Big God


    You dust your furniture and vacuum before inviting people into your home because you don’t want them to see the dirt and imperfections. But Jesus doesn’t hide the infamy in his family tree. What’s more surprising than a holy God highlighting these women is how he rescued and blessed each one–and how he wants to bless you. You will relate to Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary as they face failure, loss, betrayal, and a murderous hunt. You will discover God’s care for ordinary women and how he uses human weakness and failure as an opportunity to reveal his strength and grace. You will also record God’s faithfulness in your own journey of faith and see how everyday women who walk with Christ have meaningful stories worth telling. Thought-provoking questions and insights will reveal how to apply faith when walking through grief, selecting a mate, facing rejection and temptation, and forgiving oneself and one’s enemies. Finally, you’ll learn faith in a big God is life’s only unshakable foundation.

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  • Healing From Brokenness


    Each of us has experienced something that left us broken and in pain. We need to recognize we are not alone-there are others who have been where we are, and God understands how we feel. We live in a broken world, but Jesus came to make us whole. In this study readers will learn how to recognize in their hearts they are children of God and made free, how to break free of the cycle of pain and not pass on the same legacy of sin and pain, how to forgive those who have wronged us and be reconciled, how to get past feelings of injustice, and how to experience joy even in the midst of suffering.

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  • Living A Purposeful Life


    When it comes to God’s will for our lives, there are certain things we can know for sure. We know it is God’s will for us to love Him body, soul, mind, and heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. But what about the things we don’t know for sure? The Bible doesn’t tell us which car to buy or how many children we should have and at what age. This freedom can feel threatening at times, but Jesus doesn’t want us to live in fear. He said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). In this study readers will learn how Jesus talked about life and not being ruled by fear we might make a wrong choice, how following God is a great adventure, and how Jesus is always with us to guide us along the way as we seek to follow God’s will.

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  • Worshiping God With Our Lives


    When some people think of “a life of worship,” they think of the fifteen minutes or two hours, depending on their denomination, that they spend on their feet on a Sunday morning in church. They may think of the CDs they play in the house as they attack the daily chores. Yet while those certainly represent an act worship, they don’t represent a life of worship. In this study readers will discover how Jesus lived every moment of every day with a “yes” in His spirit to his Father. They will see how His declared intent was solely to do the will of His Father, how He worshipped as He healed the blind and the lame, and even how He worshipped in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed that the cup of the wrath of God might pass from Him. They will be encouraged to live a similar life of worship to their heavenly Father.

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  • Experiencing Contagious Joy


    Joy has a way of working its way from the inside out. When our lives are filled with joy, the symptoms are unmistakable. A twinkle in the eye. A ready smile. A skip in the step. A song in the heart. Joy lends a glow to the face and a lilt to the voice. Joy is contagious. It is also the birthright of every believer, but rainy days have a way of distracting us from that fact. In this study, readers will take a careful look at this uniquely Christian characteristic and discover they have every reason to be joyful. They will see that joy is their strength and their song and provides a solid foundation in their hearts.

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  • He Speaks In The Silence


    He Speaks in the Silence is the story of Diane Comer’s search for the kind of intimacy with God every woman longs for. It is a story of trying to be a good girl, of following the rules, of longing for a satisfaction that eludes us.

    Disappointed with all Diane had been told was supposed to fulfill her, she begged God in desperation to give her more.

    And He did. But first He took her through a trial so debilitating it almost destroyed what little faith she had.

    He let her go deaf.

    Like so many Christians, Diane thought she’d signed up for the “wonderful plan for your life” and deafness certainly didn’t fit her idea of a wonderful life. Yet in her brokenness, God met her and lifted her out of the pit of despair she was digging for herself. He lifted her onto the solid rock of real faith, and taught her to believe He is good even when life goes bad.

    Using vivid parallels between her deafness and every woman’s struggle to hear God, this book reveals how Diane learned to listen to God, finding intimacy with her Savior and the soul deep satisfaction she longs for.

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  • Manten La Calma Y Disfruta La – (Spanish)


    The secret of keeping calm is choosing a man worthy of you.

    You are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. You don’t need to throw yourself into any man’s arms or settle for less than you deserve, only to end up telling people that he is “not that bad.” If you feel like screaming whenever someone dares to ask, “Are you still single? When are you finally getting married?”, then this book is for you.

    *You will learn…
    *how to deal with all the wrong reasons for getting married married.
    *that if you are unhappy by yourself, you’ll end up feeling miserable with a Mr. Wrong.
    *to enjoy your life while you wait.
    *to dismiss this common belief that “good men are an extinct species.”

    Do not settle for less! Keep calm. Choose Mr. Right, because you deserve it!

    El secreto de mantener la calma es escoger a un hombre a tu altura.

    Tu eres una pieza unica. No tienes que regalarte ni conformarte con el primer hombre que te diga palabras dulces, de quien tu digas que “no es tan malo”. Si eres de las mujeres que estan a punto de desfallecer si alguien mas se atreve a preguntarte: “Eres soltera?, Cuando te vas a casar?”, este libro es para ti.

    *Como enfrentar el desfile de razones erroneas por las cuales “te debes casar”
    *Que quien es infeliz solo, sera mas infeliz acompaado
    *A aprovechar tu solteria para cultivarte y disfrutar tu vida
    *” A desechar la creencia de que “ya no hay hombres buenos”

    !No te conformes con menos! Manten la calma. !Escoge al mejor porque te lo mereces!

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  • Ministry Of Women


    Throughout the history of Christianity, the roles and responsibilities of women in ministry have been a hotly debated and highly controversial topic.

    Questions abound…
    *Should women be ordained?
    *Can women serve as elders, pastors, and teachers in the church?
    *What about women “usurping” authority over men?
    *What about Paul’s teaching that women should be silent in church and be submissive and obedient to male leadership, both at home and in ministry?
    *If God calls, equips, and anoints men or women for any area of ministry, who are we to resist His will?

    After years of study and research on the matter, long-time pastor and Bible teacher Kevin Conner addresses these questions and more as he fully deals with the role, function, and place of women in church life. He lays out the case for women functioning together with men as partners in the body of Christ. He supports women whom God has gifted for prophetic, teaching, evangelistic, and shepherding roles. He challenges assumptions and encourages both men and women to fulfill the will of God in the redeemed community-the church-as it carries out His will in the earth.

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  • Refuse To Stay Broken


    Total Fusion Ministries Press
    Christina Stokesbury is a wife, mother, successful business owner, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ. She has experienced the depths of brokenness and the beautiful art of God’s healing power. Refuse to Stay Broken: A True Story of God’s Redeeming Grace was written for those who have experienced brokenness in life. From the Author: It is so easy to find ourselves in a whirlwind of hurt, anger, un-forgiveness, frustration, or guilt, but no matter the fault, we have redemption through God’s grace. One thing I have seen during my own journey is that no matter the offense, God is greater. He can take what once was bad and turn it into His beautiful glory. Even our loss and pain can be turned into beauty, but there is only one way to make that happen. I felt called to write this book so that healing can take place in the lives of others. It is my prayer the readers will see my own walk and understand that sin held me captive until God redeemed me into something greater than what I had for myself. “If you have ever experienced a struggle in your life, this book is for you. Don’t walk away, but take this book to heart. Read her story and see that we are all being written into God’s amazing creation.

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  • Rest Assured : A Recovery Plan For Weary Souls


    “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28

    Women are overcommitted, overconnected, overburdened, and overwhelmed. Their lives are full, but oddly, their souls are empty. They are aching for a bold challenge-one that will bring rest to their longing souls. Rest Assured is for the daring women who truly want to disrupt their current patterns and see lasting change.

    Divided into two parts, Rest Assured offers not just an intervention:
    *The Badge of Busyness
    *The Exhausting Pursuit of Happiness
    *Tethered Souls
    *Worried Sick

    But also a recovery plan:
    *Prioritize the One Thing Needed: Time for God
    *Create Room to Breathe: Time for Solitude
    *Give Yourself a Break: Time for Leisure
    *Pay It Forward: Time for Others

    If the soul is weary, it’s time for an intervention. Rest Assured is not a quick fix, but rather a bold challenge that aids women in identifying the negative patterns that prevent them from experiencing rest in their souls. Most importantly, it will give them the tools needed to break the cycle.

    A “Rest Stop” challenge is included at the end of each chapter for use in Bible studies and book clubs. Bonus material includes a 30-Day Restitution Plan and 100 Ways to Give It a Rest.

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  • Gods Masterpiece : Weaving Together The Pieces Of Your Life


    Have you ever wondered how you can juggle life and still achieve the purpose God has for you? Are you overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood, career, or marriage? Do you long to live stress-free and still leave your mark on the world? If so, this book is a must-read that will engage you in a personal journey to find your purpose and achieve God’s best for your life. Women from all walks of life will benefit from this practical information on how to reach your divine destiny and accomplish your unique purpose.

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  • Grace : A Bible Study On Ephesians For Women


    This is one of the few truly inductive Bible studies for women by a woman. Its main focus is on helping the reader understand what the author was saying to the original readers, the starting point for all fruitful study of Scripture.

    This 10-week study covers all of Ephesians, is ideal for personal or group use, and is one of three such studies from Keri Folmar. These studies are meant to be written in, so they have lots of extra white space and are spiral-bound for ease of use.

    “With simple clarity, Keri Folmar guides us in learning to study the Bible…she encourages us to read God’s Word carefully, understand clearly, and apply prayerfully…she encourages her readers to listen well to God’s inspired Word.” – Kathleen Nielson is author of the Living Word Bible Studies; Director of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; and wife of Niel, who served as President of Covenant College from 2002 to 2012.

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  • Fervent : A Womans Battle Plan For Serious Specific And Strategic Prayer


    You have an enemy . . . and he’s dead set on destroying all you hold dear and keeping you from experiencing abundant life in Christ. What’s more, his approach to disrupting your life and discrediting your faith isn’t general or generic, not a one-size-fits-all. It’s specific. Personalized. Targeted. So this book is your chance to strike back. With prayer. With a weapon that really works. Each chapter will guide you in crafting prayer strategies that hit the enemy where it hurts, letting him know you’re on to him and that you won’t back down. Because with every new strategy you build, you’re turning the fiercest battles of life into precise strikes against him and his handiwork, each one infused with the power of God’s Spirit. “New York Times” bestselling author Priscilla Shirer, widely known for her international speaking, teaching, and writing ministries, brings her new role from the 2015 film “War Room” into the real lives of today’s women, addressing the topics that affect them most: renewing their “passion,” refocusing their “identity,” negotiating “family” strife, dealing with relentless “regrets,” navigating impossible “schedules,” succeeding against “temptation,” weathering their worst “fears,” uprooting “bitterness,” and more. Each chapter exposes the enemy’s cruel, crafty intentions in all kinds of these areas, then equips and encourages you to write out your own personalized prayer strategies on tear-out sheets you can post and pray over yourself and your loved ones on a regular basis. “Fervent” is a hands-on, knees-down, don’t-give-up action guide to practical, purposeful praying.

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  • Mujeres Protagonistas – (Spanish)


    Las mujeres tienen un extraordinario potencial para convertirse en protagonistas de sus vidas y de su historia. Sin embargo, la gran mayoria de ellas vive expresando una minima parte de todo su potencial.Mujeres Protagonistas es un libro con herramientas precisas que Laura Teme ha ense?ado a miles de mujeres en toda Hispanoamerica, logrando que ellas dejen de ser victimas y se conviertan en protagonistas de su propia historia. En este libro aprenderas: Como ser mas feliz y alcanzar tus metasLas claves para ser responsable de tu propia vidaA trabajar tus emociones para que no dominen tus decisionesNuevas herramientas de lenguajeEl manejo de prioridadesComo definir tu identidadEs el tiempo de superar los limites, la depresion, el desanimo y la incertidumbre, y convertirse en protagonista de tu vida, tu destino y de tu historia personal.

    Women have an extraordinary potential to become the protagonists of their lives and their history. However, the vast majority of them only achieve a fraction of their potential. Protagonist Women is a book with the precise tools that Laura Teme has used to teach thousands of women throughout Latin America, allowing them to stop being victims and to become protagonists of their own history. In this book you will learn: How to be happier and achieve your goalsThe keys to be responsible for your own lifeHow to work on yoru emotions so they do not dominate your decisionsNew language toolsThe management of prioritiesHow to define your identityIt is time to overcome limitations, depression, despair, and uncertainty, and to become the protagonist of your live, your destiny, and your personal history.

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  • Women And Identity (Student/Study Guide)



    1. Whole-Hearted Living (Romans 12)

    2. Made In God (Genesis 1 & 2)

    3. Using Your Voice (1 Samuel 25)

    4. 24/6 Living (Exodus 20:8-11 & Genesis 1:1-2:2)

    5. Friend Of Foe (1 Samuel 1)

    6. Call The Midwife (Luke 1:26-56)

    7. Wise Women (Exodus 1:6-2:10)

    8. Soul Sisters (The Book Of Ruth)

    9. Justice For All (Genesis 16:1-14 & 21:8-20)

    Additional Info
    We live only a small fraction of the lives God has for us. Our lives get smaller and smaller, circling around the minute-by-minute disappointments and demands of the present moment while God whispers softly or even hollers for us to harness our whole hearts. Written by experienced spiritual leaders Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey Bianchi, the nine studies in this guide follow the biblical themes as well as the journeys of women showing the way to embracing God’s strength and wisdom to live whole lives.

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  • Breaking Up With Perfect


    An inspiring and thought-provoking guide to help you abandon the pursuit of perfection and become comfortable and more confident in your own skin.

    Every woman has felt the pressure to be perfect. Whether you’re a “good girl” who constantly strives to put on a perfect front or the “never good enough girl” who finally decides that if she can’t be perfect, she might as well be good at being bad, the impossible quest for perfection inevitably results in stress that impacts everything you do.

    Because what you believe determines how you think and feel, Carroll identifies common misunderstandings about others, ourselves, and God and counters these misconceptions with affirming biblical truths that redefine the source of your worth and help you gain confidence and new ways to think about yourself. In doing so, she helps you rework your thought patterns so that misconceptions like “God expects me to live up to His standards perfectly” can be replaced with truths like “God understands our imperfections and loves us unconditionally.”

    In this relatable book, Amy shares biblical teachings, personal anecdotes, and transformation exercises that are easy to apply to your daily life. Breaking Up with Perfection will give you the tools you need to break the perpetual cycle of stress that chasing perfection induces, so you can live a life filled with happiness, success, and spiritual fulfillment.

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  • Your Sacred Yes (Reprinted)


    Women today are stretched thin, worn weary, and tired of living hurried lives. And nothing drains us more than signing up for things God never asked us to do, even if they are well-intentioned. Yet, all too often that’s exactly where we lose our way.

    In Your Sacred Yes, Susie Larson shares personal stories and biblical insights to help you:
    *Learn how–and when–to say no without guilt or shame
    *Say yes to life-giving, not life-draining, activities
    *Find joy and abundance, fulfillment and freedom, each day

    When we can’t, or won’t, say no, we become captive to our commitments instead of free to respond to God’s invitations. Here is your chance to say no to others’ obligations and yes to the One who will rejuvenate your weary soul. Will you say yes?

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  • Untangled : Let God Loosen The Knots Of Insecurity In Your Life (Reprinted)


    With hope-filled writing and plenty of hard-won personal advice, Carey Scott shows women how to untangle their self-esteem from the world and anchor it in Jesus.

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  • 101 Ideas Creativas Para Mujer – (Spanish)


    En 101 ideas creativas para las mujeres se hace evidente el entusiasmo por el conocimiento propio de la mujer, asi como, su papel en el ambito familiar y social. Todas las actividades propuestas, incluso las mas divertidas, contienen lecciones profundas de afecto, respeto, companerismo y confianza. El objetivo principal es suplir la falta de tiempo que los grupos de mujeres tienen para dedicarse las unas a las otras, a traves de actividades, dinamicas y juegos, para romper las barreras que, muchas veces, separan a personas cercanas y del mismo genero. 101 ideas creativas para las mujeres muestra como rescatar la alegria, la comunicacion y el conocimiento de las amistades bajo la esencia del genero femenino.

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  • 30 Horrores Que Cometen Las Mu – (Spanish)


    La obra de arte ms importante es la vida que nosotros creamos.

    En El Alma Artesana, Erwin Raphael McManus, autor, lder del pensamiento y fundador de MOSAIC en Los ngeles, redacta un manifiesto para la creatividad humana y el comienzo de un nuevo renacimiento. McManus no solo nos llama a recuperar nuestra esencia creativa, sino que tambin revela cmo podemos formar de nuestras vidas una obra de arte. No hay atajos hacia la calidad, y McManus celebra el proceso espiritual que puede ayudarnos a descubrir nuestro verdadero yo.

    McManus demuestra que todos llevamos en nuestro interior la esencia de un artista. Todos necesitamos crear, ser una parte del proceso que aporta al mundo algo hermoso, bueno y verdadero, a fin de permitir que nuestra alma cobre vida. No es solamente la calidad de los ingredientes que usamos para edificar nuestras vidas lo que importa, sino tambin el cuidado que aportamos al proceso en s. Al igual que hornear pan artesano, es un proceso que se realiza con el tiempo. Y Dios tiene algo que decir acerca de cmo moldeamos nuestras vidas. Con historias conmovedoras e inspiradoras, y perspectivas sacadas del arte, la vida, la historia, y escrituras intercaladas a lo largo del libro, McManus acompaa a los lectores en el proceso de crear una vida de belleza y asombro.

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