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Biblical Fiction

Showing 51–100 of 125 results

  • Keepers Of The Covenant (Reprinted)


    The Old Testament Comes to Thrilling Life in the Latest from Lynn Austin

    In one life-changing moment, the lives of the Jewish exiles in Babylon are thrown into confusion and despair when a decree arrives from the king’s palace in Susa. It calls for the annihilation of every Jewish man, woman, and child throughout the empire on the thirteenth day of Adar, in less than one year. Ezra, a quiet Jewish scholar and teacher, is suddenly called upon to lead the community as they seek God for a reason for this catastrophe. When a second decree arrives, authorizing them to fight back, Ezra is thrust into the role of military leader as they defend themselves against their enemies.

    When the battles come to an end, Ezra’s brother Jude is dead and Ezra is required by the Law he so diligently studies to marry Jude’s widow, Devorah, and provide an heir. Fatherhood changes Ezra, and he asks God to make a way for him and the other exiles to leave Babylon for good and return to Jerusalem. His prayers are answered and the exiles move to Judea to revitalize worship at the temple–but the fight to keep God’s Law is never easy. As more and more of his community are tempted, a new battle emerges…this one for the survival of God’s covenant and the souls of His chosen faithful.

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  • Parousia


    What would the end of history look like? What if Jesus Christ tarried and He did not return when we thought He should? What if one had to face all sorts of challenges, trials, temptations and testing? What if you had to face spiritual, mental, social and physical persecution because of your faith in Christ? What would it be like if the real hero of all time came to the rescue at the end of the story? This story is set prior to the Post-Tribulation Second Coming of Christ and it is about the lives of a number of young Christians in middle America caught in something that they cannot escape and who must make the decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly or to compromise.

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  • Hidden Faces : Portraits Of Nameless Women In The Gospels


    This collection of four novellas takes readers back in time and into some of the most well known biblical accounts…but some of the most mysterious.
    Acclaimed author Golden Keyes Parsons delves into the lives of four nameless women from the Gospels–the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, the woman who anointed Jesus’s feet, and the woman who touched the hem of His garment.

    Discover through the eyes of faith and fiction what may have made these women feel so trapped, so alone, so broken, so hopeless that they would venture boldly into the path of Jesus…and leave forever changed.

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  • Hopeless : The Woman With The Issue Of Blood


    Years without healing…years without hope. Zahava is blessed to have a husband who loves her, and she is ready to give him a house full of children. But when a series of miscarriages leave her with empty arms and an incessant issue of blood, she is cut off from all those she loves. Unclean. Unable to be touched. Her husband never gives up hope that they will find a cure. But hope seems as unattainable as healing to Zahava . . . until a carpenter she once met in Nazareth stirs an ember of faith inside.

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  • In The Shadow Of Jezebel


    Princess Jehosheba wants nothing more than to please the harsh and demanding Queen Athaliah, daughter of the notorious Queen Jezebel. Her work as a priestess in the temple of Baal seems to do the trick. But when a mysterious letter from the dead prophet Elijah predicts doom for the royal household, Jehosheba realizes that the dark arts she practices reach beyond the realm of earthly governments. To further Athaliah and Jezebel’s strategies, she is forced to marry Yahweh’s high priest and enters the unfamiliar world of Yahweh’s temple. Can her new husband show her the truth and love she craves? And can Jehosheba overcome her fear and save the family–and the nation–she loves?

    With deft skill, Mesu Andrews brings Old Testament passages to life, revealing a fascinating story of the power of unconditional love.

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  • Story Of God And All Of Us


    Scripture’s greatest stories and most compelling characters come to life in this sweeping new novel by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett.

    Beginning with the creation of man and ending with the revelation of a new world, readers will revel in this epic saga of warriors, rebels, poets, and kings, all called upon by God to reveal His enduring love for mankind. Ultimately, God’s plan is fulfilled in the story of Jesus the Messiah, whose life, death and resurrection brings salvation to one and all.

    A STORY OF GOD AND ALL OF US is a companion to The Bible, the epic ten-hour mini-series produced by the authors and televised around the world.

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  • Rachel : A Novel


    Beautiful Rachel wants nothing more than for her older half sister Leah to wed and move out of their household. Maybe then she would not feel so scrutinized, so managed, so judged. Plain Leah wishes her father Laban would find a good man for her, someone who would love her alone and make her his only bride. Unbeknownst to either of them, Jacob is making his way to their home, trying to escape a past laced with deceit and find the future God has promised him.

    But the past comes back to haunt Jacob when he finds himself on the receiving end of treachery and the victim of a cruel bait and switch. The man who wanted only one woman will end up with sisters who have never gotten along and now must spend the rest of their lives sharing a husband. In the power struggles that follow, only one woman will triumph . . . or will she?

    Combining meticulous research with her own imaginings, Jill Eileen Smith not only tells one of the most famous love stories of all time but will manage to surprise even those who think they know the story inside and out.

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  • 3rd Day : The Gospel Of Luke 22-24


    Part I: One Of The Twelve
    Part II: The Sixth Hour
    Part III: The Third Day

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    Discover Holy Week in a completely different and visual way with The Third Day. Written in a graphic novel style, this book visually shows the events on the week leading up to Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection.

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  • Broken : The Woman Who Anointed Jesus Feet


    In a world that would keep her broken… Tirzah was determined not to follow in the footsteps of her mother, and of her mother’s mother before her, into the life of a harlot. But when she is orphaned as a young woman, with no father to provide a dowry or offer protection to her and her dearest friend, a crippled girl, what is she to do but take to the streets? Then news of the teacher named Jesus reaches her, and she dares to believe he can heal her friend…but can he perform the greater miracle of mending the broken pieces inside Tirzah’s soul?

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  • Birthright Blanket : A Legacy Of Love


    Journey To Bethlehem

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    Have you ever wondered about the many things the Gospels do not tell us concerning the rocky poverty of Galilee two millennia ago? What was it like falling in love surrounded by culture and customs radically different from our own? In this book, the author tells a very human tale about a very young couple who just happen to find themselves swept up by extraordinary events. It is the story of Yusep and Miryam and the incredible events which altered the course of their lives and the fabric of history.

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  • Iscariot : A Novel Of Judas


    Acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Tosca Lee brilliantly adapts the life of Judas Iscariot into a dazzling work of fiction-humanizing the man whose very name is synonymous with betrayal.

    Based on extensive research into the life and times of Judas Iscariot, this triumph of fiction storytelling by the author of Havah: The Story of Eve revisits one of biblical history’s most maligned figures and brings the world he inhabited vividly to life.

    In Jesus, Judas believes he has found the One-the promised Messiah and future king of the Jews, destined to overthrow Roman rule. Galvanized, he joins the Nazarene’s followers, ready to enact the change he has waited for all his life. But soon Judas’s vision of a nation free from Rome is crushed by the inexplicable actions of the Nazarene himself, who will not bow to social or religious convention-who seems, in the end, to even turn against his own people. At last, Judas must confront the fact that the master he loves is not the liberator he hoped for, but a man bent on a drastically different agenda.

    Iscariot is the story of Judas, from his tumultuous childhood to his emergence as the man known to the world as the betrayer of Jesus. But even more, it is a singular and surprising view into the life of Jesus that forces us to reexamine everything we thought we knew about the most famous-and infamous-religious icons in history.

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  • Return To Me (Reprinted)


    After years of watching his children and grandchildren wander from their faith, Iddo’s prayers are answered: King Cyrus is allowing God’s chosen people to return to Jerusalem. Jubilant, he joyfully prepares for their departure, only to learn that his family, grown comfortable in the pagan culture of Babylon, wants to remain.

    Zechariah, Iddo’s oldest grandson, feels torn between his grandfather’s ancient beliefs and the comfort and success his father enjoys in Babylon. But he soon begins to hear the voice of God, encouraging him to return to the land given to his forefathers.

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  • Ruth Mother Of Kings


    The story of Ruth has captivated Christian believers for centuries, not least of all because she is one of only two women with books of the Bible named after them. Now, Diana Wallis Taylor animates this cherished part of the Old Testament, with its unforgettable cast of characters. Experience Ruth’s elation as a young bride-and her grief at finding herself a widow far before her time. Witness the unspeakable relief of Naomi upon hearing her daughter-in-law promise never to leave her. And celebrate with Boaz when, after years as a widower, he discovers love again, with a woman he first found gleaning in his field. The story of this remarkable woman to whom Jesus Christ traced His lineage comes to life in the pages of this dramatic retelling.

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  • When Jesus Wept


    Lazarus occupies a surprising position in the Gospel accounts. Widely known as the man Jesus raised from the dead, his story is actually much broader and richer than that. Living as he did at Bethany, near Jerusalem, Lazarus was uniquely placed to witness the swirl of events around Jesus. When Jesus Wept, the first novel in The Jerusalem Chronicles series by bestselling authors Bodie and Brock Thoene, unfolds the turbulent times in Judea during Jesus’ ministry, centering on the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus. With rich insights from vineyard owners and vine dressers, the Thoenes explore the metaphor of Jesus as the True Vine, harvesting the ancient secrets found in the Old Testament. Weaving the life of Lazarus, who owned a vineyard, into the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ will help you understand it is the hand of Love Divine that holds the knife, that cuts and breaks with such tender and loving touch, and that we who have born some fruit, after the pruning, can bear much more.

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  • I Have Grown In His Love


    One method of enjoying reading the Bible is to live the events as one reads them by becoming an observer or a participant in those events. In this novel, the author became “James,” the lad who was carrying five loaves of bread and two fish which Jesus blessed to feed over five thousand people. From that perspective, he followed James’s growth in love of Jesus Christ. Through listening to Jesus’ teachings, observing His miraculous deeds, following Him on the way to the cross, and hearing the news of His resurrection from the dead, James developed his understanding of who Jesus is. First, he thought of Him as a prophet, the Messiah, and finally he believed that He is the Son of God. At a mature age, James wrote his memoirs, from the first time he met Jesus, to the time he was preparing to leave on his first missionary trip to preach the Way. Although the miracle of feeding the crowd happened almost one year before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the novel is developed to present to the reader other important events that happened prior to that miracle. Prophecies of the Old Testament were incorporated in the body of the story as they were being fulfilled. The Bible events in the novel are real. James is an imaginary figure whom the author followed in his growth in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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  • I Have Grown In His Love


    One method of enjoying reading the Bible is to live the events as one reads them by becoming an observer or a participant in those events. In this novel, the author became “James,” the lad who was carrying five loaves of bread and two fish which Jesus blessed to feed over five thousand people. From that perspective, he followed James’s growth in love of Jesus Christ. Through listening to Jesus’ teachings, observing His miraculous deeds, following Him on the way to the cross, and hearing the news of His resurrection from the dead, James developed his understanding of who Jesus is. First, he thought of Him as a prophet, the Messiah, and finally he believed that He is the Son of God. At a mature age, James wrote his memoirs, from the first time he met Jesus, to the time he was preparing to leave on his first missionary trip to preach the Way. Although the miracle of feeding the crowd happened almost one year before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the novel is developed to present to the reader other important events that happened prior to that miracle. Prophecies of the Old Testament were incorporated in the body of the story as they were being fulfilled. The Bible events in the novel are real. James is an imaginary figure whom the author followed in his growth in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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  • Voice In The Wind


    This classic series has already inspired nearly 2 million readers, but both loyal fans and new readers will want this 20th anniversary edition of a Christian classic, which includes a foreword from the publisher, a letter from and Q & A with Francine Rivers, color map, an illustrated glossary, and discussion questions suitable for personal and group use.

    The first book in the bestselling Mark of the Lion series, A Voice in the Wind brings readers back to the first century and introduces them to a character they will never forget-Hadassah. Torn by her love for a handsome aristocrat, this young slave girl clings to her faith in the living God for deliverance from the forces of decadent Rome.

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  • Giants In The Earth


    “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them…” Gen. 6:4 (KJV) It didn’t take long after creation before Satan, in his jealousy toward the newly created humans, found a way to manipulate them into trading perfection for the death that comes through sin. But God still loved them anyway. Satan vowed to find a way to destroy them himself, so he charged one of his most devious minions, Azazel, with two tasks to reach his goal. He was to teach the humans war and corrupt the human bloodlines. This led to the birth of the Nephilim; giants who were to wreak havoc on the people of the earth. Standing in his way was Enoch, a man who “walked with God.” When Azazel devises a plan to kill him, he discovers that he is up against an obstacle even larger than his giant sons; the immovable faith of Enoch and his son, Methuselah. With the help of the Creator and a few giant friends of their own, they are able to triumph over colossal evil in this action-packed adventure set during the pre-flood era of the earth.

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  • Healings : Three Stories Of Miraculous Healing From Scripture


    I have always wondered why the Bible does not give names to certain of its characters. Scripture would stress “a certain man” instead of naming the man, or not give names to the people the Lord Jesus healed. It is noted that some names were of importance to the stories, while others only needed to be acknowledged as those who were healed.

    For instance, Naaman the Syrian leper had an unnamed wife. The nameless leper who was healed (along with nine other men) returned to say thanks to Jesus for his miraculous healing. We know that nothing is said about him after his healing. There is also the man healed beside the pool at Bethesda by Jesus and, again, what happened to him after the priests and scribes questioned his healing on the Sabbath?

    Hence, in the first story, Naaman’s wife and her little maid now have names and a history. In the second story, I continued the leper’s story as he relates it years later to his daughter-in-law. The third story gives a bit more insight to the character of the man who was healed by Jesus at the Pool of Bethzatha.

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  • Week In The Life Of Corinth


    In this fictional re-creation, the world-famous New Testament academic helps us enter into the concerns of everyday Christians in the first century. Through the eyes of a Corinthian merchant, we sense typical sights, sounds, and smells; the intellectual milieu; and moral quandaries. Includes helpful sidebars, maps, and diagrams throughout.

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  • Eves Song


    Eve’s Song is a short story of Eve as seen through her eyes. It begins at her creation by God and ends at the death of her beloved husband, Adam. She tells of her experiences in the garden of Eden, her temptation and fall, and life outside the garden. This, of course, is a novel; but it does not contradict the Bible. It expands on her possible feelings of joy and love and fears for her family and future.

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  • Donkey Who Carried A King


    The biblical teaching that Jesus was the Suffering Servant who carried the sins of His people when He went to the cross is vividly brought home to children in The Donkey Who Carried a King, the latest children’s book from respected theologian, author, and educator Dr. R.C. Sproul.

    Davey was a young donkey who was bored and unhappy because he was never given anything to do. Then one day, some strangers came to the gate-and Davey’s master picked him for a very special task. Davey carried the King, Jesus, into Jerusalem. A few days later, Davey saw some angry people making the King carry a heavy beam of wood. Davey could not understand it-until another donkey helped him see that the King was being a Servant on behalf of His people.

    The Donkey Who Carried a King offers a unique perspective on the events of Jesus’ Passion Week and calls all believers, both young and old, to follow in the footsteps of the Suffering Servant for the glory of God. Jesus was willing to leave the glories of heaven to suffer and die in this world on our behalf, so we should serve Him with all our hearts.

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  • Mary Theresas Secret World


    This is the story of two young angels who enjoy watching the Heavenly Father’s world of mankind through a heavenly porthole. Then an opportunity makes it possible for them to enter that world below. And they become part of the angelic visitation at the manger of the Christ Child.

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  • Chronicle Of Christ


    The Chronicle of Christ details the life of Jesus from birth to his baptism. It features some of the hidden moments in his life and also brings to the forefront the plot by Lucifer and his army to avert the birth of the messiah and plunge the world into chaos.

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  • Chronicle Of Christ


    The Chronicle of Christ details the life of Jesus from birth to his baptism. It features some of the hidden moments in his life and also brings to the forefront the plot by Lucifer and his army to avert the birth of the messiah and plunge the world into chaos.

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  • Reluctant Queen : The Love Story Of Esther


    An inspired re-imagining of the tale of Esther, a young Jewish woman thrust from a life of obscurity into a life of power, wealth, intrigue . . . and tender love. See the story of Esther in an entirely new way-with all the political intrigue and tension you remember, but told as a passionate and tender love story between a young man and woman. Misunderstood by many, King Xerxes was a powerful but lonely man. Esther’s beauty caught the eye of the young king, but it was her spirit that captured his heart.

    Imagine anew the story of Esther, one of our faith’s great heroines, destined to play a key role in the history of Christianity.

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  • Flight To The Promise


    As the Earth spins closer to the tribulation, four American men are drawn together for the purpose of a divine, covert plan-one that unfolds through tragedy, joy, bankruptcy, and wealth, authored and directed by God.

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  • Onesimus The Run Away Slave


    Born a slave, Onesimus was educated to serve Master Mamun, a physician, in the ‘art of healing’ for the Master’s vast household and to help with his practice. Master Mamun died when Onesimus was nineteen, and he was separated from his beloved mother and sold to Philemon, a wealthy stranger from Colosse. Onesimus served Master Philemon as a physician for his many servants and animals, but vowed to someday find his mother. One day Onesimus was riding Pharaoh, Philemon’s favorite Arabian stallion, and came upon a wagon caravan traveling to Ephesus. He saw, and instantly fell in love with Martha, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and made another vow, “I will someday find and marry Martha.” Stealing Pharaoh and a sack of gold from Master Philemon, Onesimus became a run-away slave, and…well, here’s the rest of his compelling story.

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  • Onesimus The Run Away Slave


    Born a slave, Onesimus was educated to serve Master Mamun, a physician, in the ‘art of healing’ for the Master’s vast household and to help with his practice. Master Mamun died when Onesimus was nineteen, and he was separated from his beloved mother and sold to Philemon, a wealthy stranger from Colosse. Onesimus served Master Philemon as a physician for his many servants and animals, but vowed to someday find his mother. One day Onesimus was riding Pharaoh, Philemon’s favorite Arabian stallion, and came upon a wagon caravan traveling to Ephesus. He saw, and instantly fell in love with Martha, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and made another vow, “I will someday find and marry Martha.” Stealing Pharaoh and a sack of gold from Master Philemon, Onesimus became a run-away slave, and…well, here’s the rest of his compelling story.

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  • Bathsheba : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her devout husband away fighting the king’s wars for many months at a time, discontent and loneliness dog her steps–and make it frighteningly easy to succumb to King David’s charm and attention. Though she immediately regrets her involvement with the powerful king, the pieces are set in motion that will destroy everything she holds dear. Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God–and David–forever?

    With a historian’s sharp eye for detail and a novelist’s creative spirit, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the passionate and emotional story of David’s most famous–and infamous–wife. Smith uses her gentle hand to draw out the humanity in her characters, allowing readers to see themselves in the three-dimensional lives and minds of people who are often viewed in starkly moralistic terms. You will never read the story of David and Bathsheba in the same way again.

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  • And Nothings Been The Same Since


    Back Cover The story of the birth of Christ is an intriguing Biblical tale. But there are many details left out. Perhaps to help us study more. For instance, why didn’t anyone else around Jerusalem or Bethlehem hear or see the angels when they appeared to the shepherds the night Christ was born? Was Jesus born in a manger because no one had pity on a young pregnant girl from the hills, or did the manger offer a place of privacy for Mary? And why did it take the Eastern visitors almost two years to find the Christ child? The events of the birth of Christ contain several beautiful love stories, at least one mystery, and real humor if looked at from a human perspective. After all, the people involved in the story were not stained-glass Saints, but were, in fact, just ordinary people chosen by God to be direct participants in the beginning of the greatest story ever told… And Nothing’s Been the Same Since!

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  • Weaving Through Lives


    Every story has a beginning. Childhood experiences shape lives toward decisions, placing individuals in situations that determine choices. For Mary of Bethany, the beginning of her story was in the alabaster box she lavishly poured on her Lord, expressing the joy of her salvation and new life. Mary Magdalene wasted too many years fighting her demons, until she was rescued by a man from Galilee who gave her answers instead of questions. Who was the woman at the well and why was she shunned by her entire community? When her well was empty, her Savior came to fill her with living water. Their stories have been told for two thousand years leaving audiences pondering their circumstances and choices before Jesus came into their lives. Tragedy and trauma are redeemed when divine appointments bring hope and new beginnings. Weaving Though Lives is the story of three young girls who grow into women and learn to trust again in spite of their beginnings.

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  • Chosen : The Lost Diaries Of Queen Esther


    The story of a girl unsparingly plunged into heartache and chaos, who would save a nation…of Esther, who would be queen.

    Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds herself at the mercy of King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only relative, her cousin Mordecai, and her first true love, Cyrus, she is thrown headlong into the unrestrained extravagance of palace living. Quick of mind and strong in spirit, she refuses to suffer the fare of her harem sisters and boldly challenges Xerxes to give of his heart before taking his pleasure, thus sealing her place beside him as queen. While conspiracy spins its diabolical web, Esther’s mind and spirit waver, and she is forced to confront the past in order to save her future – and that of an entire nation.

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  • Abigail : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Abigail’s hopes and dreams for the future are wrapped up in her handsome, dark-eyed betrothed, Nabal. But when the long-awaited wedding day arrives, her drunken groom behaves shamefully. Nevertheless, Abigail tries to honor and respect her husband despite his abuse of her. Meanwhile, Abigail’s family has joined David’s wandering tribe as he and his people keep traveling to avoid the dangerous Saul. When Nabal suddenly dies, Abigail is free to move on with her life, and thanks to her brother, her new life includes a new husband–David. The dangers of tribal life on the run are serious, but there are other dangers in young Abigail’s mind. How can David lead his people effectively when he goes against God? And how can Abigail share David’s love with the other wives he insists on marrying? Jill Eileen Smith, bestselling author of Michal, draws on Scripture, historical research, and her imagination as she fills in the blanks to unveil the story of Abigail and David in rich detail and drama. The result is a riveting page-turner that will keep readers looking forward to the next book in this trilogy.

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  • Sword Of Revenge


    The Philistine commander Sidon becomes enraged when he finds that his prized bejeweled dagger has been stolen. Blaming Branan for all of his recent misfortunes, Sidon’s thirst for revenge is at a fevered pitch. Will Branan be able to escape the wrath of the maddened commander, or will this be the end for the son of Samson?

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  • Lineage Of Grace


    In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose-Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary-even scandalous-challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

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  • Terror And The Triumph


    The scrolls of Mary of Magdala have been found! Two thousand years ago, a unique child was born into a world of unimaginable disregard for human life. Vengeful gods and cruel kings ruled over the desperate masses for whom life was short, hopeless and brutal. This is the story of how that young man came to stand at the crossroads of change and then ultimately choose an untrod path to show humanity how to lift itself up from the squalor of its existence.

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  • Terror And The Triumph


    The scrolls of Mary of Magdala have been found! Two thousand years ago, a unique child was born into a world of unimaginable disregard for human life. Vengeful gods and cruel kings ruled over the desperate masses for whom life was short, hopeless and brutal. This is the story of how that young man came to stand at the crossroads of change and then ultimately choose an untrod path to show humanity how to lift itself up from the squalor of its existence.

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  • Timna


    Timna is the wife of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. As this story by Lucille Travis for 9-to-14-year-olds open, the family has loaded the ark with animals and supplies as God has ordered, and they are ready to shut the doors. Soon the Flood will begin. Along with two enchanting and mischievous dogs named Thief and Mangy, Timna seals herself into the ark. She doesn’t know what to expect, only that she is obeying-and trusting-God.

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  • Michal : Shes In Love With Her Fathers Worst Enemy Will It Cost Her Everyth (Rep


    As the daughter of King Saul, Michal lives a life of privilege–but one that is haunted by her father’s unpredictable moods and by competition from her beautiful older sister. When Michal falls for young David, the harpist who plays to calm her father, she has no idea what romance, adventures, and heartache await her.

    As readers enter the colorful and unpredictable worlds of King Saul and King David, they will be swept up in this exciting and romantic story. Against the backdrop of opulent palace life, raging war, and desert escapes, Jill Eileen Smith takes her readers on an emotional roller-coaster ride as Michal deals with love, loss, and personal transformation as one of the wives of David. A sweeping tale of passion and drama, readers will love this amazing story.

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  • Journey To The Well (Reprinted)


    Since Samaria is a land of many springs, Marah could have gone to the local well. Instead she went a mile out of her way in the heat of the day to draw her water, avoiding the other women who drew their water in the cool of the morning. Who was she? It was this woman that Jesus chose as the first person to whom He would reveal Himself as Messiah. Was there more to this woman than we have supposed?

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  • Centurions Wife : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Janette Oke has dreamed for years of retelling a story in a biblical time frame from a female protagonist’s perspective, and Davis Bunn is elated to be working with her again on this sweeping saga of the dramatic events surrounding the birth of Christianity … and the very personal story of Leah, a young Jewess of mixed heritage trapped in a vortex of competing political agendas and private trauma.

    Caught up in the maelstrom following the death of an obscure rabbi in the Roman backwater of first-century Palestine, Leah finds herself also engulfed in her own turmoil-facing the prospect of an arranged marriage to a Roman soldier, Alban, who seems to care for nothing but his own ambitions. Head of the garrison near Galilee, he has been assigned by Palestine’s governor to ferret out the truth behind rumors of a political execution gone awry. Leah’s mistress, the governor’s wife, secretly commissions Leah also to discover what really has become of this man whose death-and missing body-is causing such furor.

    This epic drama is threaded with the tale of an unlikely romance and framed with dangers and betrayals from unexpected sources. At its core, The Centurion’s Wife unfolds the testing of loyalties-between two young people whose inner searchings they cannot express, between their irreconcilable heritages, and ultimately between their humanity and the Divine they yearn to encounter.

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  • Man In White


    Johnny Cash. The Apostle Paul. Passionate. Controversial. Fiery. Destructive. Redeemed. Two legendary men. Two thousand years apart-yet remarkably similar. Both struggled with a “thorn in the flesh.” And both had powerful visions from God. Paul’s encounter with the Man in White knocked him to the ground and struck him blind. It also turned him into one of the most influential men in history. Johnny Cash’s vision was of another man entirely-his recently deceased father-a vision that helped spark his imagination to write this historical novel about the amazing life of the intriguing figure with whom Cash identified so deeply-the Apostle Paul. See Paul as you’ve never seen him before–through the creative imagination of one of the greatest singer-songwriters America has ever known. Subsequently see Johnny Cash, the man in Black, as you’ve never seen him before–as a passionist novelist consumed with the Man In White.

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  • Remember Me : A New Covenant


    “Where is that boy? Zemirah thought as she began to clean his room. “This one,” she said, as she waved her hand, palm upward, across the room that was in disarray. “It seems that no matter what I tell him, he is going to go his own way.” Standing up, after pulling a small box from under his bed, she rolled her eyes toward the ceiling as she spoke, “God, what am I to do? This boy never tells me what he is doing, where he is going.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed she continued, “He is a mystery to me. When I try to talk to him, to find out what he is up to, he just looks away. Secrets, I am tired of his secrets.” Someday, I will find out what you are up to, she thought as she opened the lid of the box. Her heart was troubled as she stared into the box at the three silver coins. “Where did he get this money?” she whispered in disbelief. “It is impossible for him to have this.” Just then, she heard the front door closing and his footsteps coming toward his room. When the door opened, he looked at his mother who was sitting on his bed with a look of bewilderment in her eyes. Then, he saw what she was holding in her hands, and his heart began to pound, knowing what was coming next. I can’t tell her. She must never know, he declared in his mind. “Judas, we need to talk,” his mother said softly as he came over and kissed her on the cheek.” I invite you to experience, through inspirational fiction, the life changing events of the cross through the lives of those who were there.

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  • Remember Me : A New Covenant


    “Where is that boy? Zemirah thought as she began to clean his room. “This one,” she said, as she waved her hand, palm upward, across the room that was in disarray. “It seems that no matter what I tell him, he is going to go his own way.” Standing up, after pulling a small box from under his bed, she rolled her eyes toward the ceiling as she spoke, “God, what am I to do? This boy never tells me what he is doing, where he is going.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed she continued, “He is a mystery to me. When I try to talk to him, to find out what he is up to, he just looks away. Secrets, I am tired of his secrets.” Someday, I will find out what you are up to, she thought as she opened the lid of the box. Her heart was troubled as she stared into the box at the three silver coins. “Where did he get this money?” she whispered in disbelief. “It is impossible for him to have this.” Just then, she heard the front door closing and his footsteps coming toward his room. When the door opened, he looked at his mother who was sitting on his bed with a look of bewilderment in her eyes. Then, he saw what she was holding in her hands, and his heart began to pound, knowing what was coming next. I can’t tell her. She must never know, he declared in his mind. “Judas, we need to talk,” his mother said softly as he came over and kissed her on the cheek.” I invite you to experience, through inspirational fiction, the life changing events of the cross through the lives of those who were there.

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  • Allegory Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ


    Pastor and author Vernon Mahelona, Sr., provides a remarkable account of the gospel age written in the book of Genesis. This amazing account of prophecy reveals the chronological age of the gospel Christ fulfilled in the incarnation.

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  • Separated By The Cross


    Separated by the Cross is a powerful story of a family as they journey from their home in Scythopolis to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday. Come with them as they embark on a life changing adventure that is sure to leave them at odds with one another. Visit with them as they see the events of Jesus’ last week on earth, and watch as the story unfolds from this family’s point of view. See things not from the prospective of the Gospels, but of a young boy and his family. Life for a first century Jew was difficult enough, now made even harder by the decision they all must make; to either continue to follow the traditions and the laws set down by Moses, or follow this man who has done wondrous miracles and spoken the word of God like no one else ever has.

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  • Jeremiahs Journey


    Espionage, double agents, deep cover sleepers, coded messages, secret communication drops, the rescues of real princesses, hidden treasures, technology, close calls, clues to coming events, yes they are all here in the action and adventure that centers on Jeremiah’s rescue of the king’s daughters. God told Jeremiah he would see not only the uprooting, tearing down and destruction of Judah, but also the rebuilding and replanting. He was told that he would go to lost Israel. Other countries traditions seem to confirm that he did what God said he would do. Two other men, his hustling, side-kick scribe, Baruch and a black Royal Guardsman, Ebed-Melech, along with the king’s daughters are the main characters in this romp across the ancient world that still reverberates with relevance today. The settings are real, the conclusions you can draw yourself. Don’t expect dry theology, get ready to be entertained, enlightened and inspired.

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  • Jeremiahs Journey


    Espionage, double agents, deep cover sleepers, coded messages, secret communication drops, the rescues of real princesses, hidden treasures, technology, close calls, clues to coming events, yes they are all here in the action and adventure that centers on Jeremiah’s rescue of the king’s daughters. God told Jeremiah he would see not only the uprooting, tearing down and destruction of Judah, but also the rebuilding and replanting. He was told that he would go to lost Israel. Other countries traditions seem to confirm that he did what God said he would do. Two other men, his hustling, side-kick scribe, Baruch and a black Royal Guardsman, Ebed-Melech, along with the king’s daughters are the main characters in this romp across the ancient world that still reverberates with relevance today. The settings are real, the conclusions you can draw yourself. Don’t expect dry theology, get ready to be entertained, enlightened and inspired.

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  • Marked


    An occupied country. A people infested with demons. A time of revolution. A liberator rises.

    Graphic telling of the Gospel of Mark.

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