
Showing 24751–24800 of 25161 results

  • How To Live With Your Parents Without Losing Your Mind


    If you think How to Live with Your Parents . . . Without Losing Your Mind! was written to teach you how to change your parents, think again. This book helps you change your family by starting where the power to change really begins – with yourself and the way you view your folks.

    Ken Davis cuts through the complexities of living with parents. He uses the Bible to drive home the importance of family harmony. He encourages you that God is the “Wizard of Odds” who can help you overcome any family problem, no matter how big or small. And Ken shows you communication skills that can really make a difference
    But don’t get the idea this book is for teens only. Parents should read it, too. They’ll find new understanding of how they really make decisions, how they assert their authority, and how they express their love.

    This warm, funny book will help moms and dads do a better job of parenting their teenagers – and it will help young adults improve the way they “teenage” their parents. Read it, let your family read it . . . and watch good things start to happen.

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  • Gentle Persuasion : Creative Ways To Introduce Your Friends To Christ


    1. Can You Bake A Cherry Pie?
    2. Seeing Is Believing
    3. Scouting The Other Team
    4. Packing Your Bag
    5. Finding The Lost Sheep
    6. Cashing In On Your Networks
    7. Cultivating Your Cul-de-sac
    8. Growing Crops, Not Weeds
    9. Culture Vultures
    10. Sow And Tell

    239 Pages

    Additional Info
    Gentle persuasion is an encouraging appeal for Christians of all ages and abilities to become part of God’s strategy for bringing needy men and women to Christ. Join Joe as he explains how cherry pies, hammers and saws, lawn mowers, broken-down cars, chariots of fire, babysitters, duck hunters, llama farmers-and even attack lambs with steel wool-can draw your friends to the Savior.

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  • Colossians And Philemon (Student/Study Guide)


    This Bible study on Colossians & Philemon participants will be challenged to deal with dilemmas. Also, through Paul’s words he will refocus the attention to Christ and affirm the Christian lifestyle. Plus, participants will be encouraged to apply God’s word to their lives. Included are historical insights, word defin- itions, discussion questions, assignments and a leader’s guide. Format; Workbook Audience; New Christian Number of Lessons; 11 Average # of Questions; 15 Prep Time; Medium

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  • Gospel Treasury Cycle C


    Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters of contemporary poems based on lectionary Gospel texts for Cycle C.

    Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.

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  • Amos Hosea Micah


    Eminently qualified to write this groundbreaking book, Philip King is known as both an archaeological and biblical authority. Defining biblical archaeology as the “process of correlating archaeological evidence with the biblical record,” he sees the function of this discipline as the illumination of the events recorded in the Bible in order to clarify the text. In Amos, Hosea, and Micah, King offers an enlightening and elegant commentary on the eight-century prophets from an archaeological perspective.

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  • Continuity And Discontinuity


    Evangelicals agree that the Bible is God’s inerrant word. But we sometimes differ on how to relate the messages of the Old and New Testaments. Without a basic understanding of this crucial matter, it is difficult to know how to use the Testament to formulate either doctrine or practice. For example: Was Israel the OT Church – are OT promises to God’s national people fulfilled in the church today? Or, is Mosaic Law binding in believers now – are twentieth-century Christians to obey the Ten Commandments, including sabbath observance? In this book, thirteen noted evangelical theologians discuss, fairly but clearly, the continuity/discontinuity debate in regard to six basic categories: theological systems, hermeneutics, salvation, the Law of God, the people of God, and kingdom promises. Covering much more than the differences between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, this work of distinguished evangelical scholarship will fuel much profitable study and discussion.

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  • Economics For Prophets A Print On Demand Title


    While many people think that the role of the biblical prophets was foretelling the future, the biblical emphasis, says Walter Owenbsy, was clearly much more on their role as forthtellers of God’s message in troubled times. Indeed, much of their message had to do with how economic realities of the day affected the lives of people and the nation.

    In our time as well, faith has something to say about such things. That does not mean posing as economists when we are not. But it does mean knowing enough about the way our economic system functions to be able to identify the moral issues at stake within it and to enter responsibly into the public debate about the economic choices that lie before us.

    Owensby has written this book to help Christians take part more confidently and effectively in the dialogue on ethics and economics. Economics for Prophets is an introduction to the subject (it assumes no previous exposure to economics studies or jargon) that takes a helpful three-step approach. It explains some of the basic concepts of our economic system, explores how these concepts function in the real world, and critiques both the concepts and their practical working out from a biblical-theological-ethical perspective.

    Understanding economics can help Christians function as prophets in the true biblical sense, says Owensby – as socially aware believers who emphasize not foretelling the future, but forthtelling God’s message to the world.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 18


    John Wesley’s Journal is one of the most important sources of information about his life and thought. Now, in this first of seven journal volumes published in The Works of John Wesley collection, scholars have access to a critical edition of the Journal featuring annotations and commentary by two of the world’s foremost Wesley authorities. Spanning three years in Wesley’s life, this annotated Journal makes a major contribution to contemporary Wesleyan scholarship. Extract 1 contains Wesley’s journal from the time of his embarking for Georgia (October 14, 1735) to the time of his return to London (February 1, 1737). Extract 2 covers Wesley’s life from his return to London to his journey to Germany, to his return from Germany in August, 1738.

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  • Psalms Part 1 A Print On Demand Title


    Erhard Gerstenberger begins this volume with an examination of the nature of cultic poetry, its role in ancient Near Eastern religion, and more specifically its role in the religion of Israel. He goes on to survey the genres of cultic poetry, including lament, complaint, and thanksgiving, and then focuses on the book of Psalms as an example of cultic poetry, first analyzing the book as a whole and then working through Psalms 1-60 unit by unit.

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  • Gospel In Parable


    This book is helpful in reviewing the parables that are in the gospel in context to the time that they were written. It provides several thought provoking interpretations.

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  • Words On Target


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804214766ISBN10: 080421476XSue NicholsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1988Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Encountering Jesus : A Debate On Christology


    A lively and argumentative dialogue among theologians and philosophers of religion that offers insight into the problems of Christology and provides current perspectives on the issues.

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  • Contemporary Missiology A Print On Demand Title


    This comprehensive introduction examines the place, significance, and scope of the practice of missiology, its biblical foundations, motives, goals, and methods. Particular consideration is given to Asian, African, and Latin American missions, and to the church’s mission to the Jews.

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  • Christ In Christian Tradition 1


    A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume One covers the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451).

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  • Beginning The Christian Life Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Includes all of the pupil book plus additional instructions on each lesson helps in presenting the lesson. Answers to workbook exercises are included.

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  • David Lion And Lamb


    Few biblical characters are as popular as David, and this set of 27 complete messages covers all Cycle B texts in the Common Lectionary — as well as several others — dealing with this popular Bible personality.
    Each message incorporates thorough biblical scholarship with popular reference points and concerns, and addresses the reader in a comfortable, personable style — making this versatile resource appropriate for Cycle B lectionary preaching, independent sermon series preparation, and individual or group Bible study.

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  • Luke


    This book is written for laypeople, students, and pastors. Laypeople will use it as a resource for bible study. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the new testament. And pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation.

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  • Come Sing And Celebrate


    Here are two delightful Christmas plays for a special celebration with your parish’s children, youth, and adults.

    The Night Love Was Born by Mary Jane Mulder is a contemporary re-enactment, in word and song, of the first Christmas story, set within the world of imagination — where even a cynical toy soldier can learn the true meaning of Christmas.

    Originally written for participation by up to fifty children, this flexible pageant can be tailored to suit the needs and resources of large or small congregations. Staging can be either simple or elaborate, and the entire performance can be presented in forty minutes.

    Angels We Have Heard on High Street by J. Richard Coyle is a modern version of the Gospel’s account of Christ’s birth, using contemporary characters who present their message in music and mime. Parts are involved for participants of all ages, and congregational involvement is required. Staging and production are flexible, and can accommodate abundant or limited resources. Performance time is also flexible.

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  • 6 Presents From God


    Advent is a time to think about gifts. Who should receive them? How much should they cost? What do the people on our list “need” most of all? We scramble every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, trying to “take care of our gift list.”

    Here is a refreshing second look at the whole area of giving and receiving gifts. When all is said and done, it is not us but God who is the gift-giver. By his rich giving we are graced for life and for eternity. Throughout the season of Advent and Christmas, share with members of your congregation the good news of God’s enormous generosity. Look together at the “gift list ” God assembled for us once where shepherds watched and angels sang.

    These six sermons are each supplemented with simple object lessons for young children. The author focuses on God’s gifts to us of:
    The baby Jesus

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  • Call In The Clowns


    Children love stories. (So do their parents.) The Sunday morning worship hour is a perfect time to take five minutes to gather the children and share a story with them. When the youngest in the congregation understand what is being shared, all who are older will as well.
    These fifty object lessons are based on gospel texts. Many but not all are from the gospel of Luke, including familiar parables of Jesus such as the prodigal son and the good Samaritan. Each story makes use of a familiar household object, such as a paper bag, a candle, some construction paper, or a balloon, in order to make a simple teaching memorable to young learners.
    Anyone who loves children and can tell a story can share the stories in this book. It may be the pastor, a Sunday church school teacher, a gifted (or simply dedicated) lay person, or a parent of younger children. The stories can also be used effectively in the church school classroom or in the Christian home.

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  • Reading The Signs Cycle C


    If you are like many parish pastors, you find the Christmas season to be the most frustrating season of the church year — so much to do, so much to celebrate, so much to say — and so little time to prepare it all!

    That is why J. Ellsworth Kalas has prepared these twelve thoughtful sermons — to help you present the meaningful and coherent messages you want your congregation to hear during this busiest of seasons.

    Within are sermons for every Cycle C gospel text during the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons from the Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries, including:
    – The Signs of Summer
    – The Hinge of History
    – Songs of the Season
    – Return to the New
    – From Empty Nets to Full Lives
    – Awake to Glory

    Use these complete sermons as presented — or as jumping-off points for your own meaningful messages.

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  • Ashes And Tears


    Ash Wednesday and Holy Week are special days indeed on the Christian calendar. Pastors and worship leaders need to approach these days with special care so that their significance is not lost on the gathered congregation. How does one mark familiar days such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday in such a way that a deadening sameness does not overtake the planning and the execution of the worship services for these days?

    James M. Bloom provides in this helpful resource eleven separate services or worship ideas. Liturgies and meditations are included. In most cases more than one worship alternative is provided.

    Use this volume to enrich your observance of the special season of Lent. Share its ideas with others on your worship planning team. Help the members of your parish to experience a blessed Lent.

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  • Secret Of The Golden Cowrie


    Connie Lawrence loves secrets, and when Aunt Laura shares one with her, it leads them both to a puzzle connected with a beautiful golden cowrie shell. But someone else is interested in the cowrie, too – someone who is careful to stay in the shadows.

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  • Acts : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    William Willimon combines the latest findings in Lukan scholarship with the pastoral, educational, and theological concerns of the local church to provide a new interpretation of Acts. He bases his commentary on the idea that the purpose of Acts was not to make Christianity acceptable to the Roman state but rather to preserve the integrity of the church against the onslaught of classical culture.

    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Why God


    This book is a sensitive inquiry for anyone who has ever suffered and who wants to think through it theologically. It is a compassionate resource for coming to grips with pain, suffering, and evil.

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  • Apologia A Print On Demand Title


    Apologia is about contemporary theological education – its current state and its future. While many current trends in seminaries and departments of theology bring important new insights to the study of religion, says Max Stackhouse, they also erode – sometimes unwittingly – the capacity to speak of God, truth, and justice with warranted confidence. Theology is thereby undermined in all arenas – not only in academia, but in the life of the church and society.

    This book not only exposes the frailties of several current ideologies, but also draws noted scholars from five continents and a seminary faculty into an interdisciplinary discussion of the most significant recent literature on theological education. The results are fresh proposals for the reconstructing of theological education on foundations that are contextually alert, globally concerned, and mission- oriented.

    Apologia is a ground-breaking work, a book that begins and ends in dialogue, and points toward the ways in which Christian theology will have to redefine itself if it is to actively shape, and not merely reflect, the context in which we live.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 26


    The second volume of letters in The Works of John Wesley, this text spans the years 1740-1755.

    “This is the second of the seven volumes devoted to Wesley’s correspondence. It presents details about more than a thousand letters by three hundred persons, over four hundred being printed fully, and over three hundred by means of brief quotations, or by clues to their contents or purpose. Almost two-thirds of the published letters are from Wesley’s own pen. Most of the remainder fill in the backround or outcome of his letters, though a number have been selected for some other special significance. More than one-fifth of the letters by Wesley are not available in Telford’s edition. The great bulk of the letters as a whole are presented in a carefully verified text (often for the first time) from the original holographs or other primary sources. Footnotes to all Wesley’s out-letters introduce his correspondents, elucidate references, and identify the sources of his frequent quotations. The in-letters are annotated much more lightly. The appendix (continued from the previous volume), lists all the known letters written or received by Wesley during the years 1740-55, along with details about the location of the text, whether in this volume or elsewhere.” (from the Preface and Acknowledgements)

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  • Randall House Bible Commentary Romans


    Here’s the perfect commentary to help readers understand biblical truths and communicate those truths to others. The verse-by-verse expositions highlight and explain important Greek words from the original manuscripts. They also examine the difficult theological concepts. A great reference for laypeople, teachers and preachers.

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  • Ecclesiastes


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664212957ISBN10: 0664212956James Crenshaw | Editor: James Mays | Editor: Carol NewsomBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1987Old Testament LibraryPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Justice In The Unjust World


    Have we heard the cry for justice that rises from humanity suffering from varieties of injustice: economic, sexual, political, cultural, verbal? Or, what is more, have Christians on occasion, knowingly or unknowingly, acquiesced in – or even contributed to – injustice?

    By means of powerful and dramatic use of biblical images and models, Dr. Lebacqz sets before us the justice of God and God’s call for us to heed the cry of the suffering and to work for justice in an unjust world.

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  • Christian Story Volume 2 A Print On Demand Title


    As a pastoral systematic, The Christian Story rises from, and strives to be a resource to, the life and witness of the church and its leadership. The first volume (revised edition, 1984) offered an introductory overview of the basic Christian doctrine.

    Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines, Gabriel Fackre here surveys a spectrum of views on authority – from inerrantist to experientialist – and sets forth an alternative perspective along ecumenical and narrative lines. The author’s search for a full-orbed position affirms Scripture as the source, the church and its traditions as resource, the world of human experience as setting, the Gospel as substance, and Christ as the center of authority.

    A detailed analysis of hermeneutical issues is included in the book. The quest for evangelical catholicity leads to a restatement of the fourfold method of scriptural interpretation: common sense, critical scholarship, canonical perspective, and the contextualization process – personal and social. An extensive exegesis of a key Christological text, John 14:6, illustrates how this method works.

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  • Together Till Death Us Do Part


    How can pastors help couples make a solid beginning as they launch out into the rocky waters of marriage? How can the pastor speak briefly but effectively to them when they approach the altar?
    John M. Braaten provides 21 well-crafted homilies for marriage in a Christian context. A wide variety of scripture and circumstances are represented in this choice collection. This single-volume library will serve the busy parish pastor well as he or she ministers to couples coming to make their wedding promises.
    “Things I like about these sermons include… the up-beat spirit of them… the emphasis on the embrace of the community of faith… the mellow realism…”
    Gerhard Frost, Professor Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “I like this little book. In a day when wedding homilies have become incidental to the marriage service and are sometimes omitted altogether, Pastor Braaten gives us short, warm, and practical sermons that would enhance any wedding.”
    Alvin Rogness
    Author, pastor, President Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “These sermons include an astouding variety of material and text, yet they all present the gospel to those who are beginning their life together.”

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  • Inclusive Language Lectionary (Revised)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664240592ISBN10: 0664240593Binding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1987Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Formation And Reflection


    Can practical theology be truly practical?
    The answer is yes. This collection brings together top scholars in the fields of pastoral care, systematic theology, and biblical hermeneutics to offer a coherent practical theology for the pastoral mission of the church. As Christians around the world practice their faith, this important scholarly book highlights the salient struggles in contemporary Christian thought and seeks to bring together the best of the church and academy for the greater good.

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  • Daughters Of The Church


    Rich in historical events and colorfully written, this fascinating account of women in the church spans nearly two thousand years of church history. It tells of events and aspirations, determination and disappointment, patience and achievement that mark the history of daughters of the church from the time of Jesus to the present. The authors have endeavored to present an objective story. The very fact that readers may find themselves surprised now and again by the prominent role of women in certain events and movements proves an inequality that historical narrative has often been guilty of. This is a book about women. It is a setting straight off the record — a restoring of balance to history that has repeatedly played down the significance of the contributions of women to the theology, the witness, the movements, and the growth of the church. An exegetical study of relevant Scripture passages offers stimulating thought for discussion and for serious reevaluation of historical givens. This volume is enriched by pictures, appendixes, bibliography, and indexes. Like many of the women whose stories it tells, this book has a subdued strength that should not be underestimated.

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  • Mind Of The Maker


    This classic, with a new introduction by Madeleine L’Engle, is by turns an entrancing mediation on language; a piercing commentary on the nature of art and why so much of what we read, hear, and see falls short; and a brilliant examination of the fundamental tenets of Christianity. The Mind of the Maker will be relished by those already in love with Dorothy L. Sayers and those who have not yet met her.

    A mystery writer, a witty and perceptive theologian, culture critic, and playwright, Dorothy Sayers sheds new, unexpected light on a specific set of statements made in the Christian creeds. She examines anew such ideas as the image of God, the Trinity, free will, and evil, and in these pages a wholly revitalized understanding of them emerges. The author finds the key in the parallels between the creation of God and the human creative process. She continually refers to each in a way that illuminates both.

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  • Until Justice And Peace Embrace


    Calling Christians to be true to God’s shalom in all dimensions of life, philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff brings the religious vision of the Reformation to bear on such urgent matters as world poverty, nationalism, urban ugliness, and the tragedy of liturgy in Protestantism.

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  • Art In Action


    This book offers a fine general introduction to the theory of art, and it also presents one of the most interesting statements of recent years regarding th special perspectives that may be cast upon the issues of aesthetics from the standpoint of the Christian theology. It is a cogently argued and splendidly written book which deserves to be widely read.

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  • Genesis : Believers Church Bible Commentary


    The author provides a distinctive study of Gensis by focusing on the rich story line that traces the development of a community of faith. As the narrative develops, theological motifs such as creation, disaster and recreation, promise and fulfillment, infertility and blessing emerge.

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  • To Love As God Loves


    I first met the men and women I am writing aobut in this book twenty years ago. I was a graduate student at the time, and though I was struggling with Christianity, I had not yet found a form of it that could draw both my heart and my head to God. God’s for all of us, ours for each other, God’s world, and God, all of these things are Christian love.

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  • Sinai And Zion


    A treasury of religious thought and faith–places the symbolic world of the Bible in its original context.

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  • Models Of God


    MODELS OF GOD – Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age MODELS OF GOD is in fact a new systematic theology, indeed a new way of thinking about metaphorical theology and materially a radically new presentation of Christian themes.. The power of Mc Fague’s work is in its ability to speak to the American Protestant mainstream, challenging Christians with models of God that reflect both ecological sensitivity and concern for justice.

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  • People Of The Chalice


    Cartwright helps Disciples understand their rich heritage and unique characteristics.

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  • Ephesians : A Study Manual (Student/Study Guide)


    A concise commentary with thoughtful questions for reflection or discussion. Ideal for Sunday school classes or home Bible study.

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  • Introduction To Missiology


    While teaching at Fuller School of World Mission, Tippett inspired and challenged the founding generation of “great commission” or “church growth” missiologists. This collection brings together almost 40 of his best writings. In a style that is both academic and personal, he deals first with missiological theory then with anthropological and historical dimensions of missiology. He then treats a number of specific missiological problems from these perspectives including seminal material on power encounters.

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  • Light Has Come


    Thousands of books have been written on the Fourth Gospel, but few have had the lasting impact of this modern classic by respected missiologist Lesslie Newbigin. Developed over a period of thirty years during which Newbigin led Bible studies as a bishop in the Church of South India, this excellent commentary on John is unique both in its power to prepare pastors and teacher to effectively declare the Word of God to others and in its ability to clearly communicate John’s message to contemporary Western readers.

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  • Ezra And Nehemiah


    When the Jews returned to Israel from captivity in Babylon in the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. they faced many hardships. Despite these struggles, Ezra and Nehemiah believed that God was working with them to accomplish his purpose, which was to restore a faithful community. Israel Alive Again interprets the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the context of the Hebrew Bible, exploring the theological meanings of these often slighted books, and emphasizing their relevance for the church today. Like the other commentaries in the series, Israel Alive Again is intended for the layperson, student, and pastor. Its theological exposition makes it valuable to scholars as well.

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  • Institutes Of Christian Religion (Revised)


    14 Chapters

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    John Calvin’s Institutes has established itself as “one of the most important theological works ever written,” writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin’s greatest work.

    Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin’s teaching on all his major themes. Hilary Osborne has put Henry Beveridge’s translation “in simpler and more modern English.”

    The result is “a selection from the Institutes which is manageable for the average modern reader, in terms of length and of intelligibility.” Lane reminds us that Calvin designed the Institutes “to be a practical book …. He requires of all doctrine that it be scriptural and that it be useful for Christian living.”

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  • Praise And Lament In The Psalms


    Praise and lament are two major approaches to praying to God. In this book, Claus Westermann investigates these primary categories of the Psalms and shows their meaning for prayer and worship. He contrasts the Old Testament Psalms with those of Babylon and Egypt indicating their distinctive characteristics. Sensitively written and carefully reasoned, Westermann’s book will be valued for the clear-cut way it brings light to the character of the ancient Psalms of Israel.

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  • Death


    A compelling handbook for pastors, counselors, adult discussion groups. It encourages personal reflection. William Phipps deals honestly and openly with the cultural and human issues surrounding death. His comprehensive resource covers definitions of life and death, life expectancy and quality of life, terminal illness, suicide, grief, funeral practices, body disposal, violent death, nuclear war, handgun control, the death penalty, how to explain death to children, and theories of life after death.

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