


Showing 1851–1900 of 2094 results

  • Visionaries : See Believe And Live The Life God Has Ordained For You To Liv


    Vision is getting a glimpse of your future, which will then enable you to aim toward reaching it. Today’s youth are faced with many decisions that can lead them in different directions. Without vision, it is easy to get lost. Living without vision is like driving around in a car not knowing where you are going, spinning your wheels in the same place, and never getting to the place God has called you to. The author challenges you to become a visionary-to grasp a vision of the purpose that God has given you. Once you become a visionary, you will be able to impact your community, church, home, and school. So get ready to see, believe, and live the life God has ordained for you.

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  • Living On The Ragged Edge


    Here is an intimate glimpse into Solomon’s ancient journal, Ecclesiastes, in which the young king’s desperate quest for satisfaction–in work, in sexual conquest, in all the trappings afforded by his fabulous wealth–was as futile as trying to “catch the wind.” For those struggling with the anxieties and frustrations of our modern era, the good news is that you can find perspective and joy amid the struggle.

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  • Spirit Directed Self


    This book teaches us how to harness the motivational power of God’s wave-effect, based on Genesis 1:2. It is an effective tool for daily spiritual enrichment and small group discussions.

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  • Speeding Beyond The Limit


    What does the Bible really teach about how Christian believers are to behave on the earth? SPEEDING BEYOND THE LIMIT? by John L. Langston III John Langston III searches the Scriptures to find an answer to the question, “How should we behave before a holy God?” This study reveals many convicting and sobering glimpses of righteous behavior that brings glory to a righteous God. Included in the author’s expository look at righteous behavior are some rarely recognized, perhaps never thought about aspects of what really pleases God. Were it not for the Bible, we would have no idea what behavior is really acceptable or right in the sight of God. The knowledge of how to respond to God in a worshipful and pleasing way should be the desire of every believer. The question is, are we guilty of speeding beyond the boundaries of what God has chosen to please Him concerning the believer’s earthly behavior? God forbid that anyone who claims to be redeemed by salvation in Christ would not listen to God’s instructions in the Bible, which is meant to guide our daily conduct.

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  • New Believers : A Personal Guide For Spiritual Growth And Maturity In Jesus (Stu


    New Believers, a two-volume set, is a conservative, practical workbook and daily Bible study guide written specifically for pastors to help new Christians. It presents and teaches basic theological principles that will instruct and guide new believers in their daily walk. Now that you’re a new Christian, what do you need to know, and how do you begin to build a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? New Believers can also be used as a devotional study or as a discipleship lesson and teaching guide to sharpen yourself, your congregation, and your family or accountability partner. With New Believers and prayer, you will discover your spiritual gifts, allowing you to be more fruitful in the kingdom of God.

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  • When Now Becomes Too Late


    When Now Becomes Too Late focuses on the very moment of imminent Rapture. That ‘twinkling of an eye’ which shall instantaneously transport Christians from temporal to eternal life. Aimed to encourage believers of the event, the work also intends to goad skeptics in and out of the Body of Messiah to renew a fresh consideration of God’s impending Triumph while ‘now’ is yet here.

    Intertwining realities personalize the perspective of the miracle that shall touch every life on planet earth spontaneously. Life’s simplest moments glow with eternal presence as earth’s final stage unfolds as the backdrop.

    What then the response of those who witness this event? They shall have embarked on the world’s final days. Once more to consider, has now become too late?

    The time it takes to read this passage is easily more than a million moments longer than that sparkling dot of time described herein. Then life for all of remaining humanity will gain the final edge.

    On God’s prophetic calendar this is the next major prophecy to be.

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  • Will Thou Be Made Whole


    The majority of the human race is in bondage of some sort: financial difficulties, weight struggles, addictions, marriage problems, and the list goes on. People are desperate for answers. This book teaches you key biblical principles of walking in freedom in every area of your life. Jesus Christ did not just die for our sins; He paid the ultimate price for us to walk in freedom in Him and to be free to live a life of success and happiness. If He loved us enough to die for us, then why would He not also want us to be happy and enjoy life? We are His precious children, and He wants each of us to live a full life and enjoy it in the process.We start by learning what the Word of God tells us and what the promises are for His children and how to apply them.

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  • Beginning Again


    Practical help and refreshment for those on the journey of discipleship. This is one of the most valuable books you’ve come across for a long time

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  • Lose It For Life Workbook (Workbook)


    This companion workbook to Lose It for Life will help participants to better apply the program to their specific situation. It is also ideal for group study, as it will help facilitate meetings for those who want to encourage each other in their journey toward better physical and spiritual health.

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  • Credo


    William Sloane Coffin has long fought for social justice and argued that faith must be at the heart of political and intellectual life. Now Coffin gives this record of his remarkable public life, offering his inspiring words on issues ranging from charity and justice, politics, economic issues, the environment, nuclear disarmament, and mortality to the meaning of faith, the church, and a pastor’s responsibility. These brief quotations and excerpts demonstrate the wit, fire, and passion he brought to the task of preaching and the moral commitment he has made to change the world.

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  • Gods Cleansing Stream (Reprinted)


    God’s Cleansing Stream reveals why every church needs a deliverance ministry and teaches pastors and counselors how they can put one to practical use. Deliverance was originally part of every church, but the rise of self-help programs and the idea of an individual’s ability to change without God’s help edged the church away from God’s Word and power. Instead, deliverance came to be thought of as mere superstition. Now Chris Hayward provides tools for churches to reestablish this effective, proven ministry so that it can liberate captive souls and advance God’s plans in the lives of individuals everywhere.

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  • Surrendering To God


    Do you ever feel that prayer has become rote repetition, or that the simple prayers of childhood have lost their meaning?

    In this life-changing little book, Rev. Keith Beasley-Topliffe shares his experience of praying the Covenant Prayer-a classic prayer that calls us to surrender completely to God. Line by line, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe uses the wisdom of the prayer of surrender as a guide for those who want to learn to trust God more. With honesty and gentle humor, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe shows us how simple prayers not only express our heart’s desires to God, but also open the doorway to deeper prayer and transformation.

    “Abandonment to God is at the heart of Christian formation. Prayer is the means by which we surrender to God. Keith combines these two elements in a way that enables us to grow in grace through the regular use of this classic prayer.”
    Dr. Steve Harper, Vice President
    Asbury Theological Seminary

    The Covenant Prayer
    I am no longer my own, but thine.
    Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt;
    put me to doing, put me to suffering;
    let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
    exalted for thee or brought low for thee;
    let me be full, let me be empty;
    let me have all things, let me have nothing;
    I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
    And now, O glorious and blessed God,
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    thou art mine, and I am thine.
    So be it.
    And the covenant which I have made on earth,
    let it be ratified in heaven.

    Keith Beasley-Topliffe is the editor of The Upper Room Spiritual Classics and a major contributor to The Spiritual Formation Bible. He is the pastor of Fifth Street United Methodist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Keith and his wife, Carola, who is also a United Methodist pastor, reside in Marysville, Pennsylvania.

    “Surrendering to God is a rich spiritual resource. . . . These strikingly honest meditations offer both fresh challenge and encouragement in helping us examine our daily actions and attitudes toward work and possessions and how we deepen our trust in God’s guidance for all of life.”
    Janice T. Grana
    Former Publisher, The Upper Room

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  • How To Hear From God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world, sometimes it’s hard enough to hear yourself think, much less take a minute to stop and listen for the voice of God. But learning to recognize God’s voice and the many ways in which He speaks is vital toward following His plan. In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer revealed the ways in which God delivers His word, and the benefits of asking Him for the sensitivity to hear His voice. In this companion study guide, she takes you a step further, leading you through an interactive process toward a greater understanding of how God is working in your life. With thoughtful question-and-answer sections and further Scripture reading, as well as a recap on each of the book’s chapters, Joyce Meyer has created an intimate and meaningful experience on the path to hearing God’s Word for you personally.

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  • Living Your Strengths


    American churches are experiencing a power shortage, declare the authors of “Living Yours Strengths.” “People aren’t harnessing the power of their innate gifts.”

    Does this message sound familiar? Have you felt disconnected from your church lately? Are you not attending as much? Or maybe you’re a passionate member who wants to become even more involved, and would also like to inspire others.

    Whatever the case, more than half of churchgoers report that they don’t get to do what they do best in their congregations. And this is driving people away. But it doesn’t have to be this way. “Living Your Strengths” shows all members how to use their innate gifts to enrich their congregations – right now. It teaches you to identify and affirm your talents, and how to use them for growth and service.

    Personal stories and actionable advice for the spiritually committed, all rooted in a decades of research.

    Even in a country as religious as the U.S., many people feel disengaged from their faith communities. More than half report that they really don’t get the opportunity in their congregation to do what they do best. People just feel disconnected.

    Maybe it’s because those faith communities make unwitting missteps: Pastors ask shy people to be Greeters, or recruit innately disorganized people to coordinate church events.

    The problem is simply this: Too many people’s talents are going unappreciated. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Living Your Strengths shows readers how to use their innate gifts to enrich their faith communities. The book — written by onetime pastors Albert Winseman and Curt Liesveld, and Donald O. Clifton, co-author of the national bestseller Now, Discover Your Strengths — shows people how to identify and affirm their talents, and how to use them for growth and service. Most importantly, Living Your Strengths helps people discover their true calling.

    The book includes an ID code that gives readers access to StrengthsFinder.com, a personality assessment that reveals user’s top 5 talent themes. Spiritual enrichment begins with turning talents into strengths. Living Your Strengths is an indispensable guide to help readers to just that.

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  • God Came Near


    Christians want so desperately to see Jesus. To squint through their pain, sorrow, fear, and dizzying distractions, and really, truly focus on Him. Now they can, with the help of this much-loved pastor and writer! Lucado touches listeners right where they are today. And he gently leads them to the place where they can glimpse the risen Lord in all His glory and feel His very presence in their lives. This warm, insightful audio offers an irresistible opportunity for seekers and Christians alike to begin anew their journey. . . to the God who came near just so they could know Him.

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  • Sacred Companions : The Gift Of Spirtiual Freindship And Direction


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832705ISBN10: 083083270XDavid BennerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2004Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Calvinism In The Las Vegas Airport


    A friendly, conversational look at how Calvinism can work in the 21st century Richard Mouw opens this conversational look at Calvinism by retelling a scene from the movie Hardcore. While a pious Calvinist elder played by George C. Scott is trying to track down his daughter who has run away from home, he talks to a young unchurched woman in the Las Vegas airport, unsuccessfully explaining the theology of his Dutch Christian Reformed denomination. This incongruous conversation illustrates the stereotype that Calvinism doesn’t work or fit in today’s world. Rather than being an academic and systematic exposition of doctrine, this book wrestles with some of the distorted views people hold of Calvinists, clears up some common misconceptions, and shows how to live gently and respectfully with Christians who disagree, as well as with people who have no clue what TULIP means. The author revisits the Las Vegas airport and discusses how that conversation might have played out differently.

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  • Listening To Love


    One of our greatest desires is to know we are loved by our Creator. Yet the depth of our apprehension is often equally strong: If I listen, we wonder, what will God say? If I open myself up to blessings, what will God require in return? As we trace this line of thinking, the God of all goodness becomes, in our minds, the God of our worst fears. Embrace a love that’s worth the risk. God is far greater than our most expectant dreams. While he does often ask everything of us, he actually wants everything for us. He doesn’t want blind loyalty or bored religious compliance; he longs for nothing less than our entire passionate self – something most us of have yet to glimpse. God’s desire is that people lean in, listen, and wrestle with him so that they can respond to him without fear. Can this God be trusted? Will the journey be easy? Not a chance. But once you learn to listen to love, you’ll find that there’s only one way you can adore this unmanageable, wild, and unruly God: with your whole heart.

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  • Letters To A Diminished Church


    “The devil should stand alert, for Sayers is one of his foremost adversaries,”—Living Church. An outspoken defender of Christian orthodoxy, Sayers elucidates creedal Christianity with brilliance and wit. Pieces include “The Dogma is the Drama,” “What Do We Believe?” and “Strong Meat.”

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  • Will Of God As A Way Of Life (Revised)


    We’ve all heard that God has a plan for our lives, but what does that mean in practical terms_when we’re faced with important life decisions, like who to marry, what job to take, where to send our children to school, or what church to join? Sometimes, God’s perfect will seems difficult to find, confusing to follow, easy to miss. We may even wonder if we’ve made past choices that have thrown God’s plan for our lives off track. Sittser’s book explores important questions like: How free are we if God has a perfect plan for our lives? Does suffering and trouble mean we are off track? How exactly does God speak? Discussing these and other questions, Jerry Sittser offers a biblically based approach that readers will find truly liberating. No matter what decisions you’ve already made, he points out that it is still possible to live out God’s perfect will for your life_even if you think you’ve married the wrong person, chosen the wrong career, or landed yourself in some kind of serious trouble. This new edition includes study questions designed for individual and group use that will be helpful to anyone faced with decisions large and small.

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  • 10 Curses That Block The Blessing


    Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and violence. He shows how he broke these curses and reveals how you can recognize the signs of a curse, be set free from generational curses, and restore your health and wealth. You don’t have to struggle any longer. Choose to revolutionize your life. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings!

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  • Spiritual Gifts : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    In this study, R. Paul Stevens leads you to explore what spiritual gifts are, what their role is in the church and how to discover which gifts God has given you. You’ll dig into key passages on spiritual gifs and look at specific examples of how they were manifested in the early church.

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  • Windows Into Eternity 1


    Welcome to Windows into Eternity, Volume 1 of The Promise and the Plan, a four-volume series covering the promises and plans of God for us today. Major truths from the Old and New Testaments come alive in each book chapter. Discover how these lessons can impact your life in such heartfelt and powerful ways today. Windows into Eternity gives us glimpses into the windows of God from the beginning of all things: Jesus the Word, Our Creator; Marriage in the Garden; the Fall of Man; the Mercy of God; Stern Warnings and Judgment; Promises Made and Kept; Our High Priest, The Lamb of God; and the Great Escape. Watch for these coming titles by Sue Rhineheimer: Shadows of Reality: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 2 Visions of the Kingdom: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 3 The Glory of the King: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 4

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  • Word Of God Will Work For You Above All Things


    The Word of God Will Work for You Above All Things because God’s Word has creative power. This power will comfort believers, regardless of their tests and trials in this world. God’s Word will also present believers with options. It will help them discover alternative solutions to their problems. The primary focus of this book is using the Word of God daily. Focus is also given to consistent prayer by using the Word of God above all things. Prayer and the Word mixed with faith will get results. God’s Word mixed with prayer will strengthen believers internally and enhance their relationship with God. Also, The Word of God Will Work for You Above All Things teaches that practical application must become a way of life for believers to accomplish their godly ideals.

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  • Breaking Free From The Pack


    Excellence is defined as the state of going beyond what is average, normal, or expected. It draws from a Greek word, which means to “throw beyond,” as with a javelin or shot put. We serve an excellent God, and He calls for all who follow Him to show forth that same Spirit of Excellence. This book shows, in a practical way, how to attain the walk of excellence. It stresses four principles that require us to seek God-Vision (both personal and ministry), Calling, Perseverance, and Love-as well as how and why to walk in four disciplines-Fasting, Prayer, Meditation, and Solitude with God. The walk of excellence is not required for us to be saved, but if we want our lives to count for something, then it is vital that we enter the realm of the excellent.

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  • Young People Listen


    Guess what? Why don’t we all “DO IT RIGHT”? You can do it HIS WAY-JESUS’WAY! And in this way, you will be blessed in your life! This book is for my dear teenager friends and young adults. I wrote it to help you to accept the reality of a loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die and pay for your sins, so then you can discover how much God loves you as an individual. In this way, you will learn to love yourself regardless of the negative things that you have thought or that others have told you about yourself. And as you love God back and live a life according to His will, you will be blessed.

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  • Young People Listen


    Guess what? Why don’t we all “DO IT RIGHT”? You can do it HIS WAY-JESUS’WAY! And in this way, you will be blessed in your life! This book is for my dear teenager friends and young adults. I wrote it to help you to accept the reality of a loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die and pay for your sins, so then you can discover how much God loves you as an individual. In this way, you will learn to love yourself regardless of the negative things that you have thought or that others have told you about yourself. And as you love God back and live a life according to His will, you will be blessed.

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  • Only Jesus Of Nazareth Can Be Isreals King Messiah


    Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Be Israel’s King Messiah, the third in the King Messiah Series, proves beyond doubt according to biblical prophecy that only Jesus of Nazareth can be Israel’s King Messiah. Using his skills as a retired federal investigator, plus spending thousands of hours studying the Bible and debating, John McTernan uses Daniel 9, the Davidic covenant, and the genealogy of the kings of Judah to form an airtight case proving only the Lord Jesus is Israel’s King Messiah. The author provides a unique way to look at Daniel 9 to pinpoint the exact time of King Messiah’s first coming. He shows that the Davidic covenant reveals that King Messiah has to be the Son of God. And finally, he shows that the genealogy of the kings of Judah possesses overwhelming evidence that only Jesus of Nazareth by His virgin birth can be the Messiah. This book is a great witnessing tool.

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  • God Satan And Mr Job


    Many books have been written about Job’s battle with life. However, none of the books researched contain the contents and conundrums found in God, Satan, and Mr. Job. The uniqueness of God, Satan, and Mr. Job is the attempt to resolve some of the riddles in Job’s story. Especially significant are the contents of chapters four to six, which explain most of the puzzling concepts in Job’s story, and the contents of chapter twelve, which explain the parables of the Behemoth (Hippopotamus) and the Leviathan (Crocodile or Dinosaur) as told by God. Readers will enjoy some intriguing ideas and brainteasers such as: A short introduction to the historical origins of Satan from Islamic, biblical, and other cultural perspectives. The political battle between God and Satan. The riddle of the controversial wager between God and Satan over Job’s life. The conundrum about Satan standing among God’s children. The meaning of the fire of God from heaven. The heuristic stage of faith development. The three causes of life tragedies. The origin of human violence, terrorism, and aggression. The dichotomy between faith and fear.

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  • God Satan And Mr Job


    Many books have been written about Job’s battle with life. However, none of the books researched contain the contents and conundrums found in God, Satan, and Mr. Job. The uniqueness of God, Satan, and Mr. Job is the attempt to resolve some of the riddles in Job’s story. Especially significant are the contents of chapters four to six, which explain most of the puzzling concepts in Job’s story, and the contents of chapter twelve, which explain the parables of the Behemoth (Hippopotamus) and the Leviathan (Crocodile or Dinosaur) as told by God. Readers will enjoy some intriguing ideas and brainteasers such as: A short introduction to the historical origins of Satan from Islamic, biblical, and other cultural perspectives. The political battle between God and Satan. The riddle of the controversial wager between God and Satan over Job’s life. The conundrum about Satan standing among God’s children. The meaning of the fire of God from heaven. The heuristic stage of faith development. The three causes of life tragedies. The origin of human violence, terrorism, and aggression. The dichotomy between faith and fear.

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  • Yes Lord : How When Where


    Every person has a purpose for being here. Sometimes our purpose seems to be hidden from us as well as others. Many times it is revealed just one step at a time. Our revelation of a situation can depend on revealing circumstances, prayer, friends, or Scripture. Just stay in contact with God. He knows exactly where you are and the dilemmas you’re having. When your answer comes, be ready to thank Him and to tell others about it. He deserves your praise. When you have problems, try putting God in the equation. He can make all the difference in the world. Try doing your math. Had I been offered a choice of an era to be born in, I would have chosen the one I had gotten by chance. I have seen the horse and buggy and also a man on the moon, and I have enjoyed the Industrial Revolution and a great Spiritual Awakening. What a spectrum for one life span!

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  • Scandalous Freedom : The Radical Nature Of The Gospel



    God has set us free – and at great cost – but many Christians live in self-imposed bondage. Rather than delighting in God’s lavish grace, they are fearful of igniting his displease.

    As author Steve Brown explains in this brave, new book, too many Christians don’t trust freedom – for themselves or others. They prefer the security of manmade regulations to the adventure of freedom. The implications of freedom, Brown asserts, can sometimes be dangerous; but the alternative is deadly: a life without joy and void of celebration of our unique gifts in Christ.

    Each riveting chapter explores a common freedom – stifling tendency, then opens the door to the fresh air of remedial liberty. Chapter titles include:

    The Perfection We Desire. . .and the Forgiveness That Sets Us Free
    The Masks We Wear. . .and the Authenticity That Sets Us Free
    The Boldness We Fear. . .and the Courage That Sets Us Free
    The Failure We Foster. . .and the Victory That Sets Us Free

    Dare to explore the joys of biblical freedom. Open the pages of this book and begin a journey that will set you free – really and truly and completely free.

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  • Answers To Life


    Are you looking for greater meaning and purpose in life? Most people, no matter how much they have experienced or achieved, are still searching for answers to some of the inherent questions of life. They want a deeper sense of significance. Unfortunately, many individuals are genuinely unsure about the purpose of their existence and the meaning of their lives. This book provides a pathway to deeper understanding by posing and then addressing many of the critical questions of life. Using both theory and real life stories, Answers to Life addresses the certainty of death, the nature of sin, the problem of human pride, the impact of fear in our lives, the reality of spiritual battles, and the inevitability of trials and tribulations. It also assists people in better understanding their personalities, talents, and roles in service to humanity. Ultimately, the book helps individuals find life’s deepest meaning and fundamental purpose.

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  • Answers To Life


    Are you looking for greater meaning and purpose in life? Most people, no matter how much they have experienced or achieved, are still searching for answers to some of the inherent questions of life. They want a deeper sense of significance. Unfortunately, many individuals are genuinely unsure about the purpose of their existence and the meaning of their lives. This book provides a pathway to deeper understanding by posing and then addressing many of the critical questions of life. Using both theory and real life stories, Answers to Life addresses the certainty of death, the nature of sin, the problem of human pride, the impact of fear in our lives, the reality of spiritual battles, and the inevitability of trials and tribulations. It also assists people in better understanding their personalities, talents, and roles in service to humanity. Ultimately, the book helps individuals find life’s deepest meaning and fundamental purpose.

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  • Strength For The Journey


    With his characteristic eloquence and compassion, Peter J. Gomes offers a new collection of his most important sermons, which draw on the wisdom of the Bible to guide us through the year and enrich our daily lives.

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  • How To Find God In The Bible


    If you want to know God’s heart, the best way is to read His Word. Back To The Bible president Woodrow Kroll takes the intimidation out of reading the Bible. Designed to help ordinary people connect with God through His Word, this book explores tangible ways to prepare yourself, define your expectations, and profit from the experience. The author also shares personal discoveries that have revolutionized his understanding of Scripture. You’ll find simple keys to understanding the Bible and solid insights on making the intimate connection with God happen.

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  • SpiritQuest Our War With Choices


    “People are reaching out in all directions in their attempt to escape from the seen world to the unseen world.” -George Gallup, U.S. News and World Report Spiritual influence has many faces. Without some understanding of the dynamics involved, the unsuspecting person may be under spiritual control without any suspicion or awareness of that control. When you know the basic direction of spiritual influence, it becomes easier to understand and avoid that which leads to harmful, hopeless, or destructive choices. Spiritual forces impact all humanity and cannot be controlled by Man. Their impact can and will be positive or negative, and they are helped or hindered by prayer and its intent. Our senses can be programmed by what we consume from different media sources. Our senses move us toward truth or error, and that movement will produce results. Do you know whose spirit is influencing your choices today?

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  • Faith


    NavPress Print On Demand Title

    The Faith, book three of the four-part DFD 2.0 series, delves into the weightier concepts, and questions of the Christian life.

    Why should I trust the Bible?
    Who is Satan?
    How do I depend on the Holy Spirit?

    This study helps students find the answers to these questions. By learning and applying these concepts the user is well prepared to face life with a spiritual foundation.

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  • Walk : A Journey With God


    What does it mean to “walk with God?” What happens when the walk feels more like a sprint?
    The Bible challenges readers to walk with God, but many students don’t know where to begin. Book two of the updated Design for Discipleship study series maps out some guidelines to following Christ, walking with him. Perfect for youth groups or personal study, readers will discover how to apply their love of God to every aspect of their daily lives.

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  • How People Grow


    All growth is spiritual growth. Authors Drs. Cloud and Townsend unlock age-old keys to growth from Scripture to help people resolve issues of relationships, maturity, emotional problems, and overall spiritual growth. They shatter popular misconceptions about how God operates and show that growth is not about self-actualization, but about God’s sanctification. In this theological foundation to their bestselling book Boundaries, they discuss: *?What the essential processes are that make people grow *?How those processes fit into a biblical understanding of spiritual growth and theology *?How spiritual growth and real-life issues are one and the same *?What the responsibilities are of pastors, counselors, and others who assist people in growing_and what your own responsibilities are in your personal growth

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  • In His Steps (Revised)


    Rev. Henry Maxwell, speaking slowly and determinedly, yet not fully realizing the implications of what lay ahead of him, repeated his astounding proposition, “I want volunteers from Fist Church who will pledge themselves, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year, not to do anything without first asking the question, “What would Jesus do?” Maxwell never dreamed that among those who responded would be the most influential members of his congregation, the wealthy heiress with her millions at stake, the newspaper editor with his job on the line, the president of the local college, the town beauty. But together they pledged themselves to a new step of faith that would change, not just a handful of people, but an entire town–for good.

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  • When Life Doesnt Turn Out The Way You Expect


    1. Abuse : From Shame To Affirmation
    2. Betrayal : From Anger To Forgiveness
    3. Loss : From Despair To Hope
    4. Rejection : From Bitterness To Acceptance
    5. Failure : From Remorse To Grace
    6. Pain : From Doubt To Trust
    7. Regret : From Guilt To Pardon
    8. Disability : From Frustration To Purpose
    9. Disappointment : From Self-pity To Action

    Additional Info
    We’re not always prepared for the devastations life can visit upon us, and we sometimes become disillusioned, angry with God, and begin to question our faith.
    Jerry Brecheneisen and Lawrence W. Wilson walk you through your difficult experiences and disappointments, bringing you to the point of healing-the place where God brings redemption to suffering.

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  • Perfect Love : Understanding John Wesleys A Plain Account Of Christian Perf (Exp


    A Perfect Love is the full text of Wesley’s book. What makes this version unique is that the author has edited Wesley’s text and updated his language for the contemporary reader. Christian perfection is the doctrine that distinguishes Methodism from other Christian denominations. People who read and study this book will come away with a greater appreciation for this important doctrine. It will change their lives. It may even change their church.

    A Perfect Love includes in-text definitions and notes that explain names and terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader. It also includes hymns by Charles Wesley that describe the work of grace in human lives that leads to perfection in love. In addition, Dr. Diana Hynson provides a study guide that may be used for individual or small group studies, and Dr. Marjorie Suchocki offers a careful theological and spiritual reflection on Wesley’s work.

    Briefly, the term Christian perfection, as Wesley used and understood it, may be translated as “Christian maturity.” It is the process of “growing up” in the love of God and neighbor. It is “holiness of heart and life.” It is “having the same mind in you that was in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). Christian perfection is the goal of salvation; it is the outcome of a life lived with and for God in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Fathering The Nations


    Fathering the Nations reveals the character and integrity of Christ that are needed within the heart of God’s delegated representatives-apostles, prophets, evangelists, preachers, and teachers-so the body of Christ will be effectively trained, equipped, and released by God for works of service through spiritual fathers’ “fatherhood.” This book instills hope in the hearts of all levels of believers by dealing with the frustrations and misconceptions concerning leadership in the church as we’ve known it. Leaders were never given authority over the people of God but were given authority for God’s people. Fathering the Nations deals directly with leadership through biblical foundations, awakening and reestablishing God’s divine order for daily living and godly government for the eternal existence of the true Church of Christ Jesus “on earth as it is in heaven.”This book lays a solid foundation of Christ and His Kingdom “living within the hearts of all believers.”

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  • God Who Speaks Print On Demand Title


    A Print on Demand Title

    As Christians we believe that God speaks – that God has spoken to people down through the centuries and still speaks to us today. But just how does God speak to us? Has his speech changed over time? And how do we “hear” the voce of God? In this insightful book Ben Campbell Johnson explores the subject of divine speech, highlighting its importance to faith and leading Christian believers into the practice of listening for God’s voice in daily life.

    Johnson first explores the biblical foundations of divine communication, tracing the ways that God has spoken to humankind from the calling of Abraham, to the appearance of Jesus, to the continuing work of the Spirit in the early church. He then gleans important lessons about God’s language from a wide range of Christian figures throughout history – Polycarp, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Henri Nouwen, and others.

    As this historical record shows, God communicates with us in a variety of ways. In exploring these different modes of “GodSpeech,” Johnson deftly guides readers into the practice of “intensive listening,” a way of posing issues to God and discerning his response. Numerous anecdotes illuminate Johnson’s discussion, and each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion as well as suggestions for journaling. Johnson concludes the book by recounting a number of personal experiences that vividly illustrate the value of learning to listen to God’s voice.

    At a time when many Christians hunger for a more personal, meaningful connection with God, this book shows readers how to discern divine language and forge a closer, richer relationship with “the God who speaks.”

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  • Passion Promise : Living A Life Only God Can Imagine


    When we settle for our own dreams, we settle for too little. God promises “to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” In each of our lives (Eph. 3:20, NIV), John Avant shares true stories of God’s passion touching lives around the world and helps readers discern God’s dreams for themselves–challenging them to put an end to boring living. As readers see God’s passionate adventure lived out all around them every day, they’ll eagerly accept His invitation to be a part of it–to live life beyond their imagination!

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  • Thinking Beyond Your Means


    “Who are you and what do you really want?”This vital question from Dr. Evelyn Thomas can inspire you into Thinking Beyond Your Means: The Sixth Sense. Does your current lifestyle seem to have been handed to you by those who think in terms of limitations? How does God see you? “God is the One,” says the author, “who started a great work in you. . . . Once you find out who you are in the Lord, you are on your way to success.” Here is a book that will teach you how to gain a more authentic way of life. You can become an overcomer, no matter what trials you encounter. Learn how to use the sixth sense to gain a truer and fuller life.

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  • Short Term Spiritual Guidance


    A significant departure from other treatments, this unique resource combines deep appreciation for the great classic discipline of spiritual guidance with a very practical focus on meeting the specific needs of the person seeking direction. Through case studies, sample dialogues, and practical tips for the spiritual director, Bidwell’s lucid work shows what directors can learn from the short-term therapy model, enabling people briefly but effectively to listen for God’s presence and to formulate authentic responses. He also shows how such techniques can be helpfully applied not only to individual direction but to group settings, vocational discernment, and family counseling.

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  • Loving God Up Close


    Who is the Holy Spirit? How do Christians track His comings and goings? And how can they realize His presence in their lives? In this book, Calvin Miller reminds believers of the power of the Holy Spirit and explores the six symbols of His presence: the cleansing wind; the purging fire; the dove (the descending presence); the gift of communication; the refreshing wine; and the counselor. While many have experienced one or more of the defining presences, many also disagree as to their authenticity. Now, in this insightful book, Miller seeks to relieve some of the mystery surrounding the Holy Spirit and encourages readers to simply make use of his loving guidance.

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  • Peacemaking


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931038119ISBN10: 1931038112Douglas NoltBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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