

Church Life

Showing 201–250 of 530 results

  • Get Their Name Workbook


    Power-boost your team’s capacity to share faith without anxiety!
    Most churches and Christians target the wrong people with “evangelism” efforts. The model we use no longer works because it is passive, too polite, and focused in the wrong direction. We are not making new disciples, not adding significantly to Christ’s transformation of the world. But there is hope and practical help for churches who are ready to take a new approach. Get Their Name by Bob Farr, Kay Kotan, and Doug Anderson outlines that hope and help.

    The Get Their Name Workbook provides the critical next step. Church leaders can use this resource with their teams, small groups, and staff to power-boost the book’s ideas in their own church context. The workbook is formatted to function as an individual study, too.

    The Get Their Name Workbook:
    -Creates conversation starters for group discussion or personal reflection
    -Poses powerful questions, which can lead to honest and authentic reflection and evaluation
    -Encourages group participants to process the information together, increasing understanding and commitment
    -Stimulates calls to action, increasing the likelihood of real and sustainable change in the congregation

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  • Elephant In The Church


    A church can be a dangerous place. The perils may be so obvious, they become “elephants” standing in the fellowship hall, lurking in the sanctuary, ready to spring into the pastor’s study, and tromp out of the choir room. The word “elephant” stands for an obvious truth or issue that is ignored or unnamed-a blind spot. Yet we allow elephants to occupy a large amount of space in the minds and hearts of those that tiptoe around them. Discussing common blind-spots of congregations and church leaders, the authors provide examples and illustrations for how to stop these “elephants” from ruining a ministry.

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  • Literacy Bible Reading And Church Growth


    The story of Christianity from apostolic times to the present reveals that in virtually every country of the world a Bible-reading laity was an important factor in the growth of the church, both numerically and spiritually. The importance of the Bible in actual history is a challenge to the church today.

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  • Dear Children : A Letter From God To The Church Through The Scriptures


    What is the “best” church? And which contemporary church leader is the most correct? If God’s Word does not change, does this mean that our faith should also remain unchanged from generation to generation? How should Christians feel about non-believers and-more importantly-how should we respond to the world’s direction when it appears to be against Scripture? Does God even talk to the church anymore? This book is a letter from God. It is addressed to His people-God’s Church-and it is not founded on “traditional” Christianity. It is founded upon God’s Word, the Scriptures. We know that judgment begins at the house of God, and this letter is written for the purpose of allowing God’s people to begin preparing for the judgment that is coming, and for the new age, an age that has already begun.

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  • Troubled Minds : Mental Illness And The Churchs Mission


    1. My Family’s Story
    2. Mental Illness Is Mainstream
    3. Suffering People
    4. Coping
    5. Church Life
    6. Ministry Life
    7. Persistent Stigma
    8. What Churches Can Do
    9. What God Does
    Resources For Ministry To The Mentally Ill

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    Mental illness is the sort of thing we dont like to talk about. It doesnt reduce nicely to simple solutions and happy outcomes. So instead, too often we reduce people who are mentally ill to caricatures and ghosts, and simply pretend they dont exist. They do exist, howeverstatistics suggest that one in four people suffer from some kind of mental illness. And then theres their friends and family members, who bear their own scars and anxious thoughts, and who see no safe place to talk about the impact of mental illness on their lives and their loved ones. Many of these people are sitting in churches week after week, suffering in stigmatized silence. In Troubled Minds Amy Simpson, whose family knows the trauma and bewilderment of mental abuse, reminds us that people with mental illness are our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in Christ, and she shows us the path to loving them well and becoming a church that loves God with whole hearts and whole souls, with the strength we have and with minds that are whole as well as minds that are troubled.

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  • Church Worth Getting Up For


    A growing number of people seem to be answering this question with, “No, your church isn’t worthy my time or effort!” While research identifies a disturbing exodus from church life by all age groups and young people in particular, many churches continue to maintain the status quo. Can we do no better? Are we too afraid to confront the realities of living in today’s world? Have we failed? This book will help you create a church worth getting up for.

    In the book Chuck Gutenson helps us hear from eight church leaders including: Deb Hirsch, Al Hirsch, Mike Slaughter, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Chris Seay, Greg Boyd, Olu Brown, and Doug Pagitt. Each has a “successful” church. Learn what characteristics they have in common.

    We all want to be a part of something meaningful-something or someone who will change our lives for the better. The Church has to find new ways to encourage, nurture, guide, inspire, and motivate people to find their true source in Jesus Christ. Jesus is worth getting up for. Help people find in your church a means to experience the source of their deepest desires.

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  • Job 41 : The Leviathan Spirit Of Pride


    Have you ever wondered why your ministry is not flourishing the way God promised you? Have you ever wondered why you are working in the ministry, but not operating in your calling? Has there been an inference that you were just a servant and your job was to support “the ministry inside the four walls,” while undermining the calling to extend beyond the four walls? God compels us to go and make disciples of men and women, and there should be no debate or pushback to advance the Kingdom of God. There is a spirit that has masked itself in the church of today as a spiritual mentor or covering, or one who provides spiritual guidance to you. This spirit that is exposed in the Book of Job is real and has stifled many parishioners, especially leaders, from walking in the ordained gifts of God. I have heard sermon after sermon on the story of Job, but never anything relating to Chapter 41. God allows certain messages to be released at a time when they will be heard and fully understood. This is a universal message for the church of today.

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  • Ive Been Raped By A Church


    Are you attending a church you used to love, but you’ve lost your zeal for God? Do you feel coerced, manipulated and even raped-as if others have stolen your freedom, your passion and even your joy?

    In her landmark new book, I’ve Been Raped by the Church, A Recovery Guide for the Wounded, Co-Pastor and Evangelist Vicky Lynch shares a shocking truth-not all churches are safe places, even for believers. Everyday people are wounded by pastors who are supposed to be lovingly shepherding their flocks, but instead are wounding and killing them. Some are so good at it that their people wonder if they are delusional or if the church is out-of-order. How can these things be?

    Well, even Old Testament Scripture addresses these issues. This problem is not a new one, but it has always broken the heart of God, who wants pastors to reflect His unconditional love and help His people find their destinies. Vicky shares insights that will equip you to identify church abuse and offers options on dealing with it. If you’ve been victimized by church abuse, she offers hope and healing for you and others you know who struggle.

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  • DiscipleShift : Five Steps That Help Your Church To Make Disciples Who Make


    Over the last thirty years, many influential church leaders and church planters in America have adopted various models for reaching unchurched people. An ‘attractional’ model will seek to attract people to a local church. Younger leaders may advocate a more ‘missional’ approach, in which believers live and work among unchurched people and intentionally seek to serve like Christ. While each of these approaches have merit, something is still missing, something even more fundamental to the mission of the church: discipleship. Making disciples—helping people to trust and follow Jesus—is the church’s God-given mandate. Devoted disciples attract people outside the church because of the change others see in their Christ-like lives. And discipleship empowers Christians to be more like Christ as they intentionally develop relationship with non-believers.

    DiscipleShift walks you through five key ‘shifts’ that churches must make to refocus on the biblical mission of discipleship. These intentional changes will attract the world and empower your church members to be salt and light in their communities.

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  • Insourcing : Bringing Discipleship Back To The Local Church


    Too many of today’s pastors and leaders mistakenly think that thriving programs, lively worship services, and relevant preaching are adequate for developing people into the spiritual dynamos God desires. In many churches, the primary objective of the church—discipleship of people into mature followers of Jesus—has been ‘outsourced’ to programs and large-scale efforts to train and teach. But is that happening? Are people growing in spiritual depth and missional determination?

    Twenty-five years ago, the leaders of Randy Pope’s rapidly growing church took serious stock of their own spiritual development and realized all of them had benefitted from a personal discipleship relationship that had helped them grow in their faith and discover where God was calling them to service. As a church, they decided to make personal discipleship their do-or-die aim: applying one person’s real life to another’s to accomplish something far bigger than that single life. Perimeter calls their approach ‘life-on-life missional discipleship’ and Insourcing tells their story.

    Randy Pope writes for church leaders who recognize the value of discipleship and need practical ideas for reorienting church ministries around personal discipleship. Readers will be encouraged that a wide scale personal discipleship program is attainable for any church.

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  • Connecting Church 2.0


    The development of meaningful relationships, where every member carries a significant sense of belonging, is central to what it means to be the church. So why do many Christians feel disappointed and disillusioned with their efforts to experience authentic community? Despite the best efforts of pastors, small group leaders and faithful lay persons, church is too often a place of loneliness rather than connection. In this revised and updated version of his bestselling book, Randy Frazee shows us how church can be so much…better-more intimate and alive.

    The answer may seem radical today, but it was a central component of life in the early church. First-century Christians knew what it meant to live in vital community with one another, relating with a depth and commitment that made “the body of Christ” a perfect metaphor for the church. What would it take to reclaim that kind of love, joy, support, and dynamic spiritual growth? Read this book and find out.

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  • Parenting In The Pew (Revised)


    Foreword By Ruth Bell Graham
    Preface To The 3rd Edition (2013)
    Preface To The Expanded Edition (2001)
    Thank You
    1. Daddy, I’d Like You To Meet My Children
    2. Worship B.C. And A.D.
    3. Praise And Puppies
    4. Sunday Morning Starts Saturday Night
    5. Counting Bricks Or Encountering God
    6. Make A Joyful Noise
    7. Prayer, Confession And Canned Goods
    8. Just How Long Was That Sermon?
    9. Saving Up For Something Special
    10. The Holy Hug
    Discussion Questions And Reflections
    Appendix A: Parenting In A Wiggly Pew, The Challenge Of An Overactive Child
    Appendix B: Childrens Worship For Seeker Churches
    Appendix C: Guidelines And Ideas For The “Children’s Sermon” In Worship
    Appendix D: Developing An Intergenerational Approach To Ministry

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    Daddy, I’d like you to meet my children. That’s Robbie Castleman’s attitude about taking her children to church. She believes that Sunday morning isn’t a success if she has only managed to keep the kids quiet. And she knows there’s more to church for kids than trying out their new coloring books. Children are at church for the same reason as their parents: for the privilege of worshiping God. Worship, Castleman writes, is “the most important thing you can ever train your child to do.” So with infectious passion, nitty-gritty advice and a touch of humor, she shows you how to help your children (from toddlers to teenagers) enter into worship. In this significantly revised and updated third edition Castleman includes a new preface and two new appendices that provide new perspectives on children’s sermon and intergenerational community. She also provides a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion. More than ever, Parenting in the Pew is essential reading for parents and worship leaders who want to help children make joyful noises unto the Lord.

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  • Excesses Of The Church


    The Excesses of The Church: A Wake Up Call is an honest assessment of the journey of the Church. It tackles the manner that the Church has departed from Jesus’ purpose, drive, His deep intent for mankind and the Church. It cuts right through our delusion of grandeur when it comes to God and recounts how Christendom has hushed up and hidden its leprous state in clerical regalia. It clearly portrays how worldliness, exhibitionist and self serving ambitions have plagued us. It aims to salvage a few soldiers of the cross who will in turn catalyze the conscience and the heart of the world. The book educates and edifies readers while at the same time encouraging and challenging them as to the future of the Church in this world. This is the book that every concerned Christian would have liked to write. If the contents of this book fail to offend us and we become defensive then one thing is wrong with us, we are not yet ready for revival. However, if it convicts us to change our ways then this book will have achieved its purpose. Colin Warambwa MD Walter Senah lives in Harare, Zimbabwe with his wife Febi and their children Takudzwa, Tariro and Chiedza. Walter is a graduate of Logos International Graduate School, Florida, USA. He has served in various Church leadership capacities and Pastoral roles from his twenties. He also has a Masters Degree and has worked extensively in the areas of Finance, Management and Auditing. Besides his bi-vocational role, he oversees Scrolls of Life Foundation, a Teaching Network whose vision is to meet people’s spiritual and materials needs.

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  • Missional God Missional Church


    1. The Greatest Commission
    2. Breaking Free … Through Discerning Inculturation
    3. Breaking Free … Of The Entrapment Of Indiscriminate Enculturation
    4. Greatest Co-mmission: The Missional Trinity

    Part One: Discovering Shalom
    5. Communities Of Christ’s Risen Presence
    6. Mission Of Incarnation And Resurrection
    7. Communities Of Christ’s Crucified Presence … Beautiful Scars
    8. Mission About The Cross, Mission Under The Cross

    Part Two: Disseminating Shalom …
    9. Communities Of The Triune Missional God: Mission The Mother Of Theology, Theology The Mother Of Mission
    10. Mission In Participation With The Son By The Spirit: The Spirituality Of Mission As Theosis 11. Communities Of The Spirit: Gathered And Scattered
    12. Communities Of Forgiveness: Mission Of Absolution And Freedom

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    Pastor, teacher and theologian Ross Hastings addresses the fear and frustration that often accompany talk about the churchs missional vocation. There is an antidote to the “locked door” syndrome that affects us now as it did that band of apostles in the upper room. Hastings directs us to the foundation of hope in the trinitarian commission of John 20 where Jesus grants them his peace by breathing on them his Spirit. He formed them into his community of shalom. Leaving that place of isolation, these “sent ones” went out to participate in Gods own ongoing mission to the world. Hastings tackles the dual challenges of isolation from and accommodation to the surrounding culture. In doing so he opens up a theological vista on the missional character of our trinitarian God and the missional identity of his church. Building on the works of David Bosch, Lesslie Newbigin, Christopher Wright and Darrell Guder, the author corrects numerous dichotomies that hinder the church. In the power of the Spirit the gathered church is spiritually transformed and also scattered as it proclaims Gods forgiveness and freedom Hastings presents here a comprehensive theology of mission. In doing so he confronts the fears and pessimism that erode our faithful effort to join in Christs mission to the world.

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  • Start This Stop That


    We need less conventional wisdom and more creative leadership.

    Not all of the advice church leaders have heard on church growth works. Judging by declining membership in many mainstream denominations, most doesn’t. It’s time to reevaluate the standard thinking on how to grow a church, especially considering the number of new voices questioning the worth of church growth.

    The Cowarts have an amazing story to tell. Harvest Church has grown from a church plant of four – Jim and Jennifer and their two children – to a thriving community of more than 2,200 disciples of Jesus. Harvest Church is changing the world and having an awesome time doing it.

    Learn why conventional church thinking such as pastoral care, long-term planning, stewardship campaigns, committees, and even staff appointments can actually inhibit church growth.

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  • Intergenerational Christian Formation


    Venturing Into Intergenerationality: Our Stories
    Part One: Generational Realities
    1. What Is The Problem?
    2. How Did We Get Here? Why Churches Tended To Separate The Generations
    3. Why Bring The Generations Back Together? The Benefits Of Intergenerationality
    4. What Shall We Name This Approach?
    Part Two: Biblical, Theological, And Theoretical Support
    5. Feasts, Jehoshaphat And House Churches: Biblical Foundations
    6. Growing Each Other Up: Theoretical Foundations
    7. Midwives, Tailors And Communities Of Practice: Learning Theory
    8. The Trinity, Koinonia And The Body: Theological Foundations
    Part Three: Support From The Social Sciences
    9. Becoming Christian In Community: “Religious Socialization”
    10. The Very Old And The Very Young: Contributions From Gerontology
    11. Millennials, Xers, Boomers And Silents: Generational Theory
    12. By The Numbers: Empirical Research
    Part Four: Intergenerational Christian Formation Practices
    13. Creating A Culture Of Intergenerationality
    14. Intergenerational Worship
    15. Intergenerational Learning Experiences
    16. Intergenerationality And Story Sharing
    17. Intergenerational Service And Missions
    18. Intergenerational Small Groups
    19. Cross-Generational Relationships In Multicultural Churches
    20. Intergenerationality And Megachurches
    Appendix A: Forty Intergenerational Ideas
    Appendix B: Intergenerational Resources
    Appendix C: Biblical Passages That Reflect An Intergenerational Outlook

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    One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 Most churches and faith communities segment their ministries by age and generation. The kids go to childrens church, the teens go to youth group. Worship services are geared toward different generational preferences, and small groups gather people at the same life stage, whether singles, young marrieds, parents or empty nesters. In some congregations, people may never interact with those of other ages. But it was not always so. Throughout biblical tradition and the majority of history, communities of faith included people of all ages together in corporate worship, education and ministry. The church was not just multigenerational; it was intergenerational, with the whole church together as one family and people of all ages learning from one another in common life. In this comprehensive text, Holly Allen and Christine Ross offer a complete framework for intentional intergenerational Christian formation. They provide the theoretical foundations for intergenerationality, showing how learning and spiritual formation are better accomplished through intergenerational contexts. It is not just elders teaching youth; learning also takes place when adults discover fresh insights from children. Then the authors give concrete guidance for intergenerational praxis on how worship, learning, community and service can all be achieved intergenerationally. Case studies of intergenerational congregations provide models for how a culture of intergenerationality can be created in local churches. This volume serves as an essential guide for all preparing for and involved in congregational ministry and formation. Discover the riches of intergenerational ministry, and let all generations commend the works of God to one another.

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  • Teaming Church : Ministry In The Age Of Collaboration


    Create a successful team culture.

    Great teams live and serve in light of the Divine Team-the Trinity, and to be truly effective they need: a deeply challenging goal, a creatively empowering leader, and a willingness to collaborate and honor the Bible.

    Author Robert C. Crosby provides innovative ways in which biblical teams reflect the workings and nature of the image of God. Revealing what he calls “The Four C’s of Great Teams” : The Character, The Carrot, The Coach, and The Contex. Crosby shows how successful teams reach their goals more effectively. Conversely, he also addresses the “Four Fatal Teaming Errors” and how to avoid unnecessary, time-consuming missteps.

    This book provides biblical motivations, vivid examples, and practical approaches for creating a teaming culture in any faith community. Crosby, a leader who has built teams as a senior pastor, youth leader, and university administrator, is now training and mentoring a new generation of pastors and leaders.

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  • Restart Your Church



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    As a result of the near-death experiences of many congregations today, denominational leaders are looking for ways to revitalize churches. The act of revitalization often starts with the assumption that what was once vital can be vital again, if church leaders simply do the same better. So congregations increase programs, budgets, and formulas. They look back in time, trying to recapture a period when the church’s role in society was vital. A church seeking revitalization typically does more of the same, but faster.

    However, the central story of faith is the story of both death and resurrection. Followers of Christ like to live out the resurrection part of their faith, but they often aren’t very comfortable dealing with what must come before resurrection – death. The church must be willing to live out its entire story, from beginning to end.

    The church needs to trust the idea that God brings to life what God wants to. This book suggests shifting away from the language of revitalization toward the story of death and resurrection. Escobedo-Frank focuses on ten specific “re-” words to outline a strategy for dying and resurrecting again – for restarting the church.

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  • Will The Real Church Please Stand Up


    In this challenging and thought-provoking book, author James David Montgomery points out that although churches dot almost every street corner in America, many have strayed from God’s original design. He believes too many churches today stand in stark contrast to the first century church that turned the world upside down. Rev. Montgomery calls on Christians of every denomination to return to their roots and rediscover what made the early church great. He reminds us of the building-shaking, great-grace, fear-of-God-preaching, Pharisee-defying, souls-added-to-the-church-daily explosions of God’s glory in the book of Acts.

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  • Discerning Gods Will Together (Revised)


    Bible study, research, and fieldwork merge in this book of practical principles for decision making by spiritual discernment. The step-by-step approach can be used to help any size group learn a new way to make decisions–a way that is interactive, spiritual, and rooted in faith practices and community. Small groups, committees, church boards, church leaders at all levels, and seminary professors will find this book valuable.
    This is a revised and updated version of the book, originally published in 1997. This new version includes revised and updated material, as well as a new introduction by Charles Olsen.

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  • Fresh Expressions And The Kingdom Of God


    Mission Shaped Church, the groundbreaking report which has sold over 20,000 copies has transformed understandings of mission in the UK. Fresh Expressions, which sprang into being in its wake, is an established presence in Britain, the USA and Canada. This important book poses a challenging question: what are the aims of mission and are they being achieved through Fresh Expressions? This book argues that mission is equally about social transformation or, in biblical terms, building the kingdom of God, as well as building the church. Theological reflection and stories from front line practitioners in churches in the sacramental traditions (with their heritage of service in poor communities) combine to create a unique, timely and valuable resource which includes contributions from leading names in the study and practice of mission today.

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  • Church Planting For Reproduction


    The task of church planting requires the wisdom of a practitioner and the logic of a strategist. With his years of experience planting churches, and his extensive research on the subject, the author displays these two requisites on every page of his fruitful study.

    “As a missionary and missiologist,” writes J. Ronald Blue of Dallas Theological Seminary, “the author gives a new perspective to church planting that extends beyond the immediate and sometimes shallow goal of a newly installed fellowship of believers. This book will be an invaluable aid to church planters and missionaries. This is a church planting guide that puts it all together.”

    The author emphasizes that the primary goal of missions constitutes planting churches, which in turn are able to reproduce themselves. By using the proven management method Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), the author outlines each step needed to accomplish that goal. Over sixty charts illustrate his principles and directives.

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  • Peculiar Goings On


    Dave Walker, cartoonist, web editor and former church and community youth worker has become the UK’S leading cartoon commentator on the state of the Church (from what the biscuits you’re offered there say about it, to insider knowledge of synod workings). His uniquely styled Guide to the Church cartoons appear weekly in the Church Times, and on the paper’s daily blog, and many more can be found on Dave’s website, www.cartoonchurch.com. This is his fourth collection of cartoons and his books alone have sold 13,500 copies so far. His many fans will love this further collection with its numerical table of churchgoing types, its at-a-glance guide to going on a retreat, its explanation of what actually happens to all those yogurt pots collected for the holiday club, and its startling revelation of what people are really thinking about during the prayers, and a great deal more hilarity on every page.

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  • Messy Church


    When God created the church, He didn’t build a corporation. He created a family.

    We are not called to be consumers who ask what the church can offer us. Instead, we are called to be a family, loving deeply, fighting fairly, and bringing hope to a new generation. A true family is where we are known, loved, accepted, and ultimately, where our deepest needs are met.

    Our culture is dying for the kind of community that only the church can provide-if we are living as the family God intended-protecting one another, extending grace, and loving unconditionally.

    In Messy Church, Pastor Ross Parsley shares his compelling vision for a better way of life. It’s called church-and it’s a place where no one gets left behind.

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  • Thin Places : Six Postures For Creating And Practicing Missional Community


    Joining the concepts of monasticism and mission, author Jon Huckins and Rob Yackly will walk you through six postures of missional formation:


    As you begin to employ these postures become apprentices of Jesus who are committed to living in and experiencing the thin places.

    Through Thin Places, create a fertile soil to commune with God, live in deep community with others, and extend the good news of the kingdom in your local contexts.

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  • Trailblazers For Translators


    By 1990, over 6,000 Wycliffe Bible translators around the world were working to give ethnic minorities the Bible in their own tongues. Scores of translators trained by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) are also doing translation work while working under other agencies. The roots of the Bible translation movement are found in an extraordinary conference held in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, in 1915. This book is a detailed record of those meetings.

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  • Healing Traumatized Churches


    This unique and entertaining format offers a plan of healing for individuals and congregations through the power of The Cross. Each Scene is designed for personal meditation, or to be presented as a Sunday School or Book Study Series, or produced in its entirety as a play.

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  • Church Search : Finding A Healthy Well Balanced Church



    With a church on practically every corner, the choices seem almost endless. So where does a church hunter begin? And how can a person know for sure that any given congregation is a healthy one? In Church Search: Finding a Healthy, Well-Balanced Church, authors Kurt W. Wallace and Alvis R. House present a list of core criteria you can use to evaluate any church that you visit.

    What are others are saying about Church Search?
    “Wow! Everybody should have this tool!”
    “When I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! It was so helpful that I had to recommend it to my friends.”
    “You need to find a way to get this tool out to the body of Christ.”

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  • Corazon Del Padre – (Spanish)


    El Coraz?n del Padre es un libro que todos aquellos que quieran ser iluminados por el poder de la verdadera paternidad tienen que leer. Este es un libro con un sentido directo y claro que captura de manera simple, pero profunda, uno de los temas m?s importantes y menos entendidos por el Cuerpo de Cristo en este Siglo XXI. El pastor Joshua Rodr?guez logra inspirarnos y evaluar nuestras relaciones a trav?s de su experiencia propia en un tiempo cuando la verdadera paternidad ha sido distorsionada por hombres — amantes de s? mismos — que han confundido lo que es la paternidad con el paternalismo. Como Ester, Dios ha iluminado al autor para crear esta joya literaria en un tiempo como ?ste para venir al rescate de muchos hijos que esperan por el coraz?n de un verdadero padre. Este libro debe ser parte de la biblioteca personal de cada ministro.

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  • Long Way Home


    Pastor’s wife…do you feel
    *You have become disconnected from the Lord, while serving others?
    *Loneliness from being so far from family and friends?
    * Others expect more than you can give?
    *Desperate in your given situation?
    *Want to simply love your Lord and Savior, and find peace, rest and hope?
    If you have thought about any of these, this book is for you.
    It’s one of life’s puzzling ambiguities; a path dedicated to devotion to God and service to others can lead one away from actually walking with God.
    Unfortunately, church ministry can have that bitter side effect. The Long Road Home comes alongside ministry wives as they trudge this path – examining the struggles with painful honesty; calling one and all back to their First Love.

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  • Making Things Happen For The Lord


    Making Things Happen is a “Survival Manual” for those who desire to abound in the work of the Lord. The church contains many types of personalities, which creates a challenge for those who desire to “Make Things Happen” for the Lord. As we attempt to walk in the fullness of God and carry on the works of Jesus, keeping unity within the Church can be a challenging endeavor. Having an understanding of what to expect will be the key to survival. Realizing and having an understanding that there are generally three types of people who make up the Church world will equip leaders and laymen with the tools to excel. The Lord’s will is that we have the strength and wisdom to keep peace and harmony within the Church, as we face the challenge of working with Those Who Make Things Happen – Those Who Watch Things Happen – and Those Who Wonder What Happened!

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  • Thank God And Take Courage


    Lucas Park Books
    Ministry is full of the surprising and unfamiliar events encountered daily. Rev. David C. Derby shares incidents both humorous and serious from his 50 plus years of ministry, as well as his insights into the value of faith for living in the present time …

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  • Theres Hope For Your Church


    A startling 85% of churches in the US are plateaued or declining, a trend that has been building for the past fifty years. In the face of shrinking attendance and lagging spiritual growth, pastors and church leaders are understandably discouraged and demoralized. But the first step to turning things around is hope. Church health expert Gary McIntosh offers this hope by showing church leaders the first things they need to do to make a new start for their church.

    God can and does restore churches to new life, even as he restores individuals. The street-smart ideas and step-by-step instructions found in this book are ones that pastors and church leaders can put to use immediately in their churches to bring about solid growth and renewed hope for the future.

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  • RetroChristianity : Reclaiming The Forgotten Faith


    Addresses the current exodus of Christians from evangelical churches and argues for a return to historical roots.

    Evangelicalism is in trouble. Surveying the modern evangelical landscape, professor Michael Svigel asks, “Why does evangelicalism appear to be spinning out of control, losing appeal to younger generations, dwindling in numbers, or selling out to pop culture to muster a crowd?” He seeks to answer this question by looking to the past-to a Retro Christianity.

    Calling for a return to evangelicalism’s historical and theological roots, Svigel begins by addressing some of present-day evangelicalism’s problems and explores what can be done to help churches regain a healthy perspective on doctrine. He then gives practical examples of what establishing a biblical, historical, and theologically sound foundation will mean for Christians as they think through aspects of church life and worship.As the numbers of those confused or disenchanted with evangelicalism continue to grow, Svigel’s book meets a timely need and will benefit many readers with his balanced argument for preserving the evangelical faith.

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  • Unlocking The Growth


    How to use the power of invitation to double the size of your church This book teaches the power of invitation. It may sound simple, but we are so caught up in our busy church lives that we have missed it. In 2004 Michael Harvey gave up a high-flying job in London to teach church leaders to see new possibilities, using an approach that has quickly become established as Back to Church Sunday. Michael likes to challenge churches of all sizes to double their congregation in a day. The basics are simple: Invite your friends and become an inviting church. Develop a mind-set open to what God might do; work on creating a welcoming environment; learn from mistakes; help people to know God. “It takes a very brave person to walk into a church on their own nowadays,” says Michael, “but God is still speaking to them and all they need is a gentle invitation.”

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  • Gospel Coach : Shepherding Leaders To Glorify God


    Many ministry leaders serving in churches find themselves overwhelmed, disillusioned, and depressed by the enormous and challenging task of leading and serving others. When leaders aren’t healthy, the result is often an unhealthy church.

    Leaders need someone to shepherd their soul so that they can then lead others to the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Every church leader—from fulltime ministers to volunteer leaders—needs a Gospel Coach who will come alongside them with words drawn from Scripture and godly wisdom, grounded in the gracious saving work of Jesus Christ, and presented in the context of a trusting relationship.

    Gospel coaching is an intentional relationship of skillful caring for others based on four ancient shepherding principles: 1) Know the sheep 2) Feed the sheep 3) Lead the sheep 4) Protect the sheep

    Gospel coaches inquire about the personal, spiritual, and missional aspects of a leader’s life in a loving yet focused manner, probing the heart for compulsive unbelief or selfish motivation, disobedience, and sin, leading them back to the Gospel through belief, repentance, and obedience.

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  • unChristian : What A New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity And Wh (Rep


    Christianity has an image problem. Christians are supposed to represent Christ to the world. But according to the latest report card, something has gone terribly wrong. Using descriptions like “hypocritical,” “insensitive,” and “judgmental,” young Americans share an impression of Christians that’s nothing short of . . . unChristian.

    Groundbreaking research into the perceptions of people aged 16-29 reveals that Christians have taken several giant steps backward in one of their most important assignments. The surprising details of the study, commissioned by the Fermi Project and conducted by The Barna Group, are presented with uncompromising honesty in unChristian. Find out why these negative perceptions exist, learn how to reverse them in a Christlike manner, and discover practical examples of how Christians can positively contribute to culture.

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  • Becoming A Grand Champion Church


    There are many ideas about how to increase the size of a church. But what if our vision is upside down? What if God’s desire is that we focus on being a quality church instead of simply a large church? The Bible envisions the church as a spotless bride, a vision of quality. Today’s church seems far from God’s vision of perfection, but that does not change the goals God has for His flock. Using Psalm 23 as a blueprint, Becoming a Grand Champion Church explores how Christ is shepherding His church toward maturity.

    A gap exists between this age’s knowledge of sheep and shepherding that makes it difficult to grasp the fullness of Christ’s shepherding work in the church. The author seeks to fill that gap with homespun remembrances of raising sheep to be shown at the county fair. He then ties the shepherd’s duties with practical suggestions of how the whole body can work alongside the Good Shepherd toward Christ’s vision for His bride. The result of following God’s plan is a Grand Champion Church that reflects the qualities of Christ to the world.

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  • Fresh : An Introduction To Fresh Expressions Of Church And Pioneer Ministry


    Fresh ! offers a strong rationale for fresh expressions and pioneer ministries rooted in scripture and in the breath of the Christian tradition. This is tested against the realities of contemporary British culture and critiques of the notion of Fresh Expressions. It offers practical guidance for starting and sustaining such ministries in the long term. It provides a survey of best practice within Fresh Expressions and pioneer ministry.Fresh ! comes out of the mature reflection of church leaders and theologians who have been active in such ministries over a number of years, showing how such ministries are integral to the work of the church both now and over the long term.This is combined with valuable practical advice – the best kind of practical theology.

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  • Staying Alive : Why The Conventional Wisdom About Traditional Churches Is W


    Lucas Park Books
    The conventional wisdom says it’s not possible to thrive today as a traditional congregation whether “traditional” means worship style or program structure. Staying Alive takes readers on a journey across America to look for best practices of thriving traditional congregations.

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  • Healthy Community : Moving Your Church Beyond Tunnel Vision


    Churches in America are dying. It s a sad reality, but statistics show that some 3,000 churches close their doors permanently every year. What does it take for a church today to remain healthy? How can pastors lead their churches into the future as strong, thriving communities?

    In The Healthy Community, church leaders will be able to diagnose the problems that may exist in their own church and understand what it looks like when a church is lacking healthy essentials such as a doctrinal statement, grace, a mission, pastoral leadership, and discipled believers.

    This book is an important first step for pastors who want to lead their churches towards health, and avoid becoming another statistic.

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  • Cultivating Sent Communities


    How can pastors help to create missional faith communities that are willing to participate in God’s healing of the world? Cultivating Sent Communities reimagines spiritual formation through the lens of mission, covering such topics as the role of Scripture, congregational discernment, and short-term missions and drawing on case studies from diverse contexts including Ethiopia, England, Leipzig, and San Francisco. Full of rich practical, theological, and sociological insights into forming missional churches, this fourth volume in the Missional Church Series calls readers to deepen the core practices that have defined Christians for centuries — and to reclaim them within the context of cultural adaptation and innovation.

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  • Missional House Churches


    Missional House Churches examines the impact and effect that house churches are having in the United States in evangelizing, discipling, and church planting in local communities. Based on the author’s first-hand research and interviews with over thirty missional house churches as well as his own experiences, this insightful work offers an inside look at, and analysis of the workings of the missional house church.

    Topics addressed include the recent growth in the popularity of house churches in the United States, what defines church, various characteristics of the house churches, methods of evangelism and leadership development which lead to growth, use of financial resources for missions and benevolence, future of house churches in North America and the relationship of church planting movements and house churches. The appendices describe the research methodology and surveys used in the study as well as characteristics of church planting movements.

    This book will be of interest to church leaders, mission-minded thinkers, and students who wish to explore, understand, and participate in this phenomenon of the missional house church movement.

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  • Focus : The Real Challenges That Face The United Methodists Church


    Few would argue that many challenges face The United Methodist Church. But what are the core issues and concerns, the ones that must be addressed if the church is to follow God’s leading into the future? Laying aside what can be merely tweaked or adjusted, what must the UMC “reset” about itself? Lovett Weems, one of the most highly-respected interpreters of contemporary United Methodism, suggests that we start with the following:

    – What will happen now that the increased giving that United Methodists have enjoyed (despite declining membership numbers) has reached a plateau and begun to decline?
    – Why, with 34,000 congregations and $6.5 billion in annual giving, can’t United Methodists add a net increase of even 1 new disciple of Jesus Christ in a given year?
    – Why are United Methodist clergy less concerned with reaching young adults than are laity? Why are laity unwilling to make the changes to worship and budgets required to attract these same young adults?
    – If the percentage of married couples with young children has declined by half since the 1950s, why is that still the group we focus on reaching?
    – Why are so many mid-sized churches on their way to becoming small-membership congregations?

    With insight, conviction, and calm resolve, Lovett Weems challenges United Methodists not only to ask these hard questions, but to face up to the difficult decisions they require of us as we continue to seek God’s will for our lives together.

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  • Stop The Churchs Revolving Door


    Does your church have a revolving door? Most churches do not have a ministry to establish and maintain authentic personal relationships with inactive members, visitors, or prospective members. Before implementing this ministry, one church failed to stay relationally connected to its members. Is your church suffering from the same dilemma?

    This new ministry empowered churches toward improving its church health, increasing service opportunities for laypeople, and establishing stronger personal relationships. It is possible in your church, too! This book provides a guide toward implementing this crucial ministry in your church. It is time to stop your church’s revolving door!

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  • Paganismo En Tu Cristianismo – (Spanish)


    Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we ‘dress up’ for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, choirs, and seminaries? This volume reveals the startling truth: most of what Christians do in present-day churches is not rooted in the New Testament, but in pagan culture and rituals developed long after the death of the apostles. Coauthors Frank Viola and George Barna support their thesis with compelling historical evidence in the first-ever book to document the full story of modern Christian church practices.

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  • Kingdom At War


    The Kingdom at War is a prophetic view of the structure and power of the Church that will be given authority to overcome the enemy and see the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the last days. The book concentrates on establishing a “city church” that will reap the harvest, extend the Kingdom of God, overcome the kingdom of darkness, and bring glory to the King. Using prophetic Scriptures from the Old Testament, the author applies them to the New and the present Church, presenting a comprehensive picture of the glorious possibilities for today’s Church.

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  • Stop The Churchs Revolving Door


    Does your church have a revolving door? Most churches do not have a ministry to establish and maintain authentic personal relationships with inactive members, visitors, or prospective members. Before implementing this ministry, one church failed to stay relationally connected to its members. Is your church suffering from the same dilemma?

    This new ministry empowered churches toward improving its church health, increasing service opportunities for laypeople, and establishing stronger personal relationships. It is possible in your church, too! This book provides a guide toward implementing this crucial ministry in your church. It is time to stop your church’s revolving door!

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  • Vision For The Aging Church


    James M. Houston and Michael Parker believe now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. They issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly in the local congregation, showing that seniors aren’t the problem–they are the solution.

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  • Pattern : Churches Producing People Who Behave Like Jesus


    There are some things God is not willing to leave to the mind of men, and building His Kingdom is certainly one of those things. God has always intended for HIS WORK to be done on HIS TERMS and by HIS STRATEGY. This book lifts from the word of God the pattern of ministry Jesus developed and presents it in a way that makes it clear, understandable, and compelling. What this can do for your church, regardless of size or circumstance, is only limited by how far you are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to take you. When Jesus developed His pattern of ministry He got it right the first time. What Jesus developed shares His characteristic of being timeless. Today, churches can realize their greatest potential when duplicating the pattern of ministry developed by Jesus.

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