Beth Whittington

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  • When You Find Yourself In The Belly Of A Whale


    What is it like being in the belly of a whale? Well, it’s downright scary. And the surroundings are rather depressing. However, it is quiet. You have time to think-and pray. Singing sounds really good, much like being in the shower. You begin to explore the possibility of climbing out and taming the very thing that has consumed you. Beth Cantrell Whittington used humor, honesty, a battle with cancer, criminal justice career experiences, and down-to-earth devotional thoughts to focus on the big picture-looking at the surprising blows and storms of life through God’s eyes. Jesus was never diagnosed with a life threatening disease. He was never laid off because his company was downsizing. He never had family problems or experienced a mid-life crisis. But he was falsely accused, mocked, spat upon, beaten, and left to die on a cross. He can relate!

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