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Nancy Rue

Showing all 7 results

  • Lucy Out Of Bounds


    Prayer is a powerful thing-especially when you’re out of options.   Lucy is a feisty, precocious tomboy who questions everything-including God. Understandably, especially after an accident killed her mother, blinded her father, and turned her life upside down. It will take a strong but gentle housekeeper-who insists on Bible study along with homework-to show Lucy that there are many ways to become the woman God intends her to be.   It seems like everybody’s got it in for Lucy! Mora’s gone boy-crazy for JJ and will stop at nothing to cut Lucy’s friendship with him out of the picture. A land developer wants the soccer field, and the town council just might take him up on it. And a wildcat is stalking Lucy’s house cats. Worst of all, she’s in trouble with her dad. Where can Lucy turn when it seems like nothing’s going right?

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  • Lucy Finds Her Way


    Aunt Karen is taking over Lucy’s life-what’s left of it.   Lucy is a feisty, precocious tomboy who questions everything-even God. It’s not hard to see why: a horrible accident killed her mother and blinded her father, turning her life upside down. It will take a strong but gentle housekeeper-who insists on Bible study along with homework-to show Lucy that there are many ways to become the woman God intends her to be.

    Lucy is faced with her toughest obstacles yet in her quest to find out just what it means to be a girl. Dad’s gone back to school, and Aunt Karen has taken over parenting duties, imposing wardrobe inspections and trying to be the world’s ultimate soccer mom. At the same time, J.J. is learning firsthand about bullying, and soccer is becoming way more competitive as Lucy prepares for Olympic Development Program tryouts. With everything going on in her life, Lucy has to depend on God more than ever.

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  • Lucys Perfect Summer


    Lucy’s going to enjoy this summer-not. Lucy is a feisty, precocious tomboy who questions everything-including God. Understandably-after an accident killed her mother, blinded her father, and turned Lucy’s life upside down. It will take a strong but gentle housekeeper-who insists on Bible study along with homework-to show Lucy that there are many ways to become the woman God intends her to be.

    Now that school’s out, Lucy has plans for a perfect summer going to soccer camp with her friends. Lucy even makes the select team! But between the team bully and Dad’s work pressures, the summer fun isn’t meeting Lucy’s expectations. Can Lucy switch up her attitude and meet her challenges head on, or will her perfect summer crash uncontrollably?

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  • Sorry Im Not Sorry


    Bullies aren’t born mean-through the vicious cycle of mean, bullies are made.

    According to the Ambassadors 4 Kids Club, one out of every four students is bullied-and 85% of these situations never receive intervention. Parents, students, and teachers have amped up solving the bullying problem for a networked generation of kids. Written by bestselling author Nancy Rue, each book in the Mean Girl Makeover trilogy focuses on a different character’s point of view: the bully, the victim, and the bystander. The books show solid biblical solutions to the bullying problem set in a story for tween girls.

    Sorry I’m Not Sorry tells the story of Kylie Steppe, former queen bee of Gold Country Middle School. After bullying a fellow GCMS student, Kylie has been expelled-and she has to attend mandatory counseling. Without her posse to aid her and other peers to torment, Kylie focuses on the person who stole her GVMS popularity crown: Tori Taylor. As Kylie plots revenge on Tori, she attends therapy sessions, where she reveals a few details that might explain why she finds power in preying on her middle school peers. After a rough year with bullying backfire, will Kylie decide to become more empathetic with her peers?

    It’s hard for tweens to imagine why a bully acts the way she does. Sorry I’m Not Sorry shows girls that they hold the power to stop bullying through mutual understanding and acts of love.

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  • Sarahs Choice : Only One Thing Stands In The Way Of Sarah’s Success


    Only one thing stands in the way of Sarah’s success . . . her unborn baby.

    Sarah Collins is about to receive a promotion that will give her everything she’s ever wanted: a huge pay increase, a new car, a fabulous apartment, and first-class travel.

    But then she discovers she’s pregnant. And while she thinks she loves her boyfriend, Matt, she isn’t sure he’s mature enough to be a responsible father. And the job she’s pursuing is open only because the previous employee is out on maternity leave. She’d never be able to handle the travel as a single mom.

    Torn between advice from her coworkers, the adamant insistence of her mother and sister that she keep the baby, her insecurity about her relationship with Matt, and the void where her father should be, Sarah has no idea how to make this decision.

    A Christmas card from a mysterious old woman is the catalyst for three visions of her future-and may just be the miracle she needs. But can she trust the visions? Are they the yearnings of a conflicted heart? Or are they true visions from the God she thought had turned his back on her?

    For every woman who has made painful decisions, Sarah’s Choice offers comfort, wisdom, and hope.

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  • Healing Sands : A Sullivan Crisp Novel


    In the struggle for healing, when do you fight and when do you surrender?

    Ryan Alexander-Coe is a talented photojournalist who has been on assignment all over the world. But when her two sons choose to live with their father after her divorce, Ryan must give her career up for a small-town newspaper job in order to be near them.

    Life spirals out of control when her fifteen-year-old son is arrested. Desperation–both over the fact that she cannot believe her son commited this crime and that he refuses to talk to her–sends her anger level soaring . . . and eventually sends her storming into Dr. Sullivan Crisp’s office in search of ways to cope with her anger. Sully is in town assisting at one of his clinics and continuing his search for Belinda Cox, the woman whose guilt-inducing counseling caused the death of his wife and daughter. When Sully’s search ends in disaster, both he and Ryan will have to fully rely on God–rather than themselves–to survive these storms.

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  • Pascals Wager


    Confirmed atheist Jill McGavock faces the mental deterioration of her brilliant mother. In a quest to cope with this devastating situation, Jill seeks out philosophy professor Sam Hunt. Savvy Sam challenges Jill to make “Pascal’s wager”_to “bet” that God exists by acting as if he does. The results not only change Jill’s mind but transform her life in ways she never could have imagined. An exciting, faith-building thriller!

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