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Health and Diet

Showing 151–196 of 196 results

  • Alternative Medicine : The Christian Handbook (Expanded)


    Easy to use, this thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Alternative Medicine keeps pace with the latest findings and developments in alternative medicine. Here is the most comprehensive, current, well-balanced, and trustworthy information available from both a scientific and a biblical perspective.

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  • You Are Not What You Weigh


    It is time for women to stop measuring themselves by the numbers on the scale!

    How many women out there are tired of the tyranny of dieting? Millions! With candor and a gentle spirit, Lisa Bevere shares powerful insights and liberating principles she discovered through her own personal struggles with weight. This life-changing book will empower women.

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  • Complete Cancer Cleanse


    Cherie Calbom, “The Juice Lady,” therapist John Calbom, and Michael Mahaffey, a twenty-year cancer survivor, present a unique, multi-disciplinary approach to fighting cancer.

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  • 1 Minute Wellness


    No more dependence on cold medicines, prescription pills, and anti-depressants. With One-Minute Wellness, you will revitalize every area of your well-being. And the bonus fiction story uniquely illustrates the authors’ strategies at work in ordinary lives-a terrific motivator as you optimize your own life.

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  • What The Bible Says About Healthy Living (Reprinted)


    In a world infatuated with junk food and fad diets, why have we overlooked the simple instructions provided in the Bible that have guided people for thousands of years toward better health? You don’t have to be Jewish or Christian to find wisdom for healthier living in this doctor’s scripturally based book on eating and feeling better, and living longer. You’ll learn the truth about grains and nuts, and the ins and outs of meat, fat, and sweeteners. Discover why beverages can be the elixirs of life or death. The principles here will help anyone who is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired find energy, freedom from illness, and more vibrant health.

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  • Dear God They Say Its Cancer


    A Friend to Help You Through…

    No matter where you are in your breast cancer journey, this book is the companion you need. Whether…
    you’ve just heard the dreaded diagnosis for the first time
    you’re in the middle of decisions and treatments
    you’re experiencing the disappoint of recurrence
    or you’re several years beyond the initial trauma…

    No matter where you are in that journey, you need someone who understands. You need a trusted friend to walk along beside, someone who’s gone before you. You’ll find that friend between the pages of this book.

    This book is yours to use in whatever way serves you best. You can start in the beginning and work your way through, or you can use the detailed table of contents to help you find just what you need for what you are experiencing on any given day.

    This Helpful Guide Will Be Your

    * Mentor * Record keeper * Journal * Devotional * Prayer guide * And friend

    Each chapter includes

    A Sister Shares — stories from breast cancer “sisters”

    Mentoring Moment — lessons learned, helpful hints, encouragement

    God’s Love Letter to You — paraphrased scripture for you to personalize

    Journaling Guides — encouraging prompts to help you journal your own breast cancer journey

    And more!

    You don’t have to make this journey alone. Hope and help await you in the pages of this book, written just for you in your time of need.

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  • Everyday Strength : A Cancer Patients Guide To Spiritual Survival (Revised)


    Thirty-three meditations and prayers for cancer patients and their friends and family. Now repackaged with a fresh, contemporary look.

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  • Cancer Idol : A Journey Of Hope And Healing For Ordinary Believers Facing T


    Is cancer attacking you or your family? If you are a believer, there is a special journey of hope and healing available to you. Cancer is not just a physical disease. The roots of cancer originate in the spiritual realm and the eternal struggle with evil. The very same biblical enemy that enticed God’s people to worship idols desires that cancer victims put their faith and future in the hands of The Cancer Idol. Every year, over 11 million new victims are attacked by the terrorist called Cancer. It is a mystifying, seemingly invincible disease that provokes an unearthly fear in us, even at the mere mention of its name. The global institution of cancer has achieved a unique, powerful, almost “church- like” status for victims and caregivers alike. It is a “temple” where diagnosis is the holy decree, treatment is the ritual sacrament, and prognosis is the infallible prophecy. This book will help you: Learn about the spiritual identity of cancer inside the Bible. Confront the idols of the cancer institution to open your access to God’s healing will. Discover your own personal story of healing in the words and images of Scripture. Exposing The Cancer Idol will help you connect with the great Cancer Healer

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  • Who Claims You


    Yes, we humans can create such wondrous machines as bullet trains and supersonic aircraft, but none of us can create a single grain of rice or a tiny ant, much less a large animal. Why not? We are mere creatures, not a creator as far as bio-life is concerned. Here comes the necessity of a Supreme Being who can create all living creatures as well as non-living things on this earth and beyond. This book intends to uncover the wisdom and grace with which God designed and perfected the human body. The contents include such titillating topics as the material foundation of life, unique features of life, and our struggles for energy for life. The anatomical configurations of cells, tissues, and organs of the body as well as their diverse functions are also illuminated to grasp the invisible hands at work. This book will tell you how we are created beyond our control, and why we have to eat, breathe, and move around to survive.

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  • My Big Fat Greek Diet


    In My Big Fat Greek Diet, Dr. Nick Yphantides teaches readers the powerful 7 Pillars of Weight Loss, which features medically safe, practical how-tos anyone can apply, whether they need to lose 10 or 300 pounds. Analyzing components of a variety of diets, Dr. Nick assists readers in customizing a weight-loss program to their specific needs and lifestyles. Topping out at 467 pounds, Dr. Nick was known in San Diego as a big man with a big heart. When a battle with cancer inspired him to focus on his own health, he embarked on a lifestyle change that would drop him to a svelte 200 pounds. His book, now in trade paper, will inspire and equip readers to design a program that allows them to experience their own weight-loss miracle!

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  • For As Long As I Can


    When the author’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer, his son’s desire to record a few thoughts relative to that experience soon became an obsession to capture each precious moment. This is the story of a father’s last struggles, his one overarching request, and his son’s attempt to come to grips with his death. From the shock of learning of his father’s cancer to the struggle involved with being asked to conduct his funeral, this is ultimately a story of the triumph of the human spirit. But more than that, it is a story of the triumph of God’s grace as evidenced in the life of the author, his father, and his family. “Written as a journal, For as Long as I Can is a gentle interweaving of the human and spiritual experience, reminding us of the inseparable bond between child and parent. Caretakers of a terminally ill family member can be strengthened and encouraged as they relate to the day-to-day, hour-by-hour account of a son’s journey with his father through his final weeks on earth.” -Professor Bette T. Beane (Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies) “Determined to draw strength and lucidity from every moment that remained, For as Long as I Can is a rich, touching, and detailed journey of a father’s last challenge with life on this side of eternity.” -J. Wayne Easlack (Ph.D., Behavioral Science) Director of Counseling for The Counseling Center Providence Place, High Point, NC (Nationally recognized seminar speaker and authority on anxiety disorders)

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  • Who Claims You


    Yes, we humans can create such wondrous machines as bullet trains and supersonic aircraft, but none of us can create a single grain of rice or a tiny ant, much less a large animal. Why not? We are mere creatures, not a creator as far as bio-life is concerned. Here comes the necessity of a Supreme Being who can create all living creatures as well as non-living things on this earth and beyond. This book intends to uncover the wisdom and grace with which God designed and perfected the human body. The contents include such titillating topics as the material foundation of life, unique features of life, and our struggles for energy for life. The anatomical configurations of cells, tissues, and organs of the body as well as their diverse functions are also illuminated to grasp the invisible hands at work. This book will tell you how we are created beyond our control, and why we have to eat, breathe, and move around to survive.

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  • Walking The Baby Beat


    A Smart Start Press Title

    D. Gary Benfield, M.D., veteran neonatologist and newspaper columnist, answers hundreds of healthcare questions in this easy-to-read book, covering everything from planning a pregnancy to childbirth and teen health concerns. Revised and updated from The Baby Beat, Dr. Benfield’s weekly newspaper column, Walking the Baby Beat is easy-to-use. Topics are arranged chronologically, related questions are grouped together under each topic, and each question is listed in the table of contents. As an added bonus, Walking the Baby Beat also includes a My Heroes section, featuring articles like The Newborn APGAR Score: Just one of Dr. Virginia Apgar’s Many Achievements, The Hidden Talent of Dr. Spock, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Rescued at Birth, and many more. This valuable reference is designed for future parents, expecting parents, rookie parents, grandparents, and even veteran parents and their older children.

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  • We Dont Die We Kill Ourselves


    Most of us who live in the West are committing slow suicide. The problem? Our nutrient- and mineral-deficient, toxic-chemical-laced diet. Malnutrition has reached pandemic proportions in the industrialized world; malnutrition due not to a lack of food but to an abundance of food that is lacking in true nutritional value and content. Unless something is done now to turn the tide, this nutritional crisis threatens not only our generation but future generations as well.

    Speaking from his own personal knowledge and experience based on years of research, Dr. Roger De Haan reveals the true nature and magnitude of our nutritional and health crisis and offers practical, common-sense solutions. You owe it to yourself and your family to read this book. The principles and truths uncovered here could literally revolutionize your life!

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  • Calorie Queens : Living Thin In A Fat World


    Jackie Scott and her daughter Diane had tried just about every diet under the sun, from low-carb to low-fat, sometimes losing weight but always gaining it back. Frustrated, they decided to figure out why popular diets failed them and came up with Eucalorics – a practical eating plan based on taking in the number of calories needed to maintain a healthy weight. This is not a starvation diet, nor is it a fad. In fact, it’s not really a diet at all. It’s about learning how to eat well for a lifetime from two real women who have been there and are making it work.

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  • Our Body Our Life


    Our Body, Our Life was written to help people become spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy and fit and live more greatly for God. Because Christ sacrificed greatly for us, we now have the potential to live greatly for Him. God wants us to be disciples, not just believers, and He rewards those who love Him wholeheartedly and seek Him diligently with abundant, fruitful lives. To live greatly for God, we must commit to mental and spiritual health and fitness, which results when we prayerfully seek God and live our lives His way-daily. While poor physical health and fitness is sometimes unavoidable, it often results from over-eating, under-exercising, and taking poor care of our bodies. Great physical health and fitness is achieved by eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, and taking great care of our bodies and results in an increased capacity to live greatly for God. Because the accumulation of our daily thoughts and actions so greatly impacts our spiritual, mental, and physical health and fitness, we pray that together God will help us practice the 49 life-renewing disciplines in this program and reward us with abundant, fruitful lives lived greatly for Him.

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  • Gods Medicine Cabinet (Reprinted)


    OVER 1400 HEALING SCRIPTURES! Introducing, the most exhaustive source of healing Scriptures ever compiled. Now you can have easy access to your God-given healing provision – for all your health issues. This powerful new manual contains over fourteen hundred medicinal Scriptures to minister to your every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing need. Eight hundred of these antidotal Scriptures provide for your physical healing alone. Also included are Scriptures on How to Receive the Promise of Healing; Pain and Suffering Free; How to Live a Long Life; You Are Protected From Sickness and Harm; You Are Called to Heal the Sick and Raise the Dead; and Possible Obstacles to Receiving Healing. This book comes complete with Hebrew and Greek translations, study notes and much, much more. God paid an enormous price for your healing. He sent forth His Word to heal you and He is watching to see that His Word is fulfilled. Commit yourself to praying and having faith in the “living and active” Word. All these healing promises are “‘Yes’ in Christ” to you and your family today. “Next to your Bible, this book will become ragged.” -Sid Roth, Messianic Vision,It’s Supernatural

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  • Creation Diet : Gods Pattern For Health Happiness And Holiness


    Tired? Overweight? Stressed? Diseased? Depressed? Life out of balance? Then this book is for you! The Creation Diet is not just another diet plan. It reveals step by step how to experience health, happiness, and holiness. The secret? The Bible contains an amazing revelation: the order of the days of creation holds the key to all three! Truly, the creation of the world relates directly to your life today. Let The Creation Diet show you how, from the beginning of time, God revealed the simple pattern of life-changing truths that can restore your health and help you become a new creation. Once in a while a book comes along that is so unique it is destined to have an impact upon the future. The Creation Diet is such a book. Through it Joy Clary Brown reveals the “secret” to health and wholeness. However, the “secret” has been right before our eyes on the pages of the Bible for thousands of years. We simply did not recognize it. I anticipate The Creation Diet will positively affect everyone who reads it and follows its principles. -Randall Moss, M.D., Board Certified Anti-Aging Medicine and Board Certified Bariatrics (Weight Control and Nutrition) Joy Clary Brown’s Bible studies are well-researched, thorough, and contain practical life application as well as doctrinal accuracy. I highly recommend her work to anyone who wants to know truth through God’s Word. -Edna Ellison, Ph.D., Former editor of Royal Service magazine, international speaker, and prolific author (

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  • Creation Diet : Gods Pattern For Health Happiness And Holiness


    Tired? Overweight? Stressed? Diseased? Depressed? Life out of balance? Then this book is for you! The Creation Diet is not just another diet plan. It reveals step by step how to experience health, happiness, and holiness. The secret? The Bible contains an amazing revelation: the order of the days of creation holds the key to all three! Truly, the creation of the world relates directly to your life today. Let The Creation Diet show you how, from the beginning of time, God revealed the simple pattern of life-changing truths that can restore your health and help you become a new creation. Once in a while a book comes along that is so unique it is destined to have an impact upon the future. The Creation Diet is such a book. Through it Joy Clary Brown reveals the “secret” to health and wholeness. However, the “secret” has been right before our eyes on the pages of the Bible for thousands of years. We simply did not recognize it. I anticipate The Creation Diet will positively affect everyone who reads it and follows its principles. -Randall Moss, M.D., Board Certified Anti-Aging Medicine and Board Certified Bariatrics (Weight Control and Nutrition) Joy Clary Brown’s Bible studies are well-researched, thorough, and contain practical life application as well as doctrinal accuracy. I highly recommend her work to anyone who wants to know truth through God’s Word. -Edna Ellison, Ph.D., Former editor of Royal Service magazine, international speaker, and prolific author (

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  • Regaining The Power Of Youth At Any Age


    Regaining the Power of Youth at Any Age features a scientifically based program that will guide you to a higher level of physical and mental fitness that you may have believed impossible to attain.

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  • Lose It For Life Workbook (Workbook)


    This companion workbook to Lose It for Life will help participants to better apply the program to their specific situation. It is also ideal for group study, as it will help facilitate meetings for those who want to encourage each other in their journey toward better physical and spiritual health.

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  • My Life And My Death


    “My greatest teacher has been my cancer,” says the author in his story of faith as he faces death. But the author never goes too far in the direction of becoming “touchy-feely” with his illness. In fact, he refers to his cancer as being of the devil, yet he never dwells too long in this application either. There is humor but never too much. There is some “preaching” about people with grudges against God but never too much. Instead he tells us, step by step, how he learned of his cancer, how he learned that his cancer was worse than originally thought, how he came to bond with his doctor, how he came to accept the stages of disintegration of his body. The author’s main work here is to find ways to bring us unbearable tidings about sickness and dying in ways that, with God, are bearable.

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  • Food For Life


    This book draws on L. Shannon Jung’s gifts as theologian, ethicist, pastor, and eater extraordinaire. In this deeply thoughtful but very lively book, he encourages us to see our humdrum habits of eating and drinking as a spiritual practice that can renew and transform us and our world. In a fascinating sequence that takes us from the personal to the global, Jung establishes the religious meaning of eating and shows how it dictates a healthy order of eating. He exposes Christians’ complicity in the face of widespread eating disorders we experience personally, culturally, and globally, and he argues that these disorders can be reversed through faith, Christian practices, attention to habitual activities like cooking and gardening, the church’s ministry, and transforming our cultural policies about food.

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  • Dear God Why Am I So Tired


    Dear God, Why Am I So Tired? is a prayer that most Christians are familiar with. In fact, fatigue is the number one reported reason for visiting the doctor’s office. Despite spending more money each year on the latest fad diets and medicine, the obesity and disease rates continue to climb. Many people are overweight, tired, and sick. Most diets fail because they do not address the underlying cause of weight gain. Dr. Jeffrey Blair’s groundbreaking research led to the discovery that most fatigue, weight gain, and stress-related diseases can be traced to over-stressed adrenal glands. Hypoadrenia is the most under-diagnosed yet prevalent disease of our time. Dr. Blair has spent nearly fifteen years researching the cause of fatigue, weight gain, and disease. He was one of the first physicians to report that improving adrenal gland function will lead to youthful energy and permanent weight loss. Dr. Blair’s research also showed that improved adrenal function can reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. Dear God, Why Am I So Tired? is a practical guide to unlimited energy, weight loss, and disease prevention by overcoming adrenal exhaustion. Dr. Blair discusses his own battle with severe fatigue, obesity, and disease. He lost over forty pounds and has more energy than ever. Dr. Blair lays out a clear plan to regain and maintain optimum health.

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  • Maxillofacial Orthopedics : A Clinical Approach For The Growing Child


    It has been over twenty years since we finished writing Maxillofacial Orthopedics. Most of the patients illustrated were in my private practice. It has been a pleasure to see them grow into adults with wide, full smiles. Over the years, I have received many calls from clinicians asking where they might obtain the text. What has caught my attention is the variety of health care professionals that have requested the book. Not only dentists, but also chiropractors, ENT physicians, physical therapists, hygienists, and others have an interest in orthodontic/orthopedic treatments that protect the temporomandibular joint and result in full, healthy smiles. Since the last printing, many new ideas, techniques, and materials have been developed for improving orthodontic care. But many health care professionals are still not incorporating maxillofacial orthopedic techniques into their treatment of malocclusion or temporomandibular disorder. This paperback version of our original text is an effort to reach clinicians who did not have an opportunity to read or have the text available for teaching their staff or patients about maxillofacial techniques.

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  • When Did I Stop Being Barbie And Become Mrs Potato Head


    A humorous yet comforting look at the unavoidable process of aging This hilarious collection of real-life “adventures in growing older” is designed to make women laugh while it encourages them with the assurance that they are not alone. Even though they are getting older, they can find great encouragement in remembering God’s unchanging, ageless love. Combining cozy comfort with a sardonic twist, the author opens the reader to God’s poignant touch through laughter and, sometimes, through tears. The book explores growing older, emptying the nest, and changing roles. It offers the reader the encouragement of knowing that she is not alone in living with these changes and gives her a glimpse of God’s perspective. Designed for quick reading, this book is perfect for today’s woman on the go.

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  • Health And Healing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591609315ISBN10: 1591609313Alina PattersonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2003Silver Trumpets Collection # 1Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Medical Journal Memos


    A Guide for Families with Loved Ones Facing Illness at Home, in the hospital or Long-Term Facilities This journal will become valuable to you as time goes on and will become a legacy of information for your loved ones and heirs. How often have you gone to a new physician or taken your newborn, child, spouse, or parent to a doctor’s office and been requested to fill out a questionnaire? This usually pertains to a variety of issues such as symptoms, current medication dosages, allergies, and family history, just to mention a few. Questions need to be asked, so write down the information prior to appointments in the places provided in this journal so you can record the answers when needed. “Trying to remember” is frustrating in the event of an emergency or catastrophic illness resulting in admission to a hospital or long-term care facility when medical information must be provided. Keep at hand important personal and doctors’ phone numbers, medication history, a list of allergies and inoculations, a ledger of expenses, and admission/discharge summaries, and know how to request medical chart information. Keeping this journal will assist you in being prepared for the everyday and the unexpected, and will assure that what is placed into the medical files is accurate. Be your own advocate and not a statistic, because if not you, then who?

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  • Strong Women And Men Beat Arthritis


    The New York Times bestselling author of Strong Women Eat Well and fellow Tufts University scientists present a simple plan that has been proven to reduce the pain and immobility caused by arthritis…

    Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis shows the direct connection between a strength-training program you can do at home and the reduction-and even prevention-of arthritis symptoms. No other research study using an exercise program has ever showed the results that the Tufts study achieved: a 43% reduction in pain, a 44% improvement in physical function, and a 71% improvement in strength. This book offers all the tools you need-and more:

    *An exercise program designed specifically to protect the joints and relieve stiffness and soreness

    *A scientifically based eating plan to reduce inflammation and pain

    *A hands-on guide to the latest medications

    *The real story on complementary therapies-which ones work? Which ones don’t?

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  • Medicine In The Bible


    What was the possible cause of Jesus’ death? Were the Ten Plagues related to microorganism infection? Did Adam have one rib less than Eve? Why did King David need a young girl to treat his coldness when he was old? Did Jesus have anxiety? Why were the hairs of Absalom so heavy? What was the purpose of sour wine in crucifixion? How could Jesus become bright during the transfiguration? How did circumcision reveal the intelligence of God? Can we “hear” the end of age?

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  • Blessed Health : The African American Womans Guide To Physical And Spiritua


    Blessed Health offers African-American women the medical information and inspirational motivation they need to achieve total health — a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

    Many black women will go to church all day every Sunday but won’t take one day out of the year to get a Pap test and mammogram done. Yet that yearly doctor’s visit could help save lives. Often the first people to pray when a serious illness strikes, black women may be the last to seek timely medical care. As a result, they are suffering with, and dying from, manageable illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes more than any other group in the United States.

    It doesn’t have to be that way. Don’t wait until a health emergency happens before turning to your faith and your physician. You can achieve optimal health by arming yourself with medical knowledge and a strong spiritual base. Research has proven that a well-nurtured spiritual self can help to replenish, rejuvenate, and safeguard your physical self.

    Written by a prominent African-American OB/GYN and a highly respected journalist, Blessed Health is a personal health and spirituality guide for every stage of a black woman’s life. Included here is important information on:

    How your body works, and what can be done to prevent or help solve common health problems, including pelvic infections and fibroid tumors

    How to find a doctor that ministers to your physical and emotional needs

    How to successfully cope with illness, from a faith perspective

    How spiritual wisdom and prayer can decrease the harmful effects of stress

    How best to take care of your breasts and reproductive organs, and decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer

    and much, much more, including the latest on managing menopause.

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  • Staying Healthy Gods Way


    America is the most unhealthy nation of all industrialized nations. The top three causes of death in the U.S. are heart attack, cancer, and stroke – all self-induced diseases. Americans spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. Yet, the quality of health in the U.S. is declining. Americans spend billions of dollars searching for good health. Yet, all the money in the world can’t buy good health. The only way to achieve good health is God’s way! God devised a plan for good health thousands of years ago and today it’s still the only plan that promotes long-term health and quality of life. Staying Healthy God’s Way explains God’s requirenments for health and your responsibility to fulfill these requirements. It helps you to set goals, prepare a plan to obtain good health, and motivates you to put your plan into action. This book offers hope for those that feel hopeless about living the abundant life that only God can provide.

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  • Staying Healthy Gods Way


    America is the most unhealthy nation of all industrialized nations. The top three causes of death in the U.S. are heart attack, cancer, and stroke – all self-induced diseases. Americans spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. Yet, the quality of health in the U.S. is declining. Americans spend billions of dollars searching for good health. Yet, all the money in the world can’t buy good health. The only way to achieve good health is God’s way! God devised a plan for good health thousands of years ago and today it’s still the only plan that promotes long-term health and quality of life. Staying Healthy God’s Way explains God’s requirenments for health and your responsibility to fulfill these requirements. It helps you to set goals, prepare a plan to obtain good health, and motivates you to put your plan into action. This book offers hope for those that feel hopeless about living the abundant life that only God can provide.

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  • Bible Cure For Hepatitis And Hepatitis C

    Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.24.

    Make liver-friendly choices and chase away your hepatitis!

    Today there is good news for the millions of Americans who have hepatitis! It is treatable and beatable! Find out how and why wise decisions, nutrition, supplements, stress-free living and faith can bring your hepatitis–including hepatitis C–under control. Next to your skin, your liver is the largest orgain in the body, and it carries a heavy load of responsibility in keeping you healthy. Learn how to treat it well and make liver-friendly choices!

    In this easy-to-read little book, you’ll discover:

    How the liver rids the body of impurities

    Strategic plans for recuing and restoring your liver

    Common-sense activities and foods to avoid

    How to keep your family members virus free

    You want to be healthy. God wants you to be healthy. Now at last here’s a source of information that will help you get healthy–body, mind and spirit.

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  • Alternative Therapies For HIV AIDS


    SKU (ISBN): 9781562291785ISBN10: 1562291785Michael McCannBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Pneuma Life Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Monster Within : Facing An Eating Disorder


    The story of a TV journalist who struggled with bulimia until she found answers that changed her entire life.

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  • Mercy Triumphs : Inspiration For Those Infected Or Affected By AIDS


    Mercy Triumphs is the personal story of Betty Rushford and the struggles sheand her family endured after learning of their son’s diagnosis of AIDS. Thebook gives great insight to the sufferings of people infected/affected bythe virus. It also encourages the Christian community to reach out to peoplesuffering with AIDS and to love them unconditionally.

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  • Diet Alternative With Study Guide (Revised)


    You want to lose weight. Sometimes you even manage to shed those pounds. But you always gain them back–and maybe a few extra. Diets treat the symptom and not the problem. Diane Hampton will revolutionize the way you look at food. You can find relief from the power food has over you. This is not a diet. There are no pills, no menus, and no foods to avoid. You won’t have to count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates. You can consume anything you desire and still lose weight: eat sweets, have a dessert, munch on chips and dip whenever you want. This book contains time-tested principles that get results. No diet can promise a consistent loss of 3-4 pounds a week, but this book isn’t a diet. It’s freedom. Learn to use your body’s natural “hungry” and “full” responses. Discover God’s meal plan. Then keep the same size for the rest of your life!

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  • American Medical Association Guide To Home Caregiving


    The American Medical Association Guide to Home Caregiving provides the information you need to take the best possible care of an elderly, ill, or disabled person in a home setting. Written by experts from the American Medical Association, the book explains such essentials as how to:
    * Plan and arrange a room to adapt to a loved one’s needs
    * Give medications, maintain hygiene, monitor symptoms, deal with incontinence, provide emotional support, and relieve boredom
    * Choose a home healthcare provider
    * Pay for home healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid, and long-term care insurance
    * Care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a terminal illness
    * Choose between alternative living arrangements such as assisted living facilities or nursing homes
    * Take care of yourself, the caregiver

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  • Gods Prescription For Health And Healing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232456ISBN10: 1931232458Don ClowersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Staying Fit After 40


    According to former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, inactivity among Americans is reaching crisis proportions. Sixty percent are not active on a regular basis, and one in four are not active at all. Yet medical science has proven that keeping fit is the key to staying young, and as you get older, regular exercise and good eating habits-or their absence-will be crucial to determining the quality and enjoyment of your life.

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  • Fast Your Way To Health


    16 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Having received a death sentence from her doctors, Lee Bueno-Aguer found that God had given her a better prescription – fasting to regain her health.
    From her own and others’ experiences, as well as sound scriptural and medical guidelines, she discusses many aspects of fasting, including
    * Who should and should not fast
    * Various kinds of fasts
    * How to begin and end a fast
    * The difference between fasting and starvation
    * Drugs versus fasting
    * The curing of life-threatening diseases
    * Fasting for longevity

    Bueno-Aguer reports on many who have fasted and prayed for others and seen miraculous results, including marriages restored, the insane brought back to normal, the disappearance of tumors, and even the raising of the dead. As you read this book, you will discover the amazing ways God has designed your body to restore itself and your spirit to be uplifted during a fast.

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  • PrayerWalk : Becoming A Woman Of Prayer Strength And Discipline


    Challenge your body. Feed your spirit. Change the world.
    Ask any Christian woman about her most recent New Year’s resolutions, and you’ll likely find that “exercise regularly” and “pray more” were at the top of her list. We all long to look and feel our best, to live actively and healthfully. More than that, we desire to connect intimately with our God. Yet physical health and spiritual growth often take a backseat to the urgent demands of grocery shopping and bill paying, time with family and friends, and long hours at the office.

    It’s Time to Exercise Your Prayer Life.
    Three years ago, author Janet Holm McHenry suffered from depression, weight gain, and exhaustion. Then she began a prayerwalk routine that not only transformed her life but also profoundly impacted the lives of those around her.

    Learn how you, too, can set out on a journey to increased energy, better health, and greater joy-and experience a rich, full prayer ministry that will have a lasting impact on your loved ones and community-in PrayerWalk.

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  • Smart Medicine For Healthier Living


    Written by a medical doctor, a naturopath, and a registered pharmacist, Smart Medicine for Healthier Living is a complete A-to-Z guide to the most common disorders and their treatments, using both alternative care and conventional medicine.

    Comprehensive and easy-to-follow, Smart Medicine for Healthier Living is divided into three parts. Part one explains the full spectrum of approaches used to effectively treat common health problems. It provides an overview of the history, fundamentals, and uses of conventional medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupressure, aromatherapy, diet, and nutritional supplements. It also includes a helpful section on home and personal safety. Part two contains a comprehensive A-to-Z listing of various health problems. Each entry clearly explains the problem and offers specific advice using a variety of approaches. Part three provides step-by-step guidance on using the many therapies and procedures suggested for each health problem.

    Smart Medicine for Healthier Living is a reliable source that you and your family can turn to time and time again, whenever the need arises.

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  • Gift Of Pain


    18 Chapters

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    A world without pain?

    Can such a place exist? It not only can-it does. But it’s no utopia. It’s a colony for leprosy patients: a world where people literally feel no pain, and reap horrifying consequences.

    His work with leprosy patients in India and the United States convinced Dr. Paul Brand that pain truly is one of God’s great gifts to us. In this inspiring story of his fifty-year career as a healer, Dr. Brand probes the mystery of pain and reveals its importance. As an indicator that lets us know something is wrong, pain has a value that becomes clearest in its absence.

    The Gift of Pain looks at what pain is and why we need it. Together, the renowned surgeon and award-winning writer Philip Yancey shed fresh light on a gift that none of us want and none of us can do without.

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  • Human Medicine : Ethical Perspectives On Todays Medical Issues (Revised)


    This completely revised and expanded edition offers an up-to-date analysis of developments in biomedical technology of the past ten years.

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