
Showing 51–100 of 2284 results

  • Blessed Are The Rest Of Us


    When Micha Boyett’s son was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. There she found wisdom she needed in a world that values performance, perfection, and strength. Jesus instead calls his followers to embrace meekness, mercy, and suffering. The Beatitudes became an invitation to discover her worth in God’s love rather than in her own accomplishments.

    In Blessed Are the Rest of Us, Boyett shares her insights with readers–especially those who are burned out, tired of performing, living with grief, or feeling exhausted, powerless, or excluded. She invites them into an understanding of God and themselves centered on belovedness rather than accomplishment. Here is her message: in God’s dream for the world, blessing has nothing to do with ease; it’s about flourishing, and Jesus promises we find flourishing in our limits and in our longing to see the world made whole. Each chapter centers on the refreshing good news of one beatitude, poetically woven with stories of Boyett’s life.

    Beautifully reassuring and liberating, this book calls readers to rest in God’s rich and abundant love.

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  • Listen Listen Speak


    Award-winning author and pastor of WestGate Church gives thoughtful, Biblical guidance for how to hear God and share His love in a culture of noise.

    The effects of social media and the news are felt deeply in our day-to-day lives. The countless voices–the pundits, the influencers, the personalities–offering opinions and spewing vitriol nonstop have created a cacophony of chaos. It’s difficult to know what’s true or who to trust. It’s difficult to hear God and be heard.

    In this book, pastor and author Jay Kim offers thoughtful, concrete guidance for how to listen amidst the noise, hear God, and then speak Good News so to be heard. Drawing on Scripture, social science, and cultural exegesis, Kim helps readers:

    *Listen through prayer, reading the Bible, and participating in the church
    *Better understand the environment and effects of social media, news media, and politics
    *Share the Good News in this environment, encouraging those in your day-to-day life

    Practical, biblical, and eminently wise, Listen, Listen, Speak is an indispensable guidebook for Christians living in our culture today. It will equip you to not just speak into the chaos with the love of Jesus but, more importantly, to listen–to one another and to God.

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  • Night Is Normal Workbook (Workbook)


    An 8-week workbook for those struggling with disillusionment and spiritual pain.

    It’s unnerving, isn’t it? When our faith feels ungrounded, untethered . . . unreal. When our certainty is adrift, as though an undercurrent has pulled us away from shore into the deep, into the darkness.

    And if this is you-if you’re in a dark night of the soul-please know that you are not alone. (And you are not as far away from safety as you may feel or fear.) Based on The Night Is Normal, revered author, speaker, and mentor. Dr. Alicia Britt Chole offers this workbook, a companion through your days and nights of uncertainty. Within these sacred pages created for group or individual study, you’ll dive deeper into Alicia’s groundbreaking content, study what the Scriptures say, and respond to how disillusionment may be affecting your daily life.

    Sessions include:

    *Navigating the Night
    *Disillusionment with God
    *Disillusionment with Self
    *Disillusionment with Others.

    The roots-and fruits-of spiritual pain are actually an invitation to deep love. Alicia offers practical and soul-full tools to help you navigate the night and find your way to a livable and love-saturated hope.

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  • Seen Secure Free

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.99.

    In a world that screams Be seen! Be known! and often measures value by likes and shares and follows, it’s easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God’s Word offers a powerful and freeing counternarrative: true treasure is actually found in the “hidden” life of Christ.

    Somewhere along the way, we’ve confused our level of visibility with our value. We’ve mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We’ve equated exposure with excellence.

    But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there’s a different way of living altogether?

    Seen, Secure, Free unpacks the great promise in Colossians 3:3: “Your life is hidden with Christ in God” and reminds us that when God hides us in himself, he provides a non-negotiable, never-ending source of contentment, identity, and worth.

    Join Bible teacher Allison Allen as she explores the incredible power of hiddenness in nature, history, and Scripture, which will help you:

    *Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others;
    *Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood;
    *Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply;
    *Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose;
    *Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom; and
    *Feel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus

    No more striving to be seen or wondering if you matter; no more pressure to perform or be visible to the world. Instead, rest assured that God truly sees, knows, and loves you more than any person ever could. And let him lead you into the freedom, joy, and transformative power of a life hidden in him.

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  • Now And Not Yet


    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

    Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

    *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

    *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

    *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

    *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

    Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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  • Corazon Afinado – (Spanish)


    Que es lo que inspira la adoracion humana? En Un corazon afinado, Sergio Villanueva nos ensea lo que la revelacion de Dios causa en la adoracion humana. Como instrumentos literalmente formados por el Creador, este libro nos invita a vivir de manera integral, a refinar nuestras acciones bajo la direccion de Dios. Buscar adorar al Creador es la esencia de nuestra identidad. Nuestra vida es una adoracion a Dios.

    What inspires human worship? In A fine-tuned heart, Sergio Villanueva teaches us about what Gods revelation causes in human worship. As instruments literally formed by the Creator, this book invites us to live in an integral way, refining our actions under the direction of God. Seeking to worship the Creator is the essence of our identity, our life is a worship for God.

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  • Proverbios Para Necios – (Spanish)


    En Proverbios para necios, Pepe Mendoza desglosa cada capitulo de Proverbios de forma ligera y coloquial para mostrar como se aplica a nuestra vida cotidiana y contemporanea.

    En el viaje de la vida, la necedad suele llevarnos por senderos equivocados, causando dao no solo a nosotros mismos, sino tambien a quienes nos rodean. La sabiduria, por otro lado, comienza con el reconocimiento de que Dios es soberano y que solo conociendolo y obedeciendolo podemos alcanzar la vida plena que anhelamos.

    En este libro, Pepe Mendoza anima a los lectores a buscar el sabio consejo de las Escrituras y a despojarse de su propia necedad para vivir de forma beneficiosa, productiva y saludable.

    Cada uno de los 31 capitulos incluye:

    *El capitulo completo de Proverbios
    *Un analisis del proverbio
    *Un dilema contemporaneo general presentado como “necedad” que nos afecta a todos
    *Aplicaciones para la vida cotidiana
    *Reflexiones que culminan con el evangelio

    Entre los temas, los lectores encontraran:

    *El necio siempre se pasa de la raya
    *La necedad sin limites en el mundo virtual
    *El necio habla, pero no concreta
    *Los secretos de una amistad sabia y verdadera con el Seor

    Proverbios para necios ilustra un camino claro lejos de la necedad, instandote a buscar la sabiduria con fervor. Aprovecha la oportunidad de transformar tus elecciones, dejar atras la necedad y emprender un viaje hacia una vida de cumplimiento duradero.

    Proverbs for Fools

    In Proverbs for Fools, Pepe Mendoza breaks down each chapter of Proverbs in a light and colloquial way to show how it applies to our daily and contemporary lives.

    In life’s journey, foolishness often leads us down wrong paths, causing harm not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. Wisdom, on the other hand, begins with the recognition that God is sovereign and that only by knowing and obeying him can we achieve the full life we long for.

    In this book, Pepe Mendoza encourages readers to seek the wise counsel of Scripture and to shed their own foolishness in order to live beneficially, productively, and healthfully.

    Each of the 31 chapters includes:

    *The complete chapter from Proverbs.
    *An analysis of the proverb
    *A general contemporary dilemma presented as “foolishness” that affects us all.
    *Applications for everyday life
    *Reflections culminating in the gospel

    Among the themes, readers will find:

    *The fool always oversteps the mark
    *Foolishness without limits in the virtual world

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  • Permission To Be Imperfect


    Stop Striving and Start Living

    Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame.

    But here’s the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! In these pages you’ll discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to:

    * win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors
    * spark growth fueled by God’s love and grace, not rules and performance
    * align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations
    * discover how both Scripture and science reveal God’s design for pressure-free living
    * allow yourself to be imperfect

    Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living–that doesn’t all depend on you!

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  • Still Standing : How To Live In God’s Light While Wrestling With The Dark


    How do you stand up after life knocks you down?

    That’s the question Courtney Joseph Fallick asked herself when she entered the darkest season of her life. She found herself drowning in fear, shame, and grief, while God seemed silent.

    Opening up about her husband’s deep betrayal and abandonment, Courtney shows you how to rise up after your own heart-crushing struggles, cling to God’s promises, and move forward stronger than before.

    Sharing the hard-fought lessons she learned, she helps you:

    * hold on to your faith when life wounds you
    * stand back up–and keep standing–after being knocked down
    * overcome discouragement and disillusionment
    * heal your hurts and let go
    * recover from loss and grief
    * find enough strength, joy, rest, and peace for each day

    This dark valley will end. Here is the infusion of hope you need to rise, live well, and walk with the King.

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  • Lessons From Joseph


    Pursue God’s Dreams for Your Life

    Have you ever dreamed of your future but wonder how to make those dreams a reality? Are you seeking God’s plan for your life but unsure how it could happen? Do you feel there’s more for you, but you aren’t experiencing it?

    Find the answers you need by drawing inspiration from the life of Joseph, who is one of the greatest examples of character, perseverance, and destiny found in the Bible.

    Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack highlights faith-filled lessons from Joseph’s life to guide you toward your own divine destiny. After years of hardship and setbacks, Joseph’s journey ultimately took him from the pit to the palace. And just as God transformed his life, He will do the same for you!

    As Andrew walks you through Joseph’s journey, you will learn:

    The power of resilient faith to turn trials into triumph Practical steps to discern, embrace, and fulfill your destinyThe faith that never retreats from big dreamsHow to rise above every obstacle with God on your sideThe keys to unlocking divine favor

    Hold on to your God-given dreams, place your trust in God, and you will soon discover yourself fulfilling the remarkable destiny He has prepared for you, just as Joseph did.

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  • My Lowest For His Highest


    Even in the hardest things, we get to fix our eyes on the God who brings us out of the dark night.

    Broken dreams. Discouragement. Grief. Kathryn Shultis has been there. In My Lowest for His Highest, Kathryn shares with honesty and depth about walking through valleys and days of wilderness. Kathryn delves into the heart of our heavenly Father when you find yourself amidst a story that is not what you’d hoped it to be.

    How do you set your eyes on heaven when your life has not turned out as planned? How do you walk through hard seasons of disappointment and learn to heal? Kathryn goes deep into discussing our identity in Christ and how we can rely on Him for comfort, peace, and purpose in all circumstances. You will find your heart strengthened and encouraged as you travel with Kathryn-through her triumphs and failures-and discover the hope of persevering in the love and power of Jesus. You will learn to dance upon life’s disappointment and come out stronger on the other side.

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  • Still Standing : How To Live In God’s Light While Wrestling With The Dark


    How do you stand up after life knocks you down?

    That’s the question Courtney Joseph Fallick asked herself when she entered the darkest season of her life. She found herself drowning in fear, shame, and grief, while God seemed silent.

    Opening up about her husband’s deep betrayal and abandonment, Courtney shows you how to rise up after your own heart-crushing struggles, cling to God’s promises, and move forward stronger than before.

    Sharing the hard-fought lessons she learned, she helps you:

    * hold on to your faith when life wounds you
    * stand back up–and keep standing–after being knocked down
    * overcome discouragement and disillusionment
    * heal your hurts and let go
    * recover from loss and grief
    * find enough strength, joy, rest, and peace for each day

    This dark valley will end. Here is the infusion of hope you need to rise, live well, and walk with the King.

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  • Grace Period Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Are you exhausted by life and constant striving? Are you stuck in cycles of shame or anxiety? Pastor and bestselling author Robert Morris shares the only solution-grace, period.

    In life, we often look for fulfillment in our performance. We try to earn our way to happiness by achieving goals and meeting obligations. We try everything we can to earn favor with God. But what we find instead is disappointment, fear, and weariness.

    In this companion study guide to Grace, Period., Pastor Robert Morris shows that we don’t need to live this way. What we truly want has already been given to us-we simply need to receive it!

    Looking in-depth at the life and teachings of Jesus, Pastor Morris reveals the beauty and perfection of God’s amazing grace. He uncovers its sheer abundance, lavishness, and extravagance, and explains what happens in our day-to-day lives when we fully accept it. Exploring the blessings we have now-access to God’s love, favor, and approval-Pastor Morris teaches us how to find rest, gratitude, fruitfulness, confidence, joy, and the list goes on.

    In other words, Grace, Period. is a clear and compelling roadmap for arriving at an end to striving and shame. It’s a guide for finding and enjoying the abundant life God sent Jesus to purchase for us. A life given to us by grace-only grace.

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  • Grace Period.: Living In The Amazing Reality Of Jesus Finished Work


    Bestselling author and megachurch pastor Robert Morris unpacks the full meaning and significance of the grace of God, revealing for Christians a freedom from shame, guilt, and striving that few believers have begun to grasp.

    In life, we often look for fulfillment in our performance. We try to earn our way to happiness by achieving goals and meeting obligations. We try everything we can to earn favor with God. But what we find instead is disappointment, fear, and weariness.
    In Grace, Period., Pastor Robert Morris shows that we don’t need to live this way. What we truly want has already been given to us-we simply need to receive it!

    Looking in-depth at the life and teachings of Jesus, Pastor Morris reveals the beauty and perfection of God’s amazing grace. He uncovers its sheer abundance, lavishness, and extravagance, and explains what happens in our day-to-day lives when we fully accept it. Exploring the blessings we have now-access to God’s love, favor, and approval-Pastor Morris teaches us how to find rest, gratitude, fruitfulness, confidence, joy, and the list goes on.

    In other words, Grace, Period. is a clear and compelling roadmap for arriving at an end to striving and shame. It’s a guide for finding and enjoying the abundant life God sent Jesus to purchase for us. A life given to us by grace-only grace.

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  • Its Midnight In America


    The world is not falling apart. It is falling into place.

    After reading this book, you will know how to place your trust in God to overcome your fears of what is going on in the world. You will no longer look to the future with fear, but with the promises that God has given you as His child.

    In Midnight in America, Phil Hotsenpiller fearlessly uncovers the alarming slumber within the church, drawing parallels to the biblical narrative of Samson. Just as Samson unknowingly lost his power, the American church finds itself in a similar state, unaware of its diminished influence and complacent in the face of critical challenges. Through this book, readers will be awakened to the urgent need for revival and transformation.

    With unwavering conviction, Midnight in America confronts the paralyzing spirit of fear that has infiltrated the church. Hotsenpiller sheds light on the detrimental effects of seeking acceptance from the world, which has inadvertently weakened the church’s impact and compromised its mission.

    Midnight in America doesn’t merely highlight the problems; it offers practical solutions. Hotsenpiller equips readers with the knowledge and wisdom needed to thrive in difficult times and embrace an unwavering hope that can withstand any adversity. Readers will discover the essence of courage and learn how to stand firm in the face of persecution, preparing them to face the challenges of the present and the future. And they will be reminded that hope is not just an abstract concept–it’s a person, who can transform lives and unleash the power within them.

    Midnight in America serves as an urgent wake-up call and a guiding roadmap for readers to reclaim their purpose and revitalize their faith. Readers will confront their challenges, embrace their calling, and prepare for the imminent return of Christ.

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  • Uncomplicated : Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life


    Timeless wisdom for a simpler life

    Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? Discover the secrets to the peaceful, compelling life you long for through the skills honed by our grandmothers and lived out by the Amish. Drink from this well of timeless wisdom and gain practical skills with a counselor, career woman, and busy mom who’s raised her family on a farm in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country as your guide.

    In this new book from the author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids without Losing Your Mind, Brenda L. Yoder equips women with 10 timeless lessons drawn from past generations to overcome practical obstacles and solve daily challenges with a calm presence, authentic faith, and voice of reason. No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.

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  • How Great Is Our God


    Recenter God in your life with How Great Is Our God: Living A Worship-Led Life In a Me-Driven World by Grammy Award-winning worship artist Chris Tomlin. In this intimate look at his songs, Tomlin shows how worship music is more than just music but a tool for putting God first.

    Living in a me-driven world means being the king of a small, earthbound kingdom. Chris Tomlin posits that when you choose to live a worship-led life instead, you will eventually gain welcome to God’s eternal kingdom. After spending over two decades as one of the most successful worship musicians in the market, he’s learned that he wasn’t just called to sing but to lead others to God. He shows with his writing how God is all around us, encouraging us to reject the worldly notion of living for ourselves and instead decide to live for Him.
    Tomlin uses his experience as a worship artist to detail what it means to truly live a worship-led life, including:

    *Exploring how his songs emphasize a God-centered life,
    *Explaining how Christians can redefine worship in their everyday lives,
    *And breaking down Bible verses that celebrate God’s greatness.

    How Great Is Our God calls readers to remember the true meaning of worship–singing God’s praises both inside and outside of church. When you live a me-driven life, you choose to focus on yourself, but when you live a worship-led life, you choose to focus on God and others. Follow along with Chris Tomlin as he considers the importance of reshaping your world around God and laying yourself at His feet.

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  • Moments Of Strength


    Today, let God fill your spirit with His strength.

    As men, we often work hard to prove ourselves, live well, and take care of the people we love. But with all the demands on our time and energy, life can get overwhelming. Thankfully, God never intended for us to go it alone, in our own power. He designed us to function best (and be strongest) when we regularly take time to connect with Him through His Word and in prayer.

    Moments of Strength is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in conversation with God. As you connect with Him, you will be revitalized and challenged to place your trust in the hands of the all-powerful God of the universe-and to walk fully in the strength of His love, mercy, and grace.

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  • Courageously Soft : Daring To Keep A Tender Heart In A Tough World


    Living in a broken world gives us plenty of reasons to armor up, shut down, and numb out.
    But God wants more for us than just getting by. When we harden ourselves to the world, we not only close ourselves off from the good things God intends for us but close off avenues God wants to work through in others’ lives as well.

    With deep empathy and encouragement, writer Charaia Rush invites us to experience the countercultural path of staying open and vulnerable to the goodness of God and the miracle of staying tender in a tough world that only God can bring about. In Courageously Soft she helps you to:

    *identify the root of a hardened heart
    *move from fearful self-preservation to the hope of being held
    *recognize God’s presence in the midst of pain
    *replace denial, shutting down, and closing off with abiding trust in God’s love and care

    If you have been feeling exhausted, bitter, or beaten down by disappointment, betrayal, or suffering, this grace-filled book will help you find your way back to a posture of love, trust, and hope.

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  • Restored : Reconnecting Life’s Broken Pieces


    You might be living in a fragile place after loss, pain, or grief. Is excitement in life and fullness of purpose too hard to imagine embracing right now? You are not meant to go through this alone.

    With a voice of empathy, wit, and vulnerability, Cindy Brinker Simmons will walk you through practical tools and biblical truths that will reconnect you to God, others, and yourself.
    Restored’s message is for anyone who needs:

    *a fresh infusion of hope
    *a gentle reminder of God’s love and goodness
    *a healthy dose of inspiring thought and strength to persevere
    *a helpful roadmap to move forward and experience God’s plan and purpose
    *an effective way to reconcile and strengthen relationships

    Restored will help you choose joy in the midst of heartache and hardship. You will be encouraged!

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  • Restored : Reconnecting Life’s Broken Pieces


    You might be living in a fragile place after loss, pain, or grief. Is excitement in life and fullness of purpose too hard to imagine embracing right now? You are not meant to go through this alone.

    With a voice of empathy, wit, and vulnerability, Cindy Brinker Simmons will walk you through practical tools and biblical truths that will reconnect you to God, others, and yourself.
    Restored’s message is for anyone who needs:

    *a fresh infusion of hope
    *a gentle reminder of God’s love and goodness
    *a healthy dose of inspiring thought and strength to persevere
    *a helpful roadmap to move forward and experience God’s plan and purpose
    *an effective way to reconcile and strengthen relationships

    Restored will help you choose joy in the midst of heartache and hardship. You will be encouraged!

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  • Braving Change : Release The Past, Welcome Growth, And Trust Where God Is L


    Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

    Combining biblical wisdom with inspiring personal stories, Braving Change helps you:
    *recognize the transition you are in
    *recover from loss
    *reclaim your power to make healthy choices
    *rebuild after change

    Each chapter includes reflection questions and a guided prayer to help you make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.

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  • Moments Of Hope

    Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.97.

    Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.

    As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.

    In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, these short daily devotions are designed to move us further along that path of having our hearts refreshed, our lives transformed, and our hope restored.

    Moments of Hope will encourage women to discover biblical wisdom and purpose so they can see how God’s love, kindness, and compassion for them is where true hope can be found.

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  • Strong Like Water Guided Journey


    A five-session guided study for groups or individuals based on the acclaimed Strong Like Water.

    Do you know what it’s like to feel afraid of your own story or your own life? Are you exhausted from the kind of strength it’s required you to keep going-but have wondered what other choice can there be?

    In this five-session guided journey through Aundi Kolber’s Strong Like Water, you’ll discover that it’s possible to be both soft and strong; in fact, they sustain and empower each other. Designed for individual or group use, Aundi will walk readers through the deep work of becoming strong like water-of learning to internalize connection, love, and safety to experience greater healing and resilience.

    Each session includes:

    *Extended reflection and teaching on themes and principles from Strong Like Water

    *Practical body-centered exercises and invitations to reflect and journal (for individual and group discussion)

    *Creative space for continued processing

    *Introductory video available for streaming

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  • Dont Hold Back


    The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics-and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

    Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel-one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

    But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel. Worldly division or otherworldly unity. Compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we:

    * Work for-not against-each other, especially when we disagree
    * Turn the tide on centuries of racial division in the church
    * Trust all of God’s Word with conviction while loving everyone around us with compassion
    * Do justice with kindness, and experience the good life according to God
    * Play our part in spreading the gospel to all the nations of the world

    We can experience the full wonder of Jesus and transcendent beauty of his church here and now. But in order to do so, some things need to be different. Starting not in “those people,” but in each one of us. With the gospel in our hearts and God as our prize, let’s press on and don’t hold back.

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  • Courageously Soft : Daring To Keep A Tender Heart In A Tough World


    Living in a broken world gives us plenty of reasons to armor up, shut down, and numb out.
    But God wants more for us than just getting by. When we harden ourselves to the world, we not only close ourselves off from the good things God intends for us but close off avenues God wants to work through in others’ lives as well.

    With deep empathy and encouragement, writer Charaia Rush invites us to experience the countercultural path of staying open and vulnerable to the goodness of God and the miracle of staying tender in a tough world that only God can bring about. In Courageously Soft she helps you to:

    *identify the root of a hardened heart
    *move from fearful self-preservation to the hope of being held
    *recognize God’s presence in the midst of pain
    *replace denial, shutting down, and closing off with abiding trust in God’s love and care

    If you have been feeling exhausted, bitter, or beaten down by disappointment, betrayal, or suffering, this grace-filled book will help you find your way back to a posture of love, trust, and hope.

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  • Uncomplicated : Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life


    Timeless wisdom for a simpler life

    Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? Discover the secrets to the peaceful, compelling life you long for through the skills honed by our grandmothers and lived out by the Amish. Drink from this well of timeless wisdom and gain practical skills with a counselor, career woman, and busy mom who’s raised her family on a farm in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country as your guide.

    In this new book from the author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids without Losing Your Mind, Brenda L. Yoder equips women with 10 timeless lessons drawn from past generations to overcome practical obstacles and solve daily challenges with a calm presence, authentic faith, and voice of reason. No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.

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  • Faith Of Many Rooms


    When your faith begins to feel too small, too confining, you could choose to leave it. But what if the faith we inhabit is roomier than we’d thought? What if our collapsing faith is just a closet in a much larger dwelling?

    Disillusioned by narrow theologies, church dysfunction, and constricted readings of Scripture, people are leaving Christianity in droves. But Jesus describes the reign of God as a house with many rooms, writes author Debie Thomas, one of the most auspicious voices in religious writing today. In this work of sprawling spiritual and literary imagination, Thomas claims that wherever God dwells, there is expansiveness and belonging.

    Thomas knows what a cramped faith feels like, what it’s like to wrestle your way out of fundamentalism and toward a more capacious faith. From the diasporic church in which she grew up, which traces its lineage to the doubting disciple in India in the first century, to the disorientations of a deconstructing faith, to an ample yet orthodox Christianity that makes room for all her identities, Thomas takes readers on a deeply personal and profoundly theological odyssey. In A Faith of Many Rooms, she talks back to jaundiced versions of faith and finds evidence that the gospel insists on its own roominess.

    The kind of God who decided to experience the world as a guest likely feels constrained by our pinched theologies too. What sorts of ruptures and revisions would it take to find a more spacious faith–and then to inhabit it with authenticity and joy? Readers of Christian Wiman, Cole Arthur Riley, and Barbara Brown Taylor will find in these pages an ardent, lyrical take on a faith transfigured.

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  • Breakthrough : 5 Essential Strategies For Freedom, Healing, And Wholeness


    Many of us read our Bibles and pray, but we can still feel fragile, tired, and defeated. This is the book we’ve longed for.We need a breakthrough. We need healing. From our pasts. And from our present battles. But sometimes we feel stuck or despairing-as if nothing is ever going to change. Dr. Marcus Warner shows us the pathway to healing and maturity.Breakthrough! goes beyond the usual one-size-fits-all answers. Written from a Christian perspective, this book takes the Bible and brain science-with the Holy Spirit-and provides an integrative approach to building emotional resilience that changes lives.As you explore five strategies-Be aware of your body, unleash your beliefs, increase your belonging, listen to the Spirit, and defeat demons (BUILD)-you will discover a breakthrough. Our memories and hearts can heal. We can mature and grow in Christ. Whether you’re at your end or simply in need of some spiritual vivacity, this book will not disappoint.Breakthrough! is an excellent resource for Christian counselors, providing essential tools and helpful exercises. It is also for the brokenhearted and those ministering to the weary and brokenhearted. Discover and develop a hope-filled pathway to Christian maturity.

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  • She Believed He Could So She Did


    Our culture has been lying to women. The world defines female empowerment as believing in yourself or looking within to find the power to succeed. But what happens when women grow weary from trying to do it all? Jesus offers a better way.

    Becky Beresford used to believe and even promoted some of society’s lies to women. But in God’s kindness, Becky came to the end of herself and embraced healing truth found in the Bible.

    Tired and frustrated with self-dependence, Becky wants to be God-dependent. In She Believed HE Could So She Did, Becky invites you to join her as she dismantles commonly held misconceptions and lies so we can live in real freedom and godly confidence.

    This is a brave journey toward freedom as we learn to experience Christ-centered empowerment-not by believing in ourselves . . . but by trusting in our faithful God. Becky devotes chapters to the most common messages promoted by our culture and gives readers dependable biblical truths grounded in the gospel:

    *Believe in Your God vs. Believe in Yourself
    *Speak THE truth vs. Speak Your Truth
    *Follow Your King vs. Follow Your Heart
    *You Be His vs. You Be You
    *The Future is Found Together vs. The Future is Female
    *And so much more!

    Together we will discover how to rely on the Holy Spirit in order to battle cultural lies, put the enemy in his place, and live boldly for Jesus. We will be lifted of the burden to find strength in ourselves and reassured of the hope, joy, and power that comes from living in Christ. We don’t have to be the savior of our own stories.

    Contrary to what you’ve been told, true female empowerment doesn’t start with a woman. It starts with a man, and His name is Jesus Christ. –Becky Beresford

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  • Never Shaken : Finding Your Footing When The World Is Sliding Away


    Finding a firm foundation in a shaken and fractured world.

    Do you feel tossed about or a little disoriented? The foundations of predictable society are shifting. In this ambiguous cultural forecast, we’re wondering what’s right, what matters most, and how we should respond.

    How do we build a meaningful life and legacy when our lives feel fragile–when our future seems discouragingly uncertain? With a pastoral heart Daniel Henderson looks to Psalm 15 when David–late in his years–was also trying to make sense of the strangest of times. David felt the unexpected loss of family, dignity, and destiny. Some of his pain was the result of seeds he’d sown earlier in his life. Yet, as he penned Psalm 15, he was led to the solid ground of intimacy with God and integrity in his own life. He was left with the promise from God that He would always be secure – never moved.

    The burdens under which David was laboring are staggeringly similar to our own. In Never Shaken, Henderson shows us how to build our lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ. He reveals how true worship and the presence of God is found in Christ’s life in and through us.

    This book is an invaluable resource for all who desire to live with the hope and courage of Jesus Christ no matter what befalls us.

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  • Healing What You Cant Erase


    A path from trauma to transformation that doesn’t rely on willpower, but rather on the daily power of the Holy Spirit-from pastor and leadership coach Christopher Cook

    The pain that happened to you is real . . . and it matters immensely.

    The notion of healing what you can’t erase is not about ignoring the devastation of your past or putting a glossy, positive spin on current tragedy. That plastic version of faith isn’t actually faith; it’s unbelief.

    Healing What You Can’t Erase offers a far better solution-a road map for moving forward through the losses and scars by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us . . . spirit, soul, and body.

    Through story, instruction, action steps, and guided questions, you’ll discover

    * why transformation beats willpower and self-help

    *how to recognize and heal a broken spirit

    *well-researched, biblically grounded strategies to revitalize your mental and emotional well-being

    *how inside-out integrated transformation changes your spirit, soul, and body

    Whether you’re wrestling with the loss of a marriage, a fractured friendship, a betrayal at work, or a chronic illness, there is hope. No matter your pain or traumatic experience, the Holy Spirit can heal and restore you to the life God created you for.

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  • Graceful Influence : Making A Lasting Impact Through Lessons From Women Of


    Ever wonder if you’re making a difference in your world? Lori Stanley Roeleveld offers you the chance to realize the power of your influence. In examining the lives of pairs of women from the Bible, you will discover how their contrasting choices allowed them to influence future generations. In 30 short chapters, unpack the relevance of their struggles and shed light on the struggles modern women face in making similar choices.

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love


    Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers to love the people in their life who are hard to love.

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it–and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

    A Study Guide is also available for purchase.

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  • Permission To Dream

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you’re not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you.

    The highs and lows are part of your story, but they aren’t the whole story. With God’s help, you can build the resilience to keep pushing forward and hold onto hope–even in the face of setbacks or obstacles.

    Permission to Dream by bestselling author Christine Caine will:

    *teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the challenges.
    *help you listen and tune into God’s calling so you can overcome previous pain.
    *provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.
    *teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.

    This book is for anyone who:

    *knows their purpose but isn’t sure how to take the next step forward.
    *questions their value.
    *feels like they’re not enough.
    *is wondering what God has planned for them.

    Curated from messages shared in Unstoppable, Undaunted, and Unexpected, along with new insights and encouragement, Permission to Dream is a reminder that you are needed in this world, and you matter. Your purpose is bigger than you know, and God has created you to do something that will reflect his light in the world, and he has qualified you to do it. With his help, you can fulfill all that He’s created you to do.

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  • Hidden Peace : Finding True Security, Strength, And Confidence Through Humi

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.97.

    The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.

    There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we’re comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren’t superheroes and invincibility isn’t an option.

    But humility is.

    Whether we’ve incorrectly defined it or underestimated its relevance to our daily life, humility is the missing piece for the security, strength and confidence we all want. It’s time to stop trying so hard to avoid our limitations or overcompensate for them. God has better for us and it begins with bowing low in humility.

    With relatable stories, practical wisdom and biblical theology broken down into digestible takeaways, The Hidden Peace by Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

    *Overcome the fear of being “found out” or looking like a fraud by realizing God’s intent for shortcomings and weaknesses.

    *Walk through hurtful situations in the most God-honoring way by gaining a true understanding of biblical humility.

    *Answer the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” by learning a perspective shift that will change how you process suffering.

    *Know confidently that you’re living with purpose and being used by God through seven ways to practically live like Him today.

    *Be led by the biblical definition of self-awareness so you can experience the unexpected ways it brings safety and security to your life.

    *Stop believing the lie that theology is out of touch or too difficult to comprehend as Joel shows you how to dig into scripture and study it yourself.

    Weakness is not your enemy. Planted in the soil of humility, weakness becomes a means to gaining more strength and more peace.

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  • Every Woman A Theologian

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.97.

    Now available in trade paper!

    Know what you believe and live it boldly! Phylicia Masonheimer believes that every woman should be a theologian and a student of the heart of God. Learn the basics of Christian theology and why it’s so important to continue your biblical education to grow deeper in faith. Discover how scriptural knowledge can help you navigate the world, answer your toughest questions, and engage culture in loving ways.

    All of us have guiding principles at work behind our choices, even if we don’t realize it. We hold beliefs about the world, ourselves, and God–beliefs perhaps we may have adopted unknowingly based on experience or culture’s messages.

    But God has revealed Himself through Scripture so it can transform how we view and navigate the world–how we think, act, love, work, marry, and parent. When we do that, we become theologians. No, we’re not wearing tweed suits or giving lectures; we’re driving to our corporate job every morning, or juggling babies on our own, or connecting with our communities. We are women who want to know who God is and how He answers our toughest questions.

    Through engaging stories and compelling truths, ?Every Woman a Theologian?will help you:

    *Identify your existing beliefs about God, salvation, and the Christian life
    *Learn how to lovingly communicate Christian truths to those who disagree
    *Understand theological concepts without feeling overwhelmed or inadequate
    *Grow closer to the heart of God

    Step in that direction with Phylicia Masonheimer as your guide, and you will grow as a woman able to discern truth, who knows what she believes, and who lives her faith boldly in a post-Christian world.

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  • Whatever Happens : How To Stand Firm In Your Faith When The World Is Fallin

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $17.39.

    Do you struggle keeping your faith in a world that’s losing its mind? These 31 short chapters take a deep dive into the book of Philippians, which Robert Morgan says is the Bible’s handbook for tackling each day with an undaunted attitude.

    Life is unpredictable, and the world is unstable. People have never been so confounded, sensing our culture, economy, and geopolitical systems are spiraling downward. Even in our personal lives, none of us knows what will happen next–which is why God gave us the book of Philippians. This short letter–just over 100 verses–can help us learn to live overflowing lives in an overwhelming world.

    Philippians is one of the most practical books of the Bible, which Robert Morgan says is as fresh as ever. Its theme can be summed up in these verses: “Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then . . . I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you” (1:27-28). Among the many lessons in Whatever Happens, readers will learn how to:

    *Use prayer to energize their life
    *Make today about others
    *Stay as cheerful as possible in all circumstances
    *Let others lean on their strength
    *Start everything with praise and end everything with prayer

    As the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a prison cell, he was facing dire circumstances and an unsettled future. Would he be released or executed? But he knew one thing–that whatever happened, he was going to stand firm in his faith and live a life worthy of the gospel. And no matter what we are going through today, we can do the same.

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  • Wiser : 40 Decisions To Grow Daily In God’s Wisdom

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $15.97.

    Wisdom Isn’t What We Think We Know, It’s What We’re Willing to Learn

    You make over 30,000 decisions a day. Some are natural reactions, like hitting the brakes when you approach a stop sign. But others can be difficult and keep you up at night. How do I resolve this conflict? Should I quit my job? How do I know what I’m supposed to do?

    Sometimes these decisions stack up, leaving you anxious or confused.

    But what if you could make intentional decisions to bring you closer to God, the source of all true wisdom?

    Join bestselling author and speaker Nicki Koziarz for a 40-day devotional journey. Each day you will discover encouragement and a new decision to help you:

    *Surround yourself with God’s wisdom when you don’t know what to do
    *Pursue a daily devotional practice that will help you feel confident to overcome struggles
    *Learn how to discern God’s daily direction for your life when you’re unsure about the next step

    Scripture says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5 esv).

    Let these devotionals draw you close to God, helping you make decisions and become wiser each day.

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  • Braving Change : Release The Past, Welcome Growth, And Trust Where God Is L


    Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

    Combining biblical wisdom with inspiring personal stories, Braving Change helps you:
    *recognize the transition you are in
    *recover from loss
    *reclaim your power to make healthy choices
    *rebuild after change

    Each chapter includes reflection questions and a guided prayer to help you make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.

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  • Everything Good About God Is True


    A better story of faith exists, and it has the capacity to heal the world–if we only embrace, articulate, and live it more courageously.

    You know what you don’t believe: about the Bible, the church, and God. You don’t agree with the doctrines of an exclusionary, dominant Christianity. But what if someone asked you: “What do you believe?” In this primer on progressive, expansive, generous Christianity, writer and pastor Bruce Reyes-Chow helps us reconsider–or consider for the first time–what it means to choose faith. What if we could articulate the gospel of love, kindness, humility, and justice? What if the Christian narrative both embraces contradiction and lays claim to deep, historic truths? And what if everything good about God is actually true?

    With clarity, vulnerability, and wit, Reyes-Chow helps us learn a grammar of faith about God, Jesus, and the Spirit that breathes fresh meaning into old words like sin, confession, salvation, baptism, communion, and gratitude. He doesn’t shy away from calling out the hateful and hurtful dogmas of many churches, but he also turns our attention toward essential questions: What if God created humans to be beautifully complex? What if the Spirit calls us to lament and repent and also beckons us toward pathways of healing, wholeness, and hope? And if Jesus equips us for lives of justice and kindness, how might our imaginations expand for what the world could be?

    Reyes-Chow offers his own “faith montage” and helps individuals and groups create their own. There is a more loving, more genuine vision of God than the one we see being performed around us, and this book helps us find it.

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  • Not What I Signed Up For


    What do I do when I don’t know what to do?

    Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season? Struggling with fear, uncertainty, and an unknown future? And thinking to yourself (and saying to God): This is not what I signed up for.

    From counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice comes a book for when you feel scared, helpless, and in over your head. In Not What I Signed Up For, Nicole takes us on a journey through the biblical story of Joseph-thirteen years of conflict, abandonment, and captivity-to help us see how God uses life’s hard times, twists, turns, and in-between spaces to grow something essential in our souls. With honest vulnerability, she’ll help you learn to:

    *Move forward when every choice feels impossible.
    *Persevere when you have no idea how your story will end.
    *Recognize signposts of hope in times of doubt, anxiety, and disappointment
    *Develop a sense of purpose and a resilient faith as you walk through seasons of uncertainty

    As you witness Joseph’s eventual restoration and redemption unfold in an entirely different way than what he must have expected, you’ll find the strength, hope, and perspective to navigate a season you didn’t sign up for.

    Not What I Signed Up For also makes a perfect gift for anyone in need of spiritual encouragement.
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  • Exiles : The Church In The Shadow Of Empire


    A thoughtful exploration of the intersection of faith and politics, Exiles asks: What if we considered ourselves “exiles in Babylon” and turned to Scripture, not political parties, to shape our most passionate values?

    Politics are dividing our churches like never before. New York Times-bestselling author Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle reminds us that the first-century church was not an apolitical gathering, where Christians left their Roman politics at the door. It also wasn’t a place where Christians mounted a Roman flag next to–or above–a Christian one. Church was a place where God’s plan for governing the world was revealed, where one could witness what it means to follow the Creator’s design for human flourishing.

    In this timely book, Preston explores why:

    *Israel’s exile to Babylon profoundly shaped the political identity of God’s people–and still does today.

    *Christians should see themselves as foreigners in the country where they live.

    *The gospel of Jesus’ kingdom was politically subversive.

    *The church today should view its political identity as fundamentally separate from the empire.

    Total allegiance to a political party dilutes the church’s witness. Discover a more biblical, powerful way to live in a secular world. Discover what it means to live in exile.

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  • God Given Dreams


    Get ready to step into your God-given destiny and make a difference in the world.

    Are you struggling to find your purpose and fulfill your God-given dreams? Do you battle with feelings of insecurity, doubt, or fear of being unqualified or unworthy? Are you looking for inspiration and empowerment to live out your God-given dreams?

    God has given you strengths and a divine purpose, but sometimes life has a way of beating us down and robbing us of our confidence. If you’re struggling with feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, or invisibility, Nancy Gavilanes’s God-Given Dreams speaks directly to your heart, offering hope and encouragement through six transformative truths-that you are Created, Called, Chosen, Conformed, Clothed, and Commissioned-which will help you break free from the chains of doubt and fear.

    To encourage you in boldly living out your calling, this book includes:

    *Reflection questions to help you dig deeper
    *Activity ideas to help you take actionable steps
    *Prayer prompts to help you connect with God

    Uncover just how precious you are to your heavenly Father and become the fabulous, fierce, and fruitful woman God has called you to be.

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  • Enfoque Del Reino – (Spanish)


    !Mas de un millon de copias vendidas en la serie del reino!

    Busquen el reino de Dios por encima de todo lo demas y lleven una vida justa, y el les dara todo lo que necesiten (Mateo 6:33).

    Tener el enfoque correcto lo cambia todo en la vida. Si nos ocupamos en enfocarnos en frivolidades externas o en ambiciones personales en vez de en el reino de Dios, terminamos perdiendonos de servir al reino de Dios… y nos perdemos tambien de mucho mas que esperamos obtener en la vida. Sin embargo, cuando alineamos nuestras vidas con la Palabra de Dios, llegamos a experimentar la mejor libertad posible.

    En Un enfoque del reino, Tony Evans les ensea a los lectores como enfocarse en las cosas en las cuales Dios mismo se enfoca en las Escrituras, y explora que es lo que deleita el corazon de Dios. Es al hacerlo que podemos descubrir el gozo y el poder de deleitarnos en las mismas cosas. Permita que Dios agudice su enfoque, transforme su mente y lo empodere a vivir cada aspecto de su vida a la luz del reino al cual ha sido llamado y para el cual ha sido elegido: para un momento como este. Aprenda como:

    *examinar los habitos espirituales que podemos utilizar para agudizar nuestro enfoque en el reino de Dios,

    *maximizar la vida terrenal,

    *profundizar en el caracter y el corazon de Dios y

    *reconocer como nos guia paso a paso el amor de Dios.

    Over 1 million books sold in the Kingdom series!

    “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33, NASB).

    Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the Kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s Kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

    In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the Kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

    Learn how to:

    *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s Kingdom,
    *fully maximize life w

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  • Humble Life : Walking With Jesus Through The Gospels


    The Humble Life will both encourage and instruct believers in practical ways of walking daily in the path of humility so that we can make an eternal impact on those around us. Given the increasingly volatile and uncivil environment which exists in the world today, has there ever been a timelier season for Christians to adopt an attitude of grace-infused, resilient humility? The Humble Life will equip readers to be present in every situation, every challenge, and every difficulty they face by learning how to abide in Christ even as Christ continues the ongoing work of sanctification within their hearts. This resource will come alongside believers to help them stay faithful to the commands of Christ to love others as ourselves by way of the life-changing spirit of humility.

    Through the careful study of how Jesus interacted with his disciples, followers, and even enemies, readers will glean the depths of these lessons on humility as it pertains to daily life. Over and over again, Jesus tells stories and parables from which we can learn how to work out our faith in practical ways, in humble ways. Each story will feature a specific passage from one of the four Gospels where Jesus is speaking. Every chapter will focus on Jesus and his mission, his life, his words, and his way of leading his followers through the steps of humble, loving service to others. These snapshots of Jesus’ interactions with all who met him will serve as a powerful prompt toward developing the habit of humility our go-to model everyday of our lives.

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  • No Te Detengas – (Spanish)


    El autor de Radical, un exito de ventas del New York Times, desafia a los cristianos a liberarse del evangelio actual que prostituye a Jesus por comodidad, poder, prosperidad y politica, y a buscar por completo el verdadero evangelio que exalta a Jesus por encima de todo. El pastor David Platt cree que nos hemos vuelto muy buenos siguiendo un evangelio realmente malo, uno que adora las ideas estadounidenses sobre la verdad biblica. Es hora de que los cristianos desilusionados, desalentados y divididos, y la proxima generacion, sigan a Jesus hacia un futuro diferente. Tenemos que elegir: un evangelio estadounidense o el evangelio biblico. Division mundana o unidad de otro mundo. Compromiso con los idolos de nuestro pais o compromiso con el llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas. En No te detengas, Platt alienta a los seguidores de Jesus a tomar los riesgos necesarios y encontrar una recompensa inimaginable mientras:

    *Trabajamos a favor, no en contra, unos de otros, especialmente cuando no estamos de acuerdo.

    *Cambiamos el rumbo de siglos de division racial en la Iglesia

    *Confiamos en toda la Palabra de Dios con conviccion mientras amamos con compasion a todos los que nos rodean

    *Hacemos justicia con bondad y experimentamos la buena vida segun Dios

    *Hacemos nuestra parte en la difusion del evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo

    Podemos experimentar la maravilla completa de Jesus y la belleza trascendente de su Iglesia aqui y ahora. Pero para hacerlo, algunas cosas deben ser diferentes. Empecemos no con “esa gente”, sino con cada uno de nosotros. Con el evangelio en nuestros corazones y Dios como nuestro premio, sigamos adelante y no nos detengamos.
    The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics–and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

    Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel–one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

    But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel, worldly division or otherworldly unity, compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find u

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  • Vision Of Jesus


    What if Genesis through Revelation is just the beginning of knowing who God is?

    This book will guide you into a deeper understanding and intimacy with God as you study who He is as the resurrected King. You will have a better grasp of the book of Revelation and who Jesus is revealed in this powerful part of Scripture.

    The image we have of Jesus is one that affects the way we act as Christians and the way we take the gospel to the world. That image has sometimes been reflected badly because we do not have a fully rounded image of the Jesus we love and worship. Indeed, some modern concepts of Jesus in the church would be difficult to worship.

    In Revelation 1, Jesus appears in a vision given to the apostle John. It is an awesome, majestic vision. The Bible, perhaps intentionally, doesn’t give us much information about what Jesus looked like in human form. Yet here in John’s apocalyptic book, God gives us an image that transcends the incarnation, an image of Jesus we can really focus on. In A Vision of Jesus, respected Bible teacher R.T. Kendall mines Revelation 1 to show readers:

    *The unique promise of the Book of Revelation
    *What Revelation teaches us about how to handle guilt, jealousy, and the unexpected
    *Who God is and how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament pictures, as well as our great High Priest, the King, and more

    In these pages, Kendall guides readers toward a faith enriched by a more complete image of the Savior. Engaging and enlightening, this book will inspire Christians to renew their devotion to Jesus and share His transformative love with the world.

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  • God : Theology For Every Person


    Knowing, loving, and worshiping God is the call and privilege of every disciple of Jesus.
    Because all Christians are part of his royal priesthood, theology is not just for those teaching in the academy or serving in ministry vocations.

    Theology proper centers on God, exploring his existence, his divine nature, his Persons, and his attributes. In this book you will find an overview of these truths in the doctrine of God as well as other great truths in the doctrine of divine revelation.

    You are not simply setting out on a journey toward deeper knowledge. If theological study only results in knowing abstract truths about God, then we have not done theology well.
    Right theology invariably leads to right living and right worship, and this is our ultimate goal in these books and in this life.

    God is the first volume of a three-part series entitled Theology for Every Person. The other volumes will include God’s Word to the World, which considers God in Christ and his works of creation, humanity, and redemption, and God’s Work in the World, which explores God the Holy Spirit and the divine works of salvation, the church, and the end.

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  • Poder De Los Nombres Del Espir – (Spanish)


    Conoce al EspA-ritu a travA(C)s de sus nombres. EL AGUA VIVA, EL AYUDADOR, EL SEÑOR. Muchos creyentes anhelan una comprensión más clara del Espíritu Santo y del rol que desempeña en nuestra relación con Dios. En El poder de los nombres del Espíritu Santo, el pastor y autor de grandes exitos de ventas, el Dr. Tony Evans, examina doce de los nombres más significativos del Espíritu y lo que revelan sobre esta manifestación poderosa, presente y personal del Dios trino. A medida que leas, obtendrás una visión reveladora de cómo el Espíritu se mueve en el corazón de los creyentes y aprenderás cómo su morada en ti fortalece tu fe de una manera extraordinaria. A medida que desarrolles tu capacidad de amar, apreciar y relacionarte con la persona del Espíritu Santo, tambien desarrollarás tu capacidad de experimentar a Dios. El primer objetivo del autor al escribir este libro es identificar, explicar e ilustrar al Espíritu Santo y su obra a traves de tales descripciones y sus nombres. El segundo objetivo es mostrar a los creyentes cómo relacionarse con la persona del Espíritu Santo de una manera más personal e íntima. Y el tercer objetivo es aprender a aprovechar al máximo todas las promesas del Espíritu para nuestra vida física, nuestra vida emocional y, lo que es más importante, nuestra vida espiritual. Cuando comprendemos cómo hacerlo, podemos aprovechar al máximo su existencia para obtener un crecimiento e influencia a nivel individual y colectivo. Cuando conocemos al Espíritu podemos aprovechamos más personalmente cada una de las maneras únicas en las que Dios se revela a nosotros. Por eso, todos debemos entender que, cuanto más tomemos en serio la persona y la obra del Espíritu Santo, más experimentaremos a Dios. Know the Spirit Through His Names Living Water. Helper. Lord. Many believers long for a clearer understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role He plays in our relationship with God. The good news is, when we study the Bible, the Spirit’s specific identity and work as a member of the Trinity is made clear. In The Power of The Holy Spirit’s Names, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans examines 12 of the Spirit’s most significant titles and what they reveal about this powerful, present, and perso

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