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Denominational Concerns

Showing 251–300 of 526 results

  • Week That Changed The World


    This devotional for Lenten and Easter meditations is a synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the eight days of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

    Uses the popular and contemporary TNIV translation
    Includes maps, notes, and user guide
    Preface by Robert Webber, noted evangelical scholar

    Beginning with Palm Sunday, the gospels record every day of Jesus’ life up to the time of his death and resurrection. These eight days are unparalleled in the canon of Scripture for their narrative power, their detail, and their focus. A unique synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the passion and resurrection of Christ is provided in this seamless and elegant narrative account of the Easter events, including every detail mentioned in all four Gospels, but without any unnecessary repetition or distracting references.

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  • Music And Vital Congregations


    A guide for clergy to develop a church music program
    Addresses key issues in the musical life of the parish
    Outlines how vital music leads to a vital parish
    Provides the rationale for using a variety of music in the parish

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  • Gospel In The Global Village


    In this second book by Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori, she explores issues and challenges of deep concern to the Episcopal Church, the wider Body of Christ, and the world at large. Arranged thematically, her essays reflect on the travel, issues, people, and passions that have driven the first three years of her episcopate. She places particular emphasis on the Millennium Development Goals, plus the turmoil within the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church in the United States.

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  • Anglican Psalter : The Psalms Of David


    “Previously titled “”The New St Paul’s Cathedral Psalter”” this new edition with its new name reflects its wider purpose of resourcing parish churches in their regular worship. Use of the “”Psalms”” in worship is growing since the introduction of the Common Worship lectionary and Psalter has placed renewed emphasis on them. Here, using Coverdale’s translation of the “”Psalms”” from the “”Book of Common Prayer””, the very best of Anglican chant is married to texts that have been used to sing the transcendent glory of God in temple, synagogue and church for three thousand years. At the same time, the “”Psalms”” are ruthlessly honest in their portrayal of conflicting human emotions. Many psalters have excised the verses that speak of vengeance, hatred and anger, yet as CS Lewis wrote, these are the same feelings we find in our own hearts so here they are retained, to be included or omitted as local preference or the occasion dictates. It includes work by renowned composers past and present including Elgar, Parry, Stanford, St

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  • Doctrine In Experience


    A fresh way to look at the ministry of The United Methodist Church.

    United Methodism is often accused of having an incoherent theological center. By examining the history and salient features of the church, this book says that United Methodist theology is actually appropriated from its experience as a missional corporate body. This allows United Methodist to do theology in new ways and to better adapt to its multivalent contexts.

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  • All Shall Be Well


    Approaches emotional and vocational wellness from a faith perspective, unlike majority of general-market wellness books.
    Uses established and well-recognized CREDO model as framework.
    CREDO has established partnerships with the Presbyterian Church and othe rmainline denominations.
    This relevatn, timely, and substantive book addresses the CREDO approach to wellness.

    Chapters explore the theology of wellness and identity, core values, creativity and passion, renewal, emotional health, spiritual practices, balance, transformation, and fitness.

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  • Days Of Grace


    Author is recognized for using Benedictine wisdom to cope with the challenges of chronic illness.

    Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, this book invites readers to reflect on living with illness. The heart of the book is a collection of thirty meditations, followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. The meditations voice the difficulties and the challenges of living with illness, and call the reader toward a deepening understanding, compassion and generosity. While the meditations intend to offer comfort, they are also written from the conviction that God invites us to grow even in these circumstances. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These thirty meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms.

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  • Teaching Godly Play (Revised)


    Established market
    With CPI’s recent acquisition of Godly Play Resources, this anchor edition complements a complete line of popular resources
    An original, creative and child-honoring approach to Christian education in the church

    This revised and expanded version of Godly Play founder Jerome Berryman’s 1995 handbook is for current and future users of Godly Play. With this revision, the book’s original formatting has been redesigned to complement the eight volumes in The Complete Guide to Godly Play series. Illustrations have also been updated, and the text now better reflects the playful spirit of Godly Play. Up-to-date research in childhood development and instruction has also been incorporated in this comprehensive update.

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  • Heaven In Ordinary


    George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of English spirituality’s most treasured voices and, with his contemporaries Lancelot Andrewes Izaak Walton and Nicholas Ferrar, he epitomises the best of the 17th century Anglican tradition – learned, holy and self-effacing. Before settling down as a country parish priest – a calling that was cut short by his early death aged 39 – he was a complex character who led a varied life in politics and academia. His inner tensions resulted in memorable writing and a rich spirituality. Here, Philip Sheldrake explores themes in Herbert’s work that stand out as most important: his deep biblical and liturgical roots, his Christ-centred spirituality, his emphasis on the importance of the everyday, his strong sense of place, his understanding of discipleship, his approach to prayer, and, his spirituality of service. Richly illustrated with excerpts from his poetry, prose and letters, this volume offers a comprehensive study guide to one of the most loved poetic voices.

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  • Conversations With Scripture The Gospel Of Mark (Student/Study Guide)


    Marcus Borg is one of the most well-known and respected authors in religious publishing
    The newest entry in the only Bible study series written from a uniquely Anglican perspective
    Designed for adult formation programs in parish group settings or for use by individuals
    Study and reflection questions included
    Beautifully designed interior with margin glosses, pull quotes, and boxes

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  • Political Grace : The Revolutionary Theology Of John Calvin


    In this exploration of Calvin’s political thought, Roland Boer treats Calvin as a biblical scholar and political philosopher, showing us elusive aspects of Calvin’s Institutes. Boer investigates Calvin’s careful thinking in the Institutes as well as in his biblical commentaries, pursuing Calvin’s understanding of political freedom. Calvin argued for a greater freedom for the faith than theologians had imagined but then stepped back from the most radical implications of this call. Boer also explores Calvin’s views on grace with the eye of a careful interpreter, and suggests what we might find in Calvin’s political thought if we took the Bible, grace, and freedom as seriously as Calvin did.

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  • Defenseless Christianity


    Entering a field of ongoing controversy, this book dares to offer a new model or vision-defenseless Christianity-for understanding Anabaptism, both present and past. The authors contend that an Anabaptism defined as defenseless Christianity should be seen as a nonviolent Christian movement with a world-reconciling theology even though some first-generation Anabaptists were not pacifists.

    Since a prime characteristic of Anabaptism is the call to shape Christian practices within the story and life of Jesus Christ, the authors describe Anabaptism in a way to speaks to every Christian, whether or not they belong to one of the historic peace churches. The authors believe that the defenseless Christianity of historic Anabaptism has much to offer contemporary peace churches as well as the Christian church as a whole.

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  • Story Of Holy Island


    Kate Tristam is a well-known island resident whose talks on the history of Lindisfarne hold visitors spellbound. A historian and a priest in the Church of England, she is ideally qualified to tell the remarkable story of this captivating place. From its misty beginnings as part of the mainland in the Stone Age right up to the present day, this popular history covers: its formation as an island, the Roman and Anglo-Saxon eras, the influence of Columba and Iona, Lindisfarne’s own apostle, Aidan, the making of the Lindisfarne Gospels, Cuthbert, Cedd, Chad and Aidan’s other followers, Hilda and the community at Whitby, Bede and the monastic tradition, the coming of the Vikings, the Benedictine years, the dissolution of the monasteries, and more.

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  • Our Watchword And Song


    This study of the growth of the Church of the Nazarene traces the denomination s doctrinal roots to the English Reformation and then explores the church’s historical, intellectual, and doctrinal development.

    Giving special attention to the church s distinctive belief in entire sanctification and emphasis on education, the authors colorfully retell the story of the church from its humble origins in Pilot Point, Texas, to its expansion into an international community reaching the world through a warm-hearted faith.

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  • Labour Of Obedience


    This important study of key Anglican Benedictine Communities in the first half of the 20th century provides a vital record of how the Anglican Communion dealt with an issue that was as divisive in its day as today’s disputes over sexuality and women bishops, and explores the origins of the influential Anglican Papalism movement. It was the heyday of Anglo-Catholicism in the Church of England. Religious life was flourishing for the first time since the Reformation. The first shock came when the Abbot of Caldey, a flamboyant character noted for luxurious tastes, and his monks went over to Rome. Nashdom – the great Benedictine community to which Gregory Dix belonged and, in many ways, the ultimate expression of Anglo-Catholicism – threatened to do likewise over the crisis of the Church of South India where the very idea of priestly ordination and identity was being challenged. Thanks to Archbishop William Temple the crisis was averted, the monks of Nashdom stayed and the scene was set for Anglican Papalism to enter the stag

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  • Deacons In The Liturgy (Revised)


    Revision of a highly regarded, stape resource on the diaconate by the leading authority in the Episcopal Church.

    Reflects new liturgical changes in the Episcopal Church

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  • Prayer Book Guide To Christian Education


    A Christian educator’s one-volume guide for how to teach week by week according to the ethos and tradition of the Episcopal Church ethos while still connected to experience and faith in daily life. This guide to education and formation is based on the Book of Common Prayer, the cornerstone of Anglican liturgy and theology. Keyed to the Revised Common Lectionary, all activities and lessons are structured on the seasons and lessons for Years A, B, and C. The Guide stresses the major themes of baptismal theology and shows how teachers, parents and children can live the liturgical cycle in its Christian formation ministries at church and at home.

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  • Romans Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    1. What Must I Do To Be Saved?
    Romans 3:9-31
    2. Saved By Grace . . . Isn’t That Too Good To Be True?
    Romans 5:1-11
    3. If What I Do Doesn’t Save Me, Does It Matter How I Live?
    Romans 6:1-23
    4. Where Is God When We Suffer?
    Romans 8:18-39
    5. How Can I Keep From Singing?
    Romans 10:1-21
    6. What Does God Want From Us?
    Romans 12:1-21

    Additional Info
    Lead your group into informed and enlightening conversation on the book of Romans. This Leader Session Guide contains all the content from the Romans Learner Session Guide, plus these unique elements, designed to help leaders prepare to engage participants in conversation:

    *Before You Begin: Helpful tips to use as you prepare to lead the session.
    *Session Overview: Detailed description of key themes and content covered in each of the four contexts (Historical, Literary, Lutheran, Devotional). Highlighted parts of the Session Overview provide a kind of “quick prep” for those wanting to do an initial scan of the key session themes and content.
    *Key Definitions: Key terms or concepts that appear in the Session Overview.
    *Facilitator’s Prayer: Helps the leader center on the session theme and leadership task
    *Bonus Activities: Optional activities included in each of the four sections of “Join the Conversation”. These can be used by the leader to expand the core session.
    *Tips: Helpful hints, instructions, or background content to help you lead.
    *Looking Ahead: Reminders about preparation for the next session.

    This is a 6-session study.

    For additional preparation assistance, try the Romans Session Prep DVD.

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  • John Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    1. What Is Jesus’ Relationship With God?
    John 1:1-18
    2. How Is It Possible For Us To Be In Relationship With God?
    John 3:1-21
    3. What Does It Mean That Jesus Is The “Bread Of Life”?
    John 6:25-59
    4. Who Can See Jesus?
    John 9:1-41
    5. What Does It Mean That Jesus Is The “Resurrection And The Life”?
    John 11:1-44
    6. What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple Of Jesus?
    John 13:1-35
    7. How Does Jesus Want His Disciples To Relate To The World?
    John 17:1-26
    8. How Does Jesus’ Relationship With His Disciples Continue?
    John 20:11-31

    Additional Info
    Lead your group into informed and enlightening conversation on the book of John. This Leader Session Guide contains all the content from the John Learner Session Guide, plus these unique elements, designed to help leaders prepare to engage participants in conversation:

    *Before You Begin: Helpful tips to use as you prepare to lead the session.
    *Session Overview: Detailed description of key themes and content covered in each of the four contexts (Historical, Literary, Lutheran, Devotional). Highlighted parts of the Session Overview provide a kind of “quick prep” for those wanting to do an initial scan of the key session themes and content.
    *Key Definitions: Key terms or concepts that appear in the Session Overview.
    *Facilitator’s Prayer: Helps the leader center on the session theme and leadership task
    *Bonus Activities: Optional activities included in each of the four sections of “Join the Conversation”. These can be used by the leader to expand the core session.
    *Tips: Helpful hints, instructions, or background content to help you lead.
    *Looking Ahead: Reminders about preparation for the next session.

    This is an 8-session study.

    For additional preparation assistance, try the John Session Prep DVD.

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  • Romans Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    1. What Must I Do To Be Saved?
    Romans 3:9-31
    2. Saved By Grace . . . Isn’t That Too Good To Be True?
    Romans 5:1-11
    3. If What I Do Doesn’t Save Me, Does It Matter How I Live?
    Romans 6:1-23
    4. Where Is God When We Suffer?
    Romans 8:18-39
    5. How Can I Keep From Singing?
    Romans 10:1-21
    6. What Does God Want From Us?
    Romans 12:1-21

    Additional Info
    Open Scripture and join the conversation around the book of Romans with this Learner Session Guide. Each session opens with a gathering prayer and focus activity. From there, participants open Scripture and explore a key passage from the book of Romans. Using the text, participants then join the conversation around that passage, focusing on literary, historical, Lutheran-theological, and devotional readings. Each session ends with prayer and opportunities for extending the conversation, which include optional “homework” assignments and enrichment activities that allow participants to continue their study and conversation between sessions.

    This study is 6 sessions in length.

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  • Jesus The Bible And Homosexuality (Expanded)


    In this revised and expanded best seller, evangelical theologian and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Jack Rogers makes a biblical case for equal rights for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Throughout history, he observes, Christianity has moved towards ever greater openness and inclusiveness. Today’s church is led by many of those who were once excluded: people of color, women, and divorced and remarried people. He argues that when we interpret the Bible through the lens of Jesus’ redemptive life and ministry, we see that the church is called to grant equal rights to all people. Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality describes Rogers’ own change of mind and heart on the issue, charts the church’s history of using biblical passages to oppress marginalized groups, argues for a Christ-centered reading of Scripture, debunks stereotypes about people who are LGBT, refutes the conventional wisdom about the texts that are often used against people who are LGBT, and presents ideas for how the church can heal itself and move forward again. A fascinating combination of personal narrative, theology, and church history, this book is essential reading for all concerned with the future of the church and the health of the nation.

    The revised and expanded edition also includes:
    * A new preface with ‘stories from the road’ as a result of Rogers’s two year book tour in support of the first edition,
    * Updates on recent developments within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
    * A new chapter that examines God’s radical welcome for all who have faith as revealed in Scripture,
    * A new appendix that maps the recent progress toward LGBT equality in major U.S. denominations, and
    * A study guide for group or personal reflection.

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  • Faithful Disagreement : Wrestling With Scripture In The Midst Of Church Con (Stu


    Conflict is all too common in the church today. But as Frances Taylor Gench reminds us in this book, conflict over scriptural interpretation has been with the church since its earliest days. Gench reflects on those early experiences of conflict, presenting substantive studies of biblical texts showing that discord (e.g., Rom. 1415; Matt. 14; Jer. 28; 1 Cor. 1214; John 1317) and drawing lessons from each about how it informs current conflicts in the church. In the process, she provides a constructive resource to help Christians wrestle with Scripture when they disagree.

    This innovative book can be used by individuals and in groups. Numerous helpful study questions conclude each chapter.

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  • Feasting On The Word Year B 4


    Season after Pentecost 2 (Propers 17-Reign of Christ) With this popular new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive resources for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints Day.

    For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. They might focus on the Gospel text, for instance, by reading all four essays provided for that text, or they might explore connections between the Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle texts by reading the theological essays for each one. Each lectionary year will consist of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time.

    In Ordinary Time, the Old Testament lections in Feasting on the Word are from the complementary stream for Year A, split between the complementary and semicontinuous streams for Year B, and from the semicontinuous stream for Year C. Essays on the alternate lections will be available on the Feasting on the Word web site beginning for Year C in May 2010.

    For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. They might focus on the Gospel text, for instance, by reading all four essays provided for that text, or they might explore connections between the Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle texts by reading the theological essays for each one. Each lectionary year will consist of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time.

    In Ordinary Time, the Old Testament lections in Feasting on the Word are from the complementary stream for Year A, split between the complementary and semicontinuous streams for Year B, and from the semicontinuous stream for Year C.

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  • Ripe Fields : Promise And Challange Of Latino Ministry


    Timed to be launched at 2009 General Convention, Juan Oliver definitive look at the history and potential future of Latino ministry in the Episcopal Church comes at an opportune time. With Latino ministries growing around the country in all traditions, and with increasing resource and programmatic offerings being allocated to serve those communities, this highly descriptive handbook profiles the culture, faith, and importance of this emerging minority.

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  • Transforming Stewardship


    At once a “travel guide” and a vision for the future, this series is good news for the Episcopal Church at a time of fast and furious demographic and social change. It analyzes the present plight of the church and sketches a positive way forward, sprouting from the seeds of change-those transformative practices already at work renewing the church. What church models can help point us toward transformation? What are the essential tools? What will give us strength, direction, and purpose to the journey?

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  • Papal Infallibility : A Protestant Evaluation Of An Ecumenical Issue


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802862846ISBN10: 0802862845Mark PowellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2009Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • In The Footsteps Of Phoebe


    This book presents a rich and insightful look at the deaconess vocation and its blessing to the LCMS. Utilizing primary sources to document the inspiring story of the deaconess movement within the LCMS, it fills a significant gap in the annals of synodical history. Collected in this one volume is a record of events as well as the thoughts and actions of deaconesses during every era of the Synod’s history.

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  • Together And Apart


    In an easy, conversational style, the author, a nun for over 40 years, gives readers the facts and fictions of the monastic life: how the choice is made; what lies behind the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; the nuts and bolts of monastic calling; what monks and nuns do all day; how they support themselves; and why they live as they do. Brushing away the stereotypes of sainthood, she provides an enlightening glimpse into a vibrant female subculture that is richly diverse, faith-filled, and often supremely rewarding.

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  • Methodisms Founder John Wesley Believed In Angels


    Do we have good angels assigned to us as well as evil angels? Author Don R. Harper shares true stories about angels and how they influence our lives from the cradle to the grave. Enjoy quotations from Methodism’s founder John Wesley including why and how you must be born again.

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  • Jonathan Edwards For Armchair Theologians


    This witty and illuminating volume introduces the life and writings of the great American theologian and preacher Johathan Edwards (1703-1758). The most studied figure in American religious history and an iconic figure of the American colonial period, Edwards is well known and highly regarded as a stalwart defender of Calvinist theology and his Puritan heritage. As James P. Byrd deftly reveals, however, Edwards was also a brilliant thinker and passionate pastor who wrestled continuously with the most important issue of his time, the relationship between faith and reason. Exploring his life, most important writings, and enduring legacies, Jonathan Edwards for Armchair Theologians provides an engaging overview of a man far more complex and multifaceted than most understand.

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  • Spiritual Direction : A Practical Introduction


    Spiritual direction has been an intrinsic part of the Christian tradition since the earliest days of the church when desert mothers and fathers were sought out for their wisdom and guidance. Today, the popularity of retreats and renewed interest in monastic spirituality has put spiritual direction in the spotlight. It is shedding its rather exotic, mystical associations and is increasingly regarded as a core component of Christian ministry. This guide aims to equip clergy and laity engaged in this task, or in training for it. It includes, Part One: What is spiritual direction? This is an exploration of biblical, historical and contemporary models of spiritual direction. What makes a good spiritual director? Part Two covers listening and responding to God, prayer, paying attention, discernment, interpreting religious experience, recognising God in the every day, journalling, and holy leisure. Part Three covers listening and responding to others, listening to stories and experience, looking for signs of grace, pain

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Happiness And Holiness


    The 17th century writer Thomas Traherne is increasingly being recognised and studied as a theologian as well as a poet. The discovery, in 1997, announced by the author of this volume, of five new prose works and a poetic work has given huge impetus to the study of Traherne in literature and theology. Two editions of Complete Works are in preparation (OUP and Boydell & Brewer) and a major autobiography is due in 2006.

    This affordable, concise introduction to Traherne’s life and work concerns Traherne primarily as a theologian and places him in an historical and intellectual context he has thus far lacked. It demonstrates his distinctive contribution to Anglican theology.

    Consisting of a 10,000 word introductory essay and biography it is followed by extracts from Traherne’s work under the following headings: Creatures and Powers, Holiness and Happiness, Sin and Salvation, Christian Liberty, Advice on Ministry, Prayers.
    This affordable, concise introduction to Traherne’s life and work concerns Traherne primarily as a theologian and places him in an historical and intellectual context he has thus far lacked. It demonstrates his distinctive contribution to Anglican theology.

    Consisting of a 10,000 word introductory essay and biography it is followed by extracts from Traherne’s work under the following headings: Creatures and Powers, Holiness and Happiness, Sin and Salvation, Christian Liberty, Advice on Ministry, Prayers.

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  • Transforming Disciples


    Making disciples through Christian formation too often looks like a limited number of educational programs offered to child, teen, and adult “consumers” who move on if they don’t find what they want. How can we make the transition from consumer religion to participatory faith by building congregational relationships that nourish people spiritually and empower them to risk living, worshipping, learning, and serving God and each other in new and enlivening ways?

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  • Better Get It In Your Soul


    This book offers hope to parishes searching for a way to make their liturgies more meaningful in the local context. Written by a priest and a musician who have worked together for many years in the Canterbury House ministry at the University of Michigan, this book describes methods that demonstrate a respect for others’ gifts and skills, discernment of spiritual needs, and welcoming the creative force of the Holy Spirit into the planning process. Though thoroughly based in the Book of Common Prayer liturgy, the experience and ideas presented here are described in ways that will be useful to all liturgical denominations.

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  • From Holidays To Holy Days


    Rather than criticizing trappings of the holiday season, this book looks at them from the viewpoint of Christian contemplation, once aptly described as “a long, loving look at the real.” The author, a Benedictine monk who lives in the center of downtown Newark, New Jersey, invites the reader to join him on his daily walks as he points out dozens of often-unnoticed connections between our holidays and the spiritual meaning of Advent and Christmas. In a string of colored lights, a crowd of shoppers, or the window of a toy store, he uncovers such traditional Advent themes as watchful waiting, repentance, and selfless love. On the bustling sidewalks, he introduces us to Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Jesus himself, all speaking their ancient Advent and Christmas messages of peace and hope and good will.

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  • Light To The Darkness


    Light to the Darkness is a fresh interpretation of the well-loved Advent traditionof Lessons and Carols. Replacing the usual scriptural readings from the Old and New Testaments are first-person dramatic monologues based on these and other passages of scripture. Special emphasis is given to the role of the prophets, pointing the way to the Messiah and offering guidance to the Hebrew people, while providing very contemporary guidance for the 21st-century.
    With a reading for each day of Advent, churches can choose pieces for their services of Lessons and Carols, while individuals can use the book for private devotions. Suggested music for these services is also included, encompassing a broad range of selections to accommodate parishes? needs and abilities.

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  • Liturgy For The Whole Church


    This fresh collection of group readings and simple dramas based on stories from scripture, together with meditations, story-telling methodology, and an instructed Eucharist, helps church leaders design liturgy for children and adults who worship together. Includes seasonal introductions, congregational readings, meditations, simple dramas, stories, simple sermons, and tableaux vivants.

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  • History Of Black Congregational Christian Churches Of The South


    The history of the UCC Black Congregational Christian Churches in the South covers a short span of 110 years, from 1865 to 1975.

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  • Complete Guide To Godly Play 7


    Enrichment Sessions-19 new lessons with focus on the saints, created
    to integrate with the lessons in
    Volume 3. Including All Saint’s day, St. Nicholas, St. Francis and many more!

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  • Heritage In Crisis




    1. The Identity Crisis Facing Churches Of Christ

    2. The Generation Gap In The Church Of Christ

    3. Where We Are In The Discussion Or “Desecularizing The Church Of Christ In The 21st Century”

    4. The Holy Spirit And Christian Union

    5. Baptism And Our View Of Other Denominations

    6. Hermeneutics

    7. Instrumental Music

    8. Purpose And Style In Worship

    9. Women’s Roles

    10. The Qualification And Selection Of Elders

    11. Missionary Societies And Denominational Structures

    12. Theological Trends From 1960 To The Present




    Additional Info
    The Churches in Christ are in growing disagreement about the direction that the Restoration Movement should take. A Heritage in Crisis introduces the background of this “identity crisis,” evaluates nine specific issues that threaten to divide the Churches of Christ today–such as worship styles and women’s roles–and suggests changes Churches in Christ can make in order to facilitate the change back to God’s original intent for the church. More than simply an academic examination of doctrinal issues, A Heritage in Crisis seeks to identify a path by which the Churches of Christ might move into a future illuminated by the light of God’s Word.

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  • Feasting On The Word Year B 1


    This new lectionary commentary series offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes will cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints Day.

    For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text, with freedom to begin where they choose. They may decide to focus on the Gospel text, for instance, by reading all four essays provided for that text. Or they may decide to look for connections between the Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle texts by reading the theological essays on each one.

    Each lectionary year will consist of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time.

    While the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that non-lectionary preachers may make use of its contents.

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  • Work Of Jesus Christ In Anabaptist Perspective


    How have Anabaptists traditionally understood the work of Christ? How should Mennonites and other Christians think today about the saving work of God in Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection? In this book, 20 leading theologians, biblical scholars, pastors, and others offer their reflections.

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  • Methodism In Recovery


    Broken bodies mend. Depressed minds heal. Storm-tossed cities rebuild. Troubled institutions recover. Churches experience renewal. So why not the Methodist Church? This book confronts the facts and invokes the Spirit. It will explore the multiple meaning of recovery and the denomination’s prospect for recovering. It will take seriously the possibility that recovery of Methodism may not require–or include–the survival of The United Methodist Church as a denomination. That is part of the mystery of recovery. By confronting provocative questions relating to funding missions, declining membership, itinerancy, guaranteed appointments, ordination requirements and authorization, the author helps Methodism take those crucial first steps on the road to recovery.

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  • Through Julians Window


    Like her 14th century predecessor Julian of Norwich, Sr Elizabeth lives as a solitary attached to a religious community. Like Julian, she is available to all who come for help, advice or direction. In Julian’s cell were three windows – one looking into the sanctuary of the church, one opening on to a secluded garden where she could attend to her own physical needs and a third where she conversed with all who came for help. Sr Elizabeth relates the three different aspects of these windows to the three things that Julian desired of God – contrition, compassion and longing for God. So deeply did she desire these qualities that she asked God to ‘wound’ her with them, but they became gifts of healing for herself and for others. Through contrition she learned her limitations and her need of others, compassion enabled her to become an effective spiritual guide and in longing for God she found purpose and meaning for her whole life.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer Economy Edition


    This popular prayer book style now includes both the new Revised Common Lectionary and the classic 1979 Lectionary.

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  • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer Economy Edition


    This popular prayer book style now includes both the new Revised Common Lectionary and the classic 1979 Lectionary.

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  • Substance Of The Faith


    This useful and insightful volume aims to illustrate, espouse, and renew the discipline of doctrinal theology, particularly as exemplified historically by Martin Luther and his theological reflection on the Trinity.

    The authors, steeped both in Luther’s works and in the doctrinal tradition, show how dogmatics in the Lutheran tradition entails a delicate juxtaposition of credal commitment, scriptural interpretation, and doctrinal elaboration. Their respective chapters retrieve surprising historical insights about Luther’s own practice of doctrinal theology, the interaction of the credal and doctrinal dimensions with a nuanced hermeneutic of scripture, and the future shape of a doctrinal theology genuinely responsive to the gospel and the present age.

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  • Doctrinal Standards In The Wesleyan Tradition (Revised)


    The history of Wesleyan family of churches doctrines

    What are our core beliefs? Doctrinal Standards in the Wesleyan Tradition, Revised Edition, narrates the history of the formation of Wesleyan doctrines, describing how they were transplanted from the British Isles to North American, how they became constitutionally protected in Wesleyan-rooted churches.

    The first edition of this book affected the outcome of the 1988 General Conference of The United Methodist Church as the delegates decided many then-disputed doctrinal issues. This revised edition addresses the continuing hunger for more precise and useful information on the doctrinal traditions of mainline Protestantism. Hence the arguments have been updated with more than 400 changes.

    Included are doctrinal statements for the Evangelical United Bethren, Free Methodist, Methodist Protestant, Wesleyan, Nazarene, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Methodist Episcopal, and African Methodist Episcopal Churches; as well as an outline syllabus of a Course on the Articles of Religion.

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