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Showing 2251–2300 of 2422 results

  • He Paid The Price


    Real Stories About Real People! Jillian saw Jesus face to face. She saw a beautiful city where “With God, all things are possible!” Have you ever been afraid? Read about the day that Matthew danced with the angels and overcame his fear. Chantrea dreamed of marrying a prince. Instead, she suffered many hardships in Cambodia. See how God answered her prayers in the midst of trouble. Ruben thought there was no way out of his circumstances. God saved him from the hand of his enemies, and sent the angels to fight for him. Read about how God used Grandmaw Annie to bring love and joy to a group of children through the gift of music. Jesus told Dorothy special secrets. Learn Dorothy’s secret and how she told the truth. Discover how one boy became aware of God’s plan for his life, and how he found his special “spot.”

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  • Life Of Obedience (Reprinted)


    A warm, inspirational devotional, from a classic writer, that traces obedience from Genesis to Revelation.”

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  • World As I Remember It


    Rich Mullins was more than a musician. He was a poet and thinker who left behind a timeless legacy. As a columnist for Release magazine for nearly six years, Rich shared his musings on faith and life, conveying the wonder and awesomeness of his God with the same depth and simplicity that characterized his music. The World As I Remember It is a collection of these personal writings, complemented by striking photography and some of Rich’s most memorable quotations. This one-of-a-kind collection will be cherished not only by his fans, but by anyone who appreciates fresh, deep spiritual nourishment.

    Rich Mullins was more than a musician. He was a poet and thinker who left a legacy of deep gratitude, humility, and delight before the dace of an awesome God. Here you’ll find a treasury of Rich’s engaging, intimate reflections on faith and life. Revealing the spiritual meaning behind the simplest events, Rich muses about subjects ranging from fear to contentment, childlikeness to emptiness, from war to music. This is a feast for anyone who appreciates fresh, deep spiritual nourishment. As you savor the arresting ideas of one of modern Christianity’s most ardent pilgrims, you’ll find your adoration focused on your Creator, Redeemer, and Inpirer.

    Story Behind the Book

    For nearly six years, Rich shared his thoughts about faith and life through his columns in Release magazine. When his first column was published in the spring of 1991, the editors introduced him this way: “Rich not only has a lot to say…he also has a unique way of saying it. And although Mr. Mullins could easily fit into that intellectual bohemian-type category (we’re sure he could hold his own in a discussion with any theologian or philosopher of old), most often, his message is a straightforward call back to the principles of faith. He’s a poet, a scholar, a gentleman, and yes, just a little bit off-center. But that’s why we like him, and are pleased to welcome Rich to Release with this regular column.

    We trust you’ll love him and what he has to say as much as we do…” Rich had a way with words, and a collection of his writings seems an appropriate tribute to a man who has been referred to as “the greatest songwriter of our time.”

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  • Blessings Of Tears


    Alpha course speaker Julie Sheldon reflects on a gift that we seldom welcome: the gift of tears. We often try to fight them back, yet they can bring cleansing, healing and release. Julie tells many inspirational real life stories and relates them to biblical examples and teaching.

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  • High Calling : The Courageous Life And Faith Of Space Shuttle Columbia Comm


    Rick Husband wanted to be an astronaut since his fourth birthday, but it wasn’t always for the right reasons. Initially, he thought it would be neat . . . cool . . . a fun thing to do. It wasn’t until he came to a spiritual crossroads and was able to give that dream up to discover the true desires of his heart before he actually got into the space shuttle program at NASA. Three failed attempts didn’t daunt this driven pilot-and the fourth interview process, though lengthy and difficult, proved successful for him. Husband’s years at NASA served not only to develop his integrity and character, but also to increase his faith in a Creator that could not be denied in the vastness of space. His story is not only inspirational but exhilarating and invigorating, as readers will witness the life of a man who consistently pursued the desires of his heart even as he served a faithful God.

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  • Hope Notes : 52 Meditations To Nudge Your World


    R. Wayne Willis, the author of the popular “P.S. God, Can You Fly?” returns with this well-written collection of 52 meditations on hope. Each of the entries includes a quote from a world-renown figure ranging from C.S. Lewis to Franklin D. Roosevelt, a graphic symbol of hope, and a meditation. Written out of the author’s sincere passion for the gift of hope for us all, these extraordinary meditations are ideal for individual reflection. Each entry has been uniquely designed to encourage readers to record their own thoughts after each meditation.

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  • 101 Most Powerful Proverbs In The Bible


    J. Stephen Lang has taken many of the Bible’s most profound proverbs and explains then in language we can all understand. Filled with advice for overcoming everyday challenges, the 101 Most Powerful Proverbs in the Bible seeks to remind readers about what’s truly important in life through passages that extol such qualities as patience and godly living, and the benefits of virtue.

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  • Blindsided By Grace


    An active pastor, husband, father, and triathlete, Bob Molsberry was nearly killed in 1997 in a hit and run accident on a rural highway. After a long period of recovery and rehabilitation, he is a paraplegic who has remained active in family, ministry, and athletics. This book reflects on his experience of disability not as a medical condition in serach of a cure, nor as a tragedy to be pitied, but as a cross-cultural adventure similar to learning to live in a foreign country. Molsberry also offers biblical and theological reflection that confronts the Bible’s perspectives on disability–that it is a matter of heroic suffering or miraculous cure, and often interpreted as a consequence of sin.

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  • Liturgy For Stones


    Familiar with war, death, and poverty, Claussen looks for the hints of beauty that draw us through the struggle toward God’s hopes and dreams for humankind. Her search for God in shopping malls and nature, in pain and beauty, in friends and strangers invites others to enter more deeply into their own unique experience of God in daily life.

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  • Peacemaking


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931038119ISBN10: 1931038112Douglas NoltBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Intersection : Encountering The Living God In Everyday Life


    The Intersection is about people-real people just like you. In some cases, we don’t know their names, but we recognize them. They are needy just like us. There’s a woman with an incurable illness and a widow, without hope, on the way to a cemetery. There’s a man who despairs that his dreams will never come true and sister who cannot understand the timing of God. There’s a father who needs Christ to hurry. They all represent people on the road of life in need of an intersection. There is a point of need in all of them where Jesus shows up. When He does, chaos is turned to order and turmoil is replaced by peace. The Savior is about hope. You need it. I need it. He offers it. Look ahead- there He is. Go ahead-approach Him. He won’t be surprised; He’s expecting you. I assure you that you won’t be disappointed!

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  • Passion For The Possible (Reprinted)


    1. Vision Of The Future
    2. Beyond War
    3. Environment
    4. Beyond Charity
    5. Race And Class
    6. Sexism
    7. Homophobia
    8. Abortion
    9. Career Versus Calling

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    First published in 1993, William Sloane Coffin’s A Passion For The Possible presents a vision for the future that challenges assumptions and deepens our understanding of the importance of social justice and change. Coffin deals with social issues that continue to face U.S. churches – abortion, sexism, homophobia, racism, poverty, the environment, and nuclear disarmament. This second edition adds Coffin’s powerful sermon preached after September 11, 2001, and a foreword by Martin Marty.

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  • Empty Room With Light


    Familiar with war, death, and poverty, Claussen looks for the hints of beauty that draw us through the struggle toward God’s hopes and dreams for humankind. Her search for God in shopping malls and nature, in pain and beauty, in friends and strangers invites others to enter more deeply into their own unique experience of God in daily life.

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  • Wounded In The Church


    This book is about the life of a woman of God who experienced many hurting and challenging situations in the church and how God brought her through them. Not only was she able to come through her challenges, but she also was healed from the hurts she faced in the church. The author also uses her experiences to encourage those facing different situations, hurts, and problems within the church. She challenges the reader to seek for healing because, regardless of the dilemmas found among the people of God in the physical church building, there’s healing in the church because the church is found within us. Through the Word of God and prayer, Jesus will heal every ailment we encounter.

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  • I Know Where Ive Been Im Just Not Sure Where Im Going


    Vignettes of Life, Funny and Serious Journeys in life, including true stories, fantasies, poems, and just jokes that are both thought provoking and sometimes just fun This compilation of fantasies, true stories, poems, and jokes comes from the regular column that Keith writes entitled “Keith’s Komments.” As he was writing many of these vignettes for his weekly radio program, a friend suggested that he start writing similar stories for the column, and that column has now turned into a book.

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  • Talking To The Neighbours


    Ronald Blythe invites us to join his neighbours and friends to hear his reflections on natural and local history, farming, literature, the seasons of the churcha(TM)s year, village comings and goings, world events and domestic routine that shape their lives. Though intimately local to three villages along the Stour Valley, in whose churches he gave the talks on which this book is based, Ronald Blythe’s voice is that of a poet, transcending boundaries of place and time with a universal appeal.

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  • Ways Of My Life


    “The Ways of My Life is a super book filled with lots of emotion and courage. I enjoyed it very much. It shows how someone at a young age could endure so much hardship and pain and still continue to love the Lord. I would highly recommend this book to all of my family as well as any one of my friends.” -WILLIAM C. CLEVELAND, VICE MAYOR, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. “It was a perfect joy to read this book. I am sure this book will encourage many to make God supreme in their lives.” -DR. ROBERT E. ROBINSON. This inspiring autobiography is about a woman who as a child was left to fend for herself with no real home. She found her way in this world by her faith, hope, and love for God. Through her journey she practiced caring, loving, and forgiving by the blessing of God and the love and support of kind people who crossed her path. You will be moved by her story of working with what you have to achieve a fulfilling life!

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  • Thrive High : The Powerfully Inspirational True Story Of Lynn Lingen Felter


    Brought up in rural Pennsylvania, Lynn Lingenfelter had it all: a wonderful childhood, three brothers and a twin sister, loving parents, a successful start to his college career, and a Christian outlook on life. At nineteen, the world was his and success was pre-determined. Then his phone rang and his life changed forever. Three years before, Lynn had climbed a huge mountain. After being shot by his best friend in a hunting accident, almost dying, enduring surgery, receiving forty-plus pints of blood, spending thirty-two days in the hospital, and undergoing six months of rehabilitation, Lynn returned to his carefree life. Believing the accident was behind him, Lynn learned during that phone call that it would remain with him the rest of his life. The blood he received was tainted. Lynn was HIV positive. Thrive High is a look into a soul lost and reclaimed through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be inspired as you realize that through God’s love and care, all mountains can be successfully climbed.

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  • Billy Graham Story (Revised)


    An updated account of the inspiring and influential life of Dr. Billy Graham When the hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, President Bush immediately proclaimed a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. For the interfaith, interdenominational service at the Washington National Cathedral he chose Billy Graham to give the address. At that terrible hour no other clergyman, whatever his office, could so aptly bring the Word of God to America and a watching world. At 84, Billy Graham remains one of the most respected people in the world today. He has addressed over eighty-two million people face to face and at least one billion people through television, radio, and satellite. Yet he is far more than an evangelist of integrity and vision; he is a Christian statesman whose profound influence on the growth and depth of Christianity across the world cannot be overestimated. This official biography of Dr. Graham is based on his private files, correspondence, and interviews, as well as the author’s widespread research. Written by John Pollock, Dr. Graham’s official biographer, parts one and two (1918 to 1978), based on Pollock’s authorized biographies, have been abridged and contain new material. Part three (1978 to 1983) deals at length with Dr. Graham’s controversial visit to Moscow, which can now be seen as a factor in the fall of communism. Part four (1984 to 2003) updates the story to recent events, including the horrors of September 11 and the honorary knighthood Dr. Graham received from the Queen of England in December 2001. An 8-page section of black-and-white photos are new to this book.

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  • Emmas Journal


    Emma Estes had a profound impact on everybody she met, from latchkey kids to senior citizens . . . everybody that is except the people she loved most—her family. But after her death, something strange occurs. Her “Living on Purpose” journal mysteriously disappears. As her grown children search for it, they discover that miracles happen and that a life lived in faith can make a difference!

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  • God Of The Fairy Tale


    What Treasures Are Hidden in the Enchanted Woods?

    More than just bedtime traditions, more than simple children’s literature, the most enduring stories are echoes of the greatest of all stories, the Gospel. God of the Fairy Tale is a collection of spiritual reflections on the truths found in classic fairy tales, truths that point us to the ultimate Truth about God, redemption, and ourselves.

    Delving into twenty classic folk and fairy tales, God of the Fairy Tale leads us into the mystical landscape of elves, goblins, and talking animals to reveal the jewels of truth that hide inside these most simple of stories. Through the fables of Snow White, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and many others, we discover a perspective not unlike that of the Bible-a world of people trying to be something more, questing to do good in a realm fraught with evil, where a turn of the tables leaves the strong defeated and the weak victorious.

    Each tale is presented along with a meditation on the spiritual and theological themes present. God of the Fairy Tale will warm your heart with a world of characters, creatures, and circumstances that spin an entertaining yarn and affirm the most essential Christian worldviews.

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  • 101 Most Powerful Promises In The Bible


    Pairing scriptural passages with an original, contemporary prayer, Marcia Ford has written a moving, everyday guide to applying the will of God and his love to our lives. A work of devotion and insight, 101 Most Powerful Promises in the Bible helps us keep our end of God’s promises-and find the courage to live according to his word.

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  • Prayer Of An African Child


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594671449ISBN10: 1594671443Erick OmogaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Unfailing Love : Gods Answer To A Troubled Family


    Unfailing Love details God’s mercy to a young mother desperate for answers. Everything looks hopeless as she struggles with a faltering marriage, a chronically ill child, and rebellious teens.Through it all, she discovers how her trials work for good. Lessons learned only through dire testing unearth the hidden treasure of her painful past. God’s intervention into the lives of this family, with miraculous answers to prayer, will fill readers with awe and cause them to fall in love with Jesus. A must read for everyone desiring a closer walk with the Lord.

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  • Believing For Miracles


    Believing for Miracles will comfort you, help heal you, and inform you on how to receive from God! You will love reading this book and sharing it with others. It makes a great gift! This beautifully written collection of poetry will definitely transform your life and usher you into the supernatural realm of the miraculous!

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  • Listen With Your Heart


    This is not simply another book of poems. To tell the truth, the author never really liked poetry much. The poems are divided into groups such as grace, faith, and praise, enabling them to be used as devotionals. Through the words of the Psalms and the language of the Scriptures, certain truths are revealed in the words of the poems. They are truths that all readers can know if they are open to the message that lies within. Through praise and honor to God, the words reveal their meaning through simple phrases. The writings will help you understand that during your happiest or saddest moments, and everything in between, keep your eyes focused on the Lord. Though the answer may not be clear, the destination is still the same. These words were revealed to an ordinary person who opened her heart to what God had to say. Nothing is “different” or “special” about her; she just learned to listen.

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    This classic, second only to the Bible for religious instruction and inspiration, has brought understanding and comfort to millions for centuries. Written in a candid and conversational style, the topics include liberation from worldly inclinations, preparation and consolations of prayer, and the place of eucharistic communion in a devout life.

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  • Victory In The Workplace


    Victory in the Workplace will empower you with the ability to reign victoriously in your workplace. You will obtain the strength, encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to succeed in the working world. This is a must read for everyone in the working world. No other book will provide the keys to overcoming the serious and sensitive issues that we face in the workplace. Victory in the Workplace offers a fresh perspective for conquering critical issues in the working world. This book provides inspiration on 100 topics that workers confront every day. You will learn how to: Discover and pursue your purpose in life Succeed in the face of challenges and opportunities Display the fruits of the Spirit and honor your faith Maintain a positive attitude and excel in performance Handle difficult and demanding people and personalities Equip yourself with the Lord’s armor to overcome spiritual warfare Victory in the Workplace will inspire and motivate you to overcome the working world as Christ has overcome the world.

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  • Life After Grace


    1. Life After Grace
    2. Close Encounters
    3. Practicing The Faith

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    In Life After Grace, the follow-up to her best-selling Glimpses of Glory, respected Christian writer and biblical scholar Carol Bechtel offers a collection of thirty reflections on living in the midst of God’s grace. Each reflection includes a Scripture passage and questions for reflection, making Life After Grace ideal for private devotion, group or individual study, and sermon preparation.

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  • As You Go To College I Hope You Have This Knowledge


    This book is filled with practical and inspirational advice and covers a wide range of topics. It was written with love from a mother’s heart. As our oldest child was near the end of her junior year of high school, I began to realize that we had little time with her before she would leave for college. I also felt a sense of urgency to remind her of the things that her dad and I have taught her over the years. I decided to write down some important reminders for all three of our children. It is my prayer that the book will not only guide my own children but will also be helpful to everyone who reads it.

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  • Postured For Power


    Postured for Power is a month-long spiritual workout for the Christian leader’s inner man. Based on 1 Peter 5:5-11, Andrew T. Arroyo identifies five spiritual postures that are critical for leadership power: humility, relinquishment, separation, defense, and resolution. Then, with characteristic candor, he expounds on each through thirty daily spiritual “adjustments.” No leader can read this and remain unchanged. Whether you use it as a personal leadership devotional, a tool that you give to your emerging leaders, or a ready reference for material on leadership development, Postured for Power will be an asset in any leadership library. God has made available power to lead; now we must posture ourselves to handle it!

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  • God I Love


    “The God I Love is the book that captures my heart and thoughts in the events, dialogues, memories, images, and scenes of my life_my walk with God.”_Joni Eareckson Tada Joni’s name is synonymous around the world with the words “loving God.” She has lived out these words since the diving accident thirty-six years ago that left her paralyzed from the shoulders down. Now in The God I Love she looks back on the whole of her life through eyes that can see how that accident actually moved her in a new direction, saving her from another tragedy of her own making. This story-driven narrative captures the events and images of Joni’s remarkable life as she describes her life in six themes. She begins with her life as an ordinary girl who is blessed by an extraordinary God_but not without tragic turns. Then she ponders the question, would she have been an artist if she had not broken her neck? She recognizes that through prayer she enters into God’s holy presence and finds that he answers her prayers in full measure. She acknowledges that it is only through the kindness of friends that she has bathed or eaten or done the countless simple tasks that make up everyday life. Because of her unusual situation, her wheelchair has rolled onto platforms around the world where millions of people have heard her speak about her Savior. Through tragedy Joni has come to know God, the living, surprising, wonderful Lord of all. A note from Joni_ The God I Love is a memory still unfolding of the journey that keeps taking me deeper into the heart of my Savior. It’s my prayer that this story, which spans over fifty years, will resonate with each person who takes time to pick up the book…it’s my prayer that The God I Love will serve as a roadmap, a guide, a signpost to light the journey of each reader, helping them to see their sweet, soft desperation of Jesus, too.

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  • My Desperate Search For Love


    My Desperate Search for Love is a testimony of deliverance from the dependency of seeking validation through the love of a man to the discovery, acceptance, and realization of the true and real love of God. This true story was passionately written and tells of the deep hunger that drives each of us to do the unthinkable in our quest to be loved. The author takes us through her own personal six-year journey and carefully chronicles how she reached her destination of discovering the awesome, fulfilling love of God! This was written to shed light on this very real problem that exists among many young women in our world today. It is the author’s desire that you will use this story as a tool and a guidebook as you set out on your journey for your search for love.

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  • Dont Drive On The Sidewalk


    When we are young, we start off on our journey of life filled with big dreams and expectations. But life is also filled with twists and turns. Whether traveling across town, across the country, or across a lifetime, you are bound to run into detours. We find Road Closed, Dead End, Bridge Out, Do Not Enter, One Way, and Be Prepared to Stop signs in our personal lives and professional careers. In Don’t Drive on the Sidewalk-Inspirations through the Detours of Life, Gail M. Renderman takes the twists, turns, bumps, and stops, and adds a new view. Traveling through life as a wife and mother, having a career in sales, and living with major health challenges, Renderman knows how quickly plans can change. She takes the obstacles that we all face; adds some laughter, a positive attitude, a strong religious belief; and combines them to inspire others to get through the toughest times. She helps us remember that we are never alone when we ask God to travel with us on our journey-just watch out when He decides to drive! So sit back and enjoy the scenery while we venture through the detours in life together, without driving on the sidewalk!

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  • Spiritual Jetstreams


    SKU (ISBN): 9780964092228ISBN10: 0964092220David HuddelstonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Maranatha Publications Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • 101 Most Powerful Prayers In The Bible


    Entertaining and enriching, full of insight both into biblical text and the spiritual challenge of modern life, 101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible has the warmth and insight of a fireside chat with a deep and trusted friend. At the same time, it is a guide to the true effectiveness of prayer and to the greatest human achievement of all: to be able to speak directly to God, and to hear Him speak back to us.

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  • When God Pursues A Womans Heart


    25 Chapters

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    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Within the heart of every woman is the desire to be pursued, cherished, and loved. Yet the kind of love that truly fulfills these desires cannot come from husbands, children, parents, or friends, but only from God Himself. Cindi McMenamin, author of the popular book When Women Walk Alone, will take women on a personal journey of discovery that looks at the many ways God loves them, and how He shows that love. Women will gain greater confidence in themselves and their purpose in life as they see how much God longs to sweep them off their feet and love and care for them as only He can.

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  • My Sheep Know My Voice


    My Sheep Know My Voice is a collection of fine divine poems written by Jacqueline K. Murray under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Each poem has its own unique style of reaching believers in Christ as well as unbelievers. With revelation of God’s Word and sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit, Jacqueline pens messages for a lifestyle of deliverance and liberty. Through poetry, the reader is provoked to examine himself from different angles of self-characterization. Jacqueline’s simplistic approach to this art form renders a direct unveiling of the mysteries of God’s Kingdom and provides spiritual food that necessarily dictates meditation and change. This book is in its second printing, and has been revised and updated with numerous new poems. As you will see as you read through the following pages, Jacqueline is truly gifted to minister God’s Word through poetry. Her unique approach will no doubt capture your attention, feed your Spirit man, and cause you to want more.

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  • Daring To Dance With God


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Christians everywhere want to know God more intimately but often don’t know how to overcome the obstacles that keep them arm’s length from their Creator. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling combines biblical insight, vivid imagery, and humorous stories to move you into a celebration of life’s surprises and a rich relationship with the God of the unexpected.

    You will identify with Walling’s witty yet poignant insights on “Five Diseases That Stop the Music” and will find hope in the section on “Three Special Dances for Painful Times.” Ideal for all who long for more in their relationship with God.

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  • My Desperate Search For Love


    My Desperate Search for Love is a testimony of deliverance from the dependency of seeking validation through the love of a man to the discovery, acceptance, and realization of the true and real love of God. This true story was passionately written and tells of the deep hunger that drives each of us to do the unthinkable in our quest to be loved. The author takes us through her own personal six-year journey and carefully chronicles how she reached her destination of discovering the awesome, fulfilling love of God! This was written to shed light on this very real problem that exists among many young women in our world today. It is the author’s desire that you will use this story as a tool and a guidebook as you set out on your journey for your search for love.

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  • Sharing Visions


    The Bible is filled with many familiar stories of mystical experiences — Moses and the burning bush, Samuel in the temple, the angel’s visit to Mary, and Paul’s Damascus road experience are just a few examples — and many modern Christians have equally powerful experiences of the Lord’s life-changing power and presence.

    In this follow-up volume to Vision Stories, 84 contributors share their authentic, intensely personal accounts of encountering the divine, including visions, healing miracles, and answers to prayer. Each vignette manifests the indescribable joy, comfort, and peace we experience in God’s presence. And because each personal story also illustrates a scripture passage from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary, Sharing Visions is an especially valuable resource for lectionary preaching. But even more, it’s inspiring reading for personal devotion and spiritual growth.

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  • New Mercies I See


    In New Mercies I See, Stan Purdum does for the ministry what James Herriot did for veterinary medicine in All Creatures Great and Small. Set in rural Ohio churches, Stan’s stories are humorous, poignant, thought-provoking, pathos-filled, and heartwarming. But above all, they are hopeful. Whether it’s sudden rain falling on a pain-wracked young man clinging to his brother’s coffin, the guilty woman whose love for an abused baby brings resurrection to them both, or the overly enthusiastic pastor who has to serve communion with walnut juice freckling his face, these accounts recognize that the persistent grace of God is never far from any one of us.

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  • Keepin It Real


    Leslie has just turned 13 — and she is having a very bad year. Not only is she stuck in a new school where she doesn’t know anyone, but she’s also stuck in a “life group” at her church where the leader of her small discussion group asks tough questions that she can’t answer. Come along and join Leslie on her faith journey as she writes letters to God, and in the process begins to discover answers to some of her problems.

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  • Highway To Your Dreams


    “Steve Kime is a very special person. I realized this the day he told me he was going to run across Oklahoma. Now, Oklahoma is a very wide state, and I asked Steve if he wouldn’t rather do the Oklahoma Panhandle first.” “No, he persisted, he planned to across the whole state and do it in 16 days in order to raise awareness of and funds for Special Olympics. He did it, too!” “I’ve always believed when we reach out to help others, we are touching the hand of God, and Steve Kime is doing that every day. His is a must-read book. Steve is my hero.” Tom Harken, author of The Millionaire’s Secret and Winner of the 1992 Horatio Alger Award “Get off the bench and in the game of life. Read this profound book!” Rudy Ruettiger -Top Motivational Speaker, Author, and the inspiration behind the TriStar hit movie Rudy “There are some people that have more than a dream or a goal to attain. They are the few that have a call on their lives who are at specific places, at specific times, with words and actions that change people’s lives. This story shows a man fulfilling his personal call and destiny on the behalf of many. The journey becomes the process in which he achieves his purpose, completes his assignment, and looks intensely at what lies ahead.” Madeline Manning Mims-Four-Time Olympian, Gold and Silver Medalist, Author of The Hope of Glory

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  • Miracles And Wonders


    208 Pages

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    At some time or another, nearly everyone needs a miracle. Failing health, financial difficulties, deteriorating relationships all are problems that make people cry out for divine intervention. But while Scripture offers numerous examples of God performing miracles for ancient generations from Moses and the burning bush to the loaves and fishes that fed 5,000 does He still do it in the 21st century? Author Calvin Miller investigates, delving into the Scriptures and drawing on modern testimonials to find the answer. He examines the Bible’s most famous miracles from the Virgin Birth to the Resurrection of Christ, analyzes the discrepancy between science and miracle, and explores such perplexing questions as why God chooses to intervene on some occasions but not on others. By illuminating God’s patterns, Miller reaches a conclusion that offers a tremendous source of faith and inspiration: Yes, God breaks His natural laws to bless mankind with His mercy, compassion, and love.

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  • Then Sings My Soul


    The Favorite and Most Loved Hymn Stories!

    Rob Morgan’s inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations.

    Don’t look for a dry recounting of boring stories. These devotional-style stories will show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history — the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories will speak to your soul and add depth and meaning as you worship God through song.

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  • Return Of The Prodigal


    P O W E R F U L P E R S O N A L T E S T I M O N Y s O P E B A N W O OPE BANWO THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL This book takes a look at the story of the Prodigal Son in the light of the amazing personal experiences of a modern-day Prodigal. It details the uncanny parallels between the biblical Prodigal Son and the author. It takes you through a series of emotions ranging from sorrow to tears and finally to joy at the wonderful manifestation of the will of God in the life of an individual. The story, told in a touching and personal style, details the suffering days of the author in the “far country,” the strange “God-incidences” leading to his conviction and redemption, and the problems he encountered from the “older brothers in the house” as he tried to settle into the call of God on his life. The Return of the Prodigal is a powerful personal testimony to the aggressive nature of the grace of God as it relentlessly seeks the wayward child of God. The book is full of inspiring lessons guaranteed to make you take another look at the unlimited grace of God in your life and of those around you.

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  • Dance Of Hope


    224 Pages

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    Hope is what keeps us alive. Yet a look into our hearts reveals that many of us are plagued by loneliness, anger, sorrow, and depression. Why do we feel so hopeless when we look out at the world and into our own lives? In this book William Frey helps you step back and see the big picture of who you are – a person created by God and destined for a glorious future.

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  • King Size Bed A Silk Tree And A Fry Pan


    Believing that the wisdom acquired in a lifetime is as much a part of a family’s legacy as are all of its material possessions, Phyllis Dolislager uses stories from her family’s lives to illustrate what’s truly important to her and her husband. Following the Judeo-Christian tradition of an Ethical Will or a Last Will and Testament, she put together this spiritual document, her Testament, for her family. Stories of trusting God, helping others, as well as struggles faced, make this book meaningful not only to her family but to all who read it. “Touching, real, and brutally honest. This book is not for people looking only for the ‘sunny-side’ of life, but for those searching for meaning regardless of the emotional challenges that present themselves.” -David Russell Miller, Ph.D., Psychologist and Counselor “A wonderful heritage to leave to your children and grandchildren.” -Suzanne Kavgian, East Chicago Public Library “Love, faith, humor, and drama of a family. We consistently see the stabilizing hand of God . . . does not diminish life’s complexity, but rather it shows us how to come to terms with it.” -Rev. Richard D. Long, Lakeland Christian School “An inspiring collection of well-written stories filled with faith and an enduring trust in God.” -Jean E. Holmes, President, Florida State Association, The National League of American Pen Women “This Testament provided me with the understanding of why my parents did what they did, which, in turn, revealed the truths that they tried to teach me.” -Fredrick G. Dolislager, University of Tennessee, Environmental Risk Assessor

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  • Walk Of Faith


    The author of this book wrote this book so that others might read it and become inspired by it.

    The author’s written journey is an excerpt out of her life of a supernatural event that took place after a devastating moment in her life, written so that you can take from it what you want in any part of her book in order to inspire you in your life. The author says, ‘Please enjoy this book!’

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