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Showing 151–200 of 2284 results

  • Pursue The Intentional Life


    How Meaningfully are You Living Your One Life?

    Jean Fleming was struck with the reality that you only live once. Her exact thought that changed the trajectory of her life was this-what kind of old woman do I want to become? Men and women ages nineteen to ninety will gain practical insight from Jean’s reflections and findings around this question. Using God’s Word as the source of strength and wisdom, Pursue the Intentional Life encourages you to live out God’s purposes in every season.
    Thirty-one readings, each ending in a prayer, cover such topics as:

    *commitment to a reflective life,
    *de-romanticizing the life of faith,
    *the ministry of the obituary,
    *hospitality: a welcoming life,
    *when failure threatens to overwhelm,
    *loss and leaving, and more.

    Jean demonstrates wisdom and youthful vigor as she shares her personal conversations with God. She offers practical application to help you instill meaning into each day while looking at the big picture of God’s plans and purposes. A restorative book for personal use, Pursue the Intentional Life also makes an insightful group read.

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  • Trailblazers : A Journey To Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life


    Are you ready to live a life like no one else?

    We all want our lives to count for something. We desperately want to know if we matter, what our purpose is, and if it’s ok to chase a dream bigger than ourselves. In Trailblazers, using biblical characters and his own life experiences, pastor Micah E. Davis shows how a life that is built on a solid foundation of faith can lead us to blaze a new trail . . . a unique one God has purposed for us. And the best part is you don’t have to wait for anyone else–you can start right now!

    In his debut book, Micah takes us on a fresh, honest, and bold journey, exploring such questions as:

    *What is my purpose and how do I know it’s what God wants for me?
    *What do I need to let go of to pursue the calling God has placed on my life?
    *Does God have more in store for me than this? Am I really allowed to go after it?
    *Can God use a flawed and broken person like me to impact the Kingdom?
    *And more!

    At the heart of a Trailblazer lies a supernatural courage, strength, and faith to go first. Come alongside Micah to discover what it truly means to live out the way of a Trailblazer and to live a life that matters.

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  • No Mires Atras – (Spanish)


    Con un grito de “Recuerden a la mujer de Lot”, la profesora de Biblia, conferenciante internacional, activista y autora de best sellers Christine Caine nos motiva a dejar de mirar atras, a desatascarnos y a seguir avanzando hacia las promesas y el proposito de Dios para nuestras vidas.

    Hay momentos en la vida en los que miramos hacia atras y nos sentimos desesperados por hacer que el tiempo se detenga, sobre todo cuando nos sorprenden cambios inesperados. Pero no podemos detener el flujo de la vida, y no podemos detener el tiempo. Es mas, mirar atras no nos permite volver. La mayoria de las veces, solo hace que nos quedemos atascados. En un lugar, en un espacio, en un recuerdo, en una mentalidad, en un habito.

    En Juan 17:32, Jesus entrega tres palabras “Recuerda a la mujer de Lot”, No sabemos su nombre ni su historia. Todo lo que sabemos es que cuando ella estaba huyendo de Sodoma y Gomorra, le dijeron que no mirara hacia atras, e hizo lo unico que se le pidio que no hiciera. Miro hacia atras y se convirtio en una estatua de sal y de las 170 mujeres mencionadas en las Escrituras, ella es la unica que Jesus nos dijo que recordaramos.

    En No mires atras, Christine te motivara a:

    *dejar de mirar hacia atras y empezar a mirar a Jesus

    *invitar a Jesus a entrar para que te ayude a desatascarte de los muchos lugares en los que a menudo nos encontramos;

    *avanzar desde donde te encuentras hacia todos los planes, propositos y promesas de Dios para tu vida; y

    *mirar hacia el futuro y seguir avanzando hacia el con fe, especialmente cuando tu mundo ya no se parece en nada a lo que era antes.

    Jesus nos invita a avanzar hacia la novedad de lo que esta por venir. Deja de descalificarte quedandote atorado en el pasado. Es hora de recordar a la mujer de Lot y no mirar atras, sino avanzar con valentia.

    Don’t Look Back

    With a rallying cry to “Remember Lot’s wife,” Bible teacher, international speaker, activist, and bestselling author Christine Caine motivates us to stop looking back, to get unstuck and to keep moving forward into God’s promises and purpose for our lives.

    There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, particularly when we get blindsided by unexpected changes. But we can’t stop the flow of life, and we can’t stop time. What’s more, looking back doesn’t enable us to go back. More often than not, it just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit.

    In Joh

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  • GranDIOSo – (Spanish)


    En GranDIOSo, John Bevere te invita a dar una nueva mirada a lo que significa trabajar en tu salvacion con temor y estremecimiento. Esta virtud saludable, santa y en gran medida olvidada, es el camino poco comun hacia una vida mas plena y fructifera.

    Si miras a los hombres y mujeres en las Escrituras, los que vivieron y terminaron bien tienen una cosa en comun: estan marcados por el temor santo. El temor del Seor no es un tema del que se oiga hablar mucho en estos dias. Pero si quieres construir una fe que se mantenga fuerte en tiempos dificiles, no puedes permitirte ignorar este libro.

    En este libro veras por que el temor piadoso es el fundamento de:

    *La sabiduria, el entendimiento y el conocimiento
    *Prevision, claridad y direccion divina
    *Madurez y conformidad con la imagen de Jesucristo
    *La construccion de un legado eterno
    *Confianza, intrepidez y seguridad
    *Libertad del miedo al hombre, ya que todos los miedos menores son eclipsados

    GranDIOSo fue diseado para ser leido lenta e intencionalmente. Al final de cada uno de los 42 capitulos hay cinco herramientas que te ayudaran a profundizar su comprension y a aplicar lo que el Espiritu de Dios te esta enseando. Experimenta la relacion intima con Dios que siempre has anhelado al desentraar este mensaje contracultural.

    The Awe of God

    In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life.

    If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear. The fear of the Lord is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.

    In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:

    *Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
    *Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
    *Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
    *Building an eternal legacy
    *Confidence, fearlessness, and security
    *Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsed

    The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that y

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  • Dirt : Growing Strong Roots In What Makes The Broken Beautiful


    Dirt is a story about the places where we start. From a single-wide trailer in the mountains of rural West Virginia to the halls of Yale Law School, Mary Marantz’s story is one of remembering our roots while turning our faces to the sky. From growing up in that trailer, where it rained just as hard inside as out and the smell of mildew hung thick in the air, Mary has known what it is to feel broken and disqualified because of the muddy scars leaving smudged fingerprints across our lives. Generations of her family lived and logged in those hauntingly treacherous woods, risking life and limb just to barely scrape by. And yet that very struggle became the redemption song God used to write a life she never dreamed of.

    Mixed with warmth, wit, and the bittersweet, sometimes achingly heartbreaking places we go when we dig in instead of give up, Dirt is a story of healing. With gut-wrenching honesty and hard-won wisdom, Mary shares her story for anyone who has ever walked into the world and felt like their scars were still on display, showing that you are braver, better, and more empathetic for what you have survived. Because God does his best work in the muddy, messy, and broken–if we’ll only learn to dig in.

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  • Knowing God Bible Study (Anniversary)


    Faithful. Triune. Beyond comparison. Triumphant over all. These words barely begin to describe the God we serve, yet he invites us to have a relationship with him. What could be more important than knowing this all-surpassing God?

    These five easy-to-use Bible studies, based on J. I. Packer’s bestselling classic Knowing God, explore the character and actions of God throughout Scripture. They encourage us to look for God every time we read the Bible and to deepen our understanding, trust, and worship in response.

    In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, this edition of the Knowing God Bible Study helps individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths. Each session features an insightful quotation by Packer matched with a Scripture passage, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to gain a fuller knowledge of the God we worship. A leader’s guide and list of suggested resources are also included.

    Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Study Guide, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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  • Knowing God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Over a million people have found J. I. Packer’s classic Knowing God to be an immense help, and tens of thousands have used this study guide to know God even better.

    This twenty-two-session guide takes readers through the essential truths of Packer’s classic. Individuals can stretch their understanding and allow the material to change their lives. Small groups can see God more clearly through rich and transforming discussions.

    As part of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, start your adventure with these studies for guided travel through each chapter of the book.

    Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Bible Study, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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  • Knowing God : Fiftieth Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Over One Million Copies Sold

    For half a century, J. I. Packer’s classic has helped Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory, and the joy of knowing God.

    Stemming from Packer’s profound theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two key facets of the Christian faith-knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God.

    Knowing God was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty books that have shaped evangelicals. With a companion Bible study, devotional journal, and study guide, readers can explore these biblical themes for themselves in this new fiftieth anniversary edition.

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  • Take Back Your Life

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.97.

    Paralyzed by anxiety, fear, and uncertainty? In this 40-day interactive journey, discover a step-by-step process that can break that cycle. Offering an action plan and journaling space for turning your thoughts into real change, learn to take back your life.

    Every person has a mission and a God-given potential to impact the world, whether they recognize it or not. But life presents challenges and traps us in a helpless, hopeless loop of anxiety and fear.

    In Take Back Your Life, a blend of his bestselling books Through the Eyes of a Lion and I Declare War, join Levi Lusko on an interactive journey to equip yourself to become the best version of yourself. Offering forty daily challenges to help you come to terms with the reality of your internal battle, learn to take up the weapons God has given you and engage in the fight.

    With biblical truth and perspective, this step-by-step journaling process will help you:

    *Get out of your own way by learning to think right so you can live right
    *Find purpose by discovering that God will do great things with your imperfect progress
    *Learn that your pain is not an obstacle to being used by God but an opportunity to be used like never before

    This is more than a book. It’s an intimate self-analysis tool that will help you recognize what’s weighing you down or holding you back. This is a journey to get back the life you know you were born for–to change your thinking so you can change your living and become the difference-maker God sees when he sees you.

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  • Shaped By The Word


    In the foreword to the first edition of Shaped by the Word, Bishop Rueben Job wrote, “One of the great strengths of this volume is that it grows out of the spiritual pilgrimage of a capable and committed biblical scholar. It was my privilege to hear these lectures when they were presented to the first Academy for Spiritual Formation in 1983. They became for those who heard them a window to God.”

    Nearly forty years later, Shaped by the Word continues to provide this “window to God” to readers across the world.

    In a success-oriented world, it is easy for Bible study to become another task to perform rather than a transformational experience. Those who hunger for a deep relationship with God often struggle with barriers that keep us from being able to meditate and listen to God with the deepest core of our being. Shaped by the Word seeks to overcome these barriers through a formational reading of the Bible. In this timeless book, Robert Mulholland shows readers how to listen for God’s voice in our study of the Word and allow God to lead our reading and understanding so that we may truly be transformed.

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  • Experiencing Friendship With God


    Build a confident friendship with Jesus that will carry you through the seasons of wilderness and back to abundance, with ancient wisdom alongside modern guidance from pastor and speaker Faith Eury Cho.

    When prayers aren’t answered and the season of waiting extends too long, how do you feel God’s presence? We have all wrestled with the mysteries of living for a holy God while wandering through the wilderness of the soul.

    How do you move forward during these seasons? How do you deepen your faith? Along with the ancient wisdom of seventeenth-century Brother Lawrence’s classic and beloved The Practice of the Presence of God, Faith Eury Cho helps you understand:

    *How to be fueled by an authentic relationship with God

    *How to wrestle with the tension of believing He is with you even when you cannot feel Him or understand what He is doing

    *How God is enough through revisiting Israel’s journey in the wilderness and Paul’s experience in prison

    *What tools you can use to deepen your intimacy with God

    *What a life that is centered around His Presence looks like

    Cho equips and heightens your confidence to simply go to Jesus and build a genuine friendship. By fostering this relationship with Jesus, you won’t have to wonder about feeling God’s presence. It is a life-changing pursuit because we were designed to know Him. If knowing God is your purpose, then every season of our lives will have significance-even the wilderness.

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  • What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven


    Many Christians think about heaven as a distant place we go after we die. But what if it’s a very real kingdom available to us right now, here on earth?

    In What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven?, Skye Jethani unpacks what Jesus really said about heaven and how it can transform our faith today. The fourth in Jethani’s popular What If Jesus Was Serious? series, this guide includes the author’s hand-drawn illustrations in each chapter.

    Jethani explores the importance of the kingdom of heaven in Jesus’s ministry, message, and parables. In doing so, he redefines the popular understanding of heaven as a celestial home for the dearly departed and reimagines our role in God’s kingdom here on earth. This book shows what Jesus and his first followers knew about heaven that we get wrong and helps us recapture what it means for God’s kingdom to be present on earth right now.

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  • Who You Are


    In our culture today, the preoccupation over self-identity–or who we are–is hard to ignore. But the pursuit of self-understanding has been a recurring theme throughout human history. How many times have you asked yourself, “Who am I?”

    The desire to answer this question–whether it manifests in self-enhancement strategies or self-serving biases–is part of being human. Yet, through a Biblical lens, we know something has gone terribly wrong with our human nature. Brokenness happened when sin separated us from our Creator God, and the answers we seek are only obtainable when we reconnect with him.

    Using the Gospel-Centered Integrative Framework for Therapy developed at Redeemer Counseling Services, Judy Cha explains:

    *The human desire for an identity
    *The role of shame and hurt in shaping who we think we are
    *Self-redemption, and why it doesn’t work
    *The Gospel as God’s rescue plan for a lost humanity
    *How to ardently know your story, truly live in your community, and deeply connect with God

    Who You Are shows us that the Gospel is the only thing that sets you free from the verdict of sin and justifies you as God’s prized possession. When you internalize the Gospel–this message of restorative love–you come to know who you are more and more every day.

    This unique resource is ideal for those who feel stuck in a perpetual loop of “finding themselves” and for counselors or ministry leaders seeking to help others with gospel-centered healing.

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  • Well Said : Choosing Words That Speak Life, Give Grace, And Strengthen Your


    Have you ever had moments when your words have gotten the better of you?

    Maybe you knew how much something would hurt, but you said it anyway because it felt good in the moment. Maybe you’re fighting a habit of complaining or yelling, when you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and patience. Or maybe you stay silent because you’re never quite sure what to say. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you are in the right place. As a wife, mom, and the creator of the popular Modern Farmhouse Family Instagram, Sarah Molitor has learned firsthand that yes, words can hurt–but they can also help and heal.

    In Well Said, she uses authentic, relatable stories paired with Biblical truth to help readers:

    *Use their words to create grace-filled, positive relationships
    *Develop a healthy, balanced approach to social media (and find their wisdom filter)
    *Feel equipped to use words to forgive and reconcile differences so they can live freely and fully . . . and so much more.

    Well Said helps you explore what it means to speak words that direct you to the very heart of Jesus. Sarah will be the trusted friend who walks alongside you, encouraging you to discover God’s true desire for the words we speak every day.

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  • Whats So Amazing About Grace Revised And Updated (Revised)

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.


    It’s the most powerful force in the universe, our only hope for love and forgiveness, and a foretaste of eternal life: amazing, radical, life-changing grace.

    Millions of lives have been changed by award-winning author Philip Yancey’s startling exploration of grace at street level. Grace is the one thing the world can’t duplicate, the healing force we need, and the key to transforming a broken world.

    In this revised and updated edition of his personal and provocative book, Yancey offers true portraits of grace’s life-changing power. These stories, set in the midst of life’s stark realities, evoke such questions as:

    *If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, how do I get it?

    *How well are we dispensing grace to a world that knows far more of strife and unforgiveness than it does of mercy?

    *Can grace make a difference in the midst of such atrocities as the Nazi holocaust, and how can it withstand the brutality of hate?

    With powerful stories, rich theology, and practical suggestions, Yancey challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately needs to know, What’s So Amazing About Grace?

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  • Being Real Is Greater Than Being Perfect


    Being Real > Being Perfect is an inspiring rallying cry for Christians to let go of pretending and enjoy a freeing, authentic relationship with Jesus and others.

    Are you tired of trying to be someone you’re not? Many of us spend a lot of energy–especially at church–trying to hide the fact that we’re struggling. We can’t share our marriage problems. Our addiction. Our sense of distance from God.

    In Being Real > Being Perfect, Justin Davis reminds us that God doesn’t heal what we don’t admit is broken. As he vulnerably shares his own story of redemption, Justin helps us understand:

    *Why being real with ourselves, God, and others leads to peace and hope
    *How faking perfection robs us of the transformative power of grace
    *What the Bible says about insecurity and identity
    *Step-by-step ways to overcome our fear of being vulnerable

    If you’re tired of trying to prove yourself, if you’re tired of wondering where the real “you” went, if you’re tired of knowing information but not experiencing transformation–discover the vibrant spiritual life you long for as you embrace the truth that being real is greater than you can imagine.

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  • See Yourself Beautiful See Yourself Happy


    If someone asks you who you are, you probably have a pat answer that tells them what you do. But saying who you are? That’s not always so easy.

    In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy: An Invitation to Discover Who You Were Meant to Be, Sonia Luna invites you to embark on a journey to discover your true self. As the pastor of a church that reaches thousands weekly, she is known for her strong faith and Holy Spirit anointing.

    Through each chapter, Sonia shows her vulnerability, sharing details of her life as a daughter, wife, mother, and minister of the Lord, explaining how everything developed her identity. By way of example, she offers insights into spiritual, psychological, and emotional issues that confront us as life unfolds.

    This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings.

    In an intimate, relatable narrative, Sonia describes how the psychological and emotional wounds that once affected us in our childhood and youth can continue to cause deep traumas that alter or threaten our identity. These can lead to insecurities, fears, difficulty in recognizing our own talents, and unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships.

    But Sonia offers reason for hope, affirming that there is not a single life that cannot be transformed by God. She invites you to discover your identity through the “infinite trigger” of Christ. By placing your life in His hands, you will fulfill your divine purpose and see yourself as you are: beautiful, valued, and loved.

    “It is only when we understand how valuable we are to God that we start to notice the mistaken concept we had of ourselves,” Sonia says.

    Once you see the best in yourself as God does, you will know your true identity as His beloved child. Happiness awaits when you work to achieve the divine purpose He has for you.

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  • Camino Pequeno – (Spanish)


    Queremos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazon, pero a menudo nos encontramos esforzandonos por agradarle, muy conscientes de nuestras debilidades. A medida que se acumulan nuestros fracasos, nos frustramos y desanimamos. Hemos perdido la esencia del evangelio? Existe una manera simple, pero verdadera, de servir a Dios, que pueda llenarnos de gozo y paz en lugar de miedo y desanimo? Santa Teresa de Lisieux enfrento luchas similares. Como mujer joven que deseaba entregarse a Dios, se sintio intimidada ante la “la empinada escalera de la perfeccion”. Therese escudrio las Escrituras hasta que descubrio un camino hacia la libertad. La llamo “pequeo camino”. Este es “el camino de la infancia espiritual, el camino de la confianza y la entrega absoluta”. Es un reconocimiento de que mientras somos pequeos e imperfectos, tenemos un Dios poderoso que nos alcanza con infinito amor, gracia y fuerza para cuidar de todas nuestras necesidades. Mientras Therese seguia este nuevo camino, se consideraba una “pequea flor” en el jardin de Jesus. Ella entendio que era amada por su Padre celestial y hermosa ante sus ojos, y que podia florecer justo donde El la planto mientras diariamente demostraba Su amor incondicional a los demas, en pequeos, pero significativos actos de bondad, e intercedio en su nombre. Este hermoso libro de regalo destaca la profunda comprension de Santa Teresa sobre la fe y la devocion, mientras captura visualmente, a traves de flores como simples ilustraciones, el tema de la sencillez que impregno su vida. Al leer extractos de la autobiografia, la poesia y las cartas de Santa Teresa, con los versiculos biblicos que los acompaan, aprendera a descansar en los brazos amorosos de su Padre celestial, permitiendo que su propia fe crezca y florezca.

    We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged. Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement? St. Therese of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing “the steep stairway of perfection.” Therese searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way.” This is “the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surr

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  • 10 Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Ready to go deeper into what you learned about following the Ten Commandments and receiving the blessings that come from obedience? In this study guide designed to accompany The 10, Dr. Robert Jeffress gives you practical, actionable ways to

    * esteem God alone
    * worship God only
    * revere God’s name
    * value God’s day
    * honor your parents
    * preserve life
    * keep marriage holy
    * respect the property of others
    * safeguard the reputation of others
    * control yourself and be content

    Perfect for individuals, small groups, ministry teams, and more, this resource will help you put into practice all that you learned from the book so that you can see a difference in the way you live and love in a world that has lost its way.

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  • Called Into Questions

    Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Do we know what it means to question well?

    We need not fear questions. By the grace of God, we have the safety and security to rush headlong into them and find ourselves better for it on the other side.

    Faith is not the sort of thing that endures so long as our eyes are closed. The opposite is the case: Faith helps us see, and that means not shrinking from the ambiguities and the difficulties that provoke our most profound questions.

    In our embrace of questioning, we must learn to question well. In our uncertainty, we must not give up the task of walking worthy of the calling that Christ has placed upon us.

    We are living in the age of deconstruction. We are constantly bombarded online, in schools, and sometimes even in our homes by attitudes and arguments aimed at deconstructing our faith. Called Into Questions is written to aid us in faithfully questioning our foundations. Professor Matthew Lee Anderson shows us, and the ones we love, how to grapple with doubt in a redemptive way–in a way that brings us closer and leaves us more secure in Jesus Christ.

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  • Just Show Up

    Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    If someone puts one more thing on my shoulders, I might collapse.

    Bestselling self-help book titles tell you that you’re brilliant, awesome, powerful–usually with an expletive thrown in, just to pound home the point. Do these affirmations feel accurate? Instead of blasting through projects and conquering the world, most of us feel like we’re crawling uphill.

    But Christians are still called to live a life that glorifies God and blesses others. How do we do that when we’re stretched to capacity? Just Show Up answers that question with a liberating message: God doesn’t expect you to do everything. And He certainly doesn’t expect you to do it all overnight. Simply showing up is often the most important thing.

    This book looks at present-day examples and also stories from Scripture of imperfect people used by God. Moses, by his own admission, wasn’t very eloquent, but he showed up and God used him to liberate and lead His people. We name churches and children after the disciples. But originally, they were just a bunch of uneducated nobodies with one thing in common: when Jesus said, “Follow me,” they showed up.

    With humor and candor, Dyck reflects on his own faltering progress while recounting inspiring stories of how God rewards the persistent presence of ordinary people. Just Show Up challenges readers to show up for God, family, community, and themselves.

    We tend to think it’s the big, bold moments that matter. In reality, it’s the steady accumulation of small acts of obedience to God that add up to a life of meaning and impact. -Dyck

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  • Bible Reset : Simple Breakthroughs To Make Scripture Come Alive


    **By the Co-Creator of Immerse: The Reading Bible –ECPA 2022 Bible of the Year!**

    Confused. Frustrated. Apathetic. If you feel this way about the Bible, you’re not alone. The reality is that we’ve been set up to fail when we read the Bible, inheriting barriers and habits that make reading Scripture harder than it needs to be. Alex Goodwin, co-founder of the Institute for Bible Reading, will show you a better way forward.

    Discover how the physical format of our Bibles can make or break our Bible reading and how changing our reading habits can help us see that Scripture is alive. Learn how the ancient collection of writings compiled in the Bible tells a story that is still unfolding–a story God is inviting you to live into today. You’ll get:

    *actionable steps toward a flourishing relationship with the Bible,
    *a grand sense of the overall story the Bible is telling,
    *a clear sense of how you can participate in God’s work of restoration and renewal, and
    *renewed curiosity about the Bible in ways you didn’t think were possible.

    Alex was once intimidated (and bored) by Bible reading too! He presents his discoveries in ways that are easy to access, full of illustrations, and peppered with humor to keep you engaged. Whether reading on your own or with a church or small group, you’ll be surprised at how your fascination will develop and your life will be transformed as you read and enjoy Scripture in fresh, new ways.

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  • Loving Disagreement : Fighting For Community Through The Fruit Of The Spiri


    What does it look like to love someone you disagree with?

    Fighting, disagreements, hatred, dissension, and silence. These things seem common in the wider Christian community today. Politics, theology, and even personal preference create seemingly insurmountable rifts. It’s hard not to see ourselves as “at war” with each other.

    We’re not doomed to be stuck here, though. There is a twofold path out of this destructive war, out of seeing our brothers and sisters as enemies–and into a spacious place of loving each other even as we disagree.

    In Loving Disagreement, Kathy Khang and Matt Mikalatos bring unique insight into how the fruit of the Spirit informs our ability to engage in profound difference and conflict with love. As followers of Jesus are planted in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit grows and bears good things in our lives–and relationships and communities are changed.

    *Each chapter features author conversations about the communal and cultural implications of the fruit of the Spirit.

    *Book includes a glossary of social and cultural terms.

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  • Knowing God Devotional Journal (Anniversary)


    For fifty years, J. I. Packer’s Knowing God has revealed the wonder, glory, and joy of knowing God to over a million Christians around the world.

    Now, you can discover the riches of the character of God in a devotional format for the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God’s publication. The daily reading includes Scripture, a suggestion for action or reflection, and space to journal or write prayers.

    Next to Scripture, Packer’s classic could be the most significant book you will read this year.

    Also available: Knowing God Bible Study, Knowing God Study Guide, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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  • Knowing God : Fiftieth Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Over One Million Copies Sold

    For half a century, J. I. Packer’s classic has helped Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory, and the joy of knowing God.

    Stemming from Packer’s profound theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two key facets of the Christian faith-knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God.

    Knowing God was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty books that have shaped evangelicals. With a companion Bible study, devotional journal, and study guide, readers can explore these biblical themes for themselves in this new fiftieth anniversary edition.

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  • Undone : A Modern Rendering Of John Donne’s Devotions


    As the world entered the long night of 2020, Philip Yancey turned to John Donne’s Devotions, a nearly 400-year-old manuscript, for guidance. In it, he found a trustworthy companion for living through a global pandemic–or any other crisis. As Yancey says, “Nothing had prepared me for Donne’s raw account of confrontations with God.”

    By faithfully and poetically rendering Donne’s 17th century prose into 21st century vernacular, Yancey opens up this classic work to a new generation of readers. He presents these Job-like meditations on sickness and suffering, alongside his own reflections, in a series of 30 readings that examine the frailty of the human heart, the goodness and sovereignty of God, and the eternal hope of the Resurrection.

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  • If Not For You Lord


    We all have our “If Not” and “Thank You” moments where things seem impossible. This devotional was born out of a trying time in the author’s life when she felt like she was being squeezed, abused and misunderstood. As she wrote the words, “If Not for You, Lord” her thoughts went to the God of all creation in whom nothing is too difficult. It is an unending story because He is unending in what He has done, is doing and what He is yet to do. She began to write in gratitude to God for His unending, irreplaceable place in her life and that gratitude turned the tide of despair into God’s faith, and His hope that does not disappoint, and His unfailing love. The “If Not for You” moments turned into a joy-filled expression of “Thank You, Lord.”

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  • Beyond Our Control


    Realizing how little control we have over our lives can make us fearful and anxious–or it can lead to greater intimacy with God, a richer prayer life, and a joyful eternal perspective.

    Seasons of grief, pain, and loss of control are inevitable. Despite our best efforts and steadfast faith, reality rarely matches our expectations. In an unpredictable and broken world, how do we cling to a foundation that provides purpose for today and hope for the future?

    In their new book, Beyond Our Control, Michael and Lauren McAfee show us how trusting God brings greater contentment than the illusion of control. With deep and abiding faith, the McAfees draw on their experiences with adoption, infertility, illness, and loss to help readers navigate unexpected circumstances. Offering biblical insights and their powerful story of pain and providence, Michael and Lauren know that no matter what happens–to their family, work, or ministry–everything is as it should be because God is in control, and he is good.

    The McAfees help us:

    *recognize the illusion of control and how it leads to greater anxiety;

    *understand why glorifying God is the richest expectation we can have for our lives;

    *realize that Jesus’ pain on the cross brings hope and healing to the pain we experience now;

    *practice the profoundly comforting spiritual discipline of lament, which makes room for us to process grief; and

    *use times of loss to make more room for God’s work of growing and sanctifying us.

    If you struggle to embrace the life you have rather than the life you wanted, this book invites you to find a deeper peace in God than you could have imagined.

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  • Intentional : Living Out The Eight Principles Of Disciple Making


    “Go and Make Disciples” will become more than a church slogan as the power of Jesus’s command transforms our lives.

    Jesus Christ intentionally discipled twelve people every day for three and a half years and then commanded us to go and make disciples as well. And he empowered us by sending us the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. The early church thrived and expanded by imitating the intentional relational methods Jesus modeled, yet somewhere along the way we lost sight of the simple truth that Jesus’ methods of disciple making are as holy as his message.

    Today, churches and their leaders relentlessly pursue innovation of the next new idea that will somehow capture the attention of the spiritually lost, yet very few Christians know how to walk out a day-to-day lifestyle of intentional disciple making. Rather than looking for something new, Intentional equips you to imitate the methodology Jesus modeled for us.

    Drawing from decades of experience making disciples, pastor Brand Guindon equips you by introducing the eight principles of disciple making and practically showing you how to apply them in everyday life. Personal stories of success and failure in discipling relationships illustrate how we must be personally committed to consistently living out the values that Jesus modeled. Brandon also examines the obstacles in our lives that prevent us from imitating the ancient ways of Christ, sharing practical steps for approaching relationships differently and viewing the world through a Kingdom oriented lens.

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  • Faith Code : A Future-Proof Framework For A Life Of Meaning And Impact


    A pastor and a tech guru provide a path to sustaining a soulful life.

    In an age when new ideas, trends, and innovations can alter the world overnight, a strong foundation in faith can be the guiding light. In fact, without that connection to a higher power, many not only feel a deep sense of unease about a soulless future, but also wonder: are there values and beliefs we should we be building our lives on? Are there ones we should be comfortable letting change?

    A groundbreaking book that offers a unique antidote to the most urgent spiritual and cultural ailments of our time, The Faith Code is the product of nearly a decade of collaboration between a prominent pastor who resides in the heart of San Francisco Bay’s technology hub, and a renowned Silicon Valley investor, leader, and philanthropist. By combining moral and ethical counsel with the pioneering tactics of entrepreneurship and community building, Terry Brisbane and Rusty Rueff have methodically distilled the essentials of what it takes to live a full life while simultaneously becoming citizens who contribute to the world around us. From important matters of career and vocation advancement to the pillars of fulfilling relationships both at home and in our social circles, this trailblazing guide will give any reader the tools necessary to apply the time-tested wisdom of the gospel to the contemporary struggles of today. What results is a transformative journey with three different pathways interwoven together: being faith-driven, pursing personal improvement, and doing good, meaningful work.

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  • God Is Able 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    I wrote the first edition of this book a decade ago. I was young and confident. Then ten years happened. To me. To you. To us.

    I’m not quite as young as I once was, but I am still as confident as ever in this undeniable fact: our God is able. While so much in all our lives has changed, He has remained the same. His capacity, character, and compassion have not shifted an inch because His power is supernatural, is never diminished, and is ever available to His children.

    God is able.

    Whether you and I have crossed paths in these pages before or it’s your first time to savor the beautiful truths found in Ephesians 3:20-21, I invite you to join me in this ten-years-wiser, updated edition, where I hope you’ll be reminded that your Father is able to take you above whatever you’ve been living beneath.

    He’s done it before.

    He’ll do it again.


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  • Holy Habits : 10 Small Decisions That Lead To A Big Life


    Make an Impact That Echoes into Eternity

    Many followers of Jesus have plans for family, finances, and career, but very few have a spiritual plan to grow closer to Jesus. We must be intentional in order to hear from God, grow in faith, and form good habits that lead to a meaningful life.

    Going beyond the surface level, pastor Noah Herrin gives you ten tangible practices that will plunge you into the depths of a real relationship with Jesus. Simple but powerful, these ten small choices will lead to big changes, including:

    * rising in influence from the ashes of insecurity
    * resting where you once were striving
    * standing firm in faith when surrounded by struggles
    * enjoying community instead of being alone

    In just minutes a day, you can intentionally develop habits that shift your relationship with Jesus from duty to delight–and run with purpose in a world that wants you to wander.

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  • Dream To Destiny


    Have you given up on your dreams? Have the realities of life gotten in the way of your destiny? Pastor and bestselling author Robert Morris shares exactly how to navigate the journey from your dreams to your destiny. Using the biblical story of Joseph, he explains how Joseph had a God-given dream but didn’t reach his destiny overnight. Over a period of thirteen years, God took Joseph through ten character-building tests that prepared him for his extraordinary future–tests you also need to pass to reach your destiny.

    Filled with biblical truths, personal stories, and practical application, Dream to Destiny equips you to successfully:

    – navigate ten character-building tests
    – persevere through waiting and uncertainty
    – identify your gifts and talents
    – discover the purpose behind your dreams
    – fulfill your God-given destiny

    This newly revised and expanded edition is full of profound insight and hope. No matter where you are in life, you have a meaningful and bright future ahead–beyond what you could ever imagine! Why settle for a dream when you can have the destiny?

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  • Can I Borrow A Cup Of Hope


    When the pain and problems of life barge in, hopes and dreams run out. In these uncertain seasons of personal crisis, national chaos, and global catastrophe, it’s easy to wonder if life will ever be anything but sorrow and despair.

    The apostle Peter knows exactly what it’s like when hope is gone. He watched as the Messiah was arrested, crucified, and buried. And Peter himself failed almost every test of his faith, even with Christ right in front of him. But he also knows that God is faithful and true, carrying us through our harshest suffering and redeeming our heaviest regrets. Bible teacher, author, and speaker Amy Lively dives into Peter’s first epistle, a short letter with a lot of power, to light the way for today’s struggling Christian. In this daily Bible study, she guides readers through the beautiful story of Peter and shows how he embodies the way to set our hope fully in Christ alone. With gentle honesty and a touch of helpful humor, Amy helps readers understand that when it feels like the end of the world to them, it’s just the beginning of the power of Jesus.

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  • JourneyWise : Redeeming The Broken And Winding Roads We Travel


    JourneyWise: Finding meaning in each step along the path of life and being transformed by the journey as a whole.

    A common thread binds us together: the broken and winding roads we all travel. Most of us carry with us some form of spiritual, emotional, or physical baggage. That type of weight takes its toll. Our paths can be difficult or daunting if we try to journey them on our own. In JourneyWise, noted pastor and author Shane Stanford offers us a different understanding of our life’s path, enabling us to reframe our journey into one that is healed and redeemed. He begins by asking these questions:

    What if you could have Jesus Himself as your life’s companion? What if you had access to His innermost thoughts, tapping into His wisdom? What if your story could intimately intertwine with His and of others who closely follow Him? And what if all of this were possible by purposefully applying only a few paragraphs of His teachings?
    The Beatitudes are more than just poetic verse used to begin Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. They are the essence of Jesus’s message from beginning to end. These familiar words establish the overall tone of Jesus’s teaching ministry and reveal His most deeply held values.

    To be JourneyWise is to discover and live out the simple yet powerful truths of the Beatitudes. It is through the Beatitudes, which literally mean “blessings,” that Jesus gives us a new definition of significance before leading us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, our relationship with God, and the interconnections we have with others. They speak to our friendships, actions, fears, prejudices, and joys. They are pragmatic, powerful lessons wrapped in simple words. In their simplicity and accuracy, the Beatitudes yield amazing results when practiced faithfully.

    This book will stir your spirit and touch your emotions to bring healing so you can follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Writing with honesty, poignancy, and compassion about the complexities of our daily existence, Shane shows how, in each beatitude, Jesus provides a foundation for developing a significant and spiritually formed life. Here, you will find words of hope and the infinite possibilities of Christ’s simple blessings.

    JourneyWise with Jesus.

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  • Ache For Meaning


    Will I have enough? Am I enough? Do I matter?

    Deep in our souls is an ache that longs to be noticed, filled, transformed. And that ache boils down to these three fundamental questions.

    The extraordinary thing is that we find the answers to all three questions in the temptations of Christ. As Jesus faces the wilderness, the core needs of every human being are on display: the ache to be secure, to be approved of, to have some control over our lives. But the ways that we are tempted to fill these needs inevitably fail.

    In The Ache for Meaning, Tommy Brown journeys through our questions and temptations into the deeper invitation Jesus offers. In the mindsets and practices Christ embodied, we discover what kept him centered on his identity and purpose–and what equips us to do the same. Because when you know where you’ve come from and where you’re going, daily temptations toward security, approval, and power to control pale in comparison to your most significant reality: You are a child of God.

    *A rich discipleship resource.

    *Includes questions for reflection and discussion.

    *Features invitations into spiritual disciplines and practices, like Scripture meditation, Sabbath taking, worship, and gratitude, among others.

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  • Bearing God : Living A Christ-Formed Life In Uncharted Waters


    Imagine yourself with Jesus, in a boat on the sea, as a sudden storm fills the other passengers with fear.

    When the priest read this Gospel story in Mark 4, Marlena Graves didn’t see herself as the terrified disciples, lacking faith. She wasn’t Jesus, peacefully sleeping through the danger. She wasn’t the wind or the waves. According to Graves, “I was the boat! And then it occurred to me that, like Jesus’ mother, Mary, I, too, am a God bearer.”

    Journey with Graves and discover these things:

    *We are all vessels that carry Jesus as we journey throughout our lives.

    *Boats are made for the water–they have a mission–and that mission always involves others.

    *Jesus is not disturbed by any storms (or our reactions to them).

    *Our lives, which carry Christ and the gospel, are to bring salvation to others, especially those who have been thrown overboard in life.

    *There is a destination–life with God–at the heart of spiritual formation. As we bear God and go out to sea, God is also bearing us into oneness with him.

    Bearing God is a short and enthralling read that will awaken you as a disciple of Jesus to a sense of adventure in your calling. Using the metaphor of Christians as vessels for Christ, Bearing God is packed with inspirational lessons and principles to help readers grow in their spirituality. An ideal discipleship resource for churches, small groups, and personal devotion.

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  • Blessed In The Mess Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Can we truly find peace and even blessing amid the chaos, the disappointments, and the other messes that life brings our way?

    Life is often messy. We hear people say, “My life is a mess,” or “This situation is a mess.” What they mean is that life has become difficult, painful or confusing. But God never promised us a trouble-free life. In fact, His Word tells us to expect the opposite. In John 16:33, Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV).

    In Blessed in the Mess Study Guide, beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer shows us how to be blessed in the midst of life’s most challenging circumstances. The Bible is filled with instructions on how to handle ourselves when difficulty comes our way, and this companion study guide shares that wisdom through poignant and practical teaching that equips us to remain stable and hopeful in every situation. No matter what problems we may face, there is a way to remain joyful and patient as God works on them. If you have not handled the messy issues or challenges in your life well in the past, then with God’s help, you can begin to manage them better, starting now.

    We should never waste our pain. Through the wisdom distilled in this study guide, we can learn how to gain something from our messes, use those insights to avoid trouble in the future, and share our experiences to help other people find blessings in the midst of their messes.

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  • Blessed In The Mess


    Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to not just survive but thrive amidst both the everyday and the monumental messes we experience in life.

    Life is often messy. We hear people say, “My life is a mess,” or “This situation is a mess.” What they mean is that life has become difficult, painful or confusing. But God never promised us a trouble-free life. In fact, His Word tells us to expect the opposite. In John 16:33, Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV).

    In Blessed in the Mess, beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer shows us how to be blessed in the midst of life’s most challenging circumstances. The Bible is filled with instructions on how to handle ourselves when difficulty comes our way, and Blessed in the Mess shares that wisdom through poignant and practical teaching that equips us to remain stable and hopeful in every situation. No matter what problems we may face, there is a way to remain joyful and patient as God works on them. If you have not handled the messy issues or challenges in your life well in the past, then with God’s help, you can begin to manage them better, starting now.

    We should never waste our pain. Through the wisdom distilled in this book, we can learn how to gain something from our messes, use those insights to avoid trouble in the future, and share our experiences to help other people find blessings in the midst of their messes.

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  • This Dream Is Not For You


    Believe it or not, the dreams we have for our lives are dangerous. Here, speaker and Bible teacher Wade Joye encourages us to let go of our dreams, surrender our lives to God, and truly live.

    “Follow your dreams” is the self-help message of our day. In our schools and universities, media, and culture, and even in church, we are taught to dream big, work hard, and find true happiness in living our dreams. And so we spend our lives chasing.

    But as we chase our dreams, we can be met with exhaustion, anxiety, and disappointment. Our circumstances may put our dreams in jeopardy, or even deny them-and we’re heartbroken. Or we achieve them and just want more.

    Wade Joye offers here a different way. Release your grip on your dreams and trust God with your whole life.

    Joye shows that by letting go we are freed from the pressure to secure some ideal, unattainable life, and instead become open to God and his plans. Living a life of daily surrender to God’s purpose we begin to see glimpses of God in our present circumstance, as he shows us that he, more than anyone, can be trusted.

    With deep wisdom, frank teaching, and a pastor’s heart, Wade guides readers step-by-step to the place of letting go, the place where we find real life.

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  • Spiritual Art Of Business


    We want the thousands of hours we will work over our lifetime to matter. But how do we know they’re really significant? How do we go from being defined by what we do to having our work become an expression of who we are?

    There is not a quick fix but a progressive solution: it begins with surrendering our whole lives and then every moment of our lives to God. In The Spiritual Art of Business, “corporate mystic” Barry Rowan invites us to be transformed by God that he might transform the world through us as we begin to see our work as an extension of our faith. He says, “We don’t derive meaning from our work; we bring meaning to our work.” Relating his extensive past in high-ranking executive roles, Rowan beckons us into a connection with God that will infuse our lives, our offices, and our world with meaning.

    With forty short chapters, this is not just a book to be read but instead is an invitation into an experience with God. Here’s an opportunity to ponder new perspectives and see business as a chance to serve God by contributing to a better society.

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  • Creating A Life With God


    Over the past four decades, author Daniel Wolpert has answered the question “What do you do for a living?” with “I am a student of the spiritual life.” In the original foreword to Creating a Life with God, Wolpert was called a “Pray-er” – someone who knew how his life was altered and transformed by prayer and someone who accepted the invitation to join Jesus in prayer to tend the longing in his heart. Both statements are still true today.

    In the twenty years since this book was first released, Wolpert’s work has inspired many to reflect on the life of prayer and what it means to be intentional about creating daily life with God. The longevity of the book speaks to a deep hunger for the practice of prayer and contemplation. Over the years, interest in spiritual life has grown stronger, both within the church and within popular culture. In the face of a world filled with chaos, uncertainty, and constant change, spiritual practices and prayer shape us into people who can provide healing, love, and compassion in response.

    The twelve prayer practices in this book will help you take your relationship with God to a new level by:

    *Inviting you to solitude and silence
    *Inviting you to use your mind and imagination
    *Inviting you to use your body and your creativity
    *Inviting you to connect with nature and community.

    Creating a Life with God invites you to join traveling companions like Julian of Norwich and Ignatius to help illuminate each of these prayer practices. This 20th Anniversary Edition includes two new chapters and two new companions: Saint Brigit, who invites us to take a spiritual look at climate change, and Howard Thurman, noted pastor, author, and contemplative, who invites us to explore how spiritual practices inspire social transformation. These new chapters build on the original twelve prayer practices and ask how we can use the practice of prayer to engage a world in crisis.

    Alongside these traveling companions, you will discover how classical approaches to God can deepen your prayer life and help prepare you to engage the world as a fearless ambassador for God’s goodness.

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  • Shes Not Your Enemy


    The colleague who threatens your position at work. The friend who talks behind your back. The woman who seems to have it all together-while you are barely hanging on.

    Sometimes the women in our lives feel like enemies. But the real enemy is the one who is trying to defeat you with lies that lead to insecurity and isolation, discord and division. She’s Not Your Enemy equips us to battle Satan’s deception through the solid truth of God’s Word. Popular blogger and podcast host Jenn Schulz comes alongside us to explore:

    *How we find true joy and fulfillment when we each recognize our unique roles in God’s kingdom

    *What we lose when we see other women as competition rather than community

    *What to do about envy, jealousy, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and other daily challenges

    *Why we will never be “enough”-and why that’s great news

    *How our view of God affects our view of ourselves and others

    When we find our worth and identity in God, we can cultivate empathy and compassion for those we have labeled as the enemy-including the woman in the mirror. Move beyond habits of self-protection or shame and discover the freedom of creating a culture of community.

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  • Pilgrim : 25 Ways God’s Character Leads Us Onward


    Guideposts of Grace for Your Faith Journey

    As a follower of Christ, you live each day as a pilgrim, traveling the path Jesus sets before you. Though the road may be rocky, God provides reminders along the way to show you that He writes your story, paves your path, and walks with you always.

    From bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons comes this uplifting meditation on the character of God to accompany you on your pilgrim journey. Featuring stunning new artwork, these 25 devotions will lead you to;

    *explore proof of God’s faithfulness found in both Scripture and daily life,

    *engage with key theological attributes of God,

    *encounter hymns written throughout history that illuminate timeless truths about who God is, and

    *experience the peace that accompanies focusing your heart on God’s character.

    Pilgrim reminds us of profound truths by showing us how God’s grace and provision shape each Christian’s unique journey of conforming to the image of Christ. On the path of spiritual growth and maturity, knowing God’s character makes all the difference. When your travels leave you worn and weary, God will not abandon you-you can lay your burdens in His hands, find hope in His presence, and follow His path as He leads you onward.

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  • Come Forth : The Promise Of Jesus’s Greatest Miracle


    One of America’s most beloved spiritual leaders and the New York Times bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything and Learning to Pray examines one of the most intriguing events in the New Testament-the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead-and explains its significance for us today.

    In this wise and compassionate book, New York Times bestselling author Father James Martin, SJ, explores the story of Jesus’s greatest miracle-the raising of Lazarus from the dead-and what Jesus means when he calls each of us to “come forth.” Meditatively and carefully, Father Martin leads us verse by verse, offering profound reflections on Jesus’s lessons on love, family, sadness, frustration, fear, anger, freedom, and joy.

    Come Forth combines compelling analysis of the biblical text, insights about the historical setting of the story, spiritual lessons for today’s readers, meditations on Lazarus in art and the larger culture, as well as stories from Martin’s travels through the Holy Land. As he explores these strands in depth, Martin helps us let go of the limiting beliefs that prevent us from experiencing God’s presence in our lives. We need only to open ourselves to the transformative story of Lazarus and trust that God can use it to free us to experience, like Lazarus, new life.

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  • Finding Freedom In Constraint


    The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free. Practicing spiritual disciplines can seem difficult, especially when we undertake them as isolated individuals. But we were never meant to practice them alone.

    Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints practiced in Christian community shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors the practices of constraint within the ascetic tradition of monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers. Boyd writes, “The constraints of a rule of life are what make life together, lived for one another, possible. A rule of life is not meant to be primarily personal, but communal. It’s not primarily meant to guide my life. It is meant to describe our way of life together.” Constraint is the practice of learning to pay deeper attention to the things in our inner world that prevent us from progressing in the school of love.

    Discover a deep conversation on freedom and constraint with six core practices of constraint that can form in us a greater freedom to be and become people who love as God loves. Enter into this vision with your local community (in small groups, church leadership teams, or families), and learn to make greater room to experience the love of God.

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  • God Never Gives Up On You


    Ever wonder if you’ve had one too many stumbles for God to use someone like you? If you could benefit from a tale of God’s unending, unbending, unswerving love and devotion, let bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado show you how God’s grace will transform your life.

    God Never Gives Up on You is a book for the members of the Lost Halo Society. For the strugglers among us and the fumbler within us. For those of us who are part saint, part scoundrel. We mean well, but we don’t always do well. We have breakthroughs and breakdowns, often in the same hour. We need no reminder of our failures, but we could always use a refresher course on God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people to do great things.

    No one is more suited to the task than Jacob. He was less a prodigy and more a prodigal. Strong on savvy. Low on conscience. Jacob took advantage of his famished brother and pulled the wool over the eyes of his dying father, yet God never turned his back on Jacob.

    God used Jacob because God chose to use Jacob. Period. The word for that kind of devotion? Grace. Grace came after Jacob. Grace found him in the desert. Grace protected him in exile. Grace wrestled him to the ground and blessed him. Grace led him home to Canaan.

    By taking a closer look at Jacob’s incredible story, you will:

    *learn to see the ways God turns your brokenness into blessings,

    *overcome shame and negative thoughts by embracing who you are in the eyes of a loving, merciful God, and

    *strengthen your relationships by leading a life marked by grace and forgiveness for yourself and others.

    Jacob’s story invites us to believe in a God who sticks beside the unworthy and underachievers and leads us safely home. If God can use Jacob to further his kingdom, he can use us too. Let Max show you how.

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  • Kingdom Focus : Rethinking Today In Light Of Eternity


    “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.”

    Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

    In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

    Learn how to:

    *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s kingdom,
    *fully maximize life while on earth,
    *delve deeper into the character and heart of God, and
    *recognize how God’s love for us guides us every step of the way.

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  • Every Season Sacred


    What does it look like to live a flourishing, messy, wonderful life together?

    As parents, we’re tasked with nurturing and guiding our children, even as we navigate our own wonderings about faith. In the overwhelm and constant demands of life, is it possible to tend to our own souls and to our family’s flourishing?
    With tender curiosity and contemplative wisdom, Every Season Sacred is a weekly invitation to grow spiritually alongside our children. Blending thoughtful musings and practical resources, author Kayla Craig meets parents right where they are, offering:

    *honest and hopeful reflections for every season of the parenting journey;
    *encouragement to parent with intention and imagination, presence and purpose; and
    *open-ended discussion prompts and prayers to explore and practice as a family.

    Every Season Sacred is an invitation to ask big questions, embrace faithful rhythms, and experience God’s mysterious, loving presence together. You don’t have to have all the answers-and if we’re honest, many answers aren’t ours to have. This is the beauty of faith.

    As you parent your children and explore your questions together, may God reveal sacred moments to you-in each season of your life.

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  • Healthy Feelings Thriving Faith


    If you’ve ever taken a personality test, you may have found yourself in enthusiastic agreement about the positive aspects of your personality, while the less desirable traits listed may have made you a bit defensive. Maybe you read up on a different personality type and wished you had more of those qualities. But the truth is, every type can get stuck in unhealthy emotional and spiritual patterns. And no matter what your personality, you have the potential to grow into the healthiest and most loving version of yourself.

    In Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith, Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere use the Enneagram to lead you through a journey of discovery, showing you how God can transform unhealthy patterns of anger, shame, anxiety, and sadness into freedom, joy, peace, and love. Through eye-opening insights, engaging stories, and simple soul care practices and spiritual disciplines, this book offers an avenue to renewed hope and personal growth you may not have thought possible.

    If you want to go from knowing your personality type to growing in wholeness, empathy, and faith, let the Gaultieres be your guide.

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