
Showing 351–383 of 383 results

  • On Becoming Childwise Parenting Your Child From 3 To 7 Years


    The growth phase between five and eight years of age, is a time when parental training and encouragement are major players in a child’s developing world. These early school years awaken within a child a sense of fearful adventure in an ever-expanding world outside the confines of mom and dad. It is a time when his intellect develops sufficiently to allow purposeful interaction with adults and other children. As that interaction begins, he begins to process experiences and sensations from his deepening relationships that direct the way he interprets life. As his world unfolds, new and broader expectations are realized. Now he is confronted with role functions, norms, and expected standards of conduct which sometimes conflict with each other as well as with his own self-centered perceptions.

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  • Raising Prayers Not Hell


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232715ISBN10: 1931232717Brandon BoswellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Deliver Us From Evil


    Occult influences march freely across the American landscape today. From Pokemon cards and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Marilyn Manson and psychic hotlines, the nation is under siege. Occult beliefs–presented as the path to enlightenment and peace–permeate our society, powerfully influencing our children, our neighbors, our government, and even our churches. Cindy Jacobs reveals the deadly impact of Satan’s dominion over the media and the resulting rise in violence and immorality that plague our society. She then shows how through prayer, spiritual warfare, and activism we can halt the destructive advance of the devil’s kingdom in the land.

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  • Teenagers Are People Too


    But Why Do I Feel Like This? Do you feel misunderstood and lonely? Not accepted or appreciated by your friends or your family? Hurt? Scared? Tempted? Joyce Meyer wants you to know you are not alone with your feelings, and that you can experience unconditional love and total acceptance as a person, as well as peace, confidence and hope. You’ll also discover a special friend in Joyce Meyer. Besides being a bestselling author and popular speaker, she’s a survivor of childhood abuse and the parent of four grown children. She’ll guide you smoothly through the often-overwhelming relationships and challenges you face as a teen today. The pressures of growing up don’t have to drag you down and keep you from succeeding in life. In the midst of challenges it is possible for you to have peace and joy, including in your relationships with friends and family- even your parents! Discover all that God has lovingly planned for you- a present and a future filled with hope and promise. And begin feeling and living like the loved, valued and important person you are!

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  • Boundaries With Kids


    Since the 1992 release of their Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have heard these three questions rephrased thousands of times. As parents begin to realize the tremendous impact poor boundaries have had on their own lives, their concern naturally extends to their children. How can they help their sons and daughters form healthy boundaries that lead to well-rounded characters and successful adult lives? Now there are answers. Boundaries with Kids helps parents apply the Ten Laws of Boundaries (first described in Boundaries) to the challenges of raising children. In their popular, readable style, Cloud and Townsend help moms and dads make choices and develop a parenting approach that sees beyond the moment to the adults their children will become. For parents who want their kids to escape the struggles they themselves have experienced, here’s an in-depth look at how to implement the preventive medicine of character development by establishing sound boundaries – starting with the parents. Boundaries with Kids helps moms and dads learn how to

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  • Becoming Parents : How To Strengthen Your Marriage As Your Family Grows


    Moving into parenthood is typically a time of great joy and excitement, but it also brings fatigue, stress, and conflict. From the authors of the best-selling Fighting for Your Marriage and A Lasting Promise, this unique and innovative guide offers indispensable advice on how to protect and preserve your marriage and take care of yourselves as you become parents. Based on scientific research and containing real-life examples, Becoming Parents challenges you to seize this opportunity to really thrive in your relationship and in parenting together as a team.

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  • Say Goodbye To Whining Complaining And Bad Attitudes In You And Your Kids


    Adding honor as a factor in raising kids …and parent-child relationships.
    Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller offer a thorough program for establishing honor as a basis of family life – not just children honoring parents, but parents respecting children and children honoring each other. Even if honor seems a long way off in your household, you will find practical suggestions here to bring that goal a little closer – suggestions for kids of all ages. Honor is the biblical value that will bring about good behavior. It’s more than just changing what kids do; it’s changing the deeper issues of the heart that triggered the behavior.

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  • Preparemonos Para La Adolescen – (Spanish)


    Un tratado acerca de la adolescencia escrito tanto para los adolescentes como para sus progenitores.

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  • Listen My Son


    Listen, My Son (the opening lines of Benedict’s Rule) breaks the Rule into short daily readings and provides commentary too help strengthen men in their role as open-hearted, attentive, and intelligent fathers and husbands. Without underestimating the emotional, spiritual, and physical demands of fatherhood, Longnecker also holds up the joys of developing a strong bond with God – one that nutures the individual man and that provides him with the ability to grow himself and his family in faithfulness, service and love.

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  • From Culture Wars To Common Ground (Revised)


    What is the status of the American family? How is it changing? Are these changes making anything better? What is the future of the family? Does religion offer a positive answer?

    Not since Habits of the Heart has one book confronted issues with such personal and societal impact. Using in-depth case studies and national surveys, and now with an updated Preface and new Appendix, this groundbreaking book presents arguments for the creation of a new family ethic that should be central to both the agenda of contemporary society and the mission of the church.

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  • Personality Plus For Parents (Reprinted)


    After profiling both adult and child personalities, Florence Littauer uses colorful examples to advise parents of factors that affect their relationships with their children.

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  • Como Disciplinar A Tus Hijos – (Spanish)


    A study of what God thinks of corporal punishment and its application in our times.

    Un estudio de como Dios ve el castigo fisico para la generacion actual.

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  • Como Criar Hijos Felices Y Obe – (Spanish)


    Principios de la Palabra de Dios necesarios para instruir a los hijos.

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  • Standing On The Promises


    1. A Short Overview Of Covenantal Childrearing
    2. The Promises Of God To Parents
    3. The Duties Of Parents Before God
    4. Covenant Continuity
    5. The Nature Of The Child And Covenant Nurture
    6. The Authority Of Parents
    7. The Necessity Of Christian Education
    8. Love And Security Through Godly Discipline
    9. The Application Of Godly Discipline
    10. Miscellaneous Concerns
    11. And When They Are Older

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    God has designed each family to be a culture – with a language, customs, traditions, and countless unspoken assumptions. The culture of the family intimately shapes the children who grow up in it. It is the duty of the father to ensure that the shaping takes place according to biblical wisdom.

    Some fathers establish a rebellious culture for their children and bring upon their children the wrath of God, sometimes for generations. Other fathers fail to establish any distinct culture, and outside cultures rush to fill the void.

    Through the Messiah, God promised blessings to His people, “their children, and their children’s children forever.” The norm for faithful members of the covenant is that their children will follow them in their faithfulness.

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  • Raising Great Kids For Parents Of Preschoolers (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Raising Children Of Character
    2. Ingredients For Growth: Grace, Truth, And Time
    3. Developing Connectedness And Responsibility
    4. Developing Reality And Competence
    5. Developing Morality And Spirituality
    6. When In Doubt, Connect!

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    It takes tender strength to raise children of character and faith. What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! There’s got to be a balance between control and permissiveness. And there is. Drawing on the expert insights of counselors and award winning authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend and on the parenting wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Raising Great Kids shows you how truth and grace go together. They are allies in your most challenging and rewarding task: raising children with character that can withstand life’s rigors and make the most of its potential. Using principles described in Raising Great Kids, the Raising Great Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will guide you through those first, formative years in your child’s life from infancy to age five. It’s filled with sound Biblical information and expert advise. But most important, it supplies tools you can begin using today, from thought – provoking questions and self-assessments to an abundance of practical applications. Each chapter begins by introducing three or four key parenting principles, and ends with hands on exercise and a prayer that crystallize the concepts dealt with in that chapter. The Raising Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will help you start sowing the seeds of character early in your child’s life for good fruit that lasts a lifetime.

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  • Facing Autism : Giving Parents Reasons For Hope And Guidance For Help


    Perhaps one of the most devastating things parents can learn is that their child has been diagnosed with autism. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled parents and professionals alike. At one time, doctors gave parents virtually no hope for combating the disorder. But in recent years, new treatments and therapies have demonstrated that improvement is possible. With intensive, early intervention, some children have recovered from autism and have been integrated into school, indistinguishable from their peers. In this greatly needed book, author Lynn M. Hamilton draws upon her own experience of successfully parenting an autistic child to give overwhelmed moms and dads guidance, practical information, and hope for battling this disorder in their childrens lives. Parents will learn ten things they can do to begin battling autism right away, investigate cutting-edge biomedical treatments and other therapies, explore the benefits of dietary intervention, and much more as they learn how to begin the fight for their child’s future in Facing Autism.

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  • To Raise A Jewish Child


    In a society with so many distractions, how can American Jewish parents teach their children to know and appreciate what it means to be a Jew? Updated with current resource material, this wise and practical book provides help in finding and evaluating a Hebrew school, in dealing with secular peer-group pressures on children, and in planning family observances in the home.

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  • Parents In Pain



    244 Pages In 13 Chapters Divided Into 3 Parts

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    IVP Print On Demand Title

    When your kids are in trouble, you’re in trouble.
    A police car rolls up in front of your house-with your son in it.
    A voice on the phone says your daughter is all right but won’t tell you where she is-and then hangs up.
    A wallet disappears from your dresser and you’re sure who took it-at least somewhat sure.

    How do we deal with the guilt, frustration, anger and inadequacy that inevitably grip us when our children are in trouble?

    John White offers comfort to parents of children with severe problems-alcoholism, homosexuality, even suicide. With practical suggestions, he helps parents deal with their feelings and decide what to do in tough situations.

    A book of comfort and counsel to parents in pain.

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  • Raising Great Kids


    13 Chapters

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    What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! – There’s got to be a balance — and there is. Joining their expertise with the wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you provide both the care and acceptance that make grace real to your child, and the firmness and discipline that give direction. Avoiding the twin extremes of permissiveness and over-control, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show how you can help your child cultivate six necessary character traits: attachment, responsibility, reality, competence, morality, and worship/spiritual life. – At last, here is an effective middle ground for raising up children who will handle life with maturity and wisdom. Raising Great Kids will help you equip your son or daughter to accept life’s responsibilities, grow from its challenges, and freely and fully explore all that it has to offer.

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  • Coaching Kids : Practical Tips For Effective Communication


    Foreword By Calvin Miller
    Tip #1 Break The Cycle Of Passed-on Parenting
    Tip #2 Communicate With Respect
    Tip #3 Promote Diplomatic Dialogue
    Tip #4 Adjust Your Communication Style
    Tip #5 Celebrate Differences In Temperament
    Tip #6 Accept Various Social Preferences
    Tip #7 Affirm Diversity In Information Gathering
    Tip #8 Honor Different Paths To Decision Making
    Tip #9 Embrace Variety In Lifestyle Approaches
    Tip #10 Emphasize The Uniqueness Of Personality Types
    Tip #11 Respect Differences Between Siblings
    Tip #12 Inspire Self-discipline And Independence

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    The most exasperating, important, difficult, thankless, yet fulfilling assignment in life is parenting. Coaching Kids is a guide to creating and maintaining harmonious communication with children when they are very small and lasting throughout their adult years when they are parents themselves.

    Excellent parenting is not a substitute, but merely a launching pad for children to develop their own true identity. The authors present to young parents, single parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers the importance of understanding who kids are and are not–for everyone’s good. With this understanding in mind, the book guides readers toward diplomatic dialogue and how to blend effectively several different personalities in a family setting.

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  • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


    Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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  • Boundaries With Kids Workbook (Workbook)


    1. The Future Is Now
    2. What Does Character Look Like?
    3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
    4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
    5. Pulling My Own Wagon
    6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
    7. I’m Not The Only One Who Matters
    8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
    9. Pain Can Be A Gift
    10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
    11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
    12. Jump-Starting My Engine
    13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
    14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

    160 Pages

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    1. The Future Is Now
    2. What Does Character Look Like?
    3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
    4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
    5. Pulling My Own Wagon
    6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
    7. I’m Not the Only One Who Matters
    8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
    9. Pain Can Be A Gift
    10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
    11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
    12. Jump-Starting My Engine
    13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
    14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

    160 Pages

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  • Emotionally Healthy Teenagers


    Respected parenting counselor Jay Kesler offers ten proven principles to help parents teach the concept of cause and effect, learn how to listen more than lecture, and model a life-changing love for Godresulting in emotionally healthy teenagers.

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  • Talking To Your Children About God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060667511ISBN10: 0060667516Rick OsborneBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1998Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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  • Parenting On Your Own


    31 Chapters

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    What you hoped for in life was a smooth road with enough turns to make it interesting. As a single parent, what you got was a rocky path marked by money issues, a barren social life, and more to do in one day than most people accomplish in three.

    Dr. Lynda Hunter knows how hard It can be. Her own experience as a single parent has taught her firsthand about the concerns you face daily. It’s also taught her how to handle those concerns effectively. Now, in Parenting on Your Own, Dr Hunter combines her personal insights with those of hundreds of single parents across the country to offer this first-of-its-kind, definitive handbook for single parents.

    Here at last are the real-life answers you’ve longed for to the real-life questions you’ve been asking about: *coping with isolation, loneliness, and other emotions
    *being a full-time parent and making a living and having a social life
    *filling in the gaps left by the missing parent
    *dealing with financial crunches … and much more.

    You won’t find a more thorough, practical, and well-researched guide to single parenting anywhere. This timely resource not only supplies help for your greatest struggles, but new hope and encouragement-a single parent’s best allies.

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  • Happiness Is A Choice For Teens


    When you think you’ve been given nothing but raw deals in your life, remember that you can choose to be happy. That’s not just a pat theory but a truth that you really can discover and use for your life. Dr. Paul and Jan Meier work with thousands of teens struggling with the same dilemmas … feelings of stress, worried that there’s no future, tempted to check out on reality. They will show you how to deal with issues such as: anger, grief, goal-setting, the opposite sex, siblings, self-image … to name a few.

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  • For The Love Of Children


    Choices in reproductive technology have multiplied at a staggering rate. Is our society prepared to decided on issues about procreation such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, or genetic engineering such as “designer children,” or selective abortion? How can we protect children – both born and unborn – who are conceived in these ways from being regarded as merchandise in the expanding marketplace of genetic services? Ted Peters sets out the challenges of these new technologies with clarity and precision. He looks anew at Christian theology and proposes an ethic “for the love of children.” Peters contends that only by affirming all children and their claims upon parents will society deal constructively and ethically with the many reproductive choices available now and in the future.

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  • Strong Willed Child Or Dreamer



    239 Pages/17 Chapters

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    Your child may be a dreamer if…
    *He forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple you make them.
    *She craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what’s expected.
    *He complains often about feeling misunderstood, picked on, or persecuted.
    *She tells more than her share of fibs, lies, or tall tales.

    If these statements describe your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find that with your child, the systems don’t work, the rules don’t stick, and the strong boundary setting seems to make the situation worse. What’s even more frustrations is seeing that these methods do work-with strong-willed children.

    According to child and family counselors, Ron L. Braund and Dana Scott Spears, the problem may be that you don’t have a strong-willed child. Your child’s behavior may actually indicate that he or she is a creative-sensitive child, a dreamer: principle-oriented rather than rule-oriented, highly creative, sensitive to the point of taking offense where none is intended, and frustrated at a world that fails to live up to the ideal.

    In this book, the authors explain the differences between the dreamer and the strong-willed child. They also provide advice on parenting your dreamer child from infancy through adolescence, plus a special chapter on the dreamer child with attention deficit disorder.

    Whether you are the teacher, coach, clergy, or parent of a dreamer, this book will help you understand how these enigmatic children view the world and teach you how to give them what they need to thrive.

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  • Discipline Book : How To Have A Better-Behaved Child From Birth To Age Ten


    From the bestselling authors of The Baby Book and The Birth Book comes The Discipline Book, the definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices.
    With focus on preventing behavior problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behavior, and sleep discipline.

    On handling problem behavior, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviors like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologizing and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

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  • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

    The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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  • Christian Parenting


    This book is practical, realistic, and biblically based help that Christian parents need to raise children in today’s world.

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  • Helping Teenagers Grow Morally


    How can church members help teenagers acquire Christian moral standards? C. Ellis Nelson views morals as a practical outgrowth of beliefs about the meaning of life, and outlines seven strategies that help adults influence young adults. He emphasizes what Christians can do in congregations to create a caring community that encourages young people to embody virtues that build a better society.

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  • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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