Showing 51–100 of 111 results

  • Lo Que Todo Lider Debe Saber D – (Spanish)


    In a culture that changes at a dizzying rate, it is vital that youth leaders have a thorough knowledge of the needs, challenges, thought processes and questions that new generations face. This book is a highly needed and useful resource for those who love young people and wish to be effective in reaching them. Upon finishing this book you will significantly increase the impact and influence in the work you do with the youth.

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  • Lo Que Todo Pastor Debe Saber – (Spanish)


    This book is unique tool for developing a friendly relationship between pastors and youth leaders and it may help your church to have a wider impact in the community through its ministry to the youth.

    What pastor does not want to see more young people surrendered at the feet of Jesus and ready to serve in the congregation? And what youth leader in his right mind would not want the entire congregation to appreciate the young people and to embrace them with the gospel? That is what this book is about. It is about working as a team so that the church’s impact will continue to grow in effectively reaching and discipling new generations.

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  • Como Usar El Humor En El Minis – (Spanish)


    The author’s mission in this book is to break with classical paradigms that discourage the use of laughter and humor as incompatible with the serious nature of the gospel. This material is the product of in-depth research into the history of the Bible, presented in a format that is easily absorbed by any reader. Since the Middle Ages and the Reformation, the Christian church has emphasized spiritual practices such as prayer, praise, devotional reading, and Biblical studies as the pillars of spirituality. But there is another element that hidden there in the inkwell and which appears in the Scriptures themselves over and over again. The laughter, the joy, and the sense of humor constitute an important part of the faith. This book also delivers practical advice about how to articulate humor and laughter in your ministerial work. Something unique about this book is the way it interacts with the Biblical texts, looking at the background of many familiar stories, and finding a sense of humor that was very relevant for the original reader. He also delivers clear information about how to take your first steps toward developing the art of creating humor.

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  • Mas De 1001 Ilustraciones Y Ci – (Spanish)


    Looking for more effective ways to make your point? Check out 1,500 of Swindoll’s favorite funny stories, poignant tales, and perfect punch lines. Indispensable for pastors, teachers, and speakers, this resource is alphabetically organized and extensively cross-referenced—making it easy to find just the right example to hook your audience and hold their attention.

    Una cita para cada sermon y todo tema.Charles R. Swindoll es famoso por la riqueza de sus historias tanto reconfortantes como desgarradoras. Todos sus libros de gran exito de ventas y sus programas radiales cotidianos estan llenos de historias de la vida real que nos arrebatan y dirigen nuestra atencion a sus mensajes. Todos reimos, lloramos y meditamos con Chuck, pero nunca pasamos por alto lo que nos quiere decir. Ahora, utilizando esta gran coleccion de toda una vida de las ilustraciones y los relatos favoritos de Chuck, sus sermones y ensenanzas tambien reflejaran un nuevo dinamismo! La luz de la Palabra de Dios, presentada a traves de relatos de personas reales, iluminara de todos los matices los corazones de sus oyentes o lectores, y el punto principal de su mensaje se adherira como pegamento a sus mentes.

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  • Ministerio La Planificacion De – (Spanish)


    A practical Spanish-language guide for anyone involved in Christian education

    In a practical and easy-to-understand manner, Fernando A. Cascante introduces the reader to the world of Christian education within the Hispanic/Latino community.

    Enriches future ministries of Spanish-speaking seminary students
    Ideal for Latino pastors who need practical help in the area of Christian education
    Quick help and reading on an important aspect in Latino ministry
    Written in Spanish by an expert in the field of Christian education

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  • Estudios De Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    A brief summary of all the doctrine of the Christian faith from Anthropology to Angelology, to Bibliology and Eschatology.

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  • Cuidado Pastoral: Ministerio C – (Spanish)


    La experiencia migratoria suscita un sinnumero de situaciones complejas que presentan un reto subito e inesperado al liderazgo pastoral. En su tarea pastoral el lider se enfrenta diariamente con gran numero de personas que reflejan y le recuerdan su propia condicion, asi como sus conflictos y dificultades, como inmigrante en muchos casos. Tal experiencia pude resultar agotadora y -emocional y espiritualmente- debilitante, debido a la identificacion o sobreidentificacion con las personas a quienes sirve. Este libro explora estas ideas y sus dinamicas.

    The immigration experience stirs up an endless number of complex situations that present a sudden and unexpected challenge to pastoral leadership. In their Hispanic ministerial task, every day, church leaders are faced people who share their struggles and conflicts – particularly immigrants. Effectively carrying out this ministry can be exhausting and emotional and spiritually debilitating, due to the unique difficulties this ministry faces. This book explores ideas and the dynamics of this ministry.

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  • Discipulado E Interpretacion – (Spanish)


    “Discipulado e interpretacion” es un llamado a realizar la gran comision de nuestro Seor Jesucristo: “id y haced discipulos”. Pero hacer discipulos requiere que todo cristiano tenga un esquema hermeneutico para entender el texto escrito de la tradicion cristiana. Si entendemos bien, podremos ensear bien y asi formar discipulos buenos que se reproduzcan en otros discipulos, y estos en otros, y estos en otros. Pero si nos desviamos, estaremos propensos a perder el gozo de nuestra mision.

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  • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


    Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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  • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


    How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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  • Hermanos No Somos Profesionale – (Spanish)


    In this book, John Piper pleads with pastors to abandon the secularization of the role of pastor and to be dedicated to the prophetic, Biblical calling to a radical ministry.

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  • Hermeneutica – (Spanish)


    This is an indispensable resource for any minister who preaches the Word. The author offers a practical and effective guide to the proper interpretation of Scripture. This book will be a useful tool for the pastor in his preparation and study of the Bible.

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  • Vocacion – (Spanish)


    En nuestro peregrinaje cristiano todas las personas hemos oido la llamada de Dios para estar a su servicio y divulgar sus buenas nuevas. El autor de esta obra nos ayuda a prestar mejor atencion a esta llamada divina y sus implicaciones. In our Christian journey, we have heard God’s call to serve others and to share His good news. Jose Rodriguez helps readers to better understand and identify this divine call to make thoughtful career choices.

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  • Ministerio De La Palabra Escri – (Spanish)


    El ministerio de la palabra escrita constituye una guia practica para todas las personas que esten contemplando la idea de escribir y publicar un libro. De una manera amena y entretenida, Justo Gonzalez nos introduce en el mundo del escritor y las dinamicas de publicacion. El autor ofrece en este volumen sus anos de experiencia como escritor y editor, y anima al lector a participar en la produccion de material escrito para el pueblo hispano-latino con afan de solventar su escasez. This title, translated as “the ministry of the written word” constitutes a practical guide for all who contemplate writing and publishing a book. In a practical, and easy-to-understand manner, Justo Gonzalez introduces to the world of the writer and the dynamics of publication. The author offers in this volume his many years of experience as the writer and publishing, and encourages readers to participate in the production of material written for the Hispanic-latino American communities where there is a shortage of quality ministerial books.

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  • Biblioteca De Ideas Promocion – (Spanish)


    More than 250 creative and time-saving ideas for organizing, promoting and fund raising for youth ministry. Contains more than 70 ways of helping you organize and manage your ministry more efficiently. This book offers you not only the opportunity of attracting the attention of your youth group, but to engage them using several promotional ideas for events and all kind of youth-froup-related activities. also, if what you need is to raise funds for some project, this book explains several ways of doing this. If you are a church youth leader, work in a school or in another place where there are young people, this book is precisely for you.

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  • Ilustraciones Involvidables – (Spanish)


    Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks series delivers all-new, lively, effective illustrations, stories, parables, and anecdotes from the files of many of youth ministry’s best speakers.

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  • Como Liderar Grupos Pequenos Q (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Now revised, this is a comprehensive leadership tool for small group leaders and for churches seeking to structure their ministries around small groups.

    Gives small group leaders, pastors, church leaders, educators, and counselors a commanding grasp of:
    Group formation and values
    The philosophy and structure of small groups
    Meeting preparation and participation
    Discipleship within the group
    Leadership training…and much more

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  • Fabulosa Reinvencion De La Esc – (Spanish)


    The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School lives up to its name, with transformational concepts and resources for classes of every size and setting. Create excellence for kids through four key values. Unleash creative techniques that foster powerful teaching moments. Consult a veritable handbook of twenty creative methods guaranteed to bring Bible stories to life.

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  • Jesus Me Convence Pero No La I – (Spanish)


    An overview of the six most common objections emerging generations have with church and Christianity along with the biblical answers to these objections and examples of how churches are facing this challenge.

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  • Agorafobia – (Spanish)


    Following the theme of the book The Emerging Generation, Junior Zapata describes what he considers to be the condition of many Christians in Latin America concerning daily personal evangelism, and talks about how the Christian church should lose its fear of the world and how to approach the “pre-believer” culture, as he calls it.

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  • Pastor Pacificador – (Spanish)


    Thoroughly exploring the theology of reconciliation, Poirier adds lessons from personal experience and lists practical steps for effective mediation. With this comprehensive guide, you can embrace peacemaking confidently as a way to glorify God through the overcoming power of the gospel. And, as Jesus promised all peacemakers, you will be blessed.

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  • 40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


    he Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”

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  • Explosion De La Iglesia Celula – (Spanish)


    The author writes about his investigation into the eight most effective small group ministries in the world by describing actual events and giving practical tips to demonstrate the foundations of this type of ministry.

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  • Como Participar En La Liturgia – (Spanish)


    Excellent resource for Latino families entering the Episcopal Church
    Endorsed by the Episcopal Church’s national Office of Latino-Hispanic Ministries

    Through the interactive games and puzzles in this fun-filled activity book, children can grow to a deeper understanding of Anglican worship life.

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  • Hechura De Un Lider – (Spanish)


    History shows us: nations rise and fall according to how effective their leaders are. Frank Damazio tells us: so do churches! In The Making of a Leader, Damazio provides a deep discussion of what it means to be responsible for a group of “followers.” He explains the philosophy, history, qualifications, preparation, and practice of Christian leadership—and equips you to rise above the evil forces competing for lost souls.

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  • Pastores Del Rebano – (Spanish)


    Este es un excelente libro, un verdadero clasico de teologia pastoral, en el que el autor, G.B. Williamson, nos presenta un cuidadoso estudio de las razones del exito o fracaso de los pastores y sus ministerios.

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  • Cuidado Pastoral Dios En Medio – (Spanish)


    Los ancianos, los pacientes con SIDA, los moribundos, los que estan de luto, los enfermos mentales, los deprimidos. Si usted es pastor, capellan, consejero cristiano, enfermero, medico, o trabajador social, seguramente estan en contacto con estas personas. Si usted es profesor o estudiante en algunas de estas areas del ministerio, usted sabe que tiene que estar preparado para aconsejar a las personas que confrontan estas dificultades.
    Con la certeza de que Dios tiene un proposito a partir del sufrimiento de las personas y de quienes las rodean, el autor examina el cuidado pastoral en relacion a la teologia de la cruz, ofreciendo un acercamiento practico al ministerio del cuidado cristiano.
    Richard C. Eyer sirvio como pastor en una iglesia local, director de cuidado pastoral en hospitales, profesor universitario, y como director del Instituto de Bioetica Concordia. Aunque retirado, es profesor emerito de la Universidad Concordia Wisconsin. Es tambien autor de Holy People, Holy Lives (Personas santas, vidas santas) y Marriage is Like Dancing (El matrimonio es como danzar), publicados por Concordia Publishing House en 2000 y 2007.

    Solo disponible en espaol.

    The elderly, AIDS patients, the dying, mourners, the mentally ill, the depressed. If you are a pastor, chaplain, Christian counselor, nurse, doctor, or social worker, you regularly come into contact with these people. If you are a professor or student in one of these areas of ministry, you need to know how to councel people facing these difficulties.
    With the certainty that God has a plan for people who are suffering and those around them, the author examines pastoral care in relation to the theology of the cross, offering a practical treatment of the ministry of pastoral care.
    Richard C. Eyer has served as a parish pastor, hospital director of pastoral care, university professor, and as Director of Concordia Bioethics Institute. In his retirement he serves as Professor Emeritus, Concordia University Wisconsin. He is the author of Holy People, Holy Lives(Concordia, 2000) and Marriage Is Like Dancing(Concordia, 2007).

    Only available in Spanish.

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  • Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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  • Claves Efectivas Para El Lider – (Spanish)


    Learn, from this dynamic model, what it takes to build an effective leadership team and healthy local church. Common ministry temptations and tensions are candidly discussed, emphasizing the need for personal vision and mission in your ministry. Forwarded by Marcos Witt.

    Con este modelo minamico aprenda como edificar un epquipo de liderazgo eficiente y una ehlesia local saludable. Se habla sobre tentaciones y tensiones communes del ministerio, enfatizando la necesidad de tener una vision y mission personales en su ministerio. Prologo por Marcos Witt.

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  • Zona Biblica En La Casa De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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  • Manual Minsterial – (Spanish)


    Este es un manual indispensable para pastores y otros que dirigen los servicios y ceremonias en la iglesia. Incluye sugerencias para los planes de los servicios, letaas, musica, y oraciones para la dedicacion de nios, bautizos, bodas, funerales, comision al ministerio, y otros acontecimientos claves en la vida de la iglesia. Cada seccion incluye un breve ensayo que explica una orientacion Anabaptista-Menonita de estos acontecimientos. El libro, una traduccion del manual en ingles, incluye una introduccion por Gilberto Flores que ayuda a la edicion en espaol.

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  • Generacion De Adoradores – (Spanish)


    Music is a powerful healer, but worship is more than healing. We are tired of hearing that young people think that meetings are boring. In this book, you will find keys for worship leaders and youth pastors who wish to lead the new generation to the throne of God. Emmanuel Espinosa, Lucas Leys and Danilo Montero bring many years of experience in worship and discipling young people to the table.

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  • Pulpito – (Spanish)


    Only book available that addresses the distinctive issues and character of preacing in Hispanic congregations. The authors discuss important historical, theoretical, and methodological issues in Hispanic homiletics. Includes ten sermons.

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  • Comunion Y Comunidad Introducc – (Spanish)


    “La vida en comunidad es lo mas esencial de la espiritualidad cristiana, y es la esencia misma del reino de Dios… La espiritualidad cristiana consiste en un nuevo modo de relacionarnos en amor, pues es precisamente esto lo que claramente distingue a la comunidad creyente de cualquier otra comunidad humana”. Al definir asi la espiritualidad cristiana, el Dr. Cassese derriba el obsoleto paradigma que intentaba buscar la perfecta relacion con Dios a traves del aislamiento, de la pura relacion personal e individual con Dios. En particular porque en realidad es en la comunidad donde la espiritualidad se realiza, se prueba, se evalua, crece y se perfecciona. Este libro, por lo tanto, nos ayudara a comprender y vivir la espiritualidad desde la vida cotidiana en comunidad, desde la inter-relacion e inter-accion con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, desde la inmersion profunda en la vida misma.


    Por Roberto Amparo Rivera, PhD

    La iglesia como institucion tradicionalmente ha reflejado en la practica las tendencias y valores de la sociedad en que se desenvuelven. Por eso no es de maravillarse encontrar hoy dia creyentes individualistas y congregaciones que son mas grupos de individuos que comunidades integradas. A pesar de que el amor de Dios, que supuestamente distingue la comunidad, “no busca lo suyo”, los miembros de estas iglesias se preocupan mas de sus propios intereses que del bienestar comunitario. En este estado de cosas, el libro Comunion y comunidad, de Giacomo Cassese, es un grito de alerta y una invitacion a recobrar el sentido comunitario de la fe cristiana.

    Hay una opinion generalizada de que la cultura occidental es cada vez mas espiritualista. En este contexto, la espiritualidad se mide en terminos de practicas esotericas de meditacion, ayuno, contemplacion de la naturaleza y lecturas de documentos misteriosos de religiones orientales. La contraparte cristiana percibe la espritualidad solo en su dimension vertical; “el alma en relacion con Dios”, mientras que el resto de la vida no hace ninguna aplicacion a las relaciones diarias con los semejantes.

    En marcado contraste, Cassese define espiritualidad como un estilo de relacionarse y de vivir en comunidad. Para los cristianos, afirma el autor, espiritualidad conlleva vivir la vida en su plenitud y con proposito. Solo en la comunion con Cristo nos entendemos como personas de comunidad. Y es a partir de la persona de Crist

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  • Introduccion Al Aseoramiento P – (Spanish)


    La perdida de valores morales que llevan a considerar todo desde una perspectiva groseramente relativista; la situacion social y economica tan critica que lleva a tratar de protegernos de cualquier manera posible; el materialismo contemporaneo que nos hace creer que teniendo mas cosas seremos mas felices; y otros muchos aspectos similares, han provocado una crisis que se refleja y tiene sus efectos en la pareja y familia contemporanea. La sociedad ha contagiado su enfermedad a la familia.

    Asi pues, esta unidad basica sufre los devastadores efectos del tiempo y sociedad en que nos ha tocado vivir. Hay algo que se pueda hacer? Hay remedio que alivie esa enfermedad?

    El Dr. Maldonado nos muestra que para que la familia pueda procesar cualquier situacion critica que esten viviendo y salir avante por el camino de la recuperacion y el crecimiento, la mayor parte del tiempo requiere de orientacion, consejo, o asesoria. Asi pues, y desde la perspectiva cristiana, en este libro el Dr. Maldonado presenta los elementos basicos de la asesoria, los criterios que serviran para identificar a una familia sana e ir hacia ella, y las metas que se deben perseguir al asesorar y que serviran al asesor o consejero para promover el sano crecimiento tanto de la pareja como de la familia. Porque, a final de cuentas, la familia no es solamente el lugar donde encontramos refugio y alimento. La familia, por sobre todo, es el lugar donde nos formamos como y donde somos verdaderamente humanos y cristianos.

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  • Juegos Para Refrescar Tu Minis (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    A library of ideas Do you want games that are dynamic, that make you run or exercise until you fall exhausted? Here’s a place to find them. Do you need quiet games for a small or passive group? You will find those here as well. In Games To Refresh, you will find more than 400 recreational activities, both indoor as well as outdoor, that adolescents will love. Ball games: Twice the fun for a meeting of the church leadership, with only half the heat. Basketball and volleyball games: Everything about throws and baskets. They go crazy over these extravagant transformations of the sports. Indoor games for large groups: Reserve the church gymnasium or another large room for an evening to develop camaraderie. Parlor games: Great for parties or informal reunions. And much more!

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  • Dialogo Ministerial – (Spanish)


    The complexity, demands and pressure of ministry are the main topic in many studies and debates. However, only a pastor knows about the defeats and victories of the ministry. This is a dynamic and inspirational book written for ministers with the purpose of clarifying some of the confusing aspects of the job.

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  • Principios De Educacion Cristi – (Spanish)


    This book invites anyone, regardless of their profession, to participate in the great adventure of teaching Scripture. It stresses the importance of Christian education as it relates to the church’s mission, and provides a profile that Sunday school teachers should strive toward. It also provides instruction for developing an effective and attractive class plan, as well as techniques and activities that make the gatherings more interesting and transformational.

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  • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas D – (Spanish)


    In Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Jesus, you will find 12 solid lesson plans and lists to use in teaching about Jesus’ short ministry here on the earth. These lessons will help make your teaching more entertaining and will take your students to the central theme: Jesus’ life is relevant and timely for Christians today. Contains teaching aids that help stimulate small groups discussions, learning games, humorous scripts, sketches and, many more creative study resources. The lessons explore the life of Jesus as: God, Man, Savior, Healer, Servant, Shepherd, Provider, Redeemer and Hero.

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  • 17 Leyes Incuestionables Del T – (Spanish)


    Todo el mundo es parte de un equipo.

    Si usted esta casado, usted y su conyuge son un equipo. Si es un empleado, usted y su compaeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organizacion, es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo unico y facil de entender, el Dr. Maxwell explica de una manera sencilla de retener el proceso de construir un equipo ganador y como ponerlo en practica.

    17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

    Everyone is part of some team.
    This book contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your life today.

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  • Principios De Predicacion – (Spanish)


    Se requiere una habilidad poco usual en el manejo del idioma literario para combinar profundidad y sencillez para definir terminos profesionales en lenguaje laico y a la vez hacer un libro de texto y manual de inspiracion. Pablo Jimenez tiene esa capacidad. Su tratado sobre la predicacion esta redactado en lenguaje sencillo y ampliamente ilustrado. Es suficientemente ameno como para servir de material suplementario o de inspiracion a quienes solo quieren disfrutar un poco de buena lectura y de la cual sacar ideas para su uso personal. Sin embargo a la vez esta obra es suficientemente profunda como para convertirse en libro de texto para institutos teologicos, colegios o seminarios.

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  • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


    Volume 3 (Winter) sessions includes 20 presentations based on stories about the Advent season and the feasts of Christmas and Epiphany, followed by the parables.

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  • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


    Volume 2 (Fall) sessions has an opening lesson on the church year, followed by 13 Old Testament stories, from Creation through the prophets.

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  • Distintivos De Calvary Chapel – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931713436ISBN10: 193171343XLanguage: SpanishChuck SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: Calvary Distribution

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  • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas P – (Spanish)


    Think of it as a lean, mean, Bible doctrine course_without the lecture; but it doew have lots of options, music and drama, small-group work, and reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. In these 12 clear, complete sessions, author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. Here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these ready-to-go sessions. Or scanvege whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize a lesson of your own. Any way you use it, this book is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.

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  • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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  • Secretos Del Crecimiento De La – (Spanish)


    This is truly the age of church growth, not only small church growth, but great church growth. It’s the responsibility of the church to continue to grow, but this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    Estamos en la era del crecimiento de la iglesia, no solo pequenos crecimientos sino grandes crecimientos. La iglesia mundial tiene la responsabilidad de continuar con estos crecimientos, pero esto solo es posible con la ayuda del Espiritu Santo.

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  • Iglesia Celular – (Spanish)


    The cell-church model is a powerful tool that can help any size church contain, nurture and pastor a large number of new believers. It’s a tool that equips the average Christian to do the work, rather than letting it all fall on the shoulders of the pastor.

    La iglesia celular es un instrumento formidable que puede ayudar a cualquier iglesia a retener, alimentar y pastorear a un gran numero de nuevos creyentes.

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  • No Dejes Tu Cerebro En La Puer – (Spanish)


    Evidencias cristianas para evitar confusion, sobre Dios, la Biblia y la fe.

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