


Showing 201–250 of 1080 results

  • Secrets From A Prison Cell


    Tony Vick is serving two life sentences for murder. After nearly twenty years in prison, Tony has literally taken to the pen to document firsthand what life is like behind bars. This book–handwritten by Tony and later transcribed by outside friends–indirectly challenges the reader to engage prison reform as one of the most important social issues of this generation, wondering if society can shift its emphasis from retribution to rehabilitation. Tony’s new book describes the violent, even horrific, incidents that occur in prison, incidents mostly hidden in the shadows, away from public awareness. It tells you the stories that those invested in incarceration would rather remain secret. As captivating as it is timely, Secrets from a Prison Cell shortens the distance between those outside and inside prison walls. Through personal stories, essays, and poetry, Tony Vick’s book pulls back the curtain on a world invisible to most people, dramatically revealing the realities of life in prison and the power of love to fight dehumanization.

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  • John Wesley : Optimist Of Grace


    John Wesley was an Anglican priest and major leader in the eighteenth-century Evangelical awakening whose theology and practice continues to influence the church today. This book tells how his own search for a heart renewed in love ultimately led him to a fresh vision of the way of salvation, one that is centered on sanctification, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and available to all. Transcending the theological dichotomies of his day, Wesley developed a distinctive Protestant tradition that continues to shape Methodist and Holiness Christians, and has had a significant impact on Pentecostalism. It was Wesley’s optimism of grace that gave his Methodists and generations to come a vibrant hope that hearts and lives, churches, and the world at large can all be changed by the power of God’s amazing love.

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  • Unexpected Detour : Kris’s Story Her Difficult Journey Following A Catastro


    This is the story of how a successful, young, professional educator, wife, and mother survived a near-fatal and debilitating stroke at the age of thirty-six. It is being written in the hope that her lessons learned and experiences recounted will help other stroke victims, their families, and friends as they begin their own period of discovery and healing. Every stroke is different, but recovery protocols are very similar for each survivor and those who love them. Perhaps this book will be a road map as they collectively navigate a myriad of fears, hopes, feelings of despair, and needs during their own personal journey back.

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  • Following The Fire


    Bill seems to have a thing about fire. From setting a fire in a hollow tree stump as a child visiting his grandparents in Greece, to taking the heat from a bully, and getting burned by a drug deal gone bad, Bill goes from one hot spot to another. Follow the trail of fire as Bill tells of growing up in a traditional Greek family transplanted to Canada, and feeling the searing pain of his father’s disappointment. But his burning desire to find God is not easily quenched. Now a new passion flames, and Bill invites his readers to join him as he follows the fire.

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  • Phyllis Tickle : A Life


    Authorized text, initiated with Phyllis Tickle’s active involvement – Covers the full range of her life and work By the time of her death in 2015, Phyllis Tickle was one of the most beloved and respected figures in American religious life, and her writing offers a unique combination of the down-to-earth, deep spirituality, and scholarship. In this comprehensive new volume, Jon Sweeney, official biographer of Tickle’s literary estate, explores every aspect of her life, a more than 50-year legacy of poetry; plays; literary, spiritual, and historical/theological work; and advocacy. Himself an author and editor in the religion field, Sweeney examines Tickle’s personal and professional roots, from her family, long marriage, and life on The Farm in Lucy, Tennessee, to early academic career and move into book publishing, where her role as founding editor of the Religion Department at Publishers Weekly influenced the growth of spiritual writing and interfaith understanding during the 1990s. Sweeney also looks at pivotal relationships with John Shelby Spong, Marcus Borg, and Brian McLaren, as well as her great influence on the increasing number who adopted fixed-hour prayer, the Episcopal Church as a whole, and the Emerging Church, for which she served as historian, forecaster, and champion. A look at her early, passionate advocacy for the LGBT community, lecture circuit controversies, and projects left unfinished completes the picture.

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  • Live To Forgive


    In Live to Forgive, former ESPN producer Jason Romano walks readers through his personal journey of forgiving his alcoholic father. Through sharing his own story, Romano invites readers to enter into their own messy journeys of forgiveness-to fully feel their pain, evaluate their pain, transform their pain, and ultimately forgive those who caused their pain. The only route to freedom and peace is forgiveness.

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  • John Frederick The Magnanimous


    John Frederick the Magnanimous was the elector of Saxony during Martin Luther’s mature years (1532-1546), and they worked closely together on many things. After Luther’s death, John Frederick shared leadership of the Smalcald League with his cousin, Philip of Hesse. This is the authoritative biography of John Frederick the Magnanimous (elector 1532-1547), son of John the Steadfast, who was raised a Lutheran on Luther’s writings.

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  • Captured : A True Tale Of Escape Capture Rescue And Faith


    He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust. (Psalm 91:4)

    “It’s neat up here,” Arlene called out to her friends from atop the ridge that surrounded their hidden jungle home. “I can see way past the valley.” They ran along the ridge shouting and laughing. Then they ran down the steps, past the big house to the creek they called the river. Whole troops of monkeys came chattering through the trees. The children ran to watch them go by. Outside their hidden jungle haven, things were different. The world was at war. As her family sang songs and read the Bible every evening, Arlene knew God was taking care of her. One day, Arlene heard some bad news.

    “The enemy has taken over Zamboanga City,
    Our soldiers have surrendered.
    They can’t help us now!”

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  • Grace Abounding To The Chief Of Sinners Updated Edition


    This is a short and honest account of how God demonstrated His exceeding great mercy to His unworthy servant, John Bunyan.

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  • Hands On Life


    Stressed out? Swimming in a sea of screens? Worried about our beloved, endangered earth yet uncertain how to work for change? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In this intelligent guide to mindfulness in the digital age, writer and teacher Amy Weldon describes how practicing life as an artist can help you wake yourself up and take back control of your attention, your money, your time, and the health of our society and our planet. Traveling from farm to protest march to classroom, and engaging a range of thinkers from Hannah Arendt to George Orwell, John Keats, and Henry David Thoreau, The Hands-On Life is a book for students and for everyone who dreams of building a better world.

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  • Imaging And Imagining Illness


    Medical imaging technologies can help diagnose and monitor patients’ diseases, but they do not capture the lived experience of illness. In this volume, Devan Stahl shares her story of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis with the aid of magnetic resonance images (MRIs). Although clinically useful, Stahl did not want these images to be the primary way she or anyone else understood her disease or what it is like to live with MS. With the help of her printmaker sister, Darian Goldin Stahl, they were able to reframe these images into works of art. The result is an altogether different image of the ill body. Now, the Stahls open up their project to four additional scholars to help shed light on the meaning of illness and the impact medical imaging can have on our cultural imagination. Using their insights from the medical humanities, literature, visual culture, philosophy, and theology, the scholars in this volume advance the discourse of the ill body, adding interpretations and insights from their disciplinary fields. “”In this fascinating and quite unique book, Devan Stahl and some of those who love her offer a deep, rich, and at points quite moving insight into what it means to live into enduring forms of illness. The interdisciplinary approach is powerful in the way that it allows us to see Devan’s illness experiences from a variety of perspectives. . . .I commend this book and I pray that it both informs and changes people’s views on what it means to live humanly in the company of enduring illness.

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  • My Struggle For Freedom


    Hans Kung is undoubtedly one of the most important theologians of our time, but he has always been a controversial figure, and as the result of a much-publicized clash over papal infallibility had his permission to teach revoked by the Vatican. Yet at seventy-five years of age Kung is also something of a senior statesman, one of the “Group of Eminent Persons” convened by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and a friend of heads of government like Britain’s Tony Blair and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.

    In this fascinating autobiography Kung gives a frank and outspoken account of the first four decades of his life. He tells of his youth in Switzerland and his decision to become a priest, of his doubts and struggles as he studied in Rome and Paris, and of his experiences as a professor in Tubingen, where he received a chair at the early age of thirty-one. Most importantly, as one of the last surviving eyewitnesses of Vatican II, Kung gives an authentic account of the conflicts behind the scenes. Here it becomes clear just how major an influence he was, to the point of shaping the Council’s agenda and drafting speeches for bishops to deliver in plenary sessions.

    Kung’s book offers an acute analysis, compelling in its drama, of meetings with presidents like John F. Kennedy, popes like John XXIII and Paul VI, great theologians like Karl Barth and Karl Rahner, and journeys around the world. With its rich thought and vivid narrative, it paints a moving picture of Kung’s personal convictions, including his relentless struggle for a Christianity characterized not by the domination of an official church but by Jesus.

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  • Exoneree


    What if America’s judicial system, designed to protect the innocent, convicts the wrong man and sends him to prison? Uriah Courtney was incarcerated over eight years–for a crime he did not commit. But God set him free–spiritually and physically–to a new life inside his heart and outside razor wire. Exoneree relates how badly the judicial system can go wrong, but how intensely a dedicated few seek justice. It depicts God’s protection amid the horrors of incarceration. Although it shows dark depravity, it shines with divine transformation. A sensitive man who loved the outdoors and his family, Uriah viewed life imprisonment as a death sentence. Yet God worked through this trauma to bring him new life. Uriah’s transparent narrative transcends most jailhouse conversion accounts, as he confesses how becoming a Christian helped him cope in some ways but didn’t solve every problem. Even after his release and exoneration through God’s providence and the efforts of the California Innocence Project, Uriah faced unexpected challenges. In his warm and personable voice, Uriah describes how focusing on Christ helps him to continue overcoming the bitterness and anger often associated with trauma. And that’s a story everyone needs to read.

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  • Unspeakable Joy : Sydnee’s Story


    The true story of parents who were blessed to be the parents of a child born with a rare syndrome and how they felt God’s presence every step of the way during all the medical procedures in her short life. They show that God’s word is true and can be trusted no matter the circumstances of life.

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  • Abraham Lincoln Civil War Stories 2nd Edition


    This new edition of this classic collection of stories about Abraham Lincoln includes rewritten introductions to each story that draw relevancies and lessons from this great man of leadership and apply them to the political climate of today.
    Each story in this rare and beautiful heirloom collection reveals the servant heart of President Lincoln, his dedication to the people who served him, and his homespun humor and wisdom. These are the stories that build character and inspire conviction in those who read and hear them. Gathered for the very purpose of being passed from generation to generation, these delightful stories will become favorites of adults and children alike–as parents and grandparents read them again and again to their children and grandchildren. Collected over a lifetime from old magazines and publications–most published between the 1880s and the 1950s–these stories tell of the personal life of Lincoln, his tumultuous years during the Civil War, and the impact he had on the people who met him.

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  • Higher Calling : The Dan Miller Story


    “I should have been in prison or dead long ago, but one December night changed my life.”

    An adventurous, skinny country boy from northern California becomes a helicopter pilot in Viet Nam and a professional gambler before he found the Lord.

    From rambling with his friends in a free-ranging childhood, to hunting escapades, Dan Miller’s early years weren’t too focused on the future, but becoming a helicopter pilot and being sent to Vietnam changed his life. Returning home after four years in the U. S. Army, he spent six years in the California National Guard as a helicopter pilot before descending into the nightlife of card rooms and professional gambling. When it all fell apart, he came face to face with his need for God.

    Dan Miller’s story shows how God’s love can bring transformation and hope into any life.

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  • Theres A Sheep In My Bathtub (Anniversary)


    Asteroidea Books

    What happens when you drop an American family with three small children into the post-Communist chaos of Outer Mongolia? There’s a Sheep in my Bathtub chronicles the adventures of the Hogan family as they try to follow God’s leading into one of the world’s most remote and mysterious enclaves. Brian and Louise meet during their college days at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo and embark on a pursuit of a calling to the nations that propels them from the Navajo Nation’s painted desert in Arizona to the wild steppes of Central Asia. Along their way five children join the cross-cultural roller coaster. Disarmingly honest and charmingly humorous, their tale will thrill you and bring tears to your eyes. An intensely personal memoir, this book still manages to pack a powerful dose of missionary insight and Biblical principles for seeing the Church explode into life among peoples that have never even heard of Jesus. Get comfortable. You will not be able to put it down.

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  • Mrs Oswald Chambers (Reprinted)


    Among Christian devotional works, My Utmost for His Highest stands head and shoulders above the rest, with more than 13 million copies sold. But most readers have no idea that Oswald Chambers’s most famous work was not published until ten years after his death. The remarkable person behind its compilation and publication was his wife, Biddy. And her story of living her utmost for God’s highest is one without parallel.

    Bestselling novelist Michelle Ule brings Biddy’s story to life as she traces her upbringing in Victorian England to her experiences in a WWI YMCA camp in Egypt. Readers will marvel at this young woman’s strength as she returns to post-war Britain a destitute widow with a toddler in tow. Refusing personal payment, Biddy proceeds to publish not just My Utmost for His Highest, but also 29 other books with her husband’s name on the covers. All the while she raises a child alone, provides hospitality to a
    never-ending stream of visitors and missionaries, and nearly loses everything in the London Blitz during WWII.

    The inspiring story of a devoted woman ahead of her times will quickly become a favorite of those who love true stories of overcoming incredible odds, making a life out of nothing, and serving God’s kingdom.

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  • Hannahs Hope : A Mully Childrens Rescue Story


    A quiet, poor Kenyan girl named Hannah becomes an orphan and worries that her life will have no future and no hope. But then she is rescued by a former Kenyan multimillionaire who had sold everything to operate a vast home for abandoned children. As Hannah experiences the love of this new father she also discovers the love of her heavenly Father

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  • Rise Above : My 500 Days Of Faith Forgiveness And Fighting Back


    A broken leg nearly ended Steve Zakuani’s career. But he came back stronger than ever. This book, drawn from journals written during his recovery, will give you a raw, honest look into Steve’s story.

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  • Introduction To The Devout Life


    Francis de Sales was Bishop of Geneva in the early seventeenth century. He was known as a preacher, evangelizer and spiritual director and he founded the congregation of the Visitation of Holy Mary. In the Preface, he states that anyone with courage and determination can live in the world without being influenced by its spirit and he sets out to guide the reader in living a life of true devotion.

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  • Stone Pony : Forgiven But Not Forgetting


    Stone Pony is the true story about Stephen Paul Campos. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the US Army as a combat infantry rifleman. From April 1968 to April 1969, he served with the 199th Light Infantry Brigade during the most terrifying times of the Vietnam War. With just two weeks of duty, he and his company experience a horrific friendly-fire tragedy that shakes him to his core. Fourteen years later, on the verge of suicide, he had a spiritual awakening and was able to turn his life around. Mr. Campos shares his experiences in combat and struggles with PTSD while trying to transition back to civilian life.

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  • Minute By Minute


    Looking at a decade’s worth of chronic pain, a promise from God helped Joanne stand firm until He ultimately heals her.

    Once a trained athlete in peak condition, Joanne Moody suffered a post pregnancy injury that sidelined her for the next 14 years. Not one to give up easily, Moody fought to find an answer to her pain year after year. Countless doctors attempted to treat her until finally one recommended a surgeon in France. Joanne and her sisters make the trek only to stare death in the face again. At the moment of greatest pain, God reached down and gave her a promise. Minute by Minute will keep the pages turning as you join Joanne on her journey through a valley of pain and her eventual arrival at the pinnacle of faith and love.

    In Minute by Minute, you will see read a compelling story of:

    The power of prayer
    Perseverance through adversity
    Choosing to trust God amidst agony
    An intimate commitment from God to Joanne
    Trials and suffering being transformed by God’s supernatural power

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  • Inside The NFLs First Family


    From the man who has played in more NFL games than any lineman in the football league’s history comes a memoir about the Matthews family and how eight people over three generations have achieved success in the NFL–more than any other family in sports history.

    No family has qualified more of its members for the demands and rewards of the National Football League than the Matthews clan–eight and counting over three generations. They include Bruce’s father, Clay Senior, an original NFL San Francisco 49er; his brother Clay Junior, a four-time All-Pro for the Cleveland Browns; and nephew Clay III, a Defensive Player of the Year and Super Bowl champion with the Green Bay Packers. Bruce Matthews may be the best of them all, a fourteen-time Pro Bowler with the Houston Oilers and Tennessee Titans, holder of the all-time consecutive starts record for offensive linemen, and inductee in the NFL Hall of Fame.

    The enduring success of the Matthews family is no accident. Their competitive nature, passion for excellence, never-quit attitude, compassion for the disadvantaged, and love for each other has propelled them to the peak of their abilities and professions. For Bruce, the foundation of it all is his faith in God. Inside the NFL’s First Family shows how the highs and lows of Bruce’s NFL career and expanding responsibilities as a husband and father led him to a lasting commitment to Christ. This book is a fascinating peek behind the curtain of professional football, featuring the insider stories that every fan craves. It also shows how Bruce and his family successfully dealt with challenges such as depression, cancer, and Down Syndrome. Yet Inside the NFL’s First Family offers readers even more–the principles and beliefs that have enabled the Matthewses to excel in football and in life.

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  • Sarahs Journey Of Faith V3


    Learn from Sarah the childlike faith that saw her through the darkest nights and brought her to us, to lift us into the daylight of God’s grace.

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  • Gods Waiting Room


    Lowbar Publishing

    God’s Waiting Room was written to let you know that sometimes “everything is not going to be alright.” Sometimes, you must wait but the best place to wait is God’s waiting room. It is his waiting room that you discover the purpose of waiting.

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  • How I Triumphed Over Multiple Traumas


    Over the past 9 decades Ernie Nullmeyer has had his share of mountain top experiences but along with them came many deep valleys. The devastating, often painful vicissitudes of his life would have overwhelmed most people. But Ernie learned that the secret to a joyful, effervescent, meaningful life is not in some skill but in a person -God.

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  • Small Beginnings : The Remarkable True Story Of A Boy Overcoming Rejection


    Dennis McLeod

    The remarkable true story of a boy overcoming rejection, to a man on a mission caring for children on the West Bank and serving God in Israel, Africa and New Zealand. Small Beginnings takes you on an exciting journey of discovery that you will never be truly rejected when you know God and have faith in His love.

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  • Blood Covenant Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Mob boss Michael Franzese had it all–money, power, prestige. From the time he took a blood oath that bound him body and soul to New York’s Colombo crime family, Franzese became a force to be reckoned with in organized crime. Named one of the biggest moneymakers in the mob since Al Capone by Vanity Fair, he quickly crept into the upper echelon of Mafia authority in this country. By the age of thirty-five, he was the youngest mobster listed on Fortune magazine’s survey of the fifty most wealthy and powerful Mafia bosses in America. Then, he did the unthinkable: he quit the mob. Today, Michael is a Christian, finding his own Damascus Road that began with his wife Camille. The story of his conversion is a testament of God’s willingness to reach into the heart of any man regardless of their past or the present condition of their lives. In one of the most fascinating books ever written about today’s Mafia, Michael reveals the answers to the many mysteries surrounding his incredible life. Find out how and why he did what no one else managed to do–and live. Journey with Michael through a life defined by two blood covenants. The first bound him to the mob. The second set him free.

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  • Banana Man


    The true story of how a demeaning nickname opened amazing doors for the gospel–and how you can overcome your own fears in sharing your faith.

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  • Gospel Side Of Elvis


    Gospel music was a significant part of not only who Elvis became as a man, but as an artist as well. As Elvis mania continues to consume generation after generation throughout the world, fans still crave new insights into the person of Elvis Presley. This book takes a look at his roots and the role of gospel in his foundational years, as well as the comfort, solace, and strength it offered him in the years of his meteoric rise in popularity. THE GOSPEL SIDE OF ELVIS is a rarely explored aspect of this American icon and one that reveals so much about the Elvis so many have yet to discover.

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  • From Cairo To Christ


    16 Chapters

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    If I were to become a Christian, it would mean not only changing my religion but changing my whole identity, and bringing shame upon my family. My whole family is Muslim, and my society and culture were Muslim. . . . Changing from Islam to Christianity would mess up my life forever. So writes Abu Atallah, who grew up in Cairo as an ordinary Egyptian Muslim. He was deeply embedded in his family, religion, and country. For a time he was part of the Muslim Brotherhood. But as he came of age, he began to encounter people who followed a different way, who called themselves Christians. And a radically new life became possible-at great cost and risk, yet with great joy. From Cairo to Christ is the remarkable story of how one Muslim man was drawn to the Christian faith, and how he later became an ambassador for Christ with a ministry in the Muslim world. Atallah has personally helped hundreds of Muslims come to Christ. This narrative sheds light on Islamic cultural dynamics and what Westerners should know about Muslim contexts. Despite the challenges facing believers from Muslim backgrounds, God is bringing surprising numbers of Muslims to Christ. Discover how the good news of Jesus transforms lives in Muslim communities around the world.

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  • Katie Luther First Lady Of The Reformation


    Katharina von Bora, wife of Martin Luther, was by any measure the First Lady of the Reformation. A strong woman with a mind of her own, she would remain unknown to us were it not for her larger than life husband. Unlike other noted Reformation women, her primary vocation was not related to ministry. She was a farmer and a brewer with a boarding house the size of a Holiday Inn – and all that with a large family and nursing responsibilities. In many ways, Katie was a modern woman – a Lean In woman or a modern-day version of a Proverbs 31 woman. Katharina’s voice echoes among modern women, wives and mothers who have carved out a career of their own.

    Decisive and assertive, she transformed Martin Luther into at least a practicing egalitarian. Katharina was a full partner who was a no-nonsense, confident and determined woman, a starke Frau who did not cower when confronted by a powerful man.

    Ruth Tucker invites readers to visit Katie Luther in her sixteenth-century village life – with its celebrations and heartaches, housing, diet, fashion, childbirth, child-rearing and gender restrictions – and to welcome her today into our own living rooms and workplaces.

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  • Everyone Everywhere : Glimpses Of God’s Global Work Through People Like You


    God is at work around the globe. You’ll find stories in these pages from every walk of life, and every corner, that bears this out. Amazing stories of the miraculous, and stories of the unassuming yet life-altering hand of God through His people.

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  • 2 Wheels A Blazing


    They would either come out victorious for God or they would lose everything, including what they valued most, each other.

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  • Silence : A Diary Of Suffering And Redemption


    Economos Antony Gabriel has had several close encounters with death that have affected him deeply. After fifty years of ministry, Father Antony, as he is still known, retired from Montreal St. George Church in 2015 after his own and his wife’s health crises.

    This book is about how he came to grips with his own mortality as a wounded healer by offering comfort and healing to others suffering sickness, sorrow, grief, or bereavement. Needing to make sense of the terror, frustrations, and anger, he has written a vivid portrayal of his battle with cancer and the health-care bureaucracy as he attempted to continue. Readers will see echoes of their struggles with illness or other challenges and find wise counsel in some of his observations and rueful humor in others.

    The second part of the book is a reflection of what he learned himself and about himself. It is both philosophical and poetic by turn with wisdom distilled into short but powerful phrases that will stay with the reader.

    Religion is an important part of this book, but the book is not doctrinal. It is rather about a man’s struggle to overcome often against himself and, through his faith, find acceptance and healing.

    “Silence is the ultimate harmony in divinity, that is, God. For a brief moment, I enjoyed the ecstasy of this beauty!”

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  • Because God Was There


    This is the amazing and true story of Belma Vardy, who as a young child lived through the brutal and terrifying events that accompanied the end of World War II and the sudden erection of the Berlin Wall, when East was separated from West and families were ripped apart. This story is one of courage and is told here in remarkable detail.

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  • Tears In His Bottle


    One bad choice as a young teen brought her twenty years of physical abuse, facing the near death of her only daughter, and watching her sons grow up with an abusive father. She found a friend named Jesus, and he restored her life. God used every awful detail of those twenty years to teach her about real love and forgiveness and how to become an overcomer.

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  • Faithful : Unexpected Journey To Motherhood


    Everything was perfect in Becky’s life: a loving husband, a brand-new home, and plans to have a baby. Then a doctor told them: “I don’t know if you will ever be able to conceive a child.”

    In an instant, Becky’s dreams, plans, and optimism were shattered and deep disappointment settled in her soul.
    In Faithful: An Unexpected Journey to Motherhood, Becky Graham shares her journey as she trusted another Author to write her storyline. As she remained faithful by trusting God to write her story–instead of insisting on writing it herself–she saw and experienced God’s faithfulness to her.

    We have all faced detours that threatened to derail us from trusting God. As you read Becky’s brave and vulnerable story, be inspired to embrace the grief that comes with the loss of a dream, overcome your fears when God asks you take leaps of faith, and learn lifelong lessons for staying mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.
    Your journey may be unexpected, like Becky’s journey, but one thing is for certain: He is always faithful.

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  • 9 Lives And Counting


    Although Carl should have been dead nine times and counting, God, for some purpose, has delivered him time and time again. Perhaps Carl is to do something really life changing, or perhaps he is just to continue the many acts of kindness he does for others each day.

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  • Writings Of John Wesley


    John Wesley was an eighteenth-century preacher, writer, and one of the founders of the Methodist movement. This book includes selections from Wesley’s journals, sermons, and books, giving a clear picture not only of Wesley but also of the spiritual vitality that ignited a movement and continues to transform lives today. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Evelyn Underhill


    Evelyn Underhill, a twentieth-century British spiritual writer and retreat leader, is widely known for her compelling exploration of the spiritual life. She offers profoundly simple advice on opening oneself to God. This book includes a sampling of her letters and her published retreat and radio talks. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Thomas A Kempis


    The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is one of the most influential books, other than the Bible, on Christian spirituality. From the time of its appearance around 1420, it has been a best seller. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Thomas Kelly


    Thomas Kelly was a twentieth-century Quaker and philosopher whom Richard Foster calls “a giant soul.” Kelly is best known for his Testament of Devotion. This book includes excerpts from Kelly’s other writings that have not been widely available until now. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Toyohiko Kagawa


    Often mentioned as a model of how to blend prayer, compassion, and social action, Toyohiko Kagawa, a Japanese Christian, worked in the time between World Wars I and II to establish settlement houses, labor unions, and peasant unions and carry on evangelistic campaigns. Excerpts in this book include autobiographical reflections and thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Julian Of Norwich


    Revealing insights from a lifetime of prayer, the writings of this late fourteenth-century nun and mystic offer some of the most moving discussions of God’s love in all of Christian literature. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Francis And Clare


    Francis and Clare of Assisi, celebrated saints of thirteenth-century Italy, founded influential religious orders (the Franciscans and the Poor Clares) that carry on vital work to this day. This book includes biographical vignettes of Francis and Clare as well as prayers, letters, and other spiritually rich writings from their remarkable lives. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world.

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  • Writings Of John Cassian


    John Cassian was a monk from North Africa and a contemporary of Augustine. His writings on prayer and spiritual living continue to speak as powerfully and practically to today’s Christians as they did to his fourth-century audience. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Teresa Of Avila


    Teresa of Avila was a sixteenth-century Spanish nun, reformer, and celebrated spiritual writer. This book includes excerpts from her three most influential works. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Augustine


    Augustine was the fourth-century spiritual leader from North Africa who had a vast impact on the Christian church. His Confessions has been called one of Western civilization’s most influential books. This volume contains other important writings of Augustine. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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