


Showing 251–300 of 1080 results

  • Waking Up Dead


    Waking Up Dead is the true story of suicide, divine intervention and a life transformed. A true accounting directly from author and songwriter, Eddie Anders on what he calls his dark night of the soul when life seemed too hard to continue any longer, even though from the outside, it looked as if he had it all. This is more than a memoir and readers are sure to be hooked as he shares in detail all he s learned over a decade concerning what led him to self-destruction and the process of overcoming depression. Written with the goal and hope to rescue as many people as possible from drowning in depression and potential suicide, Waking Up Dead is a powerful read certain to leave audiences moved and aware.

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  • 9 Lives And Counting


    Although Carl should have been dead nine times and counting, God, for some purpose, has delivered him time and time again. Perhaps Carl is to do something really life changing, or perhaps he is just to continue the many acts of kindness he does for others each day.

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  • Writings Of William Law


    In these selections from his book A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, Law calls for total devotion to God. In response to the religious moderation of eighteenth-century England, he writes that the truly devout must live in utter conformity with the will of God. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of John Woolman


    Woolman’s journal reveals the development of a Christian soul seeking to know and do God’s will in all things. A devout Quaker, Woolman lived simply, in solidarity with the poor and the oppressed. He traveled through the American colonies in the mid-1700s, urging other Quakers to free their slaves and to stand with him against slavery. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of John Of The Cross


    John of the Cross, a sixteenth-century Carmelite monk (and contemporary of Teresa of Avila) used vivid metaphors and biblical stories to describe a process of detachment from earthly loves. He described this as the “dark night of the soul,” an experience that frees us to receive God’s blessings. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of The Desert Fathers And Mothers


    In the third, fourth, and fifth centuries, thousands of men and women moved into the deserts of Egypt and Syria seeking a simple way of living. Their sayings about prayer, spiritual disciplines, and living in community spread throughout the Christian world and became the foundation of monasticism. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Catherine Of Siena


    In seeking to submit her will completely to God’s, Catherine of Siena practiced extreme self-sacrifice fueled by prayer so intense that she often lost awareness of the world around her. She expressed these experiences in letters and writings that address the turbulent times of the fourteenth-century Italy in which she lived. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Religious Life Of Robert E Lee


    The first close examination of how Robert E. Lee’s faith shaped his life Robert E. Lee was many things-accomplished soldier, military engineer, college president, family man, polarizing figure. He was also a person of deep Christian conviction. In this biography of the famous Civil War general, R. David Cox examines Lee’s beliefs and how they guided the key events of his life. Delving into family letters and other primary sources-some of them newly discovered-Cox traces the lifelong development of Lee’s convictions and how they influenced his decisions to stand with Virginia over against the Union and later to support reconciliation and reconstruction in the years after the Civil War. Faith was central to Lee’s character, Cox argues-so central that it directed and redirected his life, especially in the aftermath of defeat.

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  • Kidnapped By The Taliban


    “Am I About to Die?”

    On December 5, 2012, American medical doctor Dilip Joseph and two colleagues are driving back to Kabul, Afghanistan, after serving villagers that morning at a rural clinic. Suddenly a man waving an AK-47 blocks their path. More armed men jump out of hiding. For Dilip, it is the beginning of a nightmare-he’s being kidnapped by the Taliban.

    Dilip and his friends endure a nine-hour march into the mountains, gruesome images of torture and death, and repeated threats of execution. Four days later Dilip is freed in a daring and deadly rescue that claims the life of a SEAL Team Six operator. Yet this is more than a story of desperation, survival, and loss. It is also a tale of surprising connection, compassion, and inspiration. As Dilip begins to view the Taliban not as monsters but as men, both he and his captors are challenged to reexamine everything that matters: courage, sacrifice, hope, and faith.

    With a jerk of his rifle, the leader points up the mountain on the left. There is no path. I look higher and see more armed men at the top of a hill about two hundred feet above us.

    Apprehension surges up in me like black oil from a well. These aren’t ordinary robbers. This is too systematic.

    I’ve been kidnapped by the Taliban.

    As we walk, I fear the worst-that when we reach the top, they will shoot us. God, however this is going to end, please don’t let them torture me to death. Let it be one shot and done.

    It is amazing how quickly everything we take for granted can be ripped away. In the space of a few minutes, I have lost all control of my life. All I can do is take a step, draw a breath, and hope I will be given the chance for another.




    Kidnapped by the Taliban is a story of both terror and triumph. After reading this dramatic and inspiring account, you will never view Afghanistan or the Taliban in the same way again.

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  • Do You Get It


    Any expectant parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle can attest to the joy and excitement of first learning that a new arrival will soon be in their lives. But what happens when this excitement does a 180-degree turn a month before the baby’s due date? In Do You Get It?, a new mother and cancer survivor, Lin-Pei, shares her personal roller-coaster journey of healing and self-awareness. See how physical, spiritual, mental, social and psychological factors turn an unforeseen misfortune of dealing with a preterm baby and a terminal cancer diagnosis into a rewarding life worth living.

    This book offers a unique insight to those who have faced or know someone who is facing life-changing encounters, providing perspective and appreciation of the shock, struggle and pain of having multiple adverse events occur together.

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  • Diving Into The Deep Special Edition


    An inspiring true adventure story for all ages!

    Are you wading along the shore, safe and secure but longing for an adventure that quickens your heart, sharpens your mind, and shakes your comfort zone to the core? Are you afraid to go “all in” for God, not wanting to let go of something holding you back? Do you fear you are too old or too young, too poor, broken, or weak, too busy, too inadequate, too “something,” to take a risk for the sake of the cross?

    Lowell Lytle, now in his 90s, has faced all of these obstacles and more, yet he is still saying “yes” when God calls him toward daunting challenges. He discovered through a lifetime of daring decisions what can come of leaving the shore behind and “diving into the deep.” Who is this giant of faith that seemingly no one has ever heard of? How did he survive one shipwreck after another? What pulled him toward adventure, risk, and spiritual quest, and whose love led him safely back to shore?

    Triumphant rises, terrible falls, and the redemption that led him late in life to follow an unfathomable “Titanic” opportunity.

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  • Faith Of Christopher Hitchens


    A friend of the late Christopher Hitchens offers insight about the promise of faith and the dangers of pride in this one-of-a-kind look into the last days of the world’s most famous atheist–now in paper back. “If everyone in the United States had the same qualities of loyalty and care and concern for others that Larry Taunton had, we’d be living in a much better society than we do.” ~ Christopher Hitchens At the time of his death, Christopher Hitchens was the most notorious atheist in the world. And yet, all was not as it seemed. “Nobody is not a divided self, of course,” he once told an interviewer, “but I think it’s rather strong in my case.” Hitchens was a man of many contradictions: a Marxist in youth who longed for acceptance among the social elites; a peacenik who revered the military; a champion of the Left who was nonetheless pro-life, pro-war-on-terror, and after 9/11 something of a neocon; and while he railed against God on stage, he maintained meaningful-though largely hidden from public view-friendships with evangelical Christians like Francis Collins, Douglas Wilson, and the author Larry Alex Taunton. In The Faith of Christopher Hitchens, Taunton offers a very personal perspective of one of our most interesting and most misunderstood public figures. Writing with genuine compassion and without compromise, Taunton traces Hitchens’s spiritual and intellectual development from his decision as a teenager to reject belief in God to his rise to prominence as one of the so-called “Four Horsemen” of the New Atheism. While Hitchens was, in the minds of many Christians, Public Enemy Number One, away from the lights and the cameras a warm friendship flourished between Hitchens and the author; a friendship that culminated in not one, but two lengthy road trips where, after Hitchens’s diagnosis of esophageal cancer, they studied the Bible together. The Faith of Christopher Hitchens gives us a candid glimpse into the inner life of this intriguing, sometimes maddening, and unexpectedly vulnerable man. “This book should be read by every atheist and theist passionate about the truth.” –Michael Shermer, publisher, Skeptic magazine

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  • Lightning Struck Twice


    Shawny was born to very young parents. When they decided to go their separate ways. Her mom finds a man who she thought was the man of her dreams. What he was keeping on the inside was later revealed when her prince charming exposed himself with his true identity.

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  • Lightning Struck Twice


    Shawny was born to very young parents. When they decided to go their separate ways. Her mom finds a man who she thought was the man of her dreams. What he was keeping on the inside was later revealed when her prince charming exposed himself with his true identity.

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  • American Conscience : The Reinhold Niebuhr Story


    A companion to the film by Martin Doblmeier

    Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was an inner-city pastor, ethics professor, and author of the famous Serenity Prayer. Time magazine’s March 8, 1948, cover story called him “the greatest Protestant theologian in America since Jonathan Edwards.” Cited as an influence by presidents ranging from Dwight Eisenhower to Barack Obama, Niebuhr was described by historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. as “the most influential American theologian of the twentieth century.”

    In this companion volume to the forthcoming documentary film by Martin Doblmeier on the life and influence of Reinhold Niebuhr, Jeremy Sabella draws on an unprecedented set of exclusive interviews to explore how Niebuhr continues to compel minds and stir consciences in the twenty-first century. Interviews with leading voices such as Jimmy Carter, David Brooks, Cornel West, and Stanley Hauerwas as well as with people who knew Niebuhr personally, including his daughter Elisabeth, provide a rich trove of original material to help readers understand Niebuhr’s enduring impact on American life and thought.

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  • Jackie Robinson A Spiritual Biography


    Jackie Robinson believed in a God who sides with the oppressed and who calls us to see one another as sisters and brothers. This faith was a powerful but quiet engine that drove and sustained him as he shattered racial barriers on and beyond the baseball diamond. Jackie Robinson: A Spiritual Biography explores the faith that, Robinson said, carried him through the torment and abuse he suffered for integrating the major leagues and drove him to get involved in the civil rights movement. Marked by sacrifice and service, inclusiveness and hope, Robinsons faith shaped not only his character but also baseball and America itself.

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  • Eleanor A Spiritual Biography


    More than fifty years after her death, Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered as a formidable first lady and tireless social activist. Often overlooked, however, is her deep and inclusive spirituality. Her personal faith was shaped by reading the New Testament in her youth, giving her a Jesus-centered spirituality that fueled her commitment to civil rights, women’s rights, and the rights of all “little people” marginalized in American society.

    She took seriously Jesus’ words and despite her life of privilege, she made the needs of those on the margins her priority. Eleanor: A Spiritual Biography provides insight into one of America’s most famous women, particularly the spiritual influences that made her so active in social justice issues.

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  • Polygamists Daughter : A Memoir


    “My father had more than fifty children.”

    So begins the haunting memoir of Anna LeBaron, daughter of the notorious polygamist and murderer Ervil LeBaron. With her father wanted by the FBI for killing anyone who tried to leave his cult-a radical branch of Mormonism-Anna and her siblings were constantly on the run with the other sister-wives. Often starving and always desperate, the children lived in terror. Even though there were dozens of them together, Anna always felt alone.

    She escaped when she was thirteen . . . but the nightmare was far from over.

    A shocking true story of murder, fear, and betrayal, The Polygamist’s Daughter is also the heart-cry of a fatherless girl and her search for love, faith, and a safe place to call home.

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  • His Redeeming Love


    Matthew has lived life marked with pain and suffering but through it all he has grown in his personal faith in Jesus Christ. With sexual abuse in his past, a sex addiction for much of his adult life, and a mental illness, he has overcome many obstacles to become a prophet, holy and righteous. With transparency and candor he writes books to share Gods truths and revelations though the lens of a life lived simply. You can find out more about him and his books on his Amazon author page.

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  • Love Him Anyway


    One night can change everything. Abby Banks put her healthy, happy infant son to sleep, but when she awoke the next morning, she felt as though she was living a nightmare. Her son, Wyatt, was paralyzed. There was no fall, no accident, no warning. A rare autoimmune disease attacked his spinal cord, and there was no cure. In an instant, all her hopes and dreams for him were wiped away. The life she envisioned for her family was gone, and she was frozen by the fear of a future she never imagined.

    As she struggled to come to grips with her son’s devastating diagnosis and difficult rehabilitation, she found true hope in making a simple choice, a choice to love anyway-to love her son, the life she didn’t plan, and the God of hope, who is faithful even when the healing doesn’t come. In Love Him Anyway, Abby shares her family’s journey from heartbreak to triumph and reminds us that hope and joy can be found in life’s hardest places.

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  • Axe And The Tree


    A powerful account of costly mission in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, this book details how British missionaries Peter and Brenda Griffiths and their team set up a superb secondary school, only for guerrillas to massacre almost all the staff. Peter died prematurely of a brain tumor; Brenda was repeatedly robbed and ultimately fled the country in her seventies, leaving behind the ruins of all they sought to accomplish.

    Yet this is not the end of the story. Many students Brenda and Peter taught have kept their faith, though scattered across the country, and many are now in positions of leadership and influence. The strong Christian church in Zimbabwe today continues to honor Peter and Brenda’s courage and sacrifice.

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  • Jesus Club : Incredible True Stories Of How God Is Moving In Our High Schoo (Rep


    How a Simple Act of Obedience Is Igniting Revival in Our Nation’s Schools

    What happens when a teenage convert from atheism hears a challenge from the Lord–and decides to act on it? This true story is the catalyst for a move of God that is taking the high schools of America for Jesus.

    Brian Barcelona, a dynamic leader on the forefront of youth evangelism, recounts how he answered God’s call on his life with dramatic and miraculous results. Just a few months out of high school, Brian obeyed God’s directive to return to his alma mater and preach the gospel to the kids in the Bible club. Suddenly lives began to be changed. Hearts were saved. Numbers grew. Soon other schools joined in, sparking a youth revival in which thousands of teens are letting Jesus heal their lives.

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  • 2nd Chance


    In THE SECOND CHANCE, Missionary Mira Sousa shares her life journey which begins as a poor young girl in Brazil. Her life was full of poverty and heartaches where she felt no one in the world cared about her until she came to a saving grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mira found out she was not alone and through her faith in God, she would overcome in this life. Prayer-her connection with God-has been her mainstay. Learn about the love of God and the power of prayer through this inspirational story. This book tells her life trajectory and how God gave her a second chance. From these pages, you are invited to not only read Mira’s story, but also experience the love of God in your life and discover the God of the second chance.

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  • Miss Rush Rush


    Ruth leaves her comfortable, settled home in Durban, to live among a tribe of nomads in Uganda. “I waved goodbye to my family at Durban airport, and flew to Nairobi. I half-hoped for a miracle mid-air to change me into the super-heroine missionaries are supposed to be. Nothing happened. I got off the plane, the same Ruth Stranex, who had been assessed by my Oxford college as “not outstanding.” Yet I was facing an outstandingly tough job, only possible with God’s help.”

    Ruth has to adapt to the culture of the Pokot people: to their diet of cows’ blood and milk; their cattle-raiding wars; their frenzied search for water-holes. She delivers their babies, treats their malaria and sews up their spear wounds. She cleans up the infected sores left by witchdoctors trying to let out evil spirits. She challenges their goat sacrifices intended to appease an angry god. She tells them about the one sacrifice offered for them by the Lamb of God who is Love.

    Then, without any warning, she is arrested, driven for 2 days, between policewomen with kalashnikovs and locked in a foul cell …..

    You’ll love her frankness and her humour. You’ll wish you had friends like her African Christian friends. You may wish you had a faith like hers.

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  • Blitz Your Life


    If you’ve ever dreamed of something more in life, this book is for you. Blitz Your Life is a collection of reflections from a former NFL linebacker on a life lived fearlessly and challenges from a man with a sense of urgency for impact. These powerful stories range from Tim’s time on the football field to the radically different life and goals that resulted from his diagnosis with ALS in 2014. Tim also shares stories of ordinary people who have faced everyday challenges and accomplished extraordinary things. Whether they sweep floors or rebuild neighborhoods or make music, all are living lives that make a difference. At times funny and others serious, Tim encourages readers to “write” their own goals and stories while pursuing their dreams. Through his “whiteboard challenges,” he provides practical help that takes readers on a road to success. From his NFL days to his support of ALS awareness, this fighter’s message is a courageous call to find and enjoy a life with purpose.

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  • Treasures In Dark Places


    Skinny-armed toddlers with wide, hungry eyes and bloated bellies watched us beneath thatched eaves, a black string around their waists and heavy mascara smeared around their eyes to fend off the demons. Their rescue and freedom were why I had come. But now that I was here, what was I, one small woman, to do in the face of overwhelming poverty and evil?

    From the beautiful Himalayas to the mighty Ganges River of northern India, a soul-stealing spiritual darkness ravages the land. More than 35 million children are orphaned and destitute. Over 25,000 girls are abducted annually for sex trafficking. Dictators and loan sharks force millions into physical slavery while witch doctors and centuries old idol worship imprison even more in spiritual bondage.

    God’s heart breaks for them. And in His great mercy, He called one unlikely young woman to shine His light in this dark place.

    With warmth and disarming honesty, Leanna Cinquanta shares the rigors, heartaches and miraculous experiences of living hand-in-hand with God, invading the blackness and liberating His treasures. You will be amazed and encouraged at how the supernatural love of Jesus can transform not just one heart, but the hearts of a nation.

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  • Faith Life And Leadership


    Here are 8 prominent women in leadership in Canada who are led by God’s Spirit, who have come forward to serve as mentors and models for others. As successful, godly Canadian women, each is a distinguished leader in her field, willing to share the unique stories and lessons of their journeys, communicating with utmost authenticity and integrity.

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  • Damning Words : The Life And Religious Times Of H. L. Mencken


    Recounts a famously outspoken agnostic’s surprising relationship with Christianity

    H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) was a reporter, literary critic, editor, author-and a famous American agnostic. From his role in the Scopes Trial to his advocacy of science and reason in public life, Mencken is generally regarded as one of the fiercest critics of Christianity in his day.

    In this biography D. G. Hart presents a provocative, iconoclastic perspective on Mencken’s life. Even as Mencken vividly debunked American religious ideals, says Hart, it was Christianity that largely framed his ideas, career, and fame. Mencken’s relationship to the Christian faith was at once antagonistic and symbiotic.

    Using plenty of Mencken’s own words, Damning Words superbly portrays an influential figure in twentieth-century America and, at the same time, casts telling new light on his era.

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  • Faith Grace And Cancer


    The Stephanie Rodrigue story is one of tremendous faith in a God full of Grace as she pours out her heart and soul in her eleven year journey with cancer through her emails to family, friends and her prayer warriors.

    Let her personal suffering, faith, prayers, dependence on God, and plea for prayers from others for direction, decisions, and answers to an almighty God encourage, bless, and strengthen you through your trial.

    May this story of God’s grace, answering countless prayers, providing direction, strength, peace of mind, truth, and strengthening Stephanie’s faith to glorify Him, increase your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

    Do you want an example of how to finish your life strong, a life that will please our Father in heaven? This book will give you a very good example. Stephanie finished her race strong, and Jesus accepting her in heaven was not ashamed to present her to our Father in heaven!

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  • Heartest Story Finally Told


    This incredible transparent testimony is raw yet still digestible. My calling for life is to tell my story and hear yours. I am outside of my comfort zone and spiritually naked. I assure you that this story will move you and that God will touch you like never before. I have lived and fought through Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Molestation, Murder Plot on my Life, Murder, Stolen Identity, False Imprisonment and much more. The odds were stacked against me. Today I am an owner, president and CEO of a successful company in Ohio, USA. God not only gets the glory, but He is the Glory. For those who are struggling, I have also completed a quick guide to life developed especially for healing, fighting and winning. I hope that my story and life guide might aid in your transformation as you are moved to Him authentically.

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  • Heartest Story Finally Told


    This incredible transparent testimony is raw yet still digestible. My calling for life is to tell my story and hear yours. I am outside of my comfort zone and spiritually naked. I assure you that this story will move you and that God will touch you like never before. I have lived and fought through Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Molestation, Murder Plot on my Life, Murder, Stolen Identity, False Imprisonment and much more. The odds were stacked against me. Today I am an owner, president and CEO of a successful company in Ohio, USA. God not only gets the glory, but He is the Glory. For those who are struggling, I have also completed a quick guide to life developed especially for healing, fighting and winning. I hope that my story and life guide might aid in your transformation as you are moved to Him authentically.

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  • Faith Grace And Cancer


    The Stephanie Rodrigue story is one of tremendous faith in a God full of Grace as she pours out her heart and soul in her eleven year journey with cancer through her emails to family, friends and her prayer warriors.

    Let her personal suffering, faith, prayers, dependence on God, and plea for prayers from others for direction, decisions, and answers to an almighty God encourage, bless, and strengthen you through your trial.

    May this story of God’s grace, answering countless prayers, providing direction, strength, peace of mind, truth, and strengthening Stephanie’s faith to glorify Him, increase your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

    Do you want an example of how to finish your life strong, a life that will please our Father in heaven? This book will give you a very good example. Stephanie finished her race strong, and Jesus accepting her in heaven was not ashamed to present her to our Father in heaven!

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  • Minding My Keys And Pews


    This is the life of a part-time organist-her dedication to God and to the job. It tells her beginning in piano and continues with fascinating anecdotes, incidents, and people she encountered as an organist through 60-plus years in the profession.

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  • Sons Of The 43rd


    Sons of the 43rd tells the story of two men who left their small-town America to travel around the world and fight an enemy they had never met. One man survived World War II and the other disappeared, his fate unknown until a chance discovery fifty years later.

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  • Sons Of The 43rd


    Sons of the 43rd tells the story of two men who left their small-town America to travel around the world and fight an enemy they had never met. One man survived World War II and the other disappeared, his fate unknown until a chance discovery fifty years later.

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  • God Is A Bad Mother


    Tereatha Allen Akbar is a mother, daughter, sister, wife, teacher, and a conduit for God’s voice in the real story of her life. Though she and her family have dealt with more than their fair share of obstacles, she deals with them all with grace, poise, and a healthy dose of humor. Throughout it all, she realizes that God never puts more in front of you than you can handle, especially if you’re not afraid to ask for help and know that He speaks your language.

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  • Home : 3 Houses


    True stories to make you smile from the schoolhouse, church house, and farmhouse . . . written by a preacher’s kid raised on pitch-in dinners and camp meetings.A glimpse into the unexpected goodness in the world and its people will restore your faith in humanity and faith in God.
    Stand-alone chapters give you light and funny in-person looks into:

    Behind-the-scenes anecdotes from spending a “lifetime” with sixteen-year-olds as their English teacher

    Church happenings that reveal the benefits of life with God through revivals, the nursery, VBS, the sanctuary, and the author’s experience as a preacher’s kid in the parsonage and beyond

    Down-on-the-farm life in Indiana introduces critters, neighbors, and the joy of everyday work.

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  • Collision Course : How To Harness The Power Of Love To Heal Your Broken Lif


    Want to know God’s long lost secret to transforming and healing your broken life?

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  • Redemption At Hacksaw Ridge


    Remant Publications

    “When we go into combat, Doss, you’re not comin’ back alive. I’m gonna shoot you myself!”

    The men of the 77th Infantry Division couldn’t fathom why Private Desmond T. Doss would venture into the horrors of World War II without a single weapon to defend himself.

    “You’re nothing but a coward!” they said. But the soft-spoken medic insisted that his mission was to heal, not kill.

    This page-turner will keep you riveted to your seat as you discover how Desmond Doss became the first conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor.

    Desmond’s dramatic true story of integrity, redemption, and heroism will inspire you to live by the courage of your convictions.

    * Original book that inspired Mel Gibson’s movie, Hacksaw Ridge
    * Story inspires faith, trust, courage, commitment, and dedication
    * An exciting true story of an incredible war hero

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  • Flash : The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me About Life Faith And Second Chanc


    The heartwarming tale of an irrepressible donkey who needed a home-and forever changed a family.

    Rachel Anne Ridge was at the end of her rope. The economy had crashed, taking her formerly thriving business along with it. She had been a successful artist, doing work she loved, but now she felt like a failure. How would her family pay their bills? What would the future hold? If only God would somehow let them know that everything was going to be all right . . . and then Flash the donkey showed up.

    If there is ever a good time to discover a wounded, frightened, bedraggled donkey standing in your driveway, this wasn’t it. The local sheriff dismissed Flash as “worthless.”

    But Rachel didn’t believe that, and she couldn’t turn him away. She brought Flash into her struggling family during their darkest hour-and he turned out to be the very thing they needed most. Flash is the true story of their adventures together in learning to love and trust; breaking down whatever fences stood in their way; and finding the strength, confidence, and faith to carry on. Prepare to fall in love with Flash: a quirky, unlikely hero with gigantic ears, a deafening bray, a personality as big as Texas, and a story you’ll never forget.

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  • Crossing Myself : A Story Of Spiritual Rebirth (Revised)


    Greg Garrett’s memoir was originally self-published in 2005, and he has recently updated it. The story of his (multiple) suicide attempts and his efforts to find his way out of a spiral of depression, this is an honest and deeply hopeful book that will speak to those who have come through depression and those who still struggle with it. Greg says: “This is the book that made Rowan Williams want to be my friend, and for that and many other things, I’ll always treasure it.”

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  • God And Churchill


    When Winston Churchill was a boy of sixteen, he already had a vision for his purpose in life. “This country will be subjected somehow to a tremendous invasion . . . I shall be in command of the defences of London . . . it will fall to me to save the Capital, to save the Empire.

    “It was a most unlikely prediction. Perceived as a failure for much of his life, Churchill was the last person anyone would have expected to rise to national prominence as prime minister and influence the fate of the world during World War II. But Churchill persevered, on a mission to achieve his purpose. God and Churchill tells the remarkable story of how one man, armed with belief in his divine destiny, embarked on a course to save Christian civilization when Adolf Hitler and the forces of evil stood opposed. It traces the personal, political, and spiritual path of one of history’s greatest leaders and offers hope for our own violent and troubled times.

    More than a spiritual biography, God and Churchill is also a deeply personal quest. Written by Jonathan Sandys (Churchill’s great-grandson) and former White House staffer Wallace Henley, God and Churchill explores Sandys’ intense search to discover his great-grandfather-and how it changed his own destiny forever.

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  • Sea Changed


    A moving story of one woman’s search for God, truth and fulfilment which has led to a transformed life and has ultimately witnessed God’s extraordinary healing power. Growing up with a strong sense of spirituality, Kate searched long and hard throughout the world to find the God who made sense of that spiritual longing. After catching glimpses of God in many cultures along the way, Kate finally found God and her life was transformed for ever. Despite a highly successful journalistic career, she felt there was a disconnect between her work and faith, which eventually led her to work for the charity World Vision where she is now the Chief Communications Officer. Kate has had some personal battles to face, including the loss of both her parents, the loss of a baby, and debilitating ME. She has recently battled breast cancer, from which God has miraculously healed her.

    Sea Change encourages readers to recognise the unseen hand that shifts our perspective, alters our trajectory and lifts us up even in our darkest moments.

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  • Self Examination : What You Will Never Know About Your Physician


    Dr. Tom Arno will tell you without reservation that Marcus Welby is an inaccurate portrayal of the American physician’s demeanor–grossly inaccurate.

    Understandably, in the sixties, we wanted to think doctors were calm and self-assured, but Welby never showed himself emotionally. He was milquetoast-toast, a shoe salesman wearing a white coat. Ben Casey was considerably more believable if only because Vince Edwards, who played the title role, was intense and brooding, lending him an air of professional pique and borderline arrogance.

    Truth be told, ole Ben’s character is pretty close to the real thing with internship and residency when competition fierce and everyone’s jockeying for position with the higher-ups. Come to think of it, maybe Ben was cranky from fatigue, an occupational hazard, especially during training years.

    That is the truth, and I know because I lived through it. The American people need to be informed about the reality of medical school and beyond and how doctors are affected spiritually and physically, personally, and professionally. No one sails through it unscathed; no one is immune.

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  • Self Examination : What You Will Never Know About Your Physician


    Dr. Tom Arno will tell you without reservation that Marcus Welby is an inaccurate portrayal of the American physician’s demeanor–grossly inaccurate.

    Understandably, in the sixties, we wanted to think doctors were calm and self-assured, but Welby never showed himself emotionally. He was milquetoast-toast, a shoe salesman wearing a white coat. Ben Casey was considerably more believable if only because Vince Edwards, who played the title role, was intense and brooding, lending him an air of professional pique and borderline arrogance.

    Truth be told, ole Ben’s character is pretty close to the real thing with internship and residency when competition fierce and everyone’s jockeying for position with the higher-ups. Come to think of it, maybe Ben was cranky from fatigue, an occupational hazard, especially during training years.

    That is the truth, and I know because I lived through it. The American people need to be informed about the reality of medical school and beyond and how doctors are affected spiritually and physically, personally, and professionally. No one sails through it unscathed; no one is immune.

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  • Milldale Story


    “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” was the question Nathaniel asked when Philip told him about Jesus. For the uninitiated to God’s agenda, the same might be said of those sixteen acres, five miles east of Zachary, Louisiana.

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  • Call Me Blue


    Call Me Blue is more than history. It addresses life lessons that are common to us all. In his unique way, Duane Blue provides answers out of his own personal walk with the Lord. The impact he has had on countless lives over the years, whether ministering on his own or with his wife, Iris, is affirmed in the tributes recorded on these pages.

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  • They Could Not Stop The Music


    They Could Not Stop the Music: The Life and Witness of Georgy Slesarev. First Violinist, Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, Moscow.

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  • Manley Beasley Man Of Faith 2016 Revised


    This is a timeless message for every generation of the biblical principles of faith and of how to deal with adversity. From intensive care units to the pulpits of America and beyond, Brother Manley, goes on living through the testimonies and teachings found in this book that some are saying is destined to become a classic.

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  • Iris Trophy Of Grace


    As hard as Iris Urrey Blue tried, she could not hide from Him. Pursuing her every step of the way, in and out of prison, in the middle of heroin highs and robberies, was her Creator, who in eternity past had devised a plan that would turn this “incorrigible rebel” into one of His trophies of grace.

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