

Christian Living

Showing 7351–7400 of 7573 results

  • Tyranny Of The Urgent (Revised)


    Now thorougly revised and expanded, this classic booklet by Charles E. Hummel offers ideas and illustratins for effective time management.

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  • Spirit And Presence Of Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9781597813242ISBN10: 1597813249Jerald WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Roger Weldon Print On Demand Product

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  • SoulWinning : A Classic On Biblical Christianity (Revised)


    Soulwinning is the energizing, ennobling life. We have put into practice the truths shared in this book. For well over a half-century in more than eighty nations, we have communicated the good news publicly, out where the poeple are, addressing audiences of 20,000 to 300,000 people.

    Discover the secret, the pleasure, the exhiliration of sharing God’s love in a hurting world. Experience new self-esteem. Winning others, you truly win Christ. Enriching people, your own life is enriched.
    -T.L. Osborn

    I am convinced this is the finest book that my father has yet authored. As a world evangelist, a teacher, a pastor, and a bishop, I know of no other literary work that brings such biblical focus to pastors and leaders, and such practical insight and uplifting self-esteem to Christian believers.

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  • Peculiar People : The Church As Culture In A Postchristian Society



    /12 Chapters

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    Christians feel increasingly useless, argues Rodney Clapp, not because we have nothing to offer a post-Christian society, but because we are trying to serve as “sponsoring chaplains” to a civilization that no longer sees Christianity as necessary to its existence. In our individualistic, technologically oriented, consumer-based culture, Christianity has become largely irrelevant.

    The solution is not to sentimentally capitulate to the way things are. Nor is it to retrench in an effort to regain power and influence as the sponsor of Western civilization. What is needed is for Christians to reclaim our heritage as a peculiar people, as unapologetic followers of The Way.

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  • 1 New People


    If you are aware of the rich benefits of fellowship that crosses racial lines, but aren’t sure how to make that happen in your church, then this book is for you. Loaded with models from those who have done it, One New People will inspire you to broaden the ministry of your church. With questions to help groups process the material, it will give you everything you need to find the model that fits your situation so you can begin the process of change and growth. And if you are already in a multiethnic church, you’ll find ideas and principles for improving communication, developing new leadership and managing conflict from someone who has been there.

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  • Truth Is Stranger Than It Used To Be


    In this book the authors survey postmodern culture and philosophy, offering lucid explanations of such difficult theories as deconstruction. They are sympathetic to the postmodern critique, yet believe that a gospel stripped of its modernist trappings speaks a radical world of hope and transformation to our chaotic culture. This book is for those who wonder what postmodernism is and how biblical Christians might best respond.

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  • Waiting : Finding Hope When God Seems Silent


    Are you waiting? For a spouse, for a child, for a new career, for healing, for relief in an unhappy marriage? Patterson uncovers two virtues of waiting patiently: humility and hope. You’ll learn how humility teaches us that we exist for God’s sake, not our own; and how hope assures us that there is something worth waiting for.

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  • Christian Ethics


    1. Choices
    2. Goals
    3. Rules
    4. Virtues
    5. Church
    6. Society
    Conclusion: Faith And Ethics

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    In this excellent outline of Christian ethics, Robin W. Lovin achieves a balance between the questions and issues which form the core of the study of ethics, and the life situations from which those questions arise.

    Eschewing a sectarian approach which dismisses other understandings of the moral life, Lovin nonetheless lays claim to a specifically Christian understanding of ethics. He begins with basic Christian convictions about the reality of God and human redemption and weaves these convictions into the fabric of moral concerns that are widely shared in contemporary society. He takes note of the problems that arise when Christians try to act on or enforce their convictions in a pluralistic society and recognizes the variety of theological and moral beliefs that are held within the Christian community, as well as in the wider society.

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  • Chasing Grace


    SKU (ISBN): 9780062513120ISBN10: 0062513125Martha ManningBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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  • Reclaiming Friendship : Relating To Each Other In A Frenzied


    SKU (ISBN): 9780836136302ISBN10: 0836136306Ajith FernandoBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Christian Spirituality : Five Views Of Santification


    The nature of Christian Spirituality has been widely debated throughout the history of the church. The doctrine of sanctification was one of the main fissures separating Luther from the Catholic Church. Even today different groups of Protestant disagree on how we draw closer to God. To answer these questions Donald L. Alexander, professor of biblical theology at Bethel College, has brought together five scholars that represent each of the main historical Protestant traditions. With an introduction by Alexander and responses to each of the main essays by other contributors, this book provides a helpful and stimulating introduction to an important doctrine of the church.

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  • Make Your Life Worthwhile


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060629137ISBN10: 0060629134Emmet FoxBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Gospel Shaped Living Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Preface By Don Carson And Tim Keller
    How To Use This Course
    1. Your Church: A Light In The Darkness
    2. A United Church In A Divided World
    3. A Serving Church In A Selfish World
    4. A Generous Church In A Stingy World
    5. A Truthful Church In A Confused World
    6. A Joyful Church In A Suffering World
    7. How To Be Church In The World

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    Gospel Shaped Church is a new curriculum from The Gospel Coalition that will help whole congregations pause and think carefully and prayerfully about the kind of church they are called to be.

    Gospel Shaped Living is a track that explores over 7 sessions what it means for a local church to be a distinctive countercultural community.

    How should Christians live? The church should be a distinctive community of God’s people-but how different are we from the rest of the world? This track helps us untangle some of the false ideas and traditions that evangelicals have had in the past, and reveals the more deeply challenging picture that emerges from Scripture.

    This flexible resource will train your whole church through teaching, preaching, daily reading and small-group Bible study and discussion-or any combination of those elements. The overall aim is that your church will embark on a journey to discover the kind of people they should be as they are shaped by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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  • My Heart Christs Home (Revised)


    The Study
    The Dining Room
    The Living Room
    The Workroom
    The Rec Room
    The Bedroom
    The Hall Closet
    Transferring The Title

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    In this booklet, Robert Boyd Munger emphasizes the need for Christians to be wholeheartedly devoted to Christ.

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  • Holy Habits : A Womans Guide To Intentional Living


    In this book, you’ll examine the character of God to understand how to live each day intentionally and see your life the same way God does. Includes a ten week Bible study for busy women.


    On the morning of her thirtieth birthday, Mimi Wilson woke up wondering where the years had gone. Time was passing more quickly than she’d imagined-but what had she accomplished? She lived a good, busy life. Yet even her active spiritual life seemed void of lasting meaning. The future hung directionless before her.

    The resulting unique, life-changing search for purpose and direction led Mimi to discover that an intimate understanding of God laid the foundation for the changes she desired. Uncover this story in the pages of Holy Habits as Mimi and her friend, Shelly Cook Volkhardt reveal how their examination of the names of God enabled them to begin living intentionally. Encounter God for yourself as they guide you to meet Him face-to-face and give you ways to make His characteristics a part of your daily patterns. Let Mimi and Shelly’s personal experience and in-depth study lead you to an intimate, lasting relationship with God which will give you a life full of purpose and direction.

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  • Longing For Community


    Understanding the strength and unity of the ummah- the worldwide Muslim community-and its role in an individual’s identity is essential in comprehending the struggles that Muslims undergo as they turn to faith in Jesus Christ. It has been a place of security, acceptance, protection, and identity; turning away from it entails great sacrifice. Where, then, will Muslims who choose to follow Jesus find their longing for community fulfilled: ummah, church, or somewhere in between?

    Longing for Community compiles the research and reflection of twenty missiologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and linguists-among them Muslims who have become believers in Jesus Christ- presented at the second Coming to Faith Consultation in February 2010. The contributors explore the multiple levels and hybrid nature of social identity, pointing to the need to free our discussions from single- dimensional scales, which are far from adequate to describe the complex nature of conversion and lived-out faith. Beyond the issue of identity, the contributors offer important lessons from mission history, explore liturgy as an appropriate vehicle for teaching, discuss appropriate means of communication, and point to both the need and contextually appropriate possibilities of greater involvement of women in training and ministry.

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  • Exodus : Journey Toward God


    Consult the compass for the journey of your life. Life as a Christian is a journey — a journey toward God. But how do you set your compass? How do you make sure that God is guiding your steps and that you are not being blown willy-nilly by life’s shifting winds of circumstance? Turn to the book of Exodus and discover guidance and joy for your pilgrimage. You will grow to know God in a deeper, more personal way. You will learn to trust him more than ever before. You will discover who your fellow travelers are. And you will learn how to chart your course by the compass of God’s will as you take the trip of your life.

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  • Final Steps In Christian Maturity


    The King of France ordered Jeanne Guyon to appear before Archbishop Bossuet for interrogation. This would be a fateful event for her, for the results of that interrogation would decided whether or not she would be imprisoned.

    Jeanne Guyon made the decision to present to Bossuet a clear statement – and defense – of her teachings. The result was a massive three-volume work entitled Justifications.

    This work was later printed in French, probably appearing in only one printing. Justifications has never appeared in English, and has been virtually forgotten. Final Steps In Christian Maturity is a careful selection of some of the very best material found in that original three-volume work.

    Here, then, is some of the finest literature ever penned on the deeper Christian life.

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  • Union With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232051ISBN10: 0940232057Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Seeking Heart


    The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest for a deeper walk with Christ.

    Here are his works and letters for those who have a seeking heart.

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  • Heart Ablaze : Igniting A Passion For God


    1. Unforgettable Evening
    2. Purpose Of Salvation
    3. Getting Egypt Out
    4. Glory Of The Lord
    5. Pass To The Mountain
    6. Manageable Deity
    7. Intentions Or Desires?
    8. Counterculture Or Subculture?
    9. Saving Grace
    10. Difficult Days

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    Jesus has never accepted lukewarmness. Rather, He calls for passion! But where de we get the fire to heat up our relationship with him? He never requires anything He doesn’t equip us to do. If youhave felt that a passionate relationship with Him is unattainable, this book will show you otherwise.

    World-renowned author and Bible teacher John Bevere challenges you to exchange a mediocre rerlationship with God for a vibrant, fiery one. A Heart Ablaze offers riveting insights woven with masterful teaching to help you ignite and maintain a passion for God. Read it and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you as the fire of God’s holiness touches the very depths of your soul.

    No matter where you are in your walk with God, if taken to heart the words of this book will transform your life. A must read for those who desire a stronger relationship with God.

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  • Stories For A Teens Heart


    Nourish the souls of your young people with this collection of 110 bite-sized stories! Humorous, poignant, and uplifting, these quotes, anecdotes, and encouraging tales from best-selling Christian authors speak straight to the issues kids face. A great gift for on-the-go teens that reassures them they aren’t alone as they walk the road to adulthood.

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  • Churchgoing And Christian Ethics


    Robin Gill argues that moral communities should take center stage in ethics. This book examines recent evidence about church communities in relation to faith, moral order and love, and shows that churchgoers are distinctive in their attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Some attitudes change over time, and there are several moral disagreements among different groups of churchgoers. Moreover, their values and behavior are shared by many nonchurchgoers also. The distinctiveness of church communities in the modern world is thus real but relative, and is crucial for the task of Christian ethics.

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  • For The Familys Sake


    Turn your house into a home! Using Christ as her foundation, Macaulay presents a solid blueprint for building a haven of peace and security. Discover how the tools of love, tradition, and common sense can help you create a nurturing environment where every family member can thrive and survive the challenges of modern living.

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  • Intimacy With Christ


    Within the pages of this book you will find spiritual insight and Christian counseling from church history’s best-known woman. These letters contain her advice as shared with common people, famous people and clergy who sought her guidance.

    You will receive from her, help in such areas as discouragement, failure, self-conciousness, poor self-esteem, emotional ups and downs, sorrow, embarrassment, and persecution.

    She will counsel you concerning decision making, your search for God’s will in your life, and following Him and uncertainties.

    You will come away from this book with more understanding of accepting others, even your opposites and responding to Christians who are at odds with you. You will gain a new perspective on peoples’ faults, as well as the church’s short-comings.

    Guyon lights up the precious and powerful value of Christian fellowship. She offers advice and encouragement for Christian workers. Guyon will meet you where you are in your walk with Christ.

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  • Gods Call


    Nothing in this world can hold you back from experiencing the fullness of the marvelous life that God has for you. Charles Finney’s powerful and thought-provoking messages reveal how you can…receive complete forgiveness of sin, break the chains of worldly addictions, rest confidently and securely in the Lord, drink from the foundation of God’s blessings, be totally free of sin and its bondage, discover the worth of your soul, and witness to others sucessfully.

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  • Answer


    In a world full of puzzling problems, it’s nice to find a source of practical solutions. From God’s own Word, R. A. Torrey delves into the specifics of what Christianity is all about and offers biblically sound responses to probing questions, such as: Can I be forgiven of every sin? How much power does Satan really have? Is there a chance to be saved after death? How can I be victorious over the Devil? and much more.

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  • Colors Of The Spirit


    Seldom does a teacher come along with the ability to take the exuberance of spiritual joy and put it on a page in lessons of graceful simplicity and life-giving power. But in Colors of the Spirit, readers are introduced to just such a teacher in Dorothy Ederer. Here she shares her own prescription for a fulfilling life, and illustrates it with the stories of those who have enriched her own journey. You will see in these stories people who looked inside themselves and discovered the potential God gave them to touch others. These individuals were the colors that brightened Dorothy’s world, a world which was sometimes darkened by the hopelessness she encountered in her work as a counselor and teacher. Yet she found that just as white light is filtered through raindrops to create a rainbow, so too is God’s light filtered through all of creation and manifested in each being in a unique way. In Colors of the Spirit, Ederer goes through each color of the rainbow to share the special meanings they have for her, and how the qualities they represent can bring us peace and joy in our own lives.

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  • Life Of Hope


    Let not Satan fight you at any time with despair. Trust that every problem has a solution or rather many solutions. God is capable of solving any problem and of opening every shut door. Pope Shenouda III

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  • Responsible Self : An Essay In Christian Moral Philosophy


    The Responsible Self was H. Richard Niebuhr’s most important work in Christian ethics, and it remains a landmark contribution to the field.
    Here Niebuhr probes the fundamental character of the moral life. He finds the key in the concept of responsibility, which implies not only the freedom and flexibility of responsiveness to others but also a guiding ideal of unlimited concern that goes beyond vague norms and narrow codes.
    The book is based on lectures delivered by Niebuhr at Glasgow University. James M. Gustafson, who was Niebuhr’s colleague at Yale Divinity School, provides a brilliant introduction.

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  • Secret Of Faith



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    The Holy Spirit is ready to reveal Christ to you in such a way that, by faith in Him, you will gain victory in every area of your life. Here is the answer you have been seeking about how you can receive miracle-working faith. With the shield of faith, you can overcome life’s challenges. Using the knowledge in these pages, you will begin to soar over every obstacle.

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  • Only Believe


    Who were John Alexander Dowie, Maria Woodworth-Etter, and Smith Wigglesworth? Who were Charles Price, William Branham, Aimee Semple McPherson, and A.A. Allen? Who were these people who carried the mantle of the healing evangelist in the twentieth century?

    The era of the great tent meeting and healing revivals was covered with both glory and controversy. Don Stewart experienced it first hand. He was mentored by A.A. Allen in the 1960’s. His eyewitness accounts, personal remembrances, and documented stories reveal the truth of the tragedies and the triumphs of many of these men and women of God.

    The day of huge tent meetings may be over, but the mighty power and presence of the Holy Spirit is still in the earth! God is still using human vessels to demonstrate his love and grace to hurting people. Discover how the timeless legeacy of these ministers of God continues to affect our Christian culture today and into the next millennium.

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  • How To Develop A Powerful Prayer Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9781930285002ISBN10: 1930285000Gregory FrizzellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1999Publisher: STL/FaithWorks Print On Demand Product

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    For five centuries, it’s been one of the best-loved books of Christianity. This updated edition features 1,000 end-of-chapter Scripture references and notes, a section of devotional excerpts, and a topical index. Sensitively updated language makes this spiritual classic even more accessible to contemporary readers. For all seekers desiring an intimate knowledge of Christ.

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  • Bible Answer Book


    Evangelist and Bible expert R. A. Torrey answers your most baffling questions about the Scriptures. You’ll find practical advice for living an abundant Christian life in these solid, biblically based discussions. As you enter this gold mine of foundational truths for living out your Christianity, you will find the Scriptures coming alive as your faith increases. Let your heart and mind rest as you discover what God’s Word really teaches and, when applied, how it can powerfully change your life.

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  • Perfect 10 : Blessings Of Following Gods Commandments In A Postmodern World


    1. God’s Law In A Postmodern Society
    2. The First Commandment, Part 1
    3. The First Commandment, Part 2
    4. The Second Commandment
    5. The Third Commandment
    6. The Fourth Commandment
    7. The Fifth Commandment
    8. The Sixth Commandment
    9. The Seventh Commandment
    10. The Eighth Commandment
    11. The Ninth Commandment
    12. The Tenth Commandment
    13. Culture Shift

    256 Pages

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    1. God’s Law In A Postmodern Society
    2. The First Commandment, Part 1
    3. The First Commandment, Part 2
    4. The Second Commandment
    5. The Third Commandment
    6. The Fourth Commandment
    7. The Fifth Commandment
    8. The Sixth Commandment
    9. The Seventh Commandment
    10. The Eighth Commandment
    11. The Ninth Commandment
    12. The Tenth Commandment
    13. Culture Shift

    256 Pages

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  • Vida De Devocion En La Tradici – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808767ISBN10: 0835808769Language: SpanishSteve Harper | Translator: Mary Lou BaertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1999Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Poder De La Cruz – (Spanish)


    Discover how God works in and around the world redeeming broken lives and making them new. Each story is unique, but all have one thing in common: new life begins at the cross.

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  • Divine Romance : Turn Back O City Turn Back O Bride Of God


    63 Chapters

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    A book of power, beauty, and grandeur. Rarely has a piece of Christian Love Story literature combined the simplicity of the storytelling art with the profound depths of the Christian faith. In this sweeping saga, spanning from eternity to eternity, you will discover some of the deepest riches afforded the believer. Like some mighty symphony, here is a majestic rendition of the love of God. Behold the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection as it has never before been presented … from the view of angels! Be there when, rising from the dead, the Lord brings forth his beautiful bride. The story concludes at the consummation of the ages, when a victorious Lord takes his bride to himself. This truly is the greatest love story ever told!

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  • Bright Shadow Of Reality A Print On Demand Title


    Reissue of this pioneering look at the quest for human joy beyond the pale shadows of this world, as seen in both Lewis’s fiction and nonfiction.

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  • Millennium Myth : Hope For A Postmodern World


    From a classical historian comes a reasoned analysis of the millennium. Wright argues that to celebrate the forthcoming millennium with integrity does not mean preparing for the world’s end; instead, we must challenge our prevailing cultural story and symbols. He contends that millennium hype is a mask for “postmodernity,” and constructs a practical response.

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  • Truth About God (Student/Study Guide)


    Popular authors Hauerwas and Willimon explore the overarching question: What does it mean for us and the way we behave when we realize some of the truth about God?

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  • Joy In Praising God


    You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ! In this book, Charles Spurgeon describes the nature of such true fellowship. He also discusses how you can obtain: peace, rest, and joy, healing for your body, complete forgiveness of sins, God’s fullfillment of your needs, the assurance of your salvation, the protection of God, and total freedom from fear.

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  • Christian Faith : The Basics


    1. How Can I Know God?
    2. Who Is This Jesus?
    3. Why Bother About Sin?
    4. How Do I Become A Christian?
    5. How Do I Live A Christian Life?
    6. How Do I Grow As A Christian?
    7. Is There Hope For The Future?

    Books To Grow On

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    All of us stand on the threshold of a new millennium, a new thousand-year era in the history of the world and humankind. Most of us, in North America and Europe at lease, live in a time of unprecendented technological gains in communication, transportation, medicine, and scientific discovery. We have a standard of living that the world has not seen in the previous millennia.

    But despite all the scientific and technological gains–or maybe even because of them–many people experience feelings of boredom, restlessness, emptiness, meaninglessness, and anxiety. There is a sense that something is missing–something essential for human happiness and fulfillment. And so people go on spritual quests, looking for something to give their lives meaning.

    In their spiritual searching, many are looking again at the centuries-old tradition of Christianity. If you are reading this book, perhaps you too are examining the Christian faith–either for the first time or looking again after having been disconnected from Christianity.

    Whether you’ve known God in your life for a long time, you’re seeking to know God more intimately, or you’re just curious to know what Christianity teaches, I want to encourage you to explore several questions with me: How can I know God? Who is this Jesus? Why bother about sin? How do I become a Christian? How do I live the Christian life? How do I grow as a Christian? Is there hope for the future?

    Truly exploring these questions means encountering God. Encounter changes us, whether it be an encounter with a person, an idea, or some aspect of the physical world. An encounter with the creator of the universe, who is actively and intimately involved in its day-to-day operation, has the power to change you profoundly and to enrich your life forever. I encourage you to be as open, honest, and objective in your inquiry, as I have tried to be in writing this book.

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  • Fortress Introduction To The Lutheran Confessions


    Despite their near-scriptural status, the Lutheran Confessions are not widely used in Lutheran circles because their presentation has been too heavy and forbidding. Geared specifically for today’s classroom and parish use, this accessible introductory text incorporates the latest historical research and includes sections on contemporary Lutheranism and discussion questions.

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  • Top 10 List For Christians (Student/Study Guide)


    This book offers a “contemporary” Top Ten list of important things for Christians to remember as we make our way through life’s journey. Acknowledging that we all need guideposts to help us along the way, Moore offers ten witty and wise reminders of the real priorities in life – God’s priorities for faithful living. These uplifting reminders – along with a number of warm, inspirational stories and anecdotes – will encourage you to live each day with faith, hope, love, joy, trust, and commitment, so that you may live purposefully and in celebration, trusting in God’s faithfulness.

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  • Thus Saith The Lord


    You can discern truth from deception. Jesus sternly warned, “See to it that no one misleads you.” (Matt. 24:4, NAS) To be mislead is to be deceived. Jesus makes it clear – it is our responsibility to discern truth from deception. This includes rightly dividing genuine spiritual authority from counterfeit. This crucial and timely message reveals how to recognize true and false authority, the deceptive tactics of false authority, what brings spiritual maturity, and much more.

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  • Detours : Sometimes Rough Roads Lead To Right Places


    Have you experienced times in life when you’re zooming along on a course and suddenly an outside force beyond your control–an accident, event, circumstance, or someone else’s decision or action–changes your direction? Clark Cothern shows how Jesus is Lord of those smooth, wide interstates in our ives, as well as the detours.

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  • Pleasing God : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    This LifeGuide, in the new series format, is all about how we can please God, not by following legalistic rules but by putting our trust in Christ. As we grow in our relationship with Him, we see how godly character flows from a clear conscience and a sincere heart.

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  • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


    Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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