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Pastoral Helps

Showing 2201–2250 of 2387 results

  • Words For Worship


    This collection by Arlene M. Mark is a ready resource for pastors and leaders to enrich and deepen worship together. When offered in bulletins, these words can become congregational statements that unify believers and nourish faith and discipleship. Responsive readings come from all ages of the church- our common Christian legacy.

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  • Wrinkled Wrappings


    Wrinkled Wrappings is a series of pulpit messages for Advent and Christmas carved from the pen and emanating from the heart of a distinguished preacher whose messages inspire hope in the hearts of believers. Brokhoff is especially skilled at relating biblical stories to modern life. The flowing style of these sermons is peppered with gripping illustrations that catch us where we are and carry us along as he shines the light of God’s Word into our lives.

    Sermons are based on texts from Mark, Luke, John, and Isaiah.

    Sermon titles include:
    You’re Going To Have A Baby
    Good News For Bad Times
    God With A Human Face
    Happy Next Year?

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  • Who Me Do A Program 1


    The title of this book is a cry often heard by leaders of organizations. This resource is a response to that cry. Designed to be a 12-month guide, there are programs for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, the Christmas season, Lent and more.
    The programs are designed for easy implementation at women’s meetings, youth gatherings and congregational events. Leader’s helps are provided to indicate what props, songs and readers are needed. This collection of 15 programs is reflective, at times humorous, and includes skits, meditations and other suggestions to fit particular seasons.

    Programs for various months include:
    * February — A Heart Filled With Love
    * March — From Slavery To Sainthood
    * May — A Humorous Look At Some Hopeful Women
    * July — God’s Picnic Basket
    * August — The Armor Of God
    * October — In Pursuit Of The Right Spirit
    * November — The Exodus Murmurs
    * … and eight more

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  • Preaching The Parables Series 2 Cycle A


    Parables provide insights and lessons which are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the Parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians.

    With each parable Keeney includes:
    Scripture Text -so readers don’t have to refer to the Bible
    of the church year
    of the passage or verse
    of the other lections for the day
    of the scriptures
    of the pericope
    Homily Hints
    “Point of Contact”
    “Points to Ponder”
    Illustrative Materials

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  • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 5 Cycle A


    Bigger, stronger, better! Russell Anderson has taken the most original and successful lectionary resource in history and improved on it. He has kept all of the traditional features that have made it a classic, such as: overviews of each liturgical season, commentaries compatible with the Revised Common and Roman Catholic lectionaries (plus Lutheran and Episcopal lections for those gradually converting to the Revised Common Lectionary), an introduction to the featured Gospel narrator (Matthew, in Cycle A), theological reflections for exploring the relationships between the texts, wide margins for note-taking and a stay-flat binding.

    Instead of stopping there, though, he has added: a 7″ x 10″ one-size-fits-all format, a suggested sermon title for each week, a Sermon Angle which briefly explicates the theological theme for the day (sometimes providing two or three of them) and two to four illustrative stories per chapter.

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  • Invitations To The Light Cycle A


    The fascination of story telling is felt in these eleven sermons for the Pentecost season. Vibrantly illustrated, they powerfully communicate the good news of God’s love. Wolkenhauer writes, “The use of story in preaching can be a memorable way to proclaim the Gospel. In these sermons I have sought a variety of examples for the use of story in sermons.

    Included here are sermons for the final third of the Season after Pentecost, Christ the King Sunday, All Saints’ Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Reformation Sunday.

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  • Good News For The Hard Of Hearing Cycle A


    Jesus spoke to people whose “hearts have grown dull, and their ears hard of hearing” — like today’s churchgoers who think they know what the preacher is going to say before the sermon begins. These sermons use parable and paradox, narrative and humor, imagination and solid biblical scholarship to tell the good news people don’t expect to hear.

    I hear best what I want to hear and I shut out the things I don’t want to hear. I hear, “Great sermon, Pastor!” better than I hear, “I notice your hair is getting thinner” … I have no problem at all hearing the good news that I am forgiven. I have a really hard time hearing a parable that tells me I will suffer the tortures of the damned until I forgive. These sermons have been influenced by preachers who have gotten through to me despite my spiritual hearing impairment. Craddock, Buechner and Lowry … David Buttrick … Harry Emerson Fosdick … (from author’s preface)

    Sermons in this book are based on lections for the middle third of the Season after Pentecost.

    Sermon titles include:
    Prayer and Compassion Fatigue — Matthew 14:13-21
    Love Without Limits — Matthew 15:10-28
    Good News: Life Is Not Fair — Matthew 20:1-16
    Why Do We Ignore Warning Signs? — Matthew 21:33-46

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  • Veiled Glimpses Of Gods Glory


    This volume makes clear why Robert Grilley has won awards and wide acclaim for his preaching. These messages bring the reality of God to contemporary life.
    He listens as we sometimes speak of how difficult it is to find God and how we receive only veiled glimpses of His glory. These sermons allow us to discover that the Almighty is actually trying to find us … as the love of One searching for absent sheep, crying aloud through the night in a familiar voice and reaching down steep ravines with his shepherd’s crook. It is the love of One waiting wistfully at the gate where the road winds in from a far country, tenderly whispering a name through choked tears and hoping that some day the silhouette of a long lost child will again appear on the horizon.

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  • Tenders Of The Sacred Fire Cycle A


    These sermons are based on First Lesson lectionary texts for the first third of the Season after Pentecost, Cycle A.

    [Bob Cueni’s] preaching meets the unspoken criteria most pew residents bring to a church sanctuary: 1) biblically rooted, 2) easy to understand, 3) tells me something about myself that I feel God wants me to know, and 4) encourages me to believe that I can apply this truth to my life…. His communication style evokes the highest praise pulpit residents can give their peers: “That will preach!”
    Herb Miller Lubbock, Texas

    Sermon titles include:
    The Risky Business Of Faith — Genesis 12:1-9
    When Life Doesn’t Go According To Plan — Genesis 21:8-21
    Don’t Sell Your Inheritance For Cabbage Soup — Genesis 25:19-34

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  • Jesus Epilogue To The Sermon On The Mount


    Charles Link takes the unique approach that the Lord’s Prayer is a further interpretation of Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount, summarizing the major themes of his teachings and providing a means for “signing on” to their morally demanding and culture countering ethics.

    Designed with two six-chapter sections, its frequent references to the Lord’s Prayer make this book a useful companion to the Lord’s Prayer sermon series, A New Hearing Of An Old Prayer, by Thomas C. Short (CSS Publishing Co. 1995). In the first half of the book Link explores the realm of God. In the second half he outlines our role in that realm. Readers will particularly enjoy the author’s questions and group participation suggestions to stimulate their learning and growth. This book will give the Lord’s Prayer new meaning.

    Chapter titles include:
    Jesus As Teacher Of The Realm Of God
    Trusting Our Parent-God
    Forgiven Forgivers
    An “Amen” People

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  • Mothers Of The Bible


    We often hear of the lack of and the need for, strong role models in our society. This worship service, about 10 biblical women who overcame seemingly impossible situations by being faithful to God, provides just such role models, The traumatic experiences and depths of faith of these women, though poignant, are rarely considered in today’s society.

    These 10 women came from various levels of society and had different types of problems. Yet, they all knew God as their only hope and refuge. An excellent resource for Mother’s Day, it is also great for other special occasions.

    Characters included are:
    * Hagar
    * Sarah
    * Moses’ mother
    * Rahab
    * Deborah
    * Naomi and Ruth
    * Hannah
    * Esther
    * Elizabeth

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  • 1001 Humorous Illustrations For Public Speaking


    You have something important to say. Are you sure your audience is listening? Clocks start ticking in the minds of your listeners the minute you begin your presentation. These clocks measure the amount of time you have to interest them before their attention wanders elsewhere. Could be three minutes. Could be thirty seconds. But make your audience laugh and they forget about their clocks. They are too busy listening. Make them laugh and they will listen. Humor is one of your most powerful tools as a speaker, and 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking lets you wield it with power. Michael Hodgin has compiled hundreds of humorous anecdotes on dozens of topics and brought them together in one book. From “Ability” and “Accidents” to “Work” and “Worship,” Hodgin’s illustrations are arranged according to topic and indexed to help you quickly find the perfect anecdote. The book also provides space to record the times and places you use each illustration, so no one will hear you tell the same joke twice. Ideal for preachers, teachers, executives, and anyone else who speaks publicly, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking will keep your audience laughing — and listening to every word you say.

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  • Preaching Through The Christian Year C


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563381003ISBN10: 1563381001Carl Holladay | John Hayes | Gene TuckerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1994Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Healers Harmed And Harmful


    “At a time when clergy misconduct is broadly reported, Conrad Weiser offers a straightforward, theoretically orthodox, and practical way of both understanding and addressing the issues. Leadership, laity, and clergy would be served well by reading and reflecting on Weiser’s wisdom.”

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  • Christian Worship And Technological Change


    “From the Publisher:” CHRISTIAN WORSHIP AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE by Susan J. White Discusses the impact that technology has on theory and practice of liturgy

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  • I Come Away Stronger A Print On Demand Title


    Millions of Americans are joining small groups. Among the religious, prayer fellowships, accountability groups, house churches, Bible-study groups, and covenant groups are being touted as the wave of the future. But are small groups delivering what they promise? Are members really finding the support, encouragement, and deepening spirituality they seek? Or are the answers ambiguous?

    I Come Away Stronger, the complement to Robert Wuthnow’s Sharing the Journey, presents fourteen case studies of small groups – from a women’s Bible study, to a peace fellowship, to a group for senior citizens. What small groups are like nationally and how their members understand spirituality can be gauged from the results of a national survey presented in the appendix.

    This survey is given life and flesh in the extended portraits of each of the groups. These portraits are powerful and highly personal because they tell the stories, both collective and personal, of each group, revealing agreement and dissension, closeness and alienation, growth and stagnation. The result is an intimate inside look at the dynamics of small groups.

    In a concluding chapter, Wuthnow places the small group movement in the changing context of American religion and society, showing why is has emerged and where it is headed, raising crucial questions that religious leaders and group members need to ponder as the movement continues to grow.

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  • Counseling Men


    Counseling Men opens the way for men to discuss and discover their fears and losses in conversation with clergy, pastoral counselors, and lay caregivers.

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  • Gathered By Love


    Extensive resources for worship offer calls to confession, assurances of forgiveness, offertory invitations, offertory prayers, and more.

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  • Guide To Retreat For All Gods Shepherds


    A Guide To Retreat is designed to assist you in a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. The resources included are intended to help you turn more fully towards God, to drink more deeply of God, and to prepare you for faithful ministry.

    The author examines facing the desert times in our lives, explores personal identity and its meaning in ministry, and much more. A book for conducting one’s own ministerial/spiritual retreat, facing such concerns as “When All I Hear is Silence,” “The Tension Between Doing and Being,” and “Who Really Calls and Sends?”

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  • Giving Birth


    The birth of a child is important in the lives of women, families, and communities. But as a metaphor for pastoral practice, it is a sadly underdeveloped theme in theology and ministry. The author offers a remedy for this lack with this unique work, urging the incorporation into worship of Scripture with allusions to birthing–which would enliven the church’s theology.

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  • Out Of The Cults And Into The Church


    10 Chapters
    222 Pages

    Additional Info
    There are plenty of books that tell you what a particular cult believes. “Out Of The Cults And Into The Church” shows you the turmoil and adjustments that former cult members experience as they grow in Christian faith and come to terms with bilical truth. Drawing upon the composite experiences of former cult members from Mormonism, the Unification Church, Hare Krishnas, and her own experience, Janis Hutchinson provides a one-of-a-kind counseling tool for pastors, counselors, and friends seeking to understand and help both former cult members and active cult members who are “investigating” evangelical Christianity. “Out Of The Cults And Into The Church” answers the difficult questions faced by all who have left cults and those who counsel them.

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  • Grapes Of Wrath Or Grace Cycle C


    The ten sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts primarily from 1 Kings and 2 Kings. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Extraordinary Faith For Ordinary Time Cycle C


    SKU (ISBN): 9780788000201ISBN10: 0788000209Larry KalajainenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1994Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Using Scripture In Pastoral Counseling


    Drawing on narrative biblical criticism and the psychology of narrative, the book suggests a model for pastoral counseling using Scripture to explore and release human possiblities. Detailed case studies are presented to depict the way the Bible can be used with counselees. Particular attention is given to pastoral counseling with individuals, marital couples, and families who bring to pastoral counseling a history of employing Scripture to bring order and meaning to their lives. Often, however, the biblical story seems to be secondary in their lives, and a more dominant and unhealthy story is primary. The method of using Scripture suggested in this book illuminates how the Bible story challenges and transforms unhealthy dominant stories that people bring to counseling.

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  • Community Of Joy


    If congregations are to reach new generations of people, they must explore new styles of worship. Timothy Wright stikes a balance between liturgical worhip and worship that seeks to meet the needs of the unchurched and those who have a “hi-tech”, baby-boomer mentality. Written by a pastor in a vital and growing congregation, A COMMUNITY OF JOY suggests practical, innovative, and nontraditional forms of worship, enabling churches to minister more effectively.

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  • Captive Voice : The Liberation Of Preaching


    Renowned homiletician David Buttrick encourages pastors to look afresh at the Bible, church, culture, and Christian identity in order to answer the question of how to preach

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  • Ministry In An Oral Culture


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664255060ISBN10: 066425506XTex SampleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1994Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Sharing Faith With Children


    What kind language and images should we use to communicate faith to children? How can we translate theological abstractions into concrete realities that make sense to children? This book provides insight into the stages of children’s mental and spiritual development in order to enable us to share faith with them in appropriate ways. Juengst gives special attention to the meaning of worship and how children participate in it, the role and purpose of the children’s sermon, the psychological and theological development processes of young children, the use of language and symbolism with children, and the use of appropriate methodologies that help in efforts to share faith with children through sermon.

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  • Spurgeons Sermons On The Cross Of Christ


    1. The Crown Of Thorns
    2. Christ Made A Curse For Us
    3. Christ Made A Sin
    4. Christ Lifted Up
    5. Christ Crucified
    6. Christ Crucified
    7. Christ Set Forth As A Propitiation
    8. The Bitterness Of The Cross
    9. Up From The Country And Pressed Into Service
    10. Unparalleled Suffering
    11. Christ’s Connection With Sinners
    12. Christopathy
    13. Cries From The Cross P. 155

    Additional Info
    In this volume Kregel Publications has brought together a new collection of Spurgeon’s sermons on the Cross and its meaning, signifigance, and power in the life of the believer. These sermons represent Spurgeon at his best-expounding the Word of God with passion and evangelistic appeal. Pastors will find ample “seed thoughts” to help in their own sermon preparation, and Christian readers will appreciate the biblical insight and practical application of Spurgeon’s sermons.

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  • Shared Wisdom : A Guide To Case Study Reflection In Ministry


    Using case study analysis, the authors evaluate events in ministry. They outline the case process – preparing, presenting, and discussing a case – and discuss the implications of the process. Each chapter offers a biblical image which connects the case process with the dynamic Christian tradition. Readers will learn techniques in writing case studies and how to use imagination and analogy to stimulate theological reflection.

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  • Raising Up A Faithful Priest


    This thought-provoking study reviews priesthood from a theological perspective and explores the theological value and significance of priests in the Old and New Testaments.

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  • Women At Worship


    These diverse but unified descriptions of original ceremonies, liturgies, and rites offer suggestions for revitalizing traditional liturgical expressions in relation to women’s experiences.

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  • Calvary Chapel Distinctives


    What makes Calvary Chapel Distinctive? It’s always good to have a grasp of the distinctive work that God has done in our fellowship. If Calvary Chapel is exactly like the church across the street it would be better to simply merge the two. But, if there are qualities that make us different, then we have a unique and special place in the plan of God. Certainly there are churches that share many of our beliefs and practices. But God has done a wonderful work of balance in the Calvary Chapel movement that does make us different. Some churches believe in the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, but don’t have a strong emphasis on Biblical teaching. Others place a strong emphasis on teaching the Word of God, but don’t believe the gifts of the Spirit are available and valid today. In Calvary Chapel we value the teaching of the Word, and posses an open heart to the work of the Holy Spirit. This balance makes Calvary Chapel a distinct and uniquely blessed movement of God. And so, it’s important to understand the Biblical principles that explain why God has allowed us to exist and grow.

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  • Sexual Character A Print On Demand Title


    Aiming to combat the confusion today regarding sexual issues, theologian Marva Dawn offers a fresh biblical understanding of human sexuality, dealing with such issues as marriage, divorce, teenage dating, and homosexuality.

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  • 56 Lectionary Stories For Preaching Cycle B


    “Emilio Lopez received a surprise phone call from his bishop one day. “Would you be interested in a call to a white congregation in a neighborhood that is becoming Hispanic? I think you’re just the kind of pastor they need in these days of transition.””
    — from the Advent 1 story
    Here are 56 short stories for use in preaching. Each is a contemporary adaptation of a biblical theme.
    “56 Lectionary Stories for Preaching” offers one story for each Sunday in the church year plus stories for Christmas Eve/Day and Ash Wednesday.
    The collection is based upon the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B. Authors represent clergy storytellers from five denominations from across the United States and Canada.
    Most of the stories are based on gospel texts. Some stem from first or second lesson scriptures. The collection offers a well-rounded selection of themes. Stories often offer surprise endings that catch listeners’ attention. Stories in this collection strengthen believers’ faith.

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  • Lectionary Worship Aids Series 3 Cycle B


    “Hear the good news! The victory that defeats the world is our faith, for who is victor over evil, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Friends, believe the good news!”
    — Declaration of God’s Forgiveness for Easter 2
    “Lectionary Worship Aids,” Series III, Cycle B, follows in the CSS tradition of providing creative worship resources for congregations.
    Series III is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and New Revised Standard Version.
    Each Sunday offers:
    – Listing of the four lectionary texts for the day
    – Call to Worship
    – Prayer of Confession
    – Declaration of God’s Forgiveness
    – Exhortation
    – Prayer of the Day
    – Prayer of Thanksgiving
    – Prayer of Dedication
    – Psalm (congregational reading)

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  • Traditional Flower Chart


    This attractive chart is used for recording the names of persons presenting altar flowers. Each month includes six ruled lines for easy writing, with beautiful full-color flower designs over the name of each month, and words Date and Presented By under name of month, ‘- 15 x 31 inches- Mylar reinforced

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  • Ambition In Ministry


    AMBITION IN MINISTRY by Robert Schnase Explores the struggles pastors experience with success, achievement, and competition. Also helps them achieve a healthy, non-destructive ambition.

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  • PastorPower


    Power is a persistent topic of conversation in circles both sacred and secular. Yet, how are those who follow a crucified Christ, one “whose strength was made perfect in weakness,” to think about power?

    Martha Ellen Stortz presents an important volume for all those who lead or would lead in the ministry of the church. She lays an ecumenical groundwork for understanding ministry and authority, then systematically examines the different dimensions of power inherent in both: power over — or coercive power; power within — or charismatic power; and power with — or coactive power. Through case studies and in-depth discussions, Stortz offers guidance for balancing these three dimensions of power in one’s own ministry, enabling readers to recognize their own gifts or liabilities and shape their leadership styles to reflect the image of Christ.

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  • Hidden Keys To A Loving Lasting Marriage


    28 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Fulfilling Marriages Don’t just happen.

    In fact, truly joyful marriages are a lot of work! In Hidden Keys of a Loving Lasting Marriage, best-selling author Gary Smalley shares the principles of strong marriages. He points out the common problems between husbands and wives. And he shows how to turn those troubles into teamwork.

    Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage explores:

    Two reasons why marriages fail
    How to meet the needs of your spouse
    How a husband’s lack of affection weakens a marriage
    Crucial differences between men and women
    How to motivate your spouse to listen to you

    This book is a combination of Smalley’s earlier published works, If Only He Knew and For Better or For Best. The first half of the book discusses the husband’s part in building a successful relationship. The second half of the book shows how wives can nurture their marriages.

    Good marriages don’t just happen. They take both husband and wife working together to understand, appreciate, and honor one another. This books shows couples how to do just that.

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  • Companion To The United Methodist Hymnal


    Includes for each hymn in the Hymnal historical background of text and tune; suggested uses for today;name origin;text/tune changes over the years; commentary on Hymnal treatment; and theological base of texts.

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  • 10 Commandments : The Master Key To Life


    The master key to life–a universal guide to all that matters in making life more satisfying.. The Ten Commandments

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  • Ripe Life : Sermons On The Fruit Of The Spirit


    These sermons on “the fruit of the Spirit” are developed out of Galatians 5: 22-23. This theme is often selected by pastors who preach because it is an excellent vehicle into understanding the characteristics of personal integrity at home and on the job.

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  • Laymans Guide To Counseling


    The increasing need for counseling has caused today’s Christian leaders to become more sensitive to raise up lay-counselors to share this burden with them. Jesus’ command is to “set the captives free”. The Layman’s guide to Counseling shows you how.

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  • Teaching The Bible To Adults And Youth (Revised)


    Teaching the Bible to Adults and Youth shows how to make the “transparent” – with God evident throughout. Dick Murray offers suggestions for teaching, provides different approaches and perspectives from which to teach and conduct activities for learning, and examines such Bible study series as Kerygma, Trinity, Bethel, and Disciple.

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  • How To Build An Exciting Singles Ministry


    Seventy million single adults make up the largest minority in the United States–almost 40% of the adult population. With these figures in mind, the need for single adult groups should go without saying. But the need for single adult ministry in our churches is often overlooked. Now, however, Don Davidson provides a thorough, practical guide to single adult ministry and how to establish an effective one in your church. Davidson outlines the necessary steps for creating a unique singles group for new college grads, career people, widowed or divorced persons.

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  • Taking The Word To Heart A Print On Demand Title


    Christians today are besieged by ideas about personhood – what it means to be a whole person, a happy person, a fulfilled person, a healthy person. In fact, Robert C. Roberts says, psychology has invaded the Christian church – and while modern psychologies offer insights and practices that can be helpfully adapted for Christian use, they sometimes contradict and can even displace true Christianity.

    Roberts examines several psychologies that tend to function as alternative spiritualities – Rogerian therapy, rational emotive therapy, assertiveness training, contextual family therapy, the psychology of Carl Jung, and the psychology of Hienz Kohut – and offers a critical evaluation of each in light of the Christian view of the self.

    But just what is the Christian interpretation of selfhood? It has a great deal to do with community, with our relationships to others and to God, explains Roberts. “Christians are people of God’s Word,” Roberts says, “called daily to take it to heart, and thus be formed, as persons, by the sound of his voice. This book is all about becoming persons who dwell, in a variety of ways, among other persons.”

    With this idea of personhood in mind, Roberts explores a variety of relationships important to the Christian personality, then sets forth the parameters of a distinctively Christian psychology.

    Based on impressive scholarship yet highly readable, Taking the Word to Heart is a thoughtful study that will be of interest to laypeople as well as pastors, Christian counselors, theologians, and students.

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  • Using New Testament Greek In Ministry


    One of the most practical guides you’ll find for preaching sermons faithful to the biblical text. Black prepares you to transform exegesis into exposition by explaining how to use the Greek text and linguistic resources to study the New Testament. Moreover, he recommends a basic library of reference books to help you with the process.

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  • In Others Words


    This collection of 12 short stories tells the parables of Jesus again in other words.

    The intent highlights the same point or moral carried by the scriptural version of the parable.

    Merle G. Franke places each story in a 1990s setting with characters and situations familiar to all. Each parable has a contemporary title. Each has a scriptural reference for easy identification.

    Four stories are based on parables from Matthew and eight from Luke. This collection is useful for sermon preparation, group Bible study or for reading enjoyment.

    Parables include:
    Impatient Planter — Matthew 13:1-23
    The Contractor’s Choice — Matthew 20:1-16
    Which Ones Were Lost? — Luke 15:1-10
    Blind In One Eye … — Luke 16:19-31

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  • Beginning Of Wisdom Cycle B


    “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” writes Sue Anne Steffey Morrow. “As we … deepen our understanding of wisdom’s ways, it is my hope that our knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures will be deepened, and our awe for the one God be magnified.”

    The 10 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts primarily from 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and Proverbs. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

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