
Showing 51–100 of 137 results

  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Children 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    This expanded edition of the bestseller features updated content on issues like technology and identity, and comes with new material designed to invite children into the family prayer circle.

    There is not a need we will face in parenting–or that our kids will confront in their lives–that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word. And there can be no greater privilege than partnering with him, through our prayers, to accomplish his best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

    But where to begin?

    In this updated and expanded edition celebrating the 20th anniversary of a modern classic, you will discover how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees us from things like worry and fear in our parenting!

    It teaches you how and what to pray for your child(ren) in the following areas:


    Plus, all-new material includes sections on praying for a child’s sense of identity, praying for their use of technology, and building a prayer legacy with specific strategies and a collection of child-friendly Bible verses designed to help children anchor their hope in God’s Word.

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  • New Baby Survival Guide


    A new baby is a wonderful gift from the Lord, bringing great joy–but also sleepless nights, constant laundry and, sometimes, total exhaustion. It can be hard to read your Bible and pray.

    These bite-sized Bible readings from the book of Psalms are designed for you to dip into and be refreshed by the Lord.

    Also includes real-life stories, practical help and an A-Z of mothering.

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  • Peace : Hope And Healing For The Anxious Momma’s Heart


    Don’t worry, momma. There is peace for your anxious heart. Through both personal story and scriptural understanding, the popular blogger and best-selling author of Love Unending and Midnight Mom Devotional calms the anxious mother’s heart.

    For years, Christian women have been told, “If you just prayed more, had more faith, and trusted Jesus, you’d have more peace.” But what does it mean when a Christian momma continues to worry? How does she reconcile her feelings of fear with her faith in God? And how does she raise her children in a home full of peace when she feels anything but peaceful? Becky Thompson, a five-time best-selling author with a degree in biblical studies, draws on Scripture to support and encourage readers with God’s promises and love.

    As Becky examines the relationship between the promise of peace in Scripture and the reality of life, motherhood, and anxiety, she brings both hope and healing to the anxious momma’s heart.

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  • Midnight Mom Devotional


    A one-year book of prayers to bring nightly hope and a sense of connection to mothers who feel alone, from the mother and daughter team behind the Midnight Mom Devotional Facebook page.

    Mothers are often the last ones to sleep in their homes, no matter the age of their children. Newborn babies, unsettled toddlers, fear, crazy schedules, and endless responsibilities all steal a mom’s good night of rest. But the late nights don’t just wear on a momma physically. There is something about a quiet and dark house that causes thoughts, anxiety, and stress that have been ignored throughout the day to rise to the surface of a mother’s heart when the world goes around her goes still.

    It doesn’t have to be this way. Moms don’t have to feel alone, because there are women across the world awake when they are, doing the very same things they are. And there is a God who wants to meet them right there in the darkness.

    In this new book, Becky Thompson and her mom, Susan Pitts, bring support and hope into a momma’s hands, translating what began online into a physical reminder to every mom that the Lord is with her. Each prayer will begin with the familiar opening, “Tonight, we pray for the momma who….” In language that might describe her day, her lifestyle, or her emotions, each mom will see either herself or someone she knows in every prayer.

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  • Prayer A Day For Mothers


    Whether they’re new moms, tot-moms, chauffeuring teenagers, or navigating an empty nest, godly mothers know how vital prayer is; the needs and concerns of their children are never far away. A Prayer a Day for Mothers invites busy women to briefly reconnect with their Father in heaven, breathing in His love and peace as they pray scriptural words of renewal, strength, courage, rest, and joy over both themselves and their children every single day.

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  • Mom Heart Moments

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $12.74.

    Beloved author Sally Clarkson shares her heart and wisdom for mothers-and offers hope for each day.A mother living well in her God-ordained role is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. Her impact is irreplaceable and necessary to the spiritual formation of children who will be the adults of the next generation. Fun, comfort, humor, graciousness, spiritual passion, compassion for the lost, hospitality, chores, meals, training, life-giving words, hours and hours of listening and playing and praying and reading-all are parts of the mosaic of soul development.Spend the year with Mom Heart Moments, the first devotional by beloved author Sally Clarkson, and discover how as a mother you can draw closer to the heart of God. In a world constantly vying for our attention, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos. Each day of this beautiful devotional offers encouragement and direction to become the mother God has called you to be.

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  • M O M Mom Master Organizer Of Mayhem


    Popular speaker, blogger, and mother of five helps moms implement ten foundational rules for home organization, creating practical, customizable systems to increase efficiency and bring more peace and joy to their homes.

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  • Risen Motherhood : Gospel Hope For Everyday Moments


    Find Hope and Joy in Everyday Moments

    Motherhood is a series of moments-some of them magical, others messy and mundane. In every part, God is there and wants to pour gospel truth into you. Learn how you can grow spiritually and share His love with others, especially with your family, right where you are.

    Discover how the gospel impacts all the areas of your everyday life, including your:
    *Attitude-examine your heart and get answers to overcome common issues, such as anger and frustration.
    *Marriage-see your husband the way God sees him and transform your view of your spouse.
    *Body image-reject cultural pressure for physical perfection and pursue internal beauty.
    *Relationships-love those you interact with from a gospel-motivated mindset.
    *Home life-spend your time at home with purpose and intentionality.

    Experience how the “big picture” of Scripture-creation, fall, redemption, and restoration-applies to you in powerful and practical ways.

    That is how you live out Risen Motherhood: by remembering who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and what He has called you to do.

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  • Promises From God For Mothers


    Promises From God For Mothers is a Christian gift book designed to fix your mind on God’s powerful promises for you and to allow His Word to guide you on your journey of motherhood. Thirty different topics will encourage and strengthen you when the days are long.

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  • Detoured : The Messy, Grace-Filled Journey From Working Professional To Sta


    You don’t have it have it all together to live the life you’re called to live

    A former marketing executive turned elementary school teacher, Jen Babakhan already knew something about career transitions when she traded her teaching career for motherhood. She prepared her new role by reading pregnancy books, yet she felt empty when trying to navigate the isolation that came with leaving her career behind. Detoured is the book she wished she had.

    With honesty and an open heart, Jen shares the grief she experienced leaving her vocation behind and unpacks the falsehoods she believed about “having it all.” As she walks you through her journey, she shows you how to…
    *confront your own misplaced sense of identity and learn who you are in Christ
    *gain confidence and peace in your decision to hit pause on your career
    *find you are not alone in your motherhood journey, whatever it looks like

    Motherhood doesn’t offer performance evaluations or a pat on the back for a job well done. But when you follow the path God calls you to, you gain so much more.

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  • Mama Bear Apologetics



    The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. Their attraction is their appeal. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do to protect her children and raise them in the truth?

    Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through honest storytelling and practical application, this band of Mama Bears offers tools to train your kids how to spot the lie traps intended to trip them up and the steps to take to stand strong on God’s Word.

    Are you ready to answer the rallying cry, “When you mess with our kids, we will demolish your arguments”? Join the Mama Bear movement and raise your voice to protect your kids.

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  • Mended : Restoring The Hearts Of Mothers And Daughters


    Sticks and Stones may break your bones
    But words will never harm you…

    You know the rhyme about sticks and stones isn’t true. Words can wound, and when those words are exchanged between mother and daughter, the damage can seem impossible to undo.

    Mended gives you the script you need to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.

    Through Scripture, prayer and practical applications, you will…

    find common ground and put your relationship ahead of your differences learn what to say when you don’t what to say grow closer when you do hard things together
    If you have a rocky history with your mom or daughter, you don’t have to repeat those patterns of brokenness. God wants to mend your heart and make you whole.

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  • What A Great Word For Moms


    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS is a unique gift book that offers inspiring devotional thoughts, literary quotes, Scriptures and prayers, all built around key Bible words. Each word is intended to encourage, challenge, and bless those who are moms at any age and stage.
    Readers will discover words meant to be pondered and digested, each one offering a fresh, new perspective on a biblical word as it applies to motherhood. Each word will inspire the hearts of moms and help them remember that God is with them wherever they may be.
    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS offers encouragement for the hearts and minds of moms, grandmothers, and those who are like a mom to others, giving them a new opportunity to draw closer to God.

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  • Grit And Grace


    Hang in There, Mama!

    For those moments when you think you’ll never live up to the Supermoms around you–when you’re elbow deep in the grind of diapers and laundry and peanut butter sandwiches–you need a good dose of Grit and Grace.

    This refreshing collection of 90 daily devotions comes from two moms who’ve found themselves face-to-the-floor in need of encouragement and now offer it to you. These short messages of truth remove the filter of perfection with humor and vulnerability. As you read the Scripture and prayer that accompanies each day’s message, you’ll discover more fully who you are in the Savior and learn to raise your children to be image-bearers of His love to the world.

    In giving yourself grace, you will receive even more grace from the One who is present in your life right now and in every moment.

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  • How Are You Feeling Momma You Dont Need To Say Im Fine.


    A Shelby Spear Title

    The simple question, “How are you feeling, Momma?” wins the prize for the most loaded inquiry in the history of all things wonder. As moms, we’ve concocted a gazillion ways to dodge and deflect the question in order to avoid giving an honest answer. A trite “I’m fine” keeps the heaviness of authenticity from mucking up our everyday living.

    Yet, the truth is, beneath our facade are countless felt needs just begging for healing and resolve. Motherhood is full of competing emotions that sap our energy on the regular. We often choose to ignore our feelings because if we give them room to breathe, scary things can happen. One of which is a complete unraveling of all the ‘fake it until you make it’ holding us together. Who wants to risk coming undone when we’re already on ‘overwhelmed mother’ status? But trying to side-step our reality by not being genuine only adds to the emotional weight we carry because of the missed opportunities to unburden our heart.

    The good news is God is ready and willing to listen to how we feel. He already knows our heart anyway. His presence never leaves us, which means the availability God has on any given day to hear our prayers, pleadings, worries, and fears is all of time and eternity. It seems like the Hebrews took full advantage of this truth back in the day when you consider the Psalms. Turns out all the “Why, God?,” “Why not, God?,” “When, God?,” “How, God?,” and “Are you sure, God?” questions hanging in the air thousands of years ago still resonate in our heart space today.

    How Are You Feeling, Momma? is a collection of 31 short reflections giving you a peek into the inner life of Shelby and Lisa as they share all the emotions they’ve grappled with as moms over the course of many years. You will be comforted in knowing you are not alone in how you feel, as mom emotions are universal to all. In each chapter, you will read two perspectives on a specific emotion and corresponding Psalm scripture. One captures the emotion from Shelby’s experience as a Christian mom and the other from Lisa’s vantage point as a Jewish step-mom and grandma.

    Motherhood is hard, and the emotions moms deal with on any given day are universal. Shelby and Lisa’s words draw from deep wells of inexperienced experiences in hopes of bringing relief and encouragement to Moms everywhere. With vulnerability and a hefty dose of wit, Shelby and Lisa will:
    *Inspire you to lean into and get real about your mom feelings

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  • Better Mom Devotional


    As a mom, you always want to give your best to your family. The Better Mom Devotional will help you focus who you are becoming rather than what you are accomplishing. Find freedom from mom-guilt, the myth of perfection, and the endless to-do list of motherhood, and step into your greatest adventure yet: becoming The Better Mom.

    Rediscover the gift of motherhood with The Better Mom Devotional by trusted author Ruth Schwenk. As a busy mom of four, she understands the constant needs of raising a family, but she has uncovered a secret: becoming a better mom starts not with what you are doing but with who you are becoming.

    As you read The Better Mom Devotional, you will find:
    How God changes you from the inside out so you can increasingly experience His presence
    Intentional ways to grow deeper faith in this busy time of life
    The true calling of motherhood: training, disciplining, and loving your children well
    The life-giving impact of fostering honest, loving friendships
    The importance (and simplicity!) of creating a welcoming, functional, and beautiful home for your family-no Pinterest boards required!

    One hundred devotions will encourage and inspire you with Scripture, reflection questions, and journaling space to jot down your thoughts and prayers. Each devotion, filled with Bible teaching, personal stories, and application, will help you open your heart to experience more of God’s love, truth, and grace.

    Find freedom from mom-guilt, the myth of perfection, and the endless to-do list of motherhood, and step into your greatest adventure yet: becoming The Better Mom.

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  • Prayers And Promises For Busy Moms


    Prayers & Promises for Busy Moms incorporates more than 70 themes that help you connect with your Creator in all the different areas of your life.

    This beautifully designed book gives you easy access to God’s promises about faithfulness, trust, wisdom, worth, beauty, strength, and much more, with uplifting prayers and journaling space for deeper reflection.

    By staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, you can live a fulfilling, blessed life in close relationship with your heavenly Father.

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  • 6 Truths Of Motherhood Limited Edition


    In this six-lesson study, you will tackle some of the big challenges facing moms today like discipline, resentment, identity, and family values. You can successfully navigate culture, parent your children and still find time for you, and The Six Truths of Motherhood will help you go from surviving to thriving. Join Karen Stubbs as she guides you as a mom through these difficult topics of motherhood. Video sessions available at “http: //”

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  • All Things Beautiful


    At age fifteen, Nikki Leonti signed a record deal and had a successful Christian music career. Three years later she became pregnant out of wedlock, which caused many to turn away from her. When she envisioned her future, she didn’t foresee her life falling apart. Suddenly she was a single parent.

    Many single parents feel alone, ashamed, hopeless, confused, or just plain tired–tempted to give in to the negative voices that say it’s impossible to fulfill the dreams of their youth. From personal stories of overcoming, to Scriptures that were her anchor during the most difficult moments, Nikki shares transparently her journey of experiencing God’s redeeming grace.

    This book will help you:

    *Re-center your heart and mind towards what is good.
    *Navigate through the uncertainty that comes with single parenting.
    *Discover that your baggage can be the source of the greatest joy and restoration.
    *Get back on track to fulfill the incredible purpose God has for your life!

    There is no perfect parent and being a single parent can make you feel even more imperfect. If you’ve experienced the end of relationship, divorce, or loss of a spouse, this book is a great source of encouragement for parenting solo. There is not a past too messy that can keep God from transforming the most hopeless situation into a beautiful story.

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  • Bible Promises For Life For Mothers


    ‘The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.’ Matthew 24:35 TPT

    What a wonderful promise one of many that God has spoken over your life.

    Did you know there are hundreds of similar guarantees from God for every one of your needs? These promises don’t change; they are always true. They are for all people and for all time because they reflect the heart and character of God.

    Bible Promises for Life (for Mothers) is a powerful resource that will guard and direct you. It is your complete handbook to everything God guarantees you in his Word. It will give you the confidence you need to face life’s troubles. It is the ideal gift to give to people who need to know God’s personal assurances for their every need. In this book, each of God’s promises is arranged by topic in alphabetical order, making it the perfect reference when you need God’s reassurance most.

    Keep a copy on your nightstand and give one to a friend. God’s promises will never lose their power or fail to accomplish their purpose in your life!

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  • Memory A Day For Moms

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Just one simple thought a day to preserve five years of memories with your children-finally, a record book that is doable! A Memory a Day for Moms,a beautiful five-year journal with carefully curated questions and writing prompts, offers you just that. Jot down a single thought, memory, or prayer, and build a treasured keepsake day by day.

    Mothers in all stages of life will find something to love about A Memory a Day for Moms, as it allows you to reflect on and record your children’s growth and your own journey as a mom. Whether you are knee-deep with littles or navigating the tricky waters of high school and beyond, prompts such as “My child said the funniest thing today!” “My hope for my child is,” and “Lately we’ve been enjoying _____ together” will always resonate.

    This luxurious journal makes a beautiful gift for a birthday or baby shower, or as a special treat for yourself. With spacious lines and a prettily designed interior, you will love coming back to A Memory a Day for Moms day after day.

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  • No More Anger


    How can I have hurt my own child? Why am I so angry at my husband? What is it like to be in the heart and mind of an out of control mother?

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  • Pass The Joy Please


    There is a joy inexpressible and uncontainable that is delivered to a woman’s heart when she delivers a baby to the world! When an ordinary woman gazes into the eyes of her baby, joy is real and recognizable; love is unconditional and bottomless.

    However, sometimes that delicious joy is lost amidst sleepless nights, potty-training, strong-willed two year olds and never-ending mountains of laundry! When a weary mother is facing yet another day of tantrums, sibling rivalry, last week’s dishes in the sink and a house filled with unmade the beds, the joy of motherhood is often no where to be found.

    Carol McLeod is the mother of five and the “Marmee” to currently seven precocious and precious little people. When it comes to the days of being overwhelmed with the demands of children, she “gets” it. Carol understands the desire to be the world’s greatest mom and yet falling on your face … day after day after day.

    Carol is a mom who deeply cares about the next generation of women who are raising their children to make a difference in the world. She has written this devotional from the wealth of years of motherhood and from a heart that knows the true source of joy.

    If you have forgotten how to giggle or sing with your children … then this book is for you!
    If you have lost yourself in the quagmire of whining children … then this book is for you!
    If you have screamed at your children this week for no reason other than they were acting like children … then this book is for you!

    If you long to wring the joy out of motherhood … then this book is for you!

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  • 101 Quiet Moments With God For New Moms


    New moms are richly blessed, extremely busy and very tired. Spend a few minutes each day remembering how much God loves you and your new baby.

    101 brief inspirational messages with a Scripture or encouraging quote
    Padded hardcover
    Satin ribbon marker
    Min order is 3

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  • Why Motherhood Matters


    Mama, Your Work Has Deep Worth

    Do you ever wonder if your efforts as a mom make any difference?

    Take heart. Whether you’re struggling through sleepless nights with your toddler or endless battles with your teen, September McCarthy’s story offers practical insights and powerful inspiration to encourage you on your own mothering journey.

    As a mom for 25 years who continues to raise young children and love her young adults, September imparts words of wisdom and grace in key areas of Christian parenting, including…
    *faith-navigating family devotions and your own lessons from God
    *wellness-learning to take care of your kids…and yourself
    *education-raising a new generation with creativity and character
    *relationships-speaking to the heart of your children in unique ways

    In these pages you’ll find sweet anecdotes and gentle guidance for those moments you need both a breather and a lifeline. Motherhood is an incredible labor of love-and in the scope of eternity, it matters more than you know.

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  • Becoming MomStrong : How To Fight With All That’s In You For Your Family An


    Have you ever looked into the faces of the people who call you “mom” and wondered what in the world you got yourself into?

    If you’re like many Christian moms today, you’ve been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear. Let’s face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn’t even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. Popular speaker and blogger Heidi St. John (The Busy Mom) believes that today’s mothers need a special kind of strength. We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we’re facing right now. In Becoming MomStrong, Heidi has a powerful message just for you-the mom in the midst of it all. Through encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic “me-too” moments, Heidi equips you for a job that only you can do: to train your children to hear God’s voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary:
    *To be strong in the Lord
    *To know who you are in Christ, and
    *To impart that strength to your kids.

    In other words, He wants you to be MomStrong! So if you’re feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join Heidi St. John in Becoming MomStrong.

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  • Mother God Made Me To Be


    A contributor to Guideposts annuals for ten years, Karen Valentin’s narrative pieces about her journey to marriage and motherhood and then to single motherhood have resonated with readers. Here she collects the longer versions of her pieces and adds many new ones.

    Karen lived an adventurous single life but longed for a family of her own. After years of maintaining her vow of purity and waiting for a man who shared her Christian faith, she fell in love with her best friend and co-worker. They married. She bore two sons. They divorced.

    With humor, honesty and raw emotion, Valentin tells her story of wrestling between God’s will and her own, with visions of happily ever after. In the midst of her weakness and grief, she experiences God’s strength and restoration like never before. Through her family and friends, mission workers, the pastor of Graffiti Church, and her two beautiful boys, God turns her ashes to beauty and her sorrow into joy.

    Women who desire to be loved, who know the pain of rejection and who have found themselves in a dark place will be touched by her pain and encouraged by her victories.

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  • Warrior We Call Mom


    See the connection between spiritual warfare and your role as a mother in order for your kids to experience an awakening of their own.

    There is a spiritual war raging against the next generation. This book is a passionate call for moms to break out of the box of “normal” and dare to be led by the Spirit in their day-to-day parenting. Deven Wallace looks at biblical examples, including the mothers of Jesus, John the Baptist, Samuel, Moses, and Samson to empower mothers today.

    The heart of a mother is to see her child serve God with passion, and this book will be the catalyst to that revival.

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  • Magic Of Motherhood


    The ups and downs and joys and struggles of motherhood are not for the faint of heart. No matter where you are in your journey, find a new strength, beauty, and sisterhood you never truly believed possible in The Magic of Motherhood, a beautiful and encouraging book written for an imperfect, trying-her-best mom just like you. Motherhood can feel overwhelming. You hope you’re doing the very best you can for your child, but life with little ones can leave you feeling isolated and unsure. You find your feelings swinging between joy and uncertainty, intense love and anxiety, laughter and tears. The old adage is true: the days are long and the years are short. But how do you make the most of all the hours in between? The Magic of Motherhood celebrates your life-the good stuff, the hard stuff, and everything in between. Full of encouragement, humor, and wisdom that will speak to you right where you are, The Magic of Motherhood is like a long-overdue coffee date with your best girlfriend, the one who can look at you and say, “I see you, girl. You’re doing a great job. You got this, mama.” From the writers behind the popular blog Coffee + Crumbs comes a beautiful new book to remind you of your identity, both as a woman and as a mother. The encouraging essays in The Magic of Motherhood will inspire and refresh you, and flipping through the pages will remind you of some of the universal experiences of motherhood-joy, love, the good and bad kinds of heartache, and plenty of laughter. Through the beautiful words and inspiring messages in The Magic of Motherhood, be reminded of your own story and the sisterhood of motherhood that surrounds you and supports you. The moments of calm and chaos, beauty and mess, that happen between your coffee and crumbs are worth reflecting on and valuing.

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  • Madre E Hijo – (Spanish)


    El amor es importante, pero el respeto es la clave al corazon de tu hijo. La idea de que las mamas respeten a sus hijos puede sonar ajena para algunos, pero tambien parece encender curiosidad. Es facil identificarse con la necesidad que todos sentimos del amor de una madre, pero es eso lo mismo que respeto? Incluso para los ninos pequenos, el efecto del respeto no es nada menos que asombroso cuando se aplica apropiadamente. Las mamas desean aprender cualquier cosa que les ayude con sus hijos. Despues de todo, aman a sus hijos, pero a muchas de ellas les resulta mas dificil criarlos que a las ninas, especialmente desde los cuatro anos de edad en adelante. Lo que hace que todo esto sea mas urgente es que las mamas estan entrenando a los padres para amar a sus hijas, pero nadie ha dicho nada a las mamas sobre como mostrar respeto a sus hijos, al menos no de una forma que sea aplicable y completamente explicada. Todos entienden que las ninas pequenas necesitan el amor de papa, pero quien esta promocionando con fuerza la verdad de que los ninos pequenos (y los grandes) necesitan el respeto de mama? No es extrano que las madres sientan que no saben nada sobre este tema. Al igual que Emerson Eggerichs transformo millones de relaciones matrimoniales con un entendimiento biblico del amor y el respeto, ahora dirige esos principios a una de las relaciones mas importantes de todas: una madre y su hijo.

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  • Holy Labor : How Childbirth Shapes A Woman’s Soul


    Women are valued for their ability to bear children in many cultures. The birth process, though supposedly the most painful experience of a woman’s life, is seen as a necessary evil to achieve the end goal of children and motherhood.

    And yet, in the face of a typically masculinized Christianity that nevertheless professes that women are equally created in the image of God, shouldn’t childbirth–a uniquely feminine experience–itself shape Christian women’s souls and teach them about the heart of the God they love and follow?

    Drawing on her own experience of giving birth and motherhood–and the conflicting assumptions attached to them, by Christians and the culture at large–Aubry G. Smith presents a richly scriptural exploration of common conceptions about pregnancy and childbirth that will not only help mothers and soon-to-be mothers understand how to think biblically about birth, but also walks them through how to put the ideas into practice in their own lives. Along the way, she shows all readers how to see God’s own experience of the birth process–and how childbirth leads to a deeper understanding of the gospel overall.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Moms


    No one knows how quickly the chaos of daily life can become overwhelming more than moms. We lean on them for everything from hurt feelings to missing homework to broken bones. So, where can moms turn for peace and rest in the midst of mayhem? Bestselling author Max Lucado points to the Source of all hope and strength in Pocket Prayers for Moms, which contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for all moms.

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  • Suddenly Single Mom


    Raising your children alone may not have been your plan, but these 52 encouragements will support and inspire you to thrive in your new role.

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  • SuperMom Myth


    “This book isn’t about raising kids. It’s about raising Moms. . .” says author, speaker, blogger, lunch packer, and sidewalk chalk artist Becky Kopitzke. In a Pinterest-perfect culture, you’ve likely sensed an accelerated pressure to measure up. Then you either weigh yourself down with guilt or become resigned–desensitized, even–to this so-called failure. The Supermom Myth–with humor and grace, yet all the while maintaining a firm grasp on reality–aims to empower you to become the mom God created you to be. With 8 chapters, each personifying a “dirty villain” of motherhood, including The Grouch on the Couch (Anger), Fear (Worry Woman), and Busyness (The Calendar Queen), Kopitzke offers a gentle reminder to rest in the super power of our grace-filled God.

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  • Dear Child Of Mine


    In Dear Child of Mine, Deirdre Tolhurst finds the beauty in each day that passes from conception to birth. Addressing the growth of the baby within and giving God the glory for each of His miraculous works is the mainstay of this powerful devotional.

    To be read out loud, each devotion begins with sweet words to the baby. The baby is told every day that it is loved and wanted, and the devotion notes what miracles are happening as the child grows. Followed by a prayer, the exciting changes inside the mother are spoken of with adoration of God’s kindness and miraculous ways. A scripture completes the devotion, always bringing the glory back to God.

    This uniquely personal devotional has lines included each day so the mom can write the feelings and thoughts that captured her own heart at that stage of her pregnancy, making this a beautiful heirloom for generations to enjoy!

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  • Hands Free Life


    The urge to join society’s frantic pace, maintain digital connections, and check another task off the list as is intense as it is constant. Protecting what really matters is difficult in a world of distraction, but it is not impossible.

    After taking steps to let go of daily distraction and become a Hands Free Mama, Rachel Macy Stafford realized just how valuable it truly was. This awareness brought her to a new challenge: maintaining and protecting her hands free life in a world inundated with distraction, perfection, and societal pressures.

    In Hands Free Life, Rachel shows you how to:
    *create meaningful human connection despite the busyness of life;
    *embrace today even though the world tries to convince us we must think ahead to tomorrow, next month, and next year; and
    *protect your children’s innocence, your marriage, your faith, and what you value most despite pressures from society and the latent dangers of technology.

    Whether you are just starting your hands free journey toward a more present and gratitude-filled life or have been at it awhile, the habits and practices outlined in Hands Free Life will benefit anyone striving to grasp what really matters in a world of distraction.

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  • Invisible Woman : A Special Story For Mothers


    There is nothing like the pain of feeling invisible to those around you. It especially hurts when you are serving, giving, and loving, and no one seems to notice or even care.

    In creating The Invisible Woman, Nicole Johnson shows how much she understands the difficulty of living with great responsibility without receiving any recognition. Nicole puts us inside the mind and heart of Charlotte Fisher.

    And as we walk through Charlotte’s story of feeling invisible, we experience the comedy and loneliness of her life. The invisibility that at first feels inflicted ultimately brings her real significance and meaning.

    Drawing her strength from the invisible builders of the great cathedrals, Charlotte realizes she is not invisible to God, and this simple truth changes everything for her. Faith is rekindled in her heart as she seeks to love her family in ways that only invisibility makes possible.

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  • Como Ser La Mejor Mama – (Spanish)


    Marina Slayton y su marido, Gregory, autor de best seller de ser un mejor papa hoy, revela los secretos para encontrar la verdadera alegria en el papel sagrado de ser mama. El uso de la historia, el humor, la empatia, el sentido comun, y una conversacion basada en la realidad y la experiencia personal. El libro se centra en el deseo de la madre de obtener sabiduria y su compromiso con el bienestar de su esposo e hijos y ofrece seis principios probados por el tiempo (los Seis Secretos) para ser una gran mama. En la tradicion de Stormie Omartian y libros de Barbara Rainey, los Slaytons ofrecen inspiracion basada en valores, un tono calido y personal, y los secretos interesantes para educar y equipar a las mamas a ser las mejores madres que pueden ser. Este libro ayudara a cualquier madre que quiere crecer en su papel sagrado. Las mujeres que necesitan el estimulo o consejo o que se sienten mal equipadas para ser madres encontraran la perspectiva cristiana con sencillos consejos practicos que le cambiaran la vida.

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  • Sand In My Sandwich


    You know that thing when you’re in Walmart at noon before you discover you haven’t brushed your teeth? Sarah Parshall Perry gets that. She also gets weird things showing up in her bed, her daughter asking for war paint, and her son crawling into a giant blue sock on Christmas morning. Mainly, she gets that conflicted feeling of finding her kids hanging out in the dogs’ cages and happily realizing they have stopped getting into trouble for a minute.

    According to Perry, “The hardest stuff is the quickest way to God,” and readers get to watch the systematic destruction of her carefully planned life, laughing at her missteps, aching at her tragedies, and recognizing themselves along the way. A mother of three children, two of whom are on the autism spectrum, she has experienced plenty of ups and downs, but from the chaos of her “ordinary” life she pulls the universal truths of motherhood, addressing them with humor, poignancy, and a naked honesty that will make the reader think, That sounds a lot like my crazy life. Perry helps mothers realize they aren’t alone, even if they’ve fallen off the straight and narrow of their intended path and are instead lying in the ditch next to it. Life’s a mess. But as Perry reminds us, it’s all for a purpose.

    Perfect for mothers, this book will encourage, inspire, and enlighten.

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  • Mean Moms Guide To Raising Great Kids


    “Mom, you’re so mean!” Do you struggle to instill loving boundaries and become discouraged when your child doesn’t like you for them? Let The Mean Mom’s Guide inspire you to dig in and stand your ground when parenting gets tough-because a mean mom isn’t always the mean you think it means.

    The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids encourages overly nice “marshmallow” moms to instill a few much-needed boundaries. It motivates parents to stand their ground when childrearing is tough, most especially when a child doesn’t like them for it.

    Covering parenting from preschool to high school, each of the four sections highlights topics specific to each age. Scripture is weaved throughout as a continual reminder of God’s truth, and “Mom 2 Mom” quotes at the end of each chapter are filled with heartfelt transparency from dozens of moms who lent their own experiences to encourage the reader. Mean moms encourage openly, love passionately, and know full well being called mean by her child is oftentimes a compliment.
    – See more at:

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  • Mother And Child Project


    Dozens of influential leaders have heard the pleas of mothers and children in developing countries. Raising their voices to inspire a movement to increase healthy pregnancies and lower death rates, Melinda Gates, Kay Warren, Bill Frist, Kimberly Williams Paisley, Michael W. Smith and more speak out about why people of faith must get involved in The Mother and Child Project: Raising Our Voices for Health and Hope. Almost 287,000 women die each year because of pregnancy and birth complications. Many orphans are left behind in the wake of this tragedy, and without a mother, many of those children die as well. If only enough people knew.

    We have the resources to prevent this crisis, but we must take action. Fortunately, Hope Through Healing Hands, a nonprofit organization promoting awareness for healthy mothers and children worldwide, is already spreading the word. Not only can we save lives, reduce abortions, and decrease death rates, but also we can help build healthier, thriving families and bring stability and sustainability to families, communities and nations. The question is, will you join them?

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  • Ora Las Escrituras Por Tus Hij – (Spanish)


    Una inspiradora guia para las madres sobre la forma de orar biblicamente por sus hijos, llena de alentadoras historias de la vida real y utiles recursos para comenzar a orar hoy mismo de una manera poderosa.

    An inspiring guide for mothers on how to pray scripturally for their children, filled with encouraging true stories and handy resources to begin praying powerfully today.

    Jodie Berndt les ensea a las lectoras la forma de convertir la Biblia en un libro de oraciones que puede influir de manera poderosa en la vida de sus hijos. En este libro descubriran la forma de orar de manera especifica y llena de expectativas por la fe, el caracter, la seguridad, las relaciones y el futuro de ellos. Adquiriran una perspectiva nueva y biblica sobre el proposito que Dios tiene con sus hijos. Y por medio del aliento que les daran las Escrituras y estos relatos de la vida real, descubriran lo inmensa que es la diferencia que pueden marcar verdaderamente sus oraciones en la vida de aquellos a quienes mas aman.

    Praying the scriptures for your children
    Jodie Berndt shows readers how to make the Bible a book of prayers that can powerfully influence their children’s lives. They’ll discover how to pray specifically and expectantly for their faith, character, safety, relationships, and future. They’ll gain new, biblical perspectives on God’s purposes for their children. And through the encouragement of the Scriptures and true-life stories, they’ll find out what a huge difference their prayers really make in the lives of those they love most.

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  • You Are Captivating


    Your woman’s heart is one of God’s most prized creations. Designed in it are three holy desires:
    1. To be romanced,
    2. To play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and
    3. To unveil beauty

    As a mother, how you nurture these core desires of the heart establish a path for motherhood. When your children look to you for comfort and strength, encouragement and advice, you can lead them to the Father because you have discovered the truths he designed into you. In this inspiring book, learn more about your design and how it empowers you to enrich and lead the life of your children.

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  • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


    9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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  • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


    9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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  • Making Of A Mom


    Weaving biblical insight together with real life stories, this unique and comprehensive view of motherhood gives moms a sense of comfort, confidence, and freedom to not only navigate the often tumultuous waters of motherhood, but to also know they aren’t alone.

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  • Chaotic Joy : Finding Abundance In The Messiness Of Motherhood


    If you’re waiting to live abundantly until the house is tidy, your kids are clean and well behaved, and you have plenty of free time to pursue a glamorous hobby, you may be waiting awhile. However, you don’t have to wait for things to settle down to live the good life, because motherhood-with all its chaos-is the abundance God promised
    In Chaotic Joy, you will discover how to experience abundant life in the midst of the madness and mess. Find out what’s keeping you from the joy and satisfaction you dreamed being a mom would bring, and learn how to recognize God’s hand of blessing even through countless diaper changes, toddler meltdowns, and thousands of important tasks that clamor for your attention. Motherhood can be chaotic, for sure. But it’s meant to be so much more.

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  • Mommy Memoirs : A Hilarious And Heartwarming Look At The Trials And Triumph


    “Mommy Memoirs” is a delightful journey from pregnancies and births to marriages and a hysterectomy! There are few stones left unturned as author Ann Van De Water describes her hectic life as a mother of three boys in short read-it-and-run stories that will have her audience laughing out loud one minute and grabbing tissues the next. These true-to-life experiences filled with humor, tenderness, practicality, and joy, written by a been there, done that mom, will have other moms and grandmothers reminiscing and expectant moms anticipating their own adventures. All will come away knowing they are not alone on their journey through motherhood.”

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  • Mommy Memoirs : A Hilarious And Heartwarming Look At The Trials And Triumph


    “Mommy Memoirs” is a delightful journey from pregnancies and births to marriages and a hysterectomy! There are few stones left unturned as author Ann Van De Water describes her hectic life as a mother of three boys in short read-it-and-run stories that will have her audience laughing out loud one minute and grabbing tissues the next. These true-to-life experiences filled with humor, tenderness, practicality, and joy, written by a been there, done that mom, will have other moms and grandmothers reminiscing and expectant moms anticipating their own adventures. All will come away knowing they are not alone on their journey through motherhood.”

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  • Hands Free Mama


    Do you find yourself reaching for your phone instead of talking and playing with your children? Do you spend more time looking into electronic screens than into the eyes of your loved ones? Has your pursuit of the perfectly-orchestrated life replaced time spent making meaningful connection and memorable life experiences? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Millions of people are experiencing technology as the new addiction. What matters most in life is lost among electronic gadgets, overloaded schedules, and unrealistic social pressures.
    But this isn’t the way it has to be. Popular blogger and writer, Rachel Stafford knows, because she experienced a life-changing journey in her efforts to break away and she shares her steps to freedom in Hands Free Mama. This book provides the awareness, motivation, and tools to get free from the chains of daily distraction and live a more fulfilled and meaningful life. In July 2010, Rachel began practicing simple strategies that enabled her to momentarily let go of daily distractions and initiate meaningful human connection. With each small step, a profoundly transforming reaction occurred. She was able to see how both external and internal distractions were sabotaging her happiness and preventing her from bonding with the people she loves. The addictive grip that her technology and an overly full schedule had on her life began to loosen with each step in her journey. That is when she discovered the power of living “Hands Free.”

    Hands Free Mama is the digital society’s answer to finding balance in a media-saturated, perfection-obsessed world. It empowers all of us to choose what matters over distraction by offering real and meaningful ways to live a present, authentic, and intentional life…..

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