Books (Spanish)

Showing 751–800 of 1037 results

  • Dones Del Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    Un analisis biblico de como Dios dispuso los dones por medio de su Espiritu para enriquecer la vida de su iglesia y producir el fruto mas dulce y apetitoso que el mundo necesita: la vida eterna. Cuando el creyente aprovecha esta gracia de Dios, en su vida se refleja la alegria del Espiritu,el servicio no resulta una carga, y surgen hermosos frutos que llevan en su interior la semilla del evangelio que tanto necesita el mundo de hoy.

    A biblical analysis of how God gives gifts through the Holy Spirit to enrich the life of His church and produce the fruit that the world needs most: eternal life. When a believer relies on God’s grace, his or her life reflects the joy of the Spirit, service is no longer a burden, and through this beautiful fruit that is produced the seed of the Gospel is spread.

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  • Mujeres Debenactuar Ahora – (Spanish)


    !Suee grande! !Crea que usted lo puede hacer! !Ejecute sus ideas y tenga exito! Mujer Actua Ahora le ensea a usted a:
    “Maneje su confianza.
    “Identifique sus fuerzas interiores.
    “Sea especifico acerca de su vision.
    “Aumente su eficacia a lograr sus objetivos.

    Aprenda a como ser una mujer de la ejecucion, de la responsabilidad, y del proposito. !Venza la critica, la dilacion, y la desconfianza como usted lanza sus ideas y vive sus sueos ahora!

    Su futuro exito depende de las cosas que usted hace hoy. !Actue ahora! Permita que sus ideas vivan. Ellos estan en usted; permita que ellos respirar la vida, y mire como Dios comienza a utilizarle y sus talentos para bendecir otros en este mundo

    Dream big! Believe you can do it! Execute your ideas and succeed! Woman, Act Now teaches you how to:
    * Manage your confi dence.
    * Identify your inner strengths.
    * Develop personal branding.
    * Get specifi c about your vision.
    * Increase your effectiveness in achieving your goals.

    Learn how to be a woman of execution, accountability, and purpose. Overcome criticism, procrastination, and selfdoubt as you launch your ideas and live your dreams in the now! Your future success depends on the things you are doing today. Act now! Let your ideas live. They’re in you; let them breathe life, and watch as God begins to use you and your talents to bless others in this world.

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  • Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)


    !La oracion realmente funciona!

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.

    La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.

    Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
    ” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
    ” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
    ” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
    ” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
    ” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente

    !Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
    para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!

    When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
    You will discover…
    * How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
    * How to pray in expectation.
    * How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
    * Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
    * How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
    * How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
    Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.

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  • Convirtiendose En Lider – (Spanish)


    Active su potencial de liderazgo

    El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de libros de exito, aclara el mito de que solamente algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Usted puede llegar a convertirse en el lider que Dios dispuso usted fuera.

    Descubra como…

    “Activar su potencial de liderazgo.
    “Desarrollar un legado positivo.
    “Encontrar recursos para cumplir con su mision.
    “Desenvolver su funcion original en la vida.

    !Reconozca sus habilidades de liderazgo innato y llegue a ser el lider que se supone usted debe ser!

    Becoming a Leader has been used by Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and international organizations as a tool for leadership development. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. With the insight of Dr. Munroe, you will be able to:
    -Become a front-runner as you overcome barriers to effective leadership.
    -Discover natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.
    -Understand that true leadership means deploying others to become as good as or better than you are.
    -Be encouraged, provoked, and stimulated as your leadership gift within is activated.
    True leadership is not something you grasp but something you become.

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  • Claves Para Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Matrimonio le permite cultivar esta vital relacion para que florezca y prospere. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Marriage, Dr. Munroe provides wisdom for building and renewing your most vital relationship on earth. Understanding the inherent, God-given design for men and women will enlighten your perspective on your spouse and help you to build a healthy, dynamic marriage.
    As you understand how marriage is designed to function, you will experience a changed heart, a stronger relationship, and a more joyful and fulfilling life.

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  • Claves Para Liderazgo – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Liderazgo revela la esencia del espiritu de liderazgo, la actitud mental personal y las cualidades esenciales que le convertiran en un lider en su reino de dones. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Leadership, Dr. Munroe reveals that the one thing all leaders have in common is not education, knowledge, or networking. It is a spirit. When you think according to the spirit of leadership, you begin the process of becoming a leader. Every human being has the capacity for leadership, but most lack the understanding or will to develop it. Learn the keys for leadership, capture the spirit of leadership, and you will discover the leader within you.

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  • Maestro De Los Emociones – (Spanish)


    Study the personality of the one who revolutionized the trajectory of the human race.
    In El Maestro de las emociones, the second book in the Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo collection, Augusto Cury studies Jesus’ emotions and explains how he was able to endure the most difficult trials in the name of faith. Throughout his life story, Jesus proved that it is possible to face pain with wisdom. He had plenty of motives to abandon his calling and become a closed, aggressive person. Yet he was an icon of joy, freedom, and hope. Jesus’ example helps us improve our quality of life and avoid psychological illnesses like depression, anxiety, and stress. Analysis of his brilliant behavior lights up our consciences and opens us up to the infinite wonders of existence.

    Estudie la personalidad de aquel que revoluciono la trayectoria humana.
    En El Maestro de las emociones, segundo libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury estudia las emociones de Jesus y explica como el fue capaz de soportar las mayores pruebas en nombre de la fe. A traves de su historia, Jesus demostro que es posible encarar el dolor con sabiduria. El tenia todos los motivos para desistir de su llamado y convertirse en una persona encerrada y agresiva, pero, a pesar de eso, fue un icono de celebracion a la alegria, a la libertad y a la esperanza. El ejemplo de Jesus nos ayuda a mejorar la calidad de vida y a prevenir enfermedades psiquicas como la depresion, la ansiedad y el estres. Analizar su brillante comportamiento enciende la lampara de nuestra consciencia y nos hace personas mas abiertas para las infinitas maravillas de la existencia.

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  • Grandeza Para Cada Dia – (Spanish)


    Live to your best!Every issue of Reader’s Digest features a story that exemplifies people living to their best, often through adversity and challenge. This collection of inspiring stories, the best from the Reader’s Digest archives, are brought together with pertinent commentary from Dr. Stephen R. Covey to become an inspiring and life-changing resource for anyone who wants more from life. The format lends itself to either serious study or more casual perusal. Topics include: Searching for Meaning, Taking Charge, Starting Within, Creating the Dream, Teaming with Others, Overcoming Adversity, and Blending the Pieces. The collection includes some of the world’s best-known and most-loved writers, leaders and celebrities: Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Maya Angelou, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Erma Bombeck, Betty Ford, and many others. Only from Reader’s Digest could such a broad and deep collection of writings be collected and assembled into this cohesive work.

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  • 40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


    he Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”

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  • Homosexualidad – (Spanish)


    This book is the most complete and convincing answer to the topic of homosexuality from an evangelical Christian perspective. The author has completed a deep investigation of the topic.

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  • Comentario De Las Epistolas 1 – (Spanish)


    Written in understandable language so that the general public can understand it, it also goes deep so that pastors and teachers will find it helpful. Fee uses footnotes to give depth to his commentary on the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus.

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  • Jesus Bajo Sospecha – (Spanish)


    Jesus Under Fire is an answer to the attacks against the historic Jesus. It is put together by a team of evangelical experts.

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  • Hermeneutica Entendiendo La Pa – (Spanish)


    Duvall and Hays use general principles of interpretation so that the reader can read, understand and apply Bible passages. They offer practical exercises to guide us in the process of interpretation.

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  • Renueva Tu Corazon Se Como Cri – (Spanish)


    How often, when we look around, do we focus on the spiritual immaturity of many believers? This bestseller teaches us how to change our heart so that every aspect of our being is in harmony with the kingdom of God. At the end of every chapter there are questions for personal reflection or group study.

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  • Historia General Del Cristiani – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9788482675190ISBN10: 8482675192Language: SpanishBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Verdadero Pensamiento De Pablo – (Spanish)


    Tom Wright explains in a concise manner the impact that the Apostle Paul had on the birth of Christianity. This book serves as an excellent introduction to the theological topics covered by Paul and their impact on our world today.

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  • Libro De Los Martires – (Spanish)


    From the apostles to present-day missionaries, this volume presents the martyrdom of men and women who have given their lives in defense of the faith.

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  • Historia Eclesiastica – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9788482674766ISBN10: 8482674765Language: SpanishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Verdadero Discipulado – (Spanish)


    Paso a paso, el reconocido expositor William MacDonald, nos explica como conseguir vivir el discipulado cristiano, desde sus condiciones hasta su recompensa.

    Step by step, well known expositor William MacDonald explains how to live the Christian life. He covers everything from the conditions to rewards.

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  • Primera Epistola De Pedro – (Spanish)


    Analyzes the Greek text in detail by examining contextual and exegetical topics and the general sense of the text. Offers a complete and excellent interpretation of the text whichi is easy to understand. Footnotes allow the reader to go deeper with more academic questions.

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  • Son Vigentes Los Dones Milagro – (Spanish)


    Is the gift of miracles present today? Some say no. Some say yes. Others say maybe. What is the correct answer? This volume compares the four most prevalent views in regard to this questions. Each view includes comments by those with opposite perspectives.

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  • Evangelio Segun Juan 1 – (Spanish)


    Part of the New International Commentary of the New Testament, this volume is written by the hand of a reputable specialist. Morris writes in detail regarding the general context and exegetic details of each verse.

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  • Evangelio Segun Juan Vol 2 – (Spanish)


    Part of the New International Commentary of the New Testament, this volume is written by the hand of a reputable specialist. Morris writes in detail regarding the general context and exegetic details of each verse.

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  • Monoteismo Y Cristologia En El – (Spanish)


    Contains the information necessary to understand the Jewish monotheistic belief system. The idea of Jesus as God was perfectly matched to this belief. You will see that the earliest study of Christ was the highest – Jesus is God.

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  • Teologia Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


    Covers the theological study of the entire New Testament. The 1993 revision includes two new chapters: one by R.T. France titled “Matthew, Mark and Luke” and another by David Wenham titled “Unity and Diversity in the New Testament”.

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  • Como Llegar A Ellos – (Spanish)


    Una obra que explora como evangelizar y como hacer buena Apologetica en el mundo en el que nos ha tocado vivir, el mundo postmoderno escrita por expertos en Evangelizacion y Teologia. Como comunicamos y defendemos la fe cristiana ante personas que piensan que todo vale, que el pecado no existe, o que todas las religiones son validas? Este libro examina tanto las principales religiones del mundo (el Islam, el Judaismo, las Religiones Orientales, etc.), como la religion del ateismo, para ensearnos como podemos hablarles del evangelio de forma eficaz.

    A work that explores how to witness in our post-modern world – the world we have been given to live in. Examines the main religions of the world as well as atheism in order to teach us how to evangelize effectively.

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  • Lee Y Aprende: Mi Primera Bibl – (Spanish)


    My First Read and Learn Bible features eight timeless stories from the Old and New Testament including: the Creation, The Story of Noah, The Nativity, and Jesus and the Children. Illustrated in full color, this is a perfect introduction to the Bible for the youngest of children.

    Una coleccion de ocho historias favoritas de la Biblia del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento: la historia de la creacion, el arca de Noe, la Natividad y otras mas. Este libro, con hermosas ilustraciones, es la manera perfecta de presentarles la Biblia a los mas pequeos.

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  • Explosion De La Iglesia Celula – (Spanish)


    The author writes about his investigation into the eight most effective small group ministries in the world by describing actual events and giving practical tips to demonstrate the foundations of this type of ministry.

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  • Jesus Es El Cristo Estudios So – (Spanish)


    Our generation is still asking: “Who is Jesus?” Jesus is the Christ is more than a book about the theology of the book of John. It relates every teaching in John to the main objective of the book: “these things have been written so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you will have life in His name.”

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  • Doctrinas De La Gracia – (Spanish)


    Biblical teaching about salvation and freedom from the spiritual slavery of humankind. Even though we are imperfect and corrupt, we can stand justified before God and reconciled to Him through the plan carried out by Jesus.

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  • Historia De La Iglesia Primiti – (Spanish)


    The first part of this book explains all of the historical facts about the Christian church in great detail. It covers the time from the apostles to the end of the 1st century. The second volume covers all that we know about the martyrs in the first centuries.

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  • Ntroduccion A La Filosofia – (Spanish)


    A general reference book which covers the different branches of philosophy in regard to postmodern thought from a Christian perspective.

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  • Bioetica Cristiana – (Spanish)


    Ethics applied to biology looks for respect for life. The great scientific discoveries lead us to ask the following question – are we able to apply everything scientifically? Biology and theology join together in favor of human dignity.

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  • Postmodernidad – (Spanish)


    Special edition for the Latin American Fraternity of Theological Studies. Includes questions, a teacher’s guide and student guide.

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  • Acto Matrimonial – (Spanish)


    A frank book about the intimate relationship between husband and wife. Recommended for engaged couples and newlyweds.

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  • Explicacion Del Libro De Apoca – (Spanish)


    Commentary on one of the most passionate books of the Bible – Revelation. Written in easy-to-understand language, you will find genuine Biblical commentary, whether you agree with it or not.

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  • Dios En Tres Personas – (Spanish)


    A comprehensive study on who God is through the revelation contained in Scripture.

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  • Iglesia Cuerpo De Cristo – (Spanish)


    Roman Catholicism overemphasizes the priesthood while protestantism focuses on personal salvation. In the 20th century, the topic of the church has acquired special theological revelation regarding Christian confessions.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia – (Spanish)


    The understanding of who God is is the backbone of the Christian life. It is what gives consistency and balance to every person and ministry. Covers characteristics of theology, theological systems, general revelation and special revelation.

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  • Yo Creo En Los Milagros – (Spanish)


    Biographical testimonies of people healed in a supernatural manner from incurable diseases. Contains stories of invalids, drug addiction, cancer, arthritis, congenital hydroencephaly, and other conditions.

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  • Como Participar En La Liturgia – (Spanish)


    Excellent resource for Latino families entering the Episcopal Church
    Endorsed by the Episcopal Church’s national Office of Latino-Hispanic Ministries

    Through the interactive games and puzzles in this fun-filled activity book, children can grow to a deeper understanding of Anglican worship life.

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  • Introduccion A La Vida Y Teolo – (Spanish)


    Explores the formation and teachings of Martin Luther, examining his life, his times, and his writings

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  • Hombre Espiritual – (Spanish)


    The most well-known work of this author. Gives a clear understanding of the spiritual life, its laws and dangers. Book 1 looks at Flesh and Heart. Book 2 covers the Laws of the Spirit and the Dangers of the spiritual life. Book 3 talks about the Heart and Body.

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  • Integridad – (Spanish)


    Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.

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  • Gerente Por Primera Vez: Como – (Spanish)


    The tools you need to lead your team to success
    Gerente por primera vez: Como desarrollar a tu equipo helps you discover your own leadership and management style and shows you how to use it to create and maintain a high-powered, results-oriented team that will get the job done. Designed for immediate use by both you and your team members, the book covers team-building essentials, including decision making, goals and standards, honest communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and celebrating success. Written in the same conversational style and packed with the same brand of practical strategies and sage advice found in the classic best-seller Gerente por primera vez, this guide is essential for any new manager.

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  • Maestro De Los Maestros – (Spanish)


    Discover the mind of Christ as you enjoy this first-hand study of the person who changed the world.
    While in medical school, Dr. Augusto Cury became fascinated with the impact a healthy mind can have on emotions and life. After many years of research and founding The Intelligence Institute, he concluded:

    Every person is a genius because everyone has the power to think.
    Harnessing “mind power” has been scientifically proven to enhance a person’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
    The human act of thinking is the greatest wonder of the universe.
    El Maestro de los maestros centers around the issue of self-esteem in a person. Drawing on examples in the life of Christ, Cury pulls insights into how we can learn from his life and better our own.

    Cury takes us inside the mind of Christ to see how he met adversity with forgiveness, silence, intelligence, humility, and strength

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  • Creado Para Ser Amigo De Dios – (Spanish)


    Blackaby shows us the powerful ways God shaped Abraham to be His friend. He also tells us how God can make a follower a true friend.

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Libera – (Spanish)


    Liberacion de los
    ataques de satanas

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no han podido vencer al pecado, a las tentaciones, y por que estan sufriendo con problemas recurrentes, en su salud, sus finanzas, y en sus relaciones. Revelacion Divina de la Liberacion expone todas estas tacticas de Satanas.

    A traves de las escrituras, visiones de la guerra espiritual, y encuentros personales con las fuerzas espirituales del mal,

    Mary k. Baxter descubrio verdades poderosisimas que pueden ayudarte a:
    ” Vencer el temor que tienes del enemigo
    ” Reconocer y conquistar las trampas satanicas
    ” Obtener la victoria sobre los pecados y los fracasos
    ” Ser libre de ataques inexplicados
    ” Interceder por la liberacion de otros

    Esta es una guerra que debe ser peleada con el poder y las armas sobrenaturales de Dios

    Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family members. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

    With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G.
    Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
    * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
    * Break spiritual strongholds
    * Overcome your fear of the enemy
    * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
    * Defeat recurring sins and failures
    * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
    * Bring healing to the oppressed
    * Free people from mental bondage
    In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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  • Hija Del Rey – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602552524ISBN10: 1602552525Language: SpanishDiana HageeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2008Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Minas En El Camino Del Creyent – (Spanish)


    Dr. Charles Stanley identifies seven destructive temptations and gives Christians the hope and skills they need to live an abundant and obedient life.
    When you’re in the heat of spiritual battle, it doesn’t take long to realize that Satan will do anything to prevent you from becoming the person God has planned for you to be. However, he doesn’t always employ an all-out frontal assault. Sometimes the danger comes in subtle, secretive schemes: landmines hidden along our paths. These landmines, once detonated, can paralyze us spiritually and stop us from living an abundant and obedient life. In Minas, beloved pastor Dr. Charles Stanley shows readers how to identify, avoid, or defuse the landmines of pride, jealousy and envy, insecurity, compromise, unforgiveness, sexual sin, and laziness.

    Avoiding serious trouble is not difficult, says Dr. Stanley, especially if you follow the route God has given you to travel. God knows the way through every minefield.

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