


Showing 51–100 of 188 results

  • Receiving Personal Prophecy


    There have been a lot of lessons he has learned from years of ministry and surrounding himself with prophetic people. Bill has been asked many questions o how to see that personal prophecy come to pass. Bill Vincent is releasing this book, Receiving Personal Prophecy, to answer those questions. This book is Volume Two of Bill’s prophetic book series. You can get Volume One, Increasing Your Prophetic Gift, if you would like to learn to flow in a deeper level of prophetic. Receiving Personal Prophecy is for everyone who has been around the prophetic and has ever received a prophetic Word. Bill talks about mostly personal prophetic ministry where some one singles you out and prophesies to you personally. This also will be a great tool for receiving a Word for a Church, City, Country or so on. This book has the basic guidelines and the strategies for bringing your Words to pass.

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  • Agents Of The Apocalypse


    Who Will Usher in Earth’s Final Days?

    Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?

    In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players-the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.

    One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.

    The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth’s final act. Will you be ready?

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  • Unlocking The Secrets Of The Feasts


    Amazing prophecies of God’s plans for the world can be found embedded in the customs of the feasts of Israel. The intricate detail of the prophecies illustrated in the observances of these feasts provide insight into God’s plan for the ages.

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  • Supernatural Worldview : Examining Paranormal Psi And The Apocalyptic


    The Supernatural Worldview is a book of Christian apologetics from an apocalyptic perspective. Many supernatural and paranormal phenomena are examined with biblical discernment and some of the usual evangelical answers are found wanting. Even so, cautiousness is encouraged and an ominous trumpet sounded in light of prophetic predictions.

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  • End From The Beginning


    The End From The Beginning deals with subjects that are literally affecting every person on the planet, now, and will increasingly concern us in this time of the end. Christians need to know the insights and revelations contained in this work.

    Since the year 2000, there was, and continues to be, a growing, almost tangible sense of anticipation, for which many people feel the need of answers.

    Quite a number of people will be attracted to this book. To those who look for hope that it is not “the end of the world,” Ty Aldrich will clear up many misconceptions about what the Bible has prophesied. Plus, they will see that many things that were thought to be fearful future events happened, and the world continued on.

    For the millions who purchased, or read someone’s copy of “The Late Great Planet Earth,” (C) by Hal Lindsey, The End From The Beginning is the long-awaited presentation of a more Bible-based scenario. Many people who have only been exposed to the traditional teaching still wonder: “What would a different interpretation be?” and, “What are the Bible proofs of another scenario?”

    The End From The Beginning supplies the answers as a more complete explanation of the end-time than they have ever previously had presented to them!

    The End From The Beginning will have broad appeal. The masses of people who do not fall into any doctrinal ‘camp’ will appreciate how the terminology “de-mystifies” the meanings of language used in the Bible. They can see how the world we live in, with the kind of governments we have, is exactly as God foretold, and what each individual’s responsibility is in deciding the role of government. Even the uninitiated will find that they can understand the Bible, its prophecies, relationship with God, and how He is answering the challenge to His Throne as Most High!

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  • Blood Moons Rising


    Has the final countdown to the end days begun? Are the heavens telling us we are nearing the end? Astronomers have noticed it is coming. Historians have noted its significance. In 2014 and 2015, there will be a phenomenon in the skies of four blood moons falling during Jewish feasts. This has only happened three times in recorded history: 1493-94, 1949-50 and 1967-68. Each time these dates have had extraordinary significance for the Israelites. From the discovery of the New World to the creation of modern-day Israel, these years of the four blood moons have truly been turning points in history. Bible prophecy describes the moon being darkened and turned to blood. What is the significance of these signs in the skies? What will the future bring? Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock guides you through the relevant Bible passages so you can understand the times in which you live.

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  • Unlocking Our Understanding To The Seven Seals Of Revelation


    The Seven Seals are basically an introduction or synopsis of the entire events that are going to occur toward the end of this age. By reading carefully these Seven Seals that are mostly found in chapter six of the book of Revelation, one should be able to get a quick glimpse of future events.

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  • Come Away With Me


    “The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach” (Revelation 12:14).

    “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).

    “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left” (Matthew 24:34-41).

    This book is not about prophecy, though we discuss a lot of it. This book is about a love affair with the true God of the Universe. All of our human relationships were designed by God to show us how to share love with Him in worship.

    Jesus is going to return soon to pick up His bride. The time is short. We are already supposed to be ready for Him. If you can feel that in your heart, then you are ready for this book. We will explore the Bible record of rescue for those who please the Almighty, and we will examine the prophetic implications for our times. Lord Jesus Christ, we are ready, we are willing, and we want to go with You!

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  • Its Almost Here


    THE WORD IS IN … Israel’s future is past.

    The Christian New Testament Church is Israel. The Church is the fulfillment of Old Testament Judaism. There is no urgency or even necessity for the U.S. to become energy independent. Roman Emperor Nero was Revelation’s “Antichrist.” Islam’s ultimate goal is universal peace and justice. Since Christ’s resurrection and ascension the Church has been experiencing the “Millennium.” Rapture of the Saints is a figment of the imagination. God is too good to eternally condemn anyone. The entirety of humanity will ultimately be saved because the proclamation of the Gospel will finally overcome all the evil and corruption in creation. All will be well. Think good thoughts. Be happy.

    The statements made in the paragraph above are either distortions of Biblical truth or whimsical nonsense, which this book on prophecy was written to expose to the 21st Century.

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  • Coming One : What The Scripture Teaches About The End Times


    Understanding God’s Plan

    Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, which was, and which is to come. Revelation 1:4

    Did the Lord Jesus Christ complete His work on earth during His first advent and leave to others the finishing of His great plan of redemption? Or did He simply accomplish the first stage of that great work? And is He coming back again in person to complete His glorious plan?

    In this Christian classic, legendary author and pastor A. B. Simpson provides a thorough teaching on a topic that has been debated and theorized throughout history: the second coming of Jesus Christ. Among the topics Simpson addresses are…

    The premillennial versus postmillennial theories
    The church age
    The world powers
    The plan for Israel
    The false prophet and the Antichrist
    The great tribulation
    The new heaven and earth
    Signs of the end times

    As time grows short, it has never been more crucial for believers to understand God’s future plan as laid out in Scripture. We must be swift to hear His voice and obey His command so that we will be ready on that glorious day.

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  • Ezekiel Generation : The Fathers Heart For Israel And The Church In The Las


    The Father’s Heart for Israel and the Church

    You live in one of the most critical hours in human history… and God is calling you to participate!

    For the body of Christ to be most effective in these last days, unity is essential. We all have key roles to play in the unfolding of G-d’s great agenda for history. Author Grant Berry is on a mission to help you find your place in this hour and see both Jew and Gentile unite to bring G-d’s end-time purposes to fruition.

    In this critical book, you will discover:
    *Why it is so significant that Israel and the Church strengthens their relationship
    *The unique roles that Jews and Gentiles are purposed to play in the end times
    *G-d’s burning heart to release His Kingdom through a united people

    This book is a challenge to the global body of Christ. Will we continue with business as usual, or will we embrace the glorious call to see G-d’s family restored in these last days?

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  • Doctrines Of Devils And The Coming Delusion


    This book was written using the Bible as the standard, and is for the novice as well as the seasoned scholar. This work will challenge you on every level. Many of the toughest subjects in theology today are answered Biblically and explained in a manner that anyone can understand. It reveals the mystery around the End Time delusion, how to avoid it and the falling away mentioned in Thessalonians. The author explains how the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and other wonders of the world are tied to the Bible and why Jesus is the only way to heaven. You will be shocked, to find out who the false Christ’s are and why they are currently hiding. This work points out that there are some minor misconceptions of God’s word that will ultimately help with the Delusion and how many well known ministers today are already falling for it as well. Their failing doctrines say that you may be able to get to heaven without Jesus and this shows that they will embrace the antichrist. Jesus told us to pray that we be found worthy to escape these things and the author explains what you must do in order to do just that. God clearly told this author to warn his people so read on if you dare, be forewarned, be armed with the truth and escape these things.

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  • Gods Purpose For Bible Prophecy


    God’s purpose for prophecy is different than what our purpose for prophecy has been. Our purpose for prophecy has focused on the End Times for over forty years, but there is much more to know about prophecy than just the End Times. Knowing God’s purpose for prophecy contains essential benefits for our faith in Christ. It births faith. It gives endurance to our faith by giving us hope, and it equips us for evangelism. All this comes from prophecy? Yes, and much more.

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  • Rise Of The New World Order Revised And Updated


    Samaritan Sentinel Title

    The same occult group of people who have been ruling over humanity for thousands of years continue to do so to this day. The one world government prophesied in the Bible is unfolding behind the scenes right under your nose as you read this, and was given the catchy name of the ‘New World Order’….

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  • Awakening


    The Book of Revelation is a term familiar to most people, both Christians and non-Christians. But there is too much confusion surrounding this part of the New Testament, leading many people astray, toward false-and often harmful-assumptions.

    The author, Richard Spaulding, believes that it is an obligation to assist people back to the right path, on the road to where God is. And with his book, The Awakening, he intends to help the people to see through the fog of mystification that pervades today’s society.

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  • Escape La Noche Que Viene – (Spanish)


    No hay duda que el mundo esta en problemas. Vemos tragedia en las calles y violencia en las noticias. Oimos debates politicos mas y mas divisivos que destacan las divisions profundas y amargas en nuestra sociedad. Sentimos el dolor y la confusion de una cultura que parece estar derrumbandose.

    Como explicamos tanto caos? Como vivimos con tanto alboroto? Y hay alguna esperanza para la paz en nuestro tiempo?

    Como uno de los mas respetados maestros biblicos, el Dr. David Jeremiah es la voz perfecta de ayudarnos responder a esas preguntas. Y en Escape la noche que viene, el Dr. Jeremiah camina por la Escritura perfecta para estos tiempos inciertos: El libro de Apocalipsis. En las manos del Dr. Jeremiah, esta exploracion de Apocalipsis es sorprediente y iluminante, pero tambien consistentemente inspiradora-y un mensaje vital para nuestro tiempo.

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  • What You Need To Know About Bible Prophecy


    Prophets. Rapture. Tribulation. Judgment. End times. Learn what the Bible has to say about prophecy, how Christians differ in their views of the end times, and what the universal aspects are on which all Christians agree. The Max Anders What You Need to Know About series is made up of ten 12-lesson study guides covering the fundamentals of Christianity. The ten books in the series together form a “Basic Knowledge” program for seekers, new believers, and veteran believers who want a stronger foundation in the Christian faith.
    Features include:
    12 lessons that can be completed in under 1 hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on each topic
    Easy-to-teach lessons, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion

    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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  • Popular Handbook On The Rapture


    Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place? What does the Bible say for certain about this event? When will the Tribulation occur, and who will face it? There is a lot of discussion among Christians about the rapture and the last days. Why all the different views? And how do those perspectives line up with Scripture? Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice have assembled a team of longtime Bible prophecy experts who look carefully to God’s Word for the answers. In this book, readers will discover what they can know for certain. And as they consider the things that still remain uncertain, they will gain a renewed trust that God knows what He is doing. His plan is perfect, and it will unfold in His timing. An easy-to-understand resource that provides much-needed clarification about the end times.

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  • Speak To The Nations 1


    What lies ahead and what is in store for our nation in the coming years and the year 2012?

    In this first volume of the “Speak to the Nations” series, author Lynn B. Goebel reveals specific detailed accounts of future events for our nation and the entire world through divine prophetic inspiration.

    You will find a penitent message, which summons an appeal for our church leaders and the people of this generation to take a stand against immoral conduct, by upholding the true sanction of righteousness for God’s laws and principles.

    God has commissioned a mandate for the author to prophetically predict the uncertainties of our nation’s future. She sends a resounding message of repentance to a Body of believers and to the world.

    This literature parallels written Biblical prophesies, which unlock key elements in exposing divisible evils in the church and in the world, in an effort to restore this nation back to a state of order.

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  • Speak To The Nations 1


    What lies ahead and what is in store for our nation in the coming years and the year 2012?

    In this first volume of the “Speak to the Nations” series, author Lynn B. Goebel reveals specific detailed accounts of future events for our nation and the entire world through divine prophetic inspiration.

    You will find a penitent message, which summons an appeal for our church leaders and the people of this generation to take a stand against immoral conduct, by upholding the true sanction of righteousness for God’s laws and principles.

    God has commissioned a mandate for the author to prophetically predict the uncertainties of our nation’s future. She sends a resounding message of repentance to a Body of believers and to the world.

    This literature parallels written Biblical prophesies, which unlock key elements in exposing divisible evils in the church and in the world, in an effort to restore this nation back to a state of order.

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  • 2nd Coming Of Christ


    The King Is Coming!

    Have you ever tried to imagine what Christ’s return will be like? As you explore the Scriptures with Charles Spurgeon in this book, you will discover…
    *The circumstances that will surround Christ’s second coming
    *What will actually happen during Jesus’ reentry to Earth
    *What it means to watch for the Lord’s reappearance
    *How to prepare yourself for His return
    *How to insure the safety and acceptance of your loved ones
    *The heavenly rewards that are laid up for the righteous
    *How you are to act until Christ comes again

    Christ’s first Advent altered the course of all mankind, forever changing our destiny. His second coming will have an even greater impact as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns to earth, intervening in one moment to claim His bride and to judge all of humanity.

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  • What Does Revelation Reveal (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Leaving Revelation Behind?
    2. It Is God’s Word To God’s World
    3. Cultural Accommodation Is Dangerous Part 1
    4. Cultural Accommodation Is Dangerous Part 2
    5. True Worship
    6. Judgment Is Taking Place Now
    7. The World Has A Chance To Repent
    8. The Evil Powers Behind The Scenes
    9. Time Is Up For The Eternal Empire
    10. The Coming Triumph Of God
    11. Should Revelation Be Left Behind? Reading Revelation Today

    Additional Info
    An easy-to-understand guide to one of the most mysterious books in the Bible

    What is it about Revelation that draws people to it? Is this biblical book about end-time mysteries and hidden codes? How does it relate to our present-day existence?

    The Book of Revelation has been mysterious, confusing, and misunderstood for centuries. Its content has been studied and analyzed by scholars from every corner of the globe.

    With deep theological care and sensitivity, author and teacher Warren Carter helps readers understand both the biblical context of the Book of Revelation and its meaning for us today.

    A thorough, engaging study of the Book of Revelation
    Provides fresh commentary on what the Book of Revelation means for today’s readers
    Ideal for individual study and for preachers and teachers to use for group study

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  • Unlocking The Last Days (Reprinted)


    The very title of the last book of the Bible means “unveiling.” Yet this mysterious and confusing book seems to do anything but unveil, especially when we read it on our own. Unlocking the Last Days takes readers through key parts of this misunderstood book, using a verse-by-verse approach that clearly communicates God’s truth, warnings, and promises. Both Bible teachers and students will find this book a welcome aid to understanding an intriguing piece of the Scriptures.

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  • Global Warming Deception


    Global warming is the world’s most far-reaching, and most threatening, fraud. It’s a diabolical hoax designed to bring the West to its knees.

    Representatives of the industrialized nations met in 2009 in Copenhagen. Joining them were delegates from the leading nations in the developing world, and the purpose of the convocation was to draw up a binding global environmental treaty. The treaty will be advanced again in 2010 in Mexico City, with the stated purpose of curtailing global warming. What the news media refrain from telling the general public is that the Copenhagen and Mexico City environmental summits serve as a front for the clandestine group that is forcing the sovereign nations of the world to surrender to the rule of a coming one-world government.

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  • Trapped By The Pre-Trib Rapture


    If you are a Christian believer and you have exclusive faith in the pre-Tribulation Rapture, this book is for you. You need to consider its 7 Rapture timing secrets. This book presents, in simple balanced logical steps, the major Biblical inferences for the pre-Trib and the post-Trib Rapture theories. The author does not dogmatically preach only one of the theories; rather he proposes that believers should balance their Rapture faith based on the various strengths of the evidence for each theory. The book gives a fair presentation of the two major theories, and then asks the reader to make an informed evaluation and only then apportion Rapture faith. It is the author’s opinion that a dogmatic 100% faith in any one of the Rapture theories is not justified and could in the future be dangerous to spiritual stability. In the Sections explaining the post-Tribulation Rapture inferences, Dr. True presents evidence that the “7-year” portion of the “Future” section of the book of Revelation (6:1-20:6) describes 7 self-contained concurrent narratives, each ending with YHWH’s wrath and the 24-hour Day of the Lord. He also presents a theory about the “mystery” in chapter 10. Dr. True has retired from his formal career as a licensed physician and a board certified psychiatrist. He likes to say he is a sinner in recovery, not unlike alcoholics who know they must continue practicing recovery. He became a believer at age 12, the oldest of 7 siblings in a blended family. Secular education in the absence of enlightened teachers led to a period of agnosticism and unenlightened selfishness. A serious re-evaluation in mid-life led back to the solid rock of a historical risen Savior/Creator. Ever the oldest brother therapist, his concern is that fellow believers not stumble on paths strewn with unnecessary dogmatism.

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  • New Heaven And The New Earth


    This book Is a prophecy of things to come. The intention is to show you what direction God is going. And to have you ask yourself are you following God? Are you on the right path to salvation? This is an informational breakdown of what is happening in the world today, and what will happen in the years to come. Backed up by facts and figures to show you there is a plan, bigger than us, and we need to prepare ourselves by accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts so we will move on with God for all eternity. Please do yourself a favor and read this book. Drink in the knowledge of what the Lord has planned. And pass it on to those you hold dear.

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  • Countdown To The Last Day


    Why does God mention the catching of 153 Great Fish in His Word, the Bible?
    * Does the storm of Acts 27, in which 276 men were saved, show the duration of the Great Tribulation period of 8,400 days (276 months)?
    * How does the example of Elijah calling fire down from Heaven upon the 2/3 (of the 153 men) relate to the 153 days of the End?
    * Is the 153 days from May 21, 2011 to October 21, 2011 significant, since it ends on the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, that Great Day?
    * Will the houses of worship experience an overthrow similar to Christ expelling the moneychangers from the temple; is the overthrow of Sodom related to the overthrow of the fallen houses of worship?
    * What comes forth from the bottomless pit during the final five months of history according to Revelation 9?
    * Does God’s covenant with Day and Night allow salvation to continue to the last day?
    * Since 1,000 years are as a day with the Lord, is the 7,000th anniversary of the flood in the year 2011 significant?
    * What did the waters of Noah’s flood represent as they increased greatly and prevailed for 150 days?
    * Why are the Biblical numbers 17, 19, 21, 23, 37, 42, 51, 84, 153 & 276 so important during the time of Great Tribulation and after?
    * Is May 21, 2011 or October 21, 2011 the most likely time of the rapture?
    * Will Satan (the Northern) be removed before the final 153 days?

    Are we all months away from the greatest event in human history? Yes, we are at the precipice of the great day, in which Christ is coming in power and great glory! The final 153 days of 2011 A.D. are May 21, 2011-October 21, 2011!

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  • Signs Of The Times


    Fulfillment of end time prophecies is rapidly exploding around us. World events are changing as rapidly. Many find it difficult to accurately plan for the future. Yet current prophecy teaching leaves a vacuum. Just how should we live our lives in these difficult and changing times?

    Follow the author as he sets aside long-held biases about end time prophecies. See the big picture of what God has planned from the beginning for world history. Allow the author to expand your understanding of God. Observe the symphony God is conducting from earth’s beginning to eternity. Share God’s passion for fellowship with His people.

    Observe the author’s model for understanding all of prophecy. See how easily, otherwise difficult concepts, fit into the authors model. Concepts such as, when does the rapture occur, are no longer confusing.

    See where prophecy teachers have missed important clues and have misinterpreted prophecy. Let the author show you where God, in 400 BC, wrote the history of World War II and the current Arab conflicts as clearly as if He had written it today. See why the Anti-Christ will not arise out of Europe. The author will not show you the End Time Beast, but he will show you the shadow of the beast as he begins to appear on the world scene. Observe the wound as if to death of the one head of the beast. Then follow as, over the next several years, that head is miraculously healed. Read much more inside.

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  • Signs Of The Times


    Fulfillment of end time prophecies is rapidly exploding around us. World events are changing as rapidly. Many find it difficult to accurately plan for the future. Yet current prophecy teaching leaves a vacuum. Just how should we live our lives in these difficult and changing times?

    Follow the author as he sets aside long-held biases about end time prophecies. See the big picture of what God has planned from the beginning for world history. Allow the author to expand your understanding of God. Observe the symphony God is conducting from earth’s beginning to eternity. Share God’s passion for fellowship with His people.

    Observe the author’s model for understanding all of prophecy. See how easily, otherwise difficult concepts, fit into the authors model. Concepts such as, when does the rapture occur, are no longer confusing.

    See where prophecy teachers have missed important clues and have misinterpreted prophecy. Let the author show you where God, in 400 BC, wrote the history of World War II and the current Arab conflicts as clearly as if He had written it today. See why the Anti-Christ will not arise out of Europe. The author will not show you the End Time Beast, but he will show you the shadow of the beast as he begins to appear on the world scene. Observe the wound as if to death of the one head of the beast. Then follow as, over the next several years, that head is miraculously healed. Read much more inside.

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  • Understanding The Book Of Revelation


    This book is about the truth revealed from the mystery hidden in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is about the missing information revealed to John because there was no record in the Bible about what happened to the perfect creation in Genesis 1:1. There was no record about Adam, created by the I AM, as the first God and his generations before this present world. The Bible has not recorded the lineage of Jesus from the I AM in order to present to the world who is Jesus. This is the truth that must be known. The Book of Revelation had been misunderstood because of the political interpretation of its images. In John 8:32, Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” Here, the truth, refers to Jesus who has power to set humanity free from the bondage of the God of this world. Jesus declares in John 14: 6, that He is the “Truth”. After the gospel had been preached for thousands of years, humanity is still in captivity of the God of this world. Many people keep asking why a good God can allow these types of suffering. This shows that Jesus the “Truth” is not yet known. Confessing Jesus as a Savior is different from knowing Him. This has been done for thousands of years and the world is getting worst. When Jesus, the “Truth” is known, He will set humanity free from this spiritual enslavement. The revealed truth from the mystery in the Book of Revelation, presented here, is a divine journey toward knowing Jesus, the “Truth”. I encourage everyone to read this book.

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  • Understanding The Book Of Revelation


    This book is about the truth revealed from the mystery hidden in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is about the missing information revealed to John because there was no record in the Bible about what happened to the perfect creation in Genesis 1:1. There was no record about Adam, created by the I AM, as the first God and his generations before this present world. The Bible has not recorded the lineage of Jesus from the I AM in order to present to the world who is Jesus. This is the truth that must be known. The Book of Revelation had been misunderstood because of the political interpretation of its images. In John 8:32, Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” Here, the truth, refers to Jesus who has power to set humanity free from the bondage of the God of this world. Jesus declares in John 14: 6, that He is the “Truth”. After the gospel had been preached for thousands of years, humanity is still in captivity of the God of this world. Many people keep asking why a good God can allow these types of suffering. This shows that Jesus the “Truth” is not yet known. Confessing Jesus as a Savior is different from knowing Him. This has been done for thousands of years and the world is getting worst. When Jesus, the “Truth” is known, He will set humanity free from this spiritual enslavement. The revealed truth from the mystery in the Book of Revelation, presented here, is a divine journey toward knowing Jesus, the “Truth”. I encourage everyone to read this book.

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  • Apocalypse Code : Find Out What The Bible REALLY Says About The End Times A


    The book that Hank Hanegraaff considers his masterwork.”Most of what you’ve heard, read or been told about the End Times is wrong,” says popular radio host and bestselling apologist, Hank Hanegraaff. “We have come to accept a wide range of beliefs and teachings about the future, about the ultimate battle between good and evil, about the last days, and about how our world will end. And most of these beliefs and teachings are based on fundamental misinterpretations of what the scriptures really say about the end times.” The Apocalypse Code helps readers understand what the Bible really says about the End Times, and why what we believe matters so much in today’s world.

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  • After The Rapture


    You may be wondering if Jesus will return soon. You might have heard of the Rapture of the Church. Possibly, you even wonder what will happen after Jesus raptures His Church out of this world. This book answers a variety of important questions. What is the Age of Grace? What is the Time of the Gentiles? What will happen to the people on earth after the rapture? What will happen to true believers? Exactly who are the true believers?

    Let’s face it. During the past few decades several ideologies on the rapture have been proposed by well-respected theologians. Nonetheless, in many ways you are sure to find this account different from all the rest. The bottom line concerns what the author believes has been an unintentional deception in other theories. That deception centers on the question, “Will people on earth have a chance to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord after the rapture?”

    Most authors treat the rapture with degrees of human emotionalism, Hollywood spectacularism, and worldly logic. This author dares to deal only with the Word of God. You may possibly be irritated by a black-or-white, completely objective perspective. Even so, you will be surprised, shocked, and hopefully motivated to urgently and purposefully share the Gospel with as many people as you can.

    As the countdown toward the end of the age proceeds, believers must consider the Great Commission of Jesus much more seriously than ever before. More than a tool to inspire intentional evangelism, this book is also a challenge for all readers to be certain of their faith in Jesus as the soon-coming Redeemer. The love of God in Jesus must be joyfully shared with all in every situation because life on earth will be bleak and hopeless after the rapture.

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  • Prophetic Scriptures Yet To Be Fulfilled


    Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be Fulfilled reveals the times and purposes of God for His Church and planet Earth.

    The Church has now entered a new era of Christianity-the Third Reformation. God fulfilled specific purposes in the First and Second Reformation, likewise a major purpose of His will be fulfilled in this age.

    Explained and predicted:
    * First Reformation – 4 B.C. – A.D. 313
    * Second Reformation – 1517 – 2007
    * Third Reformation – 2008 Revelation 11:15

    You will learn about the fascinating transformation to the seven mountains of culture and how every nation will become either a sheep or a goat nation. In the end, the restoration of all things spoken of by the apostles and prophets will release Jesus to return and set up His domain over all the earth.

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  • Rainbow In The Night Sky


    In this book, you will read about:







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  • Nuevo Templo Y La Segunda Veni – (Spanish)


    “Grant Jeffrey has done it again! The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple is the most significant issue in End Times prophecy today. Filled with facts, photos, and insights, The New Temple and the Second Coming is a must-read for Christians and Jews alike.”

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  • Pre Trib Rapture


    If you are interested in the events surrounding the second coming of our Jesus Christ; this book is a must read.

    Daniel’s 70th week is harvest time; you don’t take your workers home during harvest time.

    “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me”(Ezekiel 3:17).

    Jesus said, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved”(Matthew 24:13).

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  • Mystery Of Iniquity


    Discloses the key event that will issue in the seven-year countdown to Armageddon.

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  • Right At The Door


    At no time in history has it become more apparent we are in the final days before Jesus Christ’s return. Weary from fear of terrorism, violence, and an unknown future, we battle against despair. But we have a loving Heavenly Father who does not leave us in the dark and alone. Through the revelations of God’s Word, the author reveals God’s plan for these final days and a timeframe for Jesus’ long-awaited return. In a world besieged by hopelessness, this is a great hope. Jesus is near. He is right at the door.

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  • Right At The Door


    At no time in history has it become more apparent we are in the final days before Jesus Christ’s return. Weary from fear of terrorism, violence, and an unknown future, we battle against despair. But we have a loving Heavenly Father who does not leave us in the dark and alone. Through the revelations of God’s Word, the author reveals God’s plan for these final days and a timeframe for Jesus’ long-awaited return. In a world besieged by hopelessness, this is a great hope. Jesus is near. He is right at the door.

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  • Kingdom Of The Son Of Man On Earth


    The Word of the LORD God came to me in a dream the first time in 1982, and I was told to proclaim the coming of the Son of Man for seventeen years. My full testimony, biography, and the lessons God had taught me throughout those years are written in the book “The Witness to the Coming of Jesus Christ,” published in 1999. The LORD God spoke to me a second time in a dream and said, “TELL MY COVENANT PEOPLE THEY WILL NOT BE HARMED!” The third time, the Messiah had come. He awakened me from a deep sleep and released the Seventh Seal. These three prophetic events were given to make known, to the church and the world, our current position in Biblical Prophecy. The LORD God has also led me through a series of events which revealed that the invisible Kingdom of the Son of Man had come. Although it is concealed, the Messiah revealed it two-thousand years ago through many parables in the Holy Bible. Now, I have been called to reveal its existence so that others may prepare to enter into it. Further studies will leave no doubt that this kingdom is on earth now. You will see and understand… The unseen Kingdom of the Son of Man The Kingdom through the faith of a child What will be required to enter His Kingdom How the dead in our Messiah will enter in first When the faithful saints will be transferred into it The warnings and consequences of being left outside What will happen to the world after the Kingdom doors close .

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  • Post Rapture Survival Guide


    Christians know that the signs are everywhere that oint to the rapture as being imminent. In this book, author Jeffrey Harbin proves that the rapture could occur literally at any minute. Relying only upon Scripture, this book lays out a simple plan of salvation that everyone can follow to guarantee an eternity in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Glimpse Of Forever


    If we could conceive what eternity will bring, would it change the way that we make everyday decisions? If we think about standing before God after this life, do we feel regret? If God laid out the past before you and then allowed you a new start, how would you change the way you live?

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  • Glimpse Of Forever


    If we could conceive what eternity will bring, would it change the way that we make everyday decisions? If we think about standing before God after this life, do we feel regret? If God laid out the past before you and then allowed you a new start, how would you change the way you live?

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  • Antichrist And The Second Coming


    What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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  • Antichrist And The Second Coming


    What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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  • Horror To Glory


    “Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy Mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness… “For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; who can endure it?” Joel 2:1-2, 11 Why is most of the world clueless as to what God has on the drawing board for the earth in the years ahead? How might biblical prophecy unfold? Just how bad will it get? Will you be caught unaware? Read Randy and Nancy Moy’s companion book titled Covenant Partnership for revelations as to why Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews are so important to the LORD-and why it is vital for Christians to stand with them in the end-times.

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  • Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2


    Lost in Translation The Book of Revelation Through Hebrew Eyes is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith. This is the second in a three-volume series that will cover the entire book of Revelation in awe-inspiring detail, expounding and expanding on familiar verses in Gods Word that have been misunderstood and misconstrued for many years. Or, in some cases, linking together verses and concepts that have been repeatedly overlooked. In this volume the authors explore the first half of Revelation from the perspective they established so clearly in Volume 1 that of a Hebrew God speaking through a Hebrew believer to an audience that was intimately familiar with the Hebrew language, culture, customs, and concepts that form both the literal and the metaphorical foundation for vast portions of Revelation. *Who are the 144,000, anyway? What will be their true function in the End Times? *Who is the Bride of Messiah? Does that designation automatically include everyone who accepts salvation, no matter when or where? *What does the book of Revelation really tell us about two vastly different and completely separate sequences of events that transpire at one and the same time, in entirely different places yet all as integral parts of the same vast panorama of end-times happenings? How do the Wedding and the Judgments fit together if they even DO? These are just some of the questions to which youll find plausible, sensible, biblically sound answers in this volume. Please join us, right now, for another voyage of discovery unlike anything youve embarked on before, even if you’ve already read volume 1

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  • And The Word Was Made Flesh


    The much awaited event in the Biblical prophecy is the rapture of the Church. Knowledgeable teachers and preachers of the Bible and those who are serious followers of world events are convinced that this the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ. This book shows the way to be saved, to escape the great tribulation that will follow immediately after the rapture and not be left behind!

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  • Prophecy In Order


    The world is changing and what does it mean? Does the Bible tell us what will happen next? Is there any truth to what the Bible says? As a Christian, should I be concerned with things to come? Pastor Page’s goal is to give a Biblical, chronological understanding of prophecy, the ability to apply it to our everyday life so that we can share the Truth with lost sinners around us. If it is your desire to learn what has happened, what is happening and what will be, there is no better way than to put “Prophecy in Order.”

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