Love and Marriage

Showing 251–300 of 403 results

  • Heart Of Remarriage


    Bestselling Authors and Counselors Help Remarried Couples Grow and Strengthen Their Families

    Too often, couples enter remarriage unaware of and unprepared for the challenges stepfamily life will bring. “The Heart of Remarriage” helps couples heal from the inside out rather than offering surface suggestions that may change circumstances but not the lives of couples and their families.

    Drs. Gary and Greg Smalley partner with remarried couple Dan and Marci Cretsinger to offer a marriage-changing idea: No matter what circumstances or challenges a remarried couple and their stepfamily face, the solution starts in their hearts. Couples will learn how to examine their own hearts and heal them from past hurts, so they can be filled with God’s love. “The Heart of Remarriage” teaches readers how to create emotional security for every family member and offers practical ideas for connecting at the heart level with their spouse and children.

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  • I Still Do


    I Still Do is filled with scriptural principles, real life examples, practical suggestions, and thought provoking questions that will help you become a better marriage partner. This book is a systematic guide to help couples find answers to make their marriage better and become stronger followers of Christ in the process. It is a great resource for pastors and Christian counselors.

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  • Still Healing


    Still Healing!
    Pastor Lloyd Wright Sr.:

    Jesus tells us in the gospel of Luke chapter 4:18 that he comes to heal the broken hearted. Many people hearts are broken and crushed after losing a spouse. If you want to be healed, look to God. God still wants to heal you no matter how unbearable your pain may be.

    For those of you struggling with a sick child and going through a divorce or remarriage, I strongly encourage you to embrace my words of encouragement and the many experiences I share in this book.

    Reverend Lloyd Wright is the Senior Pastor of the Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church-in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is married and has a son.

    Pam Battle:
    I want to share with you how God, is definitely my healer. Walking through the dark journey of losing my spouse to cancer and then being diagnosed with breast cancer, I call this double jeopardy.

    Raising three small children without their father truly was a trying time for me because my heart was truly broken. I didn’t want to live, but God came through and helped me to trust and have faith in him. As you read Still Healing, you will see how God has helped me to heal in many areas of my life. My prayer for you is that you let God help you through this difficult time in your life.

    The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

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  • His Needs Her Needs For Parents (Reprinted)


    Children add a unique strain on a couple’s time and relationship, yet they desperately need parents who love each other. That’s why, according to Dr. Willard Harley, one of the most important things parents can do for their kids is keep their marriage healthy. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents, now available in trade paper, helps them do just that.

    Following the pattern of the bestselling His Needs, Her Needs, this book guides both new and seasoned parents through the whys and hows of sustaining romance in a marriage. It also offers specific, practical steps on spending quality time as a couple, deciding on child-training methods, dividing domestic responsibilities, and even handling kids with ADHD and intrusive in-laws. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents helps couples maintain their love for each other and raise happy and successful children at the same time.

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  • Preparing For Marriage (Reprinted)


    You’re in love, and it’s the real thing. You have made a joyous decision together–a decision destined to change your lives forever: You’re getting married! Now, as you plan your wedding celebration, it is time to lay the foundation for a lifetime of love and romance. Today you can begin the important, lifelong task of building a strong Christian marriage.Created by Family Life, one of America’s leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins–the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!Inside you’ll find eight sessions of fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple, with a pastor or premarital counselor, or with a small group. Don’t just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

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  • As Long As We Both Shall Give


    AS LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL GIVE shares unique and humorous insight into marital conflict, healing, and restoration. Included are: scenarios from the author’s counseling experiences, which any marriage can identify with. This book will guide a bad marriage to good and the good marriage to greatness. This book gives the reader insight into God’s design and purpose for the marriage relationship. Written from the “counselor’s chair” specific needs of men and women are explored while addressing common areas of marital conflict. With the divorce rate soaring, couples are searching for ways to understand where marital conflict originates and how to bring positive change and healing to their relationship.

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  • As Long As We Both Shall Give


    AS LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL GIVE shares unique and humorous insight into marital conflict, healing, and restoration. Included are: scenarios from the author’s counseling experiences, which any marriage can identify with. This book will guide a bad marriage to good and the good marriage to greatness. This book gives the reader insight into God’s design and purpose for the marriage relationship. Written from the “counselor’s chair” specific needs of men and women are explored while addressing common areas of marital conflict. With the divorce rate soaring, couples are searching for ways to understand where marital conflict originates and how to bring positive change and healing to their relationship.

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  • In Celebration Of Love Marriage And Sex


    Love backs us into a corner. It asks for everything we have. And nowhere does love work more deeply than in marriage. Marriage is about exposure. It is about truth between two people, and it is about the opportunity to know and to be known. Sex is the handiwork of love and the tool of marriage. It is sacred ground, a gift filled with beauty, grace, and power. Song of Solomon demonstrates with beauty, reverence, and clarity the celebration of love, marriage, and sex. It offers practical and reliable guidelines for these essentials and more: – Decisions about dating – Choosing a spouse – Keeping romance in marriage – Making and celebrating memories – Leaving a legacy for family Nowhere do we find a more relevant word about these important matters, nor a more beautiful portrait of celebration than in this poetic expression of God’s gift in this Song of Solomon.

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  • Amor Y Respeto – (Spanish)

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.74.

    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

    Descubra el mas grande secreto para un matrimonio exitoso.?Quequiere usted para su matrimonio? ?Quiere tener paz? ?Quiere sentirintimidad? ?Quiere sentirse valorado? Entonces, pruebe un poco de Amor y respeto.Basadoen Efesios 5.33 y vasta investigacion biblica y psicologica, el doctorEmerson Eggerichs revela por que los espsos reaccionan negativamente eluno con el otro, y como pueden tratar con este conflicto rapida, facily biblicamente.

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  • L O V E Workbook For Men (Workbook)


    Written especially for men, this workbook based on the content in L.O.V.E.: Uncover Your Personal Love Style contains study questions and exercises to take the book material to a more personal level.

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  • L O V E Workbook For Women (Workbook)


    Written especially for women, this workbook based on the content in L.O.V.E.: Uncover Your Personal Love Style contains study questions and exercises to take the book material to a more personal level.

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  • Trading Places : The Secret To The Marriage You Want


    Couples who are stepping on each other’s toes should try walking in each other’s shoes. Trading Places reduces conflict, deepens your commitment, and helps you live as better friends and lovers. Mutual empathy-the revolutionary tool for instantly improving a relationship-can be learned and practiced, say the authors of this groundbreaking book. Their guidance will transform your marriage.

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  • L O V E


    Nobody else on the planet is just like you. The same holds true for your spouse. That’s why this book-and its accompanying online assessment-zeroes in on each of your personal qualities and reveals how the unique combination of your two personalities creates a “Love Style” that is unlike any other. Crack the code and enjoy the deepest love you’ve ever known.

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  • Marriage Dreams Do Come True


    How would you like to be in a lifelong marriage to the same person and desire being with each other after many years as much as when you were first married? It is possible. Through this book you will learn scriptural keys to build this kind of lasting marriage that is a dream come true. As you read this book you will find practical insights from the Word of God and build understanding about essential factors to grow a strong, intimate relationship. Topics include: * Making a communication connection * How praying together helps you stay together * How submission creates equality and successful leadership in the home * How to overcome temptations * Building a vision together and much more!

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  • Marriage Dreams Do Come True


    How would you like to be in a lifelong marriage to the same person and desire being with each other after many years as much as when you were first married? It is possible. Through this book you will learn scriptural keys to build this kind of lasting marriage that is a dream come true. As you read this book you will find practical insights from the Word of God and build understanding about essential factors to grow a strong, intimate relationship. Topics include: * Making a communication connection * How praying together helps you stay together * How submission creates equality and successful leadership in the home * How to overcome temptations * Building a vision together and much more!

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  • Happy Husbands Handbook


    Fleming has built an impressive legacy of successes that has span from moral personal victories built on integrity to financially professional accomplishments built on sound business decisiveness. Powerful, Hilarious, Educational, Informative, Motivational; Christian based; Thought Provoking; Paradigm Changing, and more are a few words that have been used to describe the messages delivered by Sylvester (Sly) Fleming. It has been quoted that it is hard to believe that you could have this much fun while learning life-changing lessons.

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  • Limites Para El Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Learn when to say yes and when to say no -to your spouse and to others- in order to make the most of your marriage.

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  • From Ashes To Beauty


    Jeff Colon’s marriage stands as a testimony of God’s power to restore any marriage, even one that has been ravaged by sexual sin and drug addiction. Christian marriages are under attack as never before. Couples are suffering more than ever under the same despair that once gripped Jeff and his wife, Rose – Is there really hope for my marriage?

    THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING YES! …but the answer wasn’t the typical fare found in Christian marriage books. Jeff and Rose had to go to the heart of the problem… they needed something more than outward alterations; they needed an inner transformation. Like every couple facing serious marital strife, they needed to discover the power of the Cross to bring them into the Beatitudes of Christ. Jeff’s personal journey and his subsequent experience counseling men and couples at Pure Life Ministries has uniquely qualified him to share the biblical truths that will restore any marriage From Ashes to Beauty!

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  • Kiss Me Again


    Do you ever wonder why marriage can seem like the end of intimacy and sexual desire instead of the beginning?

    Ever wonder why it was so hard to resist sex before marriage-and so easy to resist it now? If so, you’re not alone! Many married women genuinely want to feel more desire toward their husbands…and can’t figure out what went wrong. But there’s good news. In Kiss Me Again, Barbara Wilson shows how powerful “invisible bonds” from past relationships can cause heartache, disappointment, and distance for couples in the present. Then-with sensitivity, honesty, and hope-Barbara walks you step by step toward healing…and a rekindling of the closeness and passion with your husband that you really want.

    You don’t have to live any longer with confusion, disappointment, resentment, or shame. You can rediscover desire. You can say Wow! again.

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  • What About My Life


    Are you a take-charge, brillant person with a great future? You might not be, but you do have a life worth living. Being in charge has to do with your character. What you do with each step of your life depends on your character! Men, I challange you to read this entire book because it will change your life.

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  • 10 : Capturing The Heart Of Your Wife


    If King David was known for being a man after God’s own heart, what would it look like if a husband became a man after his wife’s heart? Join the exciting adventure of making your marriage all it was meant to be. Whether you want to simply improve it or you’re in dire need to save it, this simple step-by-step approach will help you have the best relationship you can imagine. It can help you build a love into your marriage that will thrive in each season of life. EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE LOST THAT LOVING FEELING. The format of TEN lends itself to great one-on-one marriage discipleship or mentoring. It also has action provoking questions at the ends of each chapter, which means that TEN can be used in a small group format and can be very interactive for your group study. May God bless your efforts in making your marriage great.

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  • Marriage At The Crossroads


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In this unique book Aida and William Spencer and Steve and Celestia Tracy, two couples from the differing perspectives of egalitarianism and soft complementarianism, share a constructive dialogue about marriage in practice. They cover a variety of topics like marriage discipleship, headship and submission, roles and decision-making, and intimacy in marriage.

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  • What Every Girl Wants


    Tyndale House Print On Demand Title

    Noted Bible teacher Lisa Harper leads women through the Song of Solomon in this modern take on the classic Bible Study. Using current day examples, humor and personal anecdotes, Lisa attempts to answer the question, “What does every girl want?” by showing readers the portrait of perfect love and intimacy that is beautifully embedded in the lines of the most seductive love poem found in the Old Testament.

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  • Journal To The Truth


    A life of sin can place us on a dangerous path. Many people do not recognize their destructive behavioral patterns, but for others this is a life-style. Sin has no boundaries, and it is capable of destroying the lives of very good people. This book will engage the reader and will expose those things which may have a negative influence in a person’s life. It is important to recognize that all sins are forgiven when we place our trust in God. This book contains specific topics designed to promote journaling. While some of these topics are very sensitive, they will also open the door for healing as God will use this time to touch your heart. I hope you enjoy this intimate time with God.

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  • Is Your Love Tank Full


    What happens when Dennis Swanberg, “the Minister of Encouragement,” writes a book about love, marriage, and family? Funny bones are tickled, hearts are motivated, and love grows strong. This is a book both you and your spouse can read to “fill up” on.

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  • Price Of Love


    The Price of Love is a tried practical approach for enhancing marriages. Focusing on six key areas using biblical principles, the author guides you into developing the necessary skills to strengthen any marriage. It’s a seven- week journey towards – Protection, Relationship health, exploring Intimacy, improving Communication, enhancing Empathy, and delving into the biblical meaning of love. Written from the perspective of counselor and wife, each easy to read chapter is packed with helpful resources, ideas, tools, and homework lessons to solidify the learning experience. In The Price of Love, you’ll discover important tools that can make your marriage the gift that God intended. Using the acronym “PRICE of Love,” you’ll discover: Protection: Our marriages are our most important investment. We must protect them from eternal forces. Learn specific marriages threats, and how to avoid them. Relationship: A marriage that is not nurtured, will not survive. Learn tools for “working on the relationship,” including the importance of “quality time,” and a plan for nurturing your relationship. Intimacy: God created intimacy as a gift, but good sex does not “just happen.” Learn the importance of intimacy, and how to overcome barriers. Communication: Good communication is vital. Learn about male and female communication differences, and tools to communicate effectively. Empathy: Empathy means to feel what the other person is feeling. Learn to “get inside your spouse’s skin” to meet his/her needs. Love: The biblical meaning of love is different from what is taught in today’s society. Learn the true meaning of love, and how to express Christ’s love.

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  • Intimate Mystery : Creating Strength And Beauty In Your Marriage (Student/Study


    Table Of Contents
    1. A Man’s Best Friend . . . Is Not A Dog
    2. The Meaning Of Marriage
    3. The Matrix Of Marriage
    4. Leaving: Making Space For Faithfulness
    5. Leaving: Walking Away From Home
    6. Weaving: Connecting Communication
    7. Weaving: Bringing Our Souls Together
    8. Cleaving: United Into One Flesh
    9. Cleaving: Playing With Glory
    10. In The Garden
    Bonus: The Goal Of Marriage Bible Studies

    Additional Info
    Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this brief, simple and engaging introduction to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Following the “leave, weave and cleave” imagery of the Bible, they help couples learn how to leave their parents, weave a life together and cleave to each other.

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  • What He Must Be


    All parents want their daughters to marry godly young men. But which qualities, specifically, should they be looking for? What will you say when that certain young man sits down in your living room, sweaty-palmed and tongue-tied, and asks your permission to marry your daughter? What criteria should he meet before the two of them join together for life? What He Must Be…; If He Wants to Marry My Daughter outlines ten qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law, including trustworthiness, a willingness to lead his family, an understanding of his wife’s role, and various spiritual leadership qualities. Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of biblical manhood. By studying the principles outlined in his book, parents who want their daughter to marry a godly man-as well as those who want their sons to become godly men-will be well equipped to help their children look for and develop these God-honoring qualities.

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  • Yoked With Unbelief


    When believing Christians are yoked with unbelievers, especially through marriage, living in regret is one of the many issues they must deal with. This book is aimed at encouraging believers not to give up, to stay faithful, to love, to shine the light in their homes, and to stand firm on God’s Word and make the best of their situation.

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  • Claves Para Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Matrimonio le permite cultivar esta vital relacion para que florezca y prospere. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Marriage, Dr. Munroe provides wisdom for building and renewing your most vital relationship on earth. Understanding the inherent, God-given design for men and women will enlighten your perspective on your spouse and help you to build a healthy, dynamic marriage.
    As you understand how marriage is designed to function, you will experience a changed heart, a stronger relationship, and a more joyful and fulfilling life.

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  • I Do Again


    With their professional success and adorable twin daughters, Cheryl and Jeff Scruggs looked like the perfect couple. But their polished facade concealed a widening chasm between two people unable to connect on an intimate, soul-deep level.

    After years of frustration, Cheryl’s desire for emotional fulfillment led to an affair and, finally, divorce. Yet, incredibly, seven years later, Cheryl and Jeff once again stood at the altar, promising to “love, honor, and cherish” one another. A new and vibrant love had risen out of the ashes of this family’s pain.

    This book details the fascinating real-life story of a couple whose relationship seemed shattered beyond all hope until a spiritual awakening led them to reconsider their definitions of “happily every after.” A riveting account of the power of prayer and redemption, this remarkable book offers renewed hope for even the most troubled marriages-and reveals why the rewards of restoration are well worth the wait.

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  • Night Light : A Devotional For Couples


    The challenge of sustaining an intimate, faith-based marriage in today’s “hurry-up” society has never been greater. Now Night Light, the couples’ devotional from Focus on the Family ministry founder Dr. James Dobson and his wife, Shirley, brings spouses together each evening, helping them stay connected with each other and their Lord. Stories that strike an emotional chord, Scripture readings, provocative questions, prayers, and personal commentary from the Dobsons encourage men and women in their homes and spiritual lives. More than just another devotional, Night Light is a practical, uplifting guide for every couple who longs to experience the joyous, intimate, “three-person” marriage covenant God intended.

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  • Acto Matrimonial – (Spanish)


    A frank book about the intimate relationship between husband and wife. Recommended for engaged couples and newlyweds.

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  • One : A Realistic Guide To Choosing Your Soul Mate


    SKU (ISBN): 9780785296577ISBN10: 0785296573Samuel Adams | Ben YoungBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2008Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Why Stand


    Anyone who is contemplating divorce should read Merrick’s book to discover how Almighty God has the power to restore their marriage when they trust and obey Him. Evangelist Mike Gendron, Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry.

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  • Below The Line


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  • Marriage


    The Reality: * Fifty percent of those who marry today will divorce. * On the stress scale, divorce and separation are ranked 2nd and 3rd. Only the death of a spouse is rated higher. * More than 80 percent of those who are divorced will remarry within three years and 65 percent of those marriages will fail again. * More than a million children each year are involved in divorce and more than 13 million children under 18 live with one parent so that single parent families are growing at a rate twenty times faster than two parent families. We have lost sight of the true meaning of the marriage commitment. In this book Bro. Ronald H. Taurel skillfully interprets and explains the covenant relationship between a man and a woman in the eyes of God. Inside you will discover: * Marriage as a covenant relationship held in high regard by God. * The importance of the marriage oath. * The importance and meaning of the woman’s hymen and virginity. * The true meaning and significance of the wedding rings. * Examples of leaning on each other and facing challenges together with God. * The principle of Leaving and Cleaving This is a must-read for anyone entering into the covenant of marriage and a reminder for couples who have already taken this important step.

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  • Simple Recipes For Romance


    Have you ever wondered, “Can I really experience romance in marriage or is it just a fairy tale?” Yes you can, if you are willing to make it happen! These simple recipes for romance will provide the ingredients for adding spice back to your marriage. If you use a recipe book to create a meal you will prepare a tasty delight. By following these “Simple Recipes for Romance” you will experience a FEAST! Steve Tucker has tested and applied these recipes throughout his 29 years of marriage. His desire is for couples to enjoy their relationship in the midst of life’s challenges. With these simple recipes for romance, you can do it! “Who doesn’t want spice in their marriage? Yet there are many couples who have forgotten what “spice” smells or tastes like and their most important relationship has grown stagnant and stale. If you want a thriving marriage that is growing more in love everyday there is only one book I would recommend … and you are looking at it.” Roger Gibson Speaker & Author, First Comes Love, Then Comes Money Smalley Relationship Center

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  • Living In The Heat Of The Battle


    Perhaps there is no greater test of our theology than when we find ourselves responding to the trials of life. And one of the greatest challenges we face in life has to do with problems in relationships. When it comes to family, marriage, friendships and working relationships, we find tremendous opportunities for putting doctrine into practice. Will Simmons has taken one of those potential relationship challenges and outlined an approach for applying biblical truth. For the man in a difficult marriage, who wants to please Christ and find victory.

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  • Marriage Is Not A Cure All And Thats For Sure Yall


    Because of the cries of so many LONELY women YEARNING for husbands, I was inspired to share with them HOW they can LEARN to WRITE a prayerful Letter of Specifics, as a point-of-contact, to Father God and be blessed with a “godly” husband. Many of these women think that “marriage is a cure all” but, marriage can cause more sickness than cures if they don’t know how to make it work for them. When women read this book, they will LEARN how to PREVENT or STOP their HUSBANDS or prospective from CHEATING on them or even THINKING about it because INFIDELITY IS A CURSE! Women have the POWER to BREAK that CURSE and change the status of their marriages and personal relationships, and experience LASTING LOVE and OVERALL HAPPINESS like they never have before! They have the solution but they don’t know it! God will give you what you ask for if you KNOW HOW to ASK for it. The ANSWERS to various problems in marriages and intimate relationships are in this book!

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  • 10 Best Decisions A Couple Can Make


    Bill and Pam Farrel, bestselling authors of Men Are Like Waffles-Women Are Like Spaghetti, lead husbands and wives through the ten most influential decisions a couple can make to shape a lasting and loving marriage.

    Exploring romance, communication, sex, conflict resolution, family, and personalities, the Farrels walk couples through the ten decisions that will turn me and me into “we” strengthen the foundation of their family redeem past bad choices and give hope for a solid future bring balance to roller coaster emotions create a life together of trust, grace, and understanding.

    Filled with practical advice, biblical insights, and the Farrels’ trademark warmth and wit, this manual is a terrific gift for newlyweds and just as valuable to longtime marriage partners. Rerelease of Every Marriage Is a Fixer-Upper.

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  • Love Notes : A Biblical Look At Love


    How does God love us? How do we love Him? How should I love those people I come in contact with anywhere I go? What should love look like in my marriage? This is not a book full of opinions or stories about “what worked for me.” Rather, in these pages you will find how the Bible answers these questions. Love Notes is a concise look at what the Bible has to teach us about everything related to love. Beginning as a study on what a Godly marriage should look like it spends most of its time there, but is valuable for training in all things Love related. This book will give you an overview of Biblical Love and is not limited in its scope to any single passage or text. Love Notes will bless you and the marriage you have or the one you are still looking for.

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  • Marriage : Real People Real Problems Wise Counsel


    Marriage is not a relationship of convenience; it is a life long commitment to your spouse. Like every journey, marriage has its highs and lows and each marriage is unique: no two couples travel down the same road. Good marriages don’t just happen. The couples in exceptional marriages are willing to pray, learn and grow, develop a positive, biblical and godly attitude, discover how to speak their spouse’s love language and celebrate differences. This book contains true-life experiences. All stories are true, no matter how unbelievable they may seem, though names and some other details have been changed in order to protect the identities of the couples. Please read this book prayerfully; learn from the experiences of these men and women who give heed to my comments at the end of each account. You need not go through all that they have. Your story will be different!

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  • Bible Foundations For Marriage And Family Living In The 21st Century


    A BLUEPRINT FOR THE IDEAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY You say there is no need for religion anymore? You say the Bible isn’t relevant anymore? You say those old wedding vows are no longer valid? You say there is no such thing as morality or immorality? You say removing the rules of society that are holding people back will produce true happiness? You say there should be no laws, rules, or social pressures governing sexual behavior? You say the Hippies had it right? You say this sounds crazy? Read about who said these things. Read about the insane night-stalker who said of his family, “We wasn’t the Waltons.” Read about the judge telling 24 psychologists, “I wouldn’t give a nickel for the whole lot of you!” Read about how the author went from being a dunce to being a genius in one minute.

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  • Bible Foundations For Marriage And Family Living In The 21st Century


    A BLUEPRINT FOR THE IDEAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY You say there is no need for religion anymore? You say the Bible isn’t relevant anymore? You say those old wedding vows are no longer valid? You say there is no such thing as morality or immorality? You say removing the rules of society that are holding people back will produce true happiness? You say there should be no laws, rules, or social pressures governing sexual behavior? You say the Hippies had it right? You say this sounds crazy? Read about who said these things. Read about the insane night-stalker who said of his family, “We wasn’t the Waltons.” Read about the judge telling 24 psychologists, “I wouldn’t give a nickel for the whole lot of you!” Read about how the author went from being a dunce to being a genius in one minute.

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  • Spark (Reprinted)


    Intimacy is essential to marriage, but many couples find achieving it to be easier said than done. Jay and Laura Laffoon unravel its mysteries in the humorous and down-to-earth style that has made their marriage conference one of the fastest growing in the country.
    Countering the popular misconception of intimacy as primarily a sexual issue, they explore five essential facets that need to be in balance for a healthy marriage. Their insights are practical, grounded in Scripture, and augmented by real-life stories drawn from a survey of more than 2,000 married people. Chapter-end discussion questions help readers identify immediate steps they can take to light a fire in their relationship and keep it burning. The Spark is both a fun read and an indispensable guide to strengthening any marriage.

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  • Sobreviviendo Un Yugo Desigual – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829745146ISBN10: 0829745149Language: SpanishLee Strobel | Leslie StrobelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • His Brain Her Brain


    Men and women really are different-even their brains are different-and they were divinely designed that way. Using the latest research, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore show how the God-designed differences between the male brain and the female brain complement each other to help couples build a delightful, lasting marriage.

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  • 10 Minute Marriage Principle


    Douglas Weiss draws on nineteen years of clinical experience, as well as twenty years of marriage and a commitment to Christian faith, to develop this easy-to-follow plan for improving your marriage. It requires couples to take ten minutes a day to focus on each other and do simple exercises so they will deepen their love, connect spiritually, and feel closer throughout the chaos of day-to-day living. These simple exercises include ?speaking? a love letter to your spouse, talking about the details of your day, and learning how to put feelings into words. By investing just ten minutes a day, couples can enhance their marriages in ways they will benefit from for a lifetime!

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  • Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.

    Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.

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