Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 1901–1950 of 2031 results

  • Case For Progressive Dispensationalism


    Debate abounds on the future of Israel and Israel’s relation to the church, not only between dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists, but among dispensationalists themselves. In the past that debate has sometimes been acrimonious, and proponents of the differing viewpoints have found little common ground. In recent years, however, views have been modified and developed so that the dialogue is increasingly by cooperation and a mutual exploration of diverse ideas. The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism is intended to enlighten the debate in that same irenic spirit. The book is solidly dispensational in perspective in affirming that the Old Testament prophecies are completely fulfilled in the future, that the nation of Israel has a prophetic future, and that Israel is not the church. Dr. Saucy departs from classic dispensationalism, however, in showing that (1) the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy begins in the present church age, and (2) the church is not a parenthesis in God’s program but represents a continuity with the Old Testament messianic program. This modified dispensationalism seeks to satisfy many of the objections of non-dispensational approaches to eschatology while retaining the crucial elements of biblical interpretation that characterize dispensational thought.

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  • Body Of God


    Controversial, but significant. Relying on process theology, McFague urges the reader to consider nature the ‘new poor,’ for whom all Christians should take a preferential option. To surmount the current ecological crisis, we need a model of the earth as God’s body.

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  • Unmasking The Powers


    “UNMASKING THE POWERS is one of the most powerful and incisive treatments of the evils which afflict our society and our church that I have ever read. With wisdom, scholar- ship, and evangelical zeal, Walter Wink deals with the many ways that the powers of evil infiltrate our lives. This book is a must for anyone who would understand the seductive and destructive aspects of evil which are so much a part of human life. It provides not only methods by which the influence of evil can be unmasked, but also hints of how that influence can be counteracted.” – Morton Kelsey Professor Emeritus University of Notre Dame

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  • Theology Of The Book Of Revelation


    Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
    Richard Bauckham expounds the theology of the Book of Revelation: its understanding of God, Christ and the Spirit, the role of the Church in the world, and the hope of the coming of God’s universal kingdom. Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to the Church today. This study offers a unique account of the theology and message of Revelation.

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  • War In The 20th Century


    This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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  • Slaying The Dragon


    In Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition, Bernard Batto argues that biblical authors, like other ancient Near East authors, used mythic traditions in composing their works. Batto joins massive evidence with masterful argument to show that myth actually lies at the heart of the theological enterprise of the biblical authors. Slaying the Dragon is sure to provoke dicussion on the theological relevance of myth in the biblical tradition.

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  • Making Sense Of It All


    No matter how old you are, the big questions keep coming up—questions about life, death, God, religion, the nature of faith, the formation of an adequate worldview, and the meaning of it all. Morris takes a new look at those old issues in this entertaining and instructive book. Relating numerous personal anecdotes, incorporating intriguing material from the films of Woody Allen and the journals of Leo Tolstoy, and using the writings of the 17th-century genius Blaise Pascal as a central guide, he’ll help you philosophize about your life, enjoy the process, and perhaps even make sense of it all.

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  • Karl Rahner : Theologian Of The Graced Search For Meaning


    The select bibliography neatly organizes the vast work by and on Rhner and the selected texts are creatively chosen, strategically beginning not with Rahner’s philosphical anthropology but with the spiritual life. Together they comprise something of a mini summa of Rahner’s contributions to the chief areas of theology.

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  • Love And Justice


    The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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  • Charts Of Christian Theology And Doctrines


    Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine provides students of theology with precise and condensed summaries of the concepts and arguments from the fields of theology and doctrine. It does this by introducing readers to important terms and positions and their meanings. The value of this book lies mainly in its use as a handy reference that allows readers to organize and integrate the material learned from other textbooks and in the classroom.

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  • Eternal Word And Changing Worlds


    372 Pages

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    In this book, addressed to the “Western, white evangelical community,” Professor Conn drives home the need for a radical reevaluation of our Western models for theology and missions. The rise of non-Western and nonwhite theologies and the changes in our understanding of language, culture, and religions force upon us the realization of the inadequacy of our ethnocentric, abstracting approach to theology and missions

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  • Invitation To Cross Cultural Theology


    Invitation to Cross-Cultural Theology seeks to extend the study of theology to the way in which lay communities of Christians endeavor to shape their world by their faith. Using narratives of experiences with God as source material, Dyrness sets out to discover the framework, both explicit as well as implicit, that guides their lives as Christians. Testimonies are heard from five very different communities around the world. In the final chapter, the author discusses the various ways in which Christ and salvation are being addressed in these communities today.

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  • New Handbook Of Christian Theologians (Expanded)


    Covering theology from the apostolic church through the present, A New Handbook of Christian Theology is a valuable reference source for anyone interested in theology. Its encyclopedic style and cross-referencing make it easy to use and its broad scope offers a balanced look at the issues at the forefront of Christian theology.

    Where some theology reference books tend to focus on a period, such as the Reformation, A New Handbook of Christian Theology offers a scholarly look at the wide range of theological issues, ranging from election and atonement to liberation and feminist theology, throughout the history of the Church. Under the assumption that there is no dominant position governing all of Christian theology in our time, editors Donald Musser and Joseph Price chose to present a pluralistic and diverse view of the theological issues, including articles by women, minorities, and even geographically distant and diverse authors. Some of the contributors include: Jose Miguez Bonino, Langdon Gilkey, John Cobb Jr., Stanley Hauerwas, William L. Hendricks, Martin E. Marty, Jurgen Moltmann, Richard John Neuhaus, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. For a full contributor listing, click the more info button.

    The editors have completely revised the first version of A Handbook of Christian Theology for this version, adding half again as many articles, and focusing on some contemporary issues. All in all, this book is a broad, scholarly look at the issues that have shaped Christian theology, and the issues which are still shaping Christian theology now. Indispensable for any serious student of theology.

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  • Interpreting Hebrew Poetry


    Editor’s Foreword


    1. Understanding Hebrew Poetry
    Theories Of Poetry
    Poetry-Prose Continuum
    Three Approaches
    Relationship Of Methods

    2. Parallelism
    Robert Lowth
    Basic Nomenclature
    Synonymous, Antithetic, Synthetic Parallelism
    New Understandings
    Grammatic, Morphologic, Semantic Parallelism

    3. Meter And Rhythm

    4. Poetic Style
    Stanza And Strophe

    5. Poetic Analysis
    Isaiah 5:1-17
    Psalm 1
    Selected Bibliography
    Author Index
    Scripture Index

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    Here is a convenient introduction to the unique aspects of interpreting the one-third of the Hebrew Bible that is in poetic form. Numerous are the occasions when a failure to distinguish poetry from prose in the Old Testament has resulted in flawed interpretation. Robert Lowth’s Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews (1753, 1787), marked a turning point of major proportions by focusing on the importance of parallelism of lines. But new studies of the past decade now require significant adjustments to Lowth’s analyses. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry offers an authoritative introduction to this discussion of parallelism, meter and rhythm, and poetic style. It also provides by way of example a poetic analysis of Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 5:1-7, and Psalm 1.

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  • Theology Without Boundaries


    In this book, Carnegie Samuel Calian, who was baptized in the Eastern tradition and raised a Protestant, promotes greater dialogue and exchange among Christians of the East and West. He seeks to make Christians aware of the diversity of faith and offers suggestions and insight to this end.

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  • Liberty Of Conscience


    Shows the development of the idea of liberty of conscience from the English Puritan William Perkins to the First Amendment two hundred years later.

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  • Messianic Exegesis : Christological Interpretation Of The Old Testament In


    The thesis of this book can be summarized as follows: “The beginnings of Christian reflection can be traced to interpretations of Israel’s Scriptures, and the major focus of that scriptural interpretation was Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah.” Juel argues that the earliest use of the Old Testament Scripture was not to argue in behalf of the Gospel, but rather to understand the gospel, and to clarify the implications of faith in Christ for relating to Israel’s God and the world. Furthermore, he feels that the concept of Jesus as Messiah is the central guiding factor in scriptural exegesis.

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  • Old Testament Theology


    In OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY, WALTER BRUEGGEMANN addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology–and the impact such thinking can have on the large issues of contemporary life. He draws on the work of persons from all academic and intellectual disciplines and incorporates them in a seminal way in his theology. Writers in the areas of theology, psychology, the social sciences, and politics are examined as providing possible basic models for talking about the Old Testament. The Old Testament is seen to be something that has intelligible and significant connections to many facets of modern life. This is a selection of Brueggemann’s essays previously published in various journals and books. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, and past President of the Society of Biblical Literature.

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  • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 2


    More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

    The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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  • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 1


    More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

    The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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  • Shifting Boundaries : Contextual Approaches To The Structure Of Theological


    An outstanding group of authors address the structure of theological education using different avenues of approach. Each writer describes and frames a theological response to a major feature of the contemporary scene. The contributors look at events and movements that shape the organization of theological studies, including a review of black religion, feminism, practical theology, and liberation movements. They explore interrelating issues such as social ethics, seminary and university education, and historical consciousness.

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  • Eberhard Jungel : An Introduction To His Theology


    This introduction to the renowned contemporary German Protestant theologian’s work focuses on his discussions of theological and religious language, the role of Christology, doctrines of God and man, and questions of natural theology.

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  • Pastoral Theology : A Black Church Perspective


    Pastoral theology is liberation theology because it is grouned in paxis. Its focus is comprehensive and specific. It deals with developing and implementing policies and programs in the church and community that convey the meaning of Christianity in practical life situations.

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  • Truth To Tell A Print On Demand Title


    An important book for all who are concerned with the impact of Christianity on today’s world, Truth to Tell affirms the gospel as the truth – not only for personal life but also for life at the public, societal level.

    In emphasizing the Christian gospel as the truth that calls for radical conversion, Lesslie Newbigin runs counter to the prevailing subjectivism and skepticism in our society regarding the possibility of knowing ultimate truth. Societies like ours that have undergone “modernization” tend to regard the world’s religions as agencies for the cultivation of privately held religious opinions – agencies that can be studied with the tools of sociology, psychology, and other secular disciplines.

    But, says Newbigin, the Christian church is not simply an agency that stands for good personal values. In three pointed chapters – “Believing and Knowing the Truth,” “Affirming the Truth in the Church,” and “Speaking the Truth to Caesar” – Newbigin develops the argument that the Christian gospel is a statement of objective, historical truth, and all other modes of thought are to be evaluated in the light of the gospel truth.

    Directed especially to ministers and concerned laypeople, Truth to Tell consists of the Osterhaven lectures delivered by Newbigin at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.

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  • After Christendom : How The Church Is To Behave If Freedom Justice, And A C


    Liberal/conservative and modern/postmodern concepts define contemporary theological debate. Yet what if these categories are grounded in a set of assumptions about what it means to be the church in the world, presuming we must live as though God’s existence does not matter? What if our theological discussion distracts us from the fact that the church is no longer able to shape the desires and habits of Christians? Hauerwas wrestles with these and similar questions constructing a theological politics necessary for the church to be the church in the world. In so doing, he challenges liberal notions of justice and freedom.

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  • Skilled Pastor : Counseling As The Practice Of Theology



    Introduction: Becoming A Skilled Pastor




    4.Theological Assessment
    6.Resources For Change

    Conclusion: The Metanoia Model


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    A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection with practice, while incorporating religious resources with counseling technique.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Witness To Jesus Christ


    Bonhoeffer’s theological brilliance, committed discipleship ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become increasingly influential. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bonhoeffer’s thought. It presents the essential Bonhoeffer for students and the general reader.

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  • Friedrich Schleiermacher : Pioneer Of Modern Theology


    Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), a German theologian, is considered to be one of the founders of ‘liberal theology,’ with its emphasis on inner experience and the knowledge of God as mediated through history. This volume is a collection of edited texts illustrating his thought on the following themes: religion as feeling and relationship; the distinctiveness of Christianity; the nature of theology as reflection and communication; hermeneutics; God and the world; the person and work of Christ; nation, church and state; Christianity and the religions.
    An introductory article and notes by Keith Clements set Schleiermacher in his historical context, chart the development of his thought, and indicate the significance of his theology on the broader spectrum of theological thought. This volume is designed both for students of theology and for the general reader.

    About the Author:
    Keith Clements is a Baptist minister and Co-ordinating Secretary for International Affairs, Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland.

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  • Reformation And Liberation Theology


    Using sound theology, Richard Shaull helps all Christians seek a deeper understanding of liberation theology and the Reformation. This volume will be a welcome contribution to the seminary classroom.

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  • Handbook For Christian Philosophy


    This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. Many significant issues arise in the field, but this book treats three in particular: theistic proofs, evil, and creation. A Handbook for Christian Philosophy offers several contributions that make it unique. First, there is a section on logic that relates the subject of logic to biblical exegesis. Second, the treatment of evil puts special emphasis on the biblical themes that provide practical and theoretical help for people who are experiencing evil and going through suffering. Third, the chapter on creation includes an up-to-date critique of naturalistic evolution and a review of the recurrent Christian principles on this topic. The author provides an excellent worldview evaluation, something that is desperately needed today by all Christians. The chapters include: What is philosophy?; How to study philosophy; Learning to think logically; Recognizing worldviews; Testing worldviews; The existence of God; Creation, the reasonable alternative; and a final chapter on God and evil.

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  • Genesis And Apocalypse


    Genesis and Apocalypse engages a theological history of Western culture through the works of Augustine, Luther, Barth, and other important figures in theology, as well as critical theorists such as Hegel and Nietzsche, to ultimately offer a Christology for our modern times.

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  • Thus Says The Lord


    This is a comprehensive and astute interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel. Ward interprets the whole of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets, placing the religious/theological message of these prophets into its most probable historical context. But he also deals with the socioeconomic world of Israael’s prophets, so that readers are able to confront the message, the ideas, of the prophets in relation to the larger realities through which the people and the prophets were living.

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  • Disinheriting The Jews


    Disinheriting the Jews is a scholarly work of great interest and significance for both Christians and Jews. Jeffery Siker shows how strongly the figure of Abraham has shaped our religious identities. He also uses the portrayals of Abraham by early Christians as a new means of understanding the dynamics involved in the church’s separation and estrangement from Judaism. Siker argues that the separation was precipitated by historical contingencies more so than by Christian identity, and in so doing suggests self-corrections that could mend the rift between Christianity and Judaism.

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  • Theology Of The Second Letter To The Corinthians


    The resonances in the dialogue of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians are difficult to detect unless the reader has some knowledge of the social, religious, and economic situation of the community to which the apostle was writing. In this lucid and clear survey, Father Murphy-O’Connor attempts to provide such background information, which he integrates skillfully into a flowing exposition of Paul’s thought. St. Paul’s theology thus comes to life as the complex interplay of factors that prompted him to write as he did to the Corinthians are examined and explored. In addition to providing a particularly accessible picture of the distinctive theological contribution made by 2 Corinthians, the author’s book prompts new insights into the relation of Christ to the ministry of the Church.

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  • Theology Of The Johannine Epistles


    The Johannine Epistles have long been recognized as contributing a vital element to the theology of the New Testament. Usually it is to the Gospel that the reader turns first in order to explore that contribution; the First Epistle is treated as a supplement, while 2 and 3 John–because of their brevity–receive little attention. This book allows the Epistles to speak for themselves, and shows that they sound a distinctive note within Johannine theology, in particular, and the thought of the New Testament, in general. Dr. Lieu carefully outlines their most important theological themes which, when understood in their original setting, are seen to have rich potential for the continuing theology of the Church.

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  • Interpretation And Obedience


    Brueggemann demonstrates the essential connection between faithful reading of the biblical text and faithful living in a world ordinary yet threatening values. He assesses the nature of obedience today in such areas as ministry, justice, education, hospitality, and the contemporary imagination. Walter Brueggemann is professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.

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  • Thinking The Faith


    This work is an attempt to think through the faith in ways that is relevant to North American Christians. Hall states that world-wide currents are at work in North America altering the face of Christendom. The Christian hope lies in the direction, not of ignoring or minimizing these influences, but of facing them forthrightly and seeking the positive meaning that they may contain for serious faith.

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  • Holy Spirit Today


    This book gives scriptural answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in regard to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in Tongues, and the Gifts of the Spirit.

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  • Good And Evil


    What does it mean to be human in a world filled with tragedy? With creativity and insight Edward Farley, one of today’s most respected theologians, addresses this universal and haunting question of evil. Farley anchors his discussion firmly in interhuman (I-thou) dynamics as a key to unfolding the personal and social spheres of human existence.

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  • Good News To The Poor


    This provocative volume illuminates a dimension of John Wesley’s theology that has received insufficient attention: his deep and abiding commitment to the poor. By focusing on the radical nature of Wesley’s “evangelical economics,” Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., provides an important corrective to the view that Wesley was concerned with the salvation of souls only, and not also with the social conditions of human beings.

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  • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 6


    This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

    Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

    The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

    TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

    This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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  • Confessing Our Faith


    This resource includes the description of the process that led to the adoption of the Satement of Faith by the UCC in 1959.

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  • Theology Of Peace


    This gift from one of the greatest twentieth-century Protestant theologians, Paul Tillich, is a collection of hopeful, realistic writings on peace from the years Tillich spent in America. Beginning in 1937, the book documents Tillich’s pre-World War II hope and resistance to Hilter and moves to the time before his death in 1965, when Tillich preached frequently on hope. It includes the first public political speech in America, on anti-Semitism, essays on planning for peace, and criticism of the peace thought of John Foster Dulles and Pope John XXII. The essays on nuclear weapons and German boundary questions illustrate the continuing timeliness of Tillich’s thought.

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  • New Testament Theology


    This work is not a history of New Testament times, nor an account of New Testament religion. Nor does it proceed from a view that the New Testament was written as theology. We must bear in mind that the writers of the New Testament books were not writing set theological pieces. They were concerned with the needs of the churches for which they wrote. Those churches already had the Old Testament, but these new writings became in time the most significant part of the Scriptures of the believing community. As such, they should be studied in their own right, and these questions should be asked: What do these writings mean? What is the theology they express or imply? What is of permanent validity in them? We read these writings across a barrier of many centuries and from a standpoint of a very different culture. We make every effort to allow for this, but we never succeed perfectly. In this book I am trying hard to find out what the New Testament authors meant, and this not as an academic exercise, but as the necessary prelude to our understanding of what their writings mean for us today. — From the Introduction.

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  • Learning About Theology From The Third World


    Designed to introduce Western Christians to discussions about theology going on in the Third World. Gives major overviews of the theology of Africa, Latin America and Asia.

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  • Manana : Christian Theology From A Hispanic Perspective


    An in-depth look at Christian theology through Hispanic eyes. It weaves the doctrinal formulations of the early church on creation, the Trinity, and Christology into contemporary theological reflection on the Hispanic struggle for liberation

    This volume offers a major theological statement from a respected theologian and author. Richly insightful and unique, Manana is one of the few major theological works from a Protestant representative of the Hispanic tradition. Justo L. Gonzalen offers theological reflections based upon unique insights born of his minority status as a Hispanic American.

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  • Faiths Freedom : A Classic Spirituality For Contemporary Christians


    Faith’s Freedom is a refreshingly personal synthesis of key spiritual concepts written in a truly ecumenical way for the contemporary situation. By avoiding most technical terminology, it formulates for intelligent readers an outlook on God and the world that expresses many foundational insights of classic spirituality in terms understandable to the modern mindset. It translates basic notions like creation, freedom, revelation, sin, and faith into contemporary language, then applies them to prayer, power, possessions, anger, sexuality, evil, and life in the Spirit.

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  • Presbyterian Source


    What is central to the Presbyterian identity? The Bible and its reading through the church provide some specific teachings that undergird and nourish the church: the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the promise that God’s Spirit will be with those who believe, the promise of eternal life, human responsibility for the world, and the need to proclaim the gospel. Using twelve biblical passages, Louis B. Weeks helps adult study groups, Bible study groups, and individuals study the Bible as they reflect on who they are as Presbyterians. He explores the Presbyterian tradition, which has used the Bible as a guide, remaining faithful to both the Old and New Testaments. This book is “on target” in providing “threshold knowledge of biblical influences on Reformed theology.” It is “a worthy companion” to Weeks’ To Be a Presbyterian–Virgil Cruz, Professor of New Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

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  • John Calvin And The Church


    The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplines and scholarly approaches that touch on the life of the church. Its five sections convey a wide range of interests among the contributors: Calvin and his times, theology, ecclesiology, interpretation of Holy Scripture, and worship and preaching.

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  • Theology Of The Cross


    A THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS, by Charles Cousar investigates the importance and role of the death of Jesus in the letters of Paul. Cousar attempts to move beyond the category of justifi cation in his understanding of the Pauline writings. Cousar believes that our North American dominant cultural values are massively resistant to a theology of the cross. The author then proposes that a very different set of cate- gories are needed. The shift of categories touches every aspect of life, socio-economic and episetmological as well as ethical.

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