
Showing 51–100 of 248 results

  • Abraham Lincoln Civil War Stories 2nd Edition


    This new edition of this classic collection of stories about Abraham Lincoln includes rewritten introductions to each story that draw relevancies and lessons from this great man of leadership and apply them to the political climate of today.
    Each story in this rare and beautiful heirloom collection reveals the servant heart of President Lincoln, his dedication to the people who served him, and his homespun humor and wisdom. These are the stories that build character and inspire conviction in those who read and hear them. Gathered for the very purpose of being passed from generation to generation, these delightful stories will become favorites of adults and children alike–as parents and grandparents read them again and again to their children and grandchildren. Collected over a lifetime from old magazines and publications–most published between the 1880s and the 1950s–these stories tell of the personal life of Lincoln, his tumultuous years during the Civil War, and the impact he had on the people who met him.

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  • Invisible Worlds : Death Religion And The Supernatural In England 1500-1700


    How did traditional beliefs about the supernatural change as a result of the Reformation, and what were the intellectual and cultural consequences? Following a masterly interpretative introduction, Peter Marshall traces the effects of the Reformers’ assaults on established beliefs about the afterlife. He shows how debates about purgatory and the nature of hellfire acted as unwitting agents of modernization. He then turns to popular beliefs about angels, ghosts and fairies, and considers how these were reimagined and reappropriated when cut from their medieval moorings. Contents PART 1: HEAVEN, HELL AND PURGATORY: HUMANS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD 1. After Purgatory: Death and Remembrance in the Reformation World 2. “The Map of God’s Word’: Geographies of the Afterlife in Tudor and Early Stuart England’ 3. Judgment and Repentance in Tudor Manchester: The Celestial Journey of Ellis Hall 4. The Reformation of Hell? Protestant and Catholic Infernalisms, c. 1560-1640 5. The Company of Heaven: Identity and Sociability in the English Protestant Afterlife PART 2: ANGELS, GHOSTS AND FAIRIES: SPIRITS IN THE HUMAN WORLD 6. Angels Around the Deathbed: Variations on a Theme in the English Art of Dying 7. The Guardian Angel in Protestant England 8. Deceptive Appearances: Ghosts and Reformers in Elizabethan and Jacobean England 9. Piety and Poisoning in Restoration Plymouth 10. Transformations of the Ghost Story in Post-Reformation England 11. Ann Jeffries and the Fairies: Folk Belief and the War on Scepticism

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  • Faith Of Our Mothers Living Still


    This book presents an overview of the ministry of women associated with Princeton Theological Seminary over the last two hundred years. Beginning with a historical overview of early pioneering women at the seminary and a chapter highlighting selected trailblazers in ministry, it goes on to showcase twenty-eight first-person narratives by women from diverse racial-ethnic, geographical, and denominational backgrounds in a variety of ministry settings. It concludes by developing new understandings and directions for Christian ministry and theological education to challenge the twenty-first-century church. The book includes the newly commissioned hymn “Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still,” along with several appendixes that feature time lines and highlight Princeton Seminary faculty and alumnae. Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still celebrates the diverse ministries in which women are called to serve God and others, which inspire a holistic vision for theological education that can benefit seminaries, the church, and the world.

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  • Last Christians : Stories Of Persecution Flight And Resilience In The Middl


    A Westerner’s travels among the persecuted and displaced Christian remnant in Iraq and Syria teach him much about faith under fire.
    After three years of construction, the new Armenian church in Mosul, Iraq, was finally ready for the dedication ceremony. Instead, the architect Ziyad Hani found himself a witness as Islamic extremists dynamited the beautifully designed sanctuary. Still today, the pain can be seen in his face. As a Christian, he has fled his hometown and lives in Germany.
    In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State, or ISIS, has been deliberately destroying the culture of a region that is the cradle of our own society’s spiritual roots. Andreas Knapp, a priest who works with refugees in Germany, decided to retrace the refugee trail, visiting camps for displaced people in northern Iraq. Here he found Christians who today still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The uprooted remnant of ancient churches, they doggedly continue to practice their faith despite the odds. Their shocking eyewitness reports help us understand why millions of people are fleeing the Middle East. And their indomitable spirit provides inspiration to religious minorities everywhere.

    Includes sixteen pages of color photographs.

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  • Protestant Reformation And World Christianity


    The sixteenth-century Reformation in all its forms and expressions sought nothing less than the transformation of the Christian faith. Five hundred years later, in today’s context of world Christianity, the transformation continues. In this volume, editor Dale Irvin draws together a variety of international Christian perspectives that open up new understandings of the Reformation.

    In six chapters, contributors offer general discussions and case studies of the effects of the Protestant Reformation on global communities from the sixteenth century to the present. Together, these essays encourage a reading and interpretation of the Reformation that will aid in the further transformation of Christianity today.

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  • 7 Minutes Late


    Phyllis Titus grew up hearing the story of a grandfather she’d never met who booked passage on the Titanic and missed its departure by seven minutes. She’d always wondered how this happened, and what could possibly have kept him from boarding the ship. It was not until 1997, while attending the Memphis opening of “Titanic-The Exhibition,” that her questions were finally answered. That’s when she learned about the purpose for her grandfather’s European trip, the mysterious woman he met while travelling across the Atlantic, their planned rendezvous at the Southampton Dock before returning to the States on Titanic’s maiden voyage, and the reason why he never made it aboard.

    In the years since then, Mrs. Titus has shared a condensed version of this story with countless people, including strangers who ask her to explain the meaning of the “7MINSL8” message on her license plates.

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  • Battle Of Bunker Hill (DVD)


    On the morning of June 17, 1775 Colonial Patriots await a battle in the heights above Boston Harbor. approaching are the English Redcoats, the most feared fighting force in the world! Low on water and ammunition, the ragged band of farmers-turned-militiamen face a daunting task. Can they protect the freedom of a new nation? Would their faith and courage be enough? In this epic and educational DocuDrama, Producer/Director Tony Malanowski brings THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL to life and launches Light a Candle Films’ groundbreaking series, AMERICA: HER PEOPLE, HER STORIES. Join the courageous defenders as you and your family take part in the first major conflict of the American Revolution, The Battle of Bunker Hill.

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  • Explorations In Asian Christianity


    Asia is the birthplace of Christianity. If Christianity is not usually seen as an Asian religion, that is because the history of Christianity in Asia has long been a difficult one. Whereas Christianity in the West received royal support, Asian Christianity has led a more nomadic and exilic existence. Today it is the least Christianized region of the world. Scott W. Sunquist is a recognized expert on the history of the Christian faith in Asia. Over the years he has published and spoken frequently on this theme. Explorations in Asian Christianity gathers his key writings on the topic and organizes them into four main categories: surveys that look at Asian Christianity in broad perspective, historical investigations that look at how Christianity shapes our understanding of history and historiography, missiological studies that look closely at issues of place, and finally essays on theological education. Topics explored in this volume include Ecumenism in AsiaThe cruciform nature of ChristianityA missiology of placeThe Christian view of timeGlobal migrationExplorations in Asian Christianity sheds light on one of the most important but least well-known areas in Christian history.

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  • Restoring The Soul Of The University


    Introduction: Can The Soul Of The University Be Saved?

    Part I: Building The University
    1. Creating The Original Blueprint Of A University
    2. A Cracked Pinnacle And Shifting Foundation: Attempting To Repair The University (1517-1800)
    3. The State Takes Over The Academic Palace In Europe (1750-1870)
    4. The American Idea Of The University: Freedom Within The Bounds Of Science (1825-1900)
    5. Fracturing The Soul: The Creation Of The American Multiversity (1869-1969)

    Part II: The Fragmentation Of The Multiversity
    6. The Fragmented Soul Of The Professor
    7. Falling To Pieces: Declaring Independence From Curricular Coherence
    8. Fragmenting Students: The Curricular/Cocurricular Division
    9. Chief Fragmentation Officer: The Advent Of The Professional Administrator
    10. The Multiversity’s Religion: The Unifying And Fragmenting Force Of Athletics
    11. The Consequences Of Multiversities With Fragmented Souls: Online And For-Profit Higher Education

    Part III: Restoring The Soul Of The University
    12. When Theology Serves The Soul Of The University
    13. Reimagining The Academic Vocation
    14. Reimagining The Academic Disciplines
    15. Reimagining The Cocurricular: Transforming The Bubble To A Greenhouse
    16. Reimagining Academic Leadership

    Epilogue: Can A University With A Singular Soul Exist?
    Selected Bibliography
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Has the American university gained the whole world but lost its soul? In terms of money, prestige, power, and freedom, American universities appear to have gained the academic world. But at what cost? We live in the age of the fragmented multiversity that has no unifying soul or mission. The multiversity in a post-Christian culture is characterized instead by curricular division, the professionalization of the disciplines, the expansion of administration, the loss of community, and the idolization of athletics. The situation is not hopeless. According to Perry L. Glanzer, Nathan F. Alleman, and Todd C. Ream, Christian universities can recover their soul-but to do so will require reimagining excellence in a time of exile, placing the liberating arts before the liberal arts, and focusing on the worship, love, and knowledge of God as central to the university. Restoring the Soul of the University is a pioneering work that charts the history of the university and casts an inspiring vision for the future of higher education.

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  • Home Of The Brave


    Taken directly from affidavits stored at the National Archives in Washington, District of Columbia, immigrant soldiers and witnesses attest to the events that resulted in 26 soldiers of these soldiers being awarded the medal of honor.

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  • Long Time Gone


    Experience the entire Civil War through the eyes of the soldiers-North and South. Fast paced, this very human story reads like you’re watching a movie. “During wartime, soldiers never know the whole picture. Tracing the surprising parallel lives of childhood friends and kinsmen, Elisha Hunt Rhodes of the 2nd R. I. Regiment and James Rhodes Sheldon of the 50th Georgia Regiment, amidst the background of the Civil War from beginning to end, Les Rolston has shed new light from primary and secondary sources and added a poignant human touch to history.” Robert Hunt Rhodes-editor of ALL FOR THE UNION: THE CIVIL WAR DIARY AND LETTERS OF ELISHA HUNT RHODES as featured in the PBS-TV series THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns.

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  • Book Of Enoch


    The Bible, as we hold it today, is esteemed by many religious institutions and especially Conservative Christians to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God. This doctrinal position affirms that the Bible is unlike all other books or collections of works in that it is free of error due to having been given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16, 17).While no other text can claim this same unique authority, the Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, which played a crucial role in forming the worldview of the authors of the New Testament, who were not only familiar with it but quoted it in the New Testament, Epistle of Jude, Jude 1:1415, and is attributed there to “Enoch the Seventh from Adam” (1 En 60:8). The text was also utilized by the community that originally collected and studied the Dead Sea Scrolls. While some churches today include Enoch as part of the biblical canon (for example the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church), other Christian denominations and scholars accept it only as having historical or theological non-canonical interest and frequently use or assigned it as supplemental materials within academic settings to help students and scholars discover or better understand cultural and historical context of the early Christian Church. The Book of Enoch provides commentators valuable insight into what many ancient Jews and early Christians believed when, God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets (Heb. 1:1). As Dr. Michael S. Heiser in the Introduction to his important book Reversing H

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  • Hobbit A Wardrobe And A Great War


    The untold story of how the First World War shaped the lives, faith, and writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis-now in paperback. The First World War laid waste to a continent and permanently altered the political and religious landscape of the West. For a generation of men and women, it brought the end of innocence-and the end of faith. Yet for J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, the Great War deepened their spiritual quest. Both men served as soldiers on the Western Front, survived the trenches, and used the experience of that conflict to ignite their Christian imagination. Had there been no Great War, there would have been noHobbit, no Lord of the Rings, no Narnia, and perhaps no conversion to Christianity by C. S. Lewis. Unlike a generation of young writers who lost faith in the God of the Bible, Tolkien and Lewis produced epic stories infused with the themes of guilt and grace, sorrow and consolation. Giving an unabashedly Christian vision of hope in a world tortured by doubt and disillusionment, the two writers created works that changed the course of literature and shaped the faith of millions. This is the first book to explore their work in light of the spiritual crisis sparked by the conflict.

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  • Home Of The Brave


    Taken directly from affidavits stored at the National Archives in Washington, District of Columbia, immigrant soldiers and witnesses attest to the events that resulted in 26 soldiers of these soldiers being awarded the medal of honor.

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  • World Crusade Human Destiny


    This book explains the world events between the Christians and the Muslims which has brought humanity into the tenth crusade. Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. My book explains what is taking place in the world right now in our life time and why. Have these world events been planned by God? Most likely yes and all of us are on a path of no return. My book also explains how humanity can change its future for harmony, growth, and prosperity for all. The second half of my book explains many possibilities that mankind can achieve through cooperation which is the key for the longevity of humanity.

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  • Created And Creating


    William Edgar considers the undeniable role that culture plays in understanding the Christian’s vocational calling in the world. Exploring texts in the Old Testament and the New Testament-both those that appear to restrict cultural engagement as well as those that encourage cultural activity. Edgar offers a biblical defense of the cultural mandate.

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  • Mestizo Augustine : A Theologican Between Two Cultures


    Justo Gonzalez presents Augustine of Hippo as a “mestizo” (mixed) theologian, whose life and theology must be understood in terms of the tension between his African roots and his Roman education. The result is a fresh introduction to the bishop of Hippo.

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  • God And Churchill


    When Winston Churchill was a boy of sixteen, he already had a vision for his purpose in life. “This country will be subjected somehow to a tremendous invasion . . . I shall be in command of the defences of London . . . it will fall to me to save the Capital, to save the Empire.

    “It was a most unlikely prediction. Perceived as a failure for much of his life, Churchill was the last person anyone would have expected to rise to national prominence as prime minister and influence the fate of the world during World War II. But Churchill persevered, on a mission to achieve his purpose. God and Churchill tells the remarkable story of how one man, armed with belief in his divine destiny, embarked on a course to save Christian civilization when Adolf Hitler and the forces of evil stood opposed. It traces the personal, political, and spiritual path of one of history’s greatest leaders and offers hope for our own violent and troubled times.

    More than a spiritual biography, God and Churchill is also a deeply personal quest. Written by Jonathan Sandys (Churchill’s great-grandson) and former White House staffer Wallace Henley, God and Churchill explores Sandys’ intense search to discover his great-grandfather-and how it changed his own destiny forever.

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  • Faithful Artist : A Vision For Evangelicalism And The Arts


    Drawing upon his experiences as both a Christian and an artist, Cameron Anderson traces the relationship between the evangelical church and modern art in postwar America. While acknowledging the tensions between faith and visual art, he eschews the notion of a final rift, instead casting a vision for serious, faithful engagement with the arts.

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  • Earth Out Of Orbit Vol 3


    Here are some of the most colorful and fascinating kings and queens in history. All of them, whether Thusmosis the Great, Queen Hatshepsut, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony or Cleopatra have unknowingly fulfilled remarkable prophecies. Can this knowledge of the fulfilled prophecies of history help us understand the future ones, which will affect our world through the actions of Iran, Iraq, and Israel? Who said “We shall own the borders of God”? And which prophecies did these royals fulfill? Find out in “Earth Out of Orbit: Royals & Majesties.

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  • Massacre At Sand Creek


    Sand Creek. An American tragedy occurred there that remains a symbol of the difference between what Americans believe themselves to be and the reality of what happened to Native peoples in the creation of the nation. Nearly 200 Cheyennes and Arapahos, camped under the protection of the United States government, were slain. The Sand Creek massacre seized national attention in the winter of 1864-1865 and generated a controversy that still excites heated debate more than 150 years later. At Sand Creek demoniac forces seemed unloosed so completely that humanity itself was the casualty. That was the charge that drew public attention to the Colorado frontier in 1865. That was the claim that spawned heated debate in Congress, two congressional hearings, and a military commission. Westerners vociferously and passionately denied the accusations. Reformers seized the charges as evidence of the failure of American Indian policy. Sand Creek launched a war that was not truly over for fifteen years. In the first year alone, it cost the United States government $50,000,000. Methodists have a special stake in this story. The governor whose polices led the Cheyennes and Arapahos to Sand Creek was a prominent Methodist layman. The commanding officer who ordered the attack on the Sand Creek village was a Methodist minister. Perhaps those were merely coincidences, but the question also remains of how the Methodist Episcopal Church itself responded to the massacre. Was it also somehow culpable in what happened? The Sand Creek massacre was tragedy in the truest sense, raw, visceral, brutal, but with hints of heroism and even nobility in its blood-red story. Coming to grips with what happened at Sand Creek involves hard questions and unsatisfactory answers not only about what happened but also about why. It stirs ancient questions about the best and worst in every person, questions older than history, questions as relevant as today’s headlines, questions we all must answer from within.

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  • Long Time Gone


    Experience the entire Civil War through the eyes of the soldiers-North and South. Fast paced, this very human story reads like you’re watching a movie. “During wartime, soldiers never know the whole picture. Tracing the surprising parallel lives of childhood friends and kinsmen, Elisha Hunt Rhodes of the 2nd R. I. Regiment and James Rhodes Sheldon of the 50th Georgia Regiment, amidst the background of the Civil War from beginning to end, Les Rolston has shed new light from primary and secondary sources and added a poignant human touch to history.” Robert Hunt Rhodes-editor of ALL FOR THE UNION: THE CIVIL WAR DIARY AND LETTERS OF ELISHA HUNT RHODES as featured in the PBS-TV series THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns.

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  • Copious Fountain : A History Of Union Presbyterian Seminary 1812-2012


    A Copious Fountain tells the two-hundred-year-old story of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. From its first days at Hampden-Sydney College, Union Presbyterian Seminary has answered its call to equip educated ministers to serve the church. As the first institution of its kind in the South, Union Presbyterian Seminary created a standard for theological education across denominational affiliations.

    This systematic history of Union Presbyterian Seminary gives cultural and historical context to the school through its bicentennial year. Combining research, photographs, and primary source documents, Sweetser’s book celebrates the enduring influence of Union Presbyterian Seminary in the church and beyond.

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  • Silence And Beauty


    Introduction: A Pilgrimage
    1. A Journey Into Silence: Pulverization
    2. A Culture Of Beauty: Cultural Context For Silence
    3. Ambiguity And Faith: Japan, The Ambiguous And Myself
    4. Ground Zero
    5. Fumi-e Culture
    6. Hidden Faith Revealed
    7. The Redemption Of Father Rodrigues
    8. The Aroma: Toward An Antidote To Trauma
    9. Mission Beyond The Waves
    Appendix 1: Endo And Kawabata
    Appendix 2: Endo And Graham Greene
    Appendix 3: Kenzaburo Oe’s Ambiguous Japan
    Glossary Of Japanese Terms
    Author Index
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    Shusaku Endo’s novel Silence, first published in 1966, endures as one of the greatest works of twentieth-century Japanese literature. Its narrative of the persecution of Christians in seventeenth-century Japan raises uncomfortable questions about God and the ambiguity of faith in the midst of suffering and hostility. Endo’s Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo’s as he uncovers deep layers of meaning in Japanese history and literature, expressed in art both past and present. He finds connections to how faith is lived in contemporary contexts of trauma and glimpses of how the gospel is conveyed in Christ-hidden cultures. In this world of pain and suffering, God often seems silent. Fujimura’s reflections show that light is yet present in darkness, and that silence speaks with hidden beauty and truth.

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  • By Canoe And Dog Train Updated Edition


    To be a missionary to Canadian Indians in the late 1800s meant you had to be brave and relentless. It meant nearly freezing when sleeping outside in 50-below-zero weather. It meant canoeing upstream for hundreds of miles to reach remote Indian villages. It meant eating wild cat and other stranger things, or eating nothing for days at a time. But it also meant you were privileged to present the good news of the true Great Spirit to those who were often misunderstood and mistreated. The adventures in this book are rivaled only by the incredible conversions of those who saw the Creator in nature and then worshipped Him too. You will be challenged and inspired by the results of one man who went where the Lord led, with little regard for himself.

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  • That Star Spangled Banner


    The 10-year old author tells the story of the origin of the Star-spangled Banner.

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  • Reflect Reclaim Rejoice Study Guide


    This small-group study serves as a companion resource for the 2015 Emmy-winning DVD, Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music. Four centuries ago, Blacks enslaved in America created a music form that gave solace even during the most inhumane conditions. Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music traces the music’s history and invites readers to see and experience the ways it is being kept alive.

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  • Making Of Modern English Theology


    Introduction: Theology And The Modern University
    1. ‘Necessary Knowledge’ Or ‘Inductive Science’? Theology At Oxford, 1833-1860
    2. Theology As ‘Breakwater’ Against The Tide Of Unbelief, 1860-1882
    3. Nonconformity And The Lux Mundi Faculty, 1882-1914
    4. Ecumenical Theology: The Makings Of An English Paradigm, 1914-1945
    Epilogue: From ‘Sacra Theologia’ To ‘Theology And Religion’

    Additional Info
    The Making of Modern English Theology is the first historical account of theology’s modern institutional origins in the United Kingdom. Having avoided the revolutionary upheaval experienced by continental institutions and free from any constitutional separation of church and state, English theologians were granted a relative freedom to develop their discipline in a fashion distinctive from other European and North American institutions.

    This book explores how Oxford theology, from the beginnings of the Tractarian movement until the end of the Second World War, both influenced and responded to the reform of the university. Neither becoming unbendingly confessional nor reduced to the secular study of religion, the Oxford faculty instead emerged as an important ecumenical body, rooted in the life and practice of the English churches, whilst still being located in the heart of a globally influential research university as a department of the humanities. This is an institutional history of reaction and radicalism, animosity and imagination, and explores the complex and shifting interactions between church, nation, and academy that have defined theological life in England since the early nineteenth century.

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  • Sense Of The Heart


    Whether like Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus or Wesley’s “strangely warmed heart,” the desire to meet or be met by God is as old as humanity. But America has been the fertile seed bed for what William James famously called “varieties of religious experience.” These experiences cover a wide spectrum from classic mysticism to revivalist conversion to a contemporary pursuit of spirituality. A Sense of the Heart traces the nature of religious experience from the colonial era to the present, defining its nature while describing common and distinct approaches in the work of various writers and practitioners. A Sense of the Heart offers a historical review of representative types of religious experience, the nature of such experiences and its impact on the American religious and cultural context as evident in awakenings, controversies, denominations, and new religious communities.

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  • Search For God And Guinness


    The history of Guinness, one of the world’s most famous brands, reveals the noble heights and generosity of a great family and an innovative business.

    It began in Ireland in the mid 1700s. The water in Ireland, indeed throughout Europe, was famously undrinkable, and the gin and whiskey that took its place devastated civil society. It was a disease ridden, starvation-plagued, alcoholic age, and Christians like Arthur Guinness-as well as monks and even evangelical churches-brewed beer that provided a healthier alternative to the poisonous waters and liquors of the times. This is where the Guinness tale began. Now, 250 years and over 150 countries later, Guinness is a global brand, one of the most consumed beverages in the world. The tale that unfolds during those two and a half centuries has power to thrill audiences today: the generational drama, business adventure, industrial and social reforms, deep-felt faith, and the noble beer itself.

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  • Sybil Ludington : The Female Paul Revere (DVD)


    Everybody has heard about Paul Revere’s ride, but few know about 16-year-old Sybil Ludington’s horseback journey to gather the troops of Putnam County, New York, during the Revolutionary War. Traveling 40 miles in the dark of night, she pounded on doors to wake the colonists—and mustered 400 soldiers to stop the British advance. Dove approved.

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  • Greatness Continued : More Personal Encounters With Passed Sports Icons


    Andy always does a great job of putting the facts with the history. You will go away from reading this book with new knowledge of the sports figures covered.

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  • Excellent Established Eternal


    Few Christians realize the significance of Covenant. It is the foundation, the authority and the basis of what God has done, is doing today, and will do in the future. The redemptive work of Jesus, God’s plan for humanity, and the fulfillment of all His promises are based on His Covenant. What God has done and His plan for us can never be fully understood without understanding Covenant.

    Excellent, Established, Eternal is the antithesis of nearly 40 years of extensive study, research and prayer. Within these pages, the reader will gain a thorough understanding of what Covenant is and how it relates to the believer. This is a timely subject for today’s believer who is faced with a continuous barrage of assaults against the reliability of scripture.

    Connie Fauth does not write as a theologian, rather as one who has seen the goodness of the Lord shown forth in His Everlasting Covenant

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  • No Life Is A Failure


    1. Robert Edward Lee (1807-1870) – The Warrior
    2. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) – The Emancipator
    3. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935) – The Jurist
    4. Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) – The Inventor
    5. Anne (Annie) Mansfield Sullivan (1866-1936) – “The Miracle Worker”
    6. Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968) – The Miracle
    7. Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) – The Guardian
    8. Richard Milhous Nixon (1913-1994) – The Politician
    9. Martin Luther (1483-1546) – The Crusader
    10. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) – The Prophet Of Justice
    Biographical Sketch

    Additional Info
    This new book, NO LIFE IS A FAILURE, is a must read for anyone seeking a better understanding of how faith and good character function. It is also for historians interested in reviewing how ten famous people from history responded to success and failure, and how these results dramatically challenged them. Like many of us today, each of these ten — Robert Edward Lee, Abraham Lincoln, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Thomas Alva Edison, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, Helen Adams Keller, Harry S. Truman, Richard Milhous Nixon, Dr. Martin Luther, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — had to confront success and failure. Occasionally, some proved unable to capitalize on their great successes, while others proved incapable of understanding how to deal with tragic failures. In either instance, those of the ten who had the wisdom and character to handle such challenging results, lived to make lasting contributions to future generations, both in America and on the world stage. This is why we remember them today.

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  • Rare Find : Ethel Ayres Bullymore Legend Of An Epic Canadian Midwife


    A Rare Find is the heartwarming and true story of Ethel Kemp, an English emigrant whose vigilant determination to overcome endless trials lead her to successfully serve the people of Canada’s prairie for 6 decades. Despite her battle through years of family health problems, the Great War, the flu epidemic, considerable personal losses and constant overwhelming grief, she overcomes every obstacle and, perseveres. A widow at a young age, her strong faith, personal tenacity and unending passion for family life allow Ethel to overcome defeat and loss. Her crucial decision to start a new life leads her to the quiet town of Edgerton in Eastern Alberta where her practical nurse’s training led her into a natural vocation of caring for those in her community, dedicating herself mainly to midwifery. Winning people’s trust, she finds herself not only in taxing situations with public health, local education and the legal system, but at times she also must prepare loved ones for home visitation after death.

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  • Founders Key : The Divine And Natural Connection Between The Declaration An


    Today the integrity and unity of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are under attack by the Progressive political movement. And yet, writes Larry P. Arnn:

    “The words of the Declaration of Independence ring across the ages. The arrangements of the Constitution have a way of organizing our actions so as to produce certain desirable results, and they have done this more reliably than any governing instrument in the history of man. Connect these arrangements to the beauty of the Declaration and one has something inspiring and commanding.”

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  • Christian Economic Ethics


    What does the history of Christian views of economic life mean for economic life in the twenty-first century? Here Daniel Finn reviews the insights provided by a large number of texts, from the Bible and the early church, to the Middle Ages and the Protestant Reformation, to treatments of the subject in the last century. Relying on both social science and theology, Finn then turns to the implications of this history for economic life today. Throughout, the book invites the reader to engage the sources and to develop an answer to the volume’s basic question.

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  • Gentle Giant Of Dynamite Hill


    These are the firsthand accounts of sisters Helen and Barbara Shores growing up with their father, Arthur Shores, a prominent Civil Rights attorney, during the 60s in the Jim Crow south Birmingham district—a frequent target of the Ku Klux Klan. Between 1948 and 1963, some 50 unsolved Klan bombings happened in Smithfield where the Shores family lived, earning their neighborhood the nickname ‘Dynamite Hill.’

    Due to his work, Shores’ daughter, Barbara, barely survived a kidnapping attempt. Twice, in 1963, Klan members bombed their home, sending Theodora to the hospital with a brain concussion and killing Tasso, the family’s cocker spaniel. The family narrowly escaped a third bombing attempt on their home in the spring of 1965.

    The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill is an incredible story of a family’s unfair suffering, but also of the Shores’ overcoming. This family’s sacrificial commitment, courage, determination, and triumph inspire us today through this story and the selfless service, work, and lives of Helen Shores Lee and Barbara Sylvia Shores.

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  • Harriet


    Amongst fiction historical books and civil war books, you will not find any other as compelling as Harriet. The inspirational stories about family life accompanied by romantic and original poems of love will bring you right into the heart of 1860s America – complete with the danger, romance and inspired religion that characterize those times. You will get completely caught up in Harriet’s life experiences as her family emigrates from Europe on a titanic-like passenger ship, reaching the plains of middle America and confronting the realities of slavery, Indian American conflict and wide open opportunities for the pursuit of happiness.

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  • To All Nations From All Nations


    Sharing the Good News might be understood as the prime directive of the Church from its earliest times, but the Church soon discovered unforeseen obstacles and its own set of temptations, including its lust for power and domination. Although the gospel might be joyfully offered, it was not always received in the same spirit. And the Church was not always gracious with dissent and criticism. Even so, it continues to reach out to the least, the last, and the lost-attempting to bring them into the family of God. But for mission to be effective today, it must take advantage of indigenous resources and recognize its limitations as well as its gifts. This book broadly introduces prominent missionary practices and major historical figures using three perspectives. First, it takes into account the missionary activity proceeding from the margins rather than only discussing the center of theological and ecclesial activity. Second, it narrates the cross-cultural, cross-confessional, and cross-religious dynamics that characterize Christian missionary activity. And third, it emphasizes that much missionary activity is generated by national rather than international missionaries. The text concludes with a chapter on the postmodern and postcolonial world.

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  • All For Liberty (DVD)


    Renews Interest in The Forgotten Hero

    Based on a previously untold story, All for Liberty depicts the true events of Captain Henry Felder, a backcountry hero of the American Revolution. A Swiss-German immigrant farmer in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Felder is convinced to respond to British tyranny by writing an Articles of Separation from the English king and raising his own militia, including a female tavern owner who gathers a patriot spy ring. In the ensuing struggle against the British Empire and community loyalists, including his old comrade, Bill Jenkins, Felder and his family find the cost of freedom. A multi-award winning independent feature film, All for Liberty stars film and TV actor Clarence Felder, the sixth-generation great-grandson of Captain Henry Felder.

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  • Short Term Mission


    Over the past few decades, short-term mission trips have exploded in popularity. With easy access to affordable air travel, millions of American Christians have journeyed internationally for ministry, service and evangelism. Short-term trips are praised for involving many in global mission but also critiqued for their limitations. Despite the diversity of destinations, certain universal commonalities emerge in how mission trip participants describe their experiences: “My eyes were opened to the world’s needs.” “They ministered to us more than we ministered to them.” “It changed my life.” Anthropologist Brian Howell explores the narrative shape of short-term mission (STM). Drawing on the anthropology of tourism and pilgrimage, he shows how STM combines these elements with Christian purposes of mission to create its own distinct narrative. He provides a careful historical survey of the development of STM and then offers an in-depth ethnographic study of a particular mission trip to the Dominican Republic. He explores how participants remember and interpret their experiences, and he unpacks the implications for how North American churches understand mission, grapple with poverty and relate to the larger global church. This groundbreaking book sheds light on how American Christians undertake short-term mission. It is important reading for all who celebrate or lament what happens when Christians travel overseas.

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  • Getting The Wilderness In You


    Rolf Skrien is perhaps one of the most knowledgeable local historians about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness located on the U.S.-Canadian border in Minnesota. This area, known simply as the Boundary Waters, lies on the northwestern shore of Lake Superior at the beginning of the Gunflint Trail. Rolf spent a lifetime connecting people to the wilderness. His motto is to expose people to raw nature by “getting the wilderness in you,” and he has lived his life believing that “man cannot make the wilderness, but the wilderness can make the man.”
    Arriving in the Gunflint Trail area in the 1940s, Rolf learned the country while he paddled many of its five thousand lakes and guided with the Indians. He originally lived on Sea Gull Lake, and started one of the first full-service canoe outfitting businesses, aptly called the Way of the Wilderness.

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  • Sam Houstons Republic


    Within the pages of Sam Houston’s Republic, readers will learn much about what was important to this historical figure; the rule of law, and in his later life, the gospel of Christ. Written from a christian perspective, this book attempts to bring Texas history to life for both students and history lovers of all ages.

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  • 7 Truths That Changed The World


    Ideas have consequences, sometimes far-reaching and world-changing. The Christian faith contains many volatile truths that challenged–and continue to challenge–the cultural and religious status quo of the world. This biblical, historical, and philosophical exploration of some of Christianity’s most transformational ideas offers a unique look at how the world changed when Christ and his followers came on the scene.
    These ideas include:
    the resurrection
    Jesus as God incarnate
    creation out of nothing
    the compatibility of faith and reason
    justification by grace through faith
    humankind in God
    the greater good of suffering

    Pastors, students, and thoughtful Christians will be strengthened to face contemporary challenges to these truths and will find the confidence to impact their world for Christ.

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  • Zionism Post Zionism And The Arab Problem


    Dr. Yosef Masur has taken a page from ancient Jewish tradition and has challenged all of us to look at the facts on all sides of a particular debate before making up our minds. For this purpose and with a firm belief in the Zionist enterprise and its narrative, he has produced a volume of work that will allow us, should we choose, to “replace” those prosecuting Israel with newly branded defenders.

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  • Zionism Post Zionism And The Arab Problem


    Dr. Yosef Masur has taken a page from ancient Jewish tradition and has challenged all of us to look at the facts on all sides of a particular debate before making up our minds. For this purpose and with a firm belief in the Zionist enterprise and its narrative, he has produced a volume of work that will allow us, should we choose, to “replace” those prosecuting Israel with newly branded defenders.

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  • Jerusalem Time Line Pamphlet


    Jerusalem Time-Line – Key Events From Bible Times to Modern Israel
    Long before King David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, it was a small city on the slopes of Mt. Moriah, the place where Abraham offered Isaac to the Lord. This fascinating city has been destroyed twice, and captured and recaptured dozens of times. Jerusalem Time-Line explains the major events and key people from the beginning of recorded history to today. A must-have for anyone who wants to understand the fascinating Holy City.

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

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  • From Sea To Shining Sea For Young Readers (Reprinted)


    From the very beginning it would seem that God had a plan for America. From its discovery by Europeans to its settlement, from the Revolution to Manifest Destiny, from the stirrings of civil unrest to civil war, America was on a path. In our pluralistic world, when textbooks are being rewritten in ways that obscure the Judeo-Christian beginnings of our country, the books in the Discovering God’s Plan for America series help ground young readers in a distinctly evangelical way of understanding early American history.

    As young readers look at their nation’s development from God’s point of view, they will begin to have a clearer idea of how much we owe to a very few–and how much is still at stake. These engaging books bring history alive in a way that will inspire young people to do their important part in shaping this nation into the future.

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  • Light And The Glory For Young Readers (Reprinted)


    From the very beginning it would seem that God had a plan for America. From its discovery by Europeans to its settlement, from the Revolution to Manifest Destiny, from the stirrings of civil unrest to civil war, America was on a path. In our pluralistic world, when textbooks are being rewritten in ways that obscure the Judeo-Christian beginnings of our country, the books in the Discovering God’s Plan for America series help ground young readers in a distinctly evangelical way of understanding early American history.

    As young readers look at their nation’s development from God’s point of view, they will begin to have a clearer idea of how much we owe to a very few–and how much is still at stake. These engaging books bring history alive in a way that will inspire young people to do their important part in shaping this nation into the future.

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