Program Resources

Showing 101–150 of 471 results

  • Jesus And Women Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth-braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

    Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

    Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.

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  • Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed, Jentezen Franklin offers five life-giving keys–look within, look to him, look ahead, look out, and look up, to enable you to get up, get out, and get free. He pulls back the curtain on the enemy’s tactics attempting to hinder your spiritual growth, distract your attention, and keep you from living to your fullest potential during this critical season of prophetic history, and guides you to walk into the destiny God has prepared for you.

    If you find that every battle you’re fighting has gotten more difficult to conquer–if you are paralyzed and don’t know which way to go–remember God doesn’t call you just a survivor. He calls you an overcomer.

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  • Gospel On The Ground Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God’s Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration.

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  • WayMaker Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    We can trust that God, the WayMaker, is always at work creating the life of our dreams, through ways we never would have dreamed for ourselves.

    In a disorienting world, with obstacle after obstacle, and the landscape of our lives shifting in ways we never expected, we can trust that as we look to our Maker, the WayMaker, our road will lead us to arrive exactly where we always hoped it would, though maybe not at all in the way we imagined. And those dreams for our lives? They can still happen-in ways only He perfectly dreamed of.

    It is true: heartache, grief, suffering, obstacles, they all come in waves. There is no controlling life’s storms; there is only learning the way to walk through the waves. In this video Bible study (DVD/digital video downloads sold separately), bestselling author Ann Voskamp hands us a map that makes meaning of life, that shows the way through to the places we’ve only dreamed of reaching, by a way we never expected.

    Voskamp reveals how God is present in the totality of our lives, making a way:
    *for the marriage that seems impossible
    *for the woman who longs for a child of her own
    *for the parents who ache for the return of their prodigal
    *for the sojourner caught between a rock and a hard place
    *for the wayfarer who feels as though there is no way through to her dreams

    We can encounter the WayMaker in surprising ways and begin to see Him not only making poetry out of pain but working in every miraculous detail of our lives. Even now, the Way is making the way to walk through waves and into a life more deeply fulfilling than our wildest dreams.

    Designed for use with the WayMaker Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Bible In A Year Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    We live in a day and age when the demands on a woman’s time are great, and our hearts are pulled in countless directions. It’s no surprise that many of us struggle to implement daily Bible reading as a practice. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Like Mary who “made the right choice” (Luke 10:42) when she stepped back from the busyness of life to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teaching, God wants you to experience the life change that happens when you prioritize spending time with Him.

    In this one-year journey from Genesis through Revelation, walk through key passages of the Bible at a manageable, five-days-per-week pace. Based on the 260-day Foundations Bible reading plan, you’ll engage with daily devotional content, interactive questions, and Scripture memorization challenges, all designed to grow your relationship with God and your knowledge of Him. By using the H.E.A.R.T. journaling method, you’ll learn to highlight, explain, apply, respond to passages, and record the truths you find in Scripture, allowing for practical application throughout the year-long plan.

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  • Feathers Of Hope Study Guide


    In a season of loss and change, Wren Crawford and her great-aunt, Katherine Rhodes, share the journey as companions in sorrow and hope.

    As Katherine prepares to retire as the director of the New Hope Retreat Center, she faces both personal and professional challenges. How might disruption become a gift that opens the way to new growth? Wren’s world is shifting and expanding as she presses forward in recovery from a period of deep depression. How might art continue to provide a pathway for deepening her awareness of God’s presence with her? In Feathers of Hope, the sequel to Shades of Light and Remember Me, fans of the Sensible Shoes series will not only be able to attend Katherine’s final retreat sessions at New Hope but also encounter old and new friends along the way. This accompanying eight-week study guide provides guidance for individuals or groups participating in a discussion around the book.

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  • Experiencing God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Experiencing God Bible Study Book includes revised printed content for 12 sessions, personal study between group sessions, and applicable Scripture. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

    Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again-or for the very first time-experience your Creator.

    God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

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  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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  • Finding I AM Bible Study Book With Video Access


    What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? The prayer you keep repeating without end? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.

    Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, ultimately trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is in this in-depth Bible study.

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  • End Of The Age Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    There seems to be a particular urgency in the prophetic doom-saying of our modern world . . . a greater sense of somberness. Perhaps this is because end-of-the-world scenarios have gone from Hollywood fodder to real life. Rather than feeling farfetched, the end of the world now seems almost a given for most people. A matter of when rather than if.

    In The End of the Age, New York Times bestselling author and pastor John Hagee uses Scripture as a guide to count down the prophetic events that must occur before that moment when every person must face God on Judgment Day. The pages of God’s Word offer a window into the end of history–what Scripture calls the end of the age (Matthew 13:49).

    The goal of this study is to look through that window together–not necessarily to make specific predictions about people and places, but to gain wisdom and perspective from the Author of history. In the process, we will see what God has in store for the future so that we can remain ready, speak boldly, and live faithfully to the end.


    1. 11:50 PM: The End of the Age
    2. 11:51 PM: Messiah the Prince Enters Jerusalem
    3. 11:52 PM: And Knowledge Shall Increase
    4. 11:53 PM: The Great Escape
    5. 11:54 PM: Russia Invades Israel
    6. 11:55 PM: The Time of Tribulation Begins
    7. 11:56 PM: For Then Shall Come Great Tribulation
    8. 11:57 PM: Inching Toward Armageddon
    9. 11:58 PM: The Millennium Dawns
    10. 11:59 PM: The Earth’s Final Conflict
    11. MIDNIGHT: Great White Throne
    12. ETERNITY: Heaven and Earth Reborn!

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  • 3:16 Study Guide Plus Streaming Video Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to 5 streaming video sessions
    *Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
    *Personal study for between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

    In this updated classic, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the best-known and most-beloved passages in the Bible. This simple verse came out of an unusual conversation that Jesus had under the cover of night with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. From the start, Nicodemus made it clear he inhabited a land of good efforts, sincere gestures, and hard work. Give God your best, his philosophy said, and God does the rest. Jesus’ response? Your best won’t do. Your works don’t work. Unless you are born again, you can’t even see what God is doing.

    Born again. The word born, by definition, implies a passive act. The enwombed child contributes nothing to the delivery. Postpartum celebrations applaud the work of the mother who does the delivery. And the Greek term that Jesus used for again implies that the one who did the work the first time will repeat it. In other words, the original Creator will re-create his creation! Born: God exerts the effort. Again: God restores the beauty. We don’t try again. We need, not the muscle of self, but a miracle of God.

    The thought bewildered Nicodemus. “How can this be?” he asked. Jesus answered by leading him to the Hope diamond of the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. A verse brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment . . . yet solid enough to weather 2,000 years of storms and questions. As this study will reveal, the heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment for the human heart is prescribed in John 3:16: “He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.”

    The five sessions include:

    1. The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
    2. Hope for the Hard Heart
    3. The Heart He Offers
    4. Heaven’s “Whoever” Policy
    5. The Last Word on Life

    Designed for use with 3:16 Video Study, Updated Edition (sold separately).

    *Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2026. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail

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  • Find Your People Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    This Study Guide includes:

    *Individual access to 7 streaming video sessions
    *Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
    *Personal study between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

    Never in the history of civilization have we been more connected and felt more alone. We are all so lonely. What if fundamentally the ways we have set up our lives is broken? We’ve withdrawn rather than moved through it. We want supper clubs and friends, instead of war partners. We have a wrong view of community.

    This 7-session video Bible study begins with a look at the original community in Genesis, the Trinity, and the creation of people to see what God had planned for us all along. We will also discover throughout the study the five life patterns required to build deep, connected relationships:

    *Shared Mission

    The seven sessions include:

    *Week 1: Introduction / God’s Plan It is not good for man to be alone. (Creation)

    *Week 2: Shame / The Disruption of Community Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. (Shame)

    *Week 3: Sitting Around the Fire / Proximity I will make My dwelling among you. (God’s Presence)

    *Week 4: Working Together / Shared Mission Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others. (Jesus and the Disciples)

    *Week 5: Open Doors / Transparency And all who believed were together and had all things in common. (Acts)

    *Week 6: Tribal Elders / Accountability Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (The Church Grows)

    *Week 7: Meals Together / Consistency Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (The Kingdom of God / New Heavens)

    Designed for use with the following items, each sold separately:
    Find Your People Video Study
    Find Your People Conversation Card Deck

    *Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2026. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • How Not To Read The Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to 6 streaming video sessions
    *Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
    *Personal study for between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

    For centuries, the Bible was called “the Good Book,” a moral and religious text that guides us into a relationship with God and shows us the right way to live. Today, however, some people argue the Bible is outdated and harmful, with many Christians unaware of some of the odd and disturbing things the Bible says.

    Whether you are a Christian, a doubter, or someone exploring the Bible for the first time, in this six-session video study bestselling author Dan Kimball guides you step-by-step in how to make sense of the most misunderstood, difficult, and disturbing Bible passages related to women, science, violence, slavery, and world religions. Filled with stories, visual illustrations, and memes reflecting popular cultural objections, How (Not) to Read the Bible is a lifeline for individuals who are confused or discouraged with questions about the Bible. This study can be done in youth groups, single’s groups, small groups, Sunday classes, and by individuals.

    Sessions include:

    *Never Read a Bible Verse
    *Stranger Things
    *Boys’ Club Christianity
    *Jesus Riding a Dinosaur
    *My God Can Beat Up Your God
    *Rated NC-17

    Designed for use with How (Not) to Read the Bible Video Study, sold separately.

    *Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2026. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • God Of Freedom Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Every book of the Bible tells us what is true about God. In Genesis we see Him as Creator and Covenant Maker. In Exodus we see Him as our strong Deliverer who sets us free from sin and death.

    In this 10-session study of Exodus 19-40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God’s children today about how to live as those set free.

    In every page of the Bible, learn to see Christ through the stories of His people. And discover how the God who created you and made a covenant with you will deliver you from death to life, for His name and renown.

    Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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  • Hope Explored Picture Cards


    Hope Explored is a three-session evangelistic course that invites people to discover the lasting hope, peace and purpose that Jesus offers.

    This Picture Pack contains 12 images to use as an opening activity to break the ice and prompt discussion about each session’s theme. Simply spread the images in front of your group, ask the question in the Guest handbook and see where conversation leads. For the best guest experience, you’ll need one set of pictures for each small group.

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  • Hope Explored Leaders Kit


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

    This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate and run your course:
    – a Leader’s Guide
    – a guest handbook
    – picture cards
    – a DVD
    – a code to access video downloads

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Hope Explored Handbook


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    This easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for Hope Explored.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment and is one of the easiest ways to discover more about Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or .

    Leaders of this series will need a Leader’s Handbook and the video sessions, which are available as downloads or on DVD.

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Hope Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Organic Disciples Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Could sharing your faith be the secret to unlocking your spiritual growth?

    For many followers of Jesus, spiritual growth involves a series of spiritual practices that promise to deepen our connection with God and train us in the ways of Jesus. Unfortunately, these practices are often disconnected from the mission and purposes of God in reaching a lost world with the gospel message. But what if the secret to unlocking spiritual growth was as simple as infusing our spiritual practices with an outward focus?

    In the Organic Disciples Study Guide, Kevin and Sherry Harney walk ordinary followers of Jesus through seven markers of spiritual maturity, showing how simple shifts in our prayers, Bible reading, giving, and other practices can connect us with God’s work of reaching people with his love. Taking a holistic approach that unites evangelism and discipleship, Kevin and Sherry explain how God’s plan for our own spiritual growth is intimately connected to his purposes for the church, unleashing God’s power in our lives as we engage God’s mission to the world.

    True spiritual growth and maturity will always lead believers outward to engage the world with the good news and truth of Jesus. And in a surprising twist, our own spiritual growth will often remain stunted and limited until we take the step of joining God in his mission to love others. This book will help you see how Jesus modelled a lifestyle of loving others, overcome the common roadblocks and false narratives that stand in the way of spiritual maturity, and design a personal pathway of growth to be more like Jesus in character and mission.

    Used together with the Organic Disciples book and the free video study and online assessment available at, churches and individuals can better identify where they are in their growth journey and what the next steps are in becoming more like Jesus.

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  • Hope Explored Invitations


    Pack of 50 invitations to the Hope Explored course which you can overprint with your own course details.

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  • Encountering God Bible Study Book


    In Encountering God, Kelly Minter explores how essential spiritual disciplines are to our faith experience and everyday lives. She’ll unpack the biblical foundation for these sacred habits along with approachable ways to practice disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, hospitality, and celebration.

    Over 8 sessions, you’ll discover that spiritual disciplines aren’t just one more thing to add to your to-do list, but they can actually create more margin in your life, resulting in deeper peace, communion, and rest. And perhaps most importantly, cultivating habits of faith help you know God more, as you release control to Him, express your need for Him, and walk in glad submission and worship of Him.

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  • Living By The Holy Spirit


    The Father and Son gave believers the Holy Spirit to be with us and live in us. The transforming power of the Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ as we allow Him to work freely in our lives. Life in the Spirit accomplishes God’s hopes and dreams for your abundant living!The Holy Life Bible Study Series is a practical discipleship tool for both new and seasoned Christians. Author Frank Moore takes readers on a journey that unpacks theological truths of faith in a way that is both inspirational and motivating. He invites us to discover the incredible love of a God who empowers us to overcome any circumstance to live with joy, peace, and power-a God who calls us to take part in his divine nature. Each book in the series includes thought-provoking questions to stimulate discussion in a small-group study setting.

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  • Meeting God The Father


    God created humanity in love. God placed humanity in a perfect environment with parental hopes and dreams for abundant living. Return to your roots and explore all God has in mind for you!

    The Holy Life Bible Study Series is a practical discipleship tool for both new and seasoned Christians. Author Frank Moore takes readers on a journey that unpacks theological truths of faith in a way that is both inspirational and motivating. He invites us to discover the incredible love of a God who empowers us to overcome any circumstance to live with joy, peace, and power-a God who calls us to take part in his divine nature.

    Each book in the series includes thought-provoking questions to stimulate discussion in a small-group study setting.

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  • All The Good Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    In All the Good: A Wesleyan Way of Christmas, a group of diverse Wesleyan scholars will take you on an Advent journey guided by the practices in John Wesley’s means of grace. In four sessions of study, prayer, and conversation, readers will look at preparing the way for God, the discipline of prayer, the substance of good works, and the recognition of God’s presence with us in communities that are called to serve the world.

    This Advent learn and practice works of mercy and works of piety examining on how God’s love is embodied in communities of faith in the world.

    The Leader Guide includes session outline for each group meeting with Scripture, prayer, opening activity, discussion questions, activity, and ending call to action.

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  • Heart That Grew Three Sizes Childrens Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    We don’t know why the Grinch hated Christmas. We just know he did. If we’re being honest, there’s probably something within the Christmas season celebration that awakens a Grinch within all of us. Maybe the gift we unwrap was all wrong, or memories that were supposed to be joyful never were. When everything seems wrong in the world, even joyful celebrations are much too loud.

    In his new Advent study, Matt Rawle explores the faith themes in the Christmas classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas including how did the Grinch’s heart grow three sizes come Christmas morning? How did Christmas save the Grinch? Could it be that the very thing we think we hate, is the one thing that changes our life?

    Rediscover and reinvigorate your Christian faith this Advent and Christmas season and look at this familiar classic through the lens of faith.

    The Children’s Leader Guide contains session ideas for younger and older children including games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts.

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  • Heart That Grew Three Sizes (Student/Study Guide)


    We don’t know why the Grinch hated Christmas. We just know he did. If we’re being honest, there’s probably something within the Christmas season celebration that awakens a Grinch within all of us. Maybe the gift we unwrap was all wrong, or memories that were supposed to be joyful never were. When everything seems wrong in the world, even joyful celebrations are much too loud.

    In his new Advent study, Matt Rawle explores the faith themes in the Christmas classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas including how did the Grinch’s heart grow three sizes come Christmas morning? How did Christmas save the Grinch? Could it be that the very thing we think we hate, is the one thing that changes our life?Rediscover and reinvigorate your Christian faith this Advent and Christmas season and look at this familiar classic through the lens of faith.

    Additional components for a four-week Advent study include a DVD featuring Matt Rawle, a comprehensive Leader Guide, and resources for children and youth.

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  • Person Of Interest Investigators Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Imagine investigating a murder in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim’s body. How would you identify a person of interest in such a case?

    Designed to be used alongside Person of Interest and the Person of Interest Video Study, this study guide will teach you the same investigative strategies used by detective J. Warner Wallace to examine the claims of history.

    Dateline featured cold-case detective and bestselling author, J. Warner Wallace, has investigated a number of these “no body missing person” cases and has successfully identified and convicted the killers, even without the victim’s body or evidence from the crime scene.

    Can the historicity of Jesus be investigated in the same way? Can the truth about Jesus be uncovered even without a body or a crime scene? In Person of Interest, Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity, as he employs a unique investigative strategy to confirm the historicity and deity of Jesus–without relying on the New Testament manuscripts.

    Imagine a scenario in which every New Testament document has been destroyed, Wallace carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone to reconstruct the identity of Jesus as the world’s most important person of interest.

    Person of Interest will:
    *Invite readers into the life of a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus, using the same approach he also employs to solve a real murder case

    *Teach readers how to become good detectives, using an innovative and unique “‘fuse’ and ‘fallout'” investigative strategy they can also use to examine other claims of history

    *Help readers to explore common objections to Christianity

    Concrete, compelling, and unique in its approach, Person of Interest will strengthen the faith of believers, while engaging those who are skeptical and distrusting of the New Testament.

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  • Growing With The Enneagram Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    When people discover the Enneagram, they are excited to learn more about their type–and curious about the typology of others in their lives. The problem is, not everyone is familiar with the Enneagram or aware of what their type might be.

    To solve this problem, Elisabeth Bennett wrote Growing with the Enneagram: Guiding All Types in Spiritual Growth. Written specifically for group leaders to facilitate discussion, discovery, and spiritual discernment through the Enneagram, this study guide is designed to be used in conjunction with Elisabeth’s nine sixty-day Growing as an Enneagram devotional books that are tailored for each type.

    Growing with the Enneagram enables groups to embark on a journey through Elisabeth’s Enneagram devotional series, meeting once a week for eight weeks or every other week for sixteen weeks. It could be used in a church organization setting, a college residence hall, a book club, or among a group of friends. Participants will:

    *Develop a better understanding of their unique personality and everyday struggles

    *Learn more about the whole Enneagram, not just their own type

    *Find a community of like-minded Christians who are looking for spiritual growth

    *Gain grace and understanding for other Enneagram types

    *Have an opportunity to grow in relationship with others through deep conversation and activities based on each week’s topic

    *Grow in their relationship with God as they better understand the ways in which we reflect Him

    *Increase their faith journey through a devotional that speaks directly to them

    Growing with the Enneagram includes group activities, frequently asked questions, and videos to aid the discussion leader.

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  • You Were Made For This Moment Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gu


    Racial divides. Political strife. Uncertain futures. This is the story of our day. But it is also the story of the exiles in Persia. The Jewish people had been taken from their homeland. They were being pressured to conform to foreign customs. They were facing discrimination. Now, an edict was being issued that would stamp out the Jewish race forever. Everything seemed to be falling apart for God’s people. But then two figures emerge on the scene . . . and everything changes.

    As Max Lucado relates in this five-session study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), Esther and Mordecai are these unlikely heroes of the tale. Both had spent their lives trying to fit in and conform. But both experience a turning point-a crucial moment where they choose to step up and stand out for the God they served. As a result of their courageous actions, winter turned to springtime for God’s people. They emerged from the crisis stronger, more unified, and more committed to serving the God of their forefathers, even in their exile.

    The promise for God’s people in the book of Esther is the same promise that we have today. Our God triumphs in troubled times. When it seems as if everything is falling into pieces, he is working in our midst, causing everything to fall into place. The very one who seeks to destroy us will be destroyed. Even when it appears that evil has won, and that there is no hope for our future, we can know God’s throne is still occupied. We will triumph in the end.

    The question for you today is not whether God will show up on the scene. Rather, it is whether you will choose to be a part of it when he does. Will you, like Mordacai and Esther, realize you are a position “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)? God is calling you to rise up in these chaotic times. You were made for this moment.

    Sessions include:
    1. The Problem of Conformity (Esther 1:1-2:18)
    2. A Moment of Decision (Esther 2:19-4:14)
    3. Heaven Set in Motion (Esther 4:15-6:14)
    4. The God of Great Turnarounds (Esther 7:1-8:17)
    5. Remembering God’s Faithfulness (Esther 9:1-10:3)

    Designed for use with You Were Made for This Moment Video Study (sold separately).

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  • 1 And 2 Thessalonians Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    The 40 Days Through the Book series has been designed to help believers actively engage with God’s Word. Each study encourages participants to read through selected books in the New Testament at least once during the course of the study. As they do, they will gain an understanding of the background and culture of the book, insights into key passages they might have overlooked before, and clear takeaways they can apply today to their lives.

    In this study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), bestselling author and pastor Levi Lusko guides small-group members through Paul’s letters to the believers in the city of Thessalonica, revealing what the apostle’s words meant to his original readers, and how they apply to us today. Participants will be encouraged as they listen to Levi’s teachings and, through the accompanying study guide, challenged to study the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians during the forty days of this course.

    Designed for use with 1 & 2 Thessalonians Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Philippians Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    The 40 Days Through the Book series has been designed to help believers more actively engage with God’s Word. Each study encourages participants to read through one book in the New Testament at least once during the course of 40 days (approximately 6 weeks of meetings) and will provide them with (1) a clear understanding of the background and culture in which the book was written, (2) insights into key passages of Scripture, and (3) clear applications and takeaways from the particular book that participants can apply to their lives. Each study will be recorded in the author’s place of residence and will highlight stories and applications that are relevant to his or her ministry in that area.

    In 40 Days Through the Book: Philippians Study Guide (DVD/downloads sold separately), bestselling author and pastor Mark Batterson guides small-group members through Paul’s letter to the believers in the city of Philippi, revealing what the apostle’s words meant to his original readers . . . and how they apply to us today. Participants will be encouraged as they listen to Mark’s teachings and, through the accompanying study guide, challenged to read the book of Philippians on their own during the forty days they spend together in the study.

    Designed for use with the 40 Days Through the Book: Philippians Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Difficult Words Of Jesus


    Jesus provided his disciples teachings for how to follow Torah, God’s word; he told them parables to help them discern questions of ethics and of human nature; he offered them beatitudes for comfort and encouragement. But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers then and now have found difficult. He instructs disciples to hate members of their own families (Luke 14:26), to act as if they were slaves (Matthew 20:27), and to sell their belongings and give to the poor (Luke 18:22). He restricts his mission (Matthew 10:6); he speaks of damnation (Matthew 8:12); he calls Jews the devil’s children (John 8:44).

    In The Difficult Words of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine shows how these difficult teachings would have sounded to the people who first heard them, how have they been understood over time, and how we might interpret them in the context of the Gospel of love and reconciliation.

    Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Dr. Levine and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

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  • Acts Participant Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


    Learn to awaken to God’s Spirit today and every day by studying the Book of Acts with Melissa Spoelstra.

    Whether it’s because of distractions, busyness, or a case of the blahs, we can experience a drift toward indifference in our spiritual lives. We have a need for an ongoing spiritual awakening if we want to become more aware of God’s presence and activity in our everyday lives.

    In Acts: Awakening to God in Our Everyday Lives, a six-week study of the Book of Acts by Melissa Spoelstra, you will journey with the first followers of Jesus and witness the birth and growth of the early church through spiritual awakening to the power of God’s Spirit, message, freedom, grace, mission, and direction.

    From their experiences you will learn postures that will help you attune your own spiritual heart to experience God’s presence, hear God’s voice, and see God at work all around.
    This study offers a fresh encounter with God to prepare you to:
    – Face daily battles
    – Be able to discern the messages of our culture
    – Be ready to share God’s love with others always

    Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 20 to 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).

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  • Nothing To Prove Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    You don’t have anything to prove.

    Too many of us walk through life feeling as if we don’t measure up. We always seem to thirst for more. We think if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don’t have to be.

    In this 8-session study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), Jennie Allen walks through key passages in the Gospel of John to demonstrate how only Jesus is enough. We don’t have to prove anything because Jesus has already proven everything. Discover how our thirsty hearts can only be quenched by the living water.

    *Learn to take hold of what has already been given to you in Christ
    *Stop trying to prove yourself because Jesus has already proven everything
    *Look to Jesus for your satisfaction
    *Overflow with Christ’s abundance, and bring life to others
    *Remind yourself of who you are in Christ with Scripture
    *Grow in biblical literacy with this exploration of the Gospel of John

    Designed for use with the Nothing to Prove Video Study (9780310141990), sold separately. Streaming video access included.

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  • Celebrate Recovery Updated Participants Guide Set Volumes 1-4 (Student/Study Gui


    Alcoholism–Divorce–Sexual Abuse–Codependency–Domestic Violence–Drug Addiction–Sexual Addiction–Food Addiction–Gambling Addiction.

    Move beyond your hurts, habits, and hang-ups to experience the forgiveness of Christ. The Journey Begins Participant Guides are essential tools in the Celebrate Recovery program for your personal recovery journey. These four guides by Pastor John Baker walk you through the eight recovery principles, drawn from the Beatitudes, upon which the 12-step Celebrate Recovery program is built.

    This shrinkwrapped pack includes one each of all four participant’s guides for the Celebrate Recovery Program:

    Guide 1: Stepping Out of Denial
    Guide 2: Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory
    Guide 3: Getting Right with God
    Guide 4: Growing in Christ

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides, you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

    Note: This shrinkwrapped pack is identical to the participant’s guides included in the Celebrate Recovery Updated Curriculum Kit (9780310131601). Designed for use with the Celebrate Recovery Journal (9780310090342), sold separately.

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  • Stepping Out Of Denial Into Gods Grace Participants Guide 1 (Student/Study Guide


    The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the six lessons in Guide 1: Stepping Out of Denial Into God’s Grace, you will experience the first 3 of the 8 recovery principles:

    1 Realize I’m not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable. “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor” (Matthew 5:3).

    2 Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to him, and that he has the power to help me recover. “Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).

    3 Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. “Happy are the meek” (Matthew 5:5).

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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  • Growing In Christ While Helping Others Participants Guide 4 (Student/Study Guide


    The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 4: Growing in Christ While Helping Others, you will work through the final two principles on the road to recovery. More than just maintenance, these principles will help you prevent relapse and give you the necessary tools to help others in their recovery process.

    7 Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination. Bible reading and prayer in order to know God and his will for my life and to gain the power to follow his will.

    8 Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words. “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires” (Matthew 5:10).

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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  • Getting Right With God Yourself And Others Participants Guide 3 (Student/Study G


    The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 3: Getting Right with God, Yourself, and Others, you will move through principles 4-6 of the recovery process:

    4 Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

    5 Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects. “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires” (Matthew 5:6).

    6 Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others. “Happy are the merciful” (Matthew 5:7). “Happy are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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  • Love Your Church


    God calls us to be devoted to one another in love (Romans 12:10). What does this look like for us today? How can we be the kind of church member who makes a real difference?

    This engaging book by Tony Merida explores what church is, why being part of it is exciting, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. He sets out eight privileges and responsibilities of a church member: to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve, to honor, to witness and to send.

    As we see how wonderful it is to belong to God’s family and be a part of his amazing witness to both the earthly and the heavenly realms, we’ll grow in our love for and commitment to our local church.

    This is a great book for every churchgoer to read, whether they’re new or have been attending for some time but need re-energizing with God’s vision for the local church.

    With a discussion guide at the end of the book, Love Your Church is also a great resource for small groups.

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  • Taking An Honest And Spiritual Inventory Participants Guide 2 (Student/Study Gui


    The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the five lessons in Guide 2: Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory, you will experience an in-depth look at the 4th principle in the recovery process:

    4 Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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  • How To Fight Racism Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The How to Fight Racism Study Guide, used together with the How to Fight Racism Video Study, provides groups and individuals with practical tools and suggestions, along with real-world examples of change, to enable them to become proactive initiators of racial justice.

    Tisby offers an array of actionable items to confront racism in our relationships and in everyday life through a simple framework–the A.R.C. Of Racial Justice–that helps readers consistently interrogate their own actions and maintain a consistent posture of anti-racist action. This book is for anyone who believes it is time to stop compromising with racism and courageously confront it.

    The study guide, along with the video study, offers readers the opportunity to be part of the solution to racial problems and suggests that the application of these principles can offer us hope that will transform our nation and the world. Tisby encourages us to reject passivity and become active participants in the struggle for human dignity across racial and ethnic lines. Readers of the book will come away with a clear model for how to think about race in productive ways and a compelling call to dismantle a social hierarchy long stratified by skin color.

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  • Pursued Womens Bible Study Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Discover how God is pursuing you as you explore His relentless love from Genesis to Revelation in Pursued by Jennifer Cowart.

    We all want to be loved. We long to be desired, pursued-whether by a special someone, our friends, or others in our lives. This longing for love and acceptance is the underlying story of many of our lives, and it’s the overarching story we see throughout the Scriptures. Although the Bible tells many stories, the main theme is God’s relentless love for us.

    In Pursued, a six-week Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, we will explore God’s great love for us from Genesis to Revelation. We will see that God passionately pursues people who do not deserve His love, and we are those people!

    Like Cain, Abraham, Sarah, Rebekah, David, the woman caught in adultery, Peter, and so many others, we are the ones who have broken relationship with God. But He runs after us anyway to bring us home.

    In this study, we will explore God’s love as evidenced in the stories of creation, the patriarchs, the judges and prophets, Jesus, and the early church. Together we will dive into a great love story and discover that it is our story!

    Through this study women will:
    *See the big picture of God’s love for them throughout the Scriptures
    *Discover that God wants a personal relationship with them
    *Experience God’s relentless love for them individually
    *Realize that God never stops pursuing them

    Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 20 to 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).

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  • Pursued Womens Bible Study Participant Workbook (Workbook)


    Discover how God is pursuing you as you explore His relentless love from Genesis to Revelation in Pursued by Jennifer Cowart.

    We all want to be loved. We long to be desired, pursued-whether by a special someone, our friends, or others in our lives. This longing for love and acceptance is the underlying story of many of our lives, and it’s the overarching story we see throughout the Scriptures. Although the Bible tells many stories, the main theme is God’s relentless love for us.

    In Pursued, a six-week Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, we will explore God’s great love for us from Genesis to Revelation. We will see that God passionately pursues people who do not deserve His love, and we are those people!

    Like Cain, Abraham, Sarah, Rebekah, David, the woman caught in adultery, Peter, and so many others, we are the ones who have broken relationship with God. But He runs after us anyway to bring us home.

    In this study, we will explore God’s love as evidenced in the stories of creation, the patriarchs, the judges and prophets, Jesus, and the early church. Together we will dive into a great love story and discover that it is our story!

    Through this study women will:
    *See the big picture of God’s love for them throughout the Scriptures
    *Discover that God wants a personal relationship with them
    *Experience God’s relentless love for them individually
    *Realize that God never stops pursuing them

    Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 20 to 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).

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  • Sensible Shoes Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Sensible Shoes is an unusual novel, blending a fictional story with nonfiction teaching elements.

    Some readers view it only as a story of four characters on a journey. Others say yes to a deeper level of reading, embracing the opportunity to take a “sacred journey” along with the characters, by opening themselves to the Spirit’s work and attending to God’s invitations. The Sensible Shoes Leader’s Guide offers two ways to invite readers into a deeper journey: first, there are resources here for a twelve-week small group experience through the Sensible Shoes Study Guide. Each week you’ll be provided with a few prayer prompts for your work as a leader, tips for facilitating the group, and behind-the-scenes information about the characters and their journeys that can be used as opening materials for your sessions. The second set of resources in this guide relates to leading a retreat based on Sensible Shoes. After years of creating and speaking at “Sensible Shoes Retreats,” spiritual director Sharon Brown offers here additional content to help you design the ideal space for your context as you gather people in longer sessions to experience this material. In addition to one-day, weekend, and online schedules, there are many creative ideas from leaders of groups who have used Sensible Shoes for retreats over the years. Sensible Shoes was written for the purpose of bringing God’s healing and spiritual transformation into the lives of readers traveling in community. Is there an invitation here for you to bring this message to your community? Also available: Sensible Shoes Leader Kit and Sensible Shoes Participant Kit, with everything you need for a small group or retreat experience.

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  • Sensible Shoes Participant Kit (Student/Study Guide)


    Sensible Shoes is an unusual novel, blending a fictional story with nonfiction teaching elements.

    Some readers view it only as a story of four characters on a journey. Others say yes to a deeper level of reading, embracing the opportunity to take a “sacred journey” along with the characters, by opening themselves to the Spirit’s work and attending to God’s invitations. The Sensible Shoes Participant Kit offers everything you need for two different types of experiences: a twelve-week small group or a one-day, weekend, or online retreat. There’s also a copy of the book and a beautiful journal with a ribbon and quotes from the characters. Sensible Shoes was written for the purpose of bringing God’s healing and spiritual transformation into the lives of readers traveling in community. Is there an invitation here for you to bring this message to your community?

    The Sensible Shoes Participant Kit includes:
    *Sensible Shoes
    *Sensible Shoes Prayer Cards (sold as part of this kit only)
    *Sensible Shoes Journal
    *Sensible Shoes Study Guide

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  • Sensible Shoes Leader Kit


    Sensible Shoes is an unusual novel, blending a fictional story with nonfiction teaching elements.

    Some readers view it only as a story of four characters on a journey. Others say yes to a deeper level of reading, embracing the opportunity to take a “sacred journey” along with the characters, by opening themselves to the Spirit’s work and attending to God’s invitations. The Sensible Shoes Leader’s Kit offers everything you need to invite participants into two different types of experiences: a twelve-week small group or a one-day, weekend, or online retreat. Included in the kit is both a participant and a leader guide. The leader guide provides prayer prompts, tips for facilitating the group, and behind-the-scenes information about the characters and their journeys that can be used as opening materials for your sessions. Also provided are schedules for differing retreat formats and creative ideas gathered from the many groups that have used Sensible Shoes in retreats over the years. There’s also a copy of the book and a beautiful journal with a ribbon and quotes from the characters. Sensible Shoes was written for the purpose of bringing God’s healing and spiritual transformation into the lives of readers traveling in community. Is there an invitation here for you to bring this message to your community?

    The Sensible Shoes Leader’s Kit includes:
    *Sensible Shoes Leader’s Guide
    *Sensible Shoes
    *Sensible Shoes Prayer Cards (sold as part of this kit only)
    *Sensible Shoes Journal
    *Sensible Shoes Study Guide

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  • Wild At Heart Field Guide Revised Edition (Revised)


    In Wild at Heart, bestselling author John Eldredge thrust a generation of men, young and old, toward a journey to recover true masculinity?the soul of a man as God designed him. He reminded men they needed adventure in their lives-in their work, in their love, and their spiritual lives-and showed how God designed them to be dangerous. Sadly, most men today have abandoned these dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a “nice guy.” It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

    The Wild at Heart Field Manual, which corresponds chapter-by-chapter with the book, helps men understand how God wants to heal these deep wounds from earlier years that take away their confidence and, in some case, their masculinity. Men will discover that deep within their heart is a longing for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue-because that is how God created them. It is time for the church to reclaim these wounded warriors. It is time to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free!

    Packed with new information and insights, the Wild at Heart Field Manual guides men along “the road less traveled.” Filled with probing questions, creative exercises, and space to record personal field notes, this companion volume is designed to transition men from reading about the wild heart to living from it.

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  • Wild At Heart Study Guide Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    In this updated edition of the bestselling classic, author John Eldredge reminds men they need adventure in their lives . . . in their work, in their love, and their spiritual lives. He reveals how God designed men to be dangerous. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: to be a hero, to be a warrior, and to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men today have abandoned these dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a “nice guy.” It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

    In this provocative six-session video study (DVD/digital video downloads sold separately), John Eldredge explains how God wants to heal these deep wounds from earlier years that take away a man’s confidence and-in some cases-his masculinity. He shows that deep within the heart of every man is a longing for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue-because that is how God created him. It is time for the church to reclaim these wounded warriors. It is time to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free!

    Sessions include:
    1. The Heart of a Man
    2. The Wound
    3. A Battle to Fight
    4. An Adventure to Live
    5. A Beauty to Rescue
    6. A Band of Brothers

    Designed for use with the Wild at Heart Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Come Back Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


    We all experience setbacks. Loss, failure, and even tragedy are part of life. But when these start to define us, it’s time to regroup. Roger Ross teaches the essentials for rising up and out of bad circumstances in Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For. This engaging book tells turnaround stories from sports, history, and everyday life, tracing Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son to reveal five crucial stages for every comeback. Each stage is paired with an ancient spiritual practice designed to help everyday people turn some part of their life around.

    This Participant Guide is your personal study tool and workbook. It’s designed to help you process the lessons of Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For. The study leads you to analyze your own situation more deeply, and shows you how to incorporate the spiritual practices into your daily life. The study is particularly effective in a group setting. Participants need both this Guide and the main book.

    It’s not too late. It’s time for your comeback.

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  • Building A City On A Hill Student Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


    Building A City On A Hill: African American Communities of Purpose Student Workbook explores how we can shine for Jesus by demonstrating Christian character wherever God has placed us. Each chapter reminds us that God calls us to be Christians at home, at work, and in the community. This call enables us to change lives and foster economic development, which causes families and communities to flourish. A revisit of historic Black towns showcases the self-sufficient businesses and enterprises that African Americans built after emancipation. Vocational excellence, unselfish service, and an awareness that God is at work in each life are key to this curriculum.

    Building A City On A Hill is suitable for Adult Vacation Bible School, small groups, and individual Bible study. The lives of ten Bible characters serve as examples of good works and moral excellence while being the light in their particular situations. By learning about these characters, you will be inspired and equipped to be the light of the world.

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