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Bible Studies

Showing 901–950 of 1350 results

  • Elijah : Living Securely In An Insecure World (Student/Study Guide)


    Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.

    Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Influencing Your World


    Influencing Your World is a study guide created to stimulate the character of Christ within you so that you may be a reflection of Him in every aspect of your life. As you proceed through the lessons, many biblical principles should be realized. The study begins with a diagnosis of your spiritual state as far as influencing others is concerned and helps you clearly understand where God wants you. Allow this study to serve you in discovering the recipes for: your responsibility as a Christian how much you need Christ in your life your heavenly citizenship You will focus on the importance of getting the Word of God deeper within you, the necessity of guarding your mind, and how to become the “standard” whereby the world follows your example. Choose to be “the one” to influence your world!

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  • Mark 1-8 : The Coming King (Student/Study Guide)


    Ten studies for individuals or groups

    Jesus has always been endlessly fascinating to people, yet few know accurately the eye-witness record of Jesus found in the gospels. These ten Bible-studies in Marks gospel provide a great opportunity to find out the truth about Jesus, taking you on a journey of discovery through the first eight chapters, as the disciples learn who Jesus really is. Find out for yourself just how much Mark has packed into his brief account of Jesus!

    Youll learn, beyond doubt, that Jesus is King, but also find answers to many questions: Why does this promised king come in such a secret way? Why is He powerful, yet opposed? Why does He stop people talking about Him? Why do some recogniseize Him, but not others?

    Most of all however, with two very practical sections for personal application in every session, this course aims to help each of us live with Jesus as our king.

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  • Growing Older And Wiser (Student/Study Guide)


    You can’t change the fact that you are getting older.

    And, indeed, you may not want to! Age brings many gifts and opportunities for continued growth. In nine study sessions, Dale and Sandy Larsen help you discover the Bible’s perspective on aging. You’ll discover how God can effectively and powerfully use those who have grown wiser with the passing years.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Ezekiel : The God Of Glory (Student/Study Guide)


    Few books of the Bible seem scarier than Ezekiel 48 chapters of weird and wonderful visions, bizarre street performances and blood-curdling judgements. Perhaps youve wondered what its all about. But, will you ever have the time to study such a large book? Does this stuff really have anything to say to you?

    Here is a Bible-study course that will take you through the whole of Ezekiel in SIX sessions! This whistle-stop tour gives a clear overview of all the main themes of Ezekiels prophecy Gods glory, judgement, and hope focusing on key passages that explain the surrounding chapters. But more than that, youll discover how Gods Word to His exiled people is truly fulfilled in the gospel of Jesus and the experience of Christians.

    Then they will know that I am the Lord is the repeated message of Ezekiel. In a world of false hopes that will ultimately fail, this is a message for everyone.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Purpose (Revised)


    All of us wonder, at one time or another, who we are and why we’re here. While society emphasizes wealth, success, and the pursuit of pleasure, the truth is that we are created by God in His image, and our fulfillment is found in pursuing His purposes for us.

    If you’ve been striving towards goals that just don’t seem worthwhile anymore-and your “success” leaves you feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled-this book will give you the perspective you need to meet each day with a sense of anticipation and hope.

    With Scripture passages, insights from the author, and inspiring quotes from Christian thinkers and writers, Becoming a Woman of Purpose will guide you to a better understanding of God’s intended purposes for Himself, for us as His people, and for you as His unique creation. As you grow toward genuine peace and fulfillment, you’ll learn the joy of loving God and others, waiting on Him with hope, trusting Him through suffering, serving Him with reverent fear, and fulfilling His purposes.

    “It is in comprehending the purposes of God that you will find the true, eternal purpose for your life,” writes Cynthia Heald. “It is my hope that this study will be the catalyst for you to understand God and His purposes in a fresh way.”–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • Jesus Is Coming


    22 Chapters
    254 Pages

    Additional Info
    A practical sourcebook of Scripture and comments on the subject of the second coming of Christ. Explains such topics as “Christ’s three appearings,” “The Millennium,” “The Rapture,” “The Restoration Of Israel,” and others, from a premillennial perspective. Relates Bible verses are printed at the bottom of each page for easy referance. A must book for all who want to discover God’s great prophetic promises and plans for the future.

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  • Knowing God In His Word Genesis


    The Word of God has a personal message for each of us today. Every page of the Bible is filled wisdom and revelations about God’s love and character. The Knowing God in His Word daily devotional series brings that message – a personal invitation to get to know Him intimately. It is a love letter from the Creator, who longs to have a relationship with you. Learn your purpose and discover more of God. Genesis is the book of origins. It gives a majestic account of the beginning of all. It answers the universal questions “Where do I come from?” and “Why am I here?” We find out why the world is like it is, why we wade through sin in our lives, and what God did so that we could live in His presence. Gain a newfound love and respect for God, as you see Him defeat His disappointment in the human race with love – that same love that we desire to have every day of our Christian lives.

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  • Job (Student/Study Guide)


    In this study, noted Old Testament scholar and Christian educator David Hester focuses on the difficult questions raised in Job: where is God in the worst moments of our emptiness? What are we to do when experience casts doubt on what we have always believed? Where in the world is justice? The author brings to this writing his own experience of suffering. His touching honesty provides a moving connection between the ancient text and the world of today, inviting us to join in Job’s search for hope and healing.

    Interpretation Bible Studies (IBS) offers solid biblical content in a creative study format. Forged in the tradition of the celebrated Interpretation commentary series, IBS makes the same depth of biblical insight available in a dynamic, flexible, and user-friendly resource. Designed for adults and older youth, IBS can be used in small groups, in church school classes, in large group presentations, or in personal study.

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  • Never Alone : Practicing The Presence Of God (Student/Study Guide)


    Ever wonder what your life would look like if you prayed constantly? Have you ever wished that your prayer life was as constant and ongoing as a daily conversation with a friend? Ever wish that the pieces of your life fit all together, and there was no separation between your daily routine and your spiritual walk?

    How would your life be different if you lived like you believed God would “never leave you…” and that His Spirit is always with you? Never Alone: Practicing The Presence Of God, shows us how to have that daily kind of journey with our heavenly Father. In this book, Time Green updates the wisdom of the devotional classic by Brother Lawrence for today’s youth and young adults.

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  • 3 Months With John (Student/Study Guide)


    Available in English for the first time, Three Months with John is popular author Justo Gonzalez’ study of the Gospel of John. Eminently readable, the study uses the “see-judge-act” method to bring readers closer to the text, informing and challenging them to apply the biblical material to their own lives. These thirteen studies can be used for Sunday school, for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. In addition, Three Months with John can easily be used as a daily Bible study, as each lesson is divided into seven parts. This is the fourth Gonzalez title to be translated from the Spanish. Previous titles include: Three Months with Matthew #0687094550, Three Months with the Spirit #0687045991, and Three Months with Revelation #0687088682.

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  • Dead Sea Scrolls And The New Testament


    Brooke illuminates the first-century world shared by the Qumran community and the writers of the New Testament.

    The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided Old Testament scholars with an enormous wealth of data for textual criticism as well as theology. But, as Brooke skillfully demonstrates, New Testament scholars can use the Scrolls to learn more about the linguistic, historical, religious, and social contexts of Palestine in the first century.

    A wide range of topics and themes is discussed, including Matthew’s Beatitudes, the lost song of Miriam, Levi and the Levites, women’s authority, and the use of scripture in the parable of the vineyard.

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  • Zechariah : Gods Big Plan For Struggling Christians (Student/Study Guide)


    Christians struggle. We struggle with ridicule and being ignored in a day of small things; with opposition to the message that Jesus is the only way to God; with our own failures and the devils accusations that make us question whether God accepts us. False teachers, false religion, and false priorities plague and distract us.

    In Zechariahs day, Israel had returned from exile, but home was certainly not all they had hoped for. Zechariahs task was to bring comforting words to the struggling people of God.

    These six Bible-studies open up Zechariahs reassuring and revitaliszing message for Gods discouraged people, including Gods great international building project; His solution to sin; His promised Shepherd-King; His great Day of judgement and salvation. Constantly focusing on what these things mean practically for Christians today, this course aims to help Christians live a life shaped, not by these days, but by that day when Gods big plan comes to glorious fruition.

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  • Kings Daughter Workbook (Workbook)


    This 13 week, interactive study looks at issues many women face today and reminds them of their inherent value as daughters of the one true King.

    Mordecai’s challenge to Esther, “Were you not born for such a time as this?” is repeated for all women throughout the ages, says Diana Hagee. Every woman has a divine destiny. But women cannot fulfill that goal unless they understand His biblical guidelines.

    In this interactive workbook, Diana leads women through a self-examination of their lives and their goals from God’s perspective, not the secular society’s. Topics such as self-esteem, diligence, attitude, goal setting and stewardship encourage women to establish a strong foundation for growth while learning to see themselves in a new light.

    Through scripture, thought-provoking questions and answers, prayers, practical advice and devotional ideas, women learn how valuable they are to God and how they can have an intimate relationship with Him while evaluating the standards that make them a daughter of the King.

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  • Conversations With Scripture Revelation (Student/Study Guide)


    This book explores the approaches that have dominated the interpretation of John’s Apocalypse and offers the reader an accessible means of understanding and evaluating them.

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  • More Parables From The Back Side (Student/Study Guide)


    Chapter Titles:
    1. The Value Of The House–Matthew 7:24-27
    2. The Man Who Talked With His Soul–Luke 12:13-21
    3. What Chance Does An Average Sinner Have?–Luke 7:36-48
    4. The Importance Of Downward Mobility–Luke 14:7-11
    5. The Danger Of Being Good And Empty–Matthew 12:43-45
    6. Risky Business–Matthew 13:45-46
    7. Miracles Can Be Overrated–Luke 16:19-31
    8. Second Chance For A Poor Manager–Luke 16:1-13
    9. A Laugh And A Prayer–Luke 11:5-13, 18:1-8
    10. It Happens While We Sleep–Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
    11. The Importance Of Being Dressed For The Party–Matthew 22:1-14
    12. The Genius Of Effective Waiting–Luke 12:32-40

    Additional Info
    This study is an addition to the author’s popular “Back Side” books .
    J. Ellsworth Kalas presents new insight into twelve of Jesus’ parables by entering them through a unique starting point, a creative retelling, a new “lens,” or the eyes of a minor or unsympathetic character. The book also will contain a study guide.

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  • Gospel According To The Apostles


    Ever since the days of the apostles Paul and James, Christians have struggled to define the proper tension between faith and works. Salvation, Paul stresses is “not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). But James argues, “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” (2:18).

    In his characteristic compelling style Dr. MacArthur reconciles these two seemingly divergent threads of biblical truth, taking on the difficult questions head on:

    What is cheap grace?
    Have some Christians adopted a “no-lordship” theology?
    What must a person do to be considered righteous by God?
    Do our works have any affect on our salvation?

    Jesus asked his followers, “Why do you call me Lord and not do the things that I tell you to?” When John MacArthur dared in his earlier book to ask us this question, critics accused him of shelving grace. Others read the same book and heard in it the identical message preached since the founding of the Church.

    “The Gospel According to the Apostles is the same gospel Jesus preached,” Dr. MacArthur says, “but it differs dramatically from the diluted message popular today. I pray you’ll find this book an encouragement as you seek to put your own faith to work.”

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  • Forgiveness : Making Peace With The Past


    Forgiveness is a door. It’s the way to peace and joy. But it’s a small door, and it can’t be entered without stooping–or kneeling. And sometimes it is very hard to find.

    When we hurt the people we love, how do we go about restoring the relationship?

    When we suffer the pain of betrayal or injury or rejection from someone else, how do we deal with the anger and resentment we feel?

    In eight studies, Douglas Connelly leads the way to help you discover, understand and practice what the Bible says about forgiveness.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study

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  • XTB Issue 11


    XTB Daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures, prayers – and a free XTB Writing Pad. Zoom in on 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah and John, using your writing pad for letters, prayers, lists (and a paper plane!) as you go.

    Issue Eleven of XTB is called Write and Wrong. Three months of Bible Readings to help you investigate who Jesus is in John’s Gospel, to meet the last kings of Israel, and to read about how the Israelites had to leave their homes, in the books of 2 Kings, Isaiah and Jeremiah.

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  • Book Of Ruth


    In one of the most underestimated books of the Bible, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi overcome poverty, famine, the death of their husbands, and prejudice in a foreign country. Through their extraordinary love for each other, they not only survive, but they even prosper as a romance between Ruth and Boaz blossoms in the midst of troublesome times.With utmost care, the book of Ruth is unfolded line by line, revealing an indomitable spirit and an awesome faith in God. Enjoyable reading with many new insights, The Book of Ruth, Line by Line enhances our understanding of the lovely and delightful story of Ruth, perhaps the highest work of prose to be found in all of world literature.

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  • Joshua (Revised)


    Each study in the God’s Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes:
    *background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;
    *learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;
    *notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional information;
    *discussion starters that help participants apply God’s Word to their daily lives.

    (11 sessions) Behind the historical details and the epic battles recorded in the Book of Joshua lies a covenant of grace, God’s promise that He made with Abraham and his descendents forever. Although covering a time span of only about thirty years, the Book of Joshua points forward in time to another Joshua-Jesus of Nazareth-who’s coming is significant forever. In both rite and event, Joshua both anticipates the fulfillment of Abraham’s promise in Christ. In this study you will learn:
    *the importance of the land promised to Abraham and its connection to and fulfillment in the coming Messiah;
    *the seriousness of sin as exemplified by the destruction of the great city of Jericho and of the inhabitants of Canaan;
    *the sweetness of God’s grace as shown to those finding sanctuary in the cities of refuge and especially to Rahab and her family.

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  • Like A Thief In The Night


    In response to increasing interest in “the last days” and prophecies about the kingdom, the rapture, antichrists, tribulation, Armageddon, and a thousand-year reign on earth, Dr. Stafford North provides a clear presentation of biblical truth on the subject. Will help anyone who wants to study the pre-millennial view or talk to people who hold pre-millennial beliefs.

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  • Being Gods Man By Resisting The World (Student/Study Guide)


    If you think God’s values and the world’s values can co-exist, think again.

    You have to live in this world. But if you want to be God’s man, there’s a catch: You can’t be absorbed or influenced by the world. You have to stand strong as a man of God and resist the world.

    Men like you who are getting serious about their walk with God feel a deep, intuitive conflict of the soul where unholy alliances with the world, which were once acceptable, must now be broken. That’s not easy. But here’s solid, trustworthy guidance for you from men who have been there, too.

    In Being God’s Man by Resisting the World, you’ll take a look at Christ’s template of values as revealed in the Sermon on the Mount. Every man who seeks to understand and train in these values will experience a greater connection with God. So forget what you know, focus on these truths, and start living large spiritually.

    Special Features:
    *Practical studies facilitate personal encounters with God and other men
    *Questions encourage genuine reflection and help build godly convictions
    *Real Life case studies show how the truths you discover have worked out in other men’s lives
    *Standing Strong section gives you the opportunity to form and express your action steps with God and your group

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  • Being Gods Man By Standing Firm Under Pressure (Student/Study Guide)


    How to maintain your godly boundaries even under pressure.

    When you’re faced with an imminent threat, your body releases adrenaline. Your heart beats faster. Your muscles tense, and all your senses switch to Go. But what happens when your spiritual well-being is under attack? Do you stand strong in your desire to do God’s will or run for the hills?

    The path of faith is tough traveling. Fighting to hold on to God’s purposes under adverse conditions is inconvenient, impractical, and thoroughly unpredictable. Standing firm under pressure reveals our true convictions about God, about everything.

    In Being God’s Man by Standing Firm Under Pressure you’ll examine one man named Daniel and his band of brothers who demonstrated how not to compromise under pressure. They didn’t let misfortune, temptation, manipulation, intimidation, or even death shake their faith into compromise. Instead, they faced each new challenging circumstance with courage and trust. As God’s man, you can, too.

    Special Features:
    *Practical studies facilitate personal encounters with God and other men
    *Questions encourage genuine reflection and help build godly convictions
    *Real Life case studies show how the truths you discover have worked out in other men’s lives
    *Standing Strong section gives you the opportunity to form and express your action steps with God and your group

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  • Being Gods Man By Finding Contentment


    How satisfied are you with your life?

    Men like you are finding it tougher than ever to be content with what they have. They compare themselves with others and continually come up short. The soul-gnawing result is discouragement and disappointment.

    Lasting contentment comes only from a transformation of your mind, emotions, and will. It also takes a personal encounter with the God who can make you content.

    In Being God’s Man by Finding Contentment, you will track this struggle for a new identity through various biblical passages. Like Jacob, you will not be fully settled and content until you lay to rest your past and take up a new identity in Christ. Jacob became a new creature, a man on a mission for the Lord. His struggle was over. He knew why he was here and what he had to do. His life took on purpose and meaning that transcended the striving. Yours can, too.

    Special Features:
    *Practical studies facilitate personal encounters with God and other men
    *Questions encourage genuine reflection and help build godly convictions
    *Real Life case studies show how the truths you discover have worked out in other men’s lives
    *Standing Strong section gives you the opportunity to form and express your action steps with God and your group

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  • Search The Scriptures (Revised)


    A daily encounter with the Bible can be difficult to sustain, this book can support you in your discipline of daily Bible study. Using a question-and-answer approach, it helps you discover God’s truth for yourself. Its built-in flexibility and clear presentation allow you to use its contents according to your own needs. This book has been used and appreciated by many thousands of readers for over half century. This new edition, based on the New International Version of the Bible, has been completely reset in a fresh, accessible format. With its daily support, your own search of Scriptures can become a delight and a source of strength.

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  • Come Thirsty Adult Study Guide (Workbook)


    Like the woman at the well, we recognize our need for living water. We need moisture, a swallow of water, a long, quenching drink. But where do we find water for the soul? We find it at the W-E-L-L. Come Thirsty Study Guide Outline: (1)Thirsting After Righteousness; (2)Grace Blockers; (3)Redefining Prayer; (4)Choosing Peace; (5)Abiding in God’s Love; (6)If God Wrote You a Letter.

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  • XTB Issue 12


    XTB Daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures, prayers – and a free XTB Bible Timeline. Zoom in on Daniel, Nehemiah, John and Revelation, using your Bible Timeline to see how everything fits together.

    Issue Twelve of XTB is called End to End. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate the very first Easter in John’s Gospel, meet Daniel, one of the young men captured by King Nebuchadnezzar, find out how the Israelites came home in Nehemiah and explore the last book in the Bible – Revelation.

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  • XTB Issue 10


    XTB Daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures, prayers-and a FREE Mini Bible Dictionary. Zoom in on 1 and 2 Kings and John, using your Bible Dictionary to check out any unusual words as you go.

    Issue Ten of XTB is called Check It Out. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is in John’s Gospel, find out about King Solomon in the book of 1 Kings, and meet the fiery prophet Elijah (God’s Messenger) in 1 and 2 Kings.

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  • Maximizing Your Marriage Student (Workbook)


    God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God’s plan. The facts are that only about half the couples who go to the altar remain married — and many of those who do not divorce find themselves in frustrating relationships full of pain and conflict.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an interactive mentoring course for couples based on solid biblical principles about God’s design for marriage. Ten weekly sessions provide plenty of tools that get couples headed in the right direction to experience and enjoy all God wants for them. And the course concludes with an overnight retreat which offers couples the opportunity to renew their vows.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an adventure that will bring refreshment and encouragement to any marriage. It’s a great investment for a healthy relationship that reflects Jesus Christ.

    Sessions include:
    * Mutual Submission To Christ
    * The Wonder Of God’s Oneness
    * A Promise To Be Kept
    * Expectations vs. Godly Assignments
    * Stop — Talk — and Listen, Listen, Listen
    * In Pursuit Of Understanding
    * Finding A Firm Financial Foundation
    * The Reward Of Raising Children
    * Intimacy In Every Way
    * Fueling The Flames Of Your Marriage
    * The Getaway

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  • Maximizing Your Marriage Leader (Teacher’s Guide)


    God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God’s plan. The facts are that only about half the couples who go to the altar remain married — and many of those who do not divorce find themselves in frustrating relationships full of pain and conflict.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an interactive mentoring course for couples based on solid biblical principles about God’s design for marriage. Ten weekly sessions provide plenty of tools that get couples headed in the right direction to experience and enjoy all God wants for them. And the course concludes with an overnight retreat which offers couples the opportunity to renew their vows.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an adventure that will bring refreshment and encouragement to any marriage. It’s a great investment for a healthy relationship that reflects Jesus Christ.

    Sessions include:
    * Mutual Submission To Christ
    * The Wonder Of God’s Oneness
    * A Promise To Be Kept
    * Expectations vs. Godly Assignments
    * Stop — Talk — and Listen, Listen, Listen
    * In Pursuit Of Understanding
    * Finding A Firm Financial Foundation
    * The Reward Of Raising Children
    * Intimacy In Every Way
    * Fueling The Flames Of Your Marriage
    * The Getaway

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  • Scriptures Sing Of Christmas (Student/Study Guide)


    This advent study deals with the lyrical quality of the Christmas-related verses. Each of four sessions–one for each Sunday of Advent–includes discussion/reflection questions.

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  • Worship : His Love Endures Forever


    Why do we worship?

    Do we do it simply because it’s part of a church service, or does it spring from a heart of genuine praise?

    The Bible gives us a clear picture of what worship is–and isn’t–about. In eight studies Sundee Tucker Frazier helps you dig into the Bible, learning how to worship with your whole life and taking you to the heart of the matter–the character of the God who loves you.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Women Of Worth (Reprinted)


    The first book in the Focus on the Family Women’s Bible Study Series, Women of Worth, will help women discover their true identifies in Christ and develop a closer relationship with their Savior. The Focus on the Family Women’s Ministry series provides the opportunity for women to reconnect with their Savior and one another through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and activities.

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  • Prayer (Student/Study Guide)


    This book will explore and define biblical and contemporary images of prayer. All the sessions exploring prayer will be based upon God’s relationship with humans as the ground of all prayer and the essential human need to reach toward God that leads to prayer. Readers will explore definitions of prayer, a variety of scriptures that show Jesus’ teachings and practices related to prayer, methods of prayer, aids to prayer, the varieties of individual and communal words, needs, and emotions that form the content of prayer, ways people interpret answered or unanswered prayer, and the unity between prayer and human action. The book will invite readers to reflect upon questions like: Why do we pray? What is God’s role in prayer? the human role? How is God’s grace involved in prayer? What is prayer? What did Jesus teach about prayer? How do we pray? What do we pray? What is an attitude of prayer? How does God answer prayer? What difference does prayer make in our lives? Have I been praying all along? What happens in the quiet times of my week? in the busy times?
    Is prayer possible in both quiet and busy times? Why do I feel like I don’t have
    time to pray? Do I need to make time for prayer? How? The book will affirm
    persons and groups who struggle with an understanding of prayer or with
    a style of prayer. It will provide opportunities for transforming encounters with

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  • Jeremiah : Demanding Love (Student/Study Guide)


    It was a dark time for Israel. And Jeremiah was their last chance to turn things around.

    The ministry to which God called Jeremiah was difficult and painful: proclaim God’s demanding love. Yet with this burden, God also gave the prophet a gift–the gift of his presence. In this study guide, Stephen D. Eyre shows how the example of Jeremiah’s rich relationship with God can inspire you to become more deeply open to God than ever before.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Gods Comfort : 9 Studies For Individuals Of Groups (Revised)


    Suffering has power. It can tear our hearts apart. At the same time it has the positive power to transform us–if we allow ourselves to experience God’s comfort. In these studies you will discover how to meet God in the midst of struggles and receive his strength and grace.

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  • Loving Justice : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    God is loving and powerful. He is able to work against some of the strongest forces of hate in the world.

    You can imitate God’s justice by fighting against these same powers in your own life and in the lives of those around you.

    Taking a fresh look at this theme throughout Scripture, Bob and Carol Hunter challenge you to love justice as God does. And they show you how to work for justice in your everyday life.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Deuteronomy : Becoming Holy People (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you long to experience God’s presence in your life?

    In this study guide Stephen D. Eyre leads you to explore the story told in Deuteronomy–the story of God’s people seeking after him. As you trace their journey, experiencing their forward progress, their detours and their obstacles, you, too, will learn to follow God more closely.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Gideon


    SKU (ISBN): 9781850785576ISBN10: 1850785570Jeff LucasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2004Spring Harvest Bible StudiesPublisher: Authentic Print On Demand Product

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  • Topical Treasury Of Bible Verses


    Topical Treasury of Bible Verses is a compilation of Bible verses organized alphabetically by topic. It is designed to provide a great tool for personal Bible study, for preparing a lesson or sermon, for counseling, or for doing research on a particular subject. While not an exhaustive resource, it covers a variety of topics that are not typically found in other topical resources and is small enough to keep with your Bible.

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  • Spiritual Gifts : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    In this study, R. Paul Stevens leads you to explore what spiritual gifts are, what their role is in the church and how to discover which gifts God has given you. You’ll dig into key passages on spiritual gifs and look at specific examples of how they were manifested in the early church.

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  • 4 Great Loves


    We are called to four great loves: to love God, Gods Word, Gods people and Gods purposes in the world. These eight studies offer you tangible ways to love and serve the God who loves you perfectly and who longs for you to know him more intimately.

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  • God Satan And Mr Job


    Many books have been written about Job’s battle with life. However, none of the books researched contain the contents and conundrums found in God, Satan, and Mr. Job. The uniqueness of God, Satan, and Mr. Job is the attempt to resolve some of the riddles in Job’s story. Especially significant are the contents of chapters four to six, which explain most of the puzzling concepts in Job’s story, and the contents of chapter twelve, which explain the parables of the Behemoth (Hippopotamus) and the Leviathan (Crocodile or Dinosaur) as told by God. Readers will enjoy some intriguing ideas and brainteasers such as: A short introduction to the historical origins of Satan from Islamic, biblical, and other cultural perspectives. The political battle between God and Satan. The riddle of the controversial wager between God and Satan over Job’s life. The conundrum about Satan standing among God’s children. The meaning of the fire of God from heaven. The heuristic stage of faith development. The three causes of life tragedies. The origin of human violence, terrorism, and aggression. The dichotomy between faith and fear.

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  • God Satan And Mr Job


    Many books have been written about Job’s battle with life. However, none of the books researched contain the contents and conundrums found in God, Satan, and Mr. Job. The uniqueness of God, Satan, and Mr. Job is the attempt to resolve some of the riddles in Job’s story. Especially significant are the contents of chapters four to six, which explain most of the puzzling concepts in Job’s story, and the contents of chapter twelve, which explain the parables of the Behemoth (Hippopotamus) and the Leviathan (Crocodile or Dinosaur) as told by God. Readers will enjoy some intriguing ideas and brainteasers such as: A short introduction to the historical origins of Satan from Islamic, biblical, and other cultural perspectives. The political battle between God and Satan. The riddle of the controversial wager between God and Satan over Job’s life. The conundrum about Satan standing among God’s children. The meaning of the fire of God from heaven. The heuristic stage of faith development. The three causes of life tragedies. The origin of human violence, terrorism, and aggression. The dichotomy between faith and fear.

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  • XTB Issue 9


    Days 1-10 Look At Various Parts Of The Bible – Hebrews, Acts, John, Mark – With The Who Will Be King? Booklet
    Day 11 Starts Into 2 Samuel And Continues Until Day 27, Ending In Ch 9
    Little Look At Romans Ch 5 Vs 10 On Day 28
    Back Into 2 Samuel For Two More Days Ending In Ch 10
    John’s Gospel Starts On Day 31 And Goes On Until Day 50, Ending In Ch 3
    Day 51 Brings Us Back To 2 Samuel And Ends In Ch 12 On Day 58
    Days 59-62 Take A Close Look At Psalm 51, Relevant To 2 Samuel

    Additional Info
    Read about what happened to David when at last he became king in Israel

    Find out what the whole Bible has to say about our real king, Jesus

    Get a clear picture of the two ways we can live in response to Him with the Free booklet.

    Issue Nine of XTB is called Way To Go. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is in John’s Gospel, and find out about King David in the book of 2 Samuel. But first, we’ll zip through the free booklet Who Will Be King? to check out who’s King of our lives.

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  • Mary : The Imagination Of Her Heart


    Christians from liturgical traditions like Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy have long venerated Jesus’ mother Mary as a miraculous intercessor, icon of holy life and God’s closest human relative. Believers from Protestant denominations, on the other hand, have attempted to appreciate Mary within the boundaries of what is known about her from the New Testament, seeing her as worthy of respect but not devotion. In this study of Mary as prophet, matriarch, theologian, disciple, intercessor and paradigm, Duckworth, an Episcopal priest and poet, encourages readers to approach her from the classic Anglican perspective of the middle way, which “allows us to understand Mary as a model, a pattern, a paradigm and, as such, a soul friend as we proceed toward the perfection that is Christ.” It may be jarring for more conservative readers to discover that Duckworth views the Gospels not as historical documents, but as witnesses of faith anchored in the “truth” of myth and folklore. On the other hand, her evident affection for the subject and her even-handed approach to some of the more controversial aspects of Marian devotion will appeal to those seeking a well-rounded portrait of one of the major figures in Christian history and worship. Each meditation is enriched by personal anecdotes, Duckworth’s poetry and her multicultural perspective on art history, folklore and Marian tradition.

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  • XTB Issue 8


    We Kick Off In Mark And Cover Chs 14-16 Over Days 1-20
    Day 21 Opens Up The Book Of 1 Samuel And We’ll Look Through Chs 1-5 Until Day 35
    Days 36-45 Examine Some Of David’s Psalms (prayers Or Songs To God)
    Back To 1 Samuel On Day 46 And You’ll Get Through Chs 8-17 By Day 65.
    A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.
    Hope You Have Lots Of Fun With The Crown Coder. It’s Very Cool.

    Additional Info
    Find out about Samuel and Saul in 1 Samuel.

    Look at some of the prayers and songs David wrote – through good times AND bad.

    Read about what happened to Jesus on the very first Easter in the final part of Mark.

    And use your XTB Crown Coder to discover who the Real King is.

    Issue Eight of XTB is called The Real King. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate the first Easter in the last part of Mark’s Gospel, to meet the last of the judges – Samuel – and the first king of Israel – Saul – in the book of 1 Samuel, and to dip into some of King David’s psalms as well, plus you get a free XTB Crown Coder…!

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  • Gods Love : Knowing God Through The Psalms (Student/Study Guide)


    This is the revised edition of the popular LifeGuide Bible study on knowing God through the Psalms. These 10 lessons reveal the character of our loving God. God cares for us in so many ways. He offers help, calms our fears, guides and strengthens us. Find how God brings true satisfaction to our lives.

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  • Friendship : Growing Side By Side (Student/Study Guide)


    Carolyn Nystrom leads you through twelve inductive studies to discover what the Bible teaches about friendship. As you dig into the stories of friends like David and Jonathan or Ruth and Naomi, you will experience the riches of godly friendship for yourself.

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