Church Life

Showing 351–400 of 501 results

  • Resurrecting Excellence : Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry


    Christians are of two minds about excellence. We commend excellent teaching, seek out excellent health care, and celebrate excellence in the arts. When a Christian life or congregation is described as excellent, however, we suspect that ambition or success may be getting the better of us.

    Resurrecting Excellence aims to rekindle and encourage among Christian leaders an unselfish ambition for the gospel that shuns both competition and mediocrity and rightly focuses on the beauty, power, and excellence of living as faithful disciples of the crucified and risen Christ. Drawing on ancient traditions and on contemporary voices, L. Gregory Jones and Kevin R. Armstrong offer both a theology of excellence and compelling portraits of pastors, lay leaders, and congregations that embody “a more excellent way.”

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  • Balancing Acts : Obligation Liberation And Contemporary Christian Conflicts


    American congregations are more divided than ever over a broad range of theological and social issues — and this book outlines an innovative way to understand and address these difficult conflicts. Balancing Acts introduces readers to the two major spiritual themes that animate life in America today — obligation and liberation — and discusses how most Christians align themselves with one of these attitudes. One group focuses on the obligations of religious life and seeks moral clarity, while the other tends to see religion as a liberation movement and stresses God’s love for the oppressed of the earth.

    The ability to strike a balance between these competing camps is the key to managing tension in the church and in the larger community — and Balancing Acts provides readers with the tools to find and nurture Christian unity in the face of political, cultural, and theological diversity. Whether the issue is women in ministry, presidential politics, immigration, homosexuality, or war, this book demonstrates how common ground can be found by people of faith who are willing to perform a balancing act between obligation and liberation.

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  • Called To Be Church


    Description: Called to be Church seeks to introduce Acts to a congregation of faithful readers. It includes such topics as Christian community, the Holy Spirit and the life of the Church, the conversion of Saul to become the great missionary to the Gentiles, the Gospel to a multicultural church as particularly related to the ministry of Peter, the challenge of change, and a host of other topics that stem from the study of the book of Acts.

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  • Basic Business Principles For Growing Churches


    Pastors are schooled in theology and ministry, but few receive training in the fine points of church administration. Learning how to handle a congregation’s finances “on the job” can be a harrowing experience. Yet efficiently managing your church’s business affairs is a key element in keeping current members satisfied with their pastoral leadership — and in attracting the new members you need for your church to grow in size and influence.

    In Basic Business Principles For Growing Churches, Arnold Cirtin shares expertise gained from more than four decades of corporate and academic experience. He provides a clear and helpful primer for pastors with limited training in business administration on such practical topics as accounting, fiscal management, and marketing.

    This is an indispensable book for pastors of small- and medium-sized churches (who typically are also their congregations’ principal financial officers), as well as for church treasurers, trustees, and other financial board members. When you follow the guidelines in Basic Business Principles For Growing Churches, your church will be fiscally responsible, managed efficiently, and able to maximize its growing stewardship of God’s resources.

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  • Nurturing Spirit Through Song


    Mary K. Oyer is a remarkable woman whose teaching has touched many people. Rebecca and Shirley, editors, offer a look at her remarkable life and contributions to church-related music and hymnody.

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  • Hip Hop Church


    Pastors Efren Smith and Phil Jackson show the urgency of connecting hip-hop culture and church to reach a new generation with the gospel.

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  • Cruciform Church : Becoming A Cross Shaped People In A Secular World (Anniversar


    This new edition of The Cruciform Church finds Churches of Christ at a quite different place than they were sixteen years ago when the book was first released. On the one hand, our culture is more clearly post-modern and post-Christian. All of the Christian players today are finding themselves cultural outsiders, much like the earliest Christians. We are waking up to the reality that we are in a missionary situation in our own culture, and this is forcing us (slowly, by fits and starts) to rethink our priorities and our mission. On the other hand, Churches of Christ themselves are engaging more and more in the kind of healthy theological rethinking that this book called for back in 1990. Many congregations are shedding the sectarian or exclusivist outlook, gaining new appreciation for their heritage, refocusing on the central doctrines of the faith, and entering into serious dialogue about carrying out the mission of God in this new time…Perhaps this new edition can continue to provide stimulus and guidance as the adventure continues. Toward that end, this edition contains a new chapter, “Last(ing) Things,” that seeks to show the close relationship between eschatology and discipleship, between one’s view of the coming kingdom of God and the cruciform life.” – From Allen’s Preface to the Revised Edition

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  • Ask Thank Tell


    Designed especially for use in congregational planning and study.

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  • Churchmarketing 101 : Preparing Your Church For Greater Growth (Reprinted)


    Seeks to demystify questions about why some churches grow and some do not, while helping churches to recognize and remove roadblocks they set for visitors.

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  • Messianic Church Arising


    This book explains, in detail, how the feasts of the Jewish calendar are covenants with God, and how they belong to believers in Christ as well

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  • Whats Theology Got To Do With It


    Theology can be a loaded word for mainline Protestant congregations. It often suggests the dogmatic or implies fault lines for conflict. But when unleashed from its narrow academic sense, “theology” offers a powerful way to get at many of the issues that impact the health and vitality of congregations.

    Anthony Robinson carefully defines theology as the “core convictions” that help members of a congregation understand their common perspective and shared identity. Theology is the foundational Christian experience, the wisdom that both forms and transforms lives. Rather than avoiding theology, congregations should openly express their beliefs and values to clarify their purpose, argues Robinson. Instead of trying to define the boundaries of belief, a “center-set” congregation will zero in on a reasonably clear core faith.

    He examines the problems that occur when congregations are reluctant to focus on theology and are unsure of their beliefs. They risk having a weak identity with nothing at stake. They risk being little more than an exclusive social club. Absent core convictions, structure replaces Spirit, indirection replaces healthy dialogue, and agendas replace leadership.

    Central to the book is the notion that Christianity is a revealed religion apart from our own personal preferences. The Bible as Scripture offers a doorway to God and a critical unifying narrative. The Trinity, as a powerful metaphor, provides a balanced approach to fulfilling a congregation’s purpose. Core convictions about God as creator, the person and work of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are crucial to a congregational vitality.

    Too many mainline Protestant churches are theologically “underfunded.” Congregations are strengthened when what they believe backs what they do. Indeed, theology, it turns out, has everything to do with it.

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  • Christian Woman Set Free


    Seventeen hundred years is enough! Edwards leads the call to vanquish the inequality of women in the kingdom of God. His weapons of revelation? History, the Greek language, and his own witness of women in churches who are free.

    The author challenges Christian ministers to take up the cause of eliminating inequality in the church and dare to discover what happens in the body of Christ when all members function.

    The author goes to the root of our present-day Bible translations and lays the axe to the centuries-old tree of mistranslation. You will be shocked to discover that the King James Version does not say what the original Greek text said about women in Paul’s letters (and neither do most other Bible translations).

    This book brings to light the mindset that has held both women and men prisoners of misconceptions through the centuries. Reading The Christian Woman…Set Free liberates the reader of any doubt regarding a woman’s place in the kingdom of God. (You will be awed as you see that the greatest friend of women in all of human history, the Lord Jesus Christ, broke all the rules of his day in regard to the treatment of women.)

    Best of all, what makes The Christian Woman…Set Free unique is that it is not based on theory, nor is it an intellectual treatise. It is a revolutionary document forged on the anvil of the author’s experiences in daily church life. Edwards writes from a matrix where equality is a way of life and full participation in the church is the territory of both men and women. Edwards give you the practical how-to of the way to experience this freedom in your gathering. There are testimonies in the book of women who experience freedom to share in all the functions of the church. In their churches there is no specific leader, but all are joint leaders.

    The Christian Woman…Set Free is a fast paced, high-energy book that takes dead aim at the very foundation of our present-day mindset concerning women and men in church life.

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  • Wonder Of Worship


    Worship is ground zero for spiritual warfare and affects every part of the believer’s life. The Wonder of Worship defines true, acceptable worship, its real purpose, and the three things necessary for worship to occur. Starting with the basics of what it means to worship God in spirit and truth, The Wonder of Worship discusses the relationship of the Christian’s private worship and public worship experiences. In the process it explores the practical side of worship, worship preparation, and even the format for public worship. Ultimately, worship that is pleasing to God does not depend on the contemporary believer’s worship practices or preferences. It all comes down to the Person of worship. Jesus is the One who makes true worship a wonder to enjoy, now and in eternity. He is the Wonder of Worship.

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  • Wonder Of Worship


    Worship is ground zero for spiritual warfare and affects every part of the believer’s life. The Wonder of Worship defines true, acceptable worship, its real purpose, and the three things necessary for worship to occur. Starting with the basics of what it means to worship God in spirit and truth, The Wonder of Worship discusses the relationship of the Christian’s private worship and public worship experiences. In the process it explores the practical side of worship, worship preparation, and even the format for public worship. Ultimately, worship that is pleasing to God does not depend on the contemporary believer’s worship practices or preferences. It all comes down to the Person of worship. Jesus is the One who makes true worship a wonder to enjoy, now and in eternity. He is the Wonder of Worship.

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  • Clergy Burnout : Recovering From The 70 Hour Week And Other Self Defeating


    1.Painful Pastoring
    2.Burnout And Codependence
    3.Personalities And Codependence
    4.The Church And Codependence
    5.Holiness And Spirituality
    6.Becoming Gospel-centered
    7.Developing Spiritual Maturity
    8.Regaining Balance
    9.Stretching And Bridging
    10.Knowing The Boundaries
    11.Becoming Empowered
    12.Un-trashing The Temple

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    In this highly accessible book, Fred Lehr clarifies the nature and practice of clergy codependence. In short, insightful, and highly readable chapters, filled with many examples and stories from his own life and those he has counseled, Lehr identifies the typical forms codependence takes in the life and ministry of clergy:

    1.the chief-enabler, the one who keeps things functioning;
    2.the scapegoat, the one on whom everything’s blamed when it goes wrong, the one who’s responsible;
    3.the hero, the example, the pure and righteous one;
    4.the lost child, the one no one really knows or cares about;
    5.the rescuer, the one who saves the day, makes the visit, fixes the problem, makes everything all right again;
    6.the mascot, the cheerleader, the one who offers comic relief, brings down the tension level after a heated discussion.

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  • Hearts To Heaven And Tempers Raise


    Like a favourite TV comedy series, Reg Frary returns with another collection of all-too believable stories about anarchy and revolt waiting to break out in the choirstalls. They may look angelic in their robes, and may (on rare occasions) even sound like angels, but it’s a dirty game keeping one step ahead of the vicar’s trendy ideas and the choir director’s aspirations to dictatorship. It all necessitates frequent councils of war down at the Dog and Duck after practice…

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  • Welcome Pastor : Building A Productive Pastor Congregation Partnership In 4


    A 40-day devotional guide to help churches with new pastors strengthen their relationships with God and one another. Much time, effort, and prayer goes into selecting a new pastor. However many pastors get off to a poor start because the members of the congregation and the new pastor don???t have an effective means for getting to know each other.

    This study helps congregations and pastors get off on the right foot and build a successful partnership that starts strong and endures. A poorly begun pastor-congregation relationship results in hurt and frustration, eventually lurching to a miserable conclusion. Churches invest a lot into finding a pastor, and this book will help make sure your church gets the relationship off to a great start.

    Getting a new pastor off to a good start is critical to the over 100,000 churches facing changes in leadership each year. This 40-day congregation-wide study provides the foundation for a successful ministry partnership.

    “Welcome Pastor” is the first book to offer a clear, simple process for building a successful partnership between a new pastor and a congregation. Its combination of devotional readings and dialogue is easy and pleasurable to read without being simplistic or trite.

    People Who Will Benefit From This Book
    Congregational Group Study
    Pastors and Church Leaders
    Pastoral Search Committees
    Denominational Leaders
    Seminaries: Teaachers and Students

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  • New Perspectives On Breaking The 200 Barrier


    1. What Are Choice Points?
    2. Common Choice Points
    3. A Choice Point Growth Strategy
    4. The 200 Barrier
    5. Spiritual Preparations
    6. Planning
    7. Implementing
    8. Leading
    9. Conclusion: You Can!

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    Your church can rise from its plateau and Break The 200 Barrier!

    New Perspectives On Breaking The 200 Barrier is directed to both the pastor and the layperson and offers insights and strategies that will help your church move beyond the average and into the extraordinary. Based on current church trends, new research, and years of experience, strategist Dr. Bill Sullivan returns to the topic of his earlier work, Ten Steps To Breaking The 200 Barrier (1988), and revisits the challenges churches face when trying to grow beyond an attendance of 200. This time he focuses on how the decisions of the congregation affect the church as a whole. He stresses why it is important to train the people, as well as the pastor and church leaders, to understand and accept the changes that come with growth and the desire to expand Christ’s kingdom.

    New Perspectives On Breaking the 200 Barrier will help your church:
    * Examine the decisions made toward church growth and understand how to make better choices
    * Develop a strategy for dealing with tacit assumptions that remain fixed and unresponsive to change without placing all of the responsibility on the pastor
    * Focus on prayer and faith with new insight
    * Recognize that the gate of change is locked on the inside and it is the congregation that holds the key

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  • Revival : Gods Proven Method Of Awakening His Church


    God longs to send a nationwide revival wherever He finds a people totally obedient to His will and given to desperate prayer. Revival-God’s Proven Method of Awakening His Church is the result of the author being deeply touched by God for revival, which led to his becoming involved in the awakening experienced in central India in 1969. In this study you’ll find examples of God’s response to the prevailing prayer of His people in the Old and New Testaments, in church history, and in Europe, Asia, and America, as well as His work in the lives of individuals, churches, and colleges in America and large areas of many nations-all of which have been changed by the work of His Spirit. In answer to God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people will…I will…,” Christians in India prayed and God answered. Even so, our hearts resonate with Habakkuk, as he prayed, “In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by” (LB).

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  • New Testament Church And Its Ministries


    New Testament Church And It Ministries lays out God’s plan for the church’s construction and His concern for the active involvement of every member in their ministry and calling. Emphasizing the function of the members, each of the five-fold ministries is defined and developed in the context of its function in the Body of Christ..

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  • Drama Of Dance In The Local Church


    What is liturgical dance? And where does it come from? Does it have any scriptural foundation? These are relevant questions discussed in The Drama of Dance in the Local Church, which looks at liturgical dance and its place in the worship service. Liturgical dance has been acknowledged by many in the religious community as a way to assist individuals and church bodies in enhancing the worship experience. This book is for anyone who wishes to explore their gifts through drama and dance, as well as those who are still struggling with the idea of dance in the church. It is designed to help readers understand the great significance a liturgical dance ministry can have on the church. It will help familiarize church leaders and parishioners with scriptures that support dance ministries.

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  • Loving The Church


    Developing a healthy, loving congregation begins with a clear understanding of the nature of the church. Loving the Church addresses the different attitudes and ideas associated with the visible church. Larry McKain shows you how to develop a new vision for your community of faith and helps you discover a renewed passion for Christ and His kingdom.

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  • Power To Be Free


    Are you one of the millions of believers who has gathered with other believers in churches or homes across the land to discover your purpose? Have you wondered how to move from discovering your purpose to fulfilling it?

    You’ll need power to do that, you know. And there is power in a life guided by the Spirit of Christ.

    College professor and author Frank Moore leads you in this quest of discovering the power to live in freedom. This 40-day adventure will launch you into the powerful life in Christ you’ve longed for.

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  • Understanding Church Growth (Revised)


    Author Donald A. McGavran is considered a founder of the Church Growth Movement in America. In this 3rd edition of his standard work, McGavaran analyzes the causes, methods and strategies for successful church growth both in America and abroad.

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  • Becoming Conversant With The Emerging Church


    A perceptive evaluation of the new “emerging church” movement showing how we must not only interact with a fast-changing culture but also have our vision and practice of ministry shaped by biblical theology with Scripture as the norm.

    From the Back Cover
    A careful and informed assessment of the “emerging church” by a respected author and scholar
    The “emerging church” movement has generated a lot of excitement and exerts an astonishingly broad influence. Is it the wave of the future or a passing fancy? Who are the leaders and what are they saying?

    The time has come for a mature assessment. D. A. Carson not only gives those who may be unfamiliar with it a perceptive introduction to the emerging church movement, but also includes a skillful assessment of its theological views. Carson addresses some troubling weaknesses of the movement frankly and thoughtfully, while at the same time recognizing that it has important things to say to the rest of Christianity. The author strives to provide a perspective that is both honest and fair.

    Anyone interested in the future of the church in a rapidly changing world will find this an informative and stimulating read.

    D. A. Carson (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He is the author of over 45 books, including the Gold Medallion Award-winning book The Gagging of God, and is general editor of Telling the Truth and Worship by the Book. He has served as a pastor and is an active guest lecturer in church and academic settings around the world.

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  • How To Hit The Ground Running


    Neal O. Michell The quick-start program described in this book is designed for the new rector or pastor who wants to “hit the ground running.” It is also designed for principal lay leaders who will be instrumental in the transition to new leadership. The program takes the new pastor, vestry, or other leadership bodies from one month prior to the new leader’s arrival through the first eighteen months afterward. Organized in a user-friendly workbook format, this guide gives step-by-step suggestions on how the sometimes stalled and directionless period of transition in a faith community can be made dynamic and purposefula time of true congregational development.

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  • Postindustrial Promise : Vital Religious Community In The 21st Century


    Tales of demise and decline have come to characterize news on the state of religion and congregations in America. In The Postindustrial Promise, author Anthony Healy finds that the changes in religious life and among congregations are being misunderstood. Instead of seeing the changes as the result of the presumed aspects of postmodern life-individualism, the collapse of social groups, and the scrapping of tradition-Healy sees what has occurred as a postindustrial transformation, in which an economy based on manufacturing has been replaced by one based on corporate and consumer services. This transformation has changed what we value and how we live, as well as how we work. It has also changed congregations and religious life, but not necessarily in the way that many people think.

    Contrary to the stories of decline, Healy finds that in this time of postindustrial dislocation people are again putting down religious roots. Congregations are making it possible for people to reconnect with the stories and traditions of previous generations and have become the places in society where the reembodying of religious and cultural narratives is taking place. Different from the postmodern script, this postindustrial explanation leads us to fresh insights into the change that has occurred among religious bodies, their congregants, and their communities.

    This book provides pastors, lay leaders, teachers, scholars, and seminarians with a solid grounding in the basic aspects of the postindustrial transformation and offers direction to help religious leaders develop responsive and viable places of ministry, mission, and program in this time of change

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  • Silent Words Loudly Spoken


    Like a miniature billboard, the church sign offers an unparalleled opportunity to promote God’s kingdom beyond the walls of the congregation. Thousands of cars pass each day with potential readers of its content, so the church sign has the potential to be a powerful pulpit from which silent words are loudly spoken, communicating brief but significant messages of God’s love to a spiritually thirsty world.

    Silent Words Loudly Spoken provides a wealth of fresh and inspiring messages that will maximize the impact of your church sign. With more than 700 uplifting, thought-provoking statements conveniently formatted to easily fit most church signs, it contains enough material to last several years. A humorous but pithy “Ten Commandments for a Good Church Sign” offers plenty of specific nuts-and-bolts advice for making the most of this powerful but sometimes overlooked ministry tool:

    * Phrases should be short enough and letters large enough for effortless drive-by reading.

    * Messages should be changed regularly, especially date-specific ones.

    * “In-house” announcements better suited for the church bulletin should not be wasted on a disinterested public.

    * Give the gift of a positive, inspirational message; negative statements turn off those the church wants to attract.

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  • Body Broken : Answering Gods Call To Love One Another


    For those brave writers who attempt to dispense spiritual wisdom from their own experiences, each sentence can be fraught with peril. Those who traffic in their own experiences of God for a public audience run the risk of disclosing too much or too little-having too many answers to be convincing, or not enough to satisfy the hungry reader. What saves Episcopal layman and veteran spiritual writer Benson’s autobiographical musings from becoming routine is his willingness to share his struggles with a specific issue: why is the fellowship of believers broken into so many competing parties? Benson’s desire to understand, respect and honor the faith of other Christians is a powerful force here, animating that which otherwise might have seemed mundane. Reflecting on how difficult it is for even those bound by a mutual faith to seek a common scriptural understanding, Benson comments: “We are not called to explain the Christ; we called to follow the Christ. We are not called to build walls that keep his friends apart from each other; we are called to build the kingdom together.” Alternatively tender, sad, regretful and joyous, Benson offers his tales with the honesty of a man who doesn’t pretend to have all the answers. He brings to the topic a profound, if chastened, sense of God’s presence in his daily life and relationships. Benson’s passion will appeal to many readers seeking a well-crafted meditation on a topic that has persistently bemused Christians of all denominations.

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  • World Calling : The Churchs Witness In Politics And Society


    Thomas Ogletree has devoted much of his career to exploring the significance of Ernst Troeltsch’s seminal work, The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches. The articles in The World Calling use a Troeltschian lens to explore fundamental issues underlying any Christian social witness in the context of American democratic institutions.

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  • Evaluating The Church Growth Movement


    “The church growth movement (CGM) has stirred debate ever since it was first introduced by Donald McGavran in the 1960s. By the 1980s it attracted enough attention to merit the publication of around 580 church growth books. Many churches experienced significant growth applying these principles. But during the 1990s critics questioned the movement and its theological underpinnings. Nevertheless, interest in the movement continues in the 21st century. It’s a movement that can’t be ignored. This Counterpoints Church Life book presents five viewpoints on the CGM from national church leaders from a diverse denominational, theological, and geographical representation. The five perspectives include: * Effective evangelism view: Church growth effectively confronts the culture (Elmer Towns) * Gospel in our culture view: Church growth does not effectively engage the culture (Craig Van Gelder) * Centrist view: Church growth has been culturally insightful but theologically superficial (Charles Van Engen) * Reformist view: Church growth has not developed a balanced intertwining of theological reflection, cultural analysis, historical perspective, and practical strategy (Gailyn Van Rheenan) * Renewal view: Church growth must come from the inside out being a community of faith focusing on kingdom issues (Howard Snyder) Not only do the five main contributors respond to each other’s positions, but another chapter gives the responses and views of three nationally known pastors for whom church growth is not an academic discipline but a matter of hands-on daily involvement. The book intends to make a valuable contribution to the church by bringing together conflicting views so all perspectives are heard and readers can make their own informed conclusions. The book’s introduction by Gary McIntosh shows why this is a movement that can’t be ignored. He gives a helpful brief overview of the history of this movement that celebrates its fiftieth anniversary in 2005. Each chapter includes discussion questions enabling readers to use this book in small group and classroom settings.”

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  • When Better Isnt Enough


    Many sociologists and a growing number of church scholars have noted that we live in a time of transition-from the modern era to the postmodern. Whenever a shift of this magnitude occurs, it leaves all of life, including the church, in flux. We instinctively strive to stabilize the situation by re-establishing what has worked in the past. Increasingly, however, congregations are finding that the same old things done harder or better don’t seem to make a difference.

    Author Jill Hudson argues, “We must identify new criteria for success, and perhaps even for faithfulness, and hold ourselves accountable to them.” Approaching the postmodern era as a tremendous opportunity, Hudson identifies 12 characteristics by which we can measure effective ministry for the early 21st century.

    Based on those 12 criteria, Hudson has created evaluation tools, “an early measuring stick” to help congregations evaluate their work in this new era. Not everything of the past is ineffective and best discarded, she says, nor will everything we try in the future be successful. But by faithfully listening for God’s guidance and carefully evaluating progress using Hudson’s tools, looking at the ministry of the whole people of God as well as that of the professional staff, congregations can improve their ministry, help members and staff grow in effectiveness, deepen a sense of partnership, and add new richness to the dialogue about the congregation’s future.

    Jill Hudson makes us face the hard reality that the world has changed, but the church hasn’t. This gap can create a problem when assessing the effectiveness of church leadership. Practical and easy to read and understand, this book will prove an effective new tool in assisting pastors to lead today.-Mike Regele

    Our kicking and screaming aside, the postmodern church beckons, and Jill Hudson provides guidance and information to equip us for this enormous ministry challenge.-The Rev. Christine Shiber

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  • Christ Baptism And The Lords Supper


    In this book Vander Zee not only opens up a Christ-centered approach to the sacraments but also provides guidance on the practical matters that face pastors and parishioners in the pursuit of a renewed and authentic Christian worship.

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  • Who Runs The Church


    “Many Protestants, individually and denominationally, are divided by differences regarding the form of church government. While these differences are not necessarily as divisive as theological and doctrinal issues, they are significant to churches and church leaders and affect the way Christians do God’s work. This book in the highly acclaimed Counterpoints series offers insights and contrasts into four kinds of church government: (1) episcopalianism (hierarchical, with priests, bishops, and archbishops), (2) presbyterianism (a representative form at multiple levels-church, classis/presbytery, synod/general assembly), (3) single-elder congregationalism (pastor-led local autonomy), and (4) plural-elder congregationalism (another form of local autonomy). Each form of government is explored through (1) description, (2) historical development, (3) hermeneutical assumptions, (4) biblical and theological foundations, (5) an understanding of the nature, number, and relationship of church officers, (6) the practical implications. The contributors are Peter Toon of the Anglican Church (episcopalianism), L. Roy Taylor of the Presbyterian Church in America (presbyterianism), Paige Patterson of the Southern Baptist Convention (single-elder congregationalism), and Samuel E. Waldron of the Reformed Baptist Church (plural-elder congregationalism).” EDITOR: Cowan, Steven B.

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  • Shaped By Gods Heart


    Preface: A Personal Letter To The Reader.

    Introduction: Sending The Church Into The World.

    PART ONE: The Church In A New And Changing World.

    1. From Maintenance To Missional: The Church In A World Of Change.

    2. Be Church And Be Changed: How Missional Churches Live Their Passion.

    PART TWO: The Nine Essential Practices Of Missional Churches.

    3. Missional Practice Number One: Have A High Threshold For Membership.

    4. Missional Practice Number Two: Be Real, Not Real Religious.

    5. Missional Practice Number Three: Teach To Obey Rather Than To Know.

    6. Missional Practice Number Four: Rewrite Worship Every Week.

    7. Missional Practice Number Five: Live Apostolically.

    8. Missional Practice Number Six: Expect To Change The World.

    9. Missional Practice Number Seven: Order Actions According To Purpose.

    10. Missional Practice Number Eight: Measure Growth By Capacity To Release, Not Retain.

    11. Missional Practice Number Nine: Place Kingdom Concerns First

    PART THREE: Structures And Strategies For Becoming Missional.

    12. They Run Rapids In Rubber Rafts: Church Structures That Can Survive The Rapids Of Cultural Change.

    13. Seeing Beyond The Horizon: The Nature And Task Of Missional Leadership.

    14. Moving To Missional: Becoming A New Kind Of Church.

    Appendix: Missional Church Cultural Assessment.


    About Leadership Network.

    The Author

    Additional Info
    Discover the tools to create a new kind of church and move from merely surviving to thriving. Drawing on an extensive two-year field study of 200 churches from a variety of denominations and geographic regions, Milfred Minatrea–a missiologist, urban strategist and practioner in minister–presents the best practices for re-energizing Christian spirituality in a congregational setting. He provides readers with the tools for assessing their congregation’s position on the continuum between maintenance and mission and for determining the actions that will move them toward becoming a missional community. He also outlines key strategies that successful churches have used to become relevant in a postmodern society without losing what is distinctly Christian in their spiritual practices.
    Milfred Minatrea (Irving, TX) is Director of the Missional Church Center for the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

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  • Growth By Accident Death By Planning


    A congregation that had been growing in numbers and spiritual vitality reaches a plateau, and then begins to decline. What has happened? Whitesel explains where churches go wrong planning for growth and how they can correct themselves by looking at three related phenomena: the factors that cause initial growth; the erroneous decisions that lead to getting stuck on the plateau; and corrective steps they can take to regain growth and vitality.

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  • Body Builders : Strengthening The Church Through Physical Emotional Mental


    How are you treating God’s temple? Gluttony and its resulting effect, obesity, are literally killing Americans.We live lives of excess, proud of the fact that we are “fat and happy.” However, when we’re struggling with gluttony, laziness and obesity, our confidence and energy are stripped, our ministry is hindered, and our lives are cut short.Things must change! In Body Builders, Leslie Nease takes you on a personal journey through her life, while weaving important, encouraging scriptures throughout the text. In this moving story you will learn how to boldly face such issues as: Gluttony and obesity Confidence Laziness Procrastination Balance Food as fuel, not friend or foe Friendships Correction Listening to God’s voice Living a life of excess Aerobics Training with weights Body Builders offers scriptural advice, honest support and creative ideas to help you claim back the body God intended for you to have. It’s time for some “Cross”Training! “…Body Builders gave me a charge! It’s amazing how Leslie pulled together physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fitness with a Biblical foundation.” – Bob Blashke, 27-year missionary to West Africa and author of Quest for Power “What a great book! Body Builders shows you how to be completely fit through the power of the CROSS.” – Linda Smith, creator of Fit Praise and Reebok Aerobic Silver Medalist

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  • Community Of The King (Revised)


    The Church is the Community of the King. What on earth is the kingdom of God? Howard Snyder probes the relationship between the kingdom of God and the church as we know it in our daily life. The church is a part of God’s dramatic plan to reconcile all things to himself, “things in heaven and things on earth.” The New Testament calls this reconciling work the kingdom of God. Snyder pleads for a model of the church which emphasizes the God-given gifts of all members as he sets forth his theology of the church and gives practical guidelines for those concerned about church life and growth.

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  • Christian Assembly : Marks Of The Church In A Pluralistic Age


    What is church? What makes the church one? While these questions may seem innocuous, church has become conflicted territory, with internal factions, external pressures, and ecumenical turmoil all calling for a more positive, sturdy, more resilient notion of Christian community.
    Wengert approaches the questions as a Reformation historian. He shows how the New Testament notion of ”marks” of the church was taken up by Martin Luther and developed by Phillip Melanchthon not as a descriptive tag but as a criterion for authenticity in Christian community. Lathrop, a liturgical theologian, shows concretely how those marks can stamp the worship life of a congregation as well as the evaluative work of congregations with their pastors, bishops, superintendents, and conference ministers.

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  • Season Of Ash And Fire


    In addition to prayers and liturgies for Ash Wednesday through Ascension Day, this book includes suggested themes and symbols for the Sundays of Lent, daily Scripture readings for Lent and the fifty Days of Easter, household prayers for Lent and Easter, and an order for Lenten study groups. A Selected Scripture Index is included. This book has been designed for ease of use in both thematic and lectionary-based worship services.

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  • Conflict And A Christian Life (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561012169ISBN10: 1561012165Sam PortaroBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Get Ready Get Set Grow (Revised)


    Estimates are that as many as three-quarters of mainline Christian congregations are located in small towns or rural areas — and many of these areas are diminishing in population. So is it inevitable that small town and rural churches will decline in membership and close in the next few decades?

    “Not necessarily!” says Gary Exman. During his years as the pastor of a small-town parish, his congregation reversed the trend and grew dramatically. By applying the principles of the “church growth” movement, Exman’s church revitalized a dying Sunday school, increased average worship attendance by 50 percent, and quadrupled church offerings.

    Get Ready… Get Set… GROW! is a practical handbook that shows how you can achieve results like that in your congregation as well. Exman identifies the unique problems facing small town and rural churches, and in this book he offers proven strategies for conquering the cancer of declining membership and building stronger congregations.

    There is untapped potential in the small towns and open country of our land — and Get Ready… Get Set… GROW! can help you discover it.

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  • Methodist And Radical


    Contributors from diverse backgrounds in the United States and around the globe reflect on radical and liberation traditions in Methodism in their own context. In conversation with contemporary Methodism and the Wesleyan heritage, each chapter focuses on the question how radical and liberation traditions provide new visions for the present and future of the church. Contributions include: Ted Jennings Jr., John J. Vincent, Joerg Rieger, Josiah Young Jr., Andrew Sung Park, Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Stephen Hatcher, Jose Miguez Bonino, Harold Recinos, Rebecca Chopp, Cedric Mayson, Jong Chun Park, and Jione Havea.

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  • Beyond The Ordinary


    1. Strength One : Growing Spiritually
    2. Strength Two : Meaningful Worship
    3. Strength Three : Participating In The Congregation
    4. Strength Four : Having A Sense Of Belonging
    5. Strength Five : Caring For Children And Youth
    6. Strength Six : Focusing On The Community
    7. Strength Seven : Sharing Faith
    8. Strength Eight : Welcoming New People
    9. Strength Nine : Empowering Leadership
    10. Strength 10 : Looking To The Future

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    Results from the U.S. Congregational Life Survey, the largest project of its type ever conducted in the United States, have prompted this second book from Westminster John Knox Press authors/ researchers Cynthis Woolever and Deborah Bruce. Their original work, A Field Guide to U.S. Congregations: Who’s Going Where and Why, explores the practices and activities of worshipers in more than 2,000 U.S. congregations, encompassing more than 300,000 worshipers across a representative sample of denominations and faith groups. This new book describes the qualities that are evident in strong congregations and develops congregational applications from those findings. Like the first book, it is helpfully illustrated with charts, graphs, and cartoons.

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  • Leaders That Last


    Pastors have networks and colleagues, but few real friends. The authors show how pastors can establish covenant groups that provide friendship, nurture, accountability and cooperation.

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  • Gods Armor Bearer 1-2 (Revised)


    Leaders in the Bible often chose loyal “armor bearers” to assist and protect them. Christian leaders today also need dedicated assistants to turn visions into reality. In this challenging 2-books-in-1 resource, Nance uses biblical examples of servant-hearted helpers to help you discover and develop the essential qualities of an integral team player!

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  • Your Church Can Thrive


    The author describes the four main groups of people churches can reach with their ministries: those in the pews, those who walk in, friends and family of current members, and those who live in the neighborhood. He then provides short-term steps and long-term strategies for teaching out to these groups, drawing them into the church, and helping them grow into disciples of Jesus Christ. This book helps readers focus the development of the ministries and programs of the church on those whom the church is trying to reach.

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  • Take The Next Step


    Transformational leaders know how to build on their church’s identity. They know how to make the story of change the next chapter in the book of the congregation’s life, rather than throwing the book away and trying to start over. An astute student of management and leadership theory, Weems offers congregational leaders essential insights into how they can bring about authentic and faithful growth. Includes congregational case studies, visual illustrations of key ideas, and insights from other leadership experts.

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  • Broken Cisterns


    Broken Cisterns is a forthright and honest look at the true state of affairs in the Church, with radical conclusions and urgent appeals for change. It is a prophetic insight into what is wrong and what can be done, coming out of the author’s lifetime of dealing with traditional Christianity. Taken from Jeremiah 2:13, the author contends that the Church has made the same mistake as ancient Israel in forsaking God, the “fountain of living waters,” and building “broken cisterns” to take His place. It is not too late to change, and the Bible tells us how.

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  • Transforming Power : Biblical Strategies For Making A Difference In Your Co


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832286ISBN10: 0830832289Robert LinthicumBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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