
Showing 101–150 of 808 results

  • Words With God


    For most of us, prayer is a struggle. We know we should pray. It would be good for us–help us be more grounded, more connected to God. But in our hurried lives, slowing down to pray can feel like a cosmic waste of time. Do our prayers even matter? What, if anything, happens when we pray? Are we having words with God or just words with ourselves?

    In this thoughtful book, Addison Bevere takes you into and through the tension of prayer–the struggles, the doubts, the answers–to the place where God makes himself real to you.

    Tired of boring, empty, transactional prayer? This is the book for you.

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  • Whispers From Heaven


    Powerful prayers begin with whispers from Heaven.

    Many struggle with prayer, hoping to offer up words that achieve results.

    Seasoned intercessor and Bethel Church leader, Beni Johnson believes that prayer is most effective when we allow God’s heart to guide our requests. When we pause to ask, “God, what are You doing?” before we pray, there is no limit to what He can do through us!

    Whispers from Heaven is a collection of Beni’s writings on prayer and intercession. Presented in short entries which the reader can use as a daily devotional or reflective reading, each chapter teaches you to discern the voice of God before you enter into prayer.

    You will learn how to:

    *Listen for God’s voice to give you prayer assignments
    *Recognize what spiritual realm you are dealing with in prayer
    *Pray from the victory that Jesus purchased at Calvary
    *Know when it is time to war and time to rest in prayer
    *Be equipped to pray effective prayers that see results

    Join with seasoned intercessor Beni Johnson and ignite your prayer life to bring Heaven to Earth!

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  • Courageous Girls Can Change The World


    Courageous Girls Can Change the World!

    Let no one show little respect for you because you are young. Show other Christians how to live by your life. They should be able to follow you in the way you talk and in what you do. Show them how to live in faith and in love and in holy living. 1 Timothy 4:12 NLV

    With every turn of the page, your courageous girls ages 8 to 12 will discover that even though they’re young, they can make a difference in the world. Each devotional reading, rooted in biblical truth, will encourage them to embrace God’s plan for their lives, use their God-given gifts and abilities, and share the Good News in their neighborhoods, communities, and beyond. Girls will be challenged to make a positive change in the world around them as they rely on the heavenly Father for courage and strength. Every page of this devotional offers a new adventure as your girls get started on their way to becoming world-changers!

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  • God Grant Me Peace That Replaces Worry


    Trade Your Worries for Life-Sustaining Peace!

    These 180+ devotional prayers encourage women to ask God to work in mighty ways in their lives. God, Grant Me. . .Peace That Replaces Worry will help you focus your prayers on the life-sustaining peace that God supplies–the kind of peace that “shape[s] your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG).

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  • Pray Better Devotional: Meditations For Women Plus Bonus Prayer Maps


    Pray Better Today.

    Encouragement and inspiration for purposeful, more focused prayer is right here!

    Practical and inspiring, The Pray Better Devotional will guide you through 28 weeks of devotional readings and prayers plus the creation of weekly prayer maps to help you better focus your daily prayer time. With prayer-related themes like TRUSTING GOD, BEING PERSISTENT IN PRAYER, and EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF PRAYER, you will be encouraged to spend regular time in the heavenly Father’s presence and share what’s on your heart. . .as you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

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  • Reason For My Hope


    Want to grow deeper in your faith?

    This daily devotional collection is designed for women just like you-those who want to grow deeper in their faith and who desire an intimate connection to their heavenly Father’s heart.

    Dozens of practical and faith-filled devotions, inspired by 1 Peter 3:15 NLV (“Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect”), will help you celebrate God’s beautiful gift of hope. With each turn of the page, you’ll discover a deeper understanding and love for the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

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  • Preocupado Por NADA Porque Oro – (Spanish)


    Que te viene a la mente cuando piensas en la oracion? Se siente como algo para las personas santas, pero no para ti? O como una experiencia mistica que nunca podrias esperar lograr en la vida real? O tal vez solo un deber aburrido con poca recompensa.
    En este libro, el autor y pastor Chad Veach desmitifica el concepto de oracion al explicar en terminos practicos como es la oracion en nuestra vida cotidiana. !Resulta que no es dificil!
    Este enfoque apasionado y personal de la oracion elimina la presion de “orar correctamente” y la reemplaza con la tranquila seguridad de que Dios quiere escucharnos y respondernos con amor.

    Ademas de desarrollar un caso sobre la importancia de la oracion, Chad utiliza historias y percepciones convincentes de la Biblia para brindar consejos practicos sobre como hacer que sus oraciones sean mas efectivas. Destaca donde podemos y debemos orar, y ofrece estrategias tangibles para implementar un estilo de vida de oracion dentro del ajetreo de la vida moderna.

    !La oracion funciona! Aqui le mostramos como conectarse con Dios como El siempre ha querido.

    What comes to mind when you think about prayer? Does it feel like something for holy people but not for you? Or like a mystical experience you could never hope to achieve in real life? Or maybe just a boring duty with little payoff.

    In this book, author and pastor Chad Veach demystifies the concept of prayer by explaining in practical terms what prayer looks like in our day-to-day lives. It turns out, it’s not hard! This passionate, personal approach to prayer removes the pressure to “pray right” and replaces it with the calm assurance that God wants to hear from us and respond to us in love.

    Along with building a case for the importance of prayer, Chad uses stories and compelling insights from the Bible to give practical advice on how to make your prayers more effective. He highlights where we can and should pray and offers tangible strategies to implement a praying lifestyle within the busyness of modern life.

    Prayer works! Here’s how to connect with God just like He’s always wanted.

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  • Feminist Prayers For My Daughter


    Spiritual language is often male-focused, overlooking the uniquely female experience. Author Shannon K. Evans believes our daughters deserve better.

    Evans wrote Feminist Prayers for My Daughter as a gift to mothers and women everywhere. It offers short prayers that affirm the unique challenges and embrace the natural abilities embodied by our daughters, young and old alike. Categories of prayers include embodiment, relationships, wholeness, justice, equality, and milestones. This book encompasses all of life from birth to death while imagining God in ways that resonate with the feminine experience.

    For mothers, grandmothers, mentors, and beyond, this prayer book provides a poignant and powerful path to both encounter God personally and seek the well-being of the daughters in our lives. It gives words to a mother’s desires for her daughter in the modern world and breathes hope for a church that will give her equal power.

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  • Beginners Bible Lets Learn To Pray


    Start children on the path to a fulfilling, lifelong prayer habit. The Beginner’s Bible Let’s Learn to Pray offers young children an interactive introduction to prayer, showing them they can talk to God about anything and everything.

    Featuring helpful examples from classic Bible stories, children will learn the basics of prayer, including why we pray and how to pray. With fun prompts, accessible questions, and bright, colorful illustrations, children will be eager to talk to God about their daily experiences, and will learn how to listen to his still, small voice.

    The Beginner’s Bible Let’s Learn to Pray:
    *Is part of The Beginner’s Bible(R) brand, the bestselling Bible storybook brand of our time, impacting 25 million families for over 30 years

    *Is an interactive prayer book, perfect for children ages 4-8

    *Introduces readers to the foundations of prayer in simple, accessible language

    *Encourages children to regularly talk and listen to God

    *Features vibrant, three-dimensional art

    Check out The Beginner’s Bible’s complete library for dozens of titles available for kids of all ages and reading levels.

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  • Lives We Actually Have


    Warm and witty blessings found within the struggle of a shared humanity, from the New York Times bestselling authors of Good Enough

    Blessed are you, the strange duck.

    You with the very intense hobbies.

    Or the collection of movies or mugs or sneakers.

    You with the hometown or home team that makes you very, very proud.

    You, my dear, in all your intricacies…are a marvel.

    Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie, authors of the instant New York Times bestseller Good Enough, reveal how every day is worth blessing–even Tuesdays. In a world that demands relentless perfection, Bowler and Richie offer creative, faith-based blessings that center gratitude and hope without making light of our real, messy lives.

    Formatted like a prayer book, The Lives We Actually Have is an oasis and a landing spot for weary souls, with blessings that center on various moods, including Bless This Ordinary Day, Bless This Tired Day, Bless This Lovely Day, Bless This Mournful Day, and more. These heartfelt, nurturing blessings are a sanctuary for the grieving, the hopeful, the restless, the careworn, and anyone who needs a chance to pause and exhale in a chaotic world.

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  • Oracion Con Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    Aprenda a orar, y cambie el mundo
    Basado en su libro mas popular , Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Oracion, este devocional del Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, ofrece animo y estimulo biblicos para desarrollar una vida de oracion diaria y eficaz. La perspectiva unica del Dr. Munroe sobre este tema a menudo malinterpretado, saca de la oracion el misterio, presentando respuestas practicas para preguntas dificiles acerca de la comunicacion con Dios.

    Oracion con Proposito y Poder: Un devocional de 90 dias le ayudara a entender el proposito y la prioridad de la oracion, como prepararse para la oracion, importantes principios de la oracion, y el poder de la oracion. El devocional de cada dia presenta enseanza e inspiracion, un pensamiento motivador para el dia, y una lectura de un pasaje biblico. Se incluyen doce pasos de accion especificos para la oracion.

    Mediante la oracion, Dios ha dado a la humanidad la capacidad de traer el cielo a la tierra, cambiando asi el mundo. Cuando El dijo: “Gobierne la humanidad sobre toda la tierra”, estaba ordenando el dominio del mundo de modo que fuera esencial una colaboracion con los seres humanos para el cumplimiento de sus propositos. Mediante la oracion, usted tiene a su disposicion todo lo que necesita para cumplir su proposito en la tierra.

    Los principios con base biblica y testados por el tiempo que se presentan en este devocional prenderan y transformaran el modo en que usted ora. Preparese para entrar en una nueva dimension de fe, una revelacion mas profunda del amor de Dios, y un entendimiento renovado sabiendo que sus oraciones pueden mover verdaderamente la mano de Dios.

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  • It All Matters To Jesus Girls


    “It all matters to Jesus” (James 5:11) is an important biblical truth for kids to learn.

    And this encouraging prayer book for the girls in your life is an encouraging reminder that the heavenly Father cares about everything they have to say. Whether it’s a little ask or a super-big-miracle ask, He hears, He cares, and He will answer in His perfect timing. These 180 prayers and truth-filled scriptures will reassure young hearts that Jesus is involved in and cares about the same things they care about–from the big to the small!

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  • Prayers For Uncertain Times: When You Dont Know What To Pray


    Your Guide for Praying in Uncertain Times

    Here’s a practical guide of short prayer starters that will help readers pray confidently during uncertain times. From illness and death to family fights and job loss, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Great as a ministry resource or for a personal library, Prayers for Uncertain Times is a must-have tool for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life.

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  • Year Of Bible Prayers


    A Year of Bible Prayers Is Sure to Become a Storytime Favorite in Your House!

    This lovely keepsake Bible storybook for kids celebrates each month of the calendar year with four stories of prayer from God’s Word.

    Stories are arranged into themes relating to the specific month:

    *January: Protection
    *February: Blessing
    *March: Healing
    *April: Resurrection
    *May: Mothers
    *June: Fathers
    *July: Forgiveness
    *August: Victory in Battle
    *September: Silly Prayers
    *October: Wisdom
    *November: Helpless Prayers
    *December: Prayers by and about Jesus

    Each section includes four colorfully illustrated stories of Bible prayers reinforcing the monthly theme and showing kids how God works in response to the prayers of His people!

    A fun bonus section at the end of the book features a list of yearly calendar celebrations with dates and brief explanations.

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  • It All Matters To Jesus Boys


    “It all matters to Jesus” (James 5:11) is an important biblical truth for kids to learn.

    And this encouraging prayer book for the boys in your life is an encouraging reminder that the heavenly Father cares about everything they have to say. Whether it’s a little ask or a super-big-miracle ask, He hears, He cares, and He will answer in His perfect timing. These 180 prayers and truth-filled scriptures will reassure young hearts that Jesus is involved in and cares about the same things they care about–from the big to the small!

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  • Prayers And Promises For Daily Strength


    We all experience difficult seasons in life that sap us of our energy. Loss, pain, anxiety, sickness, or frustration can lead to discouragement and sometimes a feeling of exhaustion.

    Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of assurance, inspiration, endurance, rest, purpose, and more. Encouraging Scriptures, heartfelt prayers, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to think more deeply about the joy and truth found in God’s Word.

    By staying connected to God, and believing in his promises, you can be renewed and re-energized, drawing on his strength to live a fulfilling, blessed life. Take a moment to breathe in the calming peace of his presence. He cares for you, and he will always be with you.

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  • How To Make Sure God Hears Your Prayers


    What if you could know God hears your prayers?

    We live in a noisy world full of uncertainty, hardship, and lies. In the confusion, it’s easy to wonder where God is and if he hears us at all.

    In How to Make Sure God Hears Your Prayers, Ray Comfort exposes biblical truths, revealing how the fear of the Lord is key to entering God’s holy presence and receiving his blessings. Through Ray’s powerful stories, profound biblical illustrations, and real-life examples, you will

    – discover what the Bible says about the fear of the Lord,
    – recognize the importance of repentance and obedience,
    – be empowered to share gospel truths, and
    – find peace in God’s promises.

    You can have confidence that God hears your prayers.

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  • Make Time For Joy


    Does your prayer time consist of an ever-lengthening list of requests for yourself and other people? Perhaps you spend a lot of time praying for the health of family or church members, guidance for a child or grandchild, or that God would intervene in global crises. But did you know that you can pray about more than just the things in life that seem to be going wrong? In fact, you can pray that God will transform your anxious and tired heart into a joyful one!

    It’s time to set aside the trials of life for a while and make joy a priority. Not sure how? Let this collection of Scripture-powered prayers from beloved author Linda Evans Shepherd be your guide. Packed with prayers of gratitude, praise, and hope, this inspiring collection will change your perspective, your life, and your heart as you press into pure, God-given joy.

    The perfect gift for yourself or someone else, Make Time for Joy will help you transform sadness into gladness as you rest on the love, joy, and provision that comes from God.

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  • 101 Prayers For Mr And Mrs


    Spending time together with God in prayer is vital to a strong and happy marriage, and 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book pairs rich passages of Scripture with unique prayers to encourage every Christ-centered marriage.

    The prayer book is covered in soft gold-toned faux leather that is slightly textured. The gold-foiled title on the front page is sandwiched between two ornate filigree designs.

    101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs.

    The title also appears on the spine in gold-foiled lettering. Topstitching along the edges and gilt-edged pages create a crisp and finished look, and a gold-toned satin ribbon marker is included to mark your progress through the book.

    The interior pages are printed in two colors. An encouraging Scripture verse complements each prayer to help guide couples into a deeper relationship with God and each other. Prayer themes include faithful love, God’s comfort, forgiving each other, mutual respect, peace and patience, unity in marriage, sharing God’s blessings, together in faith, and more.

    The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book is part of the Mr. & Mrs. Collection designed to celebrate couples young and old. This collection includes faux leather devotionals, a hardcover devotional couple’s pen set, and a faux leather guest book.

    Best-selling husband and wife team Rob and Joanna Teigen have been married for over 30 years and are the parents of five kids. They founded Growing Home Together to create resources that help families grow closer to God and each other.

    Give the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as a first-anniversary gift to your children, or wrap a copy of the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as an anniversary gift for your grandparents. The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book will help any couple grow closer through prayer.

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  • Bedtime Prayers For Little Ones


    Bestselling author Max Lucado will teach your children to pray and praise with these rhyming bedtime prayers about blessings, needs, fears, and hopes, written by Max and his wife Denalyn. After talking to God each night, your little one will fall asleep feeling loved and safe.

    With updated selections from Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers, this board book edition for toddlers and preschoolers includes:

    *original prayers, revised to speak to the unique challenges and joys of little ones
    *prayers from the Bible that small children can understand
    *calming nature scenes of animal families
    *a heartfelt note to parents about making prayer a priority

    Add this essential board book to your family’s routine to:

    *introduce children 0 to 4 to the habit of talking with God each day
    *model prayers of gratitude, worship, asking for help, and sharing worries
    *calm little minds and bodies with God’s peace

    With sweet and simple rhyming prayers, short Scriptures, and classic artwork, this prayer book makes a meaningful gift for baby showers, adoption presents, dedications, christenings, baptisms, birthdays, Easter, and Christmas. Show your kids that God listens to their prayers and He cares what they have to say with Bedtime Prayers for Little Ones.

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  • Fasting For Miracles


    Sometimes the only way to see breakthrough is through the power of fasting.

    This book will instruct you on the importance of fasting and encourage you to expect the miraculous as you fast.

    Do you believe miracles still exist today? Do you believe you can actually experience a miracle?

    The Bible says some things only happen by prayer and fasting. Fasting for Miracles will take readers step-by-step through the power and discipline of fasting and teach them how to exercise their faith to see uncounted miracles. As they walk through this twenty-one-day journey, readers will gain a biblical understanding of the power of fasting and be stirred to raise their level of expectation and believe God to do the miraculous in their lives.

    Fasting can bring breakthrough that leads to miracles. This book will challenge believers to believe God for more and lead them to experience a deeper encounter with the Holy Spirit.

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  • Acting In The Wake


    This collection of prayers by noted Hebrew Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann can be used in both public worship and private devotion.

    These prayers run the gamut from particular days in the church year to special moments in the lives of worshiping communities to events playing out on the world stage. In all cases, the prayers spur us toward acts of justice and peacemaking and call on God to heal and restore God’s hurting and broken people.

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  • Prayer With Purpose And Power


    Learn to Pray-And Change the World

    Based on his most popular book, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer, this devotional by best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers biblical encouragement for developing an effective daily prayer life. Dr. Munroe’s unique perspective on this often-misunderstood subject takes the mystery out of prayer, providing practical answers for difficult questions about communicating with God.

    Prayer with Purpose and Power: A 90-Day Devotional will help you understand the purpose and priority of prayer, how to prepare for prayer, major principles of prayer, and the power of prayer. Each day’s devotion features teaching and inspiration, a motivating thought for the day, and a Scripture reading. Included are twelve specific action steps to prayer.

    Through prayer, God has given humanity the ability to bring heaven to earth, changing the world. When He said, “Let mankind rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that a partnership with human beings was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer.

    The biblically based, time-tested principles in this devotional will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God’s love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God.

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  • Joyful Hearts : Prayers And Promises For Couples


    Spending quality time together as a couple can be difficult, but it’s incredibly important for maintaining a healthy relationship! One of the best ways to strengthen your relationship is to spend time together with God.

    Joyful Hearts: Prayers & Promises for Couples incorporates more than 70 themes to help you receive inspiration found in the promises of God’s Word. Uplifting prayers offer the opportunity for deeper reflection.

    By staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, you can live a fulfilling, blessed life in close relationship with each other and with your heavenly Father.

    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *This matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • 31 Days Of Prayer For My Wife


    Jesus is praying for your wife, and He invites you to join Him!

    Your wife is a gift from God! Recall an image of Jesus you’ve likely seen on His knees, praying. Imagine leaning in and hearing Him speak your wife’s name. Experience His heart for your wife as you claim Bible promises for her future, know and cherish her as God does, and release your faith for her continued spiritual growth and kingdom impact.

    31 Days of Prayer for My Wife shares:

    *True stories from husbands to help you understand common challenges and opportunities for women.

    *A powerful, Scripture-based prayer strategy for both you and your wife to better love the Lord, live God’s Word, love people, and live His mission.

    *Scriptures, prayers, and promises to declare over yourself and your wife.

    *A practical resource for personal devotions, couples’ studies, small groups, and ministries.

    God blessed you with your wife for a purpose. Support her through prayer and see the benefits in your own life.

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  • 31 Days Of Prayer For My Husband


    Jesus is praying for your husband, and He invites you to join Him!

    Recall an image of Jesus you’ve likely seen on His knees, praying. Imagine leaning in to listen to what He is praying and hearing Him speak your husband’s name. Experience Jesus’ heart for your husband as you claim Bible promises for his future, intercede for his spiritual growth and witness, and declare his freedom and passion to love the Lord.

    31 Days of Prayer for My Husband shares:

    *True stories from wives to help you understand common challenges and opportunities for men.

    *A powerful, Scripture-based prayer strategy for both you and your husband to better love the Lord, live God’s Word, love people, and live His mission.

    *Scriptures, prayers, and promises to declare over yourself and your husband.

    *A practical resource for personal devotions, couples’ studies, small groups, and ministries.

    God has blessed you with your husband for a purpose. Support him through prayer and see the benefits in your own life.

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  • Libro De Oracion Comun Traducc – (Spanish)


    The long-awaited new translation of the Book of Common Prayer.

    Based on modern translation principles, this newly authorized translation of the Book of Common Prayer contains Spanish-language liturgical materials for use in the Episcopal Church. A monumental liturgical and literary work is available in an accessible Spanish translation. Created using dynamic equivalence, with an eye toward inclusive language throughout, the translation supports the liturgical and pastoral needs of Spanish-speaking Episcopalians. This hardcover edition is designed for use in churches, with a sturdy binding and cover.

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  • Praying The Names Of God For 52 Weeks


    Based on Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus, two bestselling books by Ann Spangler, this unique Bible study is designed to help individuals explore the most prominent names God chooses for Himself and how each name can be used in focused, intentional prayer as God reveals His character and heart throughout the Bible.

    Names in the ancient world did more than simply distinguish one person from another. They often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Old Testament: El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Abba, El Elyon, God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most High, and more. In the New Testament, God is called Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Yeshua, and more. Through His names and titles, we come to understand more fully how God reveals His heart to us.

    Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks teaches you how to use one name each week of the year to pray to God in an intentional and focused way.

    Each name or title is broken down into three sections each week:

    *Monday: Study a portion of Scripture that reveals the name.

    *Tuesday-Thursday: Understand and connect to the name through questions and reflections. Pray the name in Scripture and pray the name for yourself.

    *Friday: Pray Scripture promises connected to the name. Optional Deeper Study.

    Ultimately, you’ll gain a more intimate understanding of who God is and how He can be relied upon in every circumstance of your life, enabling you to echo the psalmist’s prayer: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

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  • Pray First : The Transformative Power Of A Life Built On Prayer


    Prayer is the lifeblood of the Christian faith–but many followers of Jesus still struggle to make prayer part of their daily lives. In Pray First, bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges shows readers how to make prayer a first response, rather than a last resort.

    Why is it that so many Christians find it difficult to develop a vibrant and exciting prayer life? Even though prayer is foundational to the Christian life, many are intimidated or uncertain about how to talk to God. Prayer feels quaint and old-fashioned to some, sacred and uncomfortable to others. It’s not a lack of inspiration–there’s plenty of that. And it’s not that Christians don’t realize prayer is important–they know it is. So what’s the issue?

    Pastor Chris Hodges has spent years studying the prayers of the Bible and the models of prayer that the scriptures provide for Christians. Now, he shares with readers the teachings and methods he’s used to successfully help hundreds of thousands of people understand how to spend time in conversation with God–and enjoy every minute. Pray First will help readers:

    *gain the understanding and tools to make prayer work–and bring the joy back into their time with God;

    *take a journey through the prayers of the Bible, which reveal how to make prayer more personal and powerful;

    *learn about fasting, an often overlooked but powerful discipline that’s a vital companion to prayer; and

    *follow proven, biblically grounded methods for making prayer a priority, not an afterthought.

    Written in the personable, relatable, and always biblically based style that has become Hodges’s hallmark, Pray First is a revolutionary how-to manual for all Christians who want to experience a dynamic, intimate prayer life with God.

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  • 21 Days Of Prayer To Overcome Strongholds


    No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Strongholds hinder you from becoming all that God desires for you and the person you truly long to be.

    In this war, Satan has specific assignments against us that can become strongholds in our lives–issues involving anger, sex, alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, obsessive thoughts of fear or anxiety, depression, and hatred.

    In 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, author Jim Maxim takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.

    The Bible tells us that in this battle, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [made of flesh and bones] but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

    God’s truth and the power of intercessory prayer will enable you to wield the spiritual weapons that cast down the strongholds in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

    Knowing God–and knowing that He’s at work in you with His power and His plan–will enable you to have victory over demonic strongholds like negative emotions, addictions, compulsiveness, inferiority complex, and anything else that is out of control. All of these can be broken and defeated every time through the power of prayer, just as Jesus taught us.
    At the end of each day’s reading, you are invited to join Jim for interactive, intercessory prayer to overcome the strongholds around you.

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  • Daily Prayers For Grieving Hearts


    Grief has many phases, and some make it difficult for us to find the words or motivation to pray. In the moments when we need God the most but can’t seem to connect with Him, Daily Prayers for Grieving Hearts can give us language to bridge the gap. This book helps readers remember that God is close to the brokenhearted, deeply attentive to our pain, and capable of healing and restoring us.

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  • Power Of Group Prayer


    Revival starts when people pray together.

    Christians often dream about the possibility of revival. But revival doesn’t come because we wish or plan for it. Revival occurs when groups of people pray together. However, praying together effectively doesn’t come easily, and we’re often left wondering how to best engage in the work of intercession.

    Carolyn Carney offers a practical guide for those who want something more than “just another prayer meeting.” Drawing from decades of ministry experience, The Power of Group Prayer includes stories and practices for corporate prayer, reflection questions, and supplemental resources to help build powerful intercession groups. Pastors, small group leaders, and campus ministry leaders-or anyone who wants a deeper prayer life-will be equipped to lead others in the kind of prayer that is necessary for effective, resilient ministry.

    Praying together has the power to transform you and the world around you. Come to a place of deep intimacy with God as you learn ways to pray in community.

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  • Oraciones Y Promesas Para El H – (Spanish)


    !Es una bendicion maravillosa ser un hijo de Dios! Puedes sentirte muy feliz sabiendo que El te creo con un proposito y desea tener una relacion intima contigo. Pasar tiempo en su Palabra cada dia te llenara de fuerza, sabiduria y paz. Oraciones y promesas para los hombres incorpora mas de setenta temas para ayudarte a recibir la inspiracion que se encuentra en las promesas de la Palabra de Dios. Las oraciones edificantes ofrecen la oportunidad de una reflexion mas profunda. Animate y fortalecete mientras meditas en la fidelidad de Dios.

    It is a wonderful blessing to be a son of God! You can take great joy in knowing that he made you for a purpose and he desires a close relationship with you. Spending time in his Word each day will fill you with strength, wisdom, and peace. Prayers & Promises for Men incorporates more than 70 themes to help you receive inspiration found in the promises of God’s Word. Uplifting prayers offer the opportunity for deeper reflection. Be encouraged and strengthened as you dwell on the faithfulness of God.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Every Day


    The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional is a pocket-sized devotional offering 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers to strengthen your faith.

    The softcover devotional’s cover features a blazing sun setting over fields of wheat. The title is framed by a gold-foiled frame and is presented in gold-foiled lettering. The subtitle is printed in black letters.

    Pocket Prayers for Every Day
    365 Days of speaking with Jesus and experiencing a closer walk with Him.

    Do you sometimes wonder what you should pray for? Do you long for a richer, deeper prayer life? In this pocket-sized devotional, author Angus Buchan will be your prayer partner as you speak with Jesus through 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers. Pages are printed in one color, and each daily entry features a key Scripture verse accompanied by a prayer to inspire a deeper prayer life. Entries close with pointed quotes for meditation.

    Author Angus Buchan felt God’s calling on his life to spread the gospel and started Shalom Ministries in South Africa in 1980. He spends much of his time writing, recording faith-filled TV messages, and traveling around the world to preach. Angus is a full-time evangelist and sought-after speaker.

    Whether you are in search of patience, peace, joy, or God’s loving grace, the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will guide you as you open up your heart to God and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will be a meaningful gift to give to a new believer who needs guidance in prayer or a seasoned believer who needs a fresh perspective on prayer. This year, offer the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional as Easter or Christmas gifts to family and friends.

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  • ESV Prayer Journal 30 Days On Peace


    A 30-Day Bible Journal to Help You Engage with Scripture and Pray with Purpose, Featuring Artwork from Ruth Chou Simons

    ESV Prayer Journals guide your study of a foundational Scripture topic over 6 weeks and create space for writing and prayer-turning your quiet time into a meditation on God’s Word. Each week opens with an overview related to that week’s passage, followed by 5 days of teaching and prayer prompts. Each journal also includes space for writing, clear definitions of biblical terms, and artwork by Ruth Chou Simons.

    This ESV Prayer Journal focuses on what Scripture teaches about how we find peace with God, other people, and within our own hearts and minds.

    *Weekly Overview: Begin each week studying a Bible passage on the journal’s central theme

    *Interactive Bible Study: Each week includes 5 days of teaching with prayer and journaling prompts

    *Strengthen Spiritual Disciplines: Combine prayer and Bible study to connect with God and understand basic Bible themes

    *Makes a Great Gift: Perfect for birthdays, graduations, and to use with a friend

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  • Praying The Scriptures Journal Trusting God With Your Children


    As parents, we always worry if we’re doing enough for our children, but there’s one thing we can do no matter where we are in our parenting journey: pray. With a grace-filled approach and a warm, personal style, bestselling author Jodie Berndt gives you the tools and the encouragement you need to pray intentionally for your children.

    This unique interactive journal, based on the bestseller Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, is an invitation to ignite your faith by praying for your children.

    Along the way, you’ll discover firsthand how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees you from things like worry and fear in your parenting. You can finally take comfort in knowing that no matter how far away your kids may be, they are never out of His reach.

    Filled with biblical insights, compelling prayer principles, and prompts to direct you and deepen your faith, Praying the Scriptures Journal offers you a way to powerfully influence your children’s lives. This interactive journal also includes:

    *Focused areas of prayer, including faith, character, safety, relationships, the future, and more

    *Encouraging quotes from Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens, and Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children

    *Timeless Scripture verses that go along with the topic of each section

    *Journaling prompts for personal processing, along with plenty of space for notes

    *Short prayers to help you start praying for your children

    Berndt reminds us that there can be no greater privilege than partnering with Him, through our prayers, to accomplish His best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

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  • Lords Prayer Coloring Book


    A coloring book companion to The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children

    This coloring book gives children hours of fun as they learn the Lord’s Prayer and search for FatCat on every page!

    *Coloring page for each line of the Lord’s Prayer
    *Activity for a child to write and illustrate their own prayer
    *A page of new FatCat illustrations to color
    *Scripture references for further study
    *Ideal for use in the home, school, or church

    With this coloring book, children can playfully engage with Jesus’s prayer that teaches us to pray. It is a perfect companion to the full-color The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children.

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  • Lords Prayer : For All God’s Children


    How God’s children pray. Join FatCat, the friendly feline, as he learns the Lord’s Prayer–Jesus’s prayer that teaches us how to pray. This simple yet profound prayer shapes children’s love for God, need for forgiveness from God, and dependence on God for strength and protection. Learn the Lord’s Prayer and search for FatCat on every page!

    Each petition of the Lord’s Prayer has a full-page illustration from Jesus’s life and a reflection on its meaning. With a list of Scripture references and a guided family prayer, this FatCat book helps God’s children understand, memorize, and pray the Lord’s Prayer.

    As a loving Father, God invites all his beloved children to come to him. In a fun and friendly way, The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children encourages children to pray to our Father with reverence and boldness.

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  • Guided Prayer Journey


    Begin Your Journey to a New Dimension in Prayer

    Have you struggled for the right words when you pray? Have you wanted to pray with someone who really knows how to get answers? Do you crave a more intimate prayer conversation with your heavenly Father?This prayer journey will take you there!

    Whether you’re new to prayer or a seasoned pray-er, A Guided Prayer Journey will lead you on a journey like no other. With encouragement and guidance, you will discover that you are skilled to write the best prayers for you!Bestselling author of the Prayers That Avail Much series, Germaine Copeland, who’s taught a generation to pray, will walk hand-in-hand with you through the prayer process, teaching you how she builds strong, effective prayers that get results.

    You’ll discover:

    *Seven building blocks of strong prayer
    *Guides, cues, and tips page by page to enhance your prayer life
    *How God’s Word can write powerful prayers for you
    *How to enjoy authentic, heart-to-heart conversation with your Father-God
    *A personal, interactive journal experience to elevate your prayers
    *No matter where you are in prayer, there’s a deeper place to go

    You’ll come away excited and confident that the best way to learn even more about prayer is to pray more. Begin your journey now. Changing your prayer life will change your entire life!

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  • My Blessed Is She Prayer Journal


    Prayer can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Are any requests off-limits? And is God really listening at all? My Blessed Is She Prayer Journal can help guide you along your intercessory prayer journey and inspire you to rely on the Lord for all things. Fill its 160pages with big and small joys and sorrows. And for encouragement, you’ll find hopeful Scripture, inspirational quotes by women, and plenty of space for reflection.

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  • Jesus Listens Note Taking Edition


    When your days feel overwhelming and your life is anxious and stressed, you can find peace and hope in Jesus. In Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition by Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling, you’ll find a 365-day devotional prayer book with Scripture and space on each day to write your thoughts and prayers. Each entry helps you find confidence to come to God in all circumstances with short, heartfelt prayers based on Scripture.

    God desires a relationship with you through continual conversation–prayer. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition can serve as your prayer journal, empowering you to pray daily, whether it’s your only prayer for the day or simply a jump-starter to your own prayers.

    Jesus Listens is ideal for those who:

    *Are going through difficult times and looking for rest and hope
    *Are busy with life’s demands, but want to grow their prayer life
    *Are not sure how to pray
    *Have been praying for years but want a closer relationship with God

    The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God’s promises in Scripture. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition includes:

    *Space on each page to record your personal reflections and prayer lists
    *365 days of Bible-based prayers
    *Scripture references with emphasis on words quoted directly from the Bible
    *A beautifully designed interior
    *A ribbon marker to hold your place

    Whether you gift Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition or pick it up yourself to establish a more consistent prayer practice, this devotional journal will greatly enrich your prayer. By praying Scripture through this daily devotional prayer book, you’ll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains.

    This special edition is sure to be a favorite. The cover has a striking, contemporary yet classic design, along with written-out Scripture verses, and journaling space on every page.

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  • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children


    Keep Parenting Them Through Prayer

    Even though your relationships with your children may change once they enter adulthood, you can still impact the direction of their lives by asking your heavenly Father to shape them for His glory.

    This powerful book from bestselling author Stormie Omartian offers you encouragement and support as you continue to love, influence, and minister to your now-grown kids. You’ll learn how to ask for God’s divine intervention in the lives of your children as you pray that they will:
    *develop hearts hungry for God, His Word, and His ways
    *flourish in their relationships, careers, and health
    *stand strong against temptations, stumbling blocks, and worldly distractions

    No matter how old your children are, you can find peace knowing they are in God’s hands. The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children is an inspiring reminder to turn all your hopes and dreams for your family over to God, confident that He hears and answers your every request.

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  • Praying Like Monks Living Like Fools


    An invitation to an ordinary yet radical way of life, using historic Christian practices as both inspiring vision and practical instruction for how to encounter the wondrous, mysterious, living God through prayer.

    Prayer is the source of Jesus’s most astonishing miracles and the subject of Jesus’s most audacious promises, and yet, most people–even most Bible-believing Christians–find prayer to be boring, obligatory, disappointing, confusing, or, most often, all of the above.

    If you’ve ever felt this way, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is your invitation to trade your conceptions and misconceptions about prayer for prayer in its purest form: a vital, sustaining, powerful connection with God that is more real and alive than you could have ever imagined. In these pages, Tyler Staton–author, pastor, and National Director of the 24/7 Prayer movement–addresses common roadblocks to prayer and gives you the confidence to come to God just as you are.

    Through biblical teaching, powerful storytelling, and insights on historic Christian practices, Staton helps you . . .

    *Express your doubts and disappointments about prayer

    *Discover and practice multiple postures of prayer, including silence, persistence, confession, and more

    *Understand and embrace the wonder and mystery of prayer in everyday life

    *Realize that prayer is a powerful invitation to partner with God in the redemption of a fallen world

    *And, ultimately, open or reopen the line of communication with your Creator and experience afresh his divine power on earth

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  • On Our Knees


    Rediscover the joy, power, and intimacy of prayer in On Our Knees, a forty-day devotional that illuminates the power of being with God-inspired by Dove Award-winning worship music artist Phil Wickham’s hit song “Battle Belongs.”

    Phil Wickham’s On Our Knees: 40 Days to Living Boldly in Prayer explores biblical stories from Genesis to Revelation to learn about prayer from the heroes of our faith, including Moses, King David, and many more. How did these “heroes of the faith” pray? How did Jesus teach us to pray? Each entry in On Our Knees helps readers establish their own daily prayer routines, ultimately encouraging the lifelong practice of prayer as a means of connecting with and better understanding God. The devotional includes a suggested passage of scripture and Phil’s reflections on the reading, a daily prayer and prayer practice to encourage spiritual growth, and a set of reflection questions to help the reader go deeper in his or her prayer journey.

    This devotional highlights:

    *Jesus’s teachings on prayer
    *Prayer as the foundation for faith
    *Finding intimacy with God
    *Following God’s path for our lives
    *Praying with boldness and courage, while also in humility and honesty
    *Letting go of anxiety and fear

    On Our Knees brings readers into a deeper intimacy with Jesus, encouraging a habit of prayer that can last a lifetime and cultivate a closer relationship with God.

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  • Breath As Prayer


    Find hope amid anxiety through the spiritual practice of breath prayer in this beautifully illustrated and practical guide to connecting body, mind, and spirit during times of stress.

    Breath as Prayer will lead you through the practice and the proven health benefits of Christian breath prayer: intentional prayers centered around Scripture that focus our minds on Christ as we calm our bodies through breathing.

    Breath as Prayer offers:

    *More than 80 breath prayers focused on Scripture, along with brief meditations
    *Gorgeous original full-color illustrations
    *A quick-start how-to guide to refer to as needed
    *Guidance on how to implement a breath prayer practice
    *The science behind breath work and prayer and why it works
    *An invitation to reflect on the effect of breath prayers on your body

    With a beautiful foil-accented cover, Breath as Prayer is an ideal gift for:

    *Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or fear
    *Grief and anxiety support groups
    *Prayer groups and prayer ministries
    *Men and women looking for new avenues for connecting with God
    *Teens and young adults dealing with stress and anxiety
    *Adult baptism and confirmation

    God created our bodies, minds, and spirits to be intimately connected with one another. Purpose-filled breathing is one of the most effective, calming ways to integrate all aspects of who we are, especially during times of intense stress. Breath as Prayer invites you to the crossroads of Christian contemplative practice, Scripture, psychology, and science to deepen your faith, bring peace to your body, and discover a new reliance on Christ.

    Breathe deeply, lean into God’s Word, and discover why every breath can be an invitation to pray.

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  • Fount Of Heaven


    You are the fountain of life, light, and all grace and truth

    The hearts of the first Christians beat with praise for Christ. The strength of their devotion is remarkable, considering the times of uncertainty and persecution in which they lived. Despite all of this, the early church flourished, sustained by the God to whom they prayed.

    Christians today have a lot to learn from the devotional life of the early church. In Fount of Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from the first six centuries of the church, we can pray with our spiritual forefathers. Prayers from luminaries such as Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, and Augustine are arranged by theme to reveal the right prayer for the moment. The prayers have been slightly updated to read more easily, but they retain their joy and mystery. As we turn to the prayers of the first Christians, we can return to the foundations of our own faith.

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  • Into His Presence


    This collection of eighty theologically rich and beautifully written prayers and meditations, adapted from Puritan prayers and prose, will enrich and deepen your prayer life.

    While retaining the dignity and beauty of the original language, Tim Chester has updated key words and phrases, making the book accessible to modern readers.

    Each prayer combines beautiful words with profound truths. Read during personal devotions or use to lead rich and deep corporate prayers to give weight and majesty to gathered times of worship.

    Includes rich and glorious prayers from John Owen, Thomas Watson, Anne Bradstreet, Richard Baxter and more.

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  • Prayer Power : 40 Days Of Learning To Pray Like George Muller


    Prayer is the master key that opens the door to the blessings of God. It opens the heart, opens possibilities that are impossible by natural means, and opens the door to God’s presence.

    Through a particular and persistent kind of prayer, peace and power flow from God into our lives. The problem is that many people have an experience of prayer that is dull, unimaginative, and lacking power. Their prayer yields few answers and little peace.

    Jesus’s disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Hearing Jesus pray, they knew that they needed to learn how to pray on a deeper level in order to see the miracles and transformation of persistent prayer. In the same way, we need to learn the conditions of prayer that prevail so that we can walk in faith, expect answers, and give thanks even before prayer is answered.

    In Prayer Power: 40 Days of Learning to Pray Like George Muller, author Brent Patrick McDougal invites you to take a forty-day journey to discover that kind of prayer.

    Each day features a teaching from Scripture and a story from the life of nineteenth-century pastor George Muller, one of the great heroes of our faith. Over a lifetime of ministry, Muller launched multiple orphanages that cared for more than 10,000 children. But not once did he ever ask for donations. Instead, he prayed as each need arose.

    Prayer Power teaches everyday people of faith how to pray with the faith of George Muller, expecting answers because our good God is waiting to meet and reward those who seek Him.

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  • Dynamite Prayer : A 28 Day Experiment


    Break through the walls of your prayer life and discover miraculous new possibilities.

    Dynamite Prayer is a daily prayer guide that will show you how to begin a practice of “breakthrough prayer,” a way of praying where we ask God to open new doors and reveal new possibilities, fueled by the Spirit’s power. This 28-day adventure will take you from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired to curious and expectant as you surrender your own preferences and ideas and courageously follow the miracles God brings into your life.

    Each day contains:

    *A brief meditation on a verse from Scripture that will help you see how the Spirit’s dynamic power has been at work throughout history and in your life today

    *Reflection questions for the day

    *A short breakthrough prayer for the day

    *A prayer word or phrase to help you make breakthrough prayer part of each moment

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  • Pray About Everything Devotional Journal


    A Lifeline to the Peace and Joy You’ve been Looking for

    What if prayer was more than just something you mumbled before going to sleep, or said quickly when your team takes the field or you’re about to take a test? What if prayer was a gateway to the best relationship you’ve ever had? An energizing, joy-filled, peace-giving connection to God?

    This devotional provides regular readings to help connect you to God through prayer. It also contains journaling prompts and questions that will bring the book’s concepts to life, taking you to the next step in your faith.

    Join pastor/author Chad Veach as he guides you day-by-day to a closer walk with God. You’ll be so glad you did.

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