

Historical Fiction

Showing 601–650 of 872 results

  • Match Made In Texas


    Where can couples find romance in 1893? Deep in the heart of Texas! Dry Gulch becomes fertile ground for a young woman who wants to help three acquaintances. But will her meddling become Cupid’s arrow? And what will she do when her friends target her with a matchmaking scheme of their own? Four novellas in one volume!

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  • Glory Be : A Novel


    Glory Be! follows the quest of a widow and a country doctor to find love and stability in a world destroyed during the American Civil War. As the nation recovers from the divisive conflict, the citizens of fictional Springdale, Kentucky still struggle. Hearts must heal and families must pull together as life goes on.
    Clarissa Chambers crosses paths with Dr. Adam Norcutt who has moved to America to escape his failed marriage in England. Not only do these two suffer from traumatic emotional wounds out of their past, but now they harbor haunting war time memories. The timeless struggle to heal and move on is depicted in their relationship and God’s intervention.
    Glory Be!, the first novel in The Springdale Series, is a story you’ll like about people you’ll love.

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  • Butterfly Palace


    Lilly secures a job as lady’s maid in a grand manor in Austin, Texas. But even far from home, her past lurks around every corner.When Lilly Donnelly arrives at the Cutlers’ famed Butterfly Mansion in 1899, the massive house and unfamiliar duties threaten to overwhelm her. Victorian Austin is lavish, highly political, and intimidating, but with the help of the other servants, Lilly resolves to prove herself to her new employers.Then, while serving at an elegant dinner party, Lilly recognizes one distinguished guest as Andrew, the love of her life, who abandoned her without a word back home. He seems to have assumed a new identity and refuses to acknowledge her, leaving her confused and reeling.Before Lilly can absorb this unwelcome news, she’s attacked. Could it be the sinister Servant Girl Killer who has been terrorizing Austin? Or is it someone after something more personal-someone from her past?Does she dare trust Andrew to help or is he part of the danger threatening to draw Lilly into its vortex?

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  • Headmistress Of Rosemere


    Patience Creighton will finally find the peace she lost years ago–if she can open her heart and forgive the man who loves her.

    Bright, sensible Patience knows what is expected of her. At twenty-five, her opportunity for a family of her own has passed, so she finds contentment teaching at her father’s school for girls. When her father dies suddenly and her brother moves away to London, she is determined to keep her father’s dream alive.

    Confirmed bachelor William Sterling also knows what is expected of him, but mistake after mistake has left him teetering on ruin’s edge. As master of Eastmore Hall he owns a great deal of land but possesses little money to manage the upkeep. He is desperate to find a new source of income, including the sacrifice of land connected to Rosemere.

    When her brother returns with a new wife to take over management of the school, Patience is heartbroken to no longer be responsible for her beloved school and is forced to reassess God’s purpose for her life. After her sister-in-law’s matchmaking brings Patience and William together, they both learn new truths about their character and find a common goal in restoring Eastmore’s legacy.

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  • Fatal Addiction


    Helen Meeker has impulsively hopped onto a DC-2, en route to Nazi Germany, in a seemingly foolhardy attempt to save her friend, Henry Reese. Rebecca Bobbs and the rest of the team watch in horrified resignation, unable to stop the inevitable. Meanwhile, Alistar Fistar discovers that without the injections that have given him super-human powers, he will soon die. And he won’t be the only one, as others–much more innocent than Fistar–are sucked into the fatal addiction. Is there any way for the remaining team members to stop the diabolical plot that could enslave an entire civilization–before it’s too late?

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  • Dark Pool


    Once again, Helen Meeker is up against nearly impossible odds as she races against time to rescue both her sister and her partner. To further complicate matters, however, behind-the-scenes experiments threaten the very survival of Western civilization. From the halls of the White House to the hidden laboratory of a diabolical scientist to the foreign fields of battle, a pervading evil moves ever closer to the successful overthrow of all that is good. Will Helen Meeker be able to stem the tide…or will she be swept away in its dark undercurrent?

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  • Captive Maiden


    Happily Ever After …Or Happily Nevermore? Gisela’s childhood was filled with laughter and visits from nobles such as the duke and his young son. But since her father’s death, each day has been filled with nothing but servitude to her stepmother. So when Gisela learns the duke’s son, Valten—the boy she has daydreamed about for years—is throwing a ball in hopes of finding a wife, she vows to find a way to attend, even if it’s only for a taste of a life she’ll never have. To her surprise, she catches Valten’s eye. Though he is rough around the edges, Gisela finds Valten has completely captured her heart. But other forces are bent on keeping the two from falling further in love, putting Gisela in more danger than she ever imagined.

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  • Soul Of The Rose


    When her parents can’t console 20-year-old Celia Thatcher after the unexpected and hurtful death of her closest friend, she is sent to work in the bookstore of family friends. Her parents hope the new surroundings in Massachusetts will help her regain a happy outlook on life. There she catches the eye of not one, but two men: the elite, but unkempt Bostonian-turned-hermit, Edward Lyons, who is clearly trying to run from his past and from God, and Charles Harrod, a charming Harvard law student who promotes a religious belief Celia had never before considered. With both men vying for her attention, Celia’s world is again turned upside down when one of her beaus is accused of murder. Suddenly realizing where her heart lies, Celia is now challenged with a choice bigger than man: should she follow her heart or her God?

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  • Thread Of Truth


    Some families are marked by genuine affection and warmth. Verity Sterling was not born into one of them. From the time she was a child, she knew she would be of no use to her father until he could offer her hand to the highest bidder. When her mother died giving birth to a second daughter, Maryanne, Verity decided that her purpose would be raising her sister. After seventeen years of devotion, Verity is stunned when Maryanne chooses to obey their father and enter the dangerous whirl of London society. Choosing to sever ties with her father and, as a result, Maryanne, Verity finds herself a spinster alone in the world. She settles in London and apprentices herself to a dressmaker, refusing to acknowledge the depth of pain caused by her sister’s betrayal. The past, however, never lies dormant for long. Two years later, Maryanne writes to her in desperate need of help. Determined to save her sister the way she could not before, Verity hires private investigator Jonathan Hayes. Together, they embark on a search for Maryanne. It quickly becomes apparent that there is much more afoot than Maryanne’s letter said. Soon the question is not whether Verity and Jonathan will be able to save her sister, but whether any of them will make it through alive.

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  • Reluctant Courtship


    Honore Bainbridge has been courted by two men, one of whom turned out to be a traitor, the other a murderer. Banished to her family’s country estate, where she will hopefully stay out of trouble, she finally meets the man she is sure is exactly right for her: Lord Ashmoor. Tall, dark, and handsome-what more could a girl ask for? But he too is under suspicion because of his American upbringing and accusations that he has helped French and American prisoners escape from Dartmoor Prison. For his part, Lord Ashmoor needs a wife beyond reproach, which Honore certainly is not. Amid a political climate that is far from friendly, Honore determines to help Ashmoor prove his innocence-if she can do so and stay alive.

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  • Perfectly Matched


    Anna Olsen knows it’s time to leave her sister’s increasingly crowded house and start a life of her own. Following her sisters’ examples, she becomes a mail-order bride, and after a short correspondence with clock maker and jeweler Edward Parker, she moves to Denver to become his wife. Almost immediately it’s painfully apparent that Anna and Edward are very different. Anna is a free spirit who would rather be painting and enjoying the company of friends than cleaning house. Edward is a consummate perfectionist who, on their wedding day, hands Anna a list of chores that need to be done around the house daily.

    Can this mismatched couple see past their differences to a harmonious future? Or will their disparate passions create obstacles neither is willing to surmount?

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  • When Calls The Heart (Reprinted)


    Nothing in her privileged eastern upbringing has prepared Elizabeth for the challenges of frontier life…

    Elizabeth Thatcher is young, pretty, cultured, and educated. But when she journeys west to teach school in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, she’s completely unprepared for the conditions she encounters. Still, she’s determined to succeed at the formidable task of fitting in with the locals and shaping the hearts and minds of the schoolchildren in her care.

    She’s just as determined not to give her heart to any of the local frontiersmen. Until she meets Wynn Delaney, a member the Royal Canadian Mounted Police…

    Special bonus section featuring a letter from Janette Oke and photographs from the movie!

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  • Return To Me (Reprinted)


    After years of watching his children and grandchildren wander from their faith, Iddo’s prayers are answered: King Cyrus is allowing God’s chosen people to return to Jerusalem. Jubilant, he joyfully prepares for their departure, only to learn that his family, grown comfortable in the pagan culture of Babylon, wants to remain.

    Zechariah, Iddo’s oldest grandson, feels torn between his grandfather’s ancient beliefs and the comfort and success his father enjoys in Babylon. But he soon begins to hear the voice of God, encouraging him to return to the land given to his forefathers.

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  • Ruth Mother Of Kings


    The story of Ruth has captivated Christian believers for centuries, not least of all because she is one of only two women with books of the Bible named after them. Now, Diana Wallis Taylor animates this cherished part of the Old Testament, with its unforgettable cast of characters. Experience Ruth’s elation as a young bride-and her grief at finding herself a widow far before her time. Witness the unspeakable relief of Naomi upon hearing her daughter-in-law promise never to leave her. And celebrate with Boaz when, after years as a widower, he discovers love again, with a woman he first found gleaning in his field. The story of this remarkable woman to whom Jesus Christ traced His lineage comes to life in the pages of this dramatic retelling.

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  • Home For My Heart


    The intriguing backdrop of an early-1900s orphanage makes this a unique, engaging read.
    Sadie Sillsby works as the assistant to the matron at the Raystown Home for Orphan and Friendless Children and dreams of the day she’ll marry her beau, Blaine. But when the matron surprises everyone by announcing her own engagement, Sadie is suddenly next in line for the job. For a young woman who was once an orphan herself, a shot at such an esteemed position is a wish come true.

    But the matron of the Home cannot be married. Is Sadie willing to give up her dreams of a life with Blaine and a family of her own? Is she prepared to forgo daily involvement with the children as she instead manages the financial, legal, and logistical aspects of the orphanage? And when it’s revealed that the Home is spending a lot more money than it’s taking in, can Sadie turn things around before the place is forced to close forever?

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  • Rebellious Heart


    In 1763 Massachusetts, Susanna Smith has grown up with everything she’s ever wanted, except one thing: an education. Because she’s a female, higher learning has been closed to her, but her quick mind and quicker tongue never back down from a challenge. She’s determined to put her status to good use,reaching out to the poor and deprived. And she knows when she marries well, she will be able to continue her work with the less fortunate.

    Ben Ross grew up a farmer’s son and has nothing to his name but his Harvard education. A poor country lawyer, he doesn’t see how he’ll be able to fulfill his promise to make his father proud of him. When family friends introduce him to the Smith family, he’s drawn to quick-witted Susanna but knows herfamily expects her to marry well. When Susanna’s decision to help an innocent woman no matter the cost crosses with Ben’s growing disillusionment with their British rulers, the two find themselves bound together in what quickly becomes a very dangerous fight for justice.

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  • Fired Up


    Dare Riker is a doctor who saves lives, but someone seems determined to end his. It may have something to do with the traitors he dealt with during the Civil War, or it might be related to the recent incident with Flint Greer and the ranch. Whoever the culprit is, he or she seems really fired up, and Dare can’t let his guard down for a moment, which is a challenge, since right now he’s trying to win theheart of the recently widowed Glynna.

    Glynna Greer came west as a mail-order bride and ended up in a bad situation. Now her husband, Flint, is dead, and she’s determined to care for her son and daughter on her own. She wants to believe Dare Riker is as decent as he seems, but she’s terrified to lock herself into another marriage. She plans to support her small family by opening a diner-never mind that cooking is not her greatest talent. Themen in Broken Wheel, Texas, are so desperate for home cooking that they seem willing to overlook dried-out beef and blackened biscuits.

    Glynna can’t help but notice that danger follows Dare wherever he goes. There’s the avalanche. And then the fire. But things really get out of hand when someone plunges a knife from Glynna’s diner into Dare’s back. Are Flint’s cronies still plotting revenge? Is Glynna’s son engaged in a misguided attempt to protect his mother? Is a shadowy outsider still enraged over past injustices? And can Dare survive longenough to convince Glynna to take another chance on love?

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  • Call Of The Prairie


    A Young Woman Dreaming of Freedom…
    Sophie Davenport feels like a prisoner in her own house. All her life, her overprotective parents have taken every possible measure to keep her from anything that might exacerbate her asthma-in other words, just about everything but reading and needlework. Yet Sophie longs for adventure…and for love. She determines to prove to her parents-and herself-that she can live a normal life, but she fears she may be relegated to the lonely life of a spinster.

    A Young Man Dreaming of a Family…
    Josh Harper is far more bookish than his brawny brothers. he grew up helping at his family’s stagecoach stop in Kansas but now works in the small town of Windmill, where he manages his uncle’s bank and tries to keep up with his young niece and nephew, who live with him so they can attend school. Though the children are a handful and keep him busy, Josh yearns for a family of his own, but eligible females are not exactly plenteous on the prairie.

    A Reality That Seems to Stand in the Way…
    When Sophie’s aunt, a resident of Windmill, falls ill and requires help, Sophie volunteers. Despite his hesitation, her father finally relents and lets her go, as there is no other option. Her new role brings her into contact with the children boarding at her aunt’s home-and with the handsome uncle of two of them. Is there a larger purpose in her coming to Windmill? Or will Josh Harper reject her, if not for her asthma attacks, then for the rocky nature of their relationship?

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  • Rivalry And Romance


    Sparks fly between rivals Olivia Tolivar and Frederick Sterling.

    As desk clerk of the Culp Hotel, Olivia longs to leave it all behind for the life of a wife and mother. The answer seems to present itself in the form of a visiting scholar. But can she accept their differences in belief?

    Hawse Pipe Ministries
    When a shared passion to educate the less fortunate draws Frederick and Olivia together, Frederick’s competitive nature vanishes as he begins to appreciate Olivia’s strong mind and vulnerable heart. But will the results of his scheme to draw Olivia away from the hotel keep Frederick from winning her hand?

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  • Jamess Joy


    Home from the Civil War a hopeless cripple and the master of a ruined plantation, James Sheffield must learn to live again. But a dark secret eats away at his conscience, giving him little hope for a bright future. Alcohol is his only escape.

    When an intriguing woman enters his life, James somehow resolves to make a new start. But, considering James’s history of misfortune, Joy McGuire, a pastor’s daughter, can never be his. She is promised to another-the handsome, young assistant pastor, a man who is far better than James and quick to judge his ugly habits.

    Will James ever conquer the tyranny of his past? And will Joy listen to the truth of her heart instead of the rumors that threaten to sever their relationship?

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  • Drewrys Bluff : A Novel


    When Drewry Sheffield’s uncle promises her hand in marriage to a man as payment of a gambling debt, God seems strangely silent. Orphaned, and with no kin to help her, Drewry feels she must take matters into her own hands-and quickly.

    Through an unexpected turn of events, she arrives in Richmond, Virginia, ready to assume a new identity as nanny to the two young children of wealthy plantation owner Chase Auburn. Chase, a Christian who prizes honesty above all other virtues, is delighted with Drewry, yet he seems sadly preoccupied. The Lord has taken his beloved wife, and Chase is determined never to love again.

    Caught up in the chaos of the post-Civil War South and the turmoil of their own hearts, Drewry must find a way to gamble on the truth…before Chase calls her bluff.

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  • Remember Me When


    Trapped in an abusive marriage, Faith Nolan finds the courage to defy her husband to help others. When her actions result in a false charge of murder, she finds the support she needs in Nathan Bartlett.

    Inspired by the biblical story of Abigail in 1 Samuel, a Christian woman stands up for what is right, despite life-threatening consequences.
    When Faith married her husband Roger Nolan he seemed to be an upstanding businessman, owner of a remote mercantile outside the town of Bountiful, Oregon. But Faith quickly learned the truth-that her husband is dishonest in his business practices and likes his liquor, turning mean when he indulges. When Faith discovers that Roger has yet again failed to deliver critical winter supplies to Nathan Bartlett, owner of the nearby logging camp, she takes the order up the mountain herself. Furious, Roger confronts Faith when she returns, and she is knocked unconscious. When Faith wakes, she finds Roger dead in a pool of his own blood, and she soon stands accused of murder.
    Having fought in the War Between the States, Nathan has seen enough violence to last a lifetime. He has always admired Faith’s quiet strength and integrity and finds it hard to believe such a gentle woman capable of harming anyone. However, Nathan begins to struggle with his instinct to protect Faith when evidence mounts against her.
    As more and more people begin to think Faith is guilty, only her trust in God can give her the hope she needs to survive this trial.

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  • Most Peculiar Circumstance


    Miss Arabella Beckett has one driving passion: to help the downtrodden women of America. Naturally, she supports the women’s suffrage movement and eagerly attends rallies and lectures across the country. On her travels, she makes a simple offer of assistance to a young woman in need that goes sadly awry and lands both ladies in more trouble than they can manage. An independent sort, Arabella is loath to admit she needs help and certainly doesn’t need help from an arrogant, narrow-minded knight in shining armor.

    Mr. Theodore Wilder, private investigator extraordinaire, is on a mission. A mission that began as a favor to his good friend Hamilton Beckett, but swiftly evolved into a merry chase across the country. By the time he finally tracks down Hamilton’s sister, Arabella, he is in a less than pleasant mood. When the lady turns out to have radical ideas and a fiercely independent streak, he soon finds himself at his wit’s end.

    When they return home to New York, circumstances force their paths to continue to cross, but the most peculiar feelings growing between them certainly can’t be love. When the trouble Arabella had accidentally stirred up seems to have followed her to New York and threatens her very life, the unlikely couple must face the possibility that they might have landed in the most peculiar circumstance of all: love.

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  • Grandmothers Namesake


    June 1693. It has been nearly a year since Susanna Jameson’s beloved grandmother, Susanna North Martin, though innocent, was hung as a witch. Mrs. Martin’s namesake, despairing over the loss, is having a crisis of faith. Hoping to lift her daughter’s spirits, Susanna’s mother convinces her to visit their friend, Madeline Osgood. Upon Susanna’s arrival, she makes the acquaintance of her elderly friend’s handsome neighbor and business partner, William Gage. While surveying the beautiful, young woman, he is immediately captivated. Soon the pair’s interest in each other grows. However, through no fault of his own, Mr. Gage finds himself concealing a terrible secret. An acquaintance, who is also attracted to Susanna, if given an opportunity, would eagerly reveal that secret. What will happen? Will the rival disclose William’s secret in order to win Susanna for himself? What is more, will she be inspired by Madeline’s unshakable faith to rekindle her own?

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  • Heart Deceived : A Novel


    Miri Brayden teeters on a razor’s edge between placating and enraging her brother, whom she depends upon for support. Yet if his anger is unleashed, so is his madness. Miri must keep his descent into lunacy a secret, or he’ll be committed to an asylum-and she’ll be sent to the poorhouse. Ethan Goodwin has been on the run all of his life-from family, from the law … from God. After a heart-changing encounter with the gritty Reverend John Newton, Ethan would like nothing more than to become a man of integrity-an impossible feat for an opium addict charged with murder. When Ethan shows up on Miri’s doorstep, her balancing act falls to pieces. Both Ethan and Miri are caught in a web of lies and deceit-fallacies that land Ethan in prison and Miri in the asylum with her brother. Only the truth will set them free.

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  • Sweet Dreams : A Novel


    At a southern finishing school, two cousins discover being rich doesn’t guarantee freedom. Freedom doesn’t guarantee happiness.

    It’s 1962, and Dusty Fairchild, daughter of a self-made millionaire and oilman, wants to go to college. Instead she is sent to a private finishing school in East Texas. Although she’s never wanted for material possessions, Dusty longs for independence and adventure. The only upside to attending Miss Fontaine’s is having her cousin and best childhood friend, Paisley, join her. Paisley has traveled the country with her bohemian mother, but she dreams of putting down roots and living a settled life. At Miss Fontaine’s, their loyalty to each other binds them, but when they fall in love with the same handsome young man, their relationship teeters on shaky ground. Only after a tragic accident do they learn where their true hearts-and dreams-lie.

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  • It Happened At The Fair


    A transporting historical novel about a promising young inventor, his struggle with loss, and the attractive teacher who changes his life, all set against the razzle-dazzle of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

    Gambling everything, including the family farm, Cullen McNamara travels to the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair with his most recent invention. But the noise in the Fair’s Machinery Palace makes it impossible to communicate with potential buyers. In an act of desperation, he hires Della Wentworth, a teacher of the deaf, to tutor him in the art of lip-reading.

    The young teacher is reluctant to participate, and Cullen has trouble keeping his mind on his lessons while intently watching her lips. Like the newly invented Ferris Wheel, he is caught in a whirl between his girl back home, his dreams as an inventor, and his unexpected attraction to his new tutor. Can he keep his feet on the ground, or will he be carried away?

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  • Thunder And Rain


    Now available in trade paperback, New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin’s page-turning novel about a retired Texas Ranger, torn between his past and his future.

    Third generation Texas Ranger Tyler Steele is the last of a dying breed–a modern day cowboy living in a world that doesn’t quite understand his powerful sense of right and wrong and instinct to defend those who can’t defend themselves. Despite his strong moral compass, Ty has trouble seeing his greatest weakness. His hard outer shell, the one essential to his work, made him incapable of forging the emotional connection his wife Andie so desperately needed.

    Now retired, rasing their son Brodie on his own, and at risk of losing his ranch, Ty does not know how to rebuild from the rubble of his life. The answer comes in the form of Samantha and her daughter Hope, on the run from a seemingly inescapable situation. They are in danger, desperate, and alone. Though they are strangers, Ty knows he can help– protecting the innocent is what he does best. As his relationship with Sam and Hope unfolds, Ty realizes he must confront his true weaknesses if he wants to become the man he needs to be.

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  • Noble Groom : A Novel


    Recently widowed Analisa Weiss has the feeling her husband was murdered but can’t prove it. Alone with her young daughter in 1881 Michigan, she has six months left to finish raising the money needed to pay back the land contract her husband purchased, and the land is difficult to toil by herself. She needs a husband. With unmarried men scarce, her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Analisa a groom.

    For nobleman Karl von Reichert, the noose of the hangman’s rope is his fate. He’s been accused and convicted of a serious crime he didn’t commit, and his only escape is to flee to a small German community in Michigan where he’ll be safe. He secures a job on Analisa’s farm but bumbles through learning about farming and manual labor.

    Analisa senses that Karl is harboring a secret about his past, yet she finds herself drawn to him anyway. He’s gentle, kind, and romantic–unlike any of the men she’s ever known. He begins to restore her faith in the ability to love–but her true groom is still on his way. And time is running out on them all.

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  • Heiress Of Winterwood


    Amelia Barrett gave her word. Keeping it could cost her everything.

    Darbury, England, 1814

    Amelia Barrett, heiress to an estate nestled in the English moors, defies family expectations and promises to raise her dying friend’s infant baby. She’ll risk everything to keep her word-even to the point of proposing to the child’s father, Graham, a sea captain she’s never met.

    When the child vanishes with little more than a sketchy ransom note hinting to her whereabouts, Amelia and Graham are driven to test the boundaries of their love for this infant.

    Amelia’s detailed plans would normally see her through any trial, but now, desperate and shaken; she examines her soul and must face her one weakness: pride.

    Graham’s strength and self-control have served him well and earned him much respect, but chasing perfection has kept him a prisoner of his own discipline.

    Both must learn to accept God’s sovereignty and relinquish control so they can grasp the future He has for planned for them.

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  • Place To Belong


    As winter settles over the ranch, the Engstrom brothers are much on the mind of Cassie Lockwood. The way Lucas smiles at her should set her heart to tripping. But it doesn’t. Shouldn’t there be some attraction to him if they are going to be married? His vow to make her love him does not seem to be working, no matter how considerate and charming he is.

    Ransom Engstrom is another matter. After Cassie’s train trip to a shooting competition, she realizes she misses Ransom more than Lucas. And then there’s the look she caught Lucas sending Betsy Hudson at church one Sunday. Are she and Lucas drifting apart?

    Meanwhile, Ransom has discovered that he cares for Cassie but can’t bring himself to express his true feelings to her. When she leaves to join a Wild West show for the summer, will Ransom summon the courage to go after her?

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  • Icecutters Daughter (Reprinted)


    Merrill Krause longs for a family of her own, but she’s bound by a promise to her dying mother to care for her father and older brothers until they no longer need her. She enjoys being part of the family business, harvesting ice during the brutal Minnesota winters. Merrill actively takes part, possessing a keen ability to work with the horses–despite the advice of her good friend, who disapproves of her unladylike behavior.

    When Rurik Jorgenson arrives in their small town to join his uncle doing carpentry, he soon crosses paths with Merrill. But unlike other men, who are often frightened away by her older brothers, Rurik isn’t intimidated by them or by Merrill’s strength and lack of femininity. As he thrives under the mentorship of his uncle, Rurik dreams of inheriting the business and claiming Merrill as his wife. But while he is determined to start a new life, the past is determined to follow him when his former fiancee and her brother show up in town. Soon Rurik is put in the center of a major scandal that may damage his relationship with Merrill. Can they learn to trust God–and each other–and embrace the promise of love?

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  • Swept Away (Reprinted)


    Swept away when her wagon train attempts a difficult river crossing, Ruthy MacNeil isn’t all that upset at being separated from the family who raised her. All they’ve ever done is work her to the bone. She prayed for a chance to get away, and then came the raging flood. Alive but disoriented, she’s rescued by Luke Stone…so unfortunately, there are more chances to die in her immediate future.

    Luke is heading home to reclaim the ranch stolen from his family. But the men who killed his father are working hard to ensure Luke doesn’t make it alive. He has no choice but to keep moving. Still, he can’t just abandon Ruthy, so she’ll have to come along.

    His friends–a ragtag group of former Civil War soldiers–take a fast interest in the pretty gal. Luke thinks that’s rather rude–he’s the one who found her. And the more time he spends around the hard-working young woman who is a mighty good cook, the more he finds himself thinking beyond revenge and toward a different future. For the first time in a long time, Luke is tempted to turn from his destructive path and be swept away by love.

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  • Historia De Dios Y De Todos No – (Spanish)


    THE STORY OF GOD AND US is a sweeping narrative that dramatizes some of the most important events and characters in the Bible. The book provides enriching detail, dialog and descriptions about the Bible’s most fascinating stories. All are historically and theologically accurate. A ten-hour miniseries on the History Channel will be based on the story, and the script has been reviewed by a number of Christian church leaders and seminarians for authenticity. The book will be released one month prior to the debut of the television series. Many prominent biblical characters will be dramatized in the story: Moses, David, Daniel, John the Baptist and of course, Jesus.

    The book will reveal the prophetic significance of the empires that occupied Israel: (Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians and Romans) and how these figured into biblical prophecy, especially concerning the Messiah.

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  • Tutors Daughter (Reprinted)


    Emma Smallwood, determined to help her widowed father regain his spirits when his academy fails, agrees to travel with him to the distant Cornwall coast, to the cliff-top manor of a baronet and his four sons. But after they arrive and begin teaching the younger boys, mysterious things begin to happen and danger mounts. Who does Emma hear playing the pianoforte, only to find the music room empty? Who sneaks into her room at night? Who rips a page from her journal, only to return it with a chilling illustration?

    The baronet’s older sons, Phillip and Henry, wrestle with problems–and secrets–of their own. They both remember Emma Smallwood from their days at her father’s academy. She had been an awkward, studious girl. But now one of them finds himself unexpectedly drawn to her.

    When the suspicious acts escalate, can the clever tutor’s daughter figure out which brother to blame… and which brother to trust with her heart?

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  • Archon Of Babylon


    Prolific religious fiction centered on Daniel during the time of the Israelite captivity under Nebuchadnezzar; this novel has a large cast of characters that collectively demonstrates the push and pull of good and evil. While set it ancient times, the parallels to today are pertinent. Readers will be completely engrossed by each of the story lines as they intertwine up to the finale.

    * This is the kind of book that people stay up reading even though they know they need to go to sleep.

    * The Archon of Babylon is very well written, completely realistic and so detailed it reads like a movie. The audience will pull vivid images from things they have seen and will get lost in the events taking place. The author thoroughly transports them to this past era.

    * The author has read so deeply between the lines of the Bible into what every day life must have been like for Daniel and the rest of the captives at that time. The plot is ingenious, especially considering how familiar these stories are to most Christians. Readers will be totally blown away by the situations that feel like a clandestine behind-the-scenes production; they will definitely recommend this book to others and probably read it two or three times themselves.

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  • Safe In His Arms


    SKU (ISBN): 9781595549143UPC: 020049137574Colleen CobleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2013Under Texas StarsPublisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • To Honor And Trust


    Callie DeBoyer is unsettled as she arrives at Bridal Veil Island with the Bridgeport family. She’s just received a letter from her parents, missionaries in coastal Africa, stating they are in dire need of more personnel. Should Callie give up her governess job and join her parents in their important work? Is God calling her to the mission field, or does she just want to escape the emotional scars of being jilted by her former beau?

    When she enrolls young Thomas Bridgeport in golf lessons, Callie meets Wesley Townsend, who urges Callie to take lessons, as well. During their time at the golf course, Callie comes to care for Wesley–until she discovers hidden secrets about his past.

    Then expensive jewels go missing from various homes on the island, and suspicion is aimed in Callie’s direction. As the investigation continues, Callie wonders if she should escape it all by going to Africa. After the secrets he kept about his past, will Wesley ever be a man she can honor and trust for the rest of her life?

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  • Though Mountains Fall


    Amish pacifism is sorely tested in the Paradise Valley settlement in the 1920s. When an army of bandits descends on them, the Amish are saved by the last-minute arrival of government troops. But they soon learn that soldiers can be as cruel as the bandits themselves. Then a bishop travels to Mexico, and Caleb’s daughters are finally able to marry, though the ban still looms for Miriam even as her beloved Domingo decides he must go off to fight in the coming war. As Caleb’s frail hope of peace and freedom in Mexico slips away, he is left to ponder the question: In times of trouble, on whom should we rely?

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  • Fairest Beauty


    A daring rescue. A difficult choice. Sophie desperately wants to get away from her stepmother’s jealousy, and believes escape is her only chance to be happy. Then a young man named Gabe arrives from Hagenheim Castle, claiming she is betrothed to his older brother, and everything twists upside down. This could be Sophie’s one chance at freedom—but can she trust another person to keep her safe?

    Gabe defied his parents Rose and Wilhelm by going to find Sophie, and now he believes they had a right to worry: the girl’s inner and outer beauty has enchanted him. Though romance is impossible—she is his brother’s future wife, and Gabe himself is betrothed to someone else—he promises himself he will see the mission through, no matter what. When the pair flee to the Cottage of the Seven, they find help—but also find their feelings for each other have grown. Now both must not only protect each other from the dangers around them—they must also protect their hearts.

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  • Love And Fury


    The mystery of true love is unveiled by characters who are often not what they seem to be in this romantic adventure of war and rescue. A kingdom, once Faithland, is enshrouded by a Rogue who has ousted his older sister, Grace, true heir to the throne. Yet is she still alive and productive within the forest? Her cousin, Prince Peter, a fine young prince-knight from Heartland, is on a quest to rescue his beloved Cassandra and the other female serfs from the ruthless clutches of this Rogue’s dark knights, who have turned from following the chivalry code. He fights his own father, who has succumbed to this darkness. The torment of love and hate within him ignite in one single flame toward the ancient truth and a friend whose maps may just be the answer to finding the helpless. This friend has been taken captive by his father, and the maps, where are they to be found?

    This merchant/mason, Jacob Santoro, a Jewish man from Venice, has throughout the past twenty years taught and shared civilization with all people in the lands past the Frankish Sea. Though he could have afforded to stay safe and satisfied in the refinement of Venice, he chooses to return, year after year. On this last adventure, he loses everything, including that which is most precious to him: his teenage daughter, Tirzah. She is kidnapped with the female workers of the fields.

    A dying dragon and commoners most valiant and loyal to true nobility take back their freedom with the help of a very humble hermit whom nobody even seems to notice.

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  • Love And Fury


    The mystery of true love is unveiled by characters who are often not what they seem to be in this romantic adventure of war and rescue. A kingdom, once Faithland, is enshrouded by a Rogue who has ousted his older sister, Grace, true heir to the throne. Yet is she still alive and productive within the forest? Her cousin, Prince Peter, a fine young prince-knight from Heartland, is on a quest to rescue his beloved Cassandra and the other female serfs from the ruthless clutches of this Rogue’s dark knights, who have turned from following the chivalry code. He fights his own father, who has succumbed to this darkness. The torment of love and hate within him ignite in one single flame toward the ancient truth and a friend whose maps may just be the answer to finding the helpless. This friend has been taken captive by his father, and the maps, where are they to be found?

    This merchant/mason, Jacob Santoro, a Jewish man from Venice, has throughout the past twenty years taught and shared civilization with all people in the lands past the Frankish Sea. Though he could have afforded to stay safe and satisfied in the refinement of Venice, he chooses to return, year after year. On this last adventure, he loses everything, including that which is most precious to him: his teenage daughter, Tirzah. She is kidnapped with the female workers of the fields.

    A dying dragon and commoners most valiant and loyal to true nobility take back their freedom with the help of a very humble hermit whom nobody even seems to notice.

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  • In His Providence


    Family life in Germany during World War I brings dramatic hardships, loss, and bitterness to Helga, as her family faces diminishing pride in their homeland and fear concerning the future. The story of Providence offers an account of their journey and an historical view of Germany and the United States from pre-World War I to World War II. Despite humanity’s misanthropic actions and insecurities, Helga is led to trust that the world can be transformed. Between the covers of this book, providence is not defined; it is exemplified.

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  • In His Providence


    Family life in Germany during World War I brings dramatic hardships, loss, and bitterness to Helga, as her family faces diminishing pride in their homeland and fear concerning the future. The story of Providence offers an account of their journey and an historical view of Germany and the United States from pre-World War I to World War II. Despite humanity’s misanthropic actions and insecurities, Helga is led to trust that the world can be transformed. Between the covers of this book, providence is not defined; it is exemplified.

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  • Voice In The Wind


    This classic series has already inspired nearly 2 million readers, but both loyal fans and new readers will want this 20th anniversary edition of a Christian classic, which includes a foreword from the publisher, a letter from and Q & A with Francine Rivers, color map, an illustrated glossary, and discussion questions suitable for personal and group use.

    The first book in the bestselling Mark of the Lion series, A Voice in the Wind brings readers back to the first century and introduces them to a character they will never forget-Hadassah. Torn by her love for a handsome aristocrat, this young slave girl clings to her faith in the living God for deliverance from the forces of decadent Rome.

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  • Sugar Fork : A Novel


    In the Great Smoky Mountains wilderness in 1926, Nate Randolph and his five daughters struggle to maintain their farm, forests, family, and faith after the death of his wife, Callie. To make matters worse, they are battling a menacing business and an evil company manager trying to pilfer their land and raze their forest.

    Sixteen-year-old Abbie Randolph falls in love for the first time while trying to mother her sisters and work with her father to save their family farm. At the same time, she has to preserve her own faith, which wavers after the death of her mother and the senseless murder of her fianci. Will the family survive intact? Will the farm be saved? Only a miracle could make it happen.

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  • Twice Promised : A Novel


    Seeing how successful her older sister’s “mail order marriage” has been and longing to strike out on her own, Greta Olsen answers an ad for a mail order bride in Central City, Colorado. But when she meets Jess Gifford, owner of a thriving mercantile, she begins to harbor doubts. He didn’t place the ad to begin with and his business in a busy mining town leaves him little time or energy for love. To compound her troubles, she was not the only bride to answer the ad! Will either bride strike the match she hopes for?

    Filled with amusing and awkward situations that will keep the reader interested and guessing, Twice Promised is another sweet romance from Maggie Brendan.

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  • America Under Attack


    What if World War II Germany had developed long range bombers that could reach the U.S.? How would that have changed the war in Europe and especially here at home?

    In this exciting new novel, a shockingly unprepared New York City is attacked only months after Pearl Harbor. As shock waves reverberate through the press and White House, the home front defenders scramble to prepare. When will the next attack happen? Where will they strike?

    Crack Army pilot Major Joel Knight is assigned to a training base, frustrating his ambitions to fight in Europe. Suddenly, he is thrust into a desperate defense of America’s cities with obsolete airplanes and untested tactics. With help from a beautiful school teacher, he must prevent a diabolical attack on America’s secret atomic labs at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

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  • Flight Of Fancy


    Cassandra Bainbridge has twice set aside her scholarly pursuits–once for the London Season and once for her wedding preparations. Love seems a wonderful alternative to study, until disaster strikes. When an accident brings an end to her betrothal, she heads for the country to recover from both her injuries and her broken heart. There she pursues her love for ballooning and envisions a future for herself as a daring aeronaut. But when her former fiance slips back into her life, what course will she choose.

    Filled with the mystique of London society and the charming beauty of the English countryside, A Flight of Fancy explores what it means to find the true source of happiness and love amid the distractions of life. Readers will love the next installment in this rousing Regency series from accomplished author Laurie Alice Eakes.

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  • To Whisper Her Name


    Olivia Aberdeen, destitute widow of a murdered carpetbagger, gratefully accepts an invitation from ‘Aunt’ Elizabeth Harding, mistress of Belle Meade Plantation and the dearest friend of Olivia’s late mother. Expecting to be the Harding’s housekeeper, Olivia is disillusioned once again when she learns the real reason why Elizabeth’s husband, Confederate General William Giles Harding, agreed to her coming. Caring for an ill Aunt Elizabeth, Olivia is caught off guard by her feelings for Ridley Adam Cooper, a southern-born son who—unbeknownst to her and everyone else—fought for the Union. Determined to learn ‘the gift’ that Belle Meade’s head horse trainer, Bob Green, possesses, Ridley is a man desperate to end the war still raging inside him while harboring secrets that threaten his life. As Ridley seeks to make peace within himself for ‘betraying’ the South he loved, Olivia is determined to never be betrayed again… Set within the remarkable history of Nashville’s historic Belle Meade Plantation, comes a story about enslavement and freedom, arrogance and humility, and the power of love to heal even the deepest of wounds.

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