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Church Life

Showing 151–200 of 502 results

  • Your Identity In Christ


    19 Chapters

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    There are so many of us believers that live a life that is dominated by defeat, guilt, condemnation, and shame. So many of us live powerless lives and we are far from the passionate Paul that was zealous, bold and courageous. There is a real need for the body of Christ not to view themselves through the lens of their own sins and other people’s opinions, but to view themselves as sons of God and how the Bible describes them in their TRUE Identity in Christ. This book provides a watershed of truth, insights and revelations that will help each reader come to see themselves as the Bible declares them to be. Come and read nineteen good things that God says you are, and let the truth change you, as it did for the author. Many people run from prophet to prophet to hear that God loves them, has a purpose and destiny for them, and believes in them, when if they had the right book in their hands and took the time to let the truths soak in, they would finally be set free, and propelled toward their destiny. This is such a book!

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  • Starting Missional Churches


    All mission is local–the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. In Starting Missional Churches Mark Lau Branson and Nicholas Warnes introduce us to seven missional churches and explore what it looks like to be salt and light where you are.

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  • Being Church Doing Life


    Evidence now suggests that contextual church plants have an important role to play in church growth. There is an increasing international interest in these new and different forms of church, often known as ‘Fresh Expressions’ or ’emerging church’. Author Michael Moynagh is a member of the UK national Fresh Expressions movement, a remarkable initiative that has attracted widespread attention around the world. In this inspiring volume he shares practical and comprehensive advice on how to start and grow new churches – however small – in every context of life. This popular introduction emphasizes practical aspects, telling many of the great stories that have emerged through practitioners. It will enthuse and help church leaders and individuals to start and develop these communities; and advise them on how to help them grow to maturity and become sustainable.

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  • Conflict Management For Faith Leaders


    Is conflict a dirty word? Does it bring to mind images of disagreement, fights, and shattered relationships? For ministry leaders, the likelihood of conflict comes with the job, but the result does not have to be destructive.Conflict Management for Faith Leaders is about handling conflict in a way that is positive and constructive. With this book readers will discover multiple techniques for assessing and managing conflict and learn guidelines for choosing which technique to use in a given situation.A practical resource for pastors and ministry leaders, Conflict Management for Faith Leaders acknowledges that leadership brings with it the risk of opposition. Packed with useful insights and stories based on the experiences of other faith leaders, this book is the ideal tool when the risk of opposition becomes reality.

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  • Revelation : The Best Is Yet To Come


    Launch! Publication

    The book of Revelation is a love letter to the church. Yet most view it as troubling, and many misunderstand what the Lord is trying to tell us. Didn’t the Jews in Jesus’ day have some of the same problems?

    Early biblical prophecy, already fulfilled, helps define what is about to happen. Are some bad, scary events looming on the horizon? Yes, and you’ll learn about that. But even more important, you’ll see what Scripture has to say about you as the overcomer. The puzzles of Revelation are coming together, and we who love and serve the Lord are seeing that the best is yet to come.

    Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come provides a simple running commentary and interpretive guide for the beginner. Our hope is that laypersons and preachers not familiar with the book of Revelation will be encouraged to do a more in-depth study. The material takes an unashamed pretribulation, premillennial position within a traditional dispensational framework.

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  • Slow Church : Cultivating Community In The Patient Way Of Jesus


    Fast food. Fast cars. Fast and furious. Fast forward. Fast . . . church? The church is often idealized (or demonized) as the last bastion of a bygone era, dragging our feet as we’re pulled into new moralities and new spiritualities. We guard our doctrine and our piety with great vigilance. But we often fail to notice how quickly we’re capitulating, in the structures and practices of our churches, to a culture of unreflective speed, dehumanizing efficiency and dis-integrating isolationism. In the beginning, the church ate together, traveled together and shared in all facets of life. Centered as they were on Jesus, these seemingly mundane activities took on their own significance in the mission of God. In Slow Church, Chris Smith and John Pattison invite us out of franchise faith and back into the ecology, economy and ethics of the kingdom of God, where people know each other well and love one another as Christ loved the church.

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  • Autopsy Of A Deceased Church


    No one wants to see a church die. And yet, far too many churches are dying. For more than twenty-five years, Dr. Thom Rainer has helped churches grow, reverse the trends of decline, and has autopsied those that have died. From this experience, he has discovered twelve consistent themes among those churches that have died. Yet, it’s not gloom and doom because from those twelve themes, lessons on how to keep your church alive have emerged.Whether your church is vibrant or dying, whether you are a pastor or a church member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church will walk you through the radical paths necessary to keep your church alive to the glory of God and advancement of Christ’s Kingdom!

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  • Bourgeois Babes Bossy Wives And Bobby Haircuts


    Author and New Testament scholar Michael Bird was formerly in favor of distinct gender roles in ministry, a viewpoint commonly called ‘complementarianism.’ But inconsistencies in practice and careful biblical study convinced him to rethink his position. Now in favor of full equality for men and women in ministry roles, Bird nevertheless strikes a respectful tone toward those in his previous camp, while seeking to craft a perspective that both values women and upholds biblical differences between the sexes. Humorous and hard-hitting, Bird’s writing on this topic will challenge readers on both sides of the gender-issue divide.

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  • My Name Is Woman


    “…the woman was chosen by Satan as his perfect target

    not for being the weak sex between the two, but because

    she carried within her the maximum expression of the

    creative power of God in His creatures.”
    In her book “My name is Woman”, Laura Fernandez approaches a theme as old as the history of the world and updates it with a solid argument; God created the woman with a purpose, where in equality with man and in unity with him, could offer a dignified service to the family, society and the Creator.

    In her book, the author maintains the difficult balance – so scarce in this subject – between firmness to defend the woman’s value and the respect to man as husband and partner in the same venture.

    At this phase in history, when the female’s proportion in the church has grown and it becomes necessary a broader service in God’s cause, the role of today’s Christian woman confronts the challenge, and at the same time the opportunity, to develop her gifts simultaneously with men, overlooking the useless and miserable prejudice that have delayed the advances of the divine plan.

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  • New Parish : How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission Discipleshi


    When . . . faith communities begin connecting together, in and for the neighborhood, they learn to depend on God for strength to love, forgive and show grace like never before. . . . The gospel becomes so much more tangible and compelling when the local church is actually a part of the community, connected to the struggles of the people, and even the land itself. Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen have seen–in cities, suburbs and small towns all over North America–how powerful the gospel can be when it takes root in the context of a place, at the intersection of geography, demography, economy and culture. This is not a new idea–the concept of a parish is as old as Paul’s letters to the various communities of the ancient church. But in an age of dislocation and disengagement, the notion of a church that knows its place and gives itself to where it finds itself is like a breath of fresh air, like a sign of new life.

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  • Attract Families To Your Church


    This book will help church pastors and leaders navigate the changing tides in ministry to become the kind of church that families want to attend, where the church’s dynamic faith invites families who may then bring their friends. This means reaching out to all kinds of families, some with needs that only a church family can fulfill.

    To grow and remain vital, churches need to attract families. But the cultural landscape has changed and any church may have two-parent families with children, blended families, boomerang families, adult children of divorce and their families or lack of families, single adults whose family is the church, grandparents parenting again, childless families, co-habitation families, and children with three legal parents. With practical helps and suggestions for ministries, worship, small groups, and even facilities, author and family expert Linda Ranson Jacobs will help you create a welcoming place for everyone.

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  • Jesus Justice And Gender Roles


    At one point in her life, author and co-founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church Kathy Keller sought pastoral ordination. Yet she came to adopt the view that men and women have different roles in marriage and ministry, and that fulfilling such roles pleases God and leads to greater personal fulfillment. In this unapologetic but nuanced piece, Keller presents a caring and careful case for biblical gender differences and the complementarian view of women in ministry. At the same time, she encourages women to teach and lead in the church in ways that may startle some complementarians. Readers on both sides of this hot-button topic will be challenged by her ministry-tested and thoroughly Scriptural perspective.

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  • Any 3 Anyone Anywhere Any Time


    Mike Shipman, a Southern Baptist missionary in Asia, took a bold and biblical approach to reaching the millions of Muslims in his country. Drawn from the patterns established by Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 10, Mike Shipman demonstrates how these same principles are relevant and applicable today. The result is, Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, a highly effective and deeply biblical five-step process that has seen thousands of Muslims say “Yes” to Jesus and enter into new communities of faithful discipleship.
    Any-3 provides biblical principles and practical steps that have equipped hundreds of Christians to witness confidently and effectively. Over the past decade, thousands of Muslims have been engaged with the gospel. Within the first few years, Any-3 resulted in seven generations of Muslim-background churches planting churches, with more than a thousand baptized believers.
    Any-3 introduces Christians to a five-step process that helps them to 1) get connected with Muslims, 2) get to a God conversation, 3) get to lostness, 4) get to the gospel, and 5) get to a decision. Hundreds of Christians have learned to walk this path with Muslims, leading thousands of them to say “Yes” to Jesus and pray to receive him into their lives as Savior and Lord.
    Any-3 is truly revolutionizing Christian ministry to Muslims. Through this highly readable new resource, you too will learn how to share the gospel with Muslims and bring them into new discipleship communities.

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  • Wake Up For Heavens Sake


    In striking similarity to the message of John the Baptist, the words of Pastor Crummer will find you hearing the voice of one crying out into the wilderness. A call to cut through the distractions most experience in the often hectic church life of the Believer today, pleading for a return of the readers heart to experience an intimacy with Christ that exceeds current expectation. A timely reminder that we have been called “to make (and keep) straight the way of the Lord”.
    H. Jay Kuhlman

    “If you or someone you know has been the victim of the devil’s tactics to create a church that is short sighted in its understanding of the true nature of worship, then “Wake Up for Heaven’s Sake” is part of the cure. Crummer’s book will challenge you to return to your created purpose and once again see worship as a relational reality that permeates every part of who you are.”
    Pastor, The Bridge Birmingham,
    President, Patria Ministries,
    Author, The Elisha Way and The Remedy

    If there was ever a restart button, “Wake Up” is the book you’ve been looking for…This book will reboot your spirit…
    Scott Evelyn,
    Pastor, The Bridge Pinnacle Mountain

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  • Strangers And Pilgrims Once More


    A passionate call for true dialogue between evangelical and liturgical traditions

    Christendom altered how we understood Christianity’s relation to the state, how doctrines and creeds were determined, how the sacraments were administered and to whom, how the church’s evangelistic witness was carried out – and even the shape of the church’s Bible.

    In this book Addison Hodges Hart asks some pointed questions: What sort of church must we become in a post-Christendom world, one in which we can no longer count on society to support Christian ideals? What can we salvage from our Christendom past that is of real value, and what can we leave behind as not practical – and perhaps antithetical – for our discipleship? How do we become “strangers and pilgrims” once more, after seventeen centuries of being “at home” in Christendom?

    Hart’s Strangers and Pilgrims Once More takes up these various topics, suggesting both how Christ’s disciples can say “yes” to much that was preserved during the age of Christendom and why they should say “no” to some of the cherished accretions of that passing epoch.

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  • Antichrist : The Search For Amalek


    There were many mass murderers throughout history, including Mao of China (49-78 million), Leopold of Belgium (8-10 million), and Joseph Stalin of Russia (6-20 million). Each one is a frightening example of mankind’s evil.

    There is a subtle difference between these three and Adolf Hitler, for example, who directed most of his fury at one particular people … the Jews. That strain of hatred is different. It desires more than to shed blood; it desires to wipe the slate clean of the memory of an entire race of people.

    The killers in this book are enemies of God; they are not random and they are connected by blood.

    “So that the name of Israel is remembered no more” (Psalm 83:4).

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  • Global Reformation : Transitioning The Church For Strategic Kingdom Advance


    Dr. Munien’s book particularly stands out because of his extraordinary ability to impart with the greatest simplicity at the same time that he brings complete understanding to every reader from the Word of God. He examines the historical, cultural and scriptural foundations necessary to build the “Perfect Man” in the image of God’s pattern.

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  • Conflict : Causes And Cures


    Conflict is serious and needs the church’s serious attention. Every eight hours a pastor is terminated. Every year over a thousand churches disband; often because of conflict.
    Supported by over thirty years of academic research and based on real-life experiences in ministry, Conflict: Causes and Cures presents practical perspectives, solutions, and resources for dealing with conflicted churches.
    Dr. Smith shares the top ten causes of conflict in a lively case study format and discusses three necessary approaches to conflict-education, mediation, and restoration.

    Complete with scripture references and biblical applications, Conflict: Causes and Cures is essential reading for those who are concerned about this critical problem that confronts our churches today.

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  • Think Kingdom Be Family


    The Think Kingdom-Be Family Initiative (TKBF) is a biblically-grounded, research-based, and relationally-delivered discipleship approach to identify the elements that characterize missional families and to effectively mobilize them. Many families lack a corporate sense of mission. As a result, churches need to embrace the challenge of mobilizing families according to their collective identity and purpose in Christ and His mission. In the end, this qualitative research demonstrates that a new way of being and doing is possible through redemptive family wholeness, characteristics, and mobilization.

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  • Sailboat Church : Helping Your Church Rethink Its Mission And Practice


    Is your church a rowboat church or a sailboat church?

    Rowboat churches depend largely on human effort. In a time of often shrinking budgets and membership, rowboat churches frantically row harder against a current, often frustrated and disappointed at their efforts. Sailboat churches, on the other hand, take up the oars, hoist sales, and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them.

    Arguing that churches should be “sailboats,” author Joan S. Gray encourages readers to shift concern from the many daily, practical concerns of their local church to consider how new directions might be found by allowing the Holy Spirit to provide fresh ideas. The book includes 40 days of sailing prayers, quotes from Scripture, brief reflection questions, and an extensive bibliography that is arranged by theme. Perfect for groups to read together, this book will help leaders reframe their church’s mission and practice with the Holy Spirit as their guide.

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  • Underground Church


    The Chinese house church is one of the most misunderstood and controversial subjects in Christian world missions today. Many questions about it abound, such as…

    *How did it start?
    *How does it work?
    *How is it led?
    *Why does it continue to experience revival?
    *Is it necessary, now that China has extended religious freedoms?

    Much of the confusion is caused by the Chinese government, which deceives journalists and foreign missionaries with promises of religious freedom that are never kept.

    The truth is, the house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a short time left one belief system for another without a hostile revolution. Lives in China are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the display of His miraculous power.

    The Underground Church demystifies the Chinese house church movement, with real-life examples and personal testimonies from Chinese Christians. The movement’s unique characteristics-both good and bad-are addressed, as well as how they have led to the church’s astonishing growth.

    Be amazed at what God is doing in China!

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  • Operation Of The Gifts And Ministry Of The Holy Spirit


    As the world marches to the rhythm of prophetic eventualities, and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the church’s responsibility to the world is to appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit in their daily walk, so that world is drawn to seek Christ. Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is powerless in this present world. Lost souls will have no light to draw them to the way of truth. The Operation of The Gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit looks at The Promised Gift and the Church’s response.

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  • Church Shouldnt Suck The Life Out Of You


    Using humor and frank honesty, Pastor Jim Minor describes how his own street outreach organization transformed from a vibrant, God-infused ministry into a conventional, safe church that almost sucked all the passion for ministry right out of him. Then, Jim explains how he got his passion back again.

    Who is this book for?

    *Pastors and ministry leaders who have lost their focus and have grown to resent the ministries to which they have been called

    *Those in the pews who have lost the spark of their passion for God and find themselves merely going through the motions and “playing church”

    *Non-churchgoers who stay away because they don’t want any part of a dry, lifeless religion that doesn’t make any difference in the world

    If you identify with any of those categories, this book is for you!

    Let Jim Minor cast a vision for what church can be. Discover that it’s possible to venture beyond the church walls, to interact with the lost and hurting, and to watch God do miracles in people’s lives. And in the process, church might even become fun and fulfilling once again.

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  • Exploring Christian Theology The Church Spiritual Growth And The End Times


    Dallas Seminary Professors Make Basic Theology Accessible for All

    Theology doesn’t have to be complicated. In this book, trusted Dallas Seminary professors present a concise systematic theology that distills the essential spiritual truths in a way that makes sense to readers–students, lay people, and pastors. Here are introductions, overviews, and reviews of key tenets of orthodox protestant evangelical doctrines. The book also includes an annotated list of key applicable Bible texts, a quick-paced story of doctrine throughout church history, heresies or distortions to be aware of, and more.

    Exploring Christian Theology is useful for discipleship, catechism, membership training, preview or review of doctrine, or quick personal reference. It can also be used by ministry training programs, Bible colleges, or seminaries as an introductory primer to orient students in preparation for a more in-depth study of theology.

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  • Birmingham Revolution : Martin Luther King Jrs Epic Challenge To The Church


    From time to time prophetic Christian voices rise to challenge our nations “original sin.” In the twentieth century, compelled by the Spirit of God and a yearning for freedom, the African American church took the lead in heralding the effort. Like almost no other movement before or since, Christian people gave force to a social mission. And, remarkably, they did it largely through nonviolent actions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s words and historic efforts as the Moses of this civil rights movement stand out as perhaps the most significant instance of a modern Christian leader acting in a prophetic role to instigate political change. In many ways “The Letter from Birmingham Jail” stands at the center of that movement. In this book African American journalist Edward Gilbreath explores the place of that letter in the life and work of Dr. King. Birmingham Revolution is not simply a work of historical reflection. Gilbreath encourages us to reflect on the relevance of King’s work for the church and culture of our day. Whether its in debates about immigration, economic redistribution or presidential birth certificates, race continues to play a role in shaping society. What part will the church play in the ongoing struggle?

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  • God Me And Being Very Old


    Death and dying are a constant presence in the life and work of care homes. Residents stay, on average, around 20 months (nursing homes) or 36 months(residential/social care homes/assisted living) and die there. The care home is therefore the setting for the last major event of each residents life. Yet these experiences of the very old at the close of their lives have received remarkably little attention either in practice or in research. Nor have churches and theologians given their oldest members anything like the concern for their spiritual wellbeing that they give to the young. The heart of this book will aim to give voice to something similar from some of the oldest old as they reflect on their pilgrimage of faith from the perspective of extreme old age (over 90). In particular the authors explore what this perspective has to say to the other members of their faith communities, particularly in terms of the things that are seen as being of importance and value. The particular significance of reflections arising from the experience of approaching death will be explored. This is one area where religious thinking is often out of step with contemporary imagery and language.

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  • Making Disciples In The 21st Century Church


    More than a decade ago, Bill Hull wrote The Disciple Making Pastor. Hull criticized America’s Sunday attendance strategies as being totally inadequate and emphasized the need to make disciples. I resisted Hull’s teaching, thinking he lacked church growth insight. At that time, I primarily judged church growth success by how many were seated in a church in the worship service.

    Yet now I applaud the concept of growing a church from the inside out and measuring success by disciples made and sent forth. The only command, in fact, of Christ’s great commission was to make disciples. The rest of the verbs in Matthew 28:18-20 are not in the command form but are actually participles. Jesus literally said, “having gone, make disciples.” (Matt. 28:18).

    We know that the goal of the Christian life is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. While this is God’s ultimate plan, does he have a particular purpose for the cell-based church? I’ve been wrestling with this question for the past twenty-two years. This question confronts me every time I coach a pastor or pastors. In preparation for coaching, I ask myself, “What is my principal objective in helping this pastor?” “Where am I guiding this church?” “What am I trying to do?”

    This book answers these questions.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the primary goal of cell ministry is to make disciples who make disciples. Christ’s last command to his disciples was for them to repeat the process and to reproduce new disciples. But how were they supposed to do that?

    We in North America and the Western world often project our own cultural bias into Christ’s great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Most discipleship books, in fact, assume that discipleship is an individualistic endeavor–between me and God. And yes, there is an important individual aspect (e.g., personal devotions, etc.). Yet in Matthew 28, Jesus was talking to a group of disciples. He wanted them to follow his example by making disciples in a group. Jesus molded twelve disciples in a group and then sent them house to house.

    The early church followed Christ’s pattern by making disciples through the house churches that periodically celebrated together in public worship. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul tells Timothy to continue the discipleship process by passing on the pure gospel message to faithful men and women. Even though the term “disciple” is later replaced by words such as “brothers/sisters,” “Christians,” and “saints,” the concept remain

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  • Global Member Care 2


    Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity, the latest book from the O’Donnells, is part of
    an ongoing effort to help a diversity of colleagues keep current with a globalizing world and the global field
    of member care. This second volume in the Global Member Care series encourages readers to connect and
    contribute to various international sectors on behalf of mission/aid workers and humanity. The book’s 35
    chapters include a wealth of practical resources: guidelines, codes, resolutions, perspectives, principles,
    case examples, videos links, human rights instruments, and more. Get ready to venture into the heart of
    global issues and opportunities-from the trenches to the towers and everything in between!

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  • Evangelize Or Fosselize


    Truly, there is nothing so tragic, so hard, and so icy as a fossilized church or Christian. Nothing can keep the Christian warm, fresh, and alive like evangelism. Soulwinning is a safeguard against a dead, barren orthodoxy. That the church’s expansion depends upon her evangelism is the testimony of the ages. Failing to save, she cannot survive. A lack of evangelism, ultimately, will lead to extinction.

    Renowned Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the call, the methods, the obstacles, and the challenge of bringing the gospel to a lost and hurting world. When the Holy Spirit enables men and women of God to offer their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus and to turn the world upside down, it is the greatest adventure of all time!

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  • More Screams Different Deserts


    More Screams, Different Deserts is another invitation to join Sue on her adventures in cross-cultural living and biblical studies that have helped her along the way. With twenty-seven years of experience in cross cultural ministry, Sue realizes that joy and perseverance are essential for thriving in life and ministry. Her stories and insights encourage women to look to Jesus, our only hope wherever we live. Stories, ranging from one corner of the world to another, include discovering a forgotten museum,
    protecting her children from chocolate, visiting a camel market, and meeting wild pigs on a nighttime walk. God has been her refuge, and his Word held her steady when all she really wanted to do was run away and hide. Questions and resources at the end of each chapter will help readers think through personal application and find additional help.

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  • Missional Quest : Becoming A Church Of The Long Run


    Introduction: Before The First Step

    Part I: Fostering A Missional Mindset
    1. The Starting Line

    Part II: Fostering A Missional Posture
    2. Stop And Go
    3. AD 30 All Over Again
    4. Won’t You Be My Neighbor
    5. Home, Work And God’s Mission
    6. Where Everybody Knows Your Name
    7. Launching Pads
    8. Follow The Follower
    9. Have A Great Trip

    Additional Info
    When Christ calls people, he invites them on a journey-a journey taken together in community. We have reached a point in history, however, when we think of the church as a fixed place where isolated individuals show up, consume a Christian message, drink some coffee, and get on with their lives. The times demand, and the gospel proclaims, that we recover our identity as a church that is a people on a quest for the kingdom of heaven, formed intimately by a loving God and called onto a long journey for the sake of our neighbors and our world. In The Missional Quest you’ll learn how to take your church on a long run, and how to sustain yourselves and one another along the way, through the power of God for the sake of the world.

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  • Leading The Discipleshift


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612914954ISBN10: 1612914950Brandon Guindon | Lance Wigton | Luke YetterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2013Publisher: NavPress

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  • Environmental Missions : Planting Churches And Trees


    Environmental Missions defines an emerging category in missions, one that takes seriously
    both the mandate to evangelize the world and the responsibility of caring for God’s good earth.

    Lowell Bliss was a traditional church planting missionary in India when his best Hindu friend there died of malaria. This was just one of the events that led him to reexamine the politically charged term “environment,” understanding it now as simply “that which surrounds those we love, those for whom Jesus died.” In other words, the church is called to reach not only vulnerable people but the space in which they live and breathe.

    Pointing to the narrative of Scripture and the history of missions, Bliss shows us that the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the whole creation, that we must unite two traditionally separate endeavors to fulfill the entirety of God’s commission, and that the challenge of the environmental crises of our day is also one of our greatest opportunities to reach the least reached with the love of Christ.

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  • Dying To Grow


    Never before have we seen the church degenerate at such a rapid pace. This is largely due to the church pursuing congregational growth instead of kingdom growth. The church is dying because our growth isn’t based on strategies to reach the lost with the gospel. The time to change is now, we can’t wait any longer. People’s eternities are at stake.

    What is your church’s priority? Are you more concerned with filling your building or furthering the Kingdom? This book will challenge you to evaluate just how important gospel-based evangelism is to you and your church, and call on you to restore an intentional evangelism strategy within the body. Hell will tremble when churches once again make evangelism the central theme of their strategy.

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  • Encounters With Orthodoxy


    When author and theologian John P. Burgess first travelled to Russia, he was hoping to expand his theological horizons and explore the rebirth of the Orthodox Church since the fall of Communism. But what he found changed some fundamental assumptions about his own tradition of North American Protestantism. In this book, Burgess asks how an encounter with Orthodoxy can help Protestants better see both strengths and weaknesses of their own tradition. In a time in which North American Protestantism is in decline-membership has now fallen to below 50% of the population-Russian Orthodoxy can help Protestants rethink the ways in which they worship, teach, and spread the gospel. Burgess considers Orthodox rituals, icons, saints and miracles, monastic life, and Eucharistic theology and practice. He then explores whether and how Protestants can use elements of Orthodoxy to reform church life.

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  • 1 Corinthians 1-9 Challenging Church (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study 1 Corinthians?
    1. Count Your Blessings – 1 Corinthians 1 V 1-9
    2. Unite In “foolishness” – 1 Corinthians 1 V 10 – 2 V 16
    3. Unite As God’s Community – 1 Corinthians 3
    4. Recognise Real Ministers – 1 Corinthians 4
    5. Don’t Go Soft On Sin – 1 Corinthians 5 – 6
    6. Let Your Calling Count – 1 Corinthians 7
    7. Use Your Rights – 1 Corinthians 8 – 9
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then there’s His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many.

    And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are God’s embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse.

    And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn?

    Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.

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  • Listen Up : A Practical Guide To Listening To Sermons


    Seven Ingredients For Healthy Sermon Listening:
    1. Expect God To Speak
    2. Admit God Knows Better Than You
    3. Check The Preacher Says What The Passage Says
    4. Hear The Sermon In Church
    5. Be There Week By Week
    6. Do What The Bible Says
    7. Do What The Bible Says Today – And Rejoice!
    How To Listen To Bad Sermons
    7 Suggestions For Encouraging Good Preaching

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    Why on earth does anyone need a guide on how to listen to sermons? Don’t we simply need to ‘be there’ and stay awake? Yet Jesus said: ‘Consider carefully how you listen.’ The fact is, much more is involved in truly listening to Bible teaching than just sitting and staring at the preacher.

    Christopher Ash outlines seven ingredients for healthy listening. He then deals with how to respond to bad sermons – ones that are dull, or inadequate, or heretical. And finally, he challenges us with ideas for helping and encouraging our Bible teachers to give sermons that will really help us to grow as Christians.

    * Where does the authority of a Bible teacher come from?
    * Why is Bible teaching offensive?
    * Why is it important to hear Bible teaching in church?
    * How can we actually enjoy Bible teaching more?

    These (and more) are the questions answered by this practical guide, which includes effective, hands-on suggestions for implementing each idea. All with the aim of helping us learn how to listen properly, so that through His word, God will make us more and more Christ like.

    ‘We give Listen Up to all our new members’ – Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

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  • Come And See


    The mission of the Church is to introduce the person of Christ to individual human beings who by faith enter into communion with God. This does not involve adapting information to a particular context, but rather establishing the context prescribed by God for the presence of Christ wherever we happen to be among the peoples of the world. Contextualization, then, creates a new invitational core context which is host to the presence of the divine person. This is defined with the help of the gifts of ecclesial Tradition, which enables conditions that facilitate communion, and which thus helps us engage the world.

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  • Expectations And Burnout


    Missionary women have high expectations when they respond to God’s call; of themselves, their mission agencies, host cultures, churches, co-workers, and even of God. These expectations are often times impossible to fulfill and can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. Eighty percent of missionary women feel they have come close to burnout, whether they were married or single, traditional or tent making, new or experienced. In Expectations and Burnout: Women Surviving the Great Commission, Sue provides research and surveys from the field while Robynn lends her own personal experiences to demonstrate how burnout can happen and how God can bring life from ashes. Join them as they explore how to develop realistic expectations and yet maintain faith in our sovereign God who continues to accomplish the impossible.

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  • Rethinking Hindu Ministry


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  • Profiles Of African American Missionaries


    In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau shows that there are 42 million people who identify themselves as African-Americans. Of the 42 million, there are an estimated 20million who self-identify as Christians. Of this number, very few leave the United States and go to other countries as missionaries. The reasons for the absence of African-American missionaries are varied and in some respects understandable, yet we are all called to be engaged in the Great Commission.
    Profiles of African-American Missionaries features the few who have answered the call. This collection of stories shares the lives and contributions of several African-American missionary pioneers dedicated to reaching the lost for the sake of Christ. Readers will be inspired by the commitment of these missionaries who devoted their lives to the foreign fields, with the full knowledge that God would be with them always as Christ promised. You will be challenged to take a look at your own life and consider a response to our Lord’s command to make disciples.

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  • 5 Things You Can Do To Understand The Bible Better


    The Bible may be the best-selling book of all time, but for all its sales, its content remains widely unknown. According to polls only about half of adults in the United States can name one of the four

    Gospels, or knew that Genesis was the first book of the Bible.

    Many people feel intimidated by the idea of reading the Bible with understanding that feeds and stregthens faith. Zach McIntosh provides basic knowledge of the purposes and themes of the Bible, and reminds us that the easiest way to understand the Bible better is to read it.

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  • Get Their Name Workbook


    Power-boost your team’s capacity to share faith without anxiety!
    Most churches and Christians target the wrong people with “evangelism” efforts. The model we use no longer works because it is passive, too polite, and focused in the wrong direction. We are not making new disciples, not adding significantly to Christ’s transformation of the world. But there is hope and practical help for churches who are ready to take a new approach. Get Their Name by Bob Farr, Kay Kotan, and Doug Anderson outlines that hope and help.

    The Get Their Name Workbook provides the critical next step. Church leaders can use this resource with their teams, small groups, and staff to power-boost the book’s ideas in their own church context. The workbook is formatted to function as an individual study, too.

    The Get Their Name Workbook:
    -Creates conversation starters for group discussion or personal reflection
    -Poses powerful questions, which can lead to honest and authentic reflection and evaluation
    -Encourages group participants to process the information together, increasing understanding and commitment
    -Stimulates calls to action, increasing the likelihood of real and sustainable change in the congregation

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  • Elephant In The Church


    A church can be a dangerous place. The perils may be so obvious, they become “elephants” standing in the fellowship hall, lurking in the sanctuary, ready to spring into the pastor’s study, and tromp out of the choir room. The word “elephant” stands for an obvious truth or issue that is ignored or unnamed-a blind spot. Yet we allow elephants to occupy a large amount of space in the minds and hearts of those that tiptoe around them. Discussing common blind-spots of congregations and church leaders, the authors provide examples and illustrations for how to stop these “elephants” from ruining a ministry.

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  • Literacy Bible Reading And Church Growth


    The story of Christianity from apostolic times to the present reveals that in virtually every country of the world a Bible-reading laity was an important factor in the growth of the church, both numerically and spiritually. The importance of the Bible in actual history is a challenge to the church today.

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  • Dear Children : A Letter From God To The Church Through The Scriptures


    What is the “best” church? And which contemporary church leader is the most correct? If God’s Word does not change, does this mean that our faith should also remain unchanged from generation to generation? How should Christians feel about non-believers and-more importantly-how should we respond to the world’s direction when it appears to be against Scripture? Does God even talk to the church anymore? This book is a letter from God. It is addressed to His people-God’s Church-and it is not founded on “traditional” Christianity. It is founded upon God’s Word, the Scriptures. We know that judgment begins at the house of God, and this letter is written for the purpose of allowing God’s people to begin preparing for the judgment that is coming, and for the new age, an age that has already begun.

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  • Troubled Minds : Mental Illness And The Churchs Mission


    1. My Family’s Story
    2. Mental Illness Is Mainstream
    3. Suffering People
    4. Coping
    5. Church Life
    6. Ministry Life
    7. Persistent Stigma
    8. What Churches Can Do
    9. What God Does
    Resources For Ministry To The Mentally Ill

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    Mental illness is the sort of thing we dont like to talk about. It doesnt reduce nicely to simple solutions and happy outcomes. So instead, too often we reduce people who are mentally ill to caricatures and ghosts, and simply pretend they dont exist. They do exist, howeverstatistics suggest that one in four people suffer from some kind of mental illness. And then theres their friends and family members, who bear their own scars and anxious thoughts, and who see no safe place to talk about the impact of mental illness on their lives and their loved ones. Many of these people are sitting in churches week after week, suffering in stigmatized silence. In Troubled Minds Amy Simpson, whose family knows the trauma and bewilderment of mental abuse, reminds us that people with mental illness are our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in Christ, and she shows us the path to loving them well and becoming a church that loves God with whole hearts and whole souls, with the strength we have and with minds that are whole as well as minds that are troubled.

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  • Church Worth Getting Up For


    A growing number of people seem to be answering this question with, “No, your church isn’t worthy my time or effort!” While research identifies a disturbing exodus from church life by all age groups and young people in particular, many churches continue to maintain the status quo. Can we do no better? Are we too afraid to confront the realities of living in today’s world? Have we failed? This book will help you create a church worth getting up for.

    In the book Chuck Gutenson helps us hear from eight church leaders including: Deb Hirsch, Al Hirsch, Mike Slaughter, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Chris Seay, Greg Boyd, Olu Brown, and Doug Pagitt. Each has a “successful” church. Learn what characteristics they have in common.

    We all want to be a part of something meaningful-something or someone who will change our lives for the better. The Church has to find new ways to encourage, nurture, guide, inspire, and motivate people to find their true source in Jesus Christ. Jesus is worth getting up for. Help people find in your church a means to experience the source of their deepest desires.

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  • Job 41 : The Leviathan Spirit Of Pride


    Have you ever wondered why your ministry is not flourishing the way God promised you? Have you ever wondered why you are working in the ministry, but not operating in your calling? Has there been an inference that you were just a servant and your job was to support “the ministry inside the four walls,” while undermining the calling to extend beyond the four walls? God compels us to go and make disciples of men and women, and there should be no debate or pushback to advance the Kingdom of God. There is a spirit that has masked itself in the church of today as a spiritual mentor or covering, or one who provides spiritual guidance to you. This spirit that is exposed in the Book of Job is real and has stifled many parishioners, especially leaders, from walking in the ordained gifts of God. I have heard sermon after sermon on the story of Job, but never anything relating to Chapter 41. God allows certain messages to be released at a time when they will be heard and fully understood. This is a universal message for the church of today.

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  • Ive Been Raped By A Church


    Are you attending a church you used to love, but you’ve lost your zeal for God? Do you feel coerced, manipulated and even raped-as if others have stolen your freedom, your passion and even your joy?

    In her landmark new book, I’ve Been Raped by the Church, A Recovery Guide for the Wounded, Co-Pastor and Evangelist Vicky Lynch shares a shocking truth-not all churches are safe places, even for believers. Everyday people are wounded by pastors who are supposed to be lovingly shepherding their flocks, but instead are wounding and killing them. Some are so good at it that their people wonder if they are delusional or if the church is out-of-order. How can these things be?

    Well, even Old Testament Scripture addresses these issues. This problem is not a new one, but it has always broken the heart of God, who wants pastors to reflect His unconditional love and help His people find their destinies. Vicky shares insights that will equip you to identify church abuse and offers options on dealing with it. If you’ve been victimized by church abuse, she offers hope and healing for you and others you know who struggle.

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