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Showing 201–250 of 2284 results

  • Christian Manifesto : Jesus’ Life-Changing Words From The Sermon On The Pla


    What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way?

    The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that transcends politics, culture and personality, detailing God’s intentions for his people.

    Alistair Begg unpacks this sermon, encouraging Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world’s values and philosophies. It’s a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact.

    As we look at the kindness and compassion of Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, we’ll grow in both the motivation and the ability to obey Jesus’ teaching and experience the blessing that comes from that.

    This compelling book will remind you of God’s grace and what it means to follow him, helping you discover the ultimate blessing that is found in him.

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  • Hopeward : Gospel Grace For Weary Souls


    Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)

    Author Dai Hankey is a church planter in Wales and founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, he comes alongside weary Christians to explore what it looks like in practice to really lean on Jesus and enjoy his rest.

    This positive and encouraging book takes readers on a hopeward journey with Jesus from despondency to joy. They will discover how Jesus can restore and sustain them, and they will be re-energized to carry on serving him in a joyful and manageable way.

    This is a great book to give Christians who feel weary, overwhelmed, stressed, or discouraged, or Christians who feel like stepping back from the things they are involved in at church.

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  • Faithfully Present : Embracing The Limits Of Where And When God Has You


    Most of us feel that life is rushing past us. We reach the end of another day or week or year and wonder where it went. So we double down on trying to do more or do better–or distract ourselves with the many diversions the 21st century has to offer. But often we’re so busy thinking about the next thing that we’re at risk of missing the main thing: the people and places God has put in front of us, right here, right now.

    There is a better way to live. In this thought-provoking book, Adam Ramsey helps us to embrace the time and place we are in and to live each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others. Readers will discover fresh joy in the little things, freedom from the tyranny of time and contentment in every season of life.

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  • I Choose Peace


    Our lives are fraught with anxiety. Conflict in our relationships, fears about the future, information overload, financial pressure, lack of contentment–all of them can steal our joy because they steal our peace. Through Christ we are promised peace, but how can we feel peace when we live in a world of chaos?

    Because, says Chip Ingram, peace isn’t a feeling; it’s a choice.

    In I Choose Peace, Chip unpacks Philippians 4 to show us how we can choose peace in:

    – relational conflict
    – anxious moments
    – a broken world
    – difficult circumstances
    – a materialistic culture

    If you’re tired of feeling anxious over the state of the world, your relationships, or your own heart, this encouraging book will help you quiet your worries and experience real, lasting peace that doesn’t depend on what’s going on around you.

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  • Translating Jesus : How To Share Your Faith In Language Today’s Culture Can


    We in the church do not speak the same language as the culture. We use many of the same words, but they rarely mean the same thing. And speaking louder isn’t the answer. If we are to faithfully and effectively share the Good News, we have to translate Jesus.

    Embracing and unpacking the bilingual nature of spreading the gospel, pastor and teacher Shauna Pilgreen shows you how to learn the language of the culture so that you can clearly communicate the love of God in the three places Christ and culture meet: the gate, the cross, and the table. By learning how to share your story in the language of the culture, you’ll not only find spiritual conversations more fruitful but also build a supportive and loving community of bilingual believers excited about inviting others to enter the kingdom of God.

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  • Refocus : Living A Life That Reflects Gods Heart


    Written by Jim Daly, the compassionate leader of Focus on the Family, ReFocus inspires and motivates Christians to transcend political agendas and partisan battles and instead interact with others in a way that will consistently reveal the heart of God to a desperately hurting world.

    Our culture has become painfully polarized, often hindering relationships with neighbors, colleagues, and the very people who need to discover the love of Jesus Christ. Remembering that we are foremost citizens of heaven serving a loving Father, we who call ourselves followers of Christ can once again be known by our love.

    But how? In what context and through what means? How can we tear down the walls that divide our culture, our neighborhoods and workplaces and families, in this increasingly contentious world?

    Drawing on a rich variety of true stories and sources both historical and contemporary–from behind the scenes in today’s halls of power, to moving accounts from church history, to powerful breakthroughs in Daly’s own life and ministry–Daly challenges us to reclaim our responsibility, and our privilege, as God’s sons and daughters.

    As followers of Jesus with His humility and compassion as our model, ReFocus: Living a Life that Reflects God’s Heart demonstrates how Christians can show the world an inexplicable taste of grace with no agenda other than to reveal the heart of God as the loving Abba Father He is.

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  • Purposefooled : Why Chasing Your Dreams, Finding Your Calling, And Reaching


    Author and Bible teacher Kelly Needham reveals how we’ve been fooled into chasing meaning in all the wrong places, identifies the source of our hunger for the extraordinary, and shows us the steps we can take today to build a purpose-filled reality without turning our lives upside-down.

    Many of us are exhausted from dreaming big and chasing the extraordinary lives we long for, but when we try embracing the everyday and find meaning in the mundane, we fear we’re settling for a boring life. Are we missing something?

    Kelly Needham has been the keynote speaker, the person folding T-shirts backstage, and the mom dealing with the ups and downs of daily life. By sharing her experiences with both the extraordinary and the humdrum–and wrestling with feelings of disappointment along the way–Needham helps readers discover for themselves the truth that changes everything: we weren’t made to do something, but to know Someone. And it’s that Someone who can infuse our lives with infinite purpose and meaning. In Purposefooled she explains

    *why we feel like we were made for more and shows us the freeing answer to our longings,

    *the ways modern technology affects our desires and dreams–and how to live free from its pressures and pitfalls,

    *how familiar Bible stories reveal that being a world-changer is more accessible and simpler than we think,

    *why we need to reclaim our imaginations from culture and steward them with eternity in mind, and

    *what it looks like to live a deeply meaningful life today instead of wearing ourselves out trying to reach the next big thing.

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  • Just Discipleship : Biblical Justice In An Unjust World


    Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society.

    What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people who practice justice?

    Biblical scholar Michael Rhodes argues that the Bible offers a vision of justice-oriented discipleship that is critical for the formation of God’s people. Grounded in biblical theology, virtue ethics, and his own experiences, he shows that justice is central to the Bible, central to Jesus, and central to authentic Christian discipleship. Justice stands at the heart of Scripture. Following Jesus demands that we become just disciples in an unjust world.

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  • Preparing To Meet Jesus


    Experience the joy of knowing you are prepared for your first look into the eyes of Jesus.

    One day, every believer will experience the wonder of coming face-to-face with Jesus. Can you imagine how thrilling that encounter will be? This unique devotional from Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter Rachel-Ruth leads you on a transformational journey so that you can live fully prepared for the awesome moment of the “first look.”

    Drawing on the biblical story in which Abraham seeks a woman of character to marry his son Isaac, Preparing to Meet Jesus explores the characteristics God the Father looks for in a bride for His Son, Jesus. Each of these 21 daily reflections, challenges, and prayers reveals how you can pursue a life fully devoted to the One who loves you and gave Himself for you.

    Preparing ourselves for Jesus’s imminent return is the greatest privilege and responsibility of our lives. Jesus is coming! Are you ready?

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  • Bitterness : When You Cant Move On


    SKU (ISBN): 9781645073253ISBN10: 1645073254Paul TautgesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2023Publisher: New Growth Press

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  • Traveling Light : Galatians And The Free Life In Christ (Expanded)


    We aspire to freedom but often resign ourselves to an existence trapped in uneasiness and dread. Is there any way to shed such heaviness and reignite hope for deliverance?

    In Traveling Light, Eugene H. Peterson urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. Peterson says, “If there is a story of freedom to be told, the story must begin with God. . . . The Bible is not a script for a funeral service, but the record of the proclaimed and witnessed God bringing new life to the dead. Everywhere it is a story of resurrection–life where we expect death.”

    That lightness of spirit we’re shown in Scripture is a gift and challenge. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through the abiding wisdom of Peterson.

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  • Life After God


    The understanding of God that many Christians insist is so clear in the Bible makes faith seem like an all-or-nothing proposition. When much of that rigid projection seems in doubt, it’s not surprising that many people leave behind this take-it-or-leave-it religion. Pastor Mark Feldmeir offers an introduction to a God that many people weren’t aware existed–a mysterious, uncontainable, still-active God who loves and cares for real people with real problems. Life after God offers glimpses of the ineffable God, who can emerge when we forget what we think we’re supposed to believe about God and open us up to the mystery, wonder, and compelling love we crave.

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  • Deepest Place : Suffering And The Formation Of Hope


    In the face of personal and global suffering, is it possible to live with hope rather than despair? Join psychiatrist, speaker, and award-winning author Curt Thompson as he shows us how God transforms our grief into a lasting peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Suffering is a defining reality of life. Yet so many of us are so focused on avoiding discomfort that we’ve never learned how to actually suffer. But what if we could move from anxiety to durable hope?

    In The Deepest Place, Thompson invites us to explore how the Apostle Paul’s experience of love, secure attachment, and the deeply felt sense of God’s abiding presence carried him through the challenges he faced–and how it can help us not just survive, but flourish in the presence of suffering.

    Combining scripture with his own professional insight, Thompson helps us discover that:

    *Suffering can increase our sense of security rather than our fears
    *Hope is something we form in community
    *Faith can grow out of anger, cynicism, and doubt
    *Perseverance changes our brain and reshapes our imagination
    *Listening to our bodies helps us find new hope in loss

    As Thompson reminds us, those who have suffered greatly, including the Apostle Paul, are able to see their stories with a new understanding of God’s presence and unfailing love. Let The Deepest Place show you how to do the same.

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  • Translating Jesus : How To Share Your Faith In Language Today’s Culture Can


    We in the church do not speak the same language as the culture. We use many of the same words, but they rarely mean the same thing. And speaking louder isn’t the answer. If we are to faithfully and effectively share the Good News, we have to translate Jesus.

    Embracing and unpacking the bilingual nature of spreading the gospel, pastor and teacher Shauna Pilgreen shows you how to learn the language of the culture so that you can clearly communicate the love of God in the three places Christ and culture meet: the gate, the cross, and the table. By learning how to share your story in the language of the culture, you’ll not only find spiritual conversations more fruitful but also build a supportive and loving community of bilingual believers excited about inviting others to enter the kingdom of God.

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  • Break Up With What Broke You


    It’s time to stop letting your past define your future

    Breakups are typically synonymous with rocky road ice cream, rom-com reruns, and rough crying sessions. But not this one! This is an invitation to liberation, a chance to release who you’ve been and discover who you truly are. Often, our former mistakes and regrets hold us back from where we’re called to be. How can one heal and move on? To find your breakthrough, you must break up with what broke you.

    You can leave your less for more.
    You can silence shame’s lies.
    You can restore your original design.

    With great compassion, Christian Bevere shows how to leave behind what’s held you back. She offers practical ways to overcome regret, insecurity, and shame so that you can develop a positive, godly self-image and move into your future with confident expectation. With Christian’s help, you can make a clean break today. No matter what left you feeling broken, God wants to redeem and rewrite your story.

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  • Memorizing Scripture : The Basics, Blessings, And Benefits Of Meditating On


    Reclaiming the art of Scripture memorization

    Bible memory has fallen on hard times. It can feel unnecessary since we have Scripture at our fingertips. Or it just feels daunting and unattainable–you know it’s important, but you’re just not good at it.

    Writer, mother, and lover of Scripture Glenna Marshall shows us that to love God with our hearts, we must first love him with our minds. Through Scripture memorization, we begin to meditate on God’s word. This causes us to think deeply about God, which leads to intimacy and trust. Scripture memory bolsters our daily faith, grows us in discernment, and gives us courage to walk through trials. It arms us with what we need to share the gospel, to fight sin, and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ!

    But how and where do we begin? Glenna gives us practical tools! Even long passages or books of the Bible can be hidden in our hearts with small, doable, daily bites. You’ll look at how to memorize Scripture in Bible study groups or local church settings as well as with children and friends.

    Scripture memorization is the path we travel to obey God’s command to meditate on His Word. You will be transformed as the Bible takes root in your heart. The more we know His Word, the more we will–with the help of the Holy Spirit–be shaped like Jesus. You can do this! Memorizing Scripture shows you how!

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  • Closer Than Your Next Breath

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $14.97.

    God is omnipresent–meaning He’s here, there, everywhere all at the same time–so no matter what you’re going through today or worried about facing tomorrow, He is closer than you can imagine, and His presence changes everything.

    The God of creation cares deeply about every detail of our personal lives. He’s in charge of every galaxy and has named every star. He also knows about the hurts in our hearts and the hairs on our heads. He’s near and far. His glory fills the universe, and yet He’s up close and involved.

    Though we believe in our minds that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present, sometimes we don’t feel his closeness. How can we walk boldly in our faith, expecting Him to draw near to us as we draw near to Him, as promised in the book of James? In Closer Than Your Next Breath, bestselling author, speaker, and radio host Susie Larson helps readers experience God’s trustworthiness and love–even when they feel far from Him. In this book, readers will explore these questions and more:

    *How do I know if I’m hearing the voice of God?
    *Is feeling good the same as feeling God?
    *Is there anything I can do when God seems silent?
    *How should God’s presence impact me?

    There’s nothing like God’s presence in our lives, but sometimes we chase the sensational and miss the supernatural. Worship services, retreats or conferences, and mountaintop experiences are great, but too often we rush right by the nuanced, miraculous ways God shows up in our story every day. When we pursue the heart of God through the Word of God, that’s when we experience the presence of God–and it makes all the difference in our lives.

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  • Siempre Te Amara – (Spanish)


    Siempre te amara es el recordatorio de que Dios nos ama en todo momento y de que El demuestra su Amor incondicional, no solo en cada momento de nuestros dias, sino en una diversidad de expresiones. Podemos sentirlo en un susurro en el aire, a traves de gestos de las personas, o en cada destello del amanecer. Sin embargo, la base de este libro tan inspirador es como Bernardo Stamateas presenta El Cantar de los Cantares como una metafora del amor de Dios hacia nosotros. Tal vez pensaste hasta ahora que esta poetica seccion de la Biblia ilustraba el amor de pareja y, en efecto, asi es. En este libro aprendemos a entender este pasaje biblico como la definicion y exaltacion del eterno romance entre Dios y su creacion… entre Cristo y su Iglesia… un amor incondicional diario y eterno.

    Siempre te amara is the reminder that God loves us at all times and that He shows his unconditional love, not only in every moment of our days but in a diversity of expressions. We can feel it in a whisper in the air, through people’s gestures, or in every flash of dawn. However, the basis of this inspiring book is how Bernardo Stamateas presents El Cantar de los Cantares as a metaphor of God’s love for us. Perhaps you thought until now that this poetic section of the Bible illustrated the love of a couple, and, indeed, it is. In this book, we learn to understand this biblical passage as the definition and exaltation of the eternal romance between God and his creation… between Christ and his church… a daily and eternal unconditional love.

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  • Centering Jesus : How The Lamb Of God Transforms Our Communities, Ethics, A


    What happens when Jesus becomes obscured from our point of view?

    With all the hostility boiling just under the surface of our world, we need a renewed vision of Jesus as the Lamb of God who can lead us in the peaceable ways of the Kingdom. When we fail to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we lean into the desires of our hearts more than the desires God has for us. As a result, our entire spirituality becomes driven by the self and for the self. We need renewed practices of centering Jesus in our hearts and minds.

    In Centering Jesus, Derek Vreeland invites you to imagine what it looks like to keep Jesus as the Lamb of God at the center of three key areas of our lives-our spiritual formation, our moral lives, and our common life together. With the deep divide in American culture and the polarization that continues to grow, we need a renewed focus on the Lamb so that we might blaze a path forward into civility and kindness.

    Learn how to

    *identify the problems that occur when Jesus is obscured from our view;

    *walk through some of the key biblical descriptions of the Lamb;

    *describe a Lamb-shaped and Jesus-centered approach to the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love, the foundation of our moral lives; and

    *experience the Lamb at the center of common life together, specifically worship life, participation in acts of justice, and political life.

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  • Tired Of Trying


    What if that hard thing you’re going through is not happening to you but for you?

    You’ve tried it all-saying the right words and prayers, reading the right Bible verses-but nothing seems to work. What do you do when your faith doesn’t seem to be “working” anymore?

    Ashley Morgan Jackson is no stranger to this kind of spiritual exhaustion and discouragement. Much like the biblical character Jacob, Ashley wrestled with God, trying desperately to keep trusting Him despite her pain. It was here she found that sometimes God requires us to hold on to Him so we can let go of everything holding us back.

    Rich with biblical encouragement, personal story, and practical application, Tired of Trying is an invitation to wrestle-and face God in your greatest fears, pains, and unanswered questions. You’ll learn to:

    *break out of the cycle of frustration by saying yes to wrestling;

    *identify the lies you are believing about God, yourself, and your circumstances and replace them with truth;

    *shift your perspective so you can choose faith, persevere, and discover God’s purpose for you.

    Choosing to wrestle isn’t easy or quick-but it does have purpose. What seemingly tears us down may be an opportunity to grow. God is good at redeeming heartache. When we reach the place where the only choice is to run to God or run from Him, we can hold tight . . . because transformation and blessing will come.

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  • Unfair Advantage : 7 Keys From The Life Of Joseph For Transforming Any Obst


    “Life’s not fair!” You’ve heard it a million times–and probably said it yourself. But what if your greatest difficulties were steppingstones to a greater destiny? What if seasons of unbearable pain turned out to be pathways to unbelievable purpose?

    In The Unfair Advantage, pastor Aaron Burke takes a closer look at the seven unfair seasons Joseph endures in the book of Genesis and reveals how Joseph’s struggles are not unlike the battles readers face today.

    Combining biblical truths with Pastor Aaron’s insights from his years of walking with people through their biggest challenges, this book offers a message of hope and renewed strength for anyone who has battled seasons of feeling discouraged, rejected, undervalued, tempted, unfairly punished, deprived, or forgotten. The surprising reality revealed by the story of Joseph is that unfair moments and seasons of difficulty–if handled wisely–can actually be used by God for our advantage.

    Readers will be comforted and inspired as they encounter in a new way the dramatic story of Joseph’s trials and ultimate triumph. Along the way, they’ll learn how to

    *transform adversity into advantage,
    *endure even the most challenging moments through courage and hope rooted in faith,
    *become aware of God’s presence, peace, and promise in the midst of hardship.

    In The Unfair Advantage, readers who are walking through a season that seems unfair will be reminded of God’s ultimate gift of favor. While their situation may seem hopeless now, they can trust that God is forging something beautiful out of the brokenness, putting purpose to their pain, righting every wrong, and building a destiny better than their greatest dreams.

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  • Fire Of Perfect Love


    You Can Take Comfort in the Intensity of His Love

    As the world grows more hostile to the love and truth of Jesus, we need hearts that burn hotter than the fury of fear and persecution. And the secret to that kind of passion lies in a heart yielded to the fire of God’s perfect love.

    With warmth and piercing insight, global apostolic ministers Steven and Rene Springer help you embrace God’s purifying fire that will:

    * captivate your heart
    * ignite power and purpose
    * reveal your true identity
    * bring forth boldness and cast out fear
    * fuel you for greater transformation and impact

    When you make fiery love the goal of your life, you won’t burn up and you won’t burn out. You will bring the transforming love of Jesus to your city, nation, and world with confidence and power.

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  • Guiados Por La Eternidad – (Spanish)


    Un dia estaras delante de Dios y daras cuenta de tu vida. La pregunta mas importante que puedes hacerte ahora es, estaras listo?

    La mayoria de los cristianos saben que su respuesta a la cruz determina donde pasaran la eternidad. Pero, sabias que como pasaras la eternidad esta determinado por lo que hagas en esta vida?

    Dios quiere que descubras tu llamado. El no esta tratando de mantenerte en la oscuridad.
    De hecho, El anhela que encuentres el significado y el proposito de saber por que has sido puesto en esta tierra.

    En Guiados por la eternidad, el exitoso autor John Bevere usa una alegoria reveladora y una extensa escritura para revelar como nuestras elecciones diarias dan forma a nuestra existencia eterna.

    La vida mas alla del ultimo aliento es mucho mas que un destino. No espere hasta que sea demasiado tarde. Descubra su destino dado por Dios y haga que su vida cuente tanto hoy como para siempre.

    One day you will stand before God and give an account of your life. The most important question you can ask yourself now is, will you be ready?

    Most Christians know their response to the cross determines where they will spend eternity. But did you know that how you’ll spend eternity is determined by what you do in this life?

    God wants you to discover your calling–He’s not trying to keep you in the dark. In fact, He longs for you to find the meaning and purpose that comes with knowing why you’ve been placed on this earth.

    In Driven by Eternity, best-selling author John Bevere uses an eye-opening allegory and extensive Scripture to unveil how our daily choices shape our eternal existence.

    Life beyond the final breath is much more than a destination. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Discover your God-given destiny and make your life count both today and forever.

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  • Finding God In The Darkness


    Suffering engulfs our lives in an unavoidable darkness, leaving answers and explanations obscured like a sorrowful fog. The gospel of Christ, however, gives us something infinitely more valuable than answers or explanations. Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment is not an attempt to decode or decipher every nook and cranny of sorrow and suffering. It is a journey wherein faith, hope, and love are unexpectedly found along the way, in the midst of darkness. Much to our surprise, that’s where God shows up, too.

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  • Wake Up To Wonder


    In her quest to live a vibrant spiritual life, Karen Wright Marsh had a revelation: she didn’t need to find and follow the perfect plan; she needed people she could follow.

    In Wake Up to Wonder, Marsh introduces us to those people–faithful yet oh-so-human Christians from across centuries and cultures. Inspired by their example, she offers playful, simple practices that bring deeper meaning and purpose to everyday life.

    In the company of diverse spiritual companions–from Dorothy Day, Francis of Assisi, and Fannie Lou Hamer to Patrick of Ireland, Wangari Maathai, and Henri Nouwen–readers journey through physical health, prayer, activism, Scripture reading, creativity, and beyond. Each chapter includes hands-on invitations such as writing prompts, space for personal reflection, and “Try This,” a collage of spiritual and personal experiments anyone can do. As readers wake up to wonder, they’ll discover what these twenty-two historical figures already knew: that a life of spiritual depth, amazement, and connection is within reach–today and every day.

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  • Come Out From Among Them


    If God’s chosen people were meant to be set apart, then why are we staying trapped by the world?

    After reading this book, you will have the boldness and the integrity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven by tearing down the dark deceptions of the enemy that are plaguing our culture today.

    In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to the core. The angelic messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.

    In Come Out From Among Them, Coconato shares what he believes God is calling the body of Christ to in this season: to come out of the Babylon system and truly be set apart, not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern-day prophets of Baal–the “fake news” media! This is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be a silent majority. This is a time for action.

    In this book, Coconato shows God’s remnant warriors how to:

    *Truly be set apart;
    *Refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour; and
    *Take back the culture for the kingdom of God.

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  • What Jesus Intended


    Have you lost your footing in church? Or has the church lost its footing?

    Many of us feel unsteady, disoriented, even crushed after an endless string of scandals within the walls of a place meant to offer compassion and safety. Others feel forced to draw back or distance ourselves from the church. All the while, our instincts tell us this is not what Jesus wanted for his people. But what did he intend?

    After four decades of ministry, Anglican bishop Todd Hunter is no stranger to betrayal and pain in the church. Still, he has hope. He believes more than ever that Jesus is who the world needs and that Jesus has plans for his followers. In What Jesus Intended, Hunter offers a vision for emerging from the rubble of bad religion and rebuilding faith among a community of sincere believers. By unpacking the purposes of Jesus, we can expose twisted, toxic religion for what it is and embrace the true aims of the gospel.

    Come for a fresh hearing of Jesus-one that offers us the healing and goodness we’ve always longed for.

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  • Sketchy Views : A Beginner’s Guide To Making Sense Of God


    Is your understanding of who God is and how he works in our lives today a little sketchy? Daniel DeWitt’s Sketchy Views is a beginner’s guide to making sense of God.

    Everybody has beliefs about God. There are a million ways to get God wrong, but there’s only a narrow path to getting him right. In order to understand God, we have to go back to the Bible, but that can be overwhelming if you are new to theology.

    Sketchy Views uses words and sketches to help readers visually connect with and understand what basic Christian theology is and is not. DeWitt helps readers understand why what we think about God is the most important thing about us. Because God is the most important topic a person can think about, the way we think about God (our theology) is our most valuable and important collection of our thoughts and words.

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  • How To Talk With God


    ?In her straightforward and profound style beloved by millions worldwide, best-selling author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reveals the incredible force that comes through the simple act of prayer.

    Prayer transforms lives every day. But for those who pray, how many truly understand its power?

    In How to Talk With God, a compact digest derived from The Power of Simple Prayer, Joyce Meyer explains the keys to unanswered prayers, the hindrances to prayer’s effectiveness, and the Bible’s role in prayer. She gives readers a new perspective on how best to communicate with God, and reveals that through prayerful conversation comes the ability to be successful in life, strong at heart, and sincere with others. Simple prayer, powerful results.

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  • Power Of Thank You


    Adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving and discover that no matter how messy life gets, God will make it good.

    Each moment that you’re given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful.

    Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He’s working in your life, it gives you a new perspective–your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you’re filled with joy.

    Things will certainly happen to you that don’t seem fair, and it’s much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, “I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good.” If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.

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  • Raised To Stay


    An honest exploration of disappointment with the Church, Raised to Stay is for anyone weary of God’s people but longing to keep their faith in God.

    God might seem silent right now. God’s people might seem not worth the wounds. But hold on as Natalie Runion embarks on a journey for all who are wandering, wondering, and wrestling. Together, we will move toward trusting God again, knowing that even though Christian community may fail us, the love of God never fails.

    When we say yes to God, we don’t say yes to church politics, ladder climbing, or burnout. We say yes to Jesus. We say yes to hope. We say yes to much that we can still embrace. Through honest words and deeply personal story, Runion challenges us to be part of a generation known for the passionate pursuit of Christ. To be remembered for loving one another, forgiving one another, and persevering with one another in our hunger for God.

    We aren’t quitters. We are the stayers.

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  • Gods Not Like That


    Many of us long for the abundant life Jesus promised, but instead we feel stagnant and frustrated in our faith. More of us cultivate our view of God from our family of origin than from the pages of the Bible-and a faulty view of God will always be a barrier to a satisfying spiritual life.

    In his unique and interactive book God Isn’t Like That, author Bryan Clark returns us to Scripture on a step-by-step journey to identify and then correct our misconceptions about God. This highly practical book helps us understand:

    *Specific ways our childhood influences our beliefs today

    *The difference between a grace-based value system and a performance-based value system

    *How to distinguish truth from fiction when it comes to personal beliefs

    *Why even a loving and faith-filled family can inadvertently pass on false representations of God

    *What the Bible says about how God intended Himself to be depicted in the home

    Abundant life has nothing to do with money or prosperity or health. Abundant life has everything to do with a right view of God that sustains us, comforts us, and satisfies us through every season.

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  • How To Resurrect A Dead Prayer Life


    The battle for prayer-transforming drudgery into joy and life-giving intimacy with God.

    We know that prayer is important-it’s the lifeblood of the Christian life. But almost all believers find prayer to be hard. We can experience discouragement or disillusionment in our prayer lives. We get distracted and disheartened.

    What can we do if we’re in a season of drought or have never experienced a rich life of prayer? And how can we sustain a meaningful and lifegiving prayer ministry? Dr. Bill Thrasher-teacher, father, and husband-shares clear and applicable steps to invigorate or jumpstart a life of prayer. In How to Resurrect a Dead Prayer Life, Thrasher helps us answer important questions:

    *How do you identify a dead prayer life?
    *How can a worried and frantic life begin to enjoy God’s presence and peace?
    *How can you reach heaven when you don’t know what to pray?
    *How can times of despair be transformed into prayers that even affect future generations?*How can you get in touch with the deep concerns of your heart?
    *How can your greatest struggle spur effective prayers that defeat the Evil One?
    *How does the Spirit motivate and guide our prayers?

    This book seeks to resurrect and revive our prayer life into one that God uses to restore His people to the place of His blessing. Begin to breathe again as you offer your heart, desires, and disappointments to the God who loves to listen and respond to you.

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  • Misled : 7 Lies That Distort The Gospel And How You Can Discern The Truth


    The gospel is under attack today–not only from outside cultural forces but also from within the church. In Misled, popular YouTuber and Bible teacher Allen Parr equips readers to identify and withstand seven of the most common false teachings that undermine the gospel and lead many well-meaning Christians astray.

    For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called “another gospel.”

    The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what he offers, and what he wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus.

    In Misled, Allen Parr weaves together stories from his own spiritual journey and the lives of those he’s ministered to in order to show the painful consequences of following false teachings and to provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the gospel. Readers will

    *learn about seven of the most misleading and harmful messages that run rampant within the church today;

    *be equipped to identify not only “wolves in shepherd’s clothing” who peddle counterfeit gospels, but also well-intentioned teachers whose half-truths are no less harmful to the church; and

    *discover how they can find the freedom, peace, and joy that only comes from embracing the gospel in all its purity and simplicity.

    With the same balanced, Bible-based approach that has made Parr’s YouTube channel a go-to resource, Misled offers clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey–and invites readers to find everything they’ve been searching for in the true gospel.

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  • Spacious Path : Practicing The Restful Way Of Jesus In A Fragmented World


    A simple invitation into a life ordered around listening and love

    As we live through cycles of change and disruption, our familiar pathways crumble and we find ourselves in fragmented relationships with God, others, and our own souls. We are not the first to experience this disorientation: When Jesus offered the stunning invitation to come to him to learn how to work from a place of rest, he was talking to people weighed down by ill-fitting political, economic, and religious systems. And his life and ministry offer a glimpse of a better way.

    For centuries a practice called the Rule of Life-built around rhythms of prayer, work, study, hospitality, and rest-has provided a loving pathway for anyone who desires to live out the whole gospel. More than a historic primer on an ancient practice, an aspirational overview of spiritual life, or a personal inventory focused on habits, The Spacious Path offers companionship through personal narrative, meaningful reflection, and guided prayer for readers to return to as often as needed.

    Rediscover an ancient Christian practice to reorient your life around the unforced rhythms of Jesus, not by adding another ill-fitting system but by walking freely and lightly on the pathways of listening and love in the way of Jesus.

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  • Reclaiming Masculinity : Seven Biblical Principles For Being The Man God Wa


    In a world where masculinity is often associated with toxicity, what does it mean to “be a man”?

    In a straightforward and empathetic way, Matt Fuller gets beyond cultural confusion and stereotypes as he examines what the Bible says is distinctive about being a man. He outlines a positive vision of biblical masculinity and shows what that might look like in real life today. Men will be encouraged to be sacrificial when leading, to work hard and to protect and invest in others.

    Whatever your personality and interests–whether you would rather skin a rabbit, read a book or remodel your house–this book will give you confidence and direction to be the man God wants you to be.

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  • Seizing The Good Life


    Living on high alert drains your energy and steals your joy. There is a better way and Seizing the Good Life will help you find it as it takes you through the Gospel of John.

    If our chaotic culture has left you drained of joy, here’s some good news: there is a way to get it back–and keep it.

    Let’s face it. Joy is becoming as scarce in our culture as fresh eggs at the grocery store. Constant headlines about one catastrophe after another, along with living in a society bent on erasing God from our consciousness, can leave us stressed out and working hard just to get by–far from the good life of abundant joy Jesus promised us.

    And yet, He did promise us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. So how do we go about seizing the good life from the jaws of depression and hopelessness that threaten us now?

    Shellie Rushing Tomlinson has walked this path and knows the way. With the Gospel according to John as her roadmap–and plenty of personal stories, insights, and a healthy dollop of humor for good measure–she can help you not only rediscover the peace and joy found in friendship with Jesus, the Lover of your soul, but maintain it over the long haul.

    God never intended for you to hold on to a dry faith with chewed-up fingernails. You really can know peace and joy in the middle of our anxious and angry culture. A deep dive into this study will help you seize the good life once again.

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  • Courageous : 10 Strategies For Thriving In A Hostile World


    Christians face relentless attacks from an ungodly culture, a formidable adversary, and our own fallen natures. Yet we cannot afford to surrender to these very real enemies.
    Just as survivalists use 10 specific strategies to overcome threatening situations, Courageous explains 10 biblical strategies for surviving–and thriving–in a world that is hostile to our faith. As A.W. Tozer said, “A scared world needs a fearless church.” Courageous is a clarion call for Christians to boldly live out their faith.

    If you’ve felt your faith is under attack, if you’re struggling with the temptation to follow the crowd despite biblical teaching to the contrary, or if you’re just feeling weary, the 10 strategies in Courageous will provide fresh fire and new hope.

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  • Healing Rain : Immersing Yourself In Christ’s Love To Find Wholeness Of Min


    Do you long for health, wholeness, and freedom?

    Do you continue to hit walls of resistance as you pursue healing? Sue Detweiler, prophet and host of the popular Healing Rain podcast, has helped thousands of believers move from the trenches of despair and sickness into the fields of freedom–and she wants to empower you, too.

    Full of wisdom, incredible testimonies, discussion questions, prayers, and keys to healing, this biblical guide points to the words, actions, and miracles of Jesus, giving you the confidence to trust His presence and discover how to:

    * overcome trauma and destructive thoughts
    * open pathways to spiritual encounters with Jesus
    * receive the power of His blood to heal every area of your life
    * and more

    Here is everything you need to tend to your heart and experience healing in your body, mind, and emotions.

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  • All That Jesus Commanded


    Longtime Pastor and Author John Piper Walks through Jesus’s Commands and Their Meaning for the Christian Life

    The four Gospels are filled with commands straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ. They are not the harsh demands of a taskmaster, but Jesus’s way of showing his followers who he is and how to be more like him.

    In All That Jesus Commanded, John Piper walks through Jesus’s commands, in 50 short chapters, explaining their context and meaning to help readers understand Christ’s vision of the Christian life and what he still requires today. The result is a helpful guide for thoughtful inquirers and new Christians, as well as veteran believers, whether for their own study or as a resource in disciple-making. Replaces ISBN 978-1-58134-845-3.

    *Biblical and Theological: Piper examines Jesus’s commands and explains their context, meaning, and application today

    *Comprehensive: Features Scripture, person, and subject indexes

    *Accessible: Written in a clear, engaging tone, this book is an excellent resource for new and seasoned believers alike, and for use in discipling younger believers

    *Written by Bestselling Author John Piper: Other books include Providence; Desiring God; and Don’t Waste Your Life

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  • Deconstruct Faith Discover Jesus


    What If Deconstructing Your Faith Isn’t a Phase but a Holy Process?

    There’s probably a really good reason you picked up this book. Are you desperate to be in relationship with family or friends who are questioning their faith? Are you experiencing your own deconstruction of faith?

    Here is your invitation to rethink everything you thought you knew.

    In this process, you’ll . . .

    *learn why it’s important to deconstruct (and how we are wired to do it);
    *define deconstruction and deconversion what they really mean;
    *consider WWJD (What Would Jesus Deconstruct?); and
    *apply the FUSE method to deconstruct for yourself.

    Deconstruct Faith, Discover Jesus will help you to enter the mindset of a deconstructionist. A worldview with a high capacity for paradoxes. A mental space that outweighs your self-interest in being right. A tendency to see Christian beliefs as inseparable from Christian ethics.In doing so, you will find the original deconstructionist, Jesus, right beside you.

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  • When Your Way Isnt Working


    When you are worn-out, when you feel discouraged, when you think you don’t have what it takes, what is the one thing that Jesus wants you to never forget? When Your Way Isn’t Working equips you to discover authentic connection to God and others so you are free to live the life you long for.

    In some of his final words to his closest friends, Jesus didn’t suggest a five-year plan for success or a checklist of things to do. Instead, he offered a metaphor about what the good life really looks like: I am the vine. You are the branches. Abide in me. In other words, No matter what happens next, the most important thing is to stay connected to me.

    In When Your Way Isn’t Working, pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman offers a unique exploration of John 15 for all of us who are going through the motions and feel frustrated. Idleman reminds us that it’s connection, not production, that leads to a fruitful life–relationships, not circumstances, that bring joy. He offers his distinctive, biblical perspective on how to:

    *Find greater rest, depth, and connection in your life
    *Embrace freedom from the pressures of performance and production
    *Recognize what you can’t do makes room for what God can do
    *Step out of isolation even when it feels scary
    *Discover the top distractions that keep you from connecting to God–and how to counter them

    In the end, the fruit of your life won’t have to do with what you accomplished but with whom you stayed connected. Because no matter what happens next in this uncertain world, what matters most, lasts the longest, and brings the greatest joy is staying connected to the God who never leaves you.

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  • Llegar Mas Alto Con Dios En Or – (Spanish)


    Aprender a orar es uno de los mayores desafios en la vida de un cristiano. A. W. Tozer sealo que la mayor maldicion de la Iglesia es la oracion sin respuesta, y que a mucha gente no parece importarle eso. Tal vez no entiendan de que se trata la oracion contestada. Tozer describe esto como solo el puede hacerlo, describiendo el tipo de oracion que Dios responde y el tipo de oracion que lo deja en silencio. En ultima instancia, debe preguntarse: Mis oraciones de hoy son mas poderosas y efectivas que hace un ao? !Nuestro buen Padre quiere que lo sean!

    El libro comienza con la escalera de Jacob y su tema de ascender a la misma presencia de Dios. Que mejor lugar para comenzar a dialogar con Dios? Solo El puede ensearnos lo que esta en Su corazon, cual es Su voluntad y cual podria ser nuestra parte en ella.

    Learning how to pray is one of the greatest challenges in a Christian’s life. A. W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer and that many people do not seem bothered by that. Maybe they don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the kind of prayer God answers and the kind of prayer that leaves Him silent. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself: are my prayers today more powerful and effective than they were a year ago? Our good Father wants them to be!

    The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder and its theme of ascending into God’s very presence. What better place to begin dialoguing with God? Only He can teach us what is on His heart, what His will is, and what our part in it could be.

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  • Valuable : Why Your Worth Is Not Defined By How Useful You Feel


    We all want to be useful to God, but often we feel that we’re not, or, because of illness or other difficulties, that we can’t be as active as we’d like to be. Liz Carter wants to rescue us from the spiral of feeling useless that we get caught in, and to show us that being useful isn’t what Christianity is about. In fact, the Bible barely talks about God using people at all.

    Weaving together insightful scriptural analysis and beautifully told stories, Liz takes us on a journey to see what the Bible really says about weakness, identity and God’s purposes for us: helping us to see ourselves and our relationship with God in an entirely different and much more glorious way. Readers will discover that our purpose as Christians is not about being useful but about being known by God and enjoying him.

    This book is particularly helpful for those struggling with long-term physical or mental illness, but it’s also a great encouragement to Christians who feel that they are not good enough or useful enough to God for other reasons.

    Questions at the end of each chapter make this a helpful resource to read with a friend or in groups.

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  • Living On The Path Of Freedom


    Does fear of rejection prevent you from living the life God has planned for you? Imagine what your life could be like if you released your fear of rejection and began walking on the path of freedom, where you can be the person God designed you to be.

    In her companion book to Will the Real Person Please Stand Up: Rising Above the Fear of Rejection, author Gail Porter shares the real-life experiences of ten courageous individuals who discover a new kind of life as they stop believing lies and leave their fear of rejection behind.

    Gail brings her own perspective on the lessons God shared with each individual, followed by an opportunity for personal prayer, a Bible memory verse, and an applicable challenge.

    Living on the Path of Freedom offers enduring hope to those who yearn to be free from the fear of rejection and enjoy living as their authentic self. Learn how you can discard the lies that have held you captive and live in the true freedom God has for you.

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  • Faith Like A Child


    Embrace the invitation of childlike faith.

    A well-known challenge of Jesus to his followers is to become like little children. But it’s often difficult to remember the natural patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live freely in God’s wonder-filled presence. Is childlike faith simply an unquestioning faith, or is it being present with ourselves in a way that invites healing and wholeness?

    Faith Like a Child considers Jesus’ invitation to childlike faith and explores seven distinct ways of welcoming the child within. Offering wisdom from years of experience as a spiritual director with both adults and children, Lacy Finn Borgo explores practices to welcome and enliven your childhood self. Offering examples of what becoming like children could look like, Borgo invites you to take Jesus up on his offer to live more deeply into a relationship with God.

    As we welcome our childhood selves, we allow God to heal our wounds so we can live in freedom with Jesus as our companion.

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  • My Peace Filled Day


    Stop Wrestling With Life and Start Resting in Him!

    Do you feel like you’re on a merry-go-round of stress and anxiety that just won’t stop? Do you feel like the circumstances around you shout so loudly that, more than anything, you are searching for peace and calm?

    Help is here! You can live in peace – fearless and free!

    In this journal, renowned Bible teacher Rick Renner shares 30 teachings, expounding from his thorough knowledge of the Greek language, to help you take hold of the God-given peace that belongs to you. As you devote yourself to the scriptural truths in each devotional – and journal your answers to thought-provoking questions – the power of God will melt away the fears, anxieties, and cares of this world until His peace takes centerstage in your life.

    In My Peace-Filled Day, you will discover:

    *God’s unfailing promises of peace to you.
    *Scriptural truths that will help you overcome stress and burnout.
    *How you can walk daily in liberty and freedom.

    Don’t let the turmoil of this world swirl you into an emotional frenzy. As you encounter God on every page of this devotional journal, you will find yourself living the peace-filled life your loving Heavenly Father wants for you!

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  • Extraordinary Hearing : Preparing Your Soul To Hear From God


    What if you could hear God speaking? What diierence would that make in your life?

    You don’t have to wonder if God still speaks. He reveals Himself to everyone, without exception. The difference between God’s people and all other people scattered over the face of the earth is this: When God speaks, His people listen.

    Join Greg Pruett as he teaches you how to develop extraordinary hearing discernible guidance from God in your day-to-day life, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit within you. He’ll offer answers to your questions about prayer and discernment, such as:

    *How can I tell if it’s really God speaking?
    *Does God still communicate with us the way He did with people in the Bible?
    *How can I hear Him more clearly when I pray? What can I do to learn to listen?
    Extraordinary Hearing gives practical, biblical insights on how to pray and how to hear from God that will help unleash the power of prayer in your life.

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  • Seeing God As A Perfect Father


    You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.

    A. W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” How we view God makes all the difference in our lives. It informs everything about who we are and who we’re becoming.

    When you think about God, do you imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty, or a coach who expects you to perform to his expectations? Or even a virtual assistant to help when other options are exhausted? This updated edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken challenges our perception of who God is and points us to a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent, but is available and affectionate, ready to shower us with his approval and love.

    No matter what has happened on this side of eternity between you and your earthly dad, Seeing God as a Perfect Father will help you:

    *Embrace who God is and discover the truth and beauty of his nature
    *Understand that God uniquely created you and loves you unconditionally
    *Unlock the chains holding you captive and find freedom in who you are in Christ
    *Walk in the fullness, authority, and intimacy a child of God

    When we take hold of the truth that our God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our past but by the love of a perfect Father. Learn how God wants us to experience his unique, unconditional love and to live in the freedom, abundance, and blessing He freely gives.

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  • Palabras Con Dios – (Spanish)


    Con conviccion y profundidad biblica, este ascendente lider del pensamiento y orador popular lo invita por un camino de oracion y practicas espirituales simples que uniran las piezas quebrantadas de su vida.

    With conviction and biblical depth, this rising thought leader and popular speaker invites you to follow a path of prayer and simple spiritual practices that will bring the fractured pieces of your life back together.

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