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Bible Studies

Showing 1001–1050 of 1355 results

  • Mutilation Of Marks Gospel


    In modern scholarship, Mark is usually viewed as the first of the Gospels; therefore, literary critics have carefully investigated its overall structure and interpretation. But Croy argues that the book has suffered physical damage at both its beginning and end, so this must temper all one’s conclusions.

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  • 1 Kings KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071702ISBN10: 157407170XBinding: KivarPublished: April 2003Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • Wonder Of Wonders (Student/Study Guide)


    I was overawed when Norma’s manuscript reached me this spring. Can you imagine using close to 50,000 words to describe the grace of God? Norma’s book is only the tip of the iceberg. Paul’s words in Romans 11:33 (J.B. Phillips) says, “I stand amazed at the fathomless wealth of God’s wisdom and God’s knowledge. How could any man ever understand His reasons for action, or explain His methods of working?” Norma has listed 192 definitions and examples of the Bible word “grace.” I was fascinated when Norma explained that grace is not exclusively a New Testament word. So many scholars have stated that the subject of the N.T. is “grace” while that of the O.T. is “the Law.” In the introduction Norma explains why she divided the O.T. references from the N.T. This book is encyclopedic or comprehensive in scope. It will be a welcome addition to the library of any person who is serious about studying the Word of God. It will go along side of other reference books such as translations, Bible dictionaries, commentaries, and lexicons. The other day a young Christian, looking at the age-lines in my face, asked, “As you grow older, what surprises you most about following Jesus?” My immediate answer was His Grace. Now, Norma Svenhard has written Wonder of Wonders, a definitive Bible study-outline on this very subject. Tracing God’s Grace through both Old and New Testaments, Norma’s guide is an invaluable tool for all of us seeking a deeper understanding of God’s unmerited kindness, which we call Grace. -John Sherrill, Roving Editor, Guideposts Magazine

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  • Bible From Scratch


    Well-known educator and author Don Griggs has written this accessible overview of the Bible for adults who have-or fear they have-little or no Bible knowledge. Now, in this much-anticipated second volume, Griggs guides us through the New Testament and introduces basic tools and skills for Bible study. Like the Old Testament volume, the first half of the book overviews the text while the second half provides questions for study.

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  • Praying The Psalms (Student/Study Guide)


    Joy. Anger. Distress. Hope. Trust.

    These and many more emotions are expressed in the Psalms. Juanita Ryan offers these studies to help you learn how to openly express the full range of your emotions to God.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study, originally titled Psalms II, features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Job : Wrestling With God (Student/Study Guide)


    Why do faithful people suffer?

    Job wanted to know. So he demanded an answer from God. His friends thought he was crazy, but Job persisted. And, finally, God answered.

    As Paul Stevens leads you through Job’s questions and God’s answers, you discover comfort, hope and meaning for the suffering in your own life.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Creative Counterpart : Becoming The Woman Wife And Mother Youve Longed To B (Rep


    Linda Dillow gracefully and succinctly motivates Christian women to reach for more than they are currently experiencing in their marriages. She includes creative suggestions on how to encourage your husband, live above your circumstances, and develop a plan whereby you can begin to become the woman, wife, and mother that you long to be. She describes a creative counterpart as being more than just a helper. She is a woman who, having chosen (or having found herself in) the vocation of wife and mother, decides to learn and grow in all the areas of this role and to work as though she were aiming for the presidency of a corporation. Also included is a Bible study and project guide, which work perfectly for personal study or small group interaction.

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  • Christian Virtues : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Virtue may not be a word you use every day, but it defines the qualities of a person of character. One of the good things about belonging to God is that he develops virtues in you. In nine sessions Cindy Bunch leads you to investigate–and learn to practice–key Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, justice, courage, moderation, integrity and perseverance.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Jacob And The Prodigal


    232 Pages

    Additional Info
    “Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him.” A father runs to welcome his prodigal son with open arms. What are the similarities between these two stories? Noting that Israel takes its name from Jacob, Bailey unpacks parallels freighted with theological significance, offering a fresh take on Jesus’ view of Israel’s destiny.

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  • Women Of The New Testament (Student/Study Guide)


    Lydia shows us how to influence the people around us.

    Elizabeth’s life challenges us to care for others.

    Women like Herodias and Sapphira warn us against turning away from God toward bitterness and dishonesty.

    As Phyllis J. Le Peau introduces twelve significant women of the New Testament, she invites you to enter into their lives and learn from them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Paul The Letter Writer Print On Demand Title


    This engaging study shows how Paul’s stylized use of the official Roman letter a form of communication of great social import in his day played a crucial role in his apostolic ministry, conveying both his self-identity and sense of authority.

    M. Luther Stirewalt describes the logistics of letter writing in the first-century Mediterranean world and shows how official letters served to substitute for speeches to an audience, to convey executive, official, or bureaucratic matters, or to bring complaints or petitions from citizens to officials. He then shows how Paul structured his apostolic correspondence after these models of writing, drawing evidence directly from seven Pauline epistles: 1 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Philemon, Galatians, and Romans.

    Cutting a new angle on Paul’s purposes, his ministry, and his pastoral concerns, Stirewalt’s “Paul, the Letter Writer” will appeal to readers of the Bible and ancient history.

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  • How To Lead A LifeGuide Bible Study (Teacher’s Guide)


    You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion!

    You only need a few basic skills. This guidebook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (both veteran discussion leaders and experienced Bible study creators) will show you

    how to start a group
    how to decide what to study
    how to prepare to lead
    how to study the Bible
    how to use a study guide
    how to write your own questions
    how to lead the discussion
    how to evaluate the study
    Over 100,000 copies of this handbook (now revised and expanded from the original, Leading Bible Discussions) have been used by Bible study leaders and Sunday school teachers. Along with practical suggestions and the answers to common questions offered in each brief chapter, you’ll find two appendixes: “Guidelines for Interpreting Scripture” and “A Sample Study.” The resources section also leads you to more training guides, website references and study guides to use with your group.

    Here is the help you need to lead a great Bible discussion.

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  • Meeting The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


    Who is the Holy Spirit?

    How does he change our lives?

    How does he work in the world?

    In ten sessions Douglas Connelly helps you examine these and other critical questions. You will see that the Spirit of God is eager to work in your life to draw you closer to God.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • For Such A Time As This Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Today’s young women are bombarded with messages contrary to the Christian life. They need a clear vision of purpose in order to walk as “princesses in God’s court.” For Such a Time as This: The Disciplines of Destiny, by Lisa Ryan, cohost of The 700 Club, helps women from the ages of twelve to twenty-five find their unique gifts and destinies. It draws on the biblical example of Esther, as well as modern-day role models, to deliver nugget-sized lessons on character traits such as courage, chastity, grace, and dignity. For Such a Time as This will transform young readers into mature women of God.

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  • Life God Rewards Bible Study (Student/Study Guide)


    This Bible study is a lot more exciting than getting a paycheck and benefits…and infinitely more important. After all, you’re not planning for a lifetime – you’re investing in forever. And God wants it to be great for you! Through these four weeks of insightful group or individual study, Bible teacher and spiritual counselor Bruce Wilkinson clarifies how the choices you’re making today are going to affect the quality of your life in heaven. As you investigate key Scriptures and apply them to your own situation with this visual, interactive resource, you’ll discover the most fulfilling life you’ve ever known

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  • Faith Victorious : Finding Strength And Hope From Hebrews 11


    There’s hardly a topic more important than faith. And no portion of Scripture demonstrates the vitality of faith better than Hebrews 11. “This chapter is to faith what the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians is to love,” writes Richard Phillips. In this study of Hebrews 11 we find answers to some of our most pressing questions: What is faith? How do we get faith? What are its benefits? How does faith respond to life’s trials? We also enter the fascinating world of Old Testament men and women whose vision of a sure hope beyond their struggles led them to acts of great courage. Like the first audience of the Book of Hebrews, the church today faces mounting opposition – and the danger of falling away from the truth.

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  • At Table With Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Jesus used food and mealtimes to build (or destroy) community and to teach about the Father, Son, and Kingdom. Some of theses events include the wedding, at Cana, the calls to Levi and to Zacchaeus, the banquet parables, eating with Pharisees and with persons of ill repute, and the miraculous feeding with fish and bread. This book deals with the concepts of miracle meals, Eucharist, hospitality, etiquette, clean and unclean, and others. This 8-session study will help participants see how the simple act of eating became a crucial element in Jesus’ ministry, and they will learn to appreciate the Eucharistic quality of daily life and the practice of hospitality.

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  • Capital Punishment Student (Student/Study Guide)


    This short-term study comes at a time when there is considerable national debate and commentary on the administration of the death penalty. This study combines Bible study with compelling stories from persons who have been directly affected by capital crimes to help adults form and/or reform their thinking on capital punishment. It looks at various denominational views and nations’ politics related to the issue, as well as providing several suggested plans for action.

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  • Nehemiah : Courage In The Face Of Opposition (Student/Study Guide)


    Nehemiah was a leader of Israel. He faced opposition and difficulty from every side–even from his own people. Yet he stood against all his enemies, trusting only in God.

    As Don Fields leads you through twelve sessions to dig into the Old Testament story of Nehemiah, you will discover how this leader’s courage and faith can inspire you as you struggle to live a life pleasing to God.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study

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  • 1-2 Peter And Jude (Student/Study Guide)


    “I’ll never grow up.”

    Sometimes we all feel a little like Peter Pan. We’d rather be children, free of obligations and responsibilities. Sometimes we even feel that way about our Christian lives.

    The writers of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude understand how difficult it is to grow into maturity. As Carolyn Nystrom leads us through these letters, we see how God provides direction and comfort when we travel dark roads. And we discover what it takes to be mature in Christ.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Jesus Attitude Towards The Law


    This book provides a critical reassesment and fresh analysis of Jesus’ attitude towards the Law as portrayed in each of the canonical Gospels, Q, Thomas, and the apocryphal Gospels. Representing William Loader’s definitive work on the subject, this comprehensive study presents a clearer picture of Jesus and his message.

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  • Esther : Character Under Pressure (Revised)


    “Who are you when no one’s looking?”

    When her people were threatened, Esther had to ask herself that question. She could risk her life to try to save her fellow Israelites. Or she could “keep her head down” to wait out the threat in obscurity and safety.

    In nine sessions for individuals or groups, Patty Pell leads you to examine the story of Esther. You’ll discover how godly character often develops under pressure. And you’ll discover ideas for living a godly life in the midst of contemporary pressures.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • 10 Commandments : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    God’s rules do more than restrict–they give freedom.

    They are words of prevention and protection.

    They define identity–ours and God’s.

    Each of the studies in this guide by Rob Suggs looks at one of God’s commandments and a Bible passage that will help you better understand how to apply God’s law. As you study these laws, you will encounter God himself.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Encountering Jesus : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.

    Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Jeremiah (Student/Study Guide)


    In classic Interpretation Bible Studies style, Robert Laha leads a ten-session study into the stories of suffering, tragedy, and ultimately, hope found in the book of Jeremiah. Chapters discuss Jeremiah’s world and call, unfaithfulness, God’s judgment, lament, Jeremiah’s confessions, prophetic signs, false prophets, the Letter to the Babylonian Exiles, and consolation and hope. Like all IBS volumes, Laha’s Jeremiah features maps, illustrations, definitions of key terms, interesting biblical facts, questions for reflection, as well as leaders’ suggestions for groups use.

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  • Trusting That God Will Provide


    Model Your Life on the Great Women of the Bible Who Trusted God and Found Him Faithful Studies of 6 women from the Bible_each with 6 sessions_for personal reflection or group study Through intriguing stories of biblical women, the Women of the Bible study series helps readers see how God wants to work in their lives. Questions and activities are designed to encourage personal application, understanding, and prayer, and to foster interaction within study groups. Each chapter includes 8 sections: Opening Narrative, Discussing the Story, Sharing Your Story, After Hours, Setting the Stage, Behind the Scenes, Prayer Meetings, and Words to Remember. The leader9s guide makes it easy to facilitate weekly Bible studies to nurture knowledge of Scripture and a sense of God9s presence in life. Esther: a Jewish orphan who became queen of Persia and saved her people_Choose to be a woman God delights to use no matter what the circumstances Mary: a young woman who said yes to God9s incredible plan for her life_Obedience can be a joyous choice that is blessed by God Deborah: a leader of Israel when God9s people were in a period of great decline_Faith, courage, and devotion toward God have a powerful impact in a woman9s life Hannah: a woman who poured out her heart to God and received a miracle_Understand the wisdom and importance of committing dreams to God Sarah: a woman of faith whose insecurities sometimes got the better of her_Face life9s uncertainties, move beyond fear, and enjoy a faith-filled relationship with God Ruth: a daughter-in-law who left her own people out of loyalty to Naomi_Trust the Lord through faith and action in difficult times

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  • Stories To Remember (Student/Study Guide)


    Using the concept of the kingdom of God as a touchstone, Stories To Remember analyzes the parables and emphasizes how we can apply their lessons to our modern lives. Like Jesus, Lavin cuts through theological code words to get to the heart of their message in easy-to-understand ways. Structured in two eight-session groupings, Stories To Remember is an ideal group study resource. Each chapter includes “points to ponder” and questions for stimulating discussion. There’s also a study guide for digging deeper into the biblical and historical background and tips to assist small group leaders. This is the second book in the Another Look series: other titles examine the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. These books are excellent for personal inspiration, use with new member or adult Sunday school classes, small group studies, and sermon preparation.

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  • Life Management For Busy Women Growth And Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide offers clear and inspired steps for women eager to become better stewards of their time and their lives. As a supplemental tool, it compliments all the major sections of the book. Easily adaptable to individual or group study, this guide will help women of all ages, in all stages of life, learn to see and follow God’s blueprint for their lives.

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  • Focus On Mark (Student/Study Guide)


    Combining scripture text with informative commentary, Focus on Mark is the perfect guide for in-depth adult study. Each book contains study questions, journal meditations, and group activities that encourage spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God’s work.

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  • How To Be A Christian Without Being Religious (Reprinted)


    Since the days of the early church, Christians have struggled to find a way to be “good”–to please God by their own efforts. They end up carrying a burden God never intended them to bear. And what’s more, their brand of Christianity ends up looking like any other religion of the world–bound by joyless rules and rituals. Fritz Ridenour’s study of the book of Romans provides an antidote to the pharisaical spirit and shows that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. It is not people reaching up, but God reaching down. All Christians can enjoy their birthright when they realize who they are in Christ. The result is a life full of hope, joy, power, and potential.

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  • Song Of Songs (Student/Study Guide)


    Song of Songs, the latest 8-week Studyguide, gives the reader insight into Song of Songs — one of the richest and most beautiful books of the Bible. This guide offers reflection on the intimacy God intends for marriage and the intimacy God desires to have with us. Written for those who long for more closeness with God and more depth in their relationships. This book is ideal for those who want to learn more about Song of Songs; engaged or married couples seeking a greater understanding of God’s design for intimacy; pastors and counselors looking for a guide to use in pre-marital counseling; and those who want to learn more about God’s desire for intimacy with his children and his Church.

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  • Johns Letters : Discovering Genuine Christianity (Student/Study Guide)


    When we strip away what is superficial, cultural or traditional, what is the essence of genuine Christianity? What qualities and beliefs must be present in a living and life-changing faith? John’s letters focus on the three most important aspects of the Christian life. With power and simplicity, he helps us focus our attention on what really matters- both now and for eternity. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    Have you ever felt that you wanted to get closer to God but didn’t derserve even to try? This book explores God’s love for us and how it isn’t something we earn, but something that is; how that love leads us into relationship with God and with others; and how our hearts and lives are changed as we use the gifts God has given us to build community, growing toward perfect love.

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  • 3 Months With Matthew (Student/Study Guide)


    Available in English for the first time, Three Months with Matthew is popular author Juso Gonzalez’s study of the Gospel of Matthew. Eminently readable, the study uses the see-judge-act method to bring readers closer to the text and to inform and challenge the daily life of the Christian. These thirteen studies can be used for Sunday school, evening Bible study, home study meetings, retreats, or personal Bible study. It can easily be used as a daily Bible study, as each lesson is divided into seven parts.

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  • Christian Community : 10 Studies For Individuals Or Groups


    One of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us is each other. Through Christ’s body, the church, we discover our unique gifts and experience worship, healing and power. In ten studies, Rob Suggs leads us to grow in community–loving and nurturing one another, and in reflecting Christ’s love to the world around us.

    Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Christian Community features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Self Esteem : Seeing Ourselves As God Sees Us


    The world encourages you to love yourself, believe in yourself and tell yourself that you are intelligent, capable, beautiful, wonderful. But deep down, what do you most want to know? What does God think of you? What is your true worth?

    As Jack Kuhatschek leads you through nine Bible studies on self-esteem, you’ll gain an essential understanding of who you are and how God is restoring you to wholeness.

    Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Self-Esteem features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Women Of The Old Testament (Student/Study Guide)


    These twelve lessons on important women in the Old Testament are part of LifeGuide, a popular line of Bible study guides which provide solid biblical content and raise thought-provoking issues in an easy-to-read format.

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  • Prayer : An Adventure With God (Student/Study Guide)


    You pray for your own needs and for the needs of others. You pray in the face of conflict, and you pray for forgiveness. You pray to pour out your heart to God and to gain a glimpse of God’s heart for you.

    As David Healey leads you through the prayers of men and women in the Bible (Mary, Abraham, Moses, Daniel and more!), you will gain new insights into why, what and how to pray. And you will experience more fully the adventure that prayer can be.

    Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Prayer features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Ecclesiastes : Chasing After Meaning (Student/Study Guide)


    Are you tired of getting pat answers when you ask hard questions about faith? The writer of Ecclesiastes is not afraid to ask the big questions like “Where can I find fulfillment when I seem to be going in circles?” and “Who is really in control when the world looks topsy-turvy?” In the process, he discovers how faith in God is meaningful in the real world. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes 12 studies.

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  • Inner Circle (Student/Study Guide)


    Why did Jesus select the twelve as apostles? What did they accomplish after the resurrection? What happened to them? What can we learn from them?

    This resource provides fascinating material for reading and discussion with adult study classes during the Lenten season or as a summer study series. Discussion questions are included with each study of the twelve apostles, as well as Saint Paul.

    Click writes in a style that makes us feel we can understand what really motivates each of these apostles. While he allows for imagination and comparison with the present day, he doesn’t stray from the biblical accounts in discovering fascinating insights into the lives of these followers of Jesus.

    Labeled the “architect” of the United Lutheran Church in America’s churchwide evangelism mission, E. Dale Click practiced evangelism in his own pastorate in two suburban congregations and three central city churches. He has directed evangelism missions throughout North America, teaching thousands of pastors and lay people the meaning of evangelism. The author of four books, Click continues to serve as a consultant to numerous congregations and universities in evangelism and development as well as lecturing and preaching across the United States. He is a graduate of Wittenberg University and Hamma Divinity School in Springfield, Ohio, and furthered his education with graduate study at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.

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  • 2 Samuel KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071672ISBN10: 157407167XBinding: KivarPublished: January 2002Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • 1 Samuel KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071627ISBN10: 1574071629Binding: KivarPublished: January 2002Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • Judges-Ruth KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574071580ISBN10: 1574071580Binding: KivarPublished: January 2002Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • Is He Coming Soon


    With the millennium and prophetic pronouncements about the Second Coming fast approaching, Piper provides a well-crafted examination of one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible, guiding readers through Revelation and offering “Points to Ponder” for more in-depth consideration.

    This book offers a solid but easy-to-follow explanation of the text, and a scholarly but easy-to-understand approach to this important subject of “the last things.”

    As your stack of millennium reading grows, put it all into perspective with Piper’s important reader’s guide to the Book of Revelation. Read and understand Revelation with the help of this well-crafted examination.

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  • Many Faces Of Evil Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Evil and suffering are a part of everyone’s experience. Kenneth Cauthen breaks new ground in exploring the torments and terrors of this life. Some of his positions may be considered daring and controversial. But his approach, while creative, is rooted in a deeply biblical faith as he interprets the meaning of suffering and the relationship of God to human anguish.

    This book will be a useful resource for counselors, pastors, teachers and others who are called upon to help people cope with tragedy. It will be helpful to individuals who are attempting to understand the torment or suffering in their own lives.

    The author addresses many difficult questions and illustrates his answers with fascinating real-life examples:
    * How is evil related to suffering?
    * What is God’s responsibility in causing and overcoming evil?
    * How does faith provide a basis for hope in the midst of suffering?
    * Why is evil a part of our world?

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  • Getting Involved With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011971ISBN10: 1561011975Ellen DavisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications

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  • God Of The Gospel Of John


    247 Pages

    Additional Info
    Some scholars approaching John’s Gospel emphasize the “signs,” the “I” discourses of Jesus, or the method of organization that is so different from the other Synoptics. Thompson, however, makes a full-scale investigation of John’s view of God compared to other Scripture.

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  • Luke : New Hope New Joy (Student/Study Guide)


    Good news. It was good news not only of Jesus’ birth but of what he offered to everyone throughout his ministry. To the sick he offered healing. To the hurting, comfort. To the outcast, acceptance. In this study guide you will discover that this message of hope and joy is for you as well. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study. 26 studies in 2 parts for individuals or groups.

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  • 1-2 Timothy Titus (Student/Study Guide)


    Deteriorating values. Competing religions. Do you feel like the world presents you with more problems than you can handle? Timothy and Titus faced all of these tough issues as young church leaders. But Paul encouraged them to put aside timidity and insecurity, and to find strength in Christ. In 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus we also find the support we need to follow through in obedience to God’s Word. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Decisions : Seeking Gods Guidance


    Don Baker begins this guide by saying, “God has given me free will, and while I appreciate his confidence in my ability to choose, there are times when I wish that he would make the decisions for me.” Unfortunately, the Bible cannot give us the answer to every choice we face either. But the Bible does teach us how to make decisions. And these studies will help you to learn those principles and apply them to your life. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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