Darrell Bock

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  • Jesus According To Scripture


    Updated Edition of a Bestselling Study of Jesus and the Gospels

    In this work Darrell Bock, a leading evangelical New Testament scholar who speaks and teaches around the world, and Benjamin Simpson show that a coherent portrait of Jesus emerges from the four Gospels when they are taken seriously as historical documents. When read together, the Gospels provide a clear picture of Jesus and his unique claims to authority. This book surveys all the Gospel units and relates them to their parallel passages, showing how the literary and canonical relationships work. Offering up-to-date interaction with the latest discussions about Jesus, the second edition has been substantially revised and updated throughout and includes three new chapters on how we got the Gospels.

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  • Ephesians : An Introduction And Commentary


    Unlike Paul’s letters to the Galatians or the Corinthians, the letter to the Ephesians contains almost no clues about the situation and issues its recipients faced. Nevertheless, the letter vividly depicts how God’s will revealed in Christ reorients believers’ lives toward unity, mutual respect, submission, and love–in short, new life in Christ, relying on his power and strength. In this Tyndale Commentary, Darrell Bock shows how this precious jewel of a letter combines gospel doctrine, enablement, and exhortation to life. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new New Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Theology. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.

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  • Jesus The God Man


    What the Gospels Tell Us about Who Jesus Is
    This clear, compact introduction surveys what the Gospels tell us about who Jesus is by exploring his teachings and actions in their contexts. Darrell Bock, a leading evangelical New Testament scholar who speaks and teaches around the world, and Benjamin Simpson treat the Gospels as reliable sources for a plausible portrait of Jesus. Condensing years of extensive study on the topic, this handy, readable textbook presents fresh ways to understand the Gospels, especially the Synoptics in comparison with John.

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  • Who Is Jesus


    From the author of Discovering the Da Vinci Code, this new book is the result of a ten-year study that offers concrete evidence to reconcile the Jesus of history with the Christ of faith.

    Most people agree that a man named Jesus lived in the first century in the historical regions surrounding Jerusalem. But what about the Jesus many believe to be the Son of God, the Savior of the World? How can anyone know anything about Him? Over the last decade, an international group of historical and biblical scholars met each year to investigate whether faith and history can be reconciled. The twelve scholars who conducted this study are members of the Institute for Biblical Research Jesus Group.

    This prestigious group of scholars identified ten rules that they applied to key events, sayings, and teachings of Jesus to determine their authenticity. The most important of these rules is corroboration. Requiring corroboration means, for example, that most of the gospel of John is not usable in this study of Jesus, since up to 88 percent of it is singularly attested. But these scholars discovered that by applying these rules, they were able to reconstruct twelve key events in Jesus’ life purely on the basis of historical authenticity.

    Who Is Jesus? is an evidence-based way to bridge the gap among science, history, and faith.

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  • Luke (Reprinted)


    General Preface
    Author’s Preface
    Outline Of Luke

    Additional Info
    In Luke’s vivid narrative, Jesus comes into Galilee proclaiming “good news to the poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind.” More than any other Gospel, the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus’ great concern for the downtrodden, the oppressed and the marginalized–including women and children and even those outside the house of Israel. Darrell Bock shows why Luke’s Gospel is “tailor-made” for the world we live in–a world often divided along ethnic, religious, economic and political lines. After all, the Jesus portrayed by Luke is a source of unity for his disciples and for believers from every walk of life. Tax collectors, Roman soldiers, prostitutes, city officials, religious leaders, widows and fishermen were among the diverse group brought together in the early Christian church. Bock’s dual focus on understanding what Luke wanted to communicate to his original readers and on how that message is relevant for today makes this an excellent resource.

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  • Missing Gospels : Unearthing The Truth Behind Alternative Christianities


    On the heels of his New York Times besteller, Breaking the Da Vinci Code, New Testament expert Darrell Bock, in an easy-to-understand writing style, helps readers examine the claims about missing “secret” gospels and other early forms of Christianity. Bock presents samples of extra-biblical materials and compares them to biblical texts, enabling readers to make their own judgments.

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  • Breaking The DaVinci Code


    Many who have read the New York Times bestseller The Da Vinci Code have questions that arise from seven codes-expressed or implied-in Dan Brown’s book. In Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone’s Asking, Darrell Bock, Ph.D., responds to the novelist’s claims using central ancient texts and answers the following questions: Who was Mary Magdalene? Was Jesus Married? Would Jesus Being Single be Un-Jewish? Do the So-Called Secret Gnostic Gospels Help Us Understand Jesus? What Is the Remaining Relevance of The Da Vinci Code? Darrell Bock’s research uncovers the origins of these codes by focusing on the 325 years immediately following the birth of Christ, for the claims of The Da Vinci Code rise or fall on the basis of things emerging from this period. Breaking the Da Vinci Code, now available in trade paper, distinguishes fictitious entertainment from historical elements of the Christian faith. For by seeing these differences, one can break the Da Vinci code.

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